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作者 严卫春 李梦晨 孙文霞 《电机技术》 2020年第2期60-64,共5页
利用激光标刻技术和条码自动识别技术,将工艺物料和工艺资源库数据互联.建立起物料、工艺和仓库管理等模块。通过流程分析法,建立了以刀具配送为典型的智能物流管理模式,实际应用验证了其对提高刀具周转率、控制库存.减少找刀时间和降... 利用激光标刻技术和条码自动识别技术,将工艺物料和工艺资源库数据互联.建立起物料、工艺和仓库管理等模块。通过流程分析法,建立了以刀具配送为典型的智能物流管理模式,实际应用验证了其对提高刀具周转率、控制库存.减少找刀时间和降低用刀错误率具有显著效果。 展开更多
关键词 汽轮机 智能 工艺资源库 工艺物 料精细化管控
酶解处理对葡萄汁芳香物回收工艺的影响 被引量:1
作者 张振华 葛毅强 +2 位作者 倪元颖 闫红 蔡同一 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期1-4,共4页
以玫瑰香葡萄为试材 ,采用NOVOferm1 2酶制剂对葡萄中键合态芳香物质进行酶解处理 ,并结合感官评定 ,研究了酶解处理对葡萄汁芳香物回收工艺的增香效果。结果表明 ,酶解处理葡萄汁芳香物回收液中葡萄典型芳香物质总含量比未酶解处理葡... 以玫瑰香葡萄为试材 ,采用NOVOferm1 2酶制剂对葡萄中键合态芳香物质进行酶解处理 ,并结合感官评定 ,研究了酶解处理对葡萄汁芳香物回收工艺的增香效果。结果表明 ,酶解处理葡萄汁芳香物回收液中葡萄典型芳香物质总含量比未酶解处理葡萄汁芳香物回收液增长了 30 2 1 4μg/L ;感官分析表明 。 展开更多
关键词 酶解处理 葡萄汁 芳香回收工艺 NOVOferml2酶制剂 增香效果
作者 蔡同一 阎红 +1 位作者 倪元颖 葛毅强 《饮料工业》 2001年第6期39-42,45,共5页
以玫瑰香葡萄为实验材料 ,采用瑞士Unipekth公司生产的芳香物回收设备 ,研究了在这一装置上从浓缩葡萄汁生产中回收芳香成分的最佳蒸发比、真空度、温度和回流比。结果表明 :减压蒸馏法回收玫瑰香葡萄汁芳香成分时 ,系统压力为0 0 192... 以玫瑰香葡萄为实验材料 ,采用瑞士Unipekth公司生产的芳香物回收设备 ,研究了在这一装置上从浓缩葡萄汁生产中回收芳香成分的最佳蒸发比、真空度、温度和回流比。结果表明 :减压蒸馏法回收玫瑰香葡萄汁芳香成分时 ,系统压力为0 0 192MPa、温度是 6 0℃、蒸发比为 5 0 %、回流比为 7∶1时芳香回收物浓度最高 。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄汁 芳香成分 芳香回收工艺 果汁 浓缩汁
作者 于洋 陈瑾 +3 位作者 王畅 王林 徐海卫 关建东 《首钢科技》 2013年第6期16-20,共5页
研究了首钢IF钢典型析出物形貌及能谱图。结果表明,钢中粗大的TiS粒子和Ti4c2s2粒子含量较多,弥散、细小的TiC粒子含量较少是首钢IF钢n值偏低的主要原因。采取降低板坯加热温度、提高热轧压下量和变形速率以及轧后快冷等热轧工艺优化... 研究了首钢IF钢典型析出物形貌及能谱图。结果表明,钢中粗大的TiS粒子和Ti4c2s2粒子含量较多,弥散、细小的TiC粒子含量较少是首钢IF钢n值偏低的主要原因。采取降低板坯加热温度、提高热轧压下量和变形速率以及轧后快冷等热轧工艺优化措施后,首钢IF钢的n值显著提高。 展开更多
关键词 IF钢热轧工艺制度析出n值
作者 李冬生 徐冠宇 《特殊钢》 北大核心 2007年第1期59-60,共2页
分析了鄂钢70tEAF—LF—CC流程生产的20MnTiB钢和45钢低倍夹杂物的成分以及结晶器保护渣和连铸工艺耐火材料的组成,得出钢的低倍夹杂主要是由Al2O3、MgO、CaO、Na2O、SiO2组成的复合夹杂物。通过改进工艺:白渣精炼时间≥10min,控制Al... 分析了鄂钢70tEAF—LF—CC流程生产的20MnTiB钢和45钢低倍夹杂物的成分以及结晶器保护渣和连铸工艺耐火材料的组成,得出钢的低倍夹杂主要是由Al2O3、MgO、CaO、Na2O、SiO2组成的复合夹杂物。通过改进工艺:白渣精炼时间≥10min,控制Als/Al1≥85%,喂Ca-Si线后软吹氩≥7min,控制钢包水口插入深度≥200mm,浸入式水口插入深度80~130mm,采用优质耐火材料等措施,使低倍夹杂物检验合格率由90.96%~95.31%提高到99.77%~100%。 展开更多
关键词 EAF—LF—CC 低倍组织 夹杂工艺控制
湛江化工厂OXY半水物磷酸工艺评述 被引量:1
作者 陆文龙 《硫磷设计与粉体工程》 1996年第3X期15-17,共3页
关键词 湿法磷酸 半水工艺 水平衡 改进 评述
自聚物裂解工艺制备5V正极材料LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 被引量:2
作者 黄振德 彭迪 《电源技术》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第3期312-314,共3页
采用溶胶凝胶法的新型自聚物裂解工艺合成5 V锂离子电池LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4正极材料,经XRD、SEM和充放电循环测试,合成材料具有尖晶石结构,粒径大小分布均匀,在0.2 C充放电下首次放电比容量达到141 mAh/g,循环100次容量保持率为93%,与其它... 采用溶胶凝胶法的新型自聚物裂解工艺合成5 V锂离子电池LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4正极材料,经XRD、SEM和充放电循环测试,合成材料具有尖晶石结构,粒径大小分布均匀,在0.2 C充放电下首次放电比容量达到141 mAh/g,循环100次容量保持率为93%,与其它溶胶凝胶法的柠檬酸乙二醇工艺和高分子PAA工艺合成材料相比,电化学性能良好。 展开更多
关键词 尖晶石LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 溶胶凝胶法 自聚裂解工艺
垃圾填埋场渗滤液的MVC蒸发处理工艺介绍 被引量:15
作者 汪梅 《广东化工》 CAS 2011年第7期122-122,129,共2页
关键词 垃圾填埋场 渗滤液 MVC蒸发工艺物
作者 杨天晟 《黑龙江科技信息》 2016年第31期89-89,共1页
随着社会不断发展,人们对化工技术的重视程度越来越高,越来越多的化工工艺陆续出现在整个社会加工市场中。在整个化工加工市场中,换热器起到越来越重要的作用。整个质量关乎于整个化工加工市场的生产产品的质量。因此本文主要讨论换热... 随着社会不断发展,人们对化工技术的重视程度越来越高,越来越多的化工工艺陆续出现在整个社会加工市场中。在整个化工加工市场中,换热器起到越来越重要的作用。整个质量关乎于整个化工加工市场的生产产品的质量。因此本文主要讨论换热器在整个化工工艺中所起到的作用。 展开更多
关键词 换热器 化工工艺 工艺物 作用
作者 廖学建 李旭光 +3 位作者 李滨 陈洪涛 陈德银 任建博 《断块油气田》 CAS 2007年第4期76-77,共2页
明1-C29井采用54型73-1螺旋无枪身射孔枪射孔时,有8m螺旋射孔枪落井。因ф101.6mm套管内无枪身聚能射孔器弹架的强度高,韧性强,又没有配套的打捞工具和成熟的打捞施工工艺,打捞难度大。本次打捞使用反循环球座配合小直径长冲管,采用反... 明1-C29井采用54型73-1螺旋无枪身射孔枪射孔时,有8m螺旋射孔枪落井。因ф101.6mm套管内无枪身聚能射孔器弹架的强度高,韧性强,又没有配套的打捞工具和成熟的打捞施工工艺,打捞难度大。本次打捞使用反循环球座配合小直径长冲管,采用反循环实施打捞,克服常规打捞方法无法处理的技术难题,为以后处理该类井下落物提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 ф101.6 mm套管井复杂落工具设计打捞工艺
水平井防落物管柱与举升管柱最佳距离分析 被引量:1
作者 刘金仓 赵玉建 +4 位作者 严建奇 吕传炳 张云涛 周虹 王春耘 《石油地质与工程》 CAS 2009年第1期120-122,共3页
华北油田西柳10断块3口水平井投产半年至一年间相继出现油管断落,并将井内防落物装置砸入水平段内,其中2口井到人工井底。通过对3口井的落物原因技术分析、水平井防落物管柱工艺设计分析、油管受力分析等方案,计算出防落物封隔器瞬间承... 华北油田西柳10断块3口水平井投产半年至一年间相继出现油管断落,并将井内防落物装置砸入水平段内,其中2口井到人工井底。通过对3口井的落物原因技术分析、水平井防落物管柱工艺设计分析、油管受力分析等方案,计算出防落物封隔器瞬间承重、油管承受不变载荷、以及下冲程油管承受载荷,分析出原设计防落物管柱与举升工艺管柱底部距离不是最佳距离,得出举升工艺管柱下在防落物管柱以上5~40 m为最佳距离位置。这个距离适用于水平段长度一般为200~300 m的水平井,可有效防止部分抽油管柱及各种井下工具掉入水平段。 展开更多
关键词 水平井 防落工艺管柱 举升工艺管柱 计算分析
Technological mineralogy and environmental activity of zinc leaching residue from zinc hydrometallurgical process 被引量:19
作者 李密 彭兵 +3 位作者 柴立元 彭宁 谢先德 闫缓 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第5期1480-1488,共9页
Chemical, physical, structural and morphological properties of zinc leaching residue were examined by the combination of various detection means such as AAS, XRF, XRD, M?ssbauer spectrometry, SEM-EDS, TG-DSC, XPS and... Chemical, physical, structural and morphological properties of zinc leaching residue were examined by the combination of various detection means such as AAS, XRF, XRD, M?ssbauer spectrometry, SEM-EDS, TG-DSC, XPS and FTIR. The toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) was used to investigate the environmental activity of zinc leaching residue for a short contact time. The phase composition analysis indicated that the zinc leaching residue mainly consists of super refined flocculent particles including zinc ferrite, sulfate and silicate. The physical structural analysis showed that it has a thermal instability and strong water absorption properties. The results of TCLP indicated that the amounts of Zn and Cd in the leaching solution exceed 40 and 90 times of limit, respectively, which demonstrate that this residue is unstable in weak acidic environment for a short contact time. 展开更多
关键词 zinc leaching residue phase composition microstructure technological mineralogy leaching toxicity
Mineralogical characterization of tin-polymetallic ore occurred in Mengzi,Yunnan Province,China 被引量:16
作者 徐阳宝 覃文庆 刘慧 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第3期725-730,共6页
A detailed mineralogical characterization of a tin-polymetallic ore from Mengzi,Yunnan Province,China,was undertaken by automated electron microprobe-based mineral mapping and quantitative analysis methods.The results... A detailed mineralogical characterization of a tin-polymetallic ore from Mengzi,Yunnan Province,China,was undertaken by automated electron microprobe-based mineral mapping and quantitative analysis methods.The results show that the most valuable metal is Sn(0.98%,mass fraction).The main tin minerals are cassiterite and stannite,which account for 94.90% of total tin.Other metals,such as Cu(0.261%),Zn(0.612%) and Pb(0.296%) can also be seen as valuable metal to be recovered.Minerals such as pyrrhotite,pyrite,arsenopyrite,sphalerite,galena and chalcopyrite are disseminated in the ore.Quartz,sericite and dolomite are the main gangue.The optimal grinding fineness should be chosen as 0.037 mm to make sure that most of the tin minerals can be liberated from other minerals. 展开更多
关键词 mineral characterization tin minerals CASSITERITE STANNITE particle size
Atmospheric oxygen-rich direct leaching behavior of zinc sulphide concentrate 被引量:9
作者 徐志峰 江庆政 王成彦 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第12期3780-3787,共8页
The leaching behavior of main metallic sulphides in zinc concentrate under atmospheric oxygen-rich direct leaching conditions was studied through mineralogical analysis. The results show that the sulphides dissolve ob... The leaching behavior of main metallic sulphides in zinc concentrate under atmospheric oxygen-rich direct leaching conditions was studied through mineralogical analysis. The results show that the sulphides dissolve obviously except pyrite. Based on the relationship between elemental sulfur and the residual sulphides in the leaching residue, the dissolution of sphalerite, chalcopyrite, covellite and galena is assumed to follow the indirect oxidation reactions, where the acidic dissolution takes place firstly and then the released H2S transfers from the mineral surface into bulk solution and is further oxidized into elemental sulfur. The interface chemical reaction is further supposed as the controlling step in the leaching of these sulphides. The direct electrochemical oxidation reactions are assumed to contribute to the dissolution of pyrrhotite, which is controlled by the diffusion through elemental sulfur layer. 展开更多
关键词 zinc sulphide concentrate atmospheric direct leaching oxygen-rich leaching leaching behavior MINERALOGY
Effect of Different Flue-curing Techniques on the Taste and Aroma Substances of Tobacco Leaves 被引量:2
作者 崔国民 汪伯军 +3 位作者 罗以贵 许安定 陈益银 杨超 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第2期251-257,285,共8页
[Objective]This study aimed to optimize the conditions for curing tobacco leaf, so as to improve its flavor and quality. [Method] Leaves of Yuanyan 87 were col ected and cured by three different techniques (moderate-... [Objective]This study aimed to optimize the conditions for curing tobacco leaf, so as to improve its flavor and quality. [Method] Leaves of Yuanyan 87 were col ected and cured by three different techniques (moderate-intensity conditions throughout the curing course; high-intensity conditions at leaf yel owing and wilting stages, moderate-intensity conditions at leaf drying and vein drying stages; high-in-tensity conditions throughout the curing course), and then the contents of 48 aroma substances and taste indices of the finished tobacco leaves were measured. [Result] The contents of 28 aroma substances in the tobacco leaves cured under high-inten-sity conditions throughout the course were higher and the taste indices of these to-bacco leaves were better, compared with those flue-cured by the other two tech-niques. The contents of the other 20 aroma substances were not significantly af-fected by the curing techniques. The second best technique was high-intensity con-ditions at leaf yel owing and wilting stages and moderate-intensity conditions at leaf drying and vein drying stages. Curing tobacco leaves at moderate-intensity condi-tions throughout the course was the worst one. [Conclusion] Compared with the oth-er two methods, the contents of aroma substances and taste indices of the tobacco leaves cured under high-intensive conditions throughout the course were the best. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco leaf Curing technique Aromatic substances Tasteindices
Synthesis of Resveratrol and Resveratrol Trinicotinate 被引量:11
作者 张学景 朱杰 +2 位作者 熊晓云 邹永 林慧贞 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第1期10-13,共4页
Aim To synthesize a new prodrug, resveratrol trinicotinate. Methods Inpresence of lithium and a catalytic amount of naphthalene, the reaction of p-methoxybenzyltrimethylsilyl ether and 3,5-dimethoxylbenzaldehyde gave ... Aim To synthesize a new prodrug, resveratrol trinicotinate. Methods Inpresence of lithium and a catalytic amount of naphthalene, the reaction of p-methoxybenzyltrimethylsilyl ether and 3,5-dimethoxylbenzaldehyde gave resveratrol after a series of translation.Resveratrol trinicotinate was obtained by the reaction of resveratrol and nicotinoyl chloridehydrochloride. Results A mutual prodrug resveratrol trinicotinate was designed and synthesized.Conclusion A novel method for synthesis of resveratrol and resveratrol trinicotinate has beenafforded. The E-isomer is selectivily obtained by dehydration of the compound 2 with KHSO_4 . 展开更多
关键词 RESVERATROL resveratrol trinicotinate SYNTHESIS
Synthesis of Phenylpropanoid Glycoside Analogs 被引量:1
作者 李树春 周静 李中军 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第1期14-18,共5页
The regioselective acylation of unprotected phenylethyl glucoside withcinnamoyl chloride leads to 6-OH cin-namoylated glucoside. In this manner, thirteen phenylpropanoidglycoside analogs were designed and prepared. Th... The regioselective acylation of unprotected phenylethyl glucoside withcinnamoyl chloride leads to 6-OH cin-namoylated glucoside. In this manner, thirteen phenylpropanoidglycoside analogs were designed and prepared. Their structure was confirmed by ~1H NMR and ^(13)CNMR spectra. 展开更多
关键词 medicinal chemistry regioselective acylation phenylpropanoid glycoside glycoside analogs chemical synthesis
Extraction Storage and Qualitative Analysis of Free Radicals Scavenging Substances from Sweet Potato Leaves 被引量:9
作者 王友升 董银卯 +1 位作者 宋彦 黑维俭 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第2期1-5,9,共6页
[ Objective ] The research aimed to provide reference for the application of extracts from sweet potato leaves in anti-aging cosmetics. [ Method ] The extraction and storage conditions for free radicals scavenging sub... [ Objective ] The research aimed to provide reference for the application of extracts from sweet potato leaves in anti-aging cosmetics. [ Method ] The extraction and storage conditions for free radicals scavenging substances from sweet potato leaves were optimized by orthogonal test and the bioactive components in extracts were investigated by correlation analysis. [ Result] Sweet potato leaves contain the bioactive substances scavenging DPPH free radical and hydroxyl free radical. Extracting solvent species is the most important factor that influencing extraction yield. The optimal extraction and storage conditions are as following: water as solvent, pH 8.0 of extracting liquid, storage at 25 ℃. There is a good positive linear relationship between the content of total phenols in sweet potato leaves and corresponding scavenging rates against both the DPPH free radical and hydroxyl free radical. For the content of total flavones in sweet potato leaves, just a correlation with scavenging rate against hydroxyl free radical shown in test. [ Conclusion] The phenols in ex- tracts could effectively scavenge both the DPPH free radical and hydroxyl free radical, whereas the flavones in extracts can only function on the hydroxyl free radical. 展开更多
关键词 Sweet potato leaves Free radicals scavenging Total phenol Total flavones
Comparative study of two biological nitrogen removal processes:A/O process and step-feeding process 被引量:3
作者 祝贵兵 彭永臻 +1 位作者 王淑莹 马斌 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第4期528-531,共4页
Two biological nitrogen removal processes are compared in the aspect of nitrogen removal, process operation and energy saving. Results show that when the returned sludge ratio is 50% of the inflow rate, the step-feedi... Two biological nitrogen removal processes are compared in the aspect of nitrogen removal, process operation and energy saving. Results show that when the returned sludge ratio is 50% of the inflow rate, the step-feeding process achieves over 80% total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiency, but the TN removal efficiency of the A/O process is only 40%. Moreover, filamentous sludge bulking can be well restrained in the step-feeding process. Given the conditions of a returned sludge ratio of 100% and a nitrifying liquor recycle ratio of 200%, the TN removal efficiency is 78.32% in the A/O process, but the sludge volume index (SVI) value increases to 143 mL/g. In the step-feeding process, the SVI is only 94.4 mL/g when the TN removal efficiency reaches 81. 1%. The step-feeding process has distinct advantages over the A/O process in the aspects of practicability, nitrogen removal and operating stability. 展开更多
关键词 activated sludge biological nitrogen removal A/O process step-feeding process efficiency
Full-scale application of microbial agent on in-situ sludge reduction
作者 谢慧芳 张晋华 +5 位作者 辛文力 胡灿洋 严梅 张青 贺启环 周建成 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第4期502-507,共6页
The full-scale application of Tx-1, a multifunctional microbial agent, was carried out for 8 months in an anoxic/oxic(A/O) municipal wastewater treatment process. The results show that the Tx-1 dosed system can obta... The full-scale application of Tx-1, a multifunctional microbial agent, was carried out for 8 months in an anoxic/oxic(A/O) municipal wastewater treatment process. The results show that the Tx-1 dosed system can obtain good effluent characteristics while minimizing sludge production and energy consumption. The total phosphorus(TP) is lower than0. 5 mg/L in effluent without any chemical regent added. The discharged dry sludge per 10 000 m^3 wastewater Dwat decreases from 1. 4 to 0. 5 t. For per cubic meter wastewater, the air supply decreases from 6. 0 to 5. 1 m^3 and the electricity consumption decreases from 0. 412- 0. 425 kW·h to 0. 331 kW·h. The addition of Tx-1 can improve the substrate removal constant and decrease the microorganism growth yield coefficient of activated sludge. At the same time,the structure of the microbial community changes and the biodiversity increases by adding Tx-1. The abundance of polyphosphate accumulating organisms(PAO), Comamonadaceae and Tetrasphaera, increased. Effective microbial agent is a potential way to combine in-situ sludge minimization with contaminants removal. 展开更多
关键词 wastewater treatment dosed anoxic/oxic(A/O) process diversity of microbial community kinetic parameters
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