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中国都市密集区市际关系中存在的问题及其应对 被引量:2
作者 李学锋 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 2009年第9期55-59,共5页
当前,中国都市密集区市际关系中存在的问题包括产业结构趋同、恶性竞争、城市定位重复混乱、地方保护主义以及基础设施重复建设等。都市密集区市际关系中存在的复杂问题,与市际关系协调机制不成熟、不完善密切相关。创新都市密集区市际... 当前,中国都市密集区市际关系中存在的问题包括产业结构趋同、恶性竞争、城市定位重复混乱、地方保护主义以及基础设施重复建设等。都市密集区市际关系中存在的复杂问题,与市际关系协调机制不成熟、不完善密切相关。创新都市密集区市际关系协调的制度和机制,实现协调主体的多元化、方式多样化、目标长期化,是当前都市密集区发展中殊为迫切的任务。 展开更多
关键词 市际关系 产业结构趋同 恶性竞争 制度创新
都市密集区市际关系协调的国际经验借鉴和制度创新 被引量:2
作者 李学锋 《沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第6期43-46,共4页
处理好市际关系,是都市密集区健康发展的必然要求。美国、日本、英国等发达国家在市际关系协调方面的丰富经验和成熟的市际关系协调机制,为中国都市密集区发展提供了重要借鉴。中国都市密集区市际关系协调总体上还处于起步阶段,努力实... 处理好市际关系,是都市密集区健康发展的必然要求。美国、日本、英国等发达国家在市际关系协调方面的丰富经验和成熟的市际关系协调机制,为中国都市密集区发展提供了重要借鉴。中国都市密集区市际关系协调总体上还处于起步阶段,努力实现协调目标长期化、主体多元化和方式多样化是制度创新的根本要求。 展开更多
关键词 密集区 市际关系 制度创新
作者 牛凤瑞 《江苏经济》 2003年第12期12-13,共2页
都市密集区是指在特定区域内(一般数万平方米公里),以一个或多个特大、超大城市为核心,有十几、几十座甚至更多的不同等级的城市相对聚集,城市个体之间保持强烈交互作用和密切联系的城市空间布局形态,是人类社会发展到高级阶段的... 都市密集区是指在特定区域内(一般数万平方米公里),以一个或多个特大、超大城市为核心,有十几、几十座甚至更多的不同等级的城市相对聚集,城市个体之间保持强烈交互作用和密切联系的城市空间布局形态,是人类社会发展到高级阶段的产物。19世纪以来,人类社会经历了由农业社会到工业社会的转变,少数发达国家正在向后工业化社会转变。 展开更多
关键词 密集区 空间布局 中国 产业聚集 行政区划 密集区 市际关系 规划 规模
作者 牛凤瑞 《科技与企业》 2003年第10期44-46,共3页
关键词 中国 密集区 经济 长江三角洲 市际关系
新区域主义视角下的市际重复博弈:问题与路向 被引量:5
作者 许源源 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第9期100-103,共4页
在重复博弈过程中,通过约束博弈主体的背叛行为能够促进合作的有效产生。新区域主义认为影响城市群内城市政府间合作的因素包括:合作的共同收益、偏好的多样性、博弈者的地位和实力以及博弈结构和参数的稳定性。根据我国的实际情况可以... 在重复博弈过程中,通过约束博弈主体的背叛行为能够促进合作的有效产生。新区域主义认为影响城市群内城市政府间合作的因素包括:合作的共同收益、偏好的多样性、博弈者的地位和实力以及博弈结构和参数的稳定性。根据我国的实际情况可以看出,博弈地位以及贴现因子是导致博弈主体选择背叛策略的主要原因。因此,可以通过约束博弈地位和构建利益激励制度来促进合作的产生。 展开更多
关键词 群治理 市际关系 新区域主义 重复博弈
Transnationalization on the Technique of Assisted Human Reproduction
作者 Edna Raquel Hogemann 《Sociology Study》 2014年第3期262-268,共7页
This paper's purpose is to present a reflective analysis about the process of transnationalization in which the technique of assisted human reproduction has been going to the extent that such a procedure has been rev... This paper's purpose is to present a reflective analysis about the process of transnationalization in which the technique of assisted human reproduction has been going to the extent that such a procedure has been revealed as a true "fertility tourism", offered through packages for those people who have financial conditions, but cannot through natural means to realize the dream of membership. Through the dialectic method of discourse, promoting the comparison of the thought of many authors who focus on issues such as globalization, commodification of human, technical exacerbation detriment of humans, and their interpersonal relations, the author seeks to introduce issues that are the order of day with respect to this global market arising from the tremendous advances reproductive techniques in a society marked by economic interests, it turns much more to the consumer and considers the human being as an additional asset to be sold, since its conception. The author acknowledges that they cease for tourism human reproduction is a trade that is worth of human frailty, because relying on one of the most intimate aspects of life: the desire to be a mother or father or ultimately, the perpetuation of the species. 展开更多
关键词 Transnationalization assisted reproduction TRADE
The Resources, an Essential Element in the Relationship Between Public and Private
作者 Gildas Bondi 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第4期305-310,共6页
This paper's objective is to examine the relationship between public and private sectors through the mechanisms of public intervention in the market. With the financial and economic crisis of 2008, there has been a c... This paper's objective is to examine the relationship between public and private sectors through the mechanisms of public intervention in the market. With the financial and economic crisis of 2008, there has been a coordination of states (G20) for the implementation of affirmative action in order to support the international financial system. Our hypothesis is that resource dependence is the basis of all interactions between the public and private sectors. The fact that the public sector bails out private sector activity shows that it is beneficial to citizens through employment and taxes repaid by the company and all this contributes to social stability. Here we develop an argument in two phases. The first is to revisit the question of the relationship between the state and the market. The second part develops the hypothesis by focusing on the interdependence of resources. The theory of resource dependence often applied to international relations and inter-organizational business has allowed us to highlight the correlation between public and private sectors 展开更多
关键词 interdependency of resources relationship between public and private CRISIS
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