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作者 庞贝 毛艳玲 《科技创新与品牌》 2016年第4期66-69,共4页
据2010年《中国环境统计年鉴》,我国有473万平方公里的海域面积,其中近岸海域面积约27.9万平方公里。如此广阔的海域应该有非常丰富的渔业资源,但是,随着生活水平的提高,人们对海产品的需求日益丰富多样,对海洋的索取使得我国近海渔业... 据2010年《中国环境统计年鉴》,我国有473万平方公里的海域面积,其中近岸海域面积约27.9万平方公里。如此广阔的海域应该有非常丰富的渔业资源,但是,随着生活水平的提高,人们对海产品的需求日益丰富多样,对海洋的索取使得我国近海渔业资源的衰退和枯竭已成定局。如何避免竭泽而渔,使渔业资源得以有效保护和高效利用,吴常文开始他人生中的蓝海寻宝。 展开更多
关键词 常文 渔业资源 海域面积 头足类 寻宝 浙江水产学院 环境统计 海水养殖 东海区 增养殖技术
作者 常文文 《艺术科技》 2019年第3期300-300,共1页
关键词 常文
作者 王常文 《中国铁路文艺》 2013年第10期80-84,共5页
北大荒第一夜人生可能会有若干个第一,每一个第一都可能是你一生当中最难忘记的。1960年12月26日,爷爷奶奶领着我和弟弟历尽千辛万苦,终于到达了我们"闯关东"的目的地,黑龙江省迎春林业局。我们在迎春下了火车,已经是下午时... 北大荒第一夜人生可能会有若干个第一,每一个第一都可能是你一生当中最难忘记的。1960年12月26日,爷爷奶奶领着我和弟弟历尽千辛万苦,终于到达了我们"闯关东"的目的地,黑龙江省迎春林业局。我们在迎春下了火车,已经是下午时分了。十二月的北大荒正是一年当中最冷的月份,天气寒冷得使空气中的水份都变成了细小的颗粒,像象雪花一样在空气中刷刷地飘落。要落山的太阳微弱的光使我们祖孙四人更感到寒冷。那时的迎春火车站只不过是一个大一些的草棚子,在地中央支一个油桶烧木柴取暖。我们祖孙四人背着简单的行李。 展开更多
关键词 常文 迎春林业局 央支 告诉我 漫天飞舞 白头发 兄弟二人 我不知道 旅行结婚 小表弟
也议“联边” 被引量:1
作者 吴以宁 《当代修辞学》 1983年第3期29-30,共2页
《修辞学习》一九八二年第三期上有篇《联边小议》(下简称"小议")。"小议"在抽象肯定刘勰"省联边""说得有理"后,却以"不能绝对化"为由,以"汉字是形、音、义的结合,三者密不可分... 《修辞学习》一九八二年第三期上有篇《联边小议》(下简称"小议")。"小议"在抽象肯定刘勰"省联边""说得有理"后,却以"不能绝对化"为由,以"汉字是形、音、义的结合,三者密不可分"为据,列举十例(有的多达十一联边!)强调了"三接之外","不但不‘龃龉为瑕’,而且具有较好的表达效果。"此论值得商榷。 展开更多
关键词 联边 小议 常文 韵文 三接
作者 黄斌 《赣南师范大学学报》 1987年第4期92-94,共3页
以写报告文学“干预生活”著称的刘宾雁,一个时期以来发表了许多所谓暴露性报告文学作品,用以揭露现实生活中的“阴暗面”。由于他违反了暴露性报告文学的基本特征,许多作品严重失真和资产阶级自由化思想严重泛滥,产生了极为不良的社会... 以写报告文学“干预生活”著称的刘宾雁,一个时期以来发表了许多所谓暴露性报告文学作品,用以揭露现实生活中的“阴暗面”。由于他违反了暴露性报告文学的基本特征,许多作品严重失真和资产阶级自由化思想严重泛滥,产生了极为不良的社会影响。我们在批评刘宾雁的时候,首先应当弄清什么是暴露性报告文学?暴露性报告文学的基本特征又是什么? 展开更多
关键词 暴露性 现实生活 资产阶级自由化 严重失真 社会影响 创作手段 革命激情 人妖之间 领导干部 常文
《浙江海洋学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第6期563-570,共8页
关键词 日本黄姑鱼 黑毛鲿 日本沼虾 菲律宾蛤仔 花蛤 紫贻贝 楼宝 常文 耗氧率 三疣梭子蟹 郁迪 张洪亮 浙江海洋学院 自然科学版 幼鱼 学报 连续出版物 目次
作者 陈莉 《共产党员(下半月)》 2007年第7期47-47,共1页
关键词 股灾 银行按揭 常文 青年报 陈从 情绪化
《广东印刷》 2016年第1期68-69,共2页
在经济增长滞缓、竞争日趋激烈的大环境下,很多企业都在寻找能够有效控制成本、开源节流的良方。正如世界很多发达国家一样,越来越多的中国企业也开始通过将非核心业务外包来提升工作效率、降低成本,目前被应用最多的就是企业打印管理... 在经济增长滞缓、竞争日趋激烈的大环境下,很多企业都在寻找能够有效控制成本、开源节流的良方。正如世界很多发达国家一样,越来越多的中国企业也开始通过将非核心业务外包来提升工作效率、降低成本,目前被应用最多的就是企业打印管理服务。然而提到企业打印管理服务,市场有两种截然不同的服务形式:一种是将企业文印设备的维护、零配件和耗材的更换等全部交由服务商负责的全包式售后服务。 展开更多
关键词 降低成本 设备购置 经济增长 富士施乐 彩色数码印刷机 常文 柯尼卡 整体管理 美能达 文件质量
《出版与印刷》 2015年第4期40-40,共1页
企业打印管理服务市场有两种截然不同的服务形式:一种是将企业文印设备的维护、零配件和耗材的更换等全部交由服务商负责的全包式售后服务;另一种则是根据企业日常文印需求、设备使用状况及分布等的全面评估,对所有文印设备进行剔除、... 企业打印管理服务市场有两种截然不同的服务形式:一种是将企业文印设备的维护、零配件和耗材的更换等全部交由服务商负责的全包式售后服务;另一种则是根据企业日常文印需求、设备使用状况及分布等的全面评估,对所有文印设备进行剔除、老旧设备替换并重新布局,同时对所有设备的使用、维护等进行全面管理,从而实现更高效便捷的文件输出、共享、存储,这种服务是通过第三方对所有文印设备的整合管理提升业务流程,降低文印成本。 展开更多
关键词 文件输出 降低成本 高效便捷 整合管理 业务流程 常文 第三方 富士施乐 邮件管理 客户管理
作者 常文 《通信企业管理》 1994年第12期33-33,共1页
腾飞中的“长飞”──记长飞光纤光缆有限公司常文长飞光纤光缆有限公司是武汉光通信技术公司、武汉市信托投资公司与荷兰飞利浦公司联合兴办的合资企业,主要生产通信用光纤和光缆。自1992年初公司全面投产以来,当年即实现光纤光... 腾飞中的“长飞”──记长飞光纤光缆有限公司常文长飞光纤光缆有限公司是武汉光通信技术公司、武汉市信托投资公司与荷兰飞利浦公司联合兴办的合资企业,主要生产通信用光纤和光缆。自1992年初公司全面投产以来,当年即实现光纤光缆产量大幅度超产,1993年产品占... 展开更多
关键词 光纤光缆 荷兰飞利浦公司 信托投资公司 光通信技术 中国通信 合资企业 光缆通信 国际招标 国际认证 常文
《海洋与渔业》 2015年第1期15-15,共1页
由浙江海洋学院院长吴常文领衔,上海交通大学、复旦大学等机构科学家参加的研究团队最近联合完成了大黄鱼全基因组测序,构建了大黄鱼基因组图谱,并成功解析其先天免疫系统基因组特征。日前,该研究成果发表在《自然》杂志上。这是继半滑... 由浙江海洋学院院长吴常文领衔,上海交通大学、复旦大学等机构科学家参加的研究团队最近联合完成了大黄鱼全基因组测序,构建了大黄鱼基因组图谱,并成功解析其先天免疫系统基因组特征。日前,该研究成果发表在《自然》杂志上。这是继半滑舌鳎之后,我国公布的第二个海水鱼类的基因组图谱,也是世界上第一个石首科鱼类基因组图谱,揭开了我国大黄鱼基因组学研究的序幕,有望解决养殖过程中大黄鱼病害频发的瓶颈问题。"下一步我们的研究将重点挖掘其他更多的免疫基因。 展开更多
关键词 全基因组测序 基因组图谱 先天免疫系统 半滑舌鳎 浙江海洋学院 基因组学研究 海水鱼类 常文 上海交通大学 研究成果
B→D_s^((*))η^(('))Decays in Perturbative QCD
作者 张志清 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第7期123-128,共6页
In this paper,we calculate the branching ratios for B^+→D_s^+η,B^+→D_s^+η′,B^+→D_s^(*+)η and B^+→D_s^(*+)η′decays by employing the perturbative QCD (pQCD) factorization approach.Under the two kinds of η-η... In this paper,we calculate the branching ratios for B^+→D_s^+η,B^+→D_s^+η′,B^+→D_s^(*+)η and B^+→D_s^(*+)η′decays by employing the perturbative QCD (pQCD) factorization approach.Under the two kinds of η-η′ mixingschemes,the quark-flavor mixing scheme and the singlet-octet mixing scheme,we find that the calculated branchingratios agree well with the currently available experimental upper limits.We also consider the so called 'f_D_s puzzle',byusing two groups of parameters about the D_s^((*)) meson decay constants,that are f_D_s = 241 MeV,f_D_s~* = 272 MeV andf_D_s = 274 MeV,f_D_s~* = 312 MeV,to calculate the branching ratios for the considered decays.We find that the resultschange 30% by using these two different kinds of paramters. 展开更多
关键词 B meson decay the pQCD factorization approach branching ratio
Resisting the Violences of "Market Normalisation": The Importance of Critical Pedagogies for Critical Criminology
作者 Andrea Beckmann 《Sociology Study》 2012年第7期483-495,共13页
The neo-liberal re-positioning of the educational-explorative realm to a vocational market-confinement has already impacted quite heavily on the educational sector in England and Wales and is now being imposed on a Eu... The neo-liberal re-positioning of the educational-explorative realm to a vocational market-confinement has already impacted quite heavily on the educational sector in England and Wales and is now being imposed on a European wide scale. However, global as well as European students' protests illustrate that resistance to this ideology is gathering pace, and not only involves students and academics but also reaches wider parts of societies. This paper seeks to demonstrate the need for critical pedagogical practices that seek to sensitise students to the modes of current "conditions of domination". It further suggests critical criminologists to foster and engage in a process of public, intellectual, and intercultural exchange of ideas about education and educational institutions away from merely rationalistic, one-dimensional and profit-orientated ambitions toward a multitude of exchanges about meanings and purposes of such important socio-cultural and political institutions and processes that shape "subjectivities", inter-subjectivities and thus entire socio-cultural and political spheres. Such processes and active engagements are crucial to the agenda of critical criminologists, and perhaps most importantly, vital to the continued existence of a critical criminology that understands itself as proper ideology critique. 展开更多
关键词 Academic capitalism corporate culture subjectivities critical criminology desubjectification
Endoscopic Management in Fibrous Dysplasia of Ethmoid Sinus:One Case Report and Literatures Review
作者 Zhaowei Gu Zhiwei Cao Yunxiu Wang 《Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CSCD 2009年第2期152-154,共3页
Introduction Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a sporadic real bone structures and marrow are skeletal disorder in which norreplaced by fibro-osseous tissuet. It is classified into three types: monostotic FD, polyostotic F... Introduction Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a sporadic real bone structures and marrow are skeletal disorder in which norreplaced by fibro-osseous tissuet. It is classified into three types: monostotic FD, polyostotic FD, and McCune-Albright syndrome. The monostotic is the most common form of FD. The disease primarily affects the long bones of the patients, and may also develop in the craniofacial region. However, FD in the paranasal sinuses is uncommon. The case in this report was diagnosed as FD in the ethmoid sinus which is a rarely seen case. 展开更多
关键词 fibrous dysplasia ethmoid sinus endoscopicsinus surgery.
Flora, life form characteristics, and plan for the promotion of biodiversity in South Korea's Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System, the traditional Gudeuljang irrigated rice terraces in Cheongsando 被引量:9
作者 Hong Chul PARK Chaang Hveon OH 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期1212-1228,共17页
The objectives of this study were to analyze the biodiversity of the Traditional Gudeuljang Irrigated Rice Terraces in Cheongsando, South Korea's representative GIAHS(Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Syste... The objectives of this study were to analyze the biodiversity of the Traditional Gudeuljang Irrigated Rice Terraces in Cheongsando, South Korea's representative GIAHS(Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System) site, with reference to position and land-use features, and to develop a plan to promote agricultural biodiversity in the region. We confirmed approximately 54,000 m2 of Gudeuljang paddy fields by an on-site survey. Of the Traditional Gudeuljang Irrigated Rice Terraces confirmed by onsite inspection, our survey showed that approximately 24,000 m2 are currently being used as paddy fields, approximately 15,000 m2 are being used as dry fields, and approximately 14,000 m2 are fallow. In terms of other non-agricultural land use, there was grassland, including graveyards; artificial arboreal land, such as orchards, rivers and wetlands, and man-made facilities, such as roads and residences. We also confirmed that the Traditional Gudeuljang Irrigated Rice Terraces had higher plant species diversity than conventional terraced rice paddies, and there was a difference in life form characteristics between the two types. Although the superficial topsoil structure is thesame for the Traditional Gudeuljang Irrigated Rice Terraces(TGIRTs) and conventional terraced rice paddies, it is thought that the differences in the subsurface structure of the TGIRTs contribute greatly to species and habitat diversity. However, the TGIRTs in Cheongsando are facing degeneration, due to damage and reduction in agricultural activity. The main cause is the reduction in the number of farming households due to an aging population in Cheongsando. In order to address this problem, we proposed a management plan, related to fallow paddy fields in South Korea, to initiate voluntary activities in the TGIRTs. 展开更多
关键词 Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System Rice terrace Agricultural biodiversity Topsoil structure Gudeuljang
Ecology, Love, and Relationships in Sir Philip Sidney's Astrophil and Stella
作者 Gul Kurtulus 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第9期692-705,共14页
One of the threats to the modem men today is the quick change in seasons and unusual fluctuations in temperature Contemporary life is marked with various conditions that make life comparatively different and for that ... One of the threats to the modem men today is the quick change in seasons and unusual fluctuations in temperature Contemporary life is marked with various conditions that make life comparatively different and for that matter difficult for everyone. Amongst many worldly things, like materialism, struggle to survive in the highly competitive urban settings, people tend to consider the merits of cosmopolitanism more than anything else Curiously enough, Sir Philip Sidney's sonnets, though written in the 16th century and become milestones of the sonnet tradition in the English Renaissance which are applicable to today's global concern of environmentalism. When considered in the light of ecocriticism, Sidney's sonnets provide a suitable ground for the modem readers to reevaluate the current situation of the world we live in and the nature that we inherit from our ancestors. This paper aims to analyze some of Sidney's selected sonnets from Astrophil and Stella in the light of ecocritical approach to literary works. 展开更多
关键词 Sir Philip Sidney's Astrophil and Stella ENVIRONMENTALISM nature and man love and nature global warming and poetry
Experimental Study on Calculation of Hydro-Geological Parameters for Unsteady Flow 被引量:1
作者 熊春宝 陈雯 叶作安 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第5期351-355,共5页
After the linear analytical method of unsteady flow theory is further improved,an innovative and faster algorithm is introduced.The water storage in a confined aquifer is derived from the water transmissivity coeffici... After the linear analytical method of unsteady flow theory is further improved,an innovative and faster algorithm is introduced.The water storage in a confined aquifer is derived from the water transmissivity coefficient and the water-pressure conductivity coefficient.The water transmissivity coefficient is approximated by a Taylorseries expansion of drawdown,and the water-pressure conductivity coefficient is obtained by the average drawdown.In this algorithm,the distance of the observation points from the pumping well must be short.When the distance is as short as the radius of the main pumping well,the data of the drawdown difference between the sidewall and the center of pumping well are difficult to measure,but the same results can be achieved based on the assumption that the drawdown difference approximates to the drawdown of the observation wells at a radial distance from the pumping well according to the algorithm.Without the help of charts,this algorithm is more concise and efficient,which has been verified by the test of water pumping project in Tianjin Binhai International Airport. 展开更多
关键词 pumping test unsteady flow theory improved linear analytical method hydro-geological parameter
Pain and Care: Interventions in Daily Nursing Practice
作者 Lambrini Kourkouta Areti Tsaloglidou +4 位作者 Konstantinos Tsaras Konstantinos KoukouFikos Christos F.Kleisiaris Evangelos C. Fradelos Ioanna V. Papathanasiou 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2016年第11期611-617,共7页
Pain is a common symptom in humans, which differs significantly depending on their status of health. This review lists the specific features of pain that are necessary for its evaluation and treatment by the health pr... Pain is a common symptom in humans, which differs significantly depending on their status of health. This review lists the specific features of pain that are necessary for its evaluation and treatment by the health professionals. Extensive review of the recent literature was conducted in electronic databases (PubMed, Medline and Iatrotek) and scientific journals in Greek and English. Pain is perceived as any uncomfortable feeling, and emotional experience that occurs anywhere in the body when there is some kind of injury. The assessment of pain in humans is a complex and demanding process. Pain should be treated early with appropriate pharmaceutical or other treatment. Each pain has a different cause and treatment. The objective of health professionals' interventions is to cure or at least reduce pain and to relieve those who are in pain. 展开更多
关键词 PAIN nursing care nursing interventions nursing practice.
Optimizing the Interpretation of Sub-surface Resistivity in Relation with Borehole Productivity in Basement Area Applied to Seno Province (Burkina Faso)
作者 Mahamadou Koita Hamma Fabien Yonli Delwende Guy Christian Nikiema 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第12期563-580,共18页
This study aims at identifying possible correlations between shapes, types of geophysical anomalies and borehole productivity according to geological and hydrogeotogical contexts. The methodology adopted was a two-pro... This study aims at identifying possible correlations between shapes, types of geophysical anomalies and borehole productivity according to geological and hydrogeotogical contexts. The methodology adopted was a two-pronged one--the first step sought to: (1) interpret the electrical resistivity values from horizontal profiling and vertical electrical sounding implemented in Seno province that preceded the drilling of 513 boreholes; (ii) interpret data from pumping tests carried out on boreholes having a discharge superior to 1 m3/h ("positive borehole") by using Cooper-Jacob's method. In the second step, according to geology, authors tried to identify possible correlations between each of the qualitative geophysical parameters: ~shape of anomaly〉〉, tttype of anomaly〉〉 and ~〈type curve〉〉 on the one hand, and hydrogeological parameters such as discharge, alteration thickness, transmissivity and saturated level on the other. The results of this study have shown that the chances of having a positive borehole in Seno province are higher when the type of anomaly is TCC (80%), shape of anomaly is "W" and when type curve is "H" (80%) for all geological formations. Granitic formations are those that record higher discharges while schists record high transmissivity values. 展开更多
关键词 Basement rocks sub-surface resistivity BOREHOLE ANOMALY PRODUCTIVITY Seno province Burkina.
作者 陈文清 《智能建筑与工程机械》 2022年第1期25-27,共3页
近年来,随着桥梁隧道事业的发展,我国交通网络日趋完善。在桥梁隧道工程建设中,桥梁隧道施工相对于其他工程来说更加危险,因此在施工中要考虑到工程的整体施工质量和效率,还要考虑到人员的安全。施工必须结合地形条件,做好防水和防腐处... 近年来,随着桥梁隧道事业的发展,我国交通网络日趋完善。在桥梁隧道工程建设中,桥梁隧道施工相对于其他工程来说更加危险,因此在施工中要考虑到工程的整体施工质量和效率,还要考虑到人员的安全。施工必须结合地形条件,做好防水和防腐处理,确保桥梁隧道工程运行的稳定性和安全性。然而许多工程建设由于技术应用不当、管理问题和材料使用问题,会导致各种问题的发生。基于此,本文分析了桥梁隧道施工中的普遍问题,提出了加强桥梁隧道施工技术和管理控制的相关建议。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁隧道 施工常见问题 控制对策 探析
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