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复古未来主义与蒸汽朋克:《差分机》中的后现代主义戏仿 被引量:3
作者 吕广钊 《探索与批评》 2021年第1期45-60,共16页
近年来,以《差分机》为代表的蒸汽朋克作品正取得越来越高的关注度。受益于其独特的“复古未来主义”叙事方式,《差分机》塑造了一个维多利亚时代与信息时代相融合的虚构世界,实现了对19世纪诸多历史事件的再现,比如抵抗科技霸权的卢德... 近年来,以《差分机》为代表的蒸汽朋克作品正取得越来越高的关注度。受益于其独特的“复古未来主义”叙事方式,《差分机》塑造了一个维多利亚时代与信息时代相融合的虚构世界,实现了对19世纪诸多历史事件的再现,比如抵抗科技霸权的卢德运动以及学术界对均变论和灾变论的辩论。在“复古”与“未来”的双重编码过程中,蒸汽朋克对维多利亚历史的重新演绎体现出强烈的后现代隐喻,反映了琳达·哈琴眼中后现代“戏仿”以及其中所蕴含的丰富历史性与政治性。同时,《差分机》中的“时代错置”还反思了当下社会中科技对社会话语的全方位介入和渗透,表现了作者对受信息技术加持所产生的“符号化”社会的批判性思考。 展开更多
关键词 蒸汽朋克 差分机 复古未来主义 哈琴
作者 韩一铭 《金华职业技术学院学报》 2022年第5期51-57,共7页
由“蒸汽”与“朋克”两词组合而成的“蒸汽朋克”于二十世纪八十年代为美国科幻小说家K.W.Jeter所创造,其中融合了英国维多利亚蒸汽时代的工业文明与战后二十世纪七十年代英国新兴的朋克音乐艺术,以瑰丽幻想的手段创造出未来科技的动... 由“蒸汽”与“朋克”两词组合而成的“蒸汽朋克”于二十世纪八十年代为美国科幻小说家K.W.Jeter所创造,其中融合了英国维多利亚蒸汽时代的工业文明与战后二十世纪七十年代英国新兴的朋克音乐艺术,以瑰丽幻想的手段创造出未来科技的动力感与时尚感。被誉为“蒸汽朋克”圣经小说的《差分机》讲述了英国知名数学家查尔斯·巴贝奇所发明的一种以蒸汽机为动力的计算机,使社会超前进入信息化时代“。蒸汽朋克”以其虚构性、怀旧性、未来性形成了“未来复古主义”的文化思潮,为科幻文学构建了创新意识、拓展了思维迭送、丰富了视觉内容“。蒸汽朋克”经短暂的发展,已成为当下广为人知的亚文化潮流之一,其元素包括蒸汽机车、阀门、齿轮、锅炉、铆钉、装甲、升降机等,并以包罗万象的姿态融进生活的诸多领域。《差分机》警示人类只有领悟绿色科技的哲学内核,方可拯救地球家园,造福于自我。 展开更多
关键词 未来复古主义 差分机 蒸汽朋克
作者 李锋 《英美文学研究论丛》 2020年第1期140-150,共11页
蒸汽朋克以19世纪的英美为时代背景,假想某些重大科技(尤其是与蒸汽相关的技术)提前问世并主导社会生活、改变历史走向的或然场景。作为这一文类的奠基之作,小说《差分机》以计算机技术提早一个世纪问世的维多利亚时代的伦敦为背景,描... 蒸汽朋克以19世纪的英美为时代背景,假想某些重大科技(尤其是与蒸汽相关的技术)提前问世并主导社会生活、改变历史走向的或然场景。作为这一文类的奠基之作,小说《差分机》以计算机技术提早一个世纪问世的维多利亚时代的伦敦为背景,描写了几个主人公卷入一套神秘的打孔卡片的故事,作品体现出作者对人类历史的丰富想象和深入思考。本文从历史真实性、碎片化叙述、对现实的指涉、历史发展规律四个角度入手,对《差分机》进行系统解读,相关内容包括蒸汽朋克中的真假虚实、混杂而矛盾的历史碎片、后福特主义的社会寓言、历史的偶然性与随机性,旨在通过这一典型案例分析,深入把握蒸汽朋克的写作特点与历史观念。 展开更多
关键词 威廉·吉布森 布鲁斯·斯特林 差分机 蒸汽朋克 或然历史小说
作者 傅茂龙 孟文 +2 位作者 孟祥印 杨子镱 罗锦泽 《计算机测量与控制》 2024年第1期92-98,共7页
管沟机器人是一种运行在排水管道,公路排水渠的欠驱动差分移动机器人,针对管沟机器人在实际环境中受到的复杂环境干扰,为了使管沟机器人具有更好的运动控制性能,提出了一种内外环的滑模自抗扰控制方法;首先对管沟受到的复杂环境干扰进... 管沟机器人是一种运行在排水管道,公路排水渠的欠驱动差分移动机器人,针对管沟机器人在实际环境中受到的复杂环境干扰,为了使管沟机器人具有更好的运动控制性能,提出了一种内外环的滑模自抗扰控制方法;首先对管沟受到的复杂环境干扰进行分析,将管沟机器人受到的复杂环境干扰解耦成横向和纵向干扰,建立出在干扰情况下的运动学模型;依据理想运动学模型建立出外环的滑模控制器,得出理想控制律,依据干扰运动学模型建立扩张状态观测器,观测出环境干扰数值,从而建立内环的滑模控制器,利用观测值修正外环的理想控制律;同时利用Lyapunov稳定性原理对系统进行分析,最后搭建了Matlab的Simulink模型进行仿真验证,最终证明了所提出的方法具有较强的鲁棒性和运动控制性能。 展开更多
关键词 复杂环境干扰 管沟机器人 欠驱动差分机移动器人 扩张状态观测器 内外环滑模控制
查尔斯·巴贝奇──计算机史上被误判的先驱者 被引量:2
作者 浦根祥 钱卉 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第1期56-67,共12页
关键词 计算机 差分机 英国 科学体制
爱尼亚克族谱记 被引量:2
作者 戴吾三 《科学》 2016年第1期54-58,4,共5页
关键词 ENIAC 差分机计算机 巴比奇 莫奇利 阿塔纳索夫
Frequency Response Computation and Error Analyses 被引量:5
作者 姚晓先 林凡 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第4期381-385,共5页
Aim To derive the error formulae for the algorithm of frequency response computation. Methods This algorithm was introduced theoretically, the error sources of the algorithm were analyzed and the formulae of the mai... Aim To derive the error formulae for the algorithm of frequency response computation. Methods This algorithm was introduced theoretically, the error sources of the algorithm were analyzed and the formulae of the main error were derived. Results The repeatability and stability of the processing results of the algorithm are better than those measured by 1250 Frequency Analysor. Conclusion The error formulae derived are theoretically right and practically valid. 展开更多
关键词 frequency response error analysis computer aided test
作者 信明堂 《继续教育》 1989年第4期17-19,共3页
我们不少同志恐怕都有过这样的体验:有时候,一个疑难问题长时间地萦绕于脑际,虽绞尽了脑汁,但一时却怎么也想不出解决办法来,似乎陷入了“山重水复疑无路“的困境。但令人莫名其妙的是,不知什么时候,脑子里会突然冒出一个念头来,于是茅... 我们不少同志恐怕都有过这样的体验:有时候,一个疑难问题长时间地萦绕于脑际,虽绞尽了脑汁,但一时却怎么也想不出解决办法来,似乎陷入了“山重水复疑无路“的困境。但令人莫名其妙的是,不知什么时候,脑子里会突然冒出一个念头来,于是茅塞顿开,问题迎刃而解,正所谓“柳暗花明又一村”。这就是我们常说的“灵感”,即突然间产生的新形象、新概念、新思想或突然的、预想不到的顿悟或理解。 展开更多
关键词 灵感思维 山重水复疑无路 又一村 富克斯函数 思维过程 感受能力 差分机 数学研究 创造性思维 创造能力
Pilot Study of Molecular Mechanism on Vasculogenic Mimicry in Bi-directional Differentiated Malignant Tumors 被引量:2
作者 孙保存 张诗武 +2 位作者 赵秀兰 张丹芳 郝希山 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第1期50-52,68,共4页
Objective: To investigate the role of collagen IV and PAS positive substancesecreted by tumor cells in vasculogenic mimicry (VM) and the effects of VM on tumor cells expressingVEGF. Methods: 158 cases of bi-direction ... Objective: To investigate the role of collagen IV and PAS positive substancesecreted by tumor cells in vasculogenic mimicry (VM) and the effects of VM on tumor cells expressingVEGF. Methods: 158 cases of bi-direction differential malignant tumor specimens withparaffin-embedded were enrolled into our study and made tissue microarray which were dual-stainedwith CD31-PAS and stained with collagen IV. The difference of the areas and distribution withpattern surrounded by between CD31 and PAS positive respectively were identified via grid-counting,as well as the difference of VEGF expression with VE absent and present. Results: The basementmembrane of VM was both PAS and collagen IV positive. VEGF expression in the bi-directiondifferential malignant tumor was higher VM-absent than VM-present and the difference wasstatistically significance in malignant melanoma and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (P 【 0.05).Conclusion: PAS positive substance and collagen IV compose the wall of VE and VE could provide theoxygen and nutrition for tumor growth and progression. 展开更多
关键词 bi-direction differential malignant tumor vasculogenic mimicry dual-staining tissue microarray
Anti-cracking mechanism of diatomite asphalt and diatomite asphalt mixture at low temperature 被引量:8
作者 谭忆秋 单丽岩 +1 位作者 房军 张兴友 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期74-78,共5页
A kind of neat asphalt and three kinds of diatomite asphalt are tested using differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). The anti-cracking mechanism of diatomite asphalt is analyzed by DSC and the thermal stress restrai... A kind of neat asphalt and three kinds of diatomite asphalt are tested using differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). The anti-cracking mechanism of diatomite asphalt is analyzed by DSC and the thermal stress restrained specimen test(TSRST) of the asphalt mixtures. The results show that the low temperature performance of diatomite asphalt is better than that of neat asphalt. The glass transition temperature can reflect the low temperature performance of the diatomite asphalt better and has a good relationship with breaking temperatures. Besides, the TSRST, the bending test, the compressing test and the contraction coefficient test are used to study the low temperature performance of the diatomite asphalt mixture. The results prove that the low temperature performance of the diatomite asphalt mixture is better than that of the neat asphalt mixture. The critical bending strain energy density and the compressing strain energy density of the diatomite asphalt mixture are greater than those of the neat asphalt mixture. After adding diatomite to the asphalt mixture, the contraction coefficient is reduced. Based on the above results, the anti-cracking mechanism of the diatomite asphalt mixture is analyzed from the angle of contraction performance and breaking energy. 展开更多
关键词 diatomite asphalt low temperature performance glass transition temperature differential scanning calorimetry anticracking mechanism
《中学生数理化(七年级数学)(华师大版)》 2008年第Z3期96-96,共1页
关键词 数学运算 平方表 差分机 技术水准 至善 执行结果 能将 数字的 令人
《大众科学》 2015年第12期22-23,共2页
这是一个不太为人们熟知,却在计算机史上不能忽视的名字:查尔斯·巴贝奇。他被称为“计算机之父”,虽然他穷极一生也未能制造出他描述的机器,但是他那超前了一个世纪的设想,却是现代计算机理论设计的雏形。现今出版的许多计算... 这是一个不太为人们熟知,却在计算机史上不能忽视的名字:查尔斯·巴贝奇。他被称为“计算机之父”,虽然他穷极一生也未能制造出他描述的机器,但是他那超前了一个世纪的设想,却是现代计算机理论设计的雏形。现今出版的许多计算机书籍扉页里,都登载着巴贝奇的照片:宽阔的额,狭长的嘴,锐利的目光显得有些愤世嫉俗,坚定但绝非缺乏幽默的外貌,给人以一种极富深邃思想的学者形象。 展开更多
关键词 巴贝奇 差分机 开山鼻祖 卡辛 运算精度 深邃思想 加工设备 托特 用表 上帝知道
4.计算机 早生的神童
《国家人文历史》 2010年第9期20-21,共2页
1862年的伦敦世博会上,一项神奇的发明将在100多年后改变世界的面貌,尽管那个时候,它的出现并不为人们看好。这件发明就是现代计算机的鼻祖。在今天出版的许多计算机书籍的扉页里,都登载着一位名叫查尔斯·巴贝奇的英国发明者的照片... 1862年的伦敦世博会上,一项神奇的发明将在100多年后改变世界的面貌,尽管那个时候,它的出现并不为人们看好。这件发明就是现代计算机的鼻祖。在今天出版的许多计算机书籍的扉页里,都登载着一位名叫查尔斯·巴贝奇的英国发明者的照片:宽阔的额,狭长的嘴,坚定而锐利的目光显得有些愤世嫉俗。 展开更多
关键词 巴贝奇 集成电路计算机 世博会 差分机 数学用表 分析机 现代 法国 设计方案 解析机
《小学科学(学生版)》 2017年第5期4-7,共4页
在很多科幻、奇幻、动漫电影以及电子游戏中,存在着这样一个奇妙的世界:这个世界与现实的文明世界很相似,却又有着很多不同。这个世界里的人会魔法,但也乘坐蒸汽火车或热气球,这个世界是机械与魔法的混合体,它的名字叫作“蒸汽朋克”... 在很多科幻、奇幻、动漫电影以及电子游戏中,存在着这样一个奇妙的世界:这个世界与现实的文明世界很相似,却又有着很多不同。这个世界里的人会魔法,但也乘坐蒸汽火车或热气球,这个世界是机械与魔法的混合体,它的名字叫作“蒸汽朋克”。解释一下怪名字蒸汽朋克是一个由科幻作家想象出来的世界,当然并不真实存在。 展开更多
关键词 差分机 哈尔的移动城堡 混合体 宫崎骏 日本动画 维多利亚女王 巴贝奇 日不落帝国 《哈利·波特》 维多利亚时代
作者 余雄庆 杨景佐 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1995年第1期80-86,共7页
In this paper, a computer visualization approach is proposed for electromagnetic wave interaction with structures by mains of finite difference-time doain method (F-D) and computer graphics. By visualization of FDTD, ... In this paper, a computer visualization approach is proposed for electromagnetic wave interaction with structures by mains of finite difference-time doain method (F-D) and computer graphics. By visualization of FDTD, Phenomena such as wave propagation, penetration through structures, renection and absorption by structures are observed. Visualization of electromagnetic wave interactions with two wing-shaped structures is demonstrated. These examples indicate that the approach describe in the paper offers an effective way for investigating electromagnetic wave phenomena and is helpful to the engineers in controlling radar signature of the targets. 展开更多
关键词 electromagnetic wave scattering finite difference method radar targets computer visualization ANIMATION
Precise large deviation result for heavy-tailed random sums and applications to risk theory
作者 杨洋 林金官 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第3期498-501,共4页
The differences between two sequences of nonnegative independent and identically distributed random variables with sub-exponential tails and the random index are studied. The random index is a strictly stationary rene... The differences between two sequences of nonnegative independent and identically distributed random variables with sub-exponential tails and the random index are studied. The random index is a strictly stationary renewal counting process generated by some negatively associated random variables. Using a revised large deviation result of partial sums, the elementary renewal theorem and the central limit theorem of negatively associated random variables, a precise large deviation result is derived for the random sums. The result is applied to the customer-arrival-based insurance risk model. Some uniform asymptotics for the ruin probabilities of an insurance company are obtained as the number of customers or the time tends to infinity. 展开更多
关键词 precise large deviation random sum sub-exponential distribution renewal counting process customer-arrival-based insurance risk model
Formation mechanism and modulation of electromagnetically induced transparency-like transmission in side-coupled structures 被引量:2
作者 杨辉 李宏建 +3 位作者 许秀科 何智慧 王云 徐国均 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期2020-2026,共7页
Based on Fabry model and finite-different time-domain(FDTD) method, the plasmonic structure composed of a metal-insulator-metal(MIM) bus waveguide and a side-coupled resonator was investigated. It is found that the tr... Based on Fabry model and finite-different time-domain(FDTD) method, the plasmonic structure composed of a metal-insulator-metal(MIM) bus waveguide and a side-coupled resonator was investigated. It is found that the transmission features can be regulated by the cavity width and coupling distance. Electromagnetically induced transparency(EIT)-like transmission can be excited by adding an identical resonator on the pre-existing structure. Combining the foregoing theoretical analysis with coupled mode theory(CMT), the formation process of the EIT-like transmission was detailedly analyzed. EIT-like transmission can also be excited in plasmonic structure with two detuned resonators. By altering the structure parameters, the transparency window can be purposefully modulated. With the merits of compact structure and simplicity in fabrication, the proposed structures may have a broad prospect of applications in highly integrated optical circuits. 展开更多
关键词 metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguide side-coupled resonator electromagnetically induced transpareucy (EIT)-like transmission formation mechanism
Electrophoresis Analysis on the Protein Expression in Heteromorphic Leaves of Populus euphratica Oliv. 被引量:1
作者 岳宁 郑彩霞 Cai-xia 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期41-45,共5页
[Objective] This study was to elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanism of the development of heteromorphic leaves of Populus euphratica Oliv. [Method] By employing SDS-PAGE and 2-demensional electrophoresis (2-D... [Objective] This study was to elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanism of the development of heteromorphic leaves of Populus euphratica Oliv. [Method] By employing SDS-PAGE and 2-demensional electrophoresis (2-DE) techniques,proteins in various heteromorphic leaves from the same adult tree of P. euphratica were isolated and separated to the electrophoresis technique suitable for the separation and analysis of proteins in leaves of P. euphratica tree. [Results] There were significant differences in the expressions of proteins in various heteromorphic leaves of P. euphratica tree. SDS-PAGE pattern showed that bands of proteins with molecular weight of 57.2,13.2,30.2,23.9 and 33.3 kDa were remarkably different. 2-D electrophoresis pattern presented that proteins in leaves of P. euphratica tree mainly belong to acidic proteins distributed at pH value of 5.0-6.5 and with molecular weight of 20-40 kDa; totally 73 different protein spots were observed,of which 51 were up expressed and other 22 were down expressed in the serrated ovate leaves. [Conclusion] Based on these results,we speculate that regulated gene expression in leaves of P. euphratica tree results in the generation of different shapes of leaves,in order to adapt to the surroundings better. 展开更多
关键词 Populus euphratica Oilv. Heteromorphic leaves SDS-PAGE 2-demensional electrophoresis
Axis intersection measurement of three-axis turntable with two crosshair targets 被引量:3
作者 任顺清 马广程 王常虹 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2005年第3期250-254,共5页
In order to measure three-axis intersection error, two crosshair targets were fixed in the inner axis frame of a three-axis turntable. Also a theodolite was used to point its telescope to the targets and to measure th... In order to measure three-axis intersection error, two crosshair targets were fixed in the inner axis frame of a three-axis turntable. Also a theodolite was used to point its telescope to the targets and to measure the horizontal angles when three axes were on equi-spaced angle positions. The calculation equations of the axis intersection were deduced from the mounting position of the theodolite, positions of two targets, angular positions of three axes, and the measured horizontal angles with the theodolite. Finally, a practical measurement is carried out on a horizontal three-axis turntable and error analysis is conducted. 展开更多
关键词 Axis intersection three-axis turntable THEODOLITE error separation technology homogeneous transformation
Hydraulic cylinder control of injection molding machine based on differential evolution fractional order PID 被引量:2
作者 LI Ya-qiu GU Li-chen +1 位作者 YANG Sha XUE Xu-fei 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2020年第4期317-325,共9页
Injection molding machine,hydraulic elevator,speed actuators belong to variable speed pump control cylinder system.Because variable speed pump control cylinder system is a nonlinear hydraulic system,it has some proble... Injection molding machine,hydraulic elevator,speed actuators belong to variable speed pump control cylinder system.Because variable speed pump control cylinder system is a nonlinear hydraulic system,it has some problems such as response lag and poor steady-state accuracy.To solve these problems,for the hydraulic cylinder of injection molding machine driven by the servo motor,a fractional order proportion-integration-diferentiation(FOPID)control strategy is proposed to realize the speed tracking control.Combined with the adaptive differential evolution algorithm,FOPID control strategy is used to determine the parameters of controller on line based on the test on the servo-motor-driven gear-pump-controlled hydraulic cylinder injection molding machine.Then the slef-adaptive differential evolution fractional order PID controller(SADE-FOPID)model of variable speed pump-controlled hydraulic cylinder is established in the test system with simulated loading.The simulation results show that compared with the classical PID control,the FOPID has better steady-state accuracy and fast response when the control parameters are optimized by the adaptive differential evolution algorithm.Experimental results show that SADE-FOPID control strategy is effective and feasible,and has good anti-load disturbance performance. 展开更多
关键词 variable speed pump-controlled cylinder fractional order proportion-integration-differentiation(FOPID) self-adaptive differential evolution(SADE) injection molding machine control anti-load disturbance
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