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《巨作》 艺术家访谈录
作者 李艺 《美术之友》 2006年第1期79-80,共2页
关键词 艺术家 人物访谈 巨作 绘画技法 思想 新书介绍
作者 章念驰 《上海鲁迅研究》 2010年第2期85-94,共10页
2009年的1月12日是先祖父章太炎先生诞辰一百四十周年,北京的学者以出版《章太炎说文解字授课笔记》(下称《笔记》)形式,进行了缅怀与纪念。《笔记》是先祖父1908年流亡日本期间,聚众说解许氏《说文》,集弟子钱玄同(夏)、朱希祖(逖先)... 2009年的1月12日是先祖父章太炎先生诞辰一百四十周年,北京的学者以出版《章太炎说文解字授课笔记》(下称《笔记》)形式,进行了缅怀与纪念。《笔记》是先祖父1908年流亡日本期间,聚众说解许氏《说文》,集弟子钱玄同(夏)、朱希祖(逖先)、周树人(鲁迅)三人听课笔记而成. 展开更多
关键词 师徒 太炎 诞辰 祖父 北京 巨作 笔记 心血
1.2亿港币 常玉自传式巨作《红底瓶枝》首现拍场
作者 《艺术品鉴》 2022年第10期18-18,共1页
10月7日,常玉巨作《红底瓶枝》在香港苏富比现代艺术晚拍上以1.2亿元港币成交。该画创作于1963年3月,是常玉少数附有明确创作日期的绘画,该作品诞生至今近60年以来从未曝光于拍卖市场。《红底瓶枝》属常玉的花画当中较少数超越一米尺幅... 10月7日,常玉巨作《红底瓶枝》在香港苏富比现代艺术晚拍上以1.2亿元港币成交。该画创作于1963年3月,是常玉少数附有明确创作日期的绘画,该作品诞生至今近60年以来从未曝光于拍卖市场。《红底瓶枝》属常玉的花画当中较少数超越一米尺幅的作品,画中花瓶精巧,花枝蔓延,意境映照出60年代常玉的切身经历。 展开更多
关键词 拍卖市场 常玉 香港苏富比 切身经历 自传式 港币 巨作
作者 苏婵娟 《读书与作文.低年级版》 2009年第11期44-44,共1页
关键词 《你不能改变伟大的巨作 小学 苏婵娟
巨磁致伸缩材料作动器及其谐振频率研究 被引量:3
作者 彭剑 张天丽 +1 位作者 蒋成保 徐惠彬 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期470-475,共6页
快速倾斜镜(FSM)是自适应光学系统中提高系统传输精度的关键器件。针对快速倾斜镜的应用背景,采用巨磁致伸缩材料作为驱动组元,研制适用于新型快速倾斜镜的巨磁致伸缩材料作动器,并对作动器的输出位移、输出力及振动模态进行了研究。采... 快速倾斜镜(FSM)是自适应光学系统中提高系统传输精度的关键器件。针对快速倾斜镜的应用背景,采用巨磁致伸缩材料作为驱动组元,研制适用于新型快速倾斜镜的巨磁致伸缩材料作动器,并对作动器的输出位移、输出力及振动模态进行了研究。采用超高温度梯度区熔定向凝固法制备了具有〈112〉轴向择优取向的TbDyFe巨磁致伸缩合金,其10MPa预压力时平行于外磁场方向的饱和磁致伸缩性能达到0.175%,线性段磁致伸缩性能超过0.12%。所研制的巨磁致伸缩材料作动器的准静态位移超过±40μm,输出力达到1000N以上,并且具有良好的动态响应。巨磁致伸缩材料作动器在1kg负载时的一阶共振频率达到97Hz。这为新型快速倾斜镜系统的研制建立了良好的基础。 展开更多
关键词 磁致伸缩动器 性能测试 谐振频率分析 快速倾斜镜 自适应光学系统
用音乐诠释人物——《悲惨世界》音乐剧艺术元素分析 被引量:3
作者 唐蓉青 《艺海》 2016年第10期47-48,共2页
法国大文学家雨果以法国大革命为背景的长篇史诗巨作《悲惨世界》在文学史上留下辉煌的一笔,后来拍成电影。或许是受到此的启发,作曲家勋伯格,制作家麦今托什和词作家鲍伯利通力合作把《悲惨世界》搬上舞台,从法语到英语,以音乐剧的形... 法国大文学家雨果以法国大革命为背景的长篇史诗巨作《悲惨世界》在文学史上留下辉煌的一笔,后来拍成电影。或许是受到此的启发,作曲家勋伯格,制作家麦今托什和词作家鲍伯利通力合作把《悲惨世界》搬上舞台,从法语到英语,以音乐剧的形式来展示这部恢宏巨作,并形成英语的标准版。当初的难度是可想而知,如何把众多的人物、众多的场景浓缩到小小的舞台?如何通过几个小时完美地讲述完整小说的故事?这些都需要技巧与深厚的音乐与舞台体现的功底。音乐剧《悲惨世界》从文学到戏剧的成功过渡,开创或提升音乐剧不断尝试方式创新的新思路。本文试图从舞台效果与音乐表现来分析音乐剧《悲惨世界》的人物剧情发展。 展开更多
关键词 舞台 恢宏巨作 《悲惨世界》 剧景发展
作者 梁旭 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2017年第4期364-,共1页
关键词 红楼梦 巨作 中国 文化
作者 姜永艳 《出版广角》 北大核心 2005年第8期54-54,共1页
关键词 《摄影大师——500摄影巨作 书评 摄影 摄影家
作者 叶治安 《上海城市管理》 2017年第3期92-92,共1页
米兰不仅是世界顶级的时尚之都,而且拥有几十处享誉寰宇的一流名胜古迹,没有十天半月的时间你根本玩不过来,所以只能根据时间和兴趣进行选择。当然,米兰大教堂和圣玛利亚德尔格契修道院是必去之处。热那亚在12~16世纪期间曾是一个独立... 米兰不仅是世界顶级的时尚之都,而且拥有几十处享誉寰宇的一流名胜古迹,没有十天半月的时间你根本玩不过来,所以只能根据时间和兴趣进行选择。当然,米兰大教堂和圣玛利亚德尔格契修道院是必去之处。热那亚在12~16世纪期间曾是一个独立的海洋共和国,为了争夺海洋和商业霸权,和威尼斯共和国进行过4次大规模的战争,也是历史名城,古迹和名人不胜枚举,哥伦布、帕格尼尼、马志尼等都出生在这块土地上。 展开更多
关键词 世博会 名胜古迹 传世巨作 雕塑博物馆
《中国公路》 2019年第2期121-121,共1页
中国公路学会诚挚出品中国公路行业里程碑式著作6月6日,《中国公路史(第三册)》重磅问世。这是继《中国公路史(第一册)》(先秦至1949年)、《中国公路史(第二册)》(1949年至1990年)之后,记载我国公路事业发展历史的又一巨作。战略规划、... 中国公路学会诚挚出品中国公路行业里程碑式著作6月6日,《中国公路史(第三册)》重磅问世。这是继《中国公路史(第一册)》(先秦至1949年)、《中国公路史(第二册)》(1949年至1990年)之后,记载我国公路事业发展历史的又一巨作。战略规划、基础设施建设、公路运输、行业管理、法制建设、科技教育、体制改革、行业精神文明建设、对外交流、大事记……全书90万字,客观记述、全面总结了1991年至2010年20年间我国公路行业波澜壮阔的发展历程。 展开更多
关键词 中国 公路 发展 行业 建设 大事记 巨作
《中国公路》 2019年第4期122-122,共1页
中国公路行业里程碑式著作6月6日,《中国公路史(第三册)》重磅问世。这是继《中国公路史(第一册)》(先秦至1949年)、《中国公路史(第二册)》(1949年至1990年)之后,记载我国公路事业发展历史的又一巨作。战略规划、基础设施建设、公路运... 中国公路行业里程碑式著作6月6日,《中国公路史(第三册)》重磅问世。这是继《中国公路史(第一册)》(先秦至1949年)、《中国公路史(第二册)》(1949年至1990年)之后,记载我国公路事业发展历史的又一巨作。战略规划、基础设施建设、公路运输、行业管理、法制建设、科技教育、体制改革、行业精神文明建设、对外交流、大事记……全书90万字,客观记述、全面总结了1991年至2010年20年间我国公路行业波澜壮阔的发展历程。饱含对行业的深情,秉承对历史负责的精神,中国公路学会历时5年,倾力打造。 展开更多
关键词 倾力 巨作 中国 建设 历史 行业 公路
作者 佘宗明 《汽车测试报告》 2016年第11期62-67,共6页
如果还不知究竟是怎样的一回事,举一个例子好了。你宁愿吃天下做得最好的一碗素面,还是吃某个蹩脚厨师弄的一味十分难吃的鲍鱼海参?答案很明显吧。但我又再想,换个主题又怎样,你宁愿买一位三流艺术家的毕生巨作,还是买一流艺术家... 如果还不知究竟是怎样的一回事,举一个例子好了。你宁愿吃天下做得最好的一碗素面,还是吃某个蹩脚厨师弄的一味十分难吃的鲍鱼海参?答案很明显吧。但我又再想,换个主题又怎样,你宁愿买一位三流艺术家的毕生巨作,还是买一流艺术家的小品。 展开更多
关键词 艺术家 一流艺术家 三流艺术家 毕生巨作 小品
Hepatocellular carcinoma and macrophage interaction induced tumor immunosuppressionvia Treg requires TLR4 signaling 被引量:20
作者 Jing Yang Jin-Xiang Zhang +3 位作者 Hui Wang Guo-Liang Wang Qing-Gang Hu Qi-Chang Zheng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第23期2938-2947,共10页
AIM: To investigated the interaction between toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-activated hepatoma cells and macrophages in the induction of tumor-immune suppression mediated by CD4+CD25high family of transcription factor P3... AIM: To investigated the interaction between toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-activated hepatoma cells and macrophages in the induction of tumor-immune suppression mediated by CD4+CD25high family of transcription factor P3 (FOXP3) regulatory T cells (Tregs). METHODS: The proportion of FOXP3+ Tregs was identified in peripheral blood and tumor tissues of 60 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients. TLR4 expression was examined in tumor tissues and cell lines. The correlation was examined between FOXP3+ Tregs in peripheral blood and TLR4 expression of HCC tissues. Following activation of TLR4 in H22 murine hepatoma cells pre-incubated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and co-cultured with macrophage cell line RAW246.7, the synthesis of cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α, CCL22, and interleukin (IL)-10 by the two cell lines was detected and analyzed. RESULTS: FOXP3+ Tregs were enriched in tumor sites, and circulating FOXP3+ Tregs were increased in HCC patients in correlation with multiple tumor foci and up-regulated TLR4 expression in HCC tissues. Semi-quantitative analysis indicated that TLR4 was over-expressed in HCC compared with the matched normal tissues. Cell cultivation experiments indicated that the mRNAs of IL-10 and CCL22 were significantly up-regulated in the RAW246.7 cell line when co-cultured with LPS preincubated H22 cells. CONCLUSION: In hepatoma cell lines, TLR4 may indirectly facilitate the recruitment of Tregs to the tumor site and promote intrahepatic metastasis through its interaction with macrophages. 展开更多
关键词 CD4+CD25^high FOXP3+ regulatory T cell Toll-like receptor Tumor immunity Hepatocellular car-cinoma MACROPHAGE
Genetic interactions and modifi er genes in Hirschsprung's disease 被引量:5
作者 Adam S Wallace Richard B Anderson 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第45期4937-4944,共8页
Hirschsprung's disease is a congenital disorder that occurs in 1:5000 live births. It is characterised by an absence of enteric neurons along a variable region of the gastrointestinal tract. Hirschsprung's dis... Hirschsprung's disease is a congenital disorder that occurs in 1:5000 live births. It is characterised by an absence of enteric neurons along a variable region of the gastrointestinal tract. Hirschsprung's disease is classified as a multigenic disorder, because the same phenotype is associated with mutations in multiple distinct genes. Furthermore, the genetics of Hirschsprung's disease are highly complex and not strictly Mendelian. The phenotypic variability and incomplete penetrance observed in Hirschsprung' s disease also suggests the involvement of modifier genes. Here, we summarise the current knowledge of the genetics underlying Hirschsprung's disease based on human and animal studies, focusing on the principal causative genes, their interactions, and the role of modif ier genes. 展开更多
关键词 Neural crest Enteric nervous system Hirschsprung’s disease AGANGLIONOSIS Modif ier genes
作者 郭子健 朱元珏 +3 位作者 刘秉慈 朱亚玲 赵文理 陈勇 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1996年第1期25-27,共3页
Progressive inflammation and fibrosis are the central processes in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis. It is believed that macrophages in areas of chronically inflamed lung play a key role in fibrotic response. Th... Progressive inflammation and fibrosis are the central processes in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis. It is believed that macrophages in areas of chronically inflamed lung play a key role in fibrotic response. Therefore, we investigated the effects of alveolar macrophage (AmΦ) conditioned media from interstitial lung disease (ILD) patients on lung fibroblast proliferation and procollagen mRNA expression. After stimulating with AmΦ conditioned media from ILD patients, the fibroblast proliferation increased 71. 4 % compared with the control, but for media from bronchial carcinoma (BC) patients, it just increased 14. 3%. There is a significant difference between the two groups (P<0. 05). The procollagen a1 (Ⅰ) mRNA in fibroblasts stimulated with AmΦ conditioned media from ILD patients was increased 21. 3 %, and a1 ( Ⅲ) was 37. 2% higher than control (P<0.05). It increased 6. 8% and 12. 8% for media from BC patients respectively, but there was no difference when compared to the control. We considered that AmΦ from ILD patients might be in an activated state and could release some growth factors to stimulate fibroblast proliferation and promote collagen DNA expression. 展开更多
关键词 interstitial lung disease alveolar macrophage PROCOLLAGEN
作者 RongHe QiangRuan ChangXia Lan-qingLiu Sheng-minLǔ YingLu YingQi Yan-pingMa QingLiu Yao-huaJi 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2004年第4期293-297,共5页
Objective To explore the relationship between human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL144 sequence variability and clinical disease. Methods HCMV UL144 open reading frame (ORF) was amplified by PCR assay in 72 lowpassage isola... Objective To explore the relationship between human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL144 sequence variability and clinical disease. Methods HCMV UL144 open reading frame (ORF) was amplified by PCR assay in 72 lowpassage isolates [65 con-genitally infective children and 7 healthy children who were HCMV-DNA positive by quantitative PCR (qPCR)]. All positive PCR products were analyzed by heteroduplex mobility assay and single-stranded conformation polymorphism (HMA-SSCP) and 32 of them were sequenced. Results Fifty-five patient isolates and five healthy children isolates were HCMV-UL144 positive by PCR. Sequencing and HMA-SSCP analysis showed that significant strain-specific variability was present in the UL144 ORF. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the nucleotide sequences could be separated into 3 major genotypes. Comparing between UL144 se-quences and the corresponding symptoms showed that genotype 2 did not exist in megacolon isolates. And genotype 1 and 3 were the major types among microcephaly and jaundice isolates respectively. Conclusions HCMV-UL144 existed in most of low passage isolates and sequences were hypervariable. The UL144 ORF and its predicted product with the high level of sequence variability in different kinds of isolates suggest that UL144 ORF might play a role in HCMV infectivity and subsequent diseases. 展开更多
关键词 human cytomegalovirus UL144 open reading frame VARIABILITY
Proteomics of the differential protein expressions in human glioma cell line U251 cells infected with human cytomegalovirus,as demonstrated by the surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization(SELDI)protein chip system
作者 ZHI JUN LIU BIN WANG +5 位作者 YING TIAN ZHI QIANG BAI SHOU YI DING Xu XIA SONG ZHI YONG YAN DONG MENG QIAN 《Journal of Microbiology and Immunology》 2007年第1期46-51,共6页
The proteomics of the differential protein expressions in human glioma cell line U251 cells infected with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) was investigated at the protein level by using the surface enhanced laser desorp... The proteomics of the differential protein expressions in human glioma cell line U251 cells infected with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) was investigated at the protein level by using the surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization (SELDI) protein chip system in order to develop a method of study for the pathogenesis of HCMV infection. In this study, the cultured U251 cells were infected with HCMV in good condition and the supernatants of lysates and the extracellular fluids of the cultivated infected cells were quantitatively defined for the expressed proteins. The proteomics of the differential protein expression in cells before and after infection was analyzed by WCX2 arrays on the protein chip reader. It was demonstrated that the eytopathic effects of infected cells appeared on the 5th day after infection, however, the differential protein expression was evident at 6 h after infection as revealed by RT-PCR and mass spectrometry. The protein peaks captured from different batches of samples, from the same sample detected with different arrays or for the different times were all equivalent. With the molecular weight range from 2000 Da to 3000 Da, chip captured 82 peaks from the intracellular fluids and 11 protein peak from the cellular fluid in which compared with the control group, the protein peaks with molecular weight of 13 536.3 Da, 10 046.1 Da and 17 106.2 Da were close to those of β-amyloid protein, caspase-1 precursor and LPS-induced TNF-α factor respectively, which showed brief up-regulation 4 h after infection, and continued to raise 48 h later. These results infer that these proteins may be related to the apoptosis induced by HCMV infection, thus suggesting that the apoptosis induced by HCMV infection may play a role in the pathogenesis of HCMV infection. 展开更多
关键词 SELDI protein chip U251 cells HCMV Protein expression
The molecular mechanisms of Yang Wei Kang Liu powder on anticancer and reducing chemotherapy side-effect in combination with chemotherapy
作者 Guizhi Sun Zhikui Wu Jinyu Lu Wenping Lu Xun Wang 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第5期287-291,共5页
Objective:We studied the molecular mechanisms of Yang Wei Kang Liu Power(YWKL,traditional Chinese medicine for nourishing stomach and anticancer) on anticancer and reducing chemotherapy side-effect in combination with... Objective:We studied the molecular mechanisms of Yang Wei Kang Liu Power(YWKL,traditional Chinese medicine for nourishing stomach and anticancer) on anticancer and reducing chemotherapy side-effect in combination with chemotherapy.Methods:615 pre-cancer mouse model of YWKL for 10 days and CTX 1 time,semi-quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) to detect bone marrow granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor(GM-CSF) gene and cancer proto-oncogene Bcl-2,c-myc expression.Results:YWKL in combination with chemotherapy could obviously promoted the expression of GM-CSF gene and inhibited the expression of Bcl-2 and c-myc oncogenes of FC 615 mice.Conclusion:The molecular mechanisms of anticancer and reducing chemotherapy side-effect of YWKL in combination with chemotherapy are to promote the expression of GM-CSF gene and inhibit the expression of Bcl-2 and c-myc oncogenes. 展开更多
关键词 Yang Wei Kang Liu powder granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor(GM-CSF) Bcl-2 oncogene c-myc oncogene
《太史公自序》講義 被引量:2
作者 來新夏 《中国典籍与文化论丛》 2013年第1期135-189,共55页
前言《太史公自序》是全部史記的網要,它不僅使我們從中了解到司馬遷的家世、學術觀點和史記的體制,而且又扼要地介紹了所有紀、表、書、傅的主要内容,是《史記》全書的提要目録。前人對這篇巨作有過研究,《史記匯注考證》對此作過一些... 前言《太史公自序》是全部史記的網要,它不僅使我們從中了解到司馬遷的家世、學術觀點和史記的體制,而且又扼要地介紹了所有紀、表、書、傅的主要内容,是《史記》全書的提要目録。前人對這篇巨作有過研究,《史記匯注考證》對此作過一些彙集的工作,頗便參考,其單獨箋釋考證此文的,當以高步瀛先生《史記太史公自序箋證》最爲宏富,廣徵諸家而能審是定非,於鑽研此文,尤有裨益。 展开更多
关键词 觀點 自序 全書 傳記 學術 巨作 史記
作者 徐云梅 《华西语文学刊》 2011年第1期244-247+271,共4页
(北京:人民文学出版社,1958年版)一、引语'开谈不说《红楼梦》,读尽诗书是枉然。'(《京都竹枝词》)作为中国四大名著之一的《红楼梦》,在中国文学史上的地位及其深远影响是毋庸置疑的。多少年来,一代代的文人学者对研究《红楼... (北京:人民文学出版社,1958年版)一、引语'开谈不说《红楼梦》,读尽诗书是枉然。'(《京都竹枝词》)作为中国四大名著之一的《红楼梦》,在中国文学史上的地位及其深远影响是毋庸置疑的。多少年来,一代代的文人学者对研究《红楼梦》孜孜不倦。谈到对于古籍的研究,不论从哪个角度分析,或多或少都会涉及它的版本问题,而《红楼梦》这部伟大巨作的版本问题尤为特殊,也尤为重要。 展开更多
关键词 研究 竹枝词 问题 中国 版本 校本 诗书 巨作
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