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立井掘进工作面应力的RFPA模拟研究 被引量:2
作者 董钢锋 《矿业安全与环保》 北大核心 2007年第B06期6-8,12,共4页
关键词 立井 掘进工作面应力 井筒物理力学模型 RFPA模拟
作者 张永平 尹中凯 《煤炭科技》 2019年第5期20-22,共3页
根据工作面顶板岩层的活动规律,E1303工作面沿空留巷巷道的围岩,受侧向板块的结构及运动规律的影响变形显著。通过观测工作面在回采期间超前支承压力和回采前后煤柱内支承压力分布规律,得出煤柱宽度不足的结论。经过计算,得出煤柱的合... 根据工作面顶板岩层的活动规律,E1303工作面沿空留巷巷道的围岩,受侧向板块的结构及运动规律的影响变形显著。通过观测工作面在回采期间超前支承压力和回采前后煤柱内支承压力分布规律,得出煤柱宽度不足的结论。经过计算,得出煤柱的合理宽度至少为34m。 展开更多
关键词 沿空留巷 工作面应力 煤柱宽度
液压支架在煤矿高应力工作面中的适应性与优化 被引量:1
作者 苏伟 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2024年第4期160-162,共3页
随着煤矿开采深度加大,工作面岩体应力增大,对支护设备的要求日益提高。液压支架作为现代煤矿常用支护设备,在高应力工作面中的适应性和优化尤为重要。本文对液压支架在高应力工作面的应用进行深入研究,从材料、结构和工作机制三个方面... 随着煤矿开采深度加大,工作面岩体应力增大,对支护设备的要求日益提高。液压支架作为现代煤矿常用支护设备,在高应力工作面中的适应性和优化尤为重要。本文对液压支架在高应力工作面的应用进行深入研究,从材料、结构和工作机制三个方面展开。通过仿真和现场试验验证,提出几种优化设计和适应策略,提高液压支架的工作性能和安全性。 展开更多
关键词 液压支架 应力工作面 适应性 优化设计 安全性
弱化顺槽顶板降低工作面侧向应力的模拟研究 被引量:5
作者 李东勇 康天合 赵永宏 《太原理工大学学报》 CAS 2004年第3期294-298,共5页
针对工作面瓦斯尾巷难以维护的一类工程问题,采用三维有限差分法模拟研究了弱化顺槽顶板岩层对屯兰矿综采工作面采动侧向应力分布的改善规律。研究结果表明,随着对顺槽顶板岩石弱化程度的提高,工作面侧向支承应力峰值降低,影响范围减小... 针对工作面瓦斯尾巷难以维护的一类工程问题,采用三维有限差分法模拟研究了弱化顺槽顶板岩层对屯兰矿综采工作面采动侧向应力分布的改善规律。研究结果表明,随着对顺槽顶板岩石弱化程度的提高,工作面侧向支承应力峰值降低,影响范围减小。即工作面侧向巷道的稳定性将随着对顺槽顶板硬岩层的弱化程度提高而得到有效改善。 展开更多
关键词 弱化顺槽顶板 采空区模拟 工作面侧向应力 三维数值模拟
胜利煤矿试采4021工作面回采期间应力分布特征分析 被引量:2
作者 郭亨通 《煤炭与化工》 CAS 2019年第8期19-22,共4页
根据胜利煤矿的地质条件,采用FLAC3D数值模拟软件对该矿的试采4021工作面进行综采设备选型,并对工作面及回采巷道进行数值模拟,分析工作面回采过程中,围岩应力与变形的分布特征。可以得到,在工作面推进过程中前后会形成应力集中现象,随... 根据胜利煤矿的地质条件,采用FLAC3D数值模拟软件对该矿的试采4021工作面进行综采设备选型,并对工作面及回采巷道进行数值模拟,分析工作面回采过程中,围岩应力与变形的分布特征。可以得到,在工作面推进过程中前后会形成应力集中现象,随着工作面推进应力逐渐增大,当工作面推进30m趋于稳定,在4~5MPa;工作面前方应力降低区是0~3m,应力值分布在2~3MPa;应力升高区的范围在工作面前方3~20m,应力值在3~9MPa,其中应力峰值约为9MPa,在煤壁前方5m左右;20m范围以外逐渐恢复到原岩应力;工作面前方的最大采动影响范围约是20m,故超前支撑范围应是20m。 展开更多
关键词 数值模拟 围岩应力 工作面应力 采动应力
深部高应力工作面冲击危险监测预警效能分析及优化 被引量:1
作者 赖敏 赵卫卫 +2 位作者 张璐 陆泽淋 曹安业 《煤炭科技》 2023年第5期91-98,共8页
合理的冲击地压监测预警方法及其预警指标和临界值,可以有效预测煤岩体活动的危险程度,指导现场冲击地压防治工作的开展。以园子沟煤矿1012001工作面为研究对象,利用其回采过程中的微震、钻屑、应力在线监测数据,对其冲击地压监测预警... 合理的冲击地压监测预警方法及其预警指标和临界值,可以有效预测煤岩体活动的危险程度,指导现场冲击地压防治工作的开展。以园子沟煤矿1012001工作面为研究对象,利用其回采过程中的微震、钻屑、应力在线监测数据,对其冲击地压监测预警方法进行了预警效能分析和指标优化。研究表明,1012001工作面原有的钻屑量、应力在线、微震监测预警指标临界值偏高,且预警级别单一,无法对压力显现进行有效预警,整体的预警效能差;利用现场监测数据和统计分析的方法优化了原有的监测预警指标及其临界值,得到了钻屑分段预警、应力在线分级预警、微震多子项分级预警模式及其相应的预警指标临界值,研究成果可以为现场冲击地压监测预警体系的建立提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 应力工作面 冲击地压 监测预警 统计分析
作者 魏国 《今日科苑》 2015年第4期115-116,共2页
随着矿井开采深度的增加,采掘工作面应力场由浅部到深部发生变化,特别是松软煤层掘进工作面在高地应力条件下预测指标分布规律发生了明显变化给掘进支护工作带来了巨大的困难。本文从合理设计、优化工艺、科学支护等几方面入手,介绍了... 随着矿井开采深度的增加,采掘工作面应力场由浅部到深部发生变化,特别是松软煤层掘进工作面在高地应力条件下预测指标分布规律发生了明显变化给掘进支护工作带来了巨大的困难。本文从合理设计、优化工艺、科学支护等几方面入手,介绍了安全、快速、高效掘进深部高应力工作面的施工经验,并在钱家营矿业公司2074E高地应力高瓦斯压力软煤层掘进工作面取得成功。 展开更多
关键词 深部 应力工作面 锚网支护 应力锚索 帮锚索
作者 朱亮 《今日科苑》 2012年第22期122-123,共2页
关键词 应力工作面 锚网支护 应力锚索
作者 杜士坡 《河北煤炭》 2002年第4期19-21,共3页
邢台矿在高应力区应用沿空掘巷锚网组合支护技术 ,有效控制了巷道变形破坏 。
关键词 应力工作面 沿空掘巷 锚网组合支护 巷道变形 煤柱 矿压监测
采场全生命周期及其应力的时空演化特征分析 被引量:12
作者 郑建伟 鞠文君 +4 位作者 赵曦 吴建星 任硕 赵朋朋 王帅 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期995-1002,共8页
井工开采过程中采场应力的分布及演化规律对于回采巷道及工作面围岩的稳定性控制至关重要。本文将开切眼到停采的全部过程称之为采场全生命周期,且将采场应力分为工作面超前支承应力和工作面顶板应力两部分,基于材料力学建立了采场全生... 井工开采过程中采场应力的分布及演化规律对于回采巷道及工作面围岩的稳定性控制至关重要。本文将开切眼到停采的全部过程称之为采场全生命周期,且将采场应力分为工作面超前支承应力和工作面顶板应力两部分,基于材料力学建立了采场全生命周期内覆岩结构模型得到了不同阶段超前支承应力的力学函数;借助UDEC软件来分析采动过程中覆岩结构的时空演化过程和超前支承应力的动态演化特征,得到了工作面超前支承应力和工作面顶板应力的协调非同步演化特征,认为单个周期来压内超前支承应力峰值会在空间和时间上超前于工作面顶板应力峰值出现,且二者均表现出周期来压前大于来压后的规律,在采场全生命周期内在采动达到非充分采动和充分采动交界点阶段先后达到极值,因此依据采场应力的演变规律将采场全生命周期分为发生期(Ⅰ)、发育期(Ⅱ)、稳定期(Ⅲ)3个阶段:发生期(Ⅰ)对应的是开切眼至基本顶初次来压,采场应力保持稳定的缓慢增长;发育期(Ⅱ)对应的是周期来压至非充分采动与充分采动阶段的交界点,采场应力保持不同的增长速率;稳定期(Ⅲ)对应的是充分采动直到停采阶段,采场应力保持着较为稳定的波动;通过对采场全生命周期及其应力的演化特征分析及划区可以预先对回采过程中的高位应力区进行判定,及早采取相应的措施,为采场的安全提供保障。 展开更多
关键词 采场全生命周期 超前支承应力 工作面顶板应力 覆岩结构 力学分析
作者 刘前 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2020年第6期24-26,共3页
针对董东煤矿501轨道运输大巷稳定性差的问题,通过分析其工程地质条件,采用FLAC-3D数值模拟分析了巷道开掘后围岩应力与工作面残余应力相互叠加后分布特征,以501轨道运输大巷为工程背景提出了锚网索联合支护协同高压注浆的加固方式,采... 针对董东煤矿501轨道运输大巷稳定性差的问题,通过分析其工程地质条件,采用FLAC-3D数值模拟分析了巷道开掘后围岩应力与工作面残余应力相互叠加后分布特征,以501轨道运输大巷为工程背景提出了锚网索联合支护协同高压注浆的加固方式,采用现场实际监测技术,验证了该种支护方式能够有效地解决复杂应力条件下永久性巷道的支护难题。 展开更多
关键词 巷道锚注 工作面残余支承应力 数值模拟 锚网索联合支护 高压注浆
煤层群接续开采方案优选评价研究 被引量:3
作者 刘县委 张彦董 +4 位作者 单成方 李亚锋 王海洋 马英建 郭宇鸣 《工矿自动化》 北大核心 2022年第3期32-39,54,共9页
为优选榆树岭矿煤层群接续开采方案,利用FLAC3D模拟研究了下行开采和上行开采2种煤层群接续开采方案下煤层完整性和工作面应力分布规律,并比较了2种方案的经济效益。结果表明:上行开采时煤层受到一定程度的塑性破坏,但通过对下_(7)、下_... 为优选榆树岭矿煤层群接续开采方案,利用FLAC3D模拟研究了下行开采和上行开采2种煤层群接续开采方案下煤层完整性和工作面应力分布规律,并比较了2种方案的经济效益。结果表明:上行开采时煤层受到一定程度的塑性破坏,但通过对下_(7)、下_(8)煤层工作面运输巷、回风巷与下_(10)煤层工作面运输巷、回风巷内错10 m布置,可有效减小煤层塑性区破坏范围,下_(7)、下_(8)煤层工作面未破坏区占比分别为87.5%,60.4%,煤层完整性满足安全回采要求;相较于下行开采,上行开采时下_(7)、下_(8)煤层工作面平均应力分别降低了45.3%,34.9%,下_(7)、下_(8)煤层工作面最大支承应力分别降低了66.7%,36.4%,且矿井经济效益提高了64.9%。因此优选上行开采作为榆树岭矿煤层群接续开采方案。采用层次分析法和模糊数学理论对煤层群接续开采方案优选结果进行了理论验证:通过建立煤层群接续开采方案综合评价指标模型,构造准则层相对于目标层与指标层的判断矩阵并进行一致性检验,得到评价指标权重向量;采用线性函数法和二元对比排序法构造了指标层各因素相对于下行开采和上行开采的隶属度矩阵,求得综合隶属度指标矩阵;根据评价指标权重向量和综合隶属度指标矩阵,得到下行开采、上行开采方案的综合评价权重分别为0.17087,0.70442,验证了上行开采作为该矿煤层群接续开采最优方案的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 煤层群 接续开采 上行开采 煤层完整性 工作面应力 经济效益 层次分析法 模糊数学理论
弹性震动波CT透视技术现场应用与分析 被引量:1
作者 詹召伟 沈建波 蔡可强 《中国煤炭》 2018年第3期53-56,共4页
为了探测3306回采工作面的应力分布情况,提高冲击地压预警效果,采用震动波主动CT技术对工作面内部应力分布情况进行探测,综合分析掘进扰动、构造、卸压工程等因素的复合影响,得到综合波速反演成果图,所得结果与微震监测系统监测数据比... 为了探测3306回采工作面的应力分布情况,提高冲击地压预警效果,采用震动波主动CT技术对工作面内部应力分布情况进行探测,综合分析掘进扰动、构造、卸压工程等因素的复合影响,得到综合波速反演成果图,所得结果与微震监测系统监测数据比较吻合,为采取有针对性卸压措施提供理论依据,可以有效地保证矿井安全高效生产。 展开更多
关键词 冲击地压 CT探测 波速反演 工作面应力分布
复杂地质条件下煤矿掘进支护技术的应用 被引量:1
作者 柴永胜 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2018年第4期32-33,共2页
关键词 煤矿开采施工 掘进技术 支护技术 工作面应力
Study on gob-side entry retaining in fully-mechanized longwall with top-coal caving and its application 被引量:13
作者 Su Hai Bai Jianbiao +2 位作者 Yan Shuai Chen Yong Zhang Zizheng 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第3期503-510,共8页
Based on the engineering background of gob-side entry retaining in fully-mechanized longwall with top coal caving(GER-FLTC) on N2105 working face of Yuwu coal mine, by adopting the methods of theoretical analysis and ... Based on the engineering background of gob-side entry retaining in fully-mechanized longwall with top coal caving(GER-FLTC) on N2105 working face of Yuwu coal mine, by adopting the methods of theoretical analysis and numerical calculation, the control techniques of surrounding rocks in GER-FLTC working face are studied in this paper. The two main difficulties of stability of surrounding rocks at gob-side retained entry in fully-mechanized longwall working face are the stability control of top coal and control of large deformation of GER-FLTC working face. Interaction mechanical model between roofing and roadside backfilling in GER-FLTC is established and the equations for the calculation of roof-cutting resistance of roadside backfilling are derived. Results of numerical calculation show that the damage zones of top coal can be categorized into the delaminating zone of top coal above the backfilling, tensile damage zone of top coal above the retained roadway and shear damage zone of the upper rib of the solid coal. Stability control of top coal is the critical part to success of GER-FLTC. With consideration of large deformation of surrounding rocks of gob-side retained entry in fully-mechanized longwall, the support technique of‘‘roofing control and wall strengthening'' is proposed where high strength and highly prestressed anchor rods and diagonal tensile anchor cables support are used for top coal, high strength and highly prestressed yielding anchor rod support is used for solid coal and roadside prestressed load-carrying backfilling is constructed by high-water material, in order to maintain the integrity of the top coal, transfer load, high resistance yielding load-carrying of solid coal, roof-cutting of roadside backfilling and support,and to achieve GER-FLTC. Results from this study are successfully applied in engineering practice. 展开更多
关键词 Gob-side entry retaining in fully-mechanized longwan with top coal caving Stability control of top coalLarge deformation control Roofing control and wall strengthening
Theoretical analysis on the deformation characteristics of coal wall in a longwall top coal caving face 被引量:5
作者 Bai Qingsheng Tu Shihao +1 位作者 Li Zhaoxin Tu Hongsheng 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第2期199-204,共6页
Against the background of analyzing coal wall stability in 14101 fully mechanized longwall top coal caving face in Majialiang coal mine,based on the torque equilibrium of the coal wall,shield support and the roof stra... Against the background of analyzing coal wall stability in 14101 fully mechanized longwall top coal caving face in Majialiang coal mine,based on the torque equilibrium of the coal wall,shield support and the roof strata,an elastic mechanics model was established to calculate the stress applied on the coal wall.The displacement method was used to obtain the stress and deformation distributions of the coal wall.This study also researched the influence of support resistance,protective pressure to the coal wall,fracture position of the main roof and mining height on the coal wall deformation.The following conclusions are drawn:(1) The shorter the distance from the longwall face,the greater the vertical compressive stress and horizontal tensile stress borne by the coal wall.The coal wall is prone to failure in the form of compressive-shear and tension;(2) With increasing support resistance,the revolution angle of the main roof decreases linearly.As the support resistance and protective force supplied by the face guard increases,the maximum deformation of the coal wall decreases linearly;(3) As the face approaches the fracture position of the main roof,coal wall horizontal deformation increases significantly,and the coal wall is prone to instability;and(4) The best mining height of 14101 longwall face is 3.0 m. 展开更多
关键词 Longwall top coal caving face Coal wall deformation Torque equilibrium Displacement method Parametric analysis
Investigation on the stress field characteristic of top coal at FMTC faces under the influence of caving thickness 被引量:5
作者 谢广祥 常聚才 杨科 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第2期123-125,共3页
In the background of the technology condition and the geological condition of the 1151(3) fully mechanized top-coal caving face (FMTC face), and by means of taking nonlinear 3D numerical simulation, the stress red... In the background of the technology condition and the geological condition of the 1151(3) fully mechanized top-coal caving face (FMTC face), and by means of taking nonlinear 3D numerical simulation, the stress redistribution rules of top coal with different thick coal seam were obtained by investigation on the numerical simulation of the redistributions of the stress with different coal seam's thickness. The research showes that there exists a certain difference on the stress distributions of the top coal at face, the maximum principal stress is located near to the tailentry's corner. The vertical stress's peak of the top coal decreases and the distance ahead of face position increases as the once mining thickness of the coal seam increases. At the same coal seam, the vertical stresses' peak of top coal gradually decreases from the top to the bottom, the peak's position is basically the same and its changes are gradually obvious with the thickness of coal seam increas- ing. The vertical stress of top coal places in a low stress state at a certain range ahead of face and over the face, which reveals the essence that the support loads are generally low under the condition of FMTC. The study supplies the theoretical foundation for the support design and selection, the theory of top coal's fragmentation, the movement rules of top coal and improving the recovery of top coal. 展开更多
关键词 fully mechanized top-coal caving face thickness of coal seam top coal stress field
Analysis of insidious fault activation and water inrush from the mining floor 被引量:9
作者 Hu Xinyu Wang Lianguo +1 位作者 Lu Yinlong Yu Mei 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第4期477-483,共7页
Based on the stress field distribution rule of the mining floor under abutment pressure, we have established a simplified mechanical model, which contains multiple factors relating to activation and evolution of insid... Based on the stress field distribution rule of the mining floor under abutment pressure, we have established a simplified mechanical model, which contains multiple factors relating to activation and evolution of insidious water-conductive faults. The influence of normal and shear stresses on fault activation and effective shear stress distribution in the fault plane was acquired under mining conditions.Using fracture mechanics theory to calculate the stress intensity factor of an insidious fault front, we have derived the criterion for main fault activation. Results indicate that during the whole working face advance, transpressions are exerted on fault planes twice successively in opposite directions. In most cases, the second transpression is more likely to lead to fault activation. Activation is influenced by many factors, predominant among which are: burial depth of the insidious fault, friction angle of the fault plane, face advance direction and pore water pressure. Steep fault planes are more easily activated to induce a sustained water inrush in the face. 展开更多
关键词 Insidious fault Effective shear stress Stress intensity factor Fault activation Water inrush
Roadway deformation during riding mining in soft rock 被引量:7
作者 Zhao Guozhen Ma Zhanguo +2 位作者 Zhu Qinghua Mao Xianbiao Feng Meimei 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第4期539-544,共6页
"Riding mining" is a form of mining where the working face is located above the roadway and advances parallel to it.Riding mining in deep soft rock creates a particular set of problems in the roadway that in... "Riding mining" is a form of mining where the working face is located above the roadway and advances parallel to it.Riding mining in deep soft rock creates a particular set of problems in the roadway that include high stresses,large deformations,and support difficulties.Herein we describe a study of the rock deformation mechanism of a roadway as observed during riding mining in deep soft rock.Theoretical analysis,numerical simulations,and on site monitoring were used to examine this problem.The stress in the rock and the visco-elastic behavior of the rock are considered.Real time data,recorded over a period of 240 days,were taken from a 750 transportation roadway.Stress distributions in the rock surrounding the roadway were studied by comparing simulations to observations from the mine.The rock stress shows dynamic behavior as the working face advances.The pressure increases and then drops after peaking as the face advances.Both elastic and plastic deformation of the surrounding rock occurs.Plastic deformation provides a mechanism by which stress in the rock relaxes due to material flow.A way to rehabilitate the roadway is suggested that will help ensure mine safety. 展开更多
关键词 Soft rock roadwayDeformation mechanismPartition broken rockViscoelastic-plastic analysis
Stress spatial evolution law and rockburst danger induced by coal mining in fault zone 被引量:7
作者 Li Teng Mu Zonglong +2 位作者 Liu Guangjian Du Junliu Lu Hao 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期409-415,共7页
In order to explore the influence of coal mining disturbance on the rockburst occurring in fault zone, this research constructed a mechanical model for the evolution of fault stress, and analyzed the influence of the ... In order to explore the influence of coal mining disturbance on the rockburst occurring in fault zone, this research constructed a mechanical model for the evolution of fault stress, and analyzed the influence of the ratio of horizontal stress to vertical stress on the stability of fault, and the spatial distribution of the stress in fault zone as well as its evolution rule. Furthermore, the rockburst danger at different spatial areas of fault zone was predicated. Results show that: when both sides of the working face are mined out, the fault zone in the working face presents greater horizontal and vertical stresses at its boundaries but exhibits smaller stresses in its middle section; however, the ratio of horizontal stress to vertical stress is found to be greater at middle section and smaller at boundaries. As the working face advances towards the fault, the horizontal and vertical stresses of the fault firstly increases and then decreases; conversely,the ratio of horizontal stress to vertical stress keeps decreasing all the time. Therefore, if the fault zones are closer to the goaf and the coal wall, the stress ratio will be smaller, and the fault slip will be more prone to occur, therefore rockburst danger will be greater. This research results provide guidance for the rockburst prevention and hazard control of the coal mining in fault zone. 展开更多
关键词 Rockburst Fault Spatial distribution of stress Mining-induced seismicity
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