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作者 安飞 《中国船检》 2005年第3期32-34,共3页
船舶保险被称为现代保险业起源,其历史之悠久是其它险种无可比拟的。然而在现代保险业中,船舶险所占比例微乎其微,其超高风险的特点让许多保险公司望而却步。目前,太平洋保险公司与中国人民财产保险公司在我国船险市场中所占份额达到95%... 船舶保险被称为现代保险业起源,其历史之悠久是其它险种无可比拟的。然而在现代保险业中,船舶险所占比例微乎其微,其超高风险的特点让许多保险公司望而却步。目前,太平洋保险公司与中国人民财产保险公司在我国船险市场中所占份额达到95%,具有绝对的主导地位。日前,记者来到上海太平洋保险总公司,找到了船舶险处处长唐瑞平,就我国船险业发展阶段及发展现状进行了采访。 展开更多
关键词 中国 市场 公司 分级管理 航运行业
我国环境污染责任保险的市场环境考察:模型构建及调研分析 被引量:3
作者 王海萍 李秀荣 《金融理论与实践》 北大核心 2022年第3期97-106,共10页
环境污染责任保险的经济性与社会性可实现对经济与社会发展的环境保护功能,有助于推进我国绿色金融的发展。我国自2007年试点该险种并陆续推广至全国,其市场有待进一步开拓。以山东省为案例的田野调查发现,该险种推广中存在着政府职能... 环境污染责任保险的经济性与社会性可实现对经济与社会发展的环境保护功能,有助于推进我国绿色金融的发展。我国自2007年试点该险种并陆续推广至全国,其市场有待进一步开拓。以山东省为案例的田野调查发现,该险种推广中存在着政府职能不到位、企业投保意愿不强、保险公司服务不充分、公众参与度不高等问题。根据市场营销理论与利益相关者理论,环境污染责任保险市场的参与方:政府、环境风险生产企业、保险公司、公众之间存在着复杂的互动关系,各有不同的职责。当前阶段,应在进一步明晰环境污染责任保险制度性质的前提下,抓住政府职责的关键点,完善环境污染责任保险制度,建立四方联动运作机制,发挥各方监督职责,探索激励与约束措施,提供高效的政务服务,加强宣传力度,以推动我国环境污染责任保险的快速发展,发挥其在绿色金融系统中的应有作用。 展开更多
关键词 环境污染责任保 制度性质 环责市场影响因素模型 四方联动运作机制
试论团险市场开放后中资保险公司的挑战与对策 被引量:3
作者 伍少奇 《上海保险》 2005年第9期24-26,共3页
关键词 市场 中资保公司 市场竞争 中国 业务流失 经营机制 服务理念
作者 蔡浩 刘妍 《华北金融》 2006年第z1期80-81,96,共3页
从2004年12月11日起,我国团险市场正式对外资寿险公司开放。一年多来,中外资寿险公司大都冷静地分析自身优势、劣势,制定公司业务发展策略。未来的中国团险市场将呈现出市场与业务更加分散、人才流动更加频繁、资本运作水平进一步提高... 从2004年12月11日起,我国团险市场正式对外资寿险公司开放。一年多来,中外资寿险公司大都冷静地分析自身优势、劣势,制定公司业务发展策略。未来的中国团险市场将呈现出市场与业务更加分散、人才流动更加频繁、资本运作水平进一步提高等特点。我国团险市场要快速、持续发展,必须依靠政府、保险公司和监管部门等各方面的共同努力。 展开更多
关键词 市场 产品开发 资本运作
作者 彭永恒 《金融理论与实践》 北大核心 2004年第5期59-60,共2页
即将实施的《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》是我国第一部道路交通安全法律,保监会据此制定了《机动车第三者责任强制保险条例》,详细规定了机动车辆第三者强制保险的具体内容,将对商业保险公司的机动车辆产生重大影响。对此,各保险公... 即将实施的《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》是我国第一部道路交通安全法律,保监会据此制定了《机动车第三者责任强制保险条例》,详细规定了机动车辆第三者强制保险的具体内容,将对商业保险公司的机动车辆产生重大影响。对此,各保险公司应加强制定费率规章,增设绝对免赔额制度和明确对机动车辆超载问题的处理标准。 展开更多
关键词 强制保 机动车市场 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》 免赔额制度 费率 核保政策
上海市商业健康保险监管若干问题研究——以“激励性政策”为研究对象 被引量:1
作者 李伟群 方乐 《上海保险》 2019年第2期26-29,共4页
商业健康保险具有满足个性化保障需求、推动健康管理服务发展和融通资金等功效,兼备公益性质和商业性质,发展潜力巨大。近年来,为促进商业健康保险的发展,上海市出台了《'健康上海2030'规划纲要》等一系列文件,指明了商业健康... 商业健康保险具有满足个性化保障需求、推动健康管理服务发展和融通资金等功效,兼备公益性质和商业性质,发展潜力巨大。近年来,为促进商业健康保险的发展,上海市出台了《'健康上海2030'规划纲要》等一系列文件,指明了商业健康保险的发展意义及方向,取得了积极的效果。 展开更多
关键词 商业健康保 激励性政策 健康市场 上海市
供应链的风险及分配模型 被引量:1
作者 杜鹏 《内蒙古科技与经济》 2002年第3期52-53,共2页
供应链管理作为新的管理模式 ,对企业参与市场竞争有诸多优势。但由于市场的不确定性、合作企业信息的不对称性及其它随机因素的影响 ,供应链实际情况存在很大风险。本文分析了供应链的风险因素 ,对降低供应链风险的方法进行了初步的探... 供应链管理作为新的管理模式 ,对企业参与市场竞争有诸多优势。但由于市场的不确定性、合作企业信息的不对称性及其它随机因素的影响 ,供应链实际情况存在很大风险。本文分析了供应链的风险因素 ,对降低供应链风险的方法进行了初步的探讨 。 展开更多
关键词 供应链管理 因素 分配模型 团队理论 管理模式 市场
作者 张梦迪 《纳税》 2017年第19期119-119,共1页
我国是世界上猪肉总消费量和人均猪肉消费量最大的国家,无论从国计还是民生的角度而言,猪的重要性都不言而喻。生猪价格具有很强的周期性和季节性波动特征,它的市场风险特征更加明显和复杂。所以,本文选择生猪价格保险通过现行问题以及... 我国是世界上猪肉总消费量和人均猪肉消费量最大的国家,无论从国计还是民生的角度而言,猪的重要性都不言而喻。生猪价格具有很强的周期性和季节性波动特征,它的市场风险特征更加明显和复杂。所以,本文选择生猪价格保险通过现行问题以及政府、保险公司应对措施等方面进行研究,以期更好地促进生猪保险理论的研究和实践的发展,为农民谋福祉。 展开更多
关键词 生猪自然 市场险 意识 公司
作者 李开斌 《金融论坛》 CSSCI 2004年第5期56-61,共6页
本文分析了我国产险公司与银行在个险产品上的合作现状,研究了西方国家保险业发展的相关经验,然后结合实际提出了我国产险公司个险产品与银行对接的若干创新方向。主要包括:在产品相对简单的大型个险市场与银行网站和电话银行对接;与银... 本文分析了我国产险公司与银行在个险产品上的合作现状,研究了西方国家保险业发展的相关经验,然后结合实际提出了我国产险公司个险产品与银行对接的若干创新方向。主要包括:在产品相对简单的大型个险市场与银行网站和电话银行对接;与银行业务类似或互补或利用银行结算等功能对接的产品创新;与保护银行和消费者利益及建立有效的风险共担机制对接的产品创新;与银行追求高额利润和以“问题解决者”面貌出现的产品及金融服务创新;与银行卡及楼宇按揭客户等银行核心资源对接的分散业务的批发化创新;与保险交易的便利性对接的保单标准化组合化及卡式保单创新;等。 展开更多
关键词 财产保公司 个人财产保产品 银行 中国 保证市场 产品创新 信息披露
作者 本刊综合 《时代金融》 2019年第7期10-12,共3页
在行业回归'保险姓保'的背景下,近年来实现快速发展的健康险业务成为身处转型过程中的众多保险公司瞄准的一片新'蓝海'。在刚刚过去的2018年,健康险业务继续保持着良好的发展势头,成为保险业中不容忽视的一个亮点。而... 在行业回归'保险姓保'的背景下,近年来实现快速发展的健康险业务成为身处转型过程中的众多保险公司瞄准的一片新'蓝海'。在刚刚过去的2018年,健康险业务继续保持着良好的发展势头,成为保险业中不容忽视的一个亮点。而随着保险公司不断押注加码健康险业务,再加上政策层面和需求层面的多重利好,健康险的未来发展拥有值得憧憬的广阔空间。 展开更多
关键词 健康市场 健康保障 健康管理 商业健康保 重疾
作者 王颖 张亮 《数字财富》 2003年第9期56-57,共2页
关键词 健康 非典型肺炎 市场 中国 商业医疗保 商业健康市场 管理
《股市动态分析》 2012年第34期51-51,共1页
投资要点:1、商业健康保险逐步向基本医保体系渗透;2、中国太保和中国人寿成为医疗保障体系的最大受益者。中国健康险市场将是未来人身险细分市场上的重量级潜力市场。健康险无疑是中国保险市场上有效需求最为充分的险种。2006年起,经... 投资要点:1、商业健康保险逐步向基本医保体系渗透;2、中国太保和中国人寿成为医疗保障体系的最大受益者。中国健康险市场将是未来人身险细分市场上的重量级潜力市场。健康险无疑是中国保险市场上有效需求最为充分的险种。2006年起,经过新医改"补欠账"的阶段。 展开更多
关键词 健康市场 医疗保障体系 商业健康保 医改 中国人寿 医保 商业保 中国保市场 有效需求 发展空间
税优健康险新政策对健康险市场的影响 被引量:1
作者 郭振华 《保险理论与实践》 2023年第8期1-7,共7页
2023年7月6日,国家金融监督管理总局发布《关于适用商业健康保险个人所得税优惠政策产品有关事项的通知》。本文分析该税优健康险新政策对健康险市场可能带来的影响。本文认为:从需求端来看,由于税收优惠力度有限,消费者的需求仍然疲弱... 2023年7月6日,国家金融监督管理总局发布《关于适用商业健康保险个人所得税优惠政策产品有关事项的通知》。本文分析该税优健康险新政策对健康险市场可能带来的影响。本文认为:从需求端来看,由于税收优惠力度有限,消费者的需求仍然疲弱,税优健康险的交易量仍然主要依赖销售推动;从供给端来看,由于大概率经营亏损的预期被解除,严重缺乏主力产品的人身险业将会抓住这次新产品开发和营销的机会,中介机构和销售人员将税优健康险作为新的销售和拓客抓手,供给端的营销力度和销售力度将会大幅提高。总体而言,预期税优健康险新政策将会大幅提升税优健康险保费规模,实际保费规模则主要取决于人身险业、保险中介机构和销售人员是否能找到合适的营销和销售办法。笔者期待人身险业能够借此新政策实现商业医疗保险业务从低端迈向中端,即从百万医疗险为主迈向以中端或近中端医疗险为主,推动商业健康险业务的高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 税优健康新政 健康市场 人身 既往症人群 老年人群
Study of Enterprises Marketing Risk Early Warning System Based on BP Neural Network Model 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU Mei-hua WANG Fu-dong ZHANG Hong-hong 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2006年第3期371-375,共5页
For effectively early warning the marketing risk caused along with the varied environment, a BP neural network method was introduced on the basis of analyzing the shortcomings of the risk early warning method, and com... For effectively early warning the marketing risk caused along with the varied environment, a BP neural network method was introduced on the basis of analyzing the shortcomings of the risk early warning method, and combined with the practical conditions of dairy enterprises, the index system caused by the marketing risk was also studied. The'principal component method was used for screening the indexes, the grades and critical values of the marketing risk were determined. Through the configuration of BP network, node processing and error analysis, the early warning resuits of the marketing risk were obtained. The results indicate that BP neural network method can be effectively applied through the function approach in the marketing early warning with incomplete information and complex varied conditions. 展开更多
关键词 BP neural network Marketing risk Early warning Authentic proof
Theory and Model of Agricultural Insurance Subsidy 被引量:1
作者 Wan Kailiang Long Wenjun 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2007年第4期42-48,共7页
The issue of agricultural insurance subsidy is discussed in this paper aiming to make it provided more rationally and sci- entifically. It is started with the connection between agricultural insurance and financial su... The issue of agricultural insurance subsidy is discussed in this paper aiming to make it provided more rationally and sci- entifically. It is started with the connection between agricultural insurance and financial subsidy. It is really necessary and crucial to implement the financial insurance due to the bad operational performance, especially in the developing countries. But the sub- sidy should be provided more rationally because financial subsidy has lots of negative effects. A model in competitive insurance markets developed by Ahsan et al (1982) and a farmers' decision model are developed to solve the optimal subsidized rate. Finally, the equation is got to calculate it. But a quantitative subsidized rate is not made here because the calculation should be under some restricted conditions, which are always absent in the devel- oping countries. So the government should provide some subsidy for the ex ante research and preparation to get the scientific prob- ability and premium rate. 展开更多
关键词 competitive markets agricultural insurance financialsubsidy
Due Diligence in Mergers and Acquisitions in Emerging Markets: Evaluated Risk Factors From the Academic and Practical View 被引量:1
作者 Alen Sacek 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第7期363-372,共10页
The obviously ever increasing number of corporate acquisitions in recent decades has improved the general knowledge and awareness of due diligence for both the industry and research. In the current challenging busines... The obviously ever increasing number of corporate acquisitions in recent decades has improved the general knowledge and awareness of due diligence for both the industry and research. In the current challenging business environment, acquisitions face a higher degree of risk profiles, especially cross-border acquisitions in the emerging markets. Conducting a thorough due diligence investigation in the context of an acquisition is more important now than ever. In a broad analysis, this paper researches the key risk factors in the acquisition process and their assessment within a due diligence audit in the acquisition phase. The task of this paper is to match the academic and practical view in order to give a more complete understanding of risk factors to be covered in due diligence audit. The starting point is the research of academic findings which basically concentrate on common approaches considering financial, legal, commercial, and some other issues in domestic acquisitions and in developed countries. In contrast, this paper considers risk factors in cross-border and emerging markets transactions. In addition, a number of business consultants publish studies based on surveys on this topic which reflect typical risk factors based on experience of their customers being involved in cross-border acquisitions. Their risk assessment consists of specific regulatory, political, and other factors, which may lead to commercial and reputational impediments in cross-border acquisitions. The outcome of the comparison is a comprehended list of evaluated risk factors, whereby the academic findings are complemented and supported by the practical experience in the business consultant's studies. Moreover, the practical approach points to the fact that due diligence scope needs to be suited to the dynamics of the markets. The comparison and the comprehended list of evaluated risk factors call for a more integrated system of due diligence and show herein the research deficit. Hence, the novelty is the compendium of evaluated risk factors which should be assessed in the pre-acquisition phase. The originality of the paper is given by a unique analysis of academic work about acquisition due diligence literature and consultant studies from anonymized practical experience based on insider information. 展开更多
关键词 due diligence emerging markets mergers and acquisitions (M&A) risk INVESTMENT
Call Warrants Impact on Underlying Stocks: The Taiwan Experience
作者 LIU Shu-Ing LEE Ching-Yi 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第2期77-83,共7页
On the basis of the price, volume and volatility of underlying stocks, this article empirically investigates the impact of 273 Taiwan call warrants on underlying stocks. Discussions by the market risk, depth, tightnes... On the basis of the price, volume and volatility of underlying stocks, this article empirically investigates the impact of 273 Taiwan call warrants on underlying stocks. Discussions by the market risk, depth, tightness and liquidity, changes on underlying stocks due to warrants issuance, are investigated. In this study, the CAPM is applied for evaluating the market risk, the Kyle model for the market depth, the averaged best five bid-ask spread for the market tightness and the averaged turnover rate for the market liquidity. The empirical results indicate that the most significant influence is the market liquidity, the market tightness next; the market risk and market depth are non-significant. 展开更多
关键词 CAPM market depth market liquidity market tightness WARRANTS
Banks' Earnings, Risks and Returns in China
作者 Cheng Fan Fah Annuar Nasir 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第1期21-28,共8页
This study aims to find the effect of financial risks, price risks and market risks on the Earning Response Coefficients (ERC) for China Commercial Banks. The research methodologies use the traditional cumulative ab... This study aims to find the effect of financial risks, price risks and market risks on the Earning Response Coefficients (ERC) for China Commercial Banks. The research methodologies use the traditional cumulative abnormal returns and the unexpected earning as the main dependent and independent variables. The evidences show that: (1) There is a strong returns-to-earnings relation for banks; (2) The liquidity risk has information content beyond earnings changes in the returns-to-earnings relation. This probably due to the reason that managers of banks find the level of liquidity that fulfilled the need of investors and at the same time earns good profits for the banks. 展开更多
关键词 earnings response coefficients LIQUIDITY CREDIT INTEREST solvency risk
On the Issue of Commercial Insurance and Commercial Insurance Market in the Slovak Republic
作者 Barbora Drugdova 《Chinese Business Review》 2018年第3期138-143,共6页
The article is concentrated on the Slovak commercial insurance, commercial insurance market, non-life insurance, and international risks on the Slovak Republic. Since 1 May 2004, the Slovak insurance market has been p... The article is concentrated on the Slovak commercial insurance, commercial insurance market, non-life insurance, and international risks on the Slovak Republic. Since 1 May 2004, the Slovak insurance market has been part of the uniform European Union insurance market, which includes over 5,000 insurance companies. After Slovakia’s admission to the European Union, several legislative changes have been adopted in the area of commercial insurance industry, which also influenced non-life insurance and the insurance of international risks as part of non-life risks. The most recent act in the area of commercial insurance mentioned in the paper is the Act of the National Council SR No. 39/2015 Coll. on Insurance, in which there are legislative changes in life and also non-life insurance. Basic terms are defined and commented on in the first two chapters (Lowry, Rawlings, & Merkin, 2015). The nature of international risks as part of non-life risks is described in the second chapter. International risks are classified in the third chapter; international risks are subdivided in the paper into commercial or trade risks, political and economic risks, and special types of risks. 展开更多
关键词 INSURANCE commercial insurance market non-life insurance classification of international risks political and economic risks and special types of risks insurance non-life market in Slovak Republic
Value-at-Risk Approach to Currency Crises: A Brazilian Example With the Central Bank and Currency Based Assets*
作者 Marcelo Zeuli 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第9期593-609,共17页
This paper uses a Value at Risk (VaR) approach to evaluate a country financial vulnerability, by analyzing the risk exposure of its Central Bank, as if their assets are subject to market risk. The Brazilian currency... This paper uses a Value at Risk (VaR) approach to evaluate a country financial vulnerability, by analyzing the risk exposure of its Central Bank, as if their assets are subject to market risk. The Brazilian currency exchange swaps contracts (USS/Brazilian Reais) are submitted to a delta-normal VaR method, in order to evaluate the market risk of each swaps series, by modeling the variance of the daily returns, from August 1999 to January 2003. All daily returns series exhibited heteroscedasticity in the conditional variance and sudden changes in the unconditional variance. The points of changes of the unconditional variance were determined through the Iterative Cumulative Sum of Squares (ICSS) algorithm, and the conditional variance was modeled with Markov-Switching-Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (SWGARCH) in order to capture heteroscedasticity and regime change. The results lead to two main conclusions: First, a VaR model must incorporate heteroscedasticity and regime switching in order to describe the variance of the tested series, submitted to brisk changes of economic and political scenarios. Second, a volatility-based VaR do not necessarily generate forward-looking indicators, but rather coincident indicators of possible financial vulnerabilities. The future research will evolve towards evaluating the effects of the Basel III recommendations as if they could be applied to this crisis period. 展开更多
关键词 emerging markets market risk VOLATILITY GARCH models regime switching
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