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作者 赵茜 杨慧 +1 位作者 刘晗 李亚利 《中国医学装备》 2023年第10期167-171,共5页
目的:基于工程学理论优化医疗设备故障维修路径,分析其在骨科治疗仪器管理中的可行性。方法:通过预防性维修、故障处理维修和事后维护维修提供工程技术保障,依据工程价值评估模型制定骨科治疗仪器维修方案,实施维修管理内容和方法的多... 目的:基于工程学理论优化医疗设备故障维修路径,分析其在骨科治疗仪器管理中的可行性。方法:通过预防性维修、故障处理维修和事后维护维修提供工程技术保障,依据工程价值评估模型制定骨科治疗仪器维修方案,实施维修管理内容和方法的多元评价与对策改进。选取医院临床在用的74台骨科治疗仪器,根据管理模式不同,将其分为对照组(66台)和观察组(70台,包含对照组中62台和新增加的8台),对照组采用预防性维修管理模式,观察组采用工程学管理模式;对比两组设备的维修时效、运行质量、管理成本和人员维修管理水平。结果:观察组骨科治疗仪器的故障维修平均应答时间和平均维修时间分别为(1.46±0.60)h和(5.17±1.45)h,均短于对照组,平均故障维修成功率为(94.04±2.16)%,高于对照组,其差异有统计学意义(Z=2.078,Z=2.870,Z=2.436;P<0.05);观察组骨科治疗仪器的平均开机率为(96.27±2.14)%,高于对照组,平均安全问题发生率为(2.61±1.88)%,低于对照组,其差异有统计学意义(Z=2.833,Z=2.915;P<0.05);观察组骨科治疗仪器的故障维修支出增幅和报废价值平均占比分别为(1.58±0.95)%和(1.02±2.23)%,均低于对照组,其差异有统计学意义(Z=2.428,Z=2.036;P<0.05);参与观察组骨科治疗仪器管理的相关人员工程学知识、维修技能和管理能力平均考核成绩分别为(90.93±4.42)分、(92.38±3.97)分和(88.25±5.77)分,均高于对照组的管理人员,其差异有统计学意义(Z=2.210,Z=3.311,Z=3.400;P<0.05)。结论:工程学理论能够提升骨科治疗仪器的维修时效和临床运行质量,降低故障维修管理成本,提高岗位工作人员维修管理水平。 展开更多
关键词 骨科治疗仪器 工程学理论 故障维修 技术保障 工程价值
探析旅游规划中的人体工程学 被引量:2
作者 王荣红 《昆明冶金高等专科学校学报》 CAS 2009年第4期67-69,73,共4页
人体工程学的实质就是"以人为本",让周围的物或环境适应人类的自身生理和心理特征,以保证人在各种不同的环境中,保持人体获得健康、安全、舒适、愉悦的享受,因此人类在营造环境的过程中,应该有意识地使规划设计出来的"... 人体工程学的实质就是"以人为本",让周围的物或环境适应人类的自身生理和心理特征,以保证人在各种不同的环境中,保持人体获得健康、安全、舒适、愉悦的享受,因此人类在营造环境的过程中,应该有意识地使规划设计出来的"新环境",从各种不同角度来适应人类生理需要。旅游休憩活动是一种不同于生产过程的放松身心压力的活动,旅游者希望通过无伤害的全身心的休息,达到旅游的目的,需要旅游规划者对人体的各种生理行为特征进行调查、分析、研究,在旅游规划中将人体工程学相关理论运用到旅游实践领域内,在旅游过程中体现"人文关怀"设计理念。 展开更多
关键词 旅游规划 人体工程学理论 人文关怀
作者 刘长明 《重型汽车》 2017年第3期19-21,共3页
近年来,随着车辆保有量水平的增加,车辆盲区导致的交通事故频发,为改善车辆盲区安全问题,本文提出了一种以人体工程学理论具体分析重型车静态盲区的方法。文章以国内某款重型车为研究对象,根据后视镜物理参数,在人体工程学和人体统计学... 近年来,随着车辆保有量水平的增加,车辆盲区导致的交通事故频发,为改善车辆盲区安全问题,本文提出了一种以人体工程学理论具体分析重型车静态盲区的方法。文章以国内某款重型车为研究对象,根据后视镜物理参数,在人体工程学和人体统计学理论研究基础上,采用眼椭圆法,得出后视镜的水平和垂直视野,并参照国内外有关重型车视野的标准和后视镜范围的规定,确定了后视镜的盲区边界,结合驾驶室前部、A柱及右侧盲区,详细分析了车辆静态条件下的视野范围。 展开更多
关键词 人体工程学理论 视野范围 重型车 静态 计算 学分 统计学理论 后视镜
临床常用传感器的维护保养及预防性维修效果分析 被引量:5
作者 李文鹏 卢冬敏 田广平 《中国医学装备》 2019年第6期129-132,共4页
目的:基于工程学理论的质量控制模式,探讨临床常用传感器维护保养及预防性维修的应用价值。方法:选取医院在用的674台医疗设备的2158个传感器为研究对象,随机分为实验组(1139个传感器)和对照组(1019个传感器),实验组采用搭建质量控制体... 目的:基于工程学理论的质量控制模式,探讨临床常用传感器维护保养及预防性维修的应用价值。方法:选取医院在用的674台医疗设备的2158个传感器为研究对象,随机分为实验组(1139个传感器)和对照组(1019个传感器),实验组采用搭建质量控制体系,制定工作标准和保障措施,开展维护保养和预防性维修;对照组采用传统管理模式进行维护。比较两组的运行投入、故障及处理以及临床满意度3项指标数据。结果:实验组的运行投入指标中人员培训费和维护保养费较对照组有所增加,但维修费和总投入费用均有下降,两组比较差异显著(Z=-6.070,Z=-3.072,Z=-4.052,Z=-2.728;P<0.01);故障及处理指标中故障频率、传感器更换率、故障维修时间和报废率均低于对照组,两组比较差异显著(Z=-2.628,Z=-2.851,Z=-2.836,Z=-4.794;P<0.01);临床满意度指标中工程技术人员和临床使用人员均对传感器管理和使用满意度较好,两组比较差异显著(Z=-3.350,Z=-3.306;P<0.01)。结论:基于工程学理论的临床常用传感器维护保养及预防性维修质量控制模式可有效保障临床常用传感器的正常使用。 展开更多
关键词 传感器件 工程学理论 维护保养 预防性维修 故障率
嵌入式计算机系统人机界面设计 被引量:6
作者 方志刚 刘加海 马卫娟 《人类工效学》 1999年第3期19-21,共3页
关键词 嵌入式计算机系统 人机界面设计 人机工程学理论 设计准则 规范化方法
洗浴移乘轮椅床创新设计 被引量:2
作者 郝鹏翔 柳杰 赵静静 《科技与创新》 2019年第7期58-60,共3页
为了解决残障者和老年人洗浴、行动困难,运用人体工程学理论,设计一种洗浴移乘轮椅床装置,能实现室内移动,具备垂直升降功能,并能辅助使用者行动。分析了洗浴装置的机械结构组成及主要功能,采用矢量方程解析法对四杆升降装置进行机构设... 为了解决残障者和老年人洗浴、行动困难,运用人体工程学理论,设计一种洗浴移乘轮椅床装置,能实现室内移动,具备垂直升降功能,并能辅助使用者行动。分析了洗浴装置的机械结构组成及主要功能,采用矢量方程解析法对四杆升降装置进行机构设计,并对整个洗浴移乘轮椅床装置进行SolidWorks建模与渲染仿真,结果表明,该洗浴移乘轮椅床创新设计对残障者和老年人解决洗浴移乘问题具有一定的作用。 展开更多
关键词 人体工程学理论 洗浴移乘轮椅床 SOLIDWORKS 渲染仿真
儿童学习桌的功能与结构 被引量:4
作者 苏垣 《家具》 2012年第2期94-96,共3页
对于儿童家具来说,除了尺度造型方面的考量,功能始终是与使用者最密切相关的。目前市场上用于家庭的儿童学习桌,从功能设计的角度讲,大致具备以下两种基本功能:桌面高度调节和桌面倾斜度调节。此外,随着结构方面的不断发展和创新,近年... 对于儿童家具来说,除了尺度造型方面的考量,功能始终是与使用者最密切相关的。目前市场上用于家庭的儿童学习桌,从功能设计的角度讲,大致具备以下两种基本功能:桌面高度调节和桌面倾斜度调节。此外,随着结构方面的不断发展和创新,近年来以支肘板为代表的双肘支撑功能在儿童用桌上也有大量应用。本文以人体工程学理论为基础,从结构设计的角度就以上三种儿童学习桌的核心功能进行了一些分析,以期为企业在开发新产品时提供新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 儿童家具 支撑功能 结构设计 学习 人体工程学理论 使用者 倾斜度 支肘板
作者 李艳艳 《消防科学与技术》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第10期1161-1161,共1页
英国某公司推出新型多功能消防服,该消防服采用创新的分层法,是英国消防救援领域内,首款使用一套消防服即可满足不同类型消防救援任务,可应用于城市搜救、林野火灾扑救等任务。该创新分层法应用于两款消防外套中,并均符合EN20471:... 英国某公司推出新型多功能消防服,该消防服采用创新的分层法,是英国消防救援领域内,首款使用一套消防服即可满足不同类型消防救援任务,可应用于城市搜救、林野火灾扑救等任务。该创新分层法应用于两款消防外套中,并均符合EN20471:2013与EN469:2005的要求。该新型多功能消防服具有屏蔽水分与热量的功能,外形兼具舒适性与灵活性,符合人体工程学理论。 展开更多
关键词 消防服 多功能 英国 人体工程学理论 消防救援 火灾扑救 分层法 可满足
作者 聂超 李晓艳 +3 位作者 何国华 周庆 刘杰 石玉婷 《船舶工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第S02期63-66,共4页
风力发电机组现场调试效率,直接关系主机成本、发电量及后续运维成本。鉴于风电行业具有成本高、工程量大、多学科较差、多项目多配置等因素,文章引入现代工业工程学理论,将人、设备、物料或零部件、信息和环境等生产系统要素进行优化配... 风力发电机组现场调试效率,直接关系主机成本、发电量及后续运维成本。鉴于风电行业具有成本高、工程量大、多学科较差、多项目多配置等因素,文章引入现代工业工程学理论,将人、设备、物料或零部件、信息和环境等生产系统要素进行优化配置,以降低陆上和海上风场调试成本为目标,进行系统规划与设计、评价与创新,在保证产品质量的同时,提高现场调试效率、减少成本,并进行了工程示范应用验证,形成了相应的调试规范和验收规范,有利于后续批量提升产品调试效率和质量。 展开更多
关键词 风力发电机组 调试效率 海上 现代工业工程学理论
作者 徐一栋 袁泉 《宁波工程学院学报》 2021年第1期26-31,共6页
为了改善老年人在修剪脚指甲时存在的弯腰困难、视线不清等问题,运用人机工程学理论,通过创新设计方法设计了一种基于Arduino控制的指甲修剪器,设计包含收紧机构、十字滑轨定位机构、调节与修剪机构;采用三维建模进一步优化该指甲修剪... 为了改善老年人在修剪脚指甲时存在的弯腰困难、视线不清等问题,运用人机工程学理论,通过创新设计方法设计了一种基于Arduino控制的指甲修剪器,设计包含收紧机构、十字滑轨定位机构、调节与修剪机构;采用三维建模进一步优化该指甲修剪器。通过实物模型制作及试验,证明了该指甲修剪器设计的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 人机工程学理论 ARDUINO 三维建模
作者 王建东 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1997年第1期9+11+13-14,10+12,共6页
This paper presents the differences and relations between background knowledge and domain theories in learning systems. The roles they play during learning procedures are discussed. It is emphasized that background k... This paper presents the differences and relations between background knowledge and domain theories in learning systems. The roles they play during learning procedures are discussed. It is emphasized that background knowledge plays an important role in enhancing the ability of a learning system. An explanation based learning system with domain theory in primary knowledge base and background knowledge in secondary knowledge base is introduced as an example. It shows how background knowledge can be used to solve some of the problems caused by incomplete domain theory in an explanation based learning system. The system can accomplish knowledge level learning through purely deductive approach. At last the acquisition of background knowledge is briefly discussed. 展开更多
关键词 artificial intelligence knowledge engineering machine learning background knowledge domain theory
《计算机应用文摘》 2003年第7期90-90,共1页
关键词 光电鼠标 安捷伦尖端光电技术 雅美达公司 人体工程学理论
A New Extension Theory-based Production Operation Method in Industrial Process 被引量:5
作者 徐圆 朱群雄 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期44-54,共11页
To explore the problems of dynamic change in production demand and operating contradiction in production process, a new extension theory-based production operation method is proposed. The core is the demand requisitio... To explore the problems of dynamic change in production demand and operating contradiction in production process, a new extension theory-based production operation method is proposed. The core is the demand requisition, contradiction resolution and operation classification. For the demand requisition, the deep and comprehensive demand elements are collected by the conjugating analysis. For the contradiction resolution, the conflict between the demand and operating elements are solved by the extension reasoning, extension transformation and consistency judgment. For the operating classification, the operating importance among the operating elements is calculated by the extension clustering so as to guide the production operation and ensure the production safety. Through the actual application in the cascade reaction process of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) of a chemical plant, cases study and comparison show that the proposed extension theory-based production operation method is significantly better than the traditional experience-based operation method in actual production process, which exploits a new way to the research on the production operating methods for industrial process. 展开更多
关键词 extension theory high-density polyethylene cascade polyreaction production operation
Study and Application of Case-based Extension Fault Diagnosis for Chemical Process 被引量:2
作者 彭荻 徐圆 朱群雄 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第4期366-375,共10页
In chemical processes, fault diagnosis is relatively difficult due to the incomplete prior-knowledge and unpredictable production changes. To solve the problem, a case-based extension fault diagnosis (CEFD) method is ... In chemical processes, fault diagnosis is relatively difficult due to the incomplete prior-knowledge and unpredictable production changes. To solve the problem, a case-based extension fault diagnosis (CEFD) method is proposed combining with extension theory, in which the basic-element model is used for the unified and deep fault description, the distance concept is applied to quantify the correlation degree between the new fault and the original fault cases, and the extension transformation is used to expand and obtain the solution of unknown faults. With the application in Tennessee Eastman process, the result indicates that CEFD method has a flexible fault representation, objective fault retrieve performance and good ability for fault study, providing a new way for diagnosing production faults accurately. 展开更多
关键词 extension theory fault case fault diagnosis Tennessee Eastman process
Probe into the course teaching reform of "communication engineering budget"
作者 Hong Jun 《International English Education Research》 2014年第4期61-63,共3页
"Communication project budget" is a professional course of the communication engineering specialty. Combined with the requirements of the teaching reform, from three aspects of the theoretical teaching, the experime... "Communication project budget" is a professional course of the communication engineering specialty. Combined with the requirements of the teaching reform, from three aspects of the theoretical teaching, the experimental teaching, and the engineering practice, the author carries on the reform and practice, to cultivate the active thinking and practical ability of the students, and the effects of the re-form are fully in line with the orientation of cultivating the highly-skillful and applied talents. 展开更多
关键词 Communication engineering project budget teaching reform
Analysis on damage and rheological characteristics of deep surrounding rock of shaft engineering
作者 YU Wei-jian ZHANG Yan 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第1期29-34,共6页
According to the characteristics of deep engineering surrounding rock main shaft of No.3 mining district in Jinchuan, electron microscope scanning and rock mechanics test were adopted to analyze the damage features of... According to the characteristics of deep engineering surrounding rock main shaft of No.3 mining district in Jinchuan, electron microscope scanning and rock mechanics test were adopted to analyze the damage features of rock. The software of FLAG3D and Burgers body (Kelvin-Maxwell model) were used to research on rheological theory, and rheological model was modified. The results indicate that the damage of rock mass is very serious, and the rheological characteristics also outstanding; rheological behavior of deep surrounding rocks of the shaft can be taken as superposition of transient and stable rheology; and there exist the most dangerous zone on 100 m higher than 1 063 m level, so it is necessity that works of monitor and corresponding reinforcement should strengthen. 展开更多
关键词 shaft engineering deep surrounding rock rock damage rheological characteristics
Active Disturbance Rejection Control for PMLM Servo System in CNC Machining 被引量:5
作者 GUO Jianxin XUE Wenchao HU Tao 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期74-98,共25页
Uncertain friction is a key factor that influences the accuracy of servo system in CNC machine.In this paper,based on the principle of Active Disturbance Rejection Control(ADRC),a control method is proposed,where both... Uncertain friction is a key factor that influences the accuracy of servo system in CNC machine.In this paper,based on the principle of Active Disturbance Rejection Control(ADRC),a control method is proposed,where both the extended state observer(ESO) and the reduced order extended state observer(RESO) are used to estimate and compensate for the disturbance.The authors prove that both approaches ensure high accuracy in theory,and give the criterion for parameters selection.The authors also prove that ADRC with RESO performs better than that with ESO both in disturbance estimation and tracking error.The simulation results on CNC machine show the effectiveness and feasibility of our control approaches. 展开更多
关键词 Active disturbance rejection control CNC machine nonlinear friction parameter selection servo system
Hierarchical Hypergames and Bayesian Games:A Generalization of the Theoretical Comparison of Hypergames and Bayesian Games Considering Hierarchy of Perceptions 被引量:2
作者 SASAKI Yasuo KIJIMA Kyoichi 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期187-201,共15页
This paper discusses the relationship of two independently developed models of games with incomplete information,hierarchical hypergames and Bayesian games.It can be considered as a generalization of the previous stud... This paper discusses the relationship of two independently developed models of games with incomplete information,hierarchical hypergames and Bayesian games.It can be considered as a generalization of the previous study on the theoretical comparison of simple hypergames and Bayesian games(Sasaki and Kijima,2012) by taking into account hierarchy of perceptions,i.e.,an agent's perception about the other agents' perceptions,and so on.The authors first introduce the general way of transformation of any hierarchical hypergames into corresponding Bayesian games,which was called as the Bayesian representation of hierarchical hypergames.The authors then show that some equilibrium concepts for hierarchical hypergames can be associated with those for Bayesian games and discuss implications of the results. 展开更多
关键词 Bayesian games game theory hierarchy of perceptions hypergames incomplete information
Output Feedback Stabilization of an Unstable Wave Equation with Observations Subject to Time Delay 被引量:2
作者 YANG Kunyi REN Xiang ZHANG Jie 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期99-118,共20页
This paper focuses on boundary stabilization of a one-dimensional wave equation with an unstable boundary condition,in which observations are subject to arbitrary fixed time delay.The observability inequality indicate... This paper focuses on boundary stabilization of a one-dimensional wave equation with an unstable boundary condition,in which observations are subject to arbitrary fixed time delay.The observability inequality indicates that the open-loop system is observable,based on which the observer and predictor are designed:The state of system is estimated with available observation and then predicted without observation.After that equivalently the authors transform the original system to the well-posed and exponentially stable system by backstepping method.The equivalent system together with the design of observer and predictor give the estimated output feedback.It is shown that the closed-loop system is exponentially stable.Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the effect of the stabilizing controller. 展开更多
关键词 Exponential stability observability inequality output feedback unstable boundary condition time delay wave equation
Valuation of Stock Loans Under a Markov Chain Model 被引量:2
作者 PRAGER David ZHANG Qing 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期171-186,共16页
In recent years the use of Markov chain models to model stock price movement has received increased attention among researchers.Markov chain models combine the discrete movements of a binomial tree model while retaini... In recent years the use of Markov chain models to model stock price movement has received increased attention among researchers.Markov chain models combine the discrete movements of a binomial tree model while retaining the Markovian properties of Brownian motion,thus allowing the best properties of both of these models.In this paper,the authors consider a Markov chain model in which the underlying market is solely determined by a two-state Markov chain.Such a Markov chain model is strikingly simple and yet appears capable of capturing various market movements.By proper selection of parameters,the Markov chain model can produce sample paths that are very similar to.or very distinct from a classical Brownian motion,as the authors demonstrate in this paper.This paper studies the stock loan valuation,or the value of a loan in which a risky share of stock is used as collateral,under such a model.Dynamic programming equations in terms of variational inequalities are used to capture the dynamics of the problem.These equations are solved in closed-form.Explicit optimal solutions are obtained.Numerical examples are also reported to illustrate the results. 展开更多
关键词 Closed-form solution Markov chain model stock loan
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