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作者 徐廷生 雷雪芹 樊天龙 《河南科技大学学报(农学版)》 1996年第3期33-36,共4页
自本世纪30年代兴起的肉用仔鸡工业以其生产的高效率得到了快速的发展.60年代以来,现代育种理论在肉鸡育种工作中的应用,更加促进了肉鸡生长效率的显著提高.据美国肉鸡育种专家预测,肉用仔鸡性状的年遗传进展为:生长速度提高1~1.5%,料... 自本世纪30年代兴起的肉用仔鸡工业以其生产的高效率得到了快速的发展.60年代以来,现代育种理论在肉鸡育种工作中的应用,更加促进了肉鸡生长效率的显著提高.据美国肉鸡育种专家预测,肉用仔鸡性状的年遗传进展为:生长速度提高1~1.5%,料肉比下降0.5~0.75%,成活率提高0.1%,产肉量提高0.1~0.15%.尽管过去对早期生长效率的强度选择获得了巨大的改进,但由于这种选择只注重获得最大的生长速度(即总的体沉积),而不考虑胴体各种成分(如蛋白质、脂肪、水分等)沉积的变化,从而导致了当今肉用仔鸡过肥、胴体品质下降的不良后果,这无论对肉鸡生产者还是消费者、加工者都带来了极为有害的影响,特别是消费者,由于生活水平的日益提高,从健康营养的角度考虑,对肉质的要求越来越高.为了满足消费者的需求.肉鸡育种工作也相应发生了改变. 展开更多
关键词 优质肉鸡 优质黄鸡 肉用仔鸡 研究概况 地方品种 地方鸡种 布勒斯 农畜产品 育种工作 杂交组合
作者 晁召行 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第3期95-100,共6页
亚里斯多德在《诗学》中区分诗与画的界限时指出,画是用颜色和姿态制造形象,摹仿事物,诗则只用语言来摹仿。随着对艺术本质的认识的逐步加深,到了十八世纪,莱辛进一步指出,画是表现处在某一顷刻间的静止物体的空间艺术,诗则是表现具有... 亚里斯多德在《诗学》中区分诗与画的界限时指出,画是用颜色和姿态制造形象,摹仿事物,诗则只用语言来摹仿。随着对艺术本质的认识的逐步加深,到了十八世纪,莱辛进一步指出,画是表现处在某一顷刻间的静止物体的空间艺术,诗则是表现具有先后承续关系的动作的时间艺术。不可否认,尽管中外诗人和文论家们中都有人承认诗与画没有严格的界限(加贺拉斯所谓的“画如此,诗亦然”,苏轼称王维以“诗中有画,画中有诗”等等),但是,对于自近代以来开始繁荣的小说,尤其是长篇小说而言,时间性的确是它最为鲜明的一个特点,流浪汉小说以主人公的流浪为线索,直接表现处于时间链条中的主人公的见闻; 展开更多
关键词 传统小说 叙述者 小说观念 布勒斯 日记 小说创作 作品 新小说 詹姆斯 主人公
作者 爱默生 《出版参考》 2003年第17期36-36,共1页
记得几天前,我读了一位作家的几篇文章。立意新颖,观点独特,极具创造价值。一篇好文章可以滋养我们的心灵,它的思想和情感对每个人都有启发意义,作家自己的真理也是别人的真理。 优秀人物如柏拉图、弥尔顿,他们只是说出了自己内心的声... 记得几天前,我读了一位作家的几篇文章。立意新颖,观点独特,极具创造价值。一篇好文章可以滋养我们的心灵,它的思想和情感对每个人都有启发意义,作家自己的真理也是别人的真理。 优秀人物如柏拉图、弥尔顿,他们只是说出了自己内心的声音。我们也应该更多地关注我们自身的内心深处,体验我们的内心感受,而不是眼睛只盯着别人,只是欣赏别人的精彩之处,这样会在不知不觉之中把自己的思想丢失了。 展开更多
关键词 莎士比亚 内心感受 思想和情感 柏拉图 弥尔顿 创造价值 优秀人物 布勒斯 启发意义 内心深处
作者 《中国远洋航务》 1998年第6期27-27,共1页
俄罗斯铁道部正进行从日本/布勒斯特经西伯利亚陆桥海铁联运实验,以提高它与海运的竞争能力。 试运是从日本横滨和神户海运至东京港,然后由西伯利亚陆桥(SLB)运至Belavus——波兰边境的布勒斯特,全部运输时间约16天。
关键词 竞争力 西伯利亚陆桥 布勒斯 海运费率 竞争能力 海铁联运 日本企业 日本横滨 运输时间 铁道部
作者 李之琨(译) 沈其卫(校) 《广东解剖学通报》 1981年第2期235-240,共6页
生于法国,曾在巴黎跟Esquirol学医,后致力于精神病专业,但对医院管理、营养缺乏病和呆小(克丁)病等亦有兴趣。1865年,Baillarger指出,失语症的病人丧失随意说话的能力,但保留有一定的自动表情,这被誉为“Baillarger氏法则。”Baillarge... 生于法国,曾在巴黎跟Esquirol学医,后致力于精神病专业,但对医院管理、营养缺乏病和呆小(克丁)病等亦有兴趣。1865年,Baillarger指出,失语症的病人丧失随意说话的能力,但保留有一定的自动表情,这被誉为“Baillarger氏法则。”Baillarger的兴趣主要在临床方面,他阐述过精神病的抑制周期和忧郁症的恍惚表现,他也研究过睡、醒觉间期(半睡半醒)的情形,而杰出的成就是在“幻觉”方面。1840年,Baillarger发表了有关大脑皮质灰质的结构的论文。 展开更多
关键词 脊髓半切 比较解剖学 人体解剖学 灰质 神经系统 生理学 基础医学 纤维束 巴黎 法国 丘脑底核 皮质下 髓鞘 神经组织 布勒斯 柏林 德国 神经元学说 大脑皮质 溃变
Acoustic radiation force imaging sonoelastography for noninvasive staging of liver fibrosis 被引量:115
作者 Carmen Fierbinteanu-Braticevici Dan Andronescu +3 位作者 Radu Usvat Dragos Cretoiu Cristian Baicus Gabriela Marinoschi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第44期5525-5532,共8页
AIM:To investigate the diagnostic accuracy of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging as a noninvasive method for the assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients.METHODS:We performed a p... AIM:To investigate the diagnostic accuracy of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging as a noninvasive method for the assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients.METHODS:We performed a prospective blind com-parison of ARFI elastography,APRI index and FibroMax in a consecutive series of patients who underwent liver biopsy for CHC in University Hospital Bucharest. His-topathological staging of liver fibrosis according to the METAVIR scoring system served as the reference. A to-tal of 74 patients underwent ARFI elastography,APRI index,FibroMax and successful liver biopsy. RESULTS:The noninvasive tests had a good correlation with the liver biopsy results. The most powerful test in predicting fibrosis was ARFI elastography. The diagnostic accuracy of ARFI elastography,expressedas area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) had a validity of 90.2% (95% CI AUROC = 0.831-0.972,P < 0.001) for the diagnosis of significant f ibrosis (F ≥ 2). ARFI sonoelastography predicted even better F3 or F4 fibrosis (AUROC = 0.993,95% CI = 0.979-1).CONCLUSION:ARFI elastography had very good accuracy for the assessment of liver fibrosis and was superior to other noninvasive methods (APRI Index,FibroMax) for staging liver fibrosis. 展开更多
关键词 Elasticity imaging techniques Hepatitis C Liver biopsy Liver fibrosis
Research Regarding Multifunctional Textiles Performed with Plasma Nanotechnology
作者 Lilioara Surdu Ion Rftzvan Rftdulescu +1 位作者 Carmen Ghituleasa Ioan Cioara 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第7期637-642,共6页
Textile materials have been applied in recent years to various applications. The connection between the textile science and electronics, biology or nano-technology has led to the extension of the basic clothing and ap... Textile materials have been applied in recent years to various applications. The connection between the textile science and electronics, biology or nano-technology has led to the extension of the basic clothing and apparel applications towards multi-functional and technical textiles. Fiber based materials represent proper solution for advanced materials. The authors envisage in this paper to present the work performed in 1NCDTP-Bucharest, for manufacturing surgical gowns for medical applications. The surface of the textile material was plasma nano-technology treated in order to obtain a hydrophobic functionalization. As characteristics of research, different parameters have been used for plasma treatment (gas type, power, time, pressure) and different raw materials (polyester, cotton). For the investigation of the functionality of raw/finished materials, laboratory instruments have been used in order to highlight the comfort properties obtained. Medical articles have strict regulations for manufacturing due to their usage in surgery units. Dry plasma treatment is an ecological method compared to classical wet finishing of textile materials. 展开更多
关键词 Plasma treatment FABRICS surgical gowns comfort properties.
Radio Espana Independiente, La Pirenaica: The Voice of the Victims of the Franco Regime
作者 Armand Balsebre Rosario Fontovaa 《Sociology Study》 2014年第10期859-868,共10页
Radio Espana Independiente [REI] [1941-1977], La Pirenaica, was the repository for the public remembrance of the victims of the Franco regime, through letters that its listeners regularly sent to the broadcaster's he... Radio Espana Independiente [REI] [1941-1977], La Pirenaica, was the repository for the public remembrance of the victims of the Franco regime, through letters that its listeners regularly sent to the broadcaster's headquarters in Bucharest. A study of the 15,500 letters contained in the Spanish Communist Party's [PCE] Historical Archive in Madrid confirms this broadcaster's major role in the construction of the mythical symbolic image of the anti-Franco movement. Beyond their function as propaganda instruments of the PCE, La Pirenaica's letters reveal the radio station's role as a vehicle for the expression of public solidarity and ideological and cultural resistance. La Pirenaica was the voice of the defeated after the Spanish Civil War, and was their confidante and advisor. La Pirenaica's letters are the chronicle of the horror that anti-Franco society suffered and endured in Spain. 展开更多
关键词 Radio Espana Independiente (REI) Radio Pirenaica Franco regime letters from radio listeners Spanish Communist Party(PCE)
The Lifeline for Suicide Prevention of Children and Teenagers in Bucharest, Romania
作者 Emanuel Adrian Sarbu 《Sociology Study》 2015年第5期415-427,共13页
Suicide is one of the leading causes of teenagers' deaths. Even whether it is preventable, most of the time, there are still very few projects or actions of the local authorities and/or organisations in Romania, due ... Suicide is one of the leading causes of teenagers' deaths. Even whether it is preventable, most of the time, there are still very few projects or actions of the local authorities and/or organisations in Romania, due to the lack of information and resources. The suicide prevention line for children and teenagers in Bucharest is presented and evaluated after five years of activity. It may be considered as one example of good practice, since it managed to put together local knowledge, human resources, and social actors. The suicide prevention line for children and teenagers in Bucharest has been established in 2009 by the General Directorate of Social Welfare of Bucharest Municipality, in partnership with the Psychiatric Hospital "Prof. dr. Alexandru Obregia". The finances are provided by the Welfare Department, the location belongs to the Psychiatric Hospital, and the mental health services are coordinated by a neuro-psychiatrist. There are about 30 volunteers taking the phone calls 24/7. Since 2011, they established the Association of Suicidology. 展开更多
法国现代小说中一种新颖的叙事技巧──回状嵌套法 被引量:13
作者 冯寿农 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第1期34-38,共5页
法国现代小说中一种新颖的叙事技巧──回状嵌套法冯寿农安德列·纪德(1869一1951)早在1893年就说过:“我相当喜欢在一部艺术作品中可重新找到这部作品的同一主题被搬移在人物范围内,没有什么能比这种方法更清楚地... 法国现代小说中一种新颖的叙事技巧──回状嵌套法冯寿农安德列·纪德(1869一1951)早在1893年就说过:“我相当喜欢在一部艺术作品中可重新找到这部作品的同一主题被搬移在人物范围内,没有什么能比这种方法更清楚地揭示主题,更可告地确立整体的比例。”①... 展开更多
关键词 叙事技巧 现代小说 伪币制造者 新小说派 冉阿让 希腊神话 布勒斯 《红楼梦》 《巴黎圣母院》 人道主义
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