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《四川蚕业》 2022年第4期I0009-I0009,共1页
杨希哲同志,1942年2月6日出生于四川荣县,汉族,大学本科学历,农业技术推广研究员,北碍区第十届、第十三届人民代表。1963年7月毕业于西南农学院蚕桑专业,1975年3月31日加入中国共产党。2022年12月10日因病医治无效,与世长辞,享年80岁。... 杨希哲同志,1942年2月6日出生于四川荣县,汉族,大学本科学历,农业技术推广研究员,北碍区第十届、第十三届人民代表。1963年7月毕业于西南农学院蚕桑专业,1975年3月31日加入中国共产党。2022年12月10日因病医治无效,与世长辞,享年80岁。杨希哲同志于1963年9月分配到北硝蚕种场工作,1981年赴日本研修半年。 展开更多
关键词 农业技术推广 大学本科学历 人民代表 希哲 蚕种场 西南农学院
作者 魏希哲 《当代艺术》 2006年第1期59-60,共2页
关键词 希哲
作者 雨风 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1991年第3期76-76,共1页
5月23日至24日,为纪念中国共产党成立70周年学校召开了党建理论研讨会,学校党政领导方天祺、孙玉溱、郭希哲、包祥、曹之江等同志及各系、研究所、图书馆、总务、各职能部门的领导参加了会议。会议开幕时,校党委书记方天祺同志讲了话,他... 5月23日至24日,为纪念中国共产党成立70周年学校召开了党建理论研讨会,学校党政领导方天祺、孙玉溱、郭希哲、包祥、曹之江等同志及各系、研究所、图书馆、总务、各职能部门的领导参加了会议。会议开幕时,校党委书记方天祺同志讲了话,他说:70年的历史充分证明了:中国共产党是伟大,光荣、正确的党。是我国革命和建设事业的领导核心,在党的诞辰70周年来临之际,我们要进一步深入对全校师生员工进行热爱党、热爱社会主义的教育,加强党的思想建设、组织建设和作风建设,增强党的战斗力和凝聚力。发扬党的光荣传统,沿着党所指引的方向胜利前进。这次研讨会共收十几篇论文,内容各有侧重,具有一定的深度,许多同志在分组讨论时,围绕“ 展开更多
关键词 党建理论 思想建设 校党委书记 组织建设 领导核心 胜利前进 希哲 热爱社会主义 全校师生员工 曹之江
作者 凤英 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1993年第4期124-124,共1页
内蒙古高校信息资料研究会成立大会暨第一次研讨会于1993年10月12日在内蒙古师大教育交流中心召开。来自全区部分高校的56名资料(包括档案)工作者参加了会议。参加成立大会的还有自治区人大常委会、教育厅、高校图书情报工作委员会以及... 内蒙古高校信息资料研究会成立大会暨第一次研讨会于1993年10月12日在内蒙古师大教育交流中心召开。来自全区部分高校的56名资料(包括档案)工作者参加了会议。参加成立大会的还有自治区人大常委会、教育厅、高校图书情报工作委员会以及部分院校有关系、 展开更多
关键词 内蒙古高校 信息资料 教育交流 学院党委书记 副校长 图书情报工作 资料工作 工作报告 希哲 呼格
作者 蔡良俊 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 1990年第4期59-62,共4页
《豆棚闲话》是清初一部别开生面的拟话本小说。题“圣水艾纳居士编”,最早的版本为康熙写刻本。艾纳居士,生平无考,观书中所叙之社会状况、历史事件和对明、清两朝的称谓以及最早为康熙本诸因素,详其语气,可以认定作者当是生活于明末... 《豆棚闲话》是清初一部别开生面的拟话本小说。题“圣水艾纳居士编”,最早的版本为康熙写刻本。艾纳居士,生平无考,观书中所叙之社会状况、历史事件和对明、清两朝的称谓以及最早为康熙本诸因素,详其语气,可以认定作者当是生活于明末清初的一位不和统治者合作的明代遗民。或以“圣水”即西湖,作者当为杭州人,因即认定为范希哲,惜无确据。全书叙苏州事极多,个别篇章纯为苏州方言写成。因此,不管作者为谁,其与苏州有较深的渊源似可肯定。卷首有“天空啸鹤叙。”叙云作者为“当今之韵人,在古曰狂士。 展开更多
关键词 话本小说 范少伯 希哲 历史事件 故国之思 中所 于明 昏庸无道 市民阶层 地狱天堂
作者 沈希哲 任学峰 《杭州》 2015年第23期36-39,共4页
"沈希哲:台湾的健康促进医学大约在十几年前就开始了,我将从两个方面与大家分享台湾健康促进医学的做法和成果。"台湾健康促进医院的历史沿革台湾目前有143家医院包含在世界卫生组织的国际网络中,在国际上每年发表的健康促进论文也... "沈希哲:台湾的健康促进医学大约在十几年前就开始了,我将从两个方面与大家分享台湾健康促进医学的做法和成果。"台湾健康促进医院的历史沿革台湾目前有143家医院包含在世界卫生组织的国际网络中,在国际上每年发表的健康促进论文也是最多的。从卫生教育到健康促进发生了很大的转变,增能和赋能是健康促进的精髓。 展开更多
关键词 国际网络 希哲 海峡两岸 增能 卫生教育 医患关系 赋能 临床医疗 诊疗中心 医患沟通
《郑州市人民政府公报》 2010年第10期45-46,共2页
郑政办文[2010]92号二○一○年十月二十一日各县(市、区)人民政府,市人民政府各部门,各有关单位:2009年,我市各级、各部门和广大决策研究工作者,紧紧围绕市委、市政府的中心工作和我市经济社会发展中的重大问题进行了深入的调查研究,撰... 郑政办文[2010]92号二○一○年十月二十一日各县(市、区)人民政府,市人民政府各部门,各有关单位:2009年,我市各级、各部门和广大决策研究工作者,紧紧围绕市委、市政府的中心工作和我市经济社会发展中的重大问题进行了深入的调查研究,撰写了一大批高质量的研究报告,为各级政府科学决策提供了重要依据,较好地发挥了参谋助手作用,取得了显著成绩。 展开更多
关键词 决策研究 参谋助手 中心工作 中原区 研究报告 广州办事处 希哲 牟县 市国资委 李自强
Eros and Thanatos in Theo Angelopoulos' Trilogy: The Weeping Meadow (2004) and Dust of Time (2008)
作者 Irini Stathi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第5期526-537,共12页
Eros and Thanatos are the forces of life and death. The Ancient Greek Philosophers never showed the two gods together. Nevertheless, in the main myths related to the netherworld such as those of Orpheus or Persephone,... Eros and Thanatos are the forces of life and death. The Ancient Greek Philosophers never showed the two gods together. Nevertheless, in the main myths related to the netherworld such as those of Orpheus or Persephone, the two gods are in a continuous fight which has determined the human condition until nowadays. The author wishes in this paper to examine how the Orpheus' myth related to the duality Eros and Thanatos is treated in Theo Angelopoulos' world and especially how it appears in Ulysses' Gaze (1995) and Trilogy: The Weeping Meadow (2004) and Dust of Time (2008). In this last Angelopoulos' Trilogy, we will search the unfolds of the love story of two young people started in Odessa in 1918 and finished by the death of the woman at the end of the century, under the lens of the duality Eros and Thanatos as literal and metaphorical qualities. The historical and personal adventures of the two characters represent a daedal itinerary from East to West, which offers multiple levels of reading of the filmic texts. A comparative approach with myth, literature, and historical research will demonstrate the richness of artistic expression and a profound relationship of Angelopoulos' thought with the formulaic myths he introduces in his filmic work. 展开更多
关键词 Theo Angelopoulos Eros and Thanatos film and myth history
Analysis of Differences between Chinese and Western Sport Philosophy
作者 Liu Tao Wang Chuanyou 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第3期149-154,共6页
China is a world's ancient civilization with a long history of five thousand years; meanwhile, it is also the headstream of sports culture. Chinese sports aim at building the body and self-cultivation. The movement s... China is a world's ancient civilization with a long history of five thousand years; meanwhile, it is also the headstream of sports culture. Chinese sports aim at building the body and self-cultivation. The movement structures of sports are mainly the simulation of all kinds of movement of animals, which are particular about static and dynamic equilibrium, firmness, and gentleness, getting refined internally and externally. The feature of Chinese sports is the unification of form and spirit. The pattern of Chinese sports is closely related with Chinese philosophy thought, and the constructed Chinese sports culture has become the essential part of Chinese traditional philosophy. Chinese sports have integrated fitness and aesthetic appreciation into one, which is the specific expression of Chinese traditional thought. However, western sports have integrated with western philosophy thought with strong athletic tint. The characteristic of western sports has a necessary connection with the ancient Greek thought. Ancient Greeks had realized that the relationship between human and the nature was not totally dependent with contrariety, so they thought only fighting with the nature could they survive. The origins of thought of Chinese and western sports cultures decide the differences between Chinese and western sports. The harmony of China and competition of the west can be both embodied in sports. This thesis will analyze the differences between Chinese and western sports philosophy. 展开更多
关键词 sports culture Chinese sports traditional though western sports philosophy differences
《文史知识》 北大核心 1991年第10期96-96,共1页
明代的元敬自幼读书讲解,必求甚解,好与老儒先生游。累试不就。作文与杨君谦、祝希哲齐名。年方三十,其纪志诸书,积稿已达数十卷。每当听到有关古今之奇怪的事,一定要亲访其地,求其人,得其详乃归。否则,数日忘返。此人最喜济人之急,尤... 明代的元敬自幼读书讲解,必求甚解,好与老儒先生游。累试不就。作文与杨君谦、祝希哲齐名。年方三十,其纪志诸书,积稿已达数十卷。每当听到有关古今之奇怪的事,一定要亲访其地,求其人,得其详乃归。否则,数日忘返。此人最喜济人之急,尤其喜欢食客,每每倾囊相助,甚至以衣为质,故常常家中空乏。有一年除夕,他没有粮食吃,便作诗与故人朱尧民。 展开更多
关键词 尧民 希哲 杨君 数日 为质 大仓 王绮 倾度
作者 周维新 《沈阳故宫博物院院刊》 1985年第1期155-160+150,共6页
时值盛世,各地修誌。因前辈之中好多人渐以作古,详知王光烈先生艺术成就者已不多见,故将王先生生平及艺术成就介绍,以补志中阙疑。王光烈先生,生于一八八○年,一九四八年迁居北京,五三年病故于北京,亨年七十三岁。王先生字希哲、昔则、... 时值盛世,各地修誌。因前辈之中好多人渐以作古,详知王光烈先生艺术成就者已不多见,故将王先生生平及艺术成就介绍,以补志中阙疑。王光烈先生,生于一八八○年,一九四八年迁居北京,五三年病故于北京,亨年七十三岁。王先生字希哲、昔则、博闇。一九四二年大病复愈后又字更生。号希哲庐、松韵、楼悦生轩。 展开更多
关键词 王先生 王光 篆刻艺术 希哲 生轩 艺术成就 发微 古玺 汉印 穷而后工
Research on Later Greek Philosophy in Chinese Academic Circles
作者 王晓朝 《Social Sciences in China》 2012年第3期19-30,共12页
In recent years, Chinese scholars have made important progress in research on later Greek philosophy. Using current European and American work as a reference point, this article explores the differences and gaps betwe... In recent years, Chinese scholars have made important progress in research on later Greek philosophy. Using current European and American work as a reference point, this article explores the differences and gaps between foreign and Chinese scholars in this field of research. The author believes that on the question of the boundaries of later Greek philosophy, Chinese scholars have, through long years of exploration, come up with independent opinions and solutions that differ from those of their European and Ameriean counterparts, and that they have a better grasp of the distinctive features of later Greek philosophy. Their work, however, clearly falls short with regard to historical source material. As far as methodology is concerned, there is a clear tendency towards convergence between Chinese scholars and their foreign colleagues. 展开更多
关键词 later Greek philosophy boundaries of later Greek philosophy distinctive features of later Greek philosophy research methodology for later Greek philosophy Chinese academic world European and American academic world
Religion and Rationality, Poetry and Philosophy: In Search of the "Axial Breakthrough" in Ancient Greece
作者 Hugh Bowden 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2016年第4期543-554,共12页
Axial age theory suggests that a major transformation of thought occurred across several civilisations, including ancient Greece, in the period 800-200 BCE. This paper questions whether any such transformation can be ... Axial age theory suggests that a major transformation of thought occurred across several civilisations, including ancient Greece, in the period 800-200 BCE. This paper questions whether any such transformation can be identified in ancient Greece. It focuses on texts associated with "mystery religions" and the works of Presocratic philosophers as potential evidence for transformation. It demonstrates that there was a continuity of thought throughout the period, and that "rationality" was never seen to be in conflict with "traditional religious ideas". 展开更多
关键词 Axial Age RELIGION POETRY Presocratic MYSTERY Greece Herodotus - Parmenides
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