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《生命与灾害》 2001年第4期2-3,共2页
在人防工程及地下构筑物建设中,常常会遇到开挖后的基坑挡土问题。挡土技术到目前为止,有很多种方法,如放坡、钢板桩、锚喷等等,各种方法都有利有弊。在现实中,特别是在市区中心地段,施工场地非常狭小,不能有太大的噪音,且必须确保基坑... 在人防工程及地下构筑物建设中,常常会遇到开挖后的基坑挡土问题。挡土技术到目前为止,有很多种方法,如放坡、钢板桩、锚喷等等,各种方法都有利有弊。在现实中,特别是在市区中心地段,施工场地非常狭小,不能有太大的噪音,且必须确保基坑稳定、保证正常施工,又不影响周边建筑物,能选择的方法就很有限了。现在我们特别向大家推荐“SMW”工法。 展开更多
关键词 工法技术 地下构筑物 多种方法 人防工程 型钢 钢板桩 基坑稳定 挡土 水灰比 施工场地
作者 尹龙 《中国修船》 2024年第3期30-32,36,共4页
为适应现代造船模式,实现降本增效、缩短建造周期,文章对智能研究与实训两用船搭载技术进行研究。根据该船型功能区域特点,采用“壳舾涂”一体化造船模式。通过先进工法技术和先进工装的研发与应用,提高生产效率,降低工人劳动强度,实现... 为适应现代造船模式,实现降本增效、缩短建造周期,文章对智能研究与实训两用船搭载技术进行研究。根据该船型功能区域特点,采用“壳舾涂”一体化造船模式。通过先进工法技术和先进工装的研发与应用,提高生产效率,降低工人劳动强度,实现船舶高效建造。 展开更多
关键词 智能研究与实训两用船 搭载技术 工法技术 高效建造
作者 程海林 曾旺 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2023年第12期46-49,共4页
发源于欧洲的双轮铣等厚搅拌技术(以下简称“CSM工法”)应用在全球并已经进行了大量科学实施,实施到今天已经逾十多年的试验、发展、成熟应用历史。目前在中国该工法也在止水帷幕施工中被大量运用。本文针对该工法的施工原理和运用价值... 发源于欧洲的双轮铣等厚搅拌技术(以下简称“CSM工法”)应用在全球并已经进行了大量科学实施,实施到今天已经逾十多年的试验、发展、成熟应用历史。目前在中国该工法也在止水帷幕施工中被大量运用。本文针对该工法的施工原理和运用价值进行分析,结合该工艺的特点和地质实际,不断优化提升CSM工法运用过程的科学性和止水帷幕质量的可靠性,对促进和保障建筑的地下结构施工及基坑周边的环境的安全、有效降低基坑工程施工风险具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 双轮铣等厚搅拌技术(CSM工法) 深基坑 止水帷幕
作者 张勇 《石材》 2024年第11期40-42,共3页
TRD属于一种水泥土搅拌墙的施工方法,在国外的深基坑工程中广泛应用,但是我国工程应用次数比较少。在涉及富水地区的临江卵砾石深厚土层的地区,应用更少。本文主要以南京某项目为例,分析深基坑工程止水帷幕TRD施工技术应用,及其产生的... TRD属于一种水泥土搅拌墙的施工方法,在国外的深基坑工程中广泛应用,但是我国工程应用次数比较少。在涉及富水地区的临江卵砾石深厚土层的地区,应用更少。本文主要以南京某项目为例,分析深基坑工程止水帷幕TRD施工技术应用,及其产生的实际效果,对实际施工起到参考作用,保障深基坑工程的质量和安全性。 展开更多
关键词 深基坑工程 止水帷幕 TRD工法施工技术
超深基坑SMW工法桩130 m直径两道环形砼内撑支护技术 被引量:1
作者 桂宇杰 陈钧颐 《中国新技术新产品》 2019年第14期79-83,共5页
该文介绍闹市区超大超深基坑,采用五轴搅拌桩插超长型钢及少量钻孔灌注桩挡土止水,上下两道130m直径超大环形砼内撑和环形栈桥,解决了超大深基坑围护设计及施工技术难题。确保了基坑周边的安全,为无场地施工地库创造了条件,两层地下室22... 该文介绍闹市区超大超深基坑,采用五轴搅拌桩插超长型钢及少量钻孔灌注桩挡土止水,上下两道130m直径超大环形砼内撑和环形栈桥,解决了超大深基坑围护设计及施工技术难题。确保了基坑周边的安全,为无场地施工地库创造了条件,两层地下室22m长支护工法桩得到全部回收再利用。 展开更多
关键词 超大深基坑 五轴搅拌桩 插型钢环形内撑支护监测 工法桩拆除回收施工技术
作者 王威 王野 《黑龙江科技信息》 2010年第6期221-221,共1页
关键词 隧道 防排水 技术工法
《浙江化工》 CAS 2004年第8期44-44,共1页
关键词 上海精科环保技术工程有限公司 物化法加生态工法污水处理技术 固体分解剂 水处理 回收再利用
《中国石油和化工》 2004年第9期47-47,共1页
关键词 上海精科环保技术工程有限公司 物化法加生态工法污水处理技术 固体分解剂 反应罐 液体药剂
《矿产勘查》 2005年第9期2-3,共2页
关键词 管理办法 行政主管部门 工法技术 工程建设 直辖市 自治区 不同意见 国务院 评审委员会 国家级
新建地铁隧道下穿既有地铁施工技术 被引量:5
作者 王继山 《交通世界》 2018年第21期170-171,共2页
由于地下空间资源有限,在新建地铁项目实际施工时,总会产生穿越既有地铁线路的现象。针对暗挖地铁车站下穿既有地铁隧道项目的施工困难以及实际施工过程中的隐患与风险展开研究。以实际工程为例,通过分析选择了袖阀管注浆的方式,对袖阀... 由于地下空间资源有限,在新建地铁项目实际施工时,总会产生穿越既有地铁线路的现象。针对暗挖地铁车站下穿既有地铁隧道项目的施工困难以及实际施工过程中的隐患与风险展开研究。以实际工程为例,通过分析选择了袖阀管注浆的方式,对袖阀管注浆施工方法及要点进行了阐述,对WSS工法加固技术与开挖支护及二衬施工进行了探讨,同时对施工控制措施进行了总结,使既有线结构的安全性与可靠性得到保障,保证了既有线的正常经营。 展开更多
关键词 袖阀管注浆施工 WSS工法加固技术 二衬施工
降低PSPC涂层破损率的方法与对策 被引量:3
作者 朱恩访 《广东造船》 2011年第4期53-55,61,共4页
关键词 PSPC 涂层破损率 工法技术 涂层保护 现场管理
作者 张俊斌 孙明德 +1 位作者 黄鼎超 谢志楷 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期7-12,共6页
依据国际生物多样性公约,世界各国从1992年以来,在环境保育利用与经营管理上,无不以生物多样性之规划设计为考虑。因此,为了集水区的水土资源保育与生态永续经营之长远目的,台湾特殊地之泥岩地区刺竹林之林相更新或竹林地复层植被之建立... 依据国际生物多样性公约,世界各国从1992年以来,在环境保育利用与经营管理上,无不以生物多样性之规划设计为考虑。因此,为了集水区的水土资源保育与生态永续经营之长远目的,台湾特殊地之泥岩地区刺竹林之林相更新或竹林地复层植被之建立,有其必要性与迫切性。然有关泥岩地区之相关试验研究虽多,但目前对于持续扩大之自然裸坡则尚无良好对策与方法。以小集水区整体环境重建构想,提出小集水区生物多样性之设计,并配合土木工程之生态复育工法。经调查研究结果之泥岩坡面裸化、冲淤过程以及植被坡面保育功能等适宜性整治有所更深入了解与助益,且可对持续扩张之泥岩裸露地加以控制,提供一套具体可行之生态复育方式。经多年之调查结果,已显现其生物多样性效果,而就地取材的连续性拦阻及生态环境之营造,以及改善当地微气候之生物多样性营造方式,并可在小集水区进行区域生态足迹追踪,进而达到可预期之生态需求。 展开更多
关键词 生物多样性 生态足迹 生态复育 生态工法技术
作者 卢宇明 《广东造船》 2010年第5期40-42,共3页
关键词 PSPC 船舶设计 工法技术 涂装 生产管理 涂层保护
作者 侯霞 刘燕省 《科技与管理(武汉)》 2015年第3期5-9,共5页
PSPC(《所有类型船舶专用海水压载舱和散货船双舷侧处保护涂层性能标准》的简称)作为强制性国际标准,自实施以来对我国造船业产生巨大影响,它要求船舶涂层达到15年的目标使用寿命。如何加强船舶涂层保护进而达到PSPC标准目标要求成... PSPC(《所有类型船舶专用海水压载舱和散货船双舷侧处保护涂层性能标准》的简称)作为强制性国际标准,自实施以来对我国造船业产生巨大影响,它要求船舶涂层达到15年的目标使用寿命。如何加强船舶涂层保护进而达到PSPC标准目标要求成为造船企业一直以来研究的课题,本文结合武船实际对船舶涂层保护工装开展了一系列创新设计研究,尽量减少施工对涂层的破坏,取得了良好效果。 展开更多
关键词 PSPC 涂层保护 工装设计 工法技术
Calculation method of ship collision force on bridge using artificial neural network 被引量:4
作者 Wei FAN Wan-cheng YUAN Qi-wu FAN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第5期614-623,共10页
Ship collision on bridge is a dynamic process featured by high nonlinearity and instantaneity. Calculating ship-bridge collision force typically involves either the use of design-specification-stipulated equivalent st... Ship collision on bridge is a dynamic process featured by high nonlinearity and instantaneity. Calculating ship-bridge collision force typically involves either the use of design-specification-stipulated equivalent static load, or the use of finite element method (FEM) which is more time-consuming and requires supercomputing resources. In this paper, we proposed an alternative approach that combines FEM with artificial neural network (ANN). The radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) employed for calculating the impact force in consideration of ship-bridge collision mechanics. With ship velocity and mass as the input vectors and ship collision force as the output vector, the neural networks for different network parameters are trained by the learning samples obtained from finite element simulation results. The error analyses of the learning and testing samples show that the proposed RBFNN is accurate enough to calculate ship-bridge collision force. The input-output relationship obtained by the RBFNN is essentially consistent with the typical empirical formulae. Finally, a special toolbox is developed for calculation efficiency in application using MATLAB software. 展开更多
关键词 Ship-bridge collision force Finite element method (FEM) Artificial neural network (ANN) Radial basis function neural network (RBFNN)
Study on Micro Electrolysis Treatment for Decolorizing Dyed Water 被引量:4
作者 王敏欣 朱书全 何绪文 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2001年第2期212-216,共5页
Method for decolrizing dyed wastewater was researched and the affecting factors dicussed. The result shows that the conditions for getting an optimum decolorization effect are: a reaction time of 60 min, a coke size o... Method for decolrizing dyed wastewater was researched and the affecting factors dicussed. The result shows that the conditions for getting an optimum decolorization effect are: a reaction time of 60 min, a coke size of 5~10 mm, a solid/liquid ratio of 1∶10, an air blast volume of 4 m3/h, and proper Fe/coke ratio determined by the type of dye material. The system acidity influences dyed wastewater in different ways, i.e., acid condition is good for the decolorization of scarlet 3R and methyl orange simulated wastewater but bad for that of alkali violet 5BN simulated wastewater, while the decolorization of dispersed yellow E-RGFL simulated wastewater has nothing to do with pH. 展开更多
关键词 micro electrolysis stimulated wastewater DECOLORIZATION
Optimization of process parameters for producing AA6061/SiC nanocomposites by friction stir processing 被引量:3
作者 M. SALEHI M. SAADATMAND J. AGHAZADEH MOHANDESI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第5期1055-1063,共9页
Design of experiment (DOE) was applied to determining the most important factors which influence ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of AA6061/SiC nanocomposites produced by friction stir processing (FSP). Effect of... Design of experiment (DOE) was applied to determining the most important factors which influence ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of AA6061/SiC nanocomposites produced by friction stir processing (FSP). Effect of four factors, including rotational speed, transverse speed, tool penetration depth and pin profile, on UTS, was investigated. By Taguchi method, the optimum of process parameters were determined. Analysis of variance shows that the rotational speed is the most influential parameter. The statistical results depict that UTS for threaded pin is larger than that for square pin. Also, the higher the rotational speed and the lower the transverse speed, the higher the UTS. 展开更多
关键词 AA6061/SiC nanocomposites Taguchi parametric design approach friction stir processing analysis of variance
Mass Transfer During Osmotic Dehydration Using Acoustic Cavitation 被引量:2
作者 孙宝芝 淮秀兰 +1 位作者 姜任秋 刘登瀛 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期13-17,共5页
An experimental study on intensifying osmotic dehydration was carried out ina state of nature and with acoustic cavitation of different cavitating intensity (0.5A, 0.7A and0.9A) respectively, in which the material is ... An experimental study on intensifying osmotic dehydration was carried out ina state of nature and with acoustic cavitation of different cavitating intensity (0.5A, 0.7A and0.9A) respectively, in which the material is apple slice of 5mm thickness. The result showed thatacoustic cavitation remarkably enhanced the osmotic dehydration, and the water loss was acceleratedwith the increase of cavitating intensity. The water diffusivity coefficients ranged from1.8x10^(-10)m^2·s^(-1) at 0.5A to 2.6x10^(-10)m^2·s^(-1) at 0.9A, and solute diffusivitycoefficients ranged from 3.5x10^(-11) m^2·s^(-1) at 0.5A to 4.6X10^(-11)m^2·s^(-1) at 0.9A. On thebasis of experiments, a mathematical model was established about mass transfer during osmoticdehydration, and the numerical simulation was carried out. The calculated results agree well withexperimental data, and represent the rule of mass transfer during osmotic dehydration intensified byacoustic cavitation. 展开更多
关键词 osmotic dehydration acoustic cavitation mass transfer rate MATHEMATICALMODEL
An Efficient Algorithm for Discovering Co-occurrence Concepts Through Pathfinder Paradigm 被引量:1
作者 杜志典 WANG James 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第6期153-156,160,共5页
The Pathfinder paradigm has been used in generating and analyzing graph models that support clustering similar concepts and minimum-cost paths to provide an associative network structure within a domain. The co-occurr... The Pathfinder paradigm has been used in generating and analyzing graph models that support clustering similar concepts and minimum-cost paths to provide an associative network structure within a domain. The co-occurrence pathfinder network ( CPFN ) extends the traditional pathfinder paradigm so that co-occurring concepts can be calculated at each sampling time. Existing algorithms take O(n(s)) time to calculate the pathfinder network (PFN) at each sampling time for a non-completed input graph of a CPFN (r = ∞, q = n - 1), where n is the number of nodes in the input graph, r is the Minkowski exponent and q is the maximum number of links considered in finding a minimum cost path between vertices. To reduce the complexity of calculating the CPFN, we propose a greedy based algorithm, MEC(G) algorithm, which takes shortcuts to avoid unnecessary steps in the existing algorithms, to correctly calculate a CPFN (r = ∞, q= n - 1) in O(klogk) time where k is the number of edges of the input graph. Our example demonstrates the efficiency and correctness of the proposed MEC(G) algorithm, confirming our mathematic analysis on this algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 PATHFINDER CPFN co-occurrence.
Study on Industrial Application of Hydrogen Sulfide Removal by Wet Oxidation Method with High Gravity Technology 被引量:6
作者 Qi Guisheng Liu Youzhi Jiao Weizhou (Research Center of Shanxi Province for High Gravity Chemical Engineering and Technology, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2011年第4期29-34,共6页
The removal of hydrogen sulfide from gas plays an important role in rational utilization of resources and environ- mental protection. In this paper, the process of hydrogen sulfide removal by wet oxidation method in a... The removal of hydrogen sulfide from gas plays an important role in rational utilization of resources and environ- mental protection. In this paper, the process of hydrogen sulfide removal by wet oxidation method in a rotating packed bed was investigated in a scale for treating 10 000 Nm3/h of gas. On the basis of studying the influence of the species and con- centration of alkali source, the liquid/gas volume ratio, the high gravity factor, and the hydrogen sulfide content in feed gas on the desulfurization effect, the suitable technological conditions were obtained. The hydrogen sulfide removal efficiency could reach 98.0% under these conditions. The results of continuous operation of process facilities showed that the high gravity method has many merits including higher desulfurization rate, good stability in operation, lower liquid/gas volume ratio, greater operation elasticity, and apparent energy saving effects. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogen sulfide DESULFURIZATION wet oxidation method high gravity
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