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作者 耿世良 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2021年第11期57-58,共2页
南水北调工程一直都是大家所关注的重点,而南水北调在施工的过程中,每一个步骤都非常的关键。在南水北调中线工程干渠渠坡的渠道中工程地质条件还比较的复杂,膨胀土渠道工程非常关键,一旦不够稳定就会出现更多问题,所以最重要的就是边... 南水北调工程一直都是大家所关注的重点,而南水北调在施工的过程中,每一个步骤都非常的关键。在南水北调中线工程干渠渠坡的渠道中工程地质条件还比较的复杂,膨胀土渠道工程非常关键,一旦不够稳定就会出现更多问题,所以最重要的就是边坡稳定情况。如果发生滑坡的问题就会影响正常运行,对于社会的影响也较大,因此必须要开展膨胀土边坡变形控制的研究,及时地解决这一项问题,才能促进南水北调工程的顺利开展,南水北调工程本身就有其特殊性,需要根据实际的情况来做改变控制要求及监测数据异常等风险。 展开更多
关键词 南水北调 工程膨胀 边坡变形
简述南水北调中线膨胀土(岩)工程问题的研究和处理 被引量:1
作者 李乐 《科技与企业》 2016年第7期119-120,共2页
膨胀土是一种具有特殊性质的土,其处理技术难度、处理工程量和投资都比较大,是南水北调中线工程面临的关键技术问题之一。南水北调中线一期工程总干渠沿线涉及到膨胀土问题的渠段较长,涉及范围广、条件复杂,任何局部的边坡失稳、衬砌结... 膨胀土是一种具有特殊性质的土,其处理技术难度、处理工程量和投资都比较大,是南水北调中线工程面临的关键技术问题之一。南水北调中线一期工程总干渠沿线涉及到膨胀土问题的渠段较长,涉及范围广、条件复杂,任何局部的边坡失稳、衬砌结构的破坏都将可能影响渠道正常输水。本文回顾了南水北调中线膨胀土工程问题的研究进展,简要介绍了渠道膨胀土(岩)处理设计和施工方法,简单分析了渠道施工期和运行期的安全监测成果,对膨胀土渠段的稳定性做出了评价。 展开更多
关键词 南水北调中线膨胀工程 稳定性 研究进展 处理方法 安全检测分析
作者 莫怀乐 《大众科技》 2010年第2期50-51,共2页
关键词 膨胀土公路工程 灾害 防治措施
基于信息熵-未确知测度理论的膨胀土胀缩分级评价 被引量:8
作者 史秀志 胡海燕 周健 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期144-149,共6页
将未确知测度理论应用到膨胀土胀缩等级评价中,针对膨胀土中等级评价中许多不确定性影响因素,选用液限、胀缩总率、塑性指数、天然含水率、自由膨胀率等5个评价指标,建立了膨胀土胀缩等级分类评价和排序模型。根据15组膨胀土实测数据,... 将未确知测度理论应用到膨胀土胀缩等级评价中,针对膨胀土中等级评价中许多不确定性影响因素,选用液限、胀缩总率、塑性指数、天然含水率、自由膨胀率等5个评价指标,建立了膨胀土胀缩等级分类评价和排序模型。根据15组膨胀土实测数据,建立各影响因素的未确知函数,对其进行定量分析;并利用熵计算各影响因素的指标权重,依照置信度识别准则进行等级判定,最后得出膨胀土胀缩分级的评价结果。该模型的评价结果与物元可拓评判法评价结果有较好的一致性。该评价方法能解决膨胀土胀缩等级评价中诸多因素不确定性问题,还可以按难易程度进行排序。 展开更多
关键词 土建工程:膨胀 未确知测度 分级 置信度识别准则
多雨炎热地区膨胀土观测站的选址 被引量:3
作者 吕海波 赵艳林 +1 位作者 罗会来 孔令伟 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第z1期4400-4404,共5页
关键词 工程地质 膨胀 观测站 气候变化
襄十高速公路石灰改性膨胀土填筑路基施工工艺和影响因素分析 被引量:11
作者 胡明鉴 孔令伟 +1 位作者 郭爱国 王庆 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第z1期4623-4627,共5页
为探寻理想合理的施工工艺和施工方法,缩小由于施工机具、施工技术和施工水平的差异而导致的膨胀土路堤填筑质量的差异,便于组织和管理、加快施工进度,针对襄十高速公路膨胀土填筑施工机械性能参数,分析了不同机械组合下改性膨胀土填筑... 为探寻理想合理的施工工艺和施工方法,缩小由于施工机具、施工技术和施工水平的差异而导致的膨胀土路堤填筑质量的差异,便于组织和管理、加快施工进度,针对襄十高速公路膨胀土填筑施工机械性能参数,分析了不同机械组合下改性膨胀土填筑施工工艺,指出了合理的机械配置和施工方法。从土团粒径、路拌次数、场拌次数、松铺厚度、碾压控制含水量、碾压速度、碾压遍数等方面分析了其对路基填筑效果的影响,为现场施工条件下膨胀土路基填筑提出了合理的建议。 展开更多
关键词 路基工程 石灰改性膨胀 施工工艺 影响因素
弯-弯疲劳加载对2D-C/C复合材料热膨胀性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 杨晓辉 卢锦花 +3 位作者 李克智 张守阳 杨茜 曾燮榕 《固体火箭技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期665-669,共5页
研究了2D-C/C复合材料的热膨胀性能以及疲劳加载条件对其热膨胀性能的影响规律,分别进行了应力水平为70%、90%及循环周次为104、5×104、1×105和1.5×105次的弯-弯疲劳试验,并随后测试其热膨胀性能。结果表明,疲劳加载并... 研究了2D-C/C复合材料的热膨胀性能以及疲劳加载条件对其热膨胀性能的影响规律,分别进行了应力水平为70%、90%及循环周次为104、5×104、1×105和1.5×105次的弯-弯疲劳试验,并随后测试其热膨胀性能。结果表明,疲劳加载并没有改变其热膨胀性能随温度升高而增大的变化规律,但对比不同疲劳加载条件下2D-C/C复合材料的热膨胀性能,可发现疲劳加载后试样的热膨胀性能随着应力水平和循环周次的增大有降低趋势。经分析认为,这主要是由于疲劳加载过程中产生的各种疲劳损伤所致。 展开更多
关键词 2D-C C复合材料 物理热膨胀系数 工程膨胀系数 疲劳加载 疲劳损伤
特殊岩土工程地质条件特性分析 被引量:2
作者 郭沅坤 《世界有色金属》 2016年第10S期171-172,共2页
特殊岩土工程是指在一些特殊的地质环境中进行工程建设,其难度性较高且具有一定风险,在实际施工情况中若为采取正确的施工措施,很容易因地质构造的特殊性而影响到施工进程甚至发生意外事故。因此做好对特殊岩土工程地质的性质调查以及... 特殊岩土工程是指在一些特殊的地质环境中进行工程建设,其难度性较高且具有一定风险,在实际施工情况中若为采取正确的施工措施,很容易因地质构造的特殊性而影响到施工进程甚至发生意外事故。因此做好对特殊岩土工程地质的性质调查以及相对的工程设计对整个项目来说有着重要作用。本文就湿陷性黄土、膨胀土以及软土这三大类特殊地质进行工程地质条件特性分析。 展开更多
关键词 特殊岩土工程地质条件特性分析 湿陷性黄土工程地质条件 膨胀工程地质条件特性 软土地质条件特性
作者 张娜 《新疆交通科技》 2015年第4期37-39,共3页
分析了G217 线天山独山子-库车公路蛇纹石膨胀土路段的特殊工程性质,对土钉墙和重力式挡土墙两种支护方式的设计及施工技术进行对比,确定实施方案,并介绍了重力式挡土墙支护方式在该地区的应用效果,为后续工程提供了参考.
关键词 膨胀土路段支护工程 土钉墙 重力式挡土墙
贵州六威高速膨胀土的工程特性试验研究 被引量:1
作者 熊中贵 邹泽西 +1 位作者 宋常军 吴立坚 《公路交通科技(应用技术版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期60-62,共3页
系统地进行了六威高速公路弱、中膨胀土的基本特性和路用性能试验。试验表明:膨胀土具有较强的吸水软化特性,天然稠度下的弱膨胀土的CBR值大于3%,中膨胀土的CBR值低于3%;膨胀土的抗剪强度与正应力单调正相关,具有显著的压硬性,有利于膨... 系统地进行了六威高速公路弱、中膨胀土的基本特性和路用性能试验。试验表明:膨胀土具有较强的吸水软化特性,天然稠度下的弱膨胀土的CBR值大于3%,中膨胀土的CBR值低于3%;膨胀土的抗剪强度与正应力单调正相关,具有显著的压硬性,有利于膨胀土路基的稳定;线膨胀率与填筑含水率呈线性负相关,与时间呈对数关系;天然稠度下的弱、中膨胀土的膨胀量均较小,且弱膨胀土具有较好的施工碾压性能。对膨胀土的强度、变形和施工含水率的综合评价认为,弱膨胀土可直接填筑下路堤,中膨胀土应慎重取用。 展开更多
关键词 道路工程膨胀 工程特性 强度 施工稠度
Engineering properties and microstructure of expansive soil treated with nanographite powder 被引量:4
作者 LI Jia-ming TANG Shi-bin +1 位作者 SONG Huai-bo CHEN Xue-jun 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第2期499-514,共16页
To reduce geological disasters caused by expansive soil,it is crucial to use a new type of modified material to rapidly improve soil strength instead of traditional soil improvement materials such as lime and cement.N... To reduce geological disasters caused by expansive soil,it is crucial to use a new type of modified material to rapidly improve soil strength instead of traditional soil improvement materials such as lime and cement.Nanographite powder(NGP)has excellent properties,such as high adsorption,conductivity,and lubrication,since it has the characteristics of small size,large specific surface area,and high surface energy.However,previous studies on the improvement of expansive soil with NGP are not processed enough.To study the improvement effect of NGP on expansive soil,non-load swelling ratio tests,consolidation tests,unconfined compressive strength tests,mercury injection tests,and micro-CT tests on expansive soil mixed with different NGP contents were performed.The results show that the non-load swelling ratio,mechanical properties,and porosity of expansive soil show some increasement after adding NGP.The strength of expansive soil reaches the maximum when the NGP content is 1.450%.The cumulative mercury volume and compressive strain of expansive soil reach the maximum with the 2.0%NGP content.Finally,the modification mechanism of swelling,compressibility,microstructure,and compressive strength of expansive soil by NGP is revealed. 展开更多
关键词 nanographite powder expansive soil engineering properties MICROSTRUCTURE micro CT
Optimization of construction scheme and supporting technology for HJS soft rock tunnel 被引量:8
作者 Wang Shuren Li Chunliu +1 位作者 Liu Zhaowei Fang Junbo 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第6期847-852,共6页
For a soft rock tunnel under high stress in jointed and swell soft rock (HJS), two construction schemes pilot-tunneling enlarging excavation and step-by-step excavation were optimized using FLAC20, and the deformati... For a soft rock tunnel under high stress in jointed and swell soft rock (HJS), two construction schemes pilot-tunneling enlarging excavation and step-by-step excavation were optimized using FLAC20, and the deformation effects of the two construction schemes were verified by field tests. Based on engineer- ing geological investigation and mechanical analysis of large deformations, the complex deformation mechanisms of stress expansion and structural deformation of the soft rock tunnel were confirmed, and support countermeasures from the complex deformation mechanism converted to a single type were proposed, and the support parameters were optimized by field tests. These technologies were proved by engineering practice, which produced significant technical and economic benefits. 展开更多
关键词 Soft rock tunnel High stress Deformation mechanism Support parameters Optimization
Unsaturated expansive soil fissure characteristics combined with engineering behaviors 被引量:14
作者 李雄威 王勇 +1 位作者 俞竞伟 王艳丽 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期3564-3571,共8页
The relationship among the surface fissure ratio, moisture content, seepage coefficient and deformation modulus of field unsaturated expansive soil in Nanning, Guangxi Province, China, was obtained by a direct or indi... The relationship among the surface fissure ratio, moisture content, seepage coefficient and deformation modulus of field unsaturated expansive soil in Nanning, Guangxi Province, China, was obtained by a direct or indirect method. Digital images of expansive soil of the surface fissure with different moisture contents were analyzed with the binarization statistic method. In addition, the fissure fractal dimension was computed with a self-compiled program. Combined with in situ seepage and loading plate tests, the relationship among the surface fissure ratio, moisture content, seepage coefficient and deformation modulus was initially established. The surface fissure ratio and moisture content show a linear relation, "y=-0.019 1x+1.028 5" for rufous expansive soil and "y=-0.07 1x+2.610 5" for grey expansive soil. Soil initial seepage coefficient and surface fissure ratio show a power function relation, "y=1× 10^-9exp(15.472x)" for rufous expansive soil and "y=5× 10^-7exp(4.209 6x)" for grey expansive soil. Grey expansive soil deformation modulus and surface fissure ratio show a power fimction relation of "y=3.935 7exp(0.993 6x)". Based on the binarization and fractal dimension methods, the results show that the surface fissure statistics can depict the fissure distribution in the view of two dimensions. And the evolvement behaviors of permeability and the deformation modulus can indirectly describe the developing state of the fissure. The analysis reflects that the engineering behaviors of unsaturated expansive soil are objectively influenced by fissure. 展开更多
关键词 expansive soil surface fissure ratio fractal dimension PERMEABILITY deformation modulus
Effect of drying environment on engineering properties of an expansive soil and its microstructure 被引量:12
作者 KONG Ling-wei WANG Min +1 位作者 GUO Ai-guo WANG Yong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期1194-1201,共8页
This paper investigates the effect of drying environment, i.e. temperature and relative humidity, on the engineering properties and microscopic pore size distribution of an expansive soil. The shrinkage tests under di... This paper investigates the effect of drying environment, i.e. temperature and relative humidity, on the engineering properties and microscopic pore size distribution of an expansive soil. The shrinkage tests under different drying temperatures and relative humidity are carried out in a constant climate chamber. Then, the undisturbed samples, prepared in different drying environment, are used for the triaxial tests and mercury intrusion tests. It is found that the drying environment has noticeable influence on the engineering properties of expansive soils and it can be characterized by the drying rate. The linear shrinkage and strength increase with the decrease of the drying rate. The non-uniform deformation tends to happen in the high drying rate, which subsequently furthers the development of cracks. In addition, during the drying process, the variation of pores mainly focuses on the inter-aggregate pores and inter-particle pores. The lower drying rate leads to larger variation of pore size distribution. 展开更多
关键词 Expansive soils Drying environment Shrinkage Strength Pore size distribution Triaxial test
Soil Liquefaction Hazard Evaluation by the New Seismic Dilatometer Marchetti Test (SDMT)
作者 Salvatore Grasso Michele Maugeri 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第3期36-45,共10页
Soil liquefaction, and the permanent deformations that frequently result from it, have caused significant damage in past earthquakes. The procedures used in contemporary geotechnical earthquake engineering practice ar... Soil liquefaction, and the permanent deformations that frequently result from it, have caused significant damage in past earthquakes. The procedures used in contemporary geotechnical earthquake engineering practice are generally based on simplified procedures for the evaluation of the liquefaction potential. The work describes a framework for performance-based earthquake engineering and its use in the development of a performance-based procedure for liquefaction hazard evaluation. The performance-based procedure will be used to show how consistent application of conventional procedures for evaluation of liquefaction potential can influence performance prediction. Implications for liquefaction-resistant design will also be discussed. The purpose is to summarize current procedures for practical prediction of liquefaction behavior, to describe recent advances in the understanding of liquefaction behavior, and to describe the incorporation of this improved understanding into new solutions for detailed modeling of soil liquefaction, Simplified procedures for evaluation of liquefaction hazards will be reviewed relatively briefly, with more details devoted to emerging knowledge about the mechanics of liquefiable soil behavior, and methods for incorporating those mechanics into improved models for performance prediction. In particular it focuses about the influence on the evaluation of Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR) by different in-situ tests (Cone Penetration Test (CPT). Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Seismic Dilatometer Marchetti Test (SDMT)) and by different shear waves velocity measurements (Down Hole D-H. Cross Hole C-H, Seismic Dilatometer Marchetti Test SDMT). 展开更多
关键词 Liquefaction Potential Index Seismic Dilatometer Marchetti Test (SDMT) Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR) Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR).
A high-volumetric-capacity bismuth nanosheet/graphene electrode for potassium ion batteries 被引量:5
作者 Linchao Zeng Minsu Liu +3 位作者 Peipei Li Guangmin Zhou Peixin Zhang Ling Qiu 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2020年第10期1920-1928,共9页
Potassium ion batteries(PIBs)with high-volumetric energy densities are promising for next-generation low-cost energy storage devices.Metallic bismuth(Bi)with a structure similar to graphite,is a promising anode materi... Potassium ion batteries(PIBs)with high-volumetric energy densities are promising for next-generation low-cost energy storage devices.Metallic bismuth(Bi)with a structure similar to graphite,is a promising anode material for PIBs due to its high theoretical volumetric capacity(3763 mA h cm^−3)and relatively low working potential(−2.93 V vs.standard hydrogen electrode).However,it experiences severe capacity decay caused by a huge volume expansion of Bi when alloying with potassium.This study reports a flexible and free-standing Bi nanosheet(BiNS)/reduced graphene oxide composite membrane with designed porosity close to the expansion ratio of BiNS after charging.The controlled pore structure improves the electron and ion transport during cycling,and strengthens the structural stability of the electrode during potassiation and depotassiation,leading to excellent electrochemical performance for potassium-ion storage.In particular,it delivers a high reversible volumetric capacity of 451 mA h cm^−3 at the current density of 0.5 A g^−1,which is much higher than the previously reported commercial graphite material. 展开更多
关键词 potassium ion batteries high volumetric energy density bismuth nanosheet controlled pore structure GRAPHITE
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