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师位体验式教学法在初中道德与法治课堂的应用——以部编版八年级上册《做守法的公民》一课为例 被引量:2
作者 黄莹莹 《广西教育》 2021年第5期110-112,共3页
本文以部编版道德与法治八年级上册《做守法的公民》一课为例,论述师位体验式教学法在初中道德与法治课堂的实践,提出在课前应用指导学生备课,夯实基础;课中应用指导学生模拟授课,内化知识;课后应用指导学生反思构建知识体系,巩固知识... 本文以部编版道德与法治八年级上册《做守法的公民》一课为例,论述师位体验式教学法在初中道德与法治课堂的实践,提出在课前应用指导学生备课,夯实基础;课中应用指导学生模拟授课,内化知识;课后应用指导学生反思构建知识体系,巩固知识等策略。 展开更多
关键词 师位体验式 做守法的公民 课堂教学 探究 尝试
作者 潘燕华 《中学教学参考》 2020年第13期38-39,共2页
在高中政治教学中,复习课对学习效果影响巨大。然而,在实际教学过程中,复习课普遍存在“炒冷饭”“满堂灌”等现象,以致复习效果不尽如人意。文章试图探索一种新的复习模式,即师位体验式,让学生以教师的思维模式复习、提升、巩固,让学... 在高中政治教学中,复习课对学习效果影响巨大。然而,在实际教学过程中,复习课普遍存在“炒冷饭”“满堂灌”等现象,以致复习效果不尽如人意。文章试图探索一种新的复习模式,即师位体验式,让学生以教师的思维模式复习、提升、巩固,让学生的复习从被动灌输转变为主动汲取,从而有效提升复习效果。 展开更多
关键词 高中政治 师位体验式” 复习课 哲学生活
作者 于向英 周川 +3 位作者 张清平 周立华 王向军 万二辉 《河南教育(高教版)(中)》 2006年第9期22-23,共2页
师德是个古老的话题。“师爱为魂,学高为师,身正为范”概括了师德的精髓。作为教师应有的道德和行为规范,它是全社会道德体系的重要组成部分。从实践的角度看,教师的品行,所表现出来的气质、学识、道德,对未成年人的影响很大。因而师德... 师德是个古老的话题。“师爱为魂,学高为师,身正为范”概括了师德的精髓。作为教师应有的道德和行为规范,它是全社会道德体系的重要组成部分。从实践的角度看,教师的品行,所表现出来的气质、学识、道德,对未成年人的影响很大。因而师德高尚与否,直接关系着青少年的成长成才。现在处于社会转型期,市场经济和商品大潮冲击着几千年来形成的传统道德观念。那么,新形势下的师德观有什么变化?我们需要提倡什么样的师德?带着这些问题,本刊采访了各界人士。 展开更多
关键词 传统道德观念 社会道德体系 商品大潮 师爱 身正为范 学高为师 行为规范 师位 教育智慧 社会环境
作者 汪梅峰 《绍兴文理学院学报》 1982年第2期39-,共1页
本刊一九八二年第一期发表了《关于范爱农生平研究的新史料——汪梅峰〈吊范爱农诔文〉》一文,引起了鲁迅研究界和现代文学研究者的重视和关注。不少读者来信要求进一步提供有关材料。现征得原件收藏者汪国泰同志同意,将范爱农舅舅汪梅... 本刊一九八二年第一期发表了《关于范爱农生平研究的新史料——汪梅峰〈吊范爱农诔文〉》一文,引起了鲁迅研究界和现代文学研究者的重视和关注。不少读者来信要求进一步提供有关材料。现征得原件收藏者汪国泰同志同意,将范爱农舅舅汪梅峰《自序》公布于下。同时,刊登王德林同志《范爱农死因探索》一文,供进一步研究时参考。 展开更多
关键词 范爱农 鲁迅研究 诔文 梅峰 文学研究者 《自序》 王德林 一九 师位 而已矣
作者 杨成武 《党史研究与教学》 北大核心 1991年第1期61-66,共6页
阳德郡[注1]的丰田里位于比较隐蔽的山间,沿山沟散布着几十户人家,距交通干线较远。偏僻,然而也并不是“世外桃源”。田地里到处生长着绿葱葱的庄稼,在绿色之中间或有一片水洼或一个土坑,这是敌人留下的炸弹坑。我们兵团机关驻下后,虽... 阳德郡[注1]的丰田里位于比较隐蔽的山间,沿山沟散布着几十户人家,距交通干线较远。偏僻,然而也并不是“世外桃源”。田地里到处生长着绿葱葱的庄稼,在绿色之中间或有一片水洼或一个土坑,这是敌人留下的炸弹坑。我们兵团机关驻下后,虽然一时还没有遭到美军飞机的轰炸、扫射,但是也时常出现敌机在上空盘旋或来回穿过的情景。离这里不远的阳德附近则是敌机活动频繁的地区,炸弹爆炸声时有所闻;在视线可及的范围内,天空中不时爆开着朵朵烟云,那是我军高射火器对空射击的炸点。 展开更多
关键词 水洼 师位 兵团机关 受领任务 高射火器 对空射击 阳德 炸点 上战场 第三天
作者 甘森 阮卫明 《西部广播电视》 2010年第7X期154-165,共12页
离天最近的人群,生老病死,吃穿住行,风俗习惯,喜怒哀乐,朴实憨厚无不带上了红土高原的烙印:他们伫立在山风之中,像乌蒙山一样的坚强,年年岁岁,岁岁年年,谱写着高原风调雨顺的华章。他们唱着自己的歌,跳着自己的舞,过着自己的日子,有的... 离天最近的人群,生老病死,吃穿住行,风俗习惯,喜怒哀乐,朴实憨厚无不带上了红土高原的烙印:他们伫立在山风之中,像乌蒙山一样的坚强,年年岁岁,岁岁年年,谱写着高原风调雨顺的华章。他们唱着自己的歌,跳着自己的舞,过着自己的日子,有的从未走出过大山,从未离开过村寨……家里的墙壁上"天地国君亲师位"、"有求必应"伟人照片和歌星的宣传画贴在一起。 展开更多
关键词 师位 红土高原 乌蒙 花映红 天有 依山 轿子雪山 背柴 高山峡谷 草山
ADOPT护理模式对结肠造口病人护理知识和适应水平的影响 被引量:42
作者 张双 张志茹 潘翠柳 《护理研究(中旬版)》 2016年第9期3244-3246,共3页
[目的]探讨ADOPT护理模式对直肠癌术后永久性结肠造口病人造口护理知识和造口适应水平的影响。[方法]将2014年8月—2015年3月行永久性直肠造口术病人66例随机分为对照组和观察组。对照组术后实施常规护理,观察组术后在常规护理基础上实... [目的]探讨ADOPT护理模式对直肠癌术后永久性结肠造口病人造口护理知识和造口适应水平的影响。[方法]将2014年8月—2015年3月行永久性直肠造口术病人66例随机分为对照组和观察组。对照组术后实施常规护理,观察组术后在常规护理基础上实施ADOPT护理模式。出院后均进行电话访问和家庭访问。于术后第1天、出院时和出院后3个月评估两组病人造口护理知识和造口适应水平。[结果]出院时和出院3个月后观察组造口护理知识得分和适应水平得分明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。[结论]ADOPT模式能显著提高永久性结肠造口病人造口护理知识水平,缓解造口病人负性情绪,提高病人生理、心理和社会适应水平,促进病人身心康复。 展开更多
关键词 直肠癌 永久性结肠造口 ADOP丁护理模式 造口知识 造口适应水平
作者 王小庆 《福建教育》 2017年第15期42-44,共3页
博尔赫斯说:"如果有天堂,那应是图书馆的模样。"我想,好的图书馆,也应该是天堂的模样,比如说香港保良局蔡继有学校的图书馆。还在深圳时,祖文兄就告诉我,去了香港,一定要拜访一下王清凤所在的学校,也就是保良局蔡继有学校,因为他们... 博尔赫斯说:"如果有天堂,那应是图书馆的模样。"我想,好的图书馆,也应该是天堂的模样,比如说香港保良局蔡继有学校的图书馆。还在深圳时,祖文兄就告诉我,去了香港,一定要拜访一下王清凤所在的学校,也就是保良局蔡继有学校,因为他们的课程做得特别好,而他们的图书馆,更是典范中的典范。 展开更多
关键词 蔡继有 祖文 印象记 告诉我 博尔赫斯 师位 图书资源 右手边 学术期刊数据库 谈征
《中国高校师资研究》 2014年第5期48-49,共2页
2014年6月6日,中国高等教育学会师资管理研究分会常务理事单位处长工作会议在兰州大学召开。兰州大学副校长景涛出席会议并致辞。教育部教师工作司教师管理处处长黄伟、师资管理研究分会常务理事单位的人事部门负责人参加了会议。会议... 2014年6月6日,中国高等教育学会师资管理研究分会常务理事单位处长工作会议在兰州大学召开。兰州大学副校长景涛出席会议并致辞。教育部教师工作司教师管理处处长黄伟、师资管理研究分会常务理事单位的人事部门负责人参加了会议。会议由师资管理研究分会秘书处秘书长、武汉大学人事部部长朱德友主持。景涛介绍了兰州大学的发展历史和学校的人事人才工作情况。 展开更多
关键词 师资管理 人事部部长 德友 人事部门 管理处处长 年会主题 副校长 西部高校 师位 交流机会
On the roles of teachers in CLT
作者 张艳平 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第3期17-19,共3页
It is a long-lasting issue for most researchers and teachers to apply Communicative Teaching Method (CLT) in language teaching. The roles that teachers play in CLT are the key whether CLT is successfully applied in ... It is a long-lasting issue for most researchers and teachers to apply Communicative Teaching Method (CLT) in language teaching. The roles that teachers play in CLT are the key whether CLT is successfully applied in teaching. This paper aims to discuss how to apply this teaching method in language teaching by means of teachers' roles, namely, information collector, designer, organizer and controller of the class, participant and evaluator. 展开更多
关键词 CLT roles of teachers PLAYING
The Relevance of International Financial Reporting Standards for Small and Medium-Sized Entities (IFRS for SMEs) in Swaziland 被引量:1
作者 Seedwell Tanaka Muyako Sithole 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第8期383-402,共20页
The purpose of this study is to explore the relevance of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) in Swaziland. The study further seeks to determine if... The purpose of this study is to explore the relevance of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) in Swaziland. The study further seeks to determine if IFRS for SMEs can be the solution to better reporting by local SMEs. There has been a growing need for different reporting standards for small firms and big firms over the years due to the unique challenges and attributes they face especially in the area of financial reporting. This research is based on a statistical analysis of questionnaires completed by accountants from SMEs in Swaziland as well as other stakeholders who have a direct or an indirect interest in the financial statements of SMEs. These stakeholders included audit firms and the financial institutions. The sampling rate of 10% was applied across each industry to come up with a sample of 60 SMEs. Furthermore, a 100% sampling rate on the other stakeholders was applied. These were nine financial institutions and eight audit finns. The findings from the study revealed that SMEs in Swaziland are having challenges with the current reporting framework but to some extent, the framework is suitable. Most SMEs are not aware of IFRS for SMEs, therefore the accounting profession in Swaziland (SIA) has a huge role to play in training auditors and accountants in the country. Overall, IFRS for SMEs is applicable in Swaziland. 展开更多
关键词 RELEVANCE International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) small and medium-sized entities (SMEs)
People's Visual Perceptions of Tourism Buildings and Their Environments
作者 Hacer Mutlu Danaci Selcuk Sayan Osman Karaguzel 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第9期881-896,共16页
The visual and aesthetic aspects of any object are defined by its color, texture, line, and form as well as compositional reference elements such as scale and spatial location in the three-dimensional context. Differe... The visual and aesthetic aspects of any object are defined by its color, texture, line, and form as well as compositional reference elements such as scale and spatial location in the three-dimensional context. Different methodologies have been developed to conduct visual assessments, based on analyses of the physical, aesthetic, and psychological attributes of the landscape. In this study, relationships between tourism buildings and the environment were analyzed across the perceived landscape and main shopping streets in terms of their color, texture, line and form, scale, and spatial location. Photographic-based questionnaires were administered in Kemer (near Antalya, Turkey) and Knokke (near Brugge, Belgium). In each location, 30 photographs taken of the coast and principal shopping streets were shown to 100 respondents of different ages, educational backgrounds, and nationalities. Two questions were then asked regarding the visual relationships in the photographs. Six questions regarding socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents were also asked. In both locations, the respondents preferred natural landscapes with few structures, and tourist resorts characterized by small, low-rise, and traditional buildings. The results of this study may provide suggestions for building and landscape architects about how to successfully integrate tourism buildings into the landscape 展开更多
"Add-ons" to the Value-Added of ELTs
作者 Srinivasa Rao Idapalapati 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第1期1-12,共12页
Teacher evaluations intend to cultivate quality among teachers. However, since they are traditionally dependent on observers and their reports that are likely biased, the procedures probably effectuate discords among ... Teacher evaluations intend to cultivate quality among teachers. However, since they are traditionally dependent on observers and their reports that are likely biased, the procedures probably effectuate discords among the calling-teaching professionals. An evaluation procedure that can ascertain fairness in the decisions about teacher retentions, terminations, promotions, and sanctions can capture the accordance of all teachers and teacher facilitators. This paper identifies the possibility of such an evaluation system that is built upon the existing value-added methods. Drawing upon the observations and recommendations by Chetty, Friedman, and Rockoff (2012) on value-added methods of evaluation, and considering the uniqueness of ELTs (English Language Teachers) as it was observed by Borg (2006) and Lee (2010), this paper describes the application of the value-added evaluation method, in gauging the quality of ELTs. The paper further explicates the vantages and conformities embodied in the procedure that could boost up the morale of ELTs as independent professionals of a creative art, and help them perform to their fullest potential 展开更多
关键词 teachers' accountability learning outcomes VA (value-added) self-assertion of performances measuring PD (Professional Development)
Architectural Educational Experience in Kansei
作者 Igor Fernandez Plazaola Carmen Llinares Millan +1 位作者 Antoni Montafiana Avino Maria Pons Morera 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第2期131-138,共8页
Since the earliest Kansei works saw the light more than 30 years ago, the Kansei has boomed exponentially. Because of many and various achieved business successes by different working groups as well as the methodology... Since the earliest Kansei works saw the light more than 30 years ago, the Kansei has boomed exponentially. Because of many and various achieved business successes by different working groups as well as the methodology geographical dispersion throughout the world. Multi-faceted Kansei has been developed for the last 20 years in a very wide and varied way. The Kansei has experienced as if talking of a tree, a branching experience still going on nowadays. Today we can speak from Kansei in theory, Kansei emotion measurement, Kansei engineering, Kansei information, Kansei education, Kansei design to Kansei in practice and many other disciplines. Three years ago, our team started the experience to introduce Kansei in the educational atmosphere, applying it to the final degree projects. In the School of Building Engineering at the Universitat Polit^cnica de Valencia and inside its final degree project proposal, a workshop on Kansei engineering was offered. During these years at the eighth semester of the building engineer degree, students have been working for almost five months under the supervision of a team of teachers on their final project till the final public oral defense was made in front of a committee. During these years, we have worked with an average of 10 students per year. Some have successfully completed their final projects, others have not achieved the minimum required. The article aims to explain the experience during the last three years the team has accumulated in Kansei education, and can be of interest for every teacher or lecturer. 展开更多
关键词 Academic Kansei Kansei final project educational experience architectural teaching.
Advanced Research Projects in the Humanities: New Trends on Literature, Languages, and Linguistics Studies
作者 Carlos Francisco Mafra Ceia 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第12期903-913,共11页
Following the author's own experiencing in supervising Ph.D. theses in literature, languages, linguistics, and teacher education, the author will focus on new trends of advanced research projects that have been contr... Following the author's own experiencing in supervising Ph.D. theses in literature, languages, linguistics, and teacher education, the author will focus on new trends of advanced research projects that have been contributing to reinforce the importance of research in these areas in a time of crisis in the humanities. The organization and funding of science and scholarship in Europe has been promoting anything else but social sciences research, including educational areas. The author will follow the recent call from the Board of Trustees da Academia Europaea to redirect policies toward the organization of multidisciplinary research projects. Among these so-called "small subjects", we will find original, inspired, and valuable research projects in the humanities, It is worth mentioning that the crisis that has been diminishing this type of scholarship strangely cohabits with several policies promoted by the European Commission and the Council of Europe to develop programs for plurilingual education and linguistic diversity, new framework strategies for multilingualism, and the use of new technologies for language teaching and learning. A strong emphasis on research projects leading to interdisciplinary studies involving literature and pure sciences, plus the development of outreach research projects will be proposed. 展开更多
The role repositioning of teacher and student in the process of knowledge internalization under flipped classroom
作者 Ling ZHANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期18-20,共3页
Flipped classroom model led to the transformation of university teachers' teaching role. From the perspective of the sociology of knowledge, the teacher professional development is a process of transformation of the ... Flipped classroom model led to the transformation of university teachers' teaching role. From the perspective of the sociology of knowledge, the teacher professional development is a process of transformation of the role of teachers, and role transformation and the way of actors involved in the knowledge are associated. Participating in knowledge in different ways, role types are also different. Thus, changing the way ofparticipating in knowledge is the basic way to participate in the transformation of the role. Classification of roles is not the classification ofhumans.A social may might play many roles of many types in his life andmay have the function of a variety of roles at the same time. Meanwhile, it can be transferred between characters, especially in the case of depending on the same knowledge system.As long as the ways of involvement are different,the functions and types of roles are also different. University teachers are those who play a variety of roles of knowledge and society, some being the teaching teachers of organization and dissemination of knowledge, some being scientific and teaching teachers who focus on organizing and disseminating knowledge as well as knowledge creation, and knowledge creation and heavy teacher teaching and research, while others are knowledge creation based research teachers. In the field of the sociology of knowledge, university teachers should be scientific teaching roles depending on a deep knowledge and participating in knowledge in a variety of ways. From the perspective of the sociology of knowledge, according to Eph · Znaniecki' s role classification, university teachers participate in knowledge in three ways: teaching, learning and researching. Teaching, learning and researching are relative but different ways of participating in knowledge. State they are relative because itshows teaching can promote learning, learning can promote researching, researching can also promote learning and teaching. The homochromous interaction of teaching, leaming and researching, knowledge is in constant state of development and generation. 展开更多
关键词 flipping the classroom internalization of knowledge role positioning between teachers and students
作者 沈海庭 《中国劳动》 1953年第8期2-4,共3页
國家開始執行第一個五年計劃,現有技術工人的數量和質量,顯然地遠遠趕不上生產建設發展的要求,特別是缺乏具有現代生產技術的重工業技術工人。因此,積極地採用各種方式开辟補充技術工人的來源,是一迫切需要進行的工作。在中國目前情况下... 國家開始執行第一個五年計劃,現有技術工人的數量和質量,顯然地遠遠趕不上生產建設發展的要求,特別是缺乏具有現代生產技術的重工業技術工人。因此,積極地採用各種方式开辟補充技術工人的來源,是一迫切需要進行的工作。在中國目前情况下,較高等級的技術工人,逐渐可由各產業部門的技工學校來負責培養,而數量衆多的三級以下的技術工人,採用現場帶徒方式個別培養,仍是一個有效可行的辦法,且有不少廠礦對此工作業已取得一些經驗,值得研究和推廣。一、正確地認識個別培養的意義: 工矿企業在生產建設過程中,如果目前要國家統一輸送技術工人,还不大可能,仍須依靠各產業部門根據自己的需要,有計劃地自行培养。因此,各產業部門對於現場帶徒个別培養工作,不只應與所屬中等技術学校和技工学校同等重視,且須予以大力支持,使它得到應有的開展。事實證明,凡是把生產建設與培養技工很好結合進行的廠矿,不獨生產速迅提高,設備利用率亦迅速增長,而且新建工廠也因以得到如期開工生產。如西北第一機器廠,自一九五一年八月開始大量培養学徒後,即把當年原來估計无法完成的生產計劃,提前十二天完成;及至一九五二年上半年則將原開單班的生產小組,普遍改為雙班或三班,並提高了設備利用率。大連鐵路工廠採取現場帶徒的辦法,也解决一些生產發展中技工不足的困難。太原新建重型機器廠,為了保證工廠建成即能及時開工生產,需要相當數量的技術工人,也是採取自己培養和委託兄弟厂矿代訓學徒的辦法來解决。這些都是認識到生產建設與培養技工的重要性和一致性的較好實例。 展开更多
关键词 技工学校 程中 上生 师位 三极 塘沽新港 一侗 升极 阴根 理筋
作者 王建强 《中国书法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期114-119,共6页
当代中青年创作队伍是思维敏捷、活力四射的一个群体,单从这个群体对当代书坛的书法创作影响来讲,分量之重仍然不言而喻。他们在书法创作领域里,厉兵秣马,砥砺精进,展现出异彩纷旱的视界。但是,由于襟带关系、师徒关系,令大多数作品风... 当代中青年创作队伍是思维敏捷、活力四射的一个群体,单从这个群体对当代书坛的书法创作影响来讲,分量之重仍然不言而喻。他们在书法创作领域里,厉兵秣马,砥砺精进,展现出异彩纷旱的视界。但是,由于襟带关系、师徒关系,令大多数作品风格趋于雷同,如同翻印。这在隶书、行草中体现得尤为明显。 展开更多
关键词 书法创作 锦溪 创作队伍 师徒关系 作品风格 师位 虞州 书道 近体 苏诗
作者 王怡红 《中国记者》 北大核心 1993年第11期56-57,共2页
在五花八门的美国,各种新事物的魅力激起社会一阵阵冲动,随即转化为大众追逐的热点。拉什·林博是美国广播电视业新近崛起的一个人物,他的“节目制造公司”赢得了人们的喜爱。前不久,《美国新闻与世界报道》杂志对“拉什热”进行了... 在五花八门的美国,各种新事物的魅力激起社会一阵阵冲动,随即转化为大众追逐的热点。拉什·林博是美国广播电视业新近崛起的一个人物,他的“节目制造公司”赢得了人们的喜爱。前不久,《美国新闻与世界报道》杂志对“拉什热”进行了民意调查。调查结果表明,目前,全美有61%的人喜欢收听收看由拉什·林博制作的广播电视节目。不仅如此,拉什本人已成为大众崇拜的偶象。以拉什命名的马路旁餐馆正像青草一样在全美滋长蔓延。拉什·林博可谓纯粹的个体经营。他单抢匹马,不带一兵一卒,每天主持三个小时的广播节目,半个小时的电视节目。他把这些节目兜售拾全美616家广播电台、电视台,每天大约有2000万听众、观众。拉什产品的魅力及其迅速扩张将人们的注意力转向新的兴奋点,同时也搅扰了美国旧有的广播电视秩序。 展开更多
关键词 拉什 广播电视业 广播节目 传播界 个体经营 谈话节目 全美 师位 人生舞台 民意调查
《NBA特刊》 2015年第11期54-54,共1页
虽然上赛季成功杀入西部决赛,但火箭队更多是靠运气和赛程。但本赛季就不一样了,泰·劳森的加盟能让火箭队的进攻马上变得条理分明。啥登经过上赛季的爆发,本赛季肯定会成为各支球队严防死守的对象,劳森的加盟能让哈登不用像上赛季... 虽然上赛季成功杀入西部决赛,但火箭队更多是靠运气和赛程。但本赛季就不一样了,泰·劳森的加盟能让火箭队的进攻马上变得条理分明。啥登经过上赛季的爆发,本赛季肯定会成为各支球队严防死守的对象,劳森的加盟能让哈登不用像上赛季那样辛苦。与此同时,随着哈登持球进攻的减少,他对对手内线的杀伤也将降低,如何在球权分配间找到最合适的临界点,恐怕火箭需要一些比赛来试炼。 展开更多
关键词 火箭队 条理分明 球权 师位 在職
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