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西周官制与政府组织架构新论 被引量:1
作者 叶先闯 《殷都学刊》 2024年第1期35-44,共10页
早期中国官僚制政府之形成,约始于商朝,至西周时已得到相当成熟的发展。与商代官僚职权不明、职掌不专、惯用泛称、机构不健全、等级隶属性差相比,西周王朝在政府的梯次建设、职能的多系统划分、职官的层级鲜明等方面,展示出早期国家成... 早期中国官僚制政府之形成,约始于商朝,至西周时已得到相当成熟的发展。与商代官僚职权不明、职掌不专、惯用泛称、机构不健全、等级隶属性差相比,西周王朝在政府的梯次建设、职能的多系统划分、职官的层级鲜明等方面,展示出早期国家成熟型官僚制政府的样态。若以史、师、司三系官员任用来重理西周政府组织,其中史系按职能可分为太史和内史两类,太史在早期地位重要,而中后期比较活跃和彰显的则是内史(尹)。作为武官之首的太师领导其属官师氏在早期征伐活动中功绩卓著,然而进入中期后,根据册命礼推知,大量师官或已进入司马所属系统中,间接造成了太师地位的下降和司系职官权力的高升。不管是史系还是师系职官,大多起用异姓为之,只是其部门长官非异姓能长久拥有。至王朝中期以降,应是职能最广的三有司占据领导核心地位,尤以司马和司土/徒长期为王所重,且其官长基本由姬姓世卿把持,体现西周亲缘政治共同体的基本属性。 展开更多
关键词 史系职官 师系职官 司系职官 西周官制特点
Lecturers’Efforts in Building Rapport in the English-Medium Instruction(EMI)Context:Focus on the Use of Communication Strategies
作者 Shiyan YU Jagdish KAUR 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2024年第3期498-513,526,共17页
Past studies reveal the prevalence of anxiety,coupled with low motivation and disengagement among students in English-medium instruction(EMI)programs.Given the detrimental impact these negative emotions can have on le... Past studies reveal the prevalence of anxiety,coupled with low motivation and disengagement among students in English-medium instruction(EMI)programs.Given the detrimental impact these negative emotions can have on learning outcomes,it is imperative that teachers establish positive emotional rapport with their students.This study explores how experienced and highly rated EMI lecturers at a Chinese university’s overseas campus use communication strategies to build rapport with their students during interactive academic activities.It identifies the strategies used by these lecturers and examines how the strategies facilitate the teaching-learning process.The data,consisting of 10 hours of tutorials and 10 hours of supervisor-student supervision meetings,is analyzed using an adapted Conversation Analysis(CA)approach.The analysis reveals three types of communication strategies(CSs)frequently used by lecturers:back-channeling,codeswitching,and co-creation of messages.By employing these strategies,the lecturers established a strong rapport with the students,which created an encouraging and supportive learning environment.Consequently,this positive atmosphere facilitated students’learning of content knowledge through English.The findings of this study have implications for the training of lecturers who encounter difficulties in establishing rapport with multilingual students in the EMI setting. 展开更多
关键词 communication strategies English-medium instruction(EMI) rapport-building lecturer-student interaction supportive learning environment
作者 杨扬 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 1993年第4期98-,共1页
由我国著名明清史专家李洵教授倡议,吉林师范学院、吉林省社会科学院、吉林大学和东北师系、所发起和主办的《1993年海峡两岸明史学术讨论会》于二月七日至十日在凇城吉林市举行。大陆家学者八十余人,于元宵佳节齐聚北国凇城,雅集一堂,... 由我国著名明清史专家李洵教授倡议,吉林师范学院、吉林省社会科学院、吉林大学和东北师系、所发起和主办的《1993年海峡两岸明史学术讨论会》于二月七日至十日在凇城吉林市举行。大陆家学者八十余人,于元宵佳节齐聚北国凇城,雅集一堂,共同探讨学术。会议讨论的主题是:(1)公元纪的中国社会结构(或社会组织)。(2)公元十五至十六世纪的中国和世界。 展开更多
关键词 学术讨论会 海峡两岸 中国社会结构 十六世纪 师系 两岸学者 元宵佳节 明后期 明初 文化趋向
《国家人文历史》 2016年第10期11-11,共1页
@檀越之:买到国历最新5月上的期刊,读了《五花八门的国民党称呼》一文后有两个疑问。其一,文中介绍国民党将领辈分之间称呼规则时,说陈诚称呼蒋介石"校长"不对,陈诚曾作为黄埔的教职人员,叫"校长"应该没什么不妥吧?其二,文中将陈... @檀越之:买到国历最新5月上的期刊,读了《五花八门的国民党称呼》一文后有两个疑问。其一,文中介绍国民党将领辈分之间称呼规则时,说陈诚称呼蒋介石"校长"不对,陈诚曾作为黄埔的教职人员,叫"校长"应该没什么不妥吧?其二,文中将陈诚和张治中归为保定系,但陈张二人都在黄埔任教,是不是也可以归为黄埔系呢? 展开更多
关键词 陈诚 国民党将领 教职人员 张二 何应钦 文中 杜聿明 余程万 胡宗南 师系
《电脑采购》 2003年第46期30-30,共1页
《魔力宝贝》的一大优点就是它的职业多样,甚至有侦探这种“玩票”性质的职业,在《魔力宝贝》刚开放这个职业的当天,甚至有满大街都是玩家变装变出的NPC这样的盛况。同时,作为与它性质类似的,可以变化成宠物形象的职业——仙人,却一直... 《魔力宝贝》的一大优点就是它的职业多样,甚至有侦探这种“玩票”性质的职业,在《魔力宝贝》刚开放这个职业的当天,甚至有满大街都是玩家变装变出的NPC这样的盛况。同时,作为与它性质类似的,可以变化成宠物形象的职业——仙人,却一直未开放,这也使得很多玩家望穿秋水地等待着。现在,这个职业马上就要开放了,我们不妨先来看一下如何当一名“传说中的仙人” 展开更多
关键词 魔力宝贝 给你 拉尔 派乡 师系 桃源乡 金属系 概位 威尔 冒险者
作者 CCANN 《电脑采购》 2003年第7期32-32,共1页
第一章快捷设定篇此章是有关于打怪,逃命,保全队友性命之重要说明。由于阴阳师的玩法,以魔法为主,但法术通常多到用鼠标来玩会来不及,所以,快捷工具栏的设定法对阴阳师来说异常重要,还请多多注意设定之方式。快捷工具栏的切换方殊为 sh... 第一章快捷设定篇此章是有关于打怪,逃命,保全队友性命之重要说明。由于阴阳师的玩法,以魔法为主,但法术通常多到用鼠标来玩会来不及,所以,快捷工具栏的设定法对阴阳师来说异常重要,还请多多注意设定之方式。快捷工具栏的切换方殊为 shift键加上数字1-8键。第一页通常为动作列,如站起,坐下,邀请,跑步等等。第二页通常为攻击法术,单人和全体,建议单人定影也放这,如此就不用切换页数太频繁,如1-4为单人攻击之法术,5为定影,6-8为群体攻击法术,将单人和群体分成两个部分会比较好一些,因为如混杂的话,有时打怪不小心按到群体法术时,容易引起暴动,故在此建议分为两个部分会好些,如不小心按到时,怪的数量打得过还无所谓,但如打不过,请尽速走动,让法术中断,不然就是请跑开,离队友远一些,赶快施展落跑大法,传送离开。第三页通常是设定辅助法术。 展开更多
关键词 阴阳师 轩辕剑 快捷工具栏 换页 设重 BOSS 技能等级 师系 记别 攻击模式
追踪报道 风色幻想Ⅲ
《软件导刊》 2004年第7期22-23,共2页
这期《风色幻想Ⅲ》续报所要为各位玩家介绍的部分是——"人物成长系统"、"技能树系统"以及游戏拥有的广袤世界。首先,这次《风色幻想Ⅲ》的"人物成长系统"与以往作品相比有了很大改变。结合历代优点,成... 这期《风色幻想Ⅲ》续报所要为各位玩家介绍的部分是——"人物成长系统"、"技能树系统"以及游戏拥有的广袤世界。首先,这次《风色幻想Ⅲ》的"人物成长系统"与以往作品相比有了很大改变。结合历代优点,成功进化的三大类系统-"职业进化"、"能力成长"、"技能树"将构成多样化、自由性十足的成长系统,这些都将成为《风Ⅲ》所表达的重点。徽章系统风光不再徽章转职系统可说是风色幻想系列大受好评的系统之一。 展开更多
关键词 追踪报道 一次风 技能发展 龙骑士 职业特性 职业种类 技能学习 职业选择 紫矿 师系
TOP5 英雄联盟现版本五大上单
作者 喵喵酱 《电子竞技》 2016年第4期20-21,共2页
随着英雄联盟版本的不断更新,上单位置变成越来越重要,主流英雄也在不断变化,由肉装坦克演变成法师主流,从法师演变成战士当道;由只需要出肉装扛伤害的地位一跃到如今不仅需要抗伤害,还需要打输出的存在;从以前比赛中对上单的牺牲,到如... 随着英雄联盟版本的不断更新,上单位置变成越来越重要,主流英雄也在不断变化,由肉装坦克演变成法师主流,从法师演变成战士当道;由只需要出肉装扛伤害的地位一跃到如今不仅需要抗伤害,还需要打输出的存在;从以前比赛中对上单的牺牲,到如今更加重视上单的发育,可以看出上单已经可以承担起CARRY起全队的作用。一代补丁一代神,今天就为大家盘点一下当前版本上单比较强势的英雄。 展开更多
关键词 TOP5 胜率 约德尔 致命威胁 移速 塔姆 持续作战能力 输出空间 多打少 师系
作者 君冈 《佛教文化》 1994年第6期7-7,共1页
1994年9月19日下午,中国佛教协会会长、本刊创办人赵朴初先生在北京广济寺中国佛教协会客厅亲切会晤台湾省印顺法师。印顺法师系台湾省佛教界老一辈著名人士,其佛学研究成就为国际佛学界所瞩目,近年大陆印行了其《中国禅宗史》等重要著... 1994年9月19日下午,中国佛教协会会长、本刊创办人赵朴初先生在北京广济寺中国佛教协会客厅亲切会晤台湾省印顺法师。印顺法师系台湾省佛教界老一辈著名人士,其佛学研究成就为国际佛学界所瞩目,近年大陆印行了其《中国禅宗史》等重要著作。此次印顺法师不顾高龄体弱,重访大陆佛教界。赵朴初先生与印顺法师的会晤,历时虽短,但无疑是两岸佛教界的一次重要交流活动,尤其对于中国佛教文化、佛学研究的进一步推展必将产生积极的促进作用。本期封面照片即系海峡两岸佛教界这次重要会晤的珍贵记录。 展开更多
关键词 佛学研究 印顺 中国禅宗史 北京广济寺 赵朴初 佛教界 中国佛教文化 封面照片 师系 中国佛教协会
作者 印保祥 《中国供销商情(村官)》 2003年第11期48-49,共2页
湖北省洪湖市府场彩色瓷像、“风刻法”石刻工艺联社社长、青年知识分子印家江与毕业于武汉大学化学系的父亲印保林、长江大学环境工程师系副教授李爱国、北京科技大学冶金研究中心副主任、教授、硕士生导师杨世山等老学者、老专家、老... 湖北省洪湖市府场彩色瓷像、“风刻法”石刻工艺联社社长、青年知识分子印家江与毕业于武汉大学化学系的父亲印保林、长江大学环境工程师系副教授李爱国、北京科技大学冶金研究中心副主任、教授、硕士生导师杨世山等老学者、老专家、老科学家合作、寒来暑往、走南闯北、经近十年艰苦卓绝的潜心研究。 展开更多
关键词 瓷像 湖北省洪湖市 青年知识分子 硕士生导师 投资项目 李爱国 金式 保林 师系 环境工程
作者 周祖威 《天津职业技术师范大学学报》 1991年第1期20-23,共4页
教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业,教书育人是教师的天职。教书育人是一门科学,也是一门艺术。作为人民教师,怎样才能做好教书育人,这是需要广泛和深入研讨的大课题。本文从教育学和心理学的角度,结合教学实践,论述爱心是教师应具有的重要心... 教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业,教书育人是教师的天职。教书育人是一门科学,也是一门艺术。作为人民教师,怎样才能做好教书育人,这是需要广泛和深入研讨的大课题。本文从教育学和心理学的角度,结合教学实践,论述爱心是教师应具有的重要心理品质,以及教师的爱心在育人中的地位和作用。 展开更多
关键词 心理素养 社会主义人才 “四有”人才 心理品质 政治素养 教育工作 师系 灵魂工程师 大学时期 政治风波
Primary study on Nosema bombycis Infecting the Insect of Drosophila 被引量:3
作者 张小燕 蔡红英 +2 位作者 周兴建 肖宇 黄蕾 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期164-166,共3页
[ Objective ] The aim of this study was to investigate the infectivity of Nosema bombycis to drosophila, which offered a new vision for systematical studies on the infection mechanism of Nosema bombycis, and also prov... [ Objective ] The aim of this study was to investigate the infectivity of Nosema bombycis to drosophila, which offered a new vision for systematical studies on the infection mechanism of Nosema bombycis, and also provided reference for the bio-control effect of Nosema bombycis. [ Method ] Nosema bombycis was used to feed wild type and mutant drosophila, and the morphological observation of Nosema bombycis in drosophila body fluid was also analyzed by calcofluor white M2R fluorescent staining. [ Result] Nosema bombycis could infect drosophila, and the number of Nosema bombycis in the infected mutant drosophila was higher than that in wild type drosophila. [ Conclusion ] Nosema bombycis can infect drosophila, which provides primary reference for studies on the infectivity of Nosema bombycis to other hosts and also lays a foundation for further study on the infection mechanism of Nosema bombycis. 展开更多
关键词 Nosema bombycis DROSOPHILA INFECTION Calcofluor white M2R staining
电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定铈矿中微量的砷、锑 被引量:10
作者 陈景文 曹淑红 杨春生 《分析试验室》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期85-86,共2页
采用过氧化钠熔融试样 ,用盐酸调节试液酸度 ,对电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱 (ICP AES)法同时测定铈矿中微量砷和锑进行了研究 ,考察了铈基体及共存元素 。
关键词 测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱 铈矿 痕量分析
Teacher-Pupil Relationship in Implementing Modem Teaching Technologies
作者 Huseyn Mirzayev 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2017年第3期149-153,共5页
In the article, the features of using modern teaching tecnologies are investigated and results are revealed. The establishment of teacher-pupil relationships based on comfortable mutual trust and equal rights is the d... In the article, the features of using modern teaching tecnologies are investigated and results are revealed. The establishment of teacher-pupil relationships based on comfortable mutual trust and equal rights is the direct effect of proper and expedient use of innovative training technologies. Teaching technologies' features are explored, experiment examples are listed, and all these results are analysed in this article. In the article, modem teaching technologies' characteristic features are explored and the need of these features in teaching process with the teacher-pupil relationship is substantiated. Some conclusions were made to analyse all these points. 展开更多
关键词 modern teaching technologies typical characteristics co-operations teacher-pupil relationships age characteristics
The Significance of Students' Personal Narratives in Teacher Training
作者 Jamal Ali Assadi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第10期772-782,共11页
Recognizing the importance of personal narratives in general and in the field of teacher training in particular this paper first presents a review of research in the field, offers several definitions and theories of a... Recognizing the importance of personal narratives in general and in the field of teacher training in particular this paper first presents a review of research in the field, offers several definitions and theories of analysis, and then provides readers with the personal narratives and the analyses of three fourth-year students in the Department of English at a College for Teacher Training. The goal is to find out, learn, and make use of the voices, attitudes, experiences, visions, successes, failures, hopes, and frustrations of students engaged in teacher education. The conclusion asserts the necessity of adopting a model of training which is based on students' personal narratives--one which encourages and strengthens partnership between students cooperating teachers, and academics 展开更多
关键词 teacher training PRACTICUM personal narratives cooperating teachers cooperating schools
Teachers Are Key Factors of Universities Peking Female Higher Normal College 1917-1922
作者 JIANG Lijing 《History Research》 2017年第2期78-89,共12页
The successful experiences that cause Peking Female Higher Normal College (PKFHNC) to complete a relatively large scale of talents training task and become the birthplace of modern female intellectuals in early 20th... The successful experiences that cause Peking Female Higher Normal College (PKFHNC) to complete a relatively large scale of talents training task and become the birthplace of modern female intellectuals in early 20th century China in spite of disorder of social circumstance outside and regular educational system inside are as follows. First, with the endeavor of Chen Zhongfan, Dean of Chinese Department, PKFHNC gathered lots of leading scholars both from old school and new school during May Fourth Movement; second, these leading scholars' diversified academic thoughts, political ideas, and educational experiences encouraged students to think freely and critically; finally, their deep concerns about the future of China society, academic disciplines, and women's liberation and education caused all superficial changes and differences of PKFHNC to form an united spiritual power, which promoted this group of female students' development deeply. 展开更多
关键词 university FACULTY Peking Female Higher Normal College female college students
Student-Teacher Communication in University Teaching
作者 Radmila Suzic Tijana Dabic Ivana Cirkovic Miladinovic 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第1期65-71,共7页
Considering that communication is an extremely important element in modem university education, it is of utmost importance to know how successful student-teacher communication can be achieved. In an attempt to explain... Considering that communication is an extremely important element in modem university education, it is of utmost importance to know how successful student-teacher communication can be achieved. In an attempt to explain it, this paper gives a definition of educational communication focusing on key aspects of student-teacher relationship and development of skills necessary for complete and independent communication. Student-teacher relationship is mostly determined by the first contact, as explained in Heider's attribution theory, because assigning attributes to other people and trying to understand their behavior is essential part of human nature. Through the example of pedagogical workshops, the paper demonstrates the importance of the interactive learning at university level, which leads towards establishing effective communication between teachers and students.Considering that communication is an extremely important element in modem university education, it is of utmost importance to know how successful student-teacher communication can be achieved. In an attempt to explain it, this paper gives a definition of educational communication focusing on key aspects of student-teacher relationship and development of skills necessary for complete and independent communication. Student-teacher relationship is mostly determined by the first contact, as explained in Heider's attribution theory, because assigning attributes to other people and trying to understand their behavior is essential part of human nature. Through the example of pedagogical workshops, the paper demonstrates the importance of the interactive learning at university level, which leads towards estabhshmg effective communication between teachers and students. 展开更多
关键词 COMMUNICATION teacher-student relationship university teaching
The Construction of Micro-Environment in the College English Learning Based on the Rogers' Humanistic Teaching Theory
作者 SUN Fangfang 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期122-124,共3页
A small English class can be called as a micro-environment for English study. In this small micro-environment, the relationship between teachers and students is subtle. How to achieve the good interaction and create a... A small English class can be called as a micro-environment for English study. In this small micro-environment, the relationship between teachers and students is subtle. How to achieve the good interaction and create a good micro-environment in English class between teachers and students is very important for developing students' learning ability. This thesis is based on Rogers' humanistic teaching theory, which uses questionnaires, inteview and comparative analysis to analyze the current situation of micro-environment in college English learning. It discusses the construction of micro-environment in college English learning based on Rogers' humanistic teaching theory and the ways to construct it from software conditions (roles of teachers and students, relationship between teachers and students, the classroom atmosphere) and hardware conditions(teaching resources, a classroom). 展开更多
关键词 College English leaming MICRO-ENVIRONMENT CONSTRUCTION Humanistic teaching theory
Flipping the College English Classroom
作者 YUAN Jing-jing 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第11期816-821,共6页
The flipped classroom is an emerging teaching mode which is originated from the United States and is now prevalent in many countries. It is helpful to build a more harmonious relationship between the teachers and the ... The flipped classroom is an emerging teaching mode which is originated from the United States and is now prevalent in many countries. It is helpful to build a more harmonious relationship between the teachers and the students, to enhance the students' self-study ability, to create a favorable learning environment, to realize the individualized teaching in class, and to improve the students' English ability. The study focuses on the college English classroom in China. The author tries to prove that the flipped classroom is a helpful way to improve the teaching and learning effect of college English classroom. A teaching procedure for the flipped college English classroom is designed in the hope of changing the current college English teaching condition. 展开更多
关键词 the flipped classroom college English activities design
Teacher Spiritualism: The Vocation Within
作者 Luis Javier Penton Herrera 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第6期355-360,共6页
Ancient civilizations adopted an early education system that included religion as an integral part of its focus. For this reason, priests, monks, and other people of faith, were trusted with the important task of educ... Ancient civilizations adopted an early education system that included religion as an integral part of its focus. For this reason, priests, monks, and other people of faith, were trusted with the important task of educating their community and instructing them in the values, beliefs, and norms of their society. As time passed, public education continued to evolve to keep up with the societal demands to the point that education and religion were not longer connected. Simultaneously, professionals in the education field have also changed and educators are no longer required to be people of faith. However, considering that the mission of education has remained the same, it would be unrealistic to consider teachers as unspiritual individuals regardless of their religious beliefs and affiliations. This paper explores the idea that educators are innate spiritual individuals who strive to perpetuate the norms, values and virtues of their society. In addition, this article presents the concept of teacher spiritualism as a contemporary reality of our teachers and our educational system. 展开更多
关键词 social improvement spiritual education teacher spiritualism teacher empathy
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