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作者 金腾 《中学政史地(初中适用)》 2024年第10期51-54,共4页
宋元时期,中国历史迈人了一个新阶段,都市的繁荣与文化的昌盛共同构筑了这一时期的独特风貌。随着城市的繁荣,宋代的市民阶层不断壮大,市民文化生活也丰富起来。这不仅推动了市民文化的蓬勃发展,还促进了多元文化的交流与融合。在科技... 宋元时期,中国历史迈人了一个新阶段,都市的繁荣与文化的昌盛共同构筑了这一时期的独特风貌。随着城市的繁荣,宋代的市民阶层不断壮大,市民文化生活也丰富起来。这不仅推动了市民文化的蓬勃发展,还促进了多元文化的交流与融合。在科技进步与教育发展的推动下。 展开更多
关键词 多元文化 科技进步 市民阶层 交流与融合 宋元时期 复习指导 独特风貌 市民文化生活
上海市民文化需求状况调查 被引量:4
作者 杨雄 何芳 《科学发展》 CAS 2012年第6期108-112,F0003,共6页
调查显示,越来越多的新兴信息渠道和文化载体的出现,为市民文化生活提供了更多样的选择,上海市民文化需求呈现个性化、多样化特征。由于文化信息获取渠道不畅、文化消费时间不足、文化产品价格较高、优质文化产品缺乏等因素的制约,当前... 调查显示,越来越多的新兴信息渠道和文化载体的出现,为市民文化生活提供了更多样的选择,上海市民文化需求呈现个性化、多样化特征。由于文化信息获取渠道不畅、文化消费时间不足、文化产品价格较高、优质文化产品缺乏等因素的制约,当前市民实现文化需求存在一定的障碍。上海应积极创新文化建设的思路与体制,切实保障市民基本的文化权利,以进一步提高市民精神文化生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 文化需求 市民文化生活 文化产品
作者 鲍香竹 蒋平 《党政干部学刊》 2014年第9期71-76,共6页
为探究自发型公益组织在市民精神文化生活中的作用,笔者以问卷调查和个案访谈的方法深入辽宁省T市Y区的传统文化中心进行实地调查,通过对Y区传统文化中心这一自发型公益组织的组织架构与运作方式等的了解,发现,Y区传统文化中心通过依循... 为探究自发型公益组织在市民精神文化生活中的作用,笔者以问卷调查和个案访谈的方法深入辽宁省T市Y区的传统文化中心进行实地调查,通过对Y区传统文化中心这一自发型公益组织的组织架构与运作方式等的了解,发现,Y区传统文化中心通过依循政府相关政策开展文化活动,通过公开透明的财务制度,在其组织的传统文化活动中不但得到了政府与企业的支持,而且吸引了大批的志愿者和传统文化知识学员。通过向学员讲授传统文化知识,Y区传统文化中心重塑了学员的人生观与价值观,帮助学员采取积极正面的态度面对生理疾病与家庭矛盾,同时也促使学员完成了传统知识的再社会化。 展开更多
关键词 自发型公益组织 市民精神文化生活 文化传承 社会再造
Muhammad Dib and Algerian Resistance Literature
作者 Geula Elimelekh 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第9期463-470,共8页
Modern Algerian literature, unique among Arab national literary traditions, features a cultural blend of Arabic, Berber and French influences. The literature reflects their love of Algerian culture and thought, and th... Modern Algerian literature, unique among Arab national literary traditions, features a cultural blend of Arabic, Berber and French influences. The literature reflects their love of Algerian culture and thought, and their revolt against French colonialism. The Algerian-born Arab author Muhammad Dib (1920-2003) wrote in French, mainly about the Algerian struggle for independence. Expelled in 1959 for supporting the Algerian revolution, he settled in Paris. Considered a pioneer of Algerian literature, he was the first Arab Algerian to write Western-style novels. His Algerian trilogy, La Grande Maison, L 'lncendie, and Le Mktier ~ tisser, was published between 1952 and 1957. Though autobiographical, the books trace both rural and urban life in pre-revolutionary times. Dib's 1959 thematically driven novel Un Otd Africaine (An African Summer), analyzed here, rather than depicting the Algerian revolution itself, describes its effect on the characters and their lives. Nevertheless, the novel, framed around a cross-section of Algerian society, reflects colonial government abuses and the common people's sacrifices for their dream of independence. Dib also depicts France's colonialist attitudes as a betrayal of the ideals of the French Revolution and claims to humanitarian values. 展开更多
关键词 Muhammad Dib Algerian Revolution Modem Algerian Arabic literature Resistance literature Frenchcolonialism
Foresters of the Cities, Citizens of the Forests: Cultural and Functional Perspectives for Forests Between Country and City
作者 Enrico Calvo Francesca Ossola 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第4期378-383,共6页
Thanks to the distinctive technological development of the Western world and to the development of the urbanization phenomenon (the 75% of the European population lives in urban centers), an epochal change emerged a... Thanks to the distinctive technological development of the Western world and to the development of the urbanization phenomenon (the 75% of the European population lives in urban centers), an epochal change emerged as regards the perception and meaning of forests for the society during the last decades. This change has involved citizens from every aspect and level of social and public life: from politics to science, education and training. This change has of course affected all of the rural system as well. We lives in a new dimension with which forest culture must confront itself, in a moment in which one is quickly passing towards a metropolitan widespread culture, strongly characterized not by real experience with the forest environment but by a specific urban culture. This paper highlighted how necessary a complex and evolving reality like the present one is to promote adequate forms of participation and sharing in the choices concerning the territory ("the future of all of us") and most of all the development of a new cultural identity and sense of territorial belonging that integrates the values of the rural system into the perception of a society that is becoming ever more urban. 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION new forests forest culture communication.
北宋尚意书风索隐 被引量:1
作者 丛文俊 《中国书法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期26-39,41-47,50-65,共37页
所谓“尚意”,旧指苏、黄、米三家所代表的北宋晚期书风。那么,其前近百年北宋书法尚什么?尚意书风如何形成、如何总结概括其理论,以及对后世书法的影响?迄今皆不明确。本文自考察宋代市民生活和思想文化始,首先指出雅俗同趋的新风尚对... 所谓“尚意”,旧指苏、黄、米三家所代表的北宋晚期书风。那么,其前近百年北宋书法尚什么?尚意书风如何形成、如何总结概括其理论,以及对后世书法的影响?迄今皆不明确。本文自考察宋代市民生活和思想文化始,首先指出雅俗同趋的新风尚对士人转变思想观念和审美价值标准的影响。其次是欧阳修书法观念的转变,如学书“不计工拙”而要在“自适”等,把过程和体验当作目的,以自得自立、自适自足为乐。再次,苏东坡提出“退笔如山未足珍,读书万卷始通神”的见解,否定了汉唐书法崇尚工夫和技巧的传统,开启了书法即人的新命题;其后黄庭坚发扬其说,以书法中的“学问文章之气”为评价取舍标准;观察视角一曰韵,二曰雅俗,后世评书重视“书卷气”,皆祖述于此。《宣和书谱》评价前贤,每每用“文章、字画同出一道,特源同而派异”、书法“与文章相表里”之类的见解,把文学活动与书法视为一个整体,是意能主文,书法则随之不期然而然。其说是对苏、黄观点的推进和总结,都是传统大文艺观支配下的发挥,标志宋代尚意书风在理论上的完善。在书法实践上,苏、黄、米三家具有脱离晋唐古法的倾向,或遭受后人的非难,而元明清的复古则使之局促于非主流的状态,其理论标志之一的“书卷气”也随之泛化,失去固有的创新活力。综理前人书论,当以项穆《书法雅言》所用的“意气精神”最能反映宋代书法原貌。 展开更多
关键词 尚意书风 市民生活与思想文化 学书为乐 自适自立 学问文章之气 传统大文艺观
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