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作者 覃哲 《文化与传播》 2013年第6期24-29,共6页
本文以2009年番禺垃圾焚烧厂选址风波为例,探讨都市媒体所传递的信息对邻避社会运动参与者集体认同的构建过程以及都市媒介积极介入邻避冲突中的市场动因。本文通过考察广州的都市报纸在运动之前及其运动过程中的新闻报道以及广告信息,... 本文以2009年番禺垃圾焚烧厂选址风波为例,探讨都市媒体所传递的信息对邻避社会运动参与者集体认同的构建过程以及都市媒介积极介入邻避冲突中的市场动因。本文通过考察广州的都市报纸在运动之前及其运动过程中的新闻报道以及广告信息,认为都市媒体的新闻以及广告信息对邻避社会运动参与者在确认地方共同体、型塑集体身份等方等面产生了影响,协助完成了集体认同的构建。并进一步认为都市媒体对高端受众群体的争取以及对房地产广告主利益维护是这些媒体积极介入邻避冲突的重要市场动因。 展开更多
关键词 邻避社会运动 都市媒体 集体认同 市场动因
市场动因正在牵引“东企西移” 被引量:1
作者 刘刚 谢登科 《瞭望》 北大核心 1997年第12期30-31,共2页
记者最近从四川省出发,就东部产业向中西部转移的问题采访了湖北、湖南、广东、浙江、上海、江苏、河南等省(市)的多家政府部门和企业。采访中发现,尽管区域性、行业性大规模转移的全面实施还有待时日,但目前已有相当数量的东部沿海企... 记者最近从四川省出发,就东部产业向中西部转移的问题采访了湖北、湖南、广东、浙江、上海、江苏、河南等省(市)的多家政府部门和企业。采访中发现,尽管区域性、行业性大规模转移的全面实施还有待时日,但目前已有相当数量的东部沿海企业受市场动因的驱使,以各种方式到中西部拓展生存空间和投资兴业。我国东部沿海企业西移的势头已经渐起。 东部沿海企业西移已成一定规模 据不完全统计,目前广东省在中西部地区的成功合作项目有104个,总投资达116.49亿元;上海市近年来在长江流域的投资项目已达169项,投资额在10亿元左右。浙江、福建、江苏、山东等省也有相当规模的资本进入中西部。 展开更多
关键词 市场动因 中西部地区 东西合作 东部沿海地区 东部企业 产业转移 西移 投资环境 中心城市 三峡库区
作者 高静 《中国市场》 2011年第19期43-44,共2页
回顾城镇公用事业市场化进程的10年,取得卓越的成绩,但也暴露诸多问题。城镇污水处理行业作为水务事业的一个分支,历经新中国成立初期的原始发展阶段,改革后的技术攻坚阶段,现在迎来了资本拉动时代。笔者在分析了污水处理市场化改革动... 回顾城镇公用事业市场化进程的10年,取得卓越的成绩,但也暴露诸多问题。城镇污水处理行业作为水务事业的一个分支,历经新中国成立初期的原始发展阶段,改革后的技术攻坚阶段,现在迎来了资本拉动时代。笔者在分析了污水处理市场化改革动因的基础上,提出了统筹规范水务改革、改善水务投资结构、建立行业技术标准,加强企业绩效考核的建议,以期进一步完善污水处理的市场化改革。 展开更多
关键词 污水处理 市场化改革动因 问题剖析 政策建议
后金融危机时期中国对外直接投资基本动因的变迁 被引量:2
作者 王灏 孙谦 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第7期93-102,共10页
对中国"走出去"战略实施以来对外直接投资基本动因及其在后金融危机时期的变迁进行实证研究,结果发现:第一,中国对外直接投资总体上显著受到寻求市场动因、寻求技术战略资产动因、寻求自然资源动因的影响,后金融危机时期寻求... 对中国"走出去"战略实施以来对外直接投资基本动因及其在后金融危机时期的变迁进行实证研究,结果发现:第一,中国对外直接投资总体上显著受到寻求市场动因、寻求技术战略资产动因、寻求自然资源动因的影响,后金融危机时期寻求自然资源动因保持着持续作用,寻求技术战略资产动因显著增强,寻求自然资源动因逐渐减弱。第二,中国在发达国家的对外直接投资由寻求市场和寻求技术战略资产动因主导,随时间推移,前者作用小幅下降,后者作用有所增强;第三,中国在发展中国家的对外直接投资总体上由寻求市场、寻求技术战略资产和寻求自然资源动因主导,其中寻求市场动因的作用随时间变化不明显,寻求技术战略资产动因的作用显著增强,而寻求自然资源动因的作用显著减弱;第四,中国对外直接投资总体上受到东道国外商直接投资开放度的影响,但该因素的影响作用在金融危机后的全球经济复苏时期消失。当前,中国应进一步加快"一带一路"建设,扩大中国在沿线国家对外直接投资和经贸合作;利用对海外优质资产的整合,促进我国技术创新实力和产业升级;推动与各国的双边投资关系建设,发展长期稳定的经贸合作。 展开更多
关键词 后金融危机 中国对外直接投资 寻求市场动因 寻求技术动因 寻求自然资源动因 “一带一路”
基于动因视角的盈余管理文献综述 被引量:1
作者 欧敏洁 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2013年第7期44-46,共3页
盈余管理从被发现至今一直是会计界研究的热点和重点,而公司管理层进行盈余管理的动因又是多种多样的。文章选取了基于资本市场动因、契约动因及监管动因而进行研究的国内外文献,以期能把握基于动因视角的盈余管理研究现状及趋势,同时... 盈余管理从被发现至今一直是会计界研究的热点和重点,而公司管理层进行盈余管理的动因又是多种多样的。文章选取了基于资本市场动因、契约动因及监管动因而进行研究的国内外文献,以期能把握基于动因视角的盈余管理研究现状及趋势,同时在对前人研究综述的基础上,提出自己对盈余管理现象的改善建议。 展开更多
关键词 盈余管理涵义 资本市场动因 契约动因
“大小非”减持中的盈余管理 被引量:99
作者 蔡宁 魏明海 《审计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期40-49,共10页
本文以股权分置改革后"大小非"减持中的盈余管理为研究对象,考察我国证券市场是否存在资本市场动因的盈余管理行为。研究发现,在原非流通股股东所持股份解禁或减持之前的季度期间,公司的可操控应计显著为正,解禁或减持的规模... 本文以股权分置改革后"大小非"减持中的盈余管理为研究对象,考察我国证券市场是否存在资本市场动因的盈余管理行为。研究发现,在原非流通股股东所持股份解禁或减持之前的季度期间,公司的可操控应计显著为正,解禁或减持的规模越大盈余管理的程度也越强,并且盈余管理的程度与相应期间公司股票的市场表现正相关。这一发现表明,我国证券市场存在以配合减持为目的的盈余管理行为,这为理论界和实务界探讨"大小非"的交易监管和信息披露监管提供了新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 非流通股股东 “大小非”减持 盈余管理 资本市场动因
作者 高彩云 《中国经贸导刊》 2014年第10Z期53-54,58,共3页
关键词 高科技企业 国际市场动因 策略
作者 邓婵娟 《商情》 2013年第30期41-41,共1页
在全球化的趋势,国际业务正在经历一个繁荣的时期。越来越多的企业参与竞争的分享全球市场的进入国外市场。选择正确的市场进入模式的关键是一个公司的国际业务。已经有许多研究策略的进入外国市场。面对着经济全球化的趋势和入世后面... 在全球化的趋势,国际业务正在经历一个繁荣的时期。越来越多的企业参与竞争的分享全球市场的进入国外市场。选择正确的市场进入模式的关键是一个公司的国际业务。已经有许多研究策略的进入外国市场。面对着经济全球化的趋势和入世后面临的机遇和挑战,中国企业只有迅速发展成为跨国公司,在全球范围内最有效地利用各种资源,才能在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地。 展开更多
关键词 中国跨国公司 市场进入动因 市场进入方式
The Role of New Retailing Formats in the Italian Local Development
作者 Antonio Mileti M. Irene Prete Gianluigi Guido 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第8期587-600,共14页
In Italy, and particularly in its southern area, super-markets and hyper-markets still represent an expanding retailing format, as they were introduced years later than in other western countries. Today, they have bec... In Italy, and particularly in its southern area, super-markets and hyper-markets still represent an expanding retailing format, as they were introduced years later than in other western countries. Today, they have become large retailers capable of influencing local development from an economic, social and urban perspective. The literature concerned with their effects on the local economy has focused on labour markets, price dynamics, and inter-type competition, neglecting their impact on macroeconomic factors such as GDP, value added specific sectors--agriculture, industry and services. This study tries to contribute to fill this gap by empirically investigating associations between key characteristics of these retailers and specific macroeconomic value added factors 展开更多
关键词 retailing supermarkets HYPERMARKETS value added food sector service sector Italian development
The Information Risk in the Latest Crisis: A Driver or a Driven Factor for Global Financial Markets Equilibrium?
作者 Giorgio Bertinetti Guido Max Mantovani 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第5期702-732,共31页
The latest financial crisis has been impressive for strength, impact, duration, and reduced efficacy of the economic and financial policies adopted by the authorities. We use an original information risk model to cont... The latest financial crisis has been impressive for strength, impact, duration, and reduced efficacy of the economic and financial policies adopted by the authorities. We use an original information risk model to contribute to the analysis of the crisis and to suggest some approaches for a possible early diagnosis. Using data referred to the three main financial markets and comparing the latest crisis with the previous one and with long-term quantitative evidence, we find out that the 2007-2009 crisis was very different in the information risk quality. That gap affected the market risk aversion and its equilibrium, reducing the efficacy of the authorities' intervention tools mainly based on payoff risk control and efficient market restoration. Since information risk is an endogenous element of the market dynamics that can be independent form contingent levels of market efficiency. Drivers of information risk in the European Markets differed strongly from the US and Japanese ones; that is why some global decisions had low impact while opportunities of local intervention were missed. 展开更多
关键词 financial crisis information asymmetries risk premium
Externalities, Floating Population and Spatial Agglomeration
作者 Du Yu Wang Chuansheng Fan Jie 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2007年第4期64-73,共10页
With the further development of socialist market economy, the mobility of factor markets in China, especially the labor market, is strengthened. Externalities interacts with the agglomeration of productive factors. Un... With the further development of socialist market economy, the mobility of factor markets in China, especially the labor market, is strengthened. Externalities interacts with the agglomeration of productive factors. Under the framework of new economic geography, this article presents a theoretical model involving the endogenous population density affected by urban externalities. Results show that the population density is more concentrated around the center because the degree and extent of interaction between individuals intensifies when the distance from the center decreases. When there are several externalities resources, the aggregation of externalities changes the configuration of spatial factor allocation. These results fit well with the empirical facts about the decreasing density of floating population along the cities of Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shenzhen in Guangdong Province which is situated in the eastern coast of the Pearl River Delta. We fred that under the impacts of externalities released from Hong Kong into the coast, floating population was more concentrated around Shenzhen and Dongguan, which are more adjacent to Hong Kong compared with Guangzhou City. 展开更多
关键词 spatial agglomeration externalities floating popula-tion
The Cause Analysis of College Student Human Capital Depreciation in China
作者 Wenhui Huang Daming Wang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第9期86-89,共4页
Human capital depreciation can be divided into stock depreciation and utility depreciation, which will cause the waste of human capital investment, and let human capital value fail to fully embody, affecting social de... Human capital depreciation can be divided into stock depreciation and utility depreciation, which will cause the waste of human capital investment, and let human capital value fail to fully embody, affecting social development. In the critical time of China facing population aging and economic transformation, as the new human capital of the labor market, college students play an important role to social and economic development. Therefore, preventing and mitigating their human capital depreciation is necessary. This article focus on human capital investment and configuration stage, analyze the influence of unreasonable human capital investment system and separate labor market segmentation system to college student human capital depreciation, and put forword the corresponding countermeasures. 展开更多
关键词 Human Capital Depreciation Human Capital Investment Labor Market
Possibilities of Business Restructuring Under the Recession
作者 IneseMavlutova Bary Mavlutov 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第3期227-238,共12页
The decrease in business activity and the fall in the production volume in the sectors of economy relying on long-term crediting is characteristic feature of the modern recessions. The pessimistic expectations of entr... The decrease in business activity and the fall in the production volume in the sectors of economy relying on long-term crediting is characteristic feature of the modern recessions. The pessimistic expectations of entrepreneurs concerning product demand leads to falling direct investment into business despite unlimited investment opportunities due to the developed capital markets nowadays. As a result it has created the opportunity for the development of such business restructuring types as mergers and acquisitions. Potential investors are different and their investment motivation is different, but the goal is the same--to increase the value of the business and its efficiency as a result of mergers and acquisitions. Utilizing borrowed capital for acquisitions of enterprises has many advantages. However, purchasable enterprises are exposed to several financial risk factors. 展开更多
关键词 RECESSION business restructuring mergers ACQUISITIONS company's equity value company's financial performance
作者 Tieju MinaRyoke 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2002年第3期251-260,共10页
In this paper, an agent-based simulation about knowledge transition associated with social impact in market is introduced. In the simulation, the genetic algorithm is used to generate the next generation products and ... In this paper, an agent-based simulation about knowledge transition associated with social impact in market is introduced. In the simulation, the genetic algorithm is used to generate the next generation products and a dynamic social impact model is used to simulate how customers are influenced by other customers. The simulation and its results not only show some features and patterns of knowledge transition, but also explore and display some phenomena of business cultures. On the basis of the innovation model of knowledge-based economy, the transition between technical knowledge and products knowledge is discussed, and a fuzzy linear quantification model which can be used to simulate the transition is introduced. 展开更多
关键词 AGENT fuzzy modeling local linear model global model.
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