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作者 罗刚淮 《辽宁教育》 2016年第5X期37-38,共2页
近日,某市一批名师公布,网上却引来一片吐槽。有的说,"光会上课就能做名师了呀,某名师成绩倒数,你家娃敢去拜赐她门下吗?"一位网友说,"不就会写几篇文章嘛,怎么就成名师了呢,我看课堂教学还不如我呢!"还有网友说,&q... 近日,某市一批名师公布,网上却引来一片吐槽。有的说,"光会上课就能做名师了呀,某名师成绩倒数,你家娃敢去拜赐她门下吗?"一位网友说,"不就会写几篇文章嘛,怎么就成名师了呢,我看课堂教学还不如我呢!"还有网友说,"所谓名师就是要长得漂亮点,课堂上擅于表演, 展开更多
关键词 课堂教学 于永正 玉恒 教学业绩 成果报告 教学效果 教育艺术 告诉我 创作歌曲
作者 王懋华 《环境与职业医学》 CAS 1990年第3期57-57,共1页
牙科技师可接触到含铬、钴、钼、铍或镍的合金,用以制成齿冠、齿桥和全副假牙;用二氧化硅抛光假牙,抛光物质中可能还含有铁、铝和铬。 流行病学调查:Lob和Hugonnaud调查在5/24位牙科技师诊断为硬金属尘肺。Kroneuberger等调查53/70位技... 牙科技师可接触到含铬、钴、钼、铍或镍的合金,用以制成齿冠、齿桥和全副假牙;用二氧化硅抛光假牙,抛光物质中可能还含有铁、铝和铬。 流行病学调查:Lob和Hugonnaud调查在5/24位牙科技师诊断为硬金属尘肺。Kroneuberger等调查53/70位技师X线胸片上呈现网织状阴影; 展开更多
关键词 流行病学调查 医院办公室 灌洗术 金属粉尘 肺活检 肺功能测定 肺纤维化 医院检查 肺泡壁
作者 蔡学璞 《鞍山师范学院学报》 1986年第1期1-5,共5页
我国目前的教育体制决定了中等学校的师资主要依靠高等师范院校来培养.因此,师范院校被称为“工作母机”,她要为中等教育培养数量足够、质量合格的教师.师专是高师中的一个层次,她是专司培养初中教师之职的.在“七、五”期间普及九年义... 我国目前的教育体制决定了中等学校的师资主要依靠高等师范院校来培养.因此,师范院校被称为“工作母机”,她要为中等教育培养数量足够、质量合格的教师.师专是高师中的一个层次,她是专司培养初中教师之职的.在“七、五”期间普及九年义务教育中,如何发挥师专的作用,就成为广大从事教育工作的同志认真研究的问题了.本文主要就目前师专在教育体制改革中面临的几个最紧迫的问题谈点意见. 展开更多
关键词 教育体制改革 教师 师范院校 教育工作 培养数量 教师 教育事业 师范教育 教学研究工作
作者 周忠兵 《中国文字研究》 CSSCI 2018年第1期4-6,共3页
关键词 师组 考释
《百科探秘(海底世界)》 2016年第3期2-2,1,共2页
1888年,北洋水师在威海卫正式成立。这是清政府建立的四支近代水师中实力最强、规模最大的一支,号称世界第九、东亚第一。1894年,日本发动了侵略中国的甲午战争。北洋水师的广大将士在强敌面前毫不畏惧,浴血杀敌、虽败犹荣。他们的英勇... 1888年,北洋水师在威海卫正式成立。这是清政府建立的四支近代水师中实力最强、规模最大的一支,号称世界第九、东亚第一。1894年,日本发动了侵略中国的甲午战争。北洋水师的广大将士在强敌面前毫不畏惧,浴血杀敌、虽败犹荣。他们的英勇事迹永载史册,为后世所景仰。1985年3月21日,一座以北洋水师和甲午战争为主题的博物馆在刘公岛开馆,这就是中国甲午战争博物馆。它的核心部分为诸多的水师旧址,因此被归入纪念遗址性博物馆。2008年。 展开更多
关键词 北洋水师 毫不畏惧 威海卫 丁汝昌 黄海海战 水师提督 济远 战争场面 马关
作者 豪仔 《摩托车信息》 2015年第7期38-45,共8页
第二次世界大战期间,大量摩托车开始走上战场。体积小,重量轻,速度快,道路适应性好,越野能力强,并且便于隐蔽,车上还能搭载武器等,这些优点使摩托车在二战中被广泛应用。要说运用摩托车最多,将摩托车的战术优势发挥到极致的,当属德军。... 第二次世界大战期间,大量摩托车开始走上战场。体积小,重量轻,速度快,道路适应性好,越野能力强,并且便于隐蔽,车上还能搭载武器等,这些优点使摩托车在二战中被广泛应用。要说运用摩托车最多,将摩托车的战术优势发挥到极致的,当属德军。德军在装甲师和步兵师中均编有2个~3个摩托车营,装备的摩托车大多为两轮摩托车。在战斗中,这些部队充分发挥了摩托车特有的道路适应性和快速机动性,较好地完成了通信联络、战场勤务、战斗侦察等任务。 展开更多
关键词 越野能力 快速机动 装甲师 踏板车 半履带式车辆 特种车 政府要员 轻重两用机枪 达普
作者 宋仕军 《湖北教育(综合资讯)》 2016年第5期72-72,共1页
区域整体推进教育教学改革,中职教育举足轻重。要促使中职教育快速发展,必须抓住三个关键。其一,立愿景。办好中职教育,首先要厘清培养什么样人的问题。其次要解决好如何培养人的问题,要围绕"重实用、多实训、强素质"总目标,... 区域整体推进教育教学改革,中职教育举足轻重。要促使中职教育快速发展,必须抓住三个关键。其一,立愿景。办好中职教育,首先要厘清培养什么样人的问题。其次要解决好如何培养人的问题,要围绕"重实用、多实训、强素质"总目标,着重提升中职学生的"文化素养、职业精神、技术技能",为人的全面发展夯实基础。怎样立愿景呢?一要建构立体综合的课程体系。 展开更多
关键词 教学改革 专业老师 任务驱动法 理实一体化 教学方法 价值取向 体育与健康 第一资源 双师型教师队伍
作者 郑琦云 黄文静 +2 位作者 王焕金 程訸 班清媚 《中国社区医师》 2023年第33期134-136,共3页
目的:探讨品管圈活动下的快速康复管理在子宫肌瘤腹腔镜下全子宫切除术后患者中的应用效果。方法:选取2021年8月-2022年12月于清远市妇幼保健院行腹腔镜下全子宫切除术的86例子宫肌瘤患者作为研究对象,以随机数字表法分为研究组与对照组... 目的:探讨品管圈活动下的快速康复管理在子宫肌瘤腹腔镜下全子宫切除术后患者中的应用效果。方法:选取2021年8月-2022年12月于清远市妇幼保健院行腹腔镜下全子宫切除术的86例子宫肌瘤患者作为研究对象,以随机数字表法分为研究组与对照组,各43例。对照组实行常规围手术期护理模式,研究组实行品管圈活动下的快速康复管理模式。比较两组护理效果。结果:研究组术后肠功能恢复时间、排便时间、进食半流质食物时间、住院时间均短于对照组,焦虑评分、并发症总发生率、疼痛评分低于对照组,健康知识知晓情况、护理满意度评分高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:品管圈活动下的快速康复管理在子宫肌瘤腹腔镜下全子宫切除术后评分患者中的应用效果理想,可促进患者术后恢复,缓解患者焦虑情绪,减少并发症,减轻疼痛,提升健康知识知晓率、护理满意度。 展开更多
关键词 腹腔镜全子宫切除术 品管圈活动 加速康复 子宫肌瘤
A Study on the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of International Chinese Teachers at Confucius Institutes in South Korea
作者 Fu Qiong 《国际中文教育(中英文)》 2024年第4期51-70,共20页
International Chinese teachers are one of the determinants of the quality development of Confucius Institutes,and their cross-cultural sociocultural adaption,psychological adaption,and job adaption are in need of in-d... International Chinese teachers are one of the determinants of the quality development of Confucius Institutes,and their cross-cultural sociocultural adaption,psychological adaption,and job adaption are in need of in-depth investigation and research.Based on previous research,this paper analyzed the cross-cultural adaptation of international Chinese teachers at Confucius Institutes in South Korea during 2022-2023 through surveys and personal interviews.The study found that the teachers’adaptation was best in terms of work,followed by sociocultural adaptation,and weakest in terms of psychological adaptation.In terms of work adaptation,attention should be focused on adapting to teaching language and teaching methods.In terms of sociocultural adaptation,the focus should be on adapting to personal communication.In terms of psychological adaptation,attention should be paid to feelings of loneliness and anxiety.The study also focused on the internal and external factors influencing their cross-cultural adaptation,as well as the true inner feelings of international Chinese teachers.The study found that factors such as English proficiency,gender,education,professional background,and overseas experience had little impact on teachers’cross-cultural adaptation,while factors such as Korean proficiency,participation in cross-cultural training before going to South Korea,understanding of Korean culture before going to South Korea,and length of time spent in working in South Korea had a greater impact on the cross-cultural adaptation of the research subjects.This study provides reliable reference materials for international Chinese teachers going to South Korea to improve their cross-cultural adaptation abilities and promote the reform and innovation of international Chinese education. 展开更多
关键词 international Chinese teachers cross-cultural adaptation South Korea Confucius Institutes
基于AUV垂直面运动控制的状态增减多模型切换 被引量:2
作者 周焕银 李一平 +1 位作者 刘开周 封锡盛 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期1309-1315,共7页
自主水下机器人(autonomous underwater vehicle,AUV)系统垂直面运动具有强耦合性、非线性等特点导致AUV系统垂直面难以精确控制,且其纵倾角需控制在某一阈值内,以保证系统安全。根据以上控制要求与AUV垂直面运动模型特点,提出将其解耦... 自主水下机器人(autonomous underwater vehicle,AUV)系统垂直面运动具有强耦合性、非线性等特点导致AUV系统垂直面难以精确控制,且其纵倾角需控制在某一阈值内,以保证系统安全。根据以上控制要求与AUV垂直面运动模型特点,提出将其解耦为深度控制子模型与纵倾角控制子模型,构建AUV系统垂直面运动控制模型集,根据模型集所含两子模型特点,提出了状态变量增减的多模型切换的概念。基于切换系统稳定判据——共同Lyapunov函数法,提出了变加权多模型切换策略,实现了切换过程的稳定性,避免了切换过程的抖动问题。多次湖泊试验证明,加权多模型切换策略避免了由于期望深度变化而造成的执行机构饱和、深度和纵倾角超调量过大等问题,且改善了AUV系统深度运动的静动态控制品质。 展开更多
关键词 自主水下机器人 加权多模型切换控制 共同LYAPUNOV函数 垂直面控制模型 纵倾角控制模型 切换系统
作者 王晓宇 陈丽芳 +2 位作者 李民 耿魁魁 刘圣 《安徽医药》 CAS 2017年第5期934-936,共3页
目的总结该院自动药品分包机使用经验,确保病人用药安全。方法对该院自动药品分包机在各环节中的使用经验及出现的问题进行总结,并提出改进措施。结果自动药品分包机使用过程中未发生因加药原因产生的错误,但因机器原因出现的包药错误... 目的总结该院自动药品分包机使用经验,确保病人用药安全。方法对该院自动药品分包机在各环节中的使用经验及出现的问题进行总结,并提出改进措施。结果自动药品分包机使用过程中未发生因加药原因产生的错误,但因机器原因出现的包药错误频率较高;处方审核、药品核对环节采取措施,可排除部分安全隐患。结论在处方审核、加药、药品核对等环节规范操作可确保安全用药,机器维护方面仍需加强。 展开更多
关键词 自动药品分包机 使用经验 用药安全
Soviet Aid and the Construction of the Lanzhou Cyclotron 被引量:1
作者 SU Xi TIAN Miao 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2021年第2期89-113,共25页
The transmission of science and technology from the Soviet Union to People’s Republic of China in the mid-twentieth century is an important research area of contemporary history of science and technology.This paper t... The transmission of science and technology from the Soviet Union to People’s Republic of China in the mid-twentieth century is an important research area of contemporary history of science and technology.This paper takes the construction of the cyclotron in Lanzhou,China as the case to discuss the characteristics of technology transfer from the Soviet Union to China.The review of extensive archives reveals that the construction of cyclotron took place in the framework of China’s nuclear weapons development.Although the transmission of science and technology from the Soviet Union to China fit into the one-way transmission-reception model in general,both the Chinese demand and the Soviet response had key influences on the transmission.In the early cyclotron construction,the Chinese side relied on the Soviets,and the mode of the cooperation between Soviet and Chinese engineers can be described as one of expertstudent.In the early 1960 s,the relationship between China and the Soviet Union broke down.The Soviet engineers were required to withdraw with the technical data,which created conflicts in the roles played by the Soviet engineers,most of whom chose to set the sense of professional responsibility as their highest priority.After the departure of the Soviet experts,Chinese physicists played the leading role in the project,using scientific knowledge they had,relying on the technical materials left by Soviet experts,and cooperating fully with local engineers,thus completing the cyclotron.This case can provide us with valuable clues for the understanding of transnational history of science and technology.The seemingly one-way transmission-reception model is actually influenced by the needs of both sides.While the transnational flow of knowledge is inevitably affected by political factors from both sides,the process is far more complex than it appears. 展开更多
关键词 CYCLOTRON Sino-Soviet relationship conflict of roles Soviet engineers Chinese scientists
Management of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency at Peking Union Medical College Hospital:A Survey among Physicians 被引量:2
作者 Hong-bo Yang Meng-qi Zhang +1 位作者 Hui Pan Hui-juan Zhu 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2016年第3期168-172,共5页
Objective To evaluate physicians' attitude and knowledge about the management of adult growth hormone deficiency(AGHD) at Peking Union Medical College Hospital and impact factors associated with better decision-ma... Objective To evaluate physicians' attitude and knowledge about the management of adult growth hormone deficiency(AGHD) at Peking Union Medical College Hospital and impact factors associated with better decision-making.Methods A 21-question anonymous survey was distributed and collected at Peking Union Medical College Hospital,a major teaching hospital in Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.Data of physicians' educational background,clinical training,patient workload per year and continuing medical education in AGHD were collected.Factors associated with appropriate answers were further analyzed by multivariate regression models.Results One hundred and eighteen internal medicine residents,endocrine fellows,attending physicians and visiting physicians responded to the survey.Among them,44.9% thought that AGHD patients should accept recombinant human growth hormone replacement therapy.Moreover,56.8% selected insulin tolerance test and growth hormone-releasing hormone-arginine test for the diagnosis of AGHD.Logistic regression analysis of physician demographic data,educational background,and work experience found no consistent independent factors associated with better decision-making,other than continued medical education,that were associated with treatment choice.Conclusions The physicians' reported management of AGHD in this major academic healthcare center in Beijing was inconsistent with current evidence.High quality continued medical education is required to improve Chinese physician management of AGHD. 展开更多
关键词 adult growth hormone deficiency MANAGEMENT continued medical education
A new species of Megophrys (Amphibia:Anura:Megophryidae) from the northwestern Hunan Province,China 被引量:7
作者 Xiaoyang MO Youhui SHEN Honghui LI Xiushan WU 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期432-436,共5页
A new species of Megophrys (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae), Megophrys tuberogranulatus Shen, Mo et Li, sp.nov. (Holotype HNUL 03080902, adult male, SVL: 38.2 mm), from Sangzhi County, Hunan Province, is described. Meg... A new species of Megophrys (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae), Megophrys tuberogranulatus Shen, Mo et Li, sp.nov. (Holotype HNUL 03080902, adult male, SVL: 38.2 mm), from Sangzhi County, Hunan Province, is described. Megophrystuberogranulatus is closely related to both Megophrys kuatunensis and Megophrys minor. Characters of the new species that differentiatethis species from close relatives are skin granulated with big tubercles on the dorsal sides of both thigh and tibia, thebigger inner metacarpal tubercle, upper eyelid wider than the interorbital space, hind limbs longer, overlapping of the left andright calcaneal parts. The type specimens are deposited in the Animal Museum of Life Sciences College of Hunan Normal University. 展开更多
关键词 Zootaxy MEGOPHRYIDAE Megophrys New species China
作者 嚴潔瓊 《历史文献》 CSSCI 2015年第1期439-450,共12页
在上世紀二三十年代為上海勾線廓形、描眉點睛的外國建築設計師中,拉斯洛·鄔達克(Laszlo Hudec)是幸運的,因為擁有自己的事務所,他設計的大部分建築都能署上自己的名字,而不若其他人般隱匿在公和洋行、通和洋行的碩大陰影中而致面... 在上世紀二三十年代為上海勾線廓形、描眉點睛的外國建築設計師中,拉斯洛·鄔達克(Laszlo Hudec)是幸運的,因為擁有自己的事務所,他設計的大部分建築都能署上自己的名字,而不若其他人般隱匿在公和洋行、通和洋行的碩大陰影中而致面目模糊。更幸運的是,如今這些建築不少仍有蹟可尋。 展开更多
关键词 大陰 廓形 師中 啤酒公司 在公 恩克 早期作品 拉斯 私人住宅 古典主義
作者 章琳 《南方文物》 1984年第1期66-,共1页
新余市魁星,阁位于袁河北岸,屹立于虎瞰山上。东、南、西三面临江。共分四层,高达15.48米,面积528平方米。基台与底层系砖石建筑,上三层为杉木构造。重阿飞檐,碧瓦鱼吻,花格门窗,髹漆朱蓝。东西与百文、钟山比高,南北和鼎山、蒙山争美。... 新余市魁星,阁位于袁河北岸,屹立于虎瞰山上。东、南、西三面临江。共分四层,高达15.48米,面积528平方米。基台与底层系砖石建筑,上三层为杉木构造。重阿飞檐,碧瓦鱼吻,花格门窗,髹漆朱蓝。东西与百文、钟山比高,南北和鼎山、蒙山争美。 魁星阁相传始建于南宋嘉定年间,为临江军教授叶师中所创,嗣后,官民捐资,多次修葺,阁名数改。 展开更多
关键词 鼎山 朱蓝 髹漆 临江军 袁河 基台 花格 碧瓦 清朝康熙
作者 王应琪 《许昌学院学报》 CAS 1982年第1期50-55,共6页
关键词 韩世忠 主战派 枢密 淮西 何铸 宣抚 制置副使 大理寺 兀术
作者 彭振声 章琳 胡小勇 《南方文物》 1983年第4期136-,共1页
新余魁星阁是古代遗留下来的一座富有民族特色的建筑物,相传为南宋临江军教授叶师中所创建,初名“采芹阁”,因阁建在学宫右侧,故以“采芹”命名来鼓励后生求学。该阁在明、清两朝曾数次倒塌,官民捐资重建,式样仿古,重阿飞檐,雉堞鸳瓦,... 新余魁星阁是古代遗留下来的一座富有民族特色的建筑物,相传为南宋临江军教授叶师中所创建,初名“采芹阁”,因阁建在学宫右侧,故以“采芹”命名来鼓励后生求学。该阁在明、清两朝曾数次倒塌,官民捐资重建,式样仿古,重阿飞檐,雉堞鸳瓦,上下三层,高三十八尺。最上一层塑有梓潼君像。康熙五十六年(1717年)重修,改名文昌阁。道光元年(1821年)贡生傅昭嫌阁太矮,捐资增高一层,总高为五十八尺,屹立在虎瞰山上。 展开更多
关键词 临江军 文昌阁 傅昭 梓潼 十年 城建规划 科举考试 破烂不堪 神足
Education for Consumer Citizenship in Greece: Teaching Student Teachers and High School Students
作者 Koutrouba Konstantina Theodoropoulou Helen Barda Constantia 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第8期624-631,共8页
In the frame of the Greek educational system, education for consumer citizenship is provided to thirteen-year-old students who attend courses on home economics in junior high school. Students' training is focused, am... In the frame of the Greek educational system, education for consumer citizenship is provided to thirteen-year-old students who attend courses on home economics in junior high school. Students' training is focused, among others, on their acquaintance with the notion and the basic principles of consumption, primarily within the frame of family running, and, secondly, in the frame of narrower or broader social settings. Students are consequently expected to actively develop styles of mature consuming behaviour in family, school, and society. In the Faculty of Home Economics and Ecology at Harokopio University of Athens, student teachers attend special courses on consumer citizenship are systematically trained to use effectively alternative instructional strategies during the teaching of subject units that refer to consumer citizenship. The present study aims at presenting, firstly, how Greek student teachers are trained through University Syllabus and Practicum in order to be qualified as educators for consumer citizenship, and, secondly, how they diffuse this specific knowledge to their students during their years of in-class service. In addition, the study examines the career satisfaction of the graduates of home economics and ecology at Harokopio University of Athens. The result of the present study showed that the great majority of graduates were promptly appointed as teachers to Greek high schools, and today they are considered to play a major role in the conveyance of the education for consumer citizenship's principles in Greek society, since home economics is the only junior high school subject that promotes and develops consumer awareness in Greek secondary education. 展开更多
关键词 consumer citizenship EDUCATION training instructional strategies consumer awareness
Chinese Teachers' Understanding of Culture Teaching in ELT
作者 JIANG Bo 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第11期1661-1666,共6页
In China, the teaching of culture was stipulated to be very important at the government level in the form of a curriculum in early 2000s. Now although the teachers seem to be fully aware of the significance of culture... In China, the teaching of culture was stipulated to be very important at the government level in the form of a curriculum in early 2000s. Now although the teachers seem to be fully aware of the significance of culture teaching, there are misunderstandings about it. A survey was conducted to find out how the teachers understand and meet the requirements of the curriculums. The results show even the teachers do not understand the objectives of ELT (English Language Teaching) stipulated in the curriculums. They need training and the requirements need clarification, so that the gap between what is expected and what is performed can be bridged. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE intercultural communicative competence ELT (English Language Teaching) China
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