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作者 李立岩 汪小南 《城市道桥与防洪》 2023年第9期300-306,M0024,共8页
预制构件市场价格是装配式建筑总成本的关键组成部分,建设行政管理部门需要通过及时发布市场信息价来引导和规范预制构件市场。为克服信息价发布存在的时滞性,实现精细化、及时性管理,提出预制构件市场信息价的及时动态测算方法,通过构... 预制构件市场价格是装配式建筑总成本的关键组成部分,建设行政管理部门需要通过及时发布市场信息价来引导和规范预制构件市场。为克服信息价发布存在的时滞性,实现精细化、及时性管理,提出预制构件市场信息价的及时动态测算方法,通过构建马尔科夫优化后的SCGM(1,1)c预测模型实现对信息价周期内主要波动项人材机费用的预测,再将其代入信息价测算模型中实现市场信息价的动态测算。以W市预制外墙板市场信息价为例进行实证分析,结果表明:基于马尔科夫SCGM(1,1)c预测模型能够很好地满足预制构件市场信息价提前预测的需求,MAPE值为0.81%,相比于其他3种常用的价格预测方法,具有更强的适应性和稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 预制构件 市场信息价 动态测算 SCGM(1 1)c预测模型
安徽省商品混凝土行业交易自律简析 被引量:1
作者 杨德云 《混凝土》 CAS CSCD 2003年第10期14-16,共3页
 商品混凝土需求量的逐渐增长,带动了商品混凝土搅拌站的快速发展。随着商品混凝土市场竞争日趋激烈,价格从暴利到微利甚至亏本,反映出市场还不健全、不规范,缺乏有效的调控和引导。商品混凝土的竞相压价,必然要求水泥等原材料价格的降...  商品混凝土需求量的逐渐增长,带动了商品混凝土搅拌站的快速发展。随着商品混凝土市场竞争日趋激烈,价格从暴利到微利甚至亏本,反映出市场还不健全、不规范,缺乏有效的调控和引导。商品混凝土的竞相压价,必然要求水泥等原材料价格的降低,从而影响到原材料市场的价格秩序,造成连锁反应。愈演愈烈的商品混凝土市场压价竞争,不仅会给行业的生存和发展带来危害,还会给城市的建设和相关行业的发展带来不利影响。加强对商品混凝土市场价格的有效调控和引导已是当务之急。要规范越来越混乱的商品混凝土市场价格,应当通过实行行业自律价和市场交易信息价来实现,本文对商品混凝土行业自律价的制定和实施措施进行分析研究,建议商品混凝土行业自律价制定及调整采取的方法。阐述维护商品混凝土市场的稳定,确保正常的市场价格秩序的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 商品混凝土 竞争 自律 市场交易信息
Voluntary Disclosure and the Type of Product Market Competition: Capacity vs. Price 被引量:1
作者 Yong-Chul Shin 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第4期505-526,共22页
This paper investigates empirically the effect of different types of product market competition on levels of voluntary disclosure of proprietary information in financial markets. The author proposes that there are two... This paper investigates empirically the effect of different types of product market competition on levels of voluntary disclosure of proprietary information in financial markets. The author proposes that there are two types of strategic interaction settings relevant to disclosure: capacity competition and price competition. Capacity competition drives firms to disclose more information to attain financial market valuation-related benefits, while price competition drives them to disclose less to protect long-term product market advantages. The author finds that the type of product market competition affects the level of voluntary disclosure over and above the finn's external financing needs documented in the previous literature. That is, firms engaged in capacity competition disclose relatively more information than those in price competition. Further analysis shows that capacity competition firms disclose more information than no-strategic-interaction benchmark firms but that price competition firms do not disclose less information than the benchmark firms. 展开更多
关键词 voluntary disclosure capacity competition price competition strategic interactions
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