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作者 郑宁来 《炼油技术与工程》 CAS 2020年第3期19-19,共1页
挪威著名能源分析公司雷斯塔能源公司(Rystad Energy)公布的最新统计数据和预测,到2030年前,巴西国家石油公司(巴西国油/Petrobras)有望在全球上市石油公司中成为世界上最大的石油生产公司。然而,巴西国油不可能要求更好的结果。这个全... 挪威著名能源分析公司雷斯塔能源公司(Rystad Energy)公布的最新统计数据和预测,到2030年前,巴西国家石油公司(巴西国油/Petrobras)有望在全球上市石油公司中成为世界上最大的石油生产公司。然而,巴西国油不可能要求更好的结果。这个全球产量增长最快的石油生产公司几乎完全控制了布基亚斯油田超过80亿桶的石油储量,巴西国油计划在这个油田建造第6个浮式产油储油和卸油(FPSO)装置。据这家挪威能源分析公司的说法,为了开发这些和其他海上资源,巴西计划在2020年到2025年之间掀起700亿美元的海上资本投资热潮,重点开发海上油田。 展开更多
关键词 家石油公司 全球产量 能源分析 统计数据 巴西国 石油储量 海上油田 生产商
《石油化工腐蚀与防护》 CAS 2015年第2期41-41,共1页
据Rigzone网站2015年4月17日里约热内卢报道,巴西国家石油公司4月16日在里约热内卢宣布,巴国油日前在位于亚马逊盆地的AM-T-84区块内发现了一个新的油气藏。这个新的油气藏是在钻取1-BRSA-1293-AM井时发现的,发现井完钻时总深度为6 693... 据Rigzone网站2015年4月17日里约热内卢报道,巴西国家石油公司4月16日在里约热内卢宣布,巴国油日前在位于亚马逊盆地的AM-T-84区块内发现了一个新的油气藏。这个新的油气藏是在钻取1-BRSA-1293-AM井时发现的,发现井完钻时总深度为6 693英尺(2 040 m)。 展开更多
关键词 油气藏 巴西国 家石油公司 发现井 完钻 钻取 油气储层 中途测试 作业者
《中国船检》 2022年第10期53-53,共1页
2022年10月5日,胜科海事宣布,其全资子公司胜科海事Rigs&Floaters通过国际招标获得巴西国油“P-82”号FPSO的工程、采购和建造(EPC)合同,价格约为30.5亿美元(约合人民币217.04亿元)。这是胜科海事从巴西国油承接的最大合同,将为胜... 2022年10月5日,胜科海事宣布,其全资子公司胜科海事Rigs&Floaters通过国际招标获得巴西国油“P-82”号FPSO的工程、采购和建造(EPC)合同,价格约为30.5亿美元(约合人民币217.04亿元)。这是胜科海事从巴西国油承接的最大合同,将为胜科海事截止2022年6月底约25.2亿新元的手持订单量增加超过42.5亿新元。 展开更多
关键词 际招标 海事 FPSO 全资子公司 巴西国 合同
作者 王然巍 《化石》 2021年第4期17-21,共5页
驰龙科(Dromaeosauridae)是一类中小型的兽脚类恐龙,因电影《侏罗纪公园》,使之成为大众所熟知的明星级恐龙。这种敏捷而凶猛的掠食者,具有锋利的牙齿和特化的第二趾爪,是与鸟类亲缘关系最为密切的非鸟恐龙之一。2021年8月,学术刊物Pape... 驰龙科(Dromaeosauridae)是一类中小型的兽脚类恐龙,因电影《侏罗纪公园》,使之成为大众所熟知的明星级恐龙。这种敏捷而凶猛的掠食者,具有锋利的牙齿和特化的第二趾爪,是与鸟类亲缘关系最为密切的非鸟恐龙之一。2021年8月,学术刊物Papers in Palaeontology报道了一个驰龙类新物种--洛氏水妖龙(Ypupiara lopai)。 展开更多
关键词 学术刊物 第二趾 明星级 巴西国
《船舶与配套》 2016年第11期76-76,共1页
关键词 巴西国 裁员 自愿离职 工人签字
作者 齐铁健(编译) 《加油站服务指南》 2019年第12期76-77,共2页
近日,巴西国家石油公司发表声明称,正在缩减海外加油站的网络规模.公司总裁伊万·蒙泰罗宣布,公司将在年底前关闭五家海外分公司,包括阿根廷、哥伦比亚、乌拉圭、尼日利亚和伊朗.他还确认,公司在坦桑尼亚、利比亚、土耳其等国家的... 近日,巴西国家石油公司发表声明称,正在缩减海外加油站的网络规模.公司总裁伊万·蒙泰罗宣布,公司将在年底前关闭五家海外分公司,包括阿根廷、哥伦比亚、乌拉圭、尼日利亚和伊朗.他还确认,公司在坦桑尼亚、利比亚、土耳其等国家的办事处已经停止办公.巴西国家石油公司还将在年底前出售在巴西38处房产中的4处,以及另外几个国家的办事处.未来,公司将只在玻利维亚、美国、新加坡、荷兰和英国的几个地区设立驻外办事机构. 展开更多
关键词 家石油公司 加油站 坦桑尼亚 尼日利亚 玻利维亚 乌拉圭 巴西国 土耳其
《海运情报》 2016年第6期36-36,共1页
关键词 商业信息 巴西国 大举裁员 非经营性领域
作者 薛洁琼 《国际石油经济》 2015年第8期106-109,共4页
2015年7月 投资与合作 俄气与荷兰公司将在欧洲LNG市场合作 7月2日,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)在一份声明中称,该公司与荷兰天然气管网运营商Gasunie签署了一项合作协议。根据协议,两家公司可能在建造LNG接收终端、LNG加... 2015年7月 投资与合作 俄气与荷兰公司将在欧洲LNG市场合作 7月2日,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)在一份声明中称,该公司与荷兰天然气管网运营商Gasunie签署了一项合作协议。根据协议,两家公司可能在建造LNG接收终端、LNG加气站和其他基础设施的项目上进行合作。 展开更多
关键词 石油公司 市场合作 西北部地区 天然气管网 天然气处理 基础设施 巴西国 立方英尺 页岩气 油气行业
作者 卢雪梅 《中国石化》 2015年第9期84-86,共3页
自2014年下半年起,国际油价趋势开启了看似漫漫无期但不乏戏剧性的下行通道,迄今已逾一年,其间油价有反复,仍不改下挫的大趋势。8月11日WTI油价受人民币大幅贬值的影响,触及6年新低,降至43美元/桶下方。大环境如此糟糕,油气公司为求生... 自2014年下半年起,国际油价趋势开启了看似漫漫无期但不乏戏剧性的下行通道,迄今已逾一年,其间油价有反复,仍不改下挫的大趋势。8月11日WTI油价受人民币大幅贬值的影响,触及6年新低,降至43美元/桶下方。大环境如此糟糕,油气公司为求生存纷纷裁员降薪、降本增效。 展开更多
关键词 油气资源 油气生产 油气公司 资源 裁员降薪 巴西国 下行通道 页岩气 天然气生产 勘探开发投资
《福建体育科技》 1982年第2期17-18,共2页
自从一九七八年正式高挂球鞋之后,“世界足球王”比利的生活显得更加忙碌,近年来,他人大半在美国及日本,有拍不完的广告片,同时也拍电影。一九八二年来十二届世界杯足球赛,剩一百余天就要在西班牙登场了,这位被赞誉为本世纪最伟大运动... 自从一九七八年正式高挂球鞋之后,“世界足球王”比利的生活显得更加忙碌,近年来,他人大半在美国及日本,有拍不完的广告片,同时也拍电影。一九八二年来十二届世界杯足球赛,剩一百余天就要在西班牙登场了,这位被赞誉为本世纪最伟大运动员的足球巨星,前些日子在日本接受访问时,对这次的巴西国家队以及本届世界杯作了分析。如果比利是巴西国教练的话由于近年比利人在美国及日本生活,他没有充分的时间与机会观看巴西队的每一场比赛,所以他对巴西队不愿作断定性的评语, 展开更多
关键词 巴西 世界足球 世界杯足球赛 家教练 巴西国 广告片 世界足坛 荷兰队 世界杯决赛 八年
《音乐世界》 1994年第4期19-19,共1页
关键词 麦当娜 巴西国 提起诉讼 波多
《知识经济.中国直销》 2016年第3期10-11,共2页
三名巴西国脚加盟权健打造女足顶级强队 2016年2月19日,权健女足外援加盟记者会在权健集团总部举行,三名巴西国脚外援和体能教练首次亮相。法比亚娜和加布里埃拉都参加了去年的女足世界杯,丹博拉是现役巴西国脚,参加过2012年伦敦奥运会... 三名巴西国脚加盟权健打造女足顶级强队 2016年2月19日,权健女足外援加盟记者会在权健集团总部举行,三名巴西国脚外援和体能教练首次亮相。法比亚娜和加布里埃拉都参加了去年的女足世界杯,丹博拉是现役巴西国脚,参加过2012年伦敦奥运会;体能教练博纳也曾在巴西国家队和众多豪门执教。权健女足的这次引援,在女足界堪称大手笔,为2016年女足超级联赛争冠打下了坚实的基础。 展开更多
关键词 巴西国 女足世界杯 超级联赛 界堪 伦敦奥运会 比亚 扬帆起航 布里 金马碧鸡坊 韩宗
Comparison of Corn Production Costs in China,the U.S. and Brazil and Its Implications 被引量:3
作者 钱福凤 杨军 Danielle Alencar ParenteTorres 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期731-736,共6页
This paper analyzes the corn production cost in China, the U.S. and Brazil from 1997 to 2014. According to the results,(1) corn production cost in China is the highest among these three countries;(2) the rapid gro... This paper analyzes the corn production cost in China, the U.S. and Brazil from 1997 to 2014. According to the results,(1) corn production cost in China is the highest among these three countries;(2) the rapid growth of labor cost and land cost is the major factor that promotes the increase of total corn production cost in China;(3) the level of agricultural mechanization in China has been gradually improving, and the gap between agricultural mechanization levels in China and other two countries is constantly narrowing;(4) differing from the U.S. and Brazil,China exhibits a "high input, low output" agricultural production mode. Based on the above analyses, corresponding suggestions have been presented to reduce corn production cost in China. 展开更多
关键词 CORN Production cost China the U.S Brazil
Main Technical Differences in the Processing of Broilers: A Comparison between Slaughterhouses in Brazil and UK
作者 Ricardo Lacava Bailone Roberto de Oliveira Roca +1 位作者 Luis de Aguiar Moira Harris 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第2期136-142,共7页
Rapid technological advances in chicken processing in plants around the world have meant that different techniques are being employed regarding the slaughter's flow process. This paper aimed to compare and contrast s... Rapid technological advances in chicken processing in plants around the world have meant that different techniques are being employed regarding the slaughter's flow process. This paper aimed to compare and contrast systems and practices in two large slaughterhouses--one in UK and the other in Brazil. Annotated observations were made during inspection visits to chicken slaughterhouses in the two countries between 2014 and 2016. Whilst there were similarities in the two systems, there are also clear differences. The Brazilian case is evidently adapted for a more tropical condition, rather than the temperate one in UK. The handling practices of birds used during transportation, waiting, stunning as well as pre-cooling differ in techniques employed and consequently likely their efficiencies. In UK, the practices are more geared towards water and energy saving. The difference in market conditions and the length of the respective supply chains also determine the type of primary packaging used in final products. Both countries adhere to similar rulings applied to slaughterhouses. However, in the Brazilian case, it tended to comply with mainly external market demands. In conclusion, managers in the Brazilian poultry system could consider looking into adopting some of the practices used in UK, such as cage/crate dimension which reduce bird's lesions and bruises; the use of stunning by modified atmosphere and pre-cooling for resource efficiency reasons and improvement in animal welfare. Finally, when distances between sites of production and consumption are great such as in Brazil, the use of modified atmosphere technology could be also further explored to ensure better quality of the final product. 展开更多
关键词 ABATTOIR CHICKEN food technology food security poultry.
A Descriptive Research With Family Farmers' Beneficiaries and Non-beneficiaries of the PRONAF in the Municipality of Itapuranga, State of Goias, Brazil
作者 Waltuir Batista Machado Luiz Manoel de Moraes Camargo Almeida Odilon Jose de Oliveira Neto 《Sociology Study》 2013年第4期289-299,共11页
This article is a part of a descriptive survey which aims to characterize, classify, and compare the household production in the Municipality of Itapuranga, State of Goias, Brazil, considering the access to the Nation... This article is a part of a descriptive survey which aims to characterize, classify, and compare the household production in the Municipality of Itapuranga, State of Goias, Brazil, considering the access to the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF) and its respective differentiation between beneficiary and non-beneficiary groups by the program. It applied the technique of group comparison analysis and frequency inquiry, taking into consideration several variables. Information about the origin, distribution and total income, food safety, land property, production diversification, expenditures and participation in social organizations were collected. The sample consisted of 70 producers, the calculation sample was defined by determined value at the confidence level of 90% whereas the sampling error of 7%. The results allowed describing, classifying, characterizing, and comparing the socio-economic and productive profile of farmers from that area and their access to PRONAF. 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural funding family agriculture food safety PRONAF public policy
The New Brazilian Automotive Policy Challenges in the Technological Advancement of Vehicle Security in Brazil
作者 Erik Telles Pascoal Antonio Lopes Nogueira da Silva Valter Silva Ferreira Filho 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第5期291-296,共6页
With almost 23% of the industry's GDP (gross domestic public), the Brazilian automobile industry confirms, once more, to be one of the most important sectors for national economy in the past years. Due to this rele... With almost 23% of the industry's GDP (gross domestic public), the Brazilian automobile industry confirms, once more, to be one of the most important sectors for national economy in the past years. Due to this relevance, in October 2012, the Brazilian government has approved by decree a program of incentive to innovation and intensification of the local productive chain in the automotive industry called "Inovar-Auto". The new Brazilian automotive policy aims by encouraging R & D (research and development) to raise the technological level of vehicles manufactured in country. Undoubtedly, those initiatives contribute hugely for inserting the country on worldwide route of technological development encouraging the local production of safer vehicles and better technological contents. The search for this standard of vehicles has been a subject of several studies in the automotive world and in recent years it has gained importance, including being one of the Inovar-Auto challenges. In this context, this paper aims to present, through a theoretical research, key technologies and vehicle security initiatives developed so far in worldwide and to point out the challenges for development in the national market. 展开更多
关键词 Inovar-Auto vehicle security R D.
Teletandem as a Way of Enhancing Language Learning Between Brazilian and German Students
作者 Suelene Vaz da Silva Francisco Jose Quaresma de Figueiredo Warde da Fonseca-Zang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第10期767-776,共10页
This paper aims at investigating the teletandem learning interactions between a group of Brazilian students from Instituto Federal de Educagao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Estado de Goias, Brazil, and a group of foreign s... This paper aims at investigating the teletandem learning interactions between a group of Brazilian students from Instituto Federal de Educagao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Estado de Goias, Brazil, and a group of foreign students from two German universities. In this study, the Brazilian students helped their foreign partners with Portuguese learning and were helped by them in the English learning. The participants used a synchronous computer software called Openmeetings and also an electronic dictionary as a complementary tool. Adopting a qualitative perspective in the data collection and analysis, this case study was conducted in the second semester of 2010. The data were collected by means of conversation sessions through Openmeetings and were analyzed in the light of studies on sociocultural theory as well as on tandem/teletandem language learning researches. The data analyses showed that the participants used English as an anchoring language to work with Portuguese and English itself, and German was introduced in the teletandem sessions. The data also showed that the whiteboard and the electronic dictionary were used as complementary resources to the use of audio and video for the language learning process the participants engaged in. 展开更多
关键词 language learning Openmeetings teletandem
Use of Thorium in the Generation IV Molten Salt Reactors and Perspectives for Brazil
作者 Jose Antonio Seneda Paulo Ernesto Oliveira Lainetti 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第10期1655-1662,共8页
Interest in thorium stems mainly from the fact that it is expected to have a substantial increase in uranium prices. So, advanced fuel cycles which increase the reserves of nuclear materials are interesting, particula... Interest in thorium stems mainly from the fact that it is expected to have a substantial increase in uranium prices. So, advanced fuel cycles which increase the reserves of nuclear materials are interesting, particularly, the use of thorium is to produce the fissile isotope ^233U. Thorium is three to five times more abundant than uranium in the earth's crust. Additionally, thoria produces less radiotoxicity than the UO2, because it produces fewer amounts of actinides. ThO2 has higher corrosion resistance, besides being chemically stable, and the burning of Pu in a reactor based in thorium also decreases the inventories of Pu from the current fuel cycles. There are some ongoing projects in the world, taking into consideration the proposed goals for Generation IV reactors, namely: sustainability, economics, safety and reliability, proliferation resistance and physical protection. Some developments on the use of thorium in reactors are underway, with the support of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and some govern like molten salt reactor. In this paper, we discuss the future importance of thorium, particularly for Brazil, which has large mineral reserves of this strategic element, the characteristics of the molten salt reactor and the experience of the IPEN (Instituto de Pesquisas Energ6ticas e Nucleares) in the purification of thorium compounds. 展开更多
关键词 Molten salt reactor Generation IV reactors THORIUM uranium-233.
Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Background and Perspectives for Brazil and the United States by 2050
作者 Janaina Camile Pasqual Harry Alberto Bollmann Christopher Scott 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2016年第2期108-120,共13页
Rapid economic growth, increasing populations and emergent prosperity are driving up demand tor energy, water anu food, especially in developing countries. In this scenario, the analysis of these three elements has ga... Rapid economic growth, increasing populations and emergent prosperity are driving up demand tor energy, water anu food, especially in developing countries. In this scenario, the analysis of these three elements has gained the increasing attention globally in research, business and policy spheres. This paper aims to provide an analysis of the perspectives of this nexus for Brazil and the United States, using current and predicted scenario for 2050. Considering the importance of renewable sources of energy to overcome these challenges and diversify the energy matrix in both countries, the paper will also present the biogas potential for both countries, which provides multiple economic, environmental and social benefits, such as electrical, thermal and vehicular energy, high-quality biofertilizer, reduction of odor and pathogenic vectors in the farms, decrease of ground and surface water pollution, promotion of new income for the farmers, reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions, among others. 展开更多
关键词 Water-energy-food nexus sustainability renewable energy biogas.
Biogas Perspectives in Livestock Sector in Brazil and the United States: Electric, Thermal and Vehicular Energy Use
作者 Janaina Camile Pasqual Harry Alberto Bollmann Christopher Scott 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2017年第4期258-273,共16页
The demand for energy, water and food will continuously increase, as the prediction states that 2.5 billion people will be added to the world population by 2050, representing not only an increase in the consumption bu... The demand for energy, water and food will continuously increase, as the prediction states that 2.5 billion people will be added to the world population by 2050, representing not only an increase in the consumption but also more waste production, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and depletion of natural resources. Taking into account that renewable sources of energy can help to overcome these challenges and diversify the energy matrix in the countries, this paper aims at analyzing the biogas potential in Brazil and the United States, especially in the livestock sector, and its benefits in the environmental, social and economic aspects. Both countries are among the top five countries globally in terms of water availability, energy consumption and food production. Until 2050, the world consumption of meat will have a significant increase: 206% of poultry meat, 56% of pork meat and 47% of beef meat, augmenting the need for sustainable management of waste and manure. This scenario can become a sustainable opportunity for biogas implementation, which provides multiple economic, environmental and social benefits for farmers, businesses and communities, including production of electrical, thermal and vehicular energy, production of high-quality biofertilizer, reduction of ground and surface water pollution and reduction of GHG emissions, and foments new income for the farmers, among others. A new concept is presented in this article to make biogas systems feasible, i.e., biogas condominiums, as small and medium-scale farms by themselves usually would not be able to afford the investments. This arrangement can bring benefits for the whole biogas supply chain that includes farmers, agroindustry, providers and local community. 展开更多
关键词 Biogas condominiums BIOMETHANE LIVESTOCK climate changes.
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