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《新闻爱好者》 2024年第10期71-71,共1页
常江,教育部青年长江学者,国家社科基金重大项目首席专家。现任深圳大学特聘教授、博士生导师,深圳大学全球传播研究院执行院长。主要研究领域为数字新闻学、媒介文化研究、视听传播。曾出版《中国电视史》《数字时代的新闻业》等多部... 常江,教育部青年长江学者,国家社科基金重大项目首席专家。现任深圳大学特聘教授、博士生导师,深圳大学全球传播研究院执行院长。主要研究领域为数字新闻学、媒介文化研究、视听传播。曾出版《中国电视史》《数字时代的新闻业》等多部学术专著,《舆论》《发掘新闻》等多部学术译著,在中英文权威学术期刊发表论文140余篇。 展开更多
关键词 权威学术期刊 全球传播 学术专著 新闻业 视听传播 常江 中国电视史 新闻学
作者 吴宝三 《奋斗》 2005年第8期53-53,共1页
常江,名字起得挺有意思,简明又大气。很容易让人自然而然地想到那条最长的河流。在高三这一届同学中,他官当得最大,比县长还高半格,在省城一个主干线厅局任职。每次同学们见面,称其官衔他总不乐意,直呼其名,大家又觉得有失尊重... 常江,名字起得挺有意思,简明又大气。很容易让人自然而然地想到那条最长的河流。在高三这一届同学中,他官当得最大,比县长还高半格,在省城一个主干线厅局任职。每次同学们见面,称其官衔他总不乐意,直呼其名,大家又觉得有失尊重,还是老班长见多识广,在常江未参加的一次聚会上提议,叫他常同学,大家都说好。就是在这个聚会上,老班长向在座的同学讲述了一个他与常同学交往的真实故事。 展开更多
关键词 常江同学》 中国 随笔 吴宝三
《中华辞赋》 2020年第11期24-24,共1页
由中华诗词学会和中华诗词研究院评选的“聂组弩杯”诗坛年度人物,11月1日在武汉举行的“2020中华诗词学术论坛暨聂绢弩杯诗坛年度人物发布会”上揭晓。《中华辞赋》总编辑、辞赋家闵凡路先生获此殊荣。同时被评为“聂绢弩杯”诗坛年度... 由中华诗词学会和中华诗词研究院评选的“聂组弩杯”诗坛年度人物,11月1日在武汉举行的“2020中华诗词学术论坛暨聂绢弩杯诗坛年度人物发布会”上揭晓。《中华辞赋》总编辑、辞赋家闵凡路先生获此殊荣。同时被评为“聂绢弩杯”诗坛年度人物的还有:常江、杨金亭、周笃文、徐耿华、简锦松(台湾),共六人。常江、周笃文为本刊顾问,徐耿华为本刊特约编委。 展开更多
关键词 常江 徐耿华 杨金亭 特约编委 中华诗词 学术论坛 辞赋家 闵凡路
作者 许敏球 《视听界》 2021年第3期127-127,共1页
学者常江在《中国电视史》里概括新世纪以来电视剧的特征时,提出了“抽象现实主义”这一说法。他指出:“在现实题材领域,如《北京人在纽约》《情满珠江》这样与特定而具体的社会发展动态紧密结合的作品越来越少,取而代之的是大量具有抽... 学者常江在《中国电视史》里概括新世纪以来电视剧的特征时,提出了“抽象现实主义”这一说法。他指出:“在现实题材领域,如《北京人在纽约》《情满珠江》这样与特定而具体的社会发展动态紧密结合的作品越来越少,取而代之的是大量具有抽象性的现实题材剧,这些电视剧无疑仍然有着相当程度的现实关照,但它们与实际的社会变迁脉络仅保持着名义上的联系。” 展开更多
关键词 常江 《北京人在纽约》 中国电视史 现实主义 现实题材 电视剧 现实关照 社会变迁
《人民论坛》 1994年第5期48-55,共2页
1984年12月,常江与马萧萧、顾平旦、曾保泉等人应邀到北京保温瓶工业公司参加书画活动。几人夜里闲暇之中,凑成一副题保温瓶的数字联: 一口能吞二泉三江四海五湖水 孤胆敢入十方百姓千家万户门 上联嵌一、二、三、四、五,下联嵌个(孤)... 1984年12月,常江与马萧萧、顾平旦、曾保泉等人应邀到北京保温瓶工业公司参加书画活动。几人夜里闲暇之中,凑成一副题保温瓶的数字联: 一口能吞二泉三江四海五湖水 孤胆敢入十方百姓千家万户门 上联嵌一、二、三、四、五,下联嵌个(孤)、十、百、千、万,而且内容与保温瓶的功能十分贴切。 展开更多
关键词 顾平旦 字联 二泉 工业公司 常江 西蜀 车尔尼雪夫斯基 五丈原 八阵 六出
作者 马尔巡 《电影评介》 北大核心 1994年第3期31-31,共1页
关键词 男主角 铁拐李 影视明星 黄慧 王群 徐永 徐东 常江 大卫
作者 刘跃利 黄松哲 《北方音乐》 1993年第5期3-5,共3页
关键词 我一 老来 歌诗 雨山 立鱼 小舟 西来 中净 江中 常江
作者 阿计 平丁 《中国农村卫生事业管理》 1987年第8期60-61,共2页
开春四月,我们一行来到了全国有名的经济发达地区——江苏省江阴县。在这里,我们领略到了长江的磅礴气势,感受到了长江沿岸人民的创新求实精神。江阴县是镶嵌在长江南岸的一颗明珠,同无锡县、常熟县并称“无常江”金三角。全县人口103万... 开春四月,我们一行来到了全国有名的经济发达地区——江苏省江阴县。在这里,我们领略到了长江的磅礴气势,感受到了长江沿岸人民的创新求实精神。江阴县是镶嵌在长江南岸的一颗明珠,同无锡县、常熟县并称“无常江”金三角。全县人口103万,1986年工农业总产值51.7亿元。全县30个乡(镇),528个行政村,有30个乡(镇)卫生院(其中5所为中心卫生院),511个村卫生室,共有乡村医生(卫生员)997人。 展开更多
关键词 江阴县 长江沿岸 长江南岸 江苏省江阴 磅礴气势 乡村医生 求实精神 常江 家庭教育 乡镇企业发展
作者 宁常江 《中小学作文教学》 2006年第4期30-30,共1页
关键词 用锋 大家画 景色宜人 大东 郑岩 常江
作者 常江 《贵阳文史》 2012年第5期56-56,共1页
关键词 《一中 一段难忘的故事》 故事 文学 常江
书香萦国土 智慧伴人生——商丘杯第三届全国国土资源系统读书大赛颁奖大会在商丘举行
作者 张永强 《资源导刊》 2015年第A05期65-65,共1页
本刊讯4月23日,第20个世界读书日。由国土资源部机关党委、中国国土资源报社、中国国土资源作家协会主办,商丘市国土资源局承办的"书香国土·智慧人生"——商丘杯第三届全国国土资源系统读书大赛颁奖大会和读书节活动在... 本刊讯4月23日,第20个世界读书日。由国土资源部机关党委、中国国土资源报社、中国国土资源作家协会主办,商丘市国土资源局承办的"书香国土·智慧人生"——商丘杯第三届全国国土资源系统读书大赛颁奖大会和读书节活动在商丘市圆满举行。中国国土资源报社社长、国土资源作家协会主席陈国栋,国土资源作家协会名誉主席常江,河南省国土资源厅党组成员、巡视员文茂林,商丘市人民政府副市长王仲田出席会议并分别讲话。 展开更多
关键词 国土资源 智慧人生 作家协会主席 机关党委 读书节 协会名誉主席 报社社长 陈国栋 世界读书日 常江
作者 阎伟东 《延安市人民政府政报》 2013年第4期49-49,共1页
关键词 武术比赛 武术训练 民办教育 一所 常江 日至
作者 LIU Zhong-gang LI Man-chun +1 位作者 SUN Yan MA Wen-bo 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第2期160-164,共5页
This paper uses a spatial statistics method based on the calculation of spatial autocorrelation as a possible approach for modeling and quantifying the distribution of urban land price in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Provi... This paper uses a spatial statistics method based on the calculation of spatial autocorrelation as a possible approach for modeling and quantifying the distribution of urban land price in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province. GIS and spatial statistics provide a useful way for describing the distribution of urban land price both spatially and temporally, and have proved to be useful for understanding land price distribution pattern better. In this paper, we apply the statistical analysis method to 8379 urban land price samples collected from Changzhou Land Market, and it is turned out that the proposed approach can effectively identify the spatial clusters and local point patterns in dataset and forms a general method for conceptualizing the land price structure. The results show that land price structure in Changzhou City is very complex and that even where there is a high spatial autocorrelation, the land price is still relatively heterogeneous. Furthermore, lands for different uses have different degrees of spatial autocorrelation. Spatial autocorrelation of commercial lands is more intense than that of residential and industrial lands in regional central district. This means that treating land price as integration of homogeneous units can limit analysis of pattern, over-simplifying the structure of land price, but the methods, just as the autocorrelation approaches, are useful tools for quantifying the variables of land price. 展开更多
关键词 spatial autocorrelation land price Moran's I GIS Changzhou
Experimental 15-day-lead statistical forecast of intraseasonal summer monsoon rainfall over Eastern China 被引量:2
作者 LI Jian-Ying MAO Jiang-Yu 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第1期66-73,共8页
This study utilizes daily Asian Precipitation–Highly-Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation(APHRODITE)gridded rainfall and the U.S.National Centers for Environmental PredictionDepartment of Ener... This study utilizes daily Asian Precipitation–Highly-Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation(APHRODITE)gridded rainfall and the U.S.National Centers for Environmental PredictionDepartment of Energy reanalysis II products to examine the intraseasonal oscillations(ISOs)of rainfall over Eastern China during each summer of 1996,2002,and 2006.These three cases represent three typical spatial patterns of intraseasonal rainfall anomalies over Eastern China,with the strongest intraseasonal rainfall occurring over the middle and lower Yangtze Basin,southern Yangtze Basin,and Southeast China,respectively.The intraseasonal rainfall anomalies over Eastern China are dominated by both 30–60-and 10–20-day ISOs in each summer and are further modulated by the boreal summer ISOs(BSISOs)over the entire Asian summer monsoon region.The objective of this study is thus to apply the Bayesian wavelet-banding(WB)scheme to predicting intraseasonal rainfall over Eastern China.Several key factors associated with BSISOs are selected as predictors to experimentally develop a 15-day-lead statistical forecast.The forecast results show promise for the intraseasonal rainfall anomalies over Eastern China.Correlations generally greater than or equal to 0.6 are noted between the observed and predicted ISOs of rainfall over the major intraseasonal activity centers during each of the three summers.Such a high forecasting skill on intraseasonal timescales over various areas in Eastern China demonstrates the general usefulness of the WB scheme. 展开更多
关键词 Intraseasonal oscillations Bayesian wavelet-banding(WB)scheme 15-day-lead forecast
Appearance of Jiangzao 361, a Conventional Early Indica Rice Variety, in Throwing Demonstration Experiment and Its Matching Throwing Technique
作者 胡金和 张志英 +4 位作者 祝飞 曾良明 彭裕建 胡玉平 杨小华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2331-2334,共4页
In this paper, the characteristics of Jiangzao 361, as well as its appear- ance in throwing transplanting are introduced, and the high-yielding throwing tech- nique for Jiangzao 361 is summed up. On the basis of the e... In this paper, the characteristics of Jiangzao 361, as well as its appear- ance in throwing transplanting are introduced, and the high-yielding throwing tech- nique for Jiangzao 361 is summed up. On the basis of the experimental demon- stration, the corresponding matching throwing technique is put forward. 展开更多
关键词 Conventional early indica rice Jiangzao 361 Throwing technology
Taizhou Yangtze River Bridge
《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第3期F0003-F0003,共1页
Taizhou Bridge lies between Taizhou, Zhenjiang and Changzhou City in Jiangsu Province. The total length of Taizhou Bridge is 62.088 kin. The whole line is designed by freeway codes with six lanes in two directions. Th... Taizhou Bridge lies between Taizhou, Zhenjiang and Changzhou City in Jiangsu Province. The total length of Taizhou Bridge is 62.088 kin. The whole line is designed by freeway codes with six lanes in two directions. The wholeinvestment is 9.37 billion RMB and the planned construction duration is 5.5 years. The main bridge crossing the Yangtze River is a continuous three-pylon two-span suspension bridge with the main span of 1 080 m. The bridge system is realized for the first time and ranks first in the world until now. 展开更多
关键词 长江大桥 高速公路 计划工期 泰州市 江苏省 常州市 镇江市 生产线
New Early Rice Variety Jiangzao 361
作者 胡金和 张志英 +3 位作者 祝飞 曾良明 彭裕建 胡玉平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第7期1240-1242,共3页
Jiangzao 361 was bred by Institute of Food and Oil Crops, Nanchang Ac- ademy of Agricultural Sciences and Jiangxi Kewei Institute of Agricultural Crops from Jiazao 311 and intermediate material Z6340 through sexual hy... Jiangzao 361 was bred by Institute of Food and Oil Crops, Nanchang Ac- ademy of Agricultural Sciences and Jiangxi Kewei Institute of Agricultural Crops from Jiazao 311 and intermediate material Z6340 through sexual hybridization. This variety has proper plant shape, wide and straight flag leaf and strong and thick stem, with the advantages of more grains per panicle, close seeds, high seed set- ting rate and good color in maturation stage. In December 2014, the variety passed the examination and approval by Jiangxi Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2014. In this study, the characteristics of the variety, and its high-yielding cultivation tech- nique of direct seeding in the rice field in Jiangxi Province and seed reproduction technique were introduced. 展开更多
关键词 Conventional early rice Jiangzao CHARACTERISTICS Cultivation technique
A Spatial Cluster Analysis of Heavy Rains in China 被引量:13
作者 TU Kai YAN Zhong-Wei WANG Yi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2011年第1期36-40,共5页
Clustered heavy rains (CHRs) defined using hierarchical cluster analysis based on daily observations of precipitation in China during 1960-2008 are investi- gated in this paper. The geographical pattern of CHRs in C... Clustered heavy rains (CHRs) defined using hierarchical cluster analysis based on daily observations of precipitation in China during 1960-2008 are investi- gated in this paper. The geographical pattern of CHRs in China shows three high-frequency centers--South China, the Yangtze River basin, and part of North China around the Bohai Sea. CHRs occur most frequently in South China with a mean annual frequency of 6.8 (a total of 334 times during 1960-2008). June has the highest monthly frequency (2.2 times/month with a total of 108 times dur- ing 1960-2008), partly in association with the Meiyu phenomenon in the Yangtze River basin. Within the past 50 years, the frequency of CHRs in China has increased significantly from 13.5 to 17.3 times per year, which is approximately 28%. In the 1990s, the frequency of CHRs often reached 19.1 times per year. The geographical extent of CHR has expanded slightly by 0.5 stations, and its average daily rainfall intensity has increased by 3.7 mm d-1. The contribution of CHRs to total rainfall amount and the frequency of daily precipitation have increased by 63.1% and 22.7%, respectively, partly due to a significant decrease in light rains. In drying regions of North and Northeast China, the amounts of minimal CHRs have had no significant trend in recent years, probably due to warming in these arid regions enhancing atmospheric conveetivity at individual stations. 展开更多
关键词 cluster analysis heavy rain cIimate extremes geographical correlation.
Preliminary Study on the Dynamic Variations of the Surface Thermal Flux before and after the M_S5.7 Earthquake of 2005 in Jiujiang City,Jiangxi Province 被引量:1
作者 Chen Meihua Deng Zhihui +2 位作者 Wang Yu Liao Zhihui Zu Jinhua 《Earthquake Research in China》 2008年第2期175-184,共10页
The temporal and spatial variations of surface latent heat flux(SLHF)and diagnostic air temperature at 2m before and after the M_S5.7 earthquake occurring on November 26,2005 in the area between Ruichang City and Jiuj... The temporal and spatial variations of surface latent heat flux(SLHF)and diagnostic air temperature at 2m before and after the M_S5.7 earthquake occurring on November 26,2005 in the area between Ruichang City and Jiujiang City,Jiangxi Province are summarized in this paper.It is found that before the earthquake significant SLHF anomalies and air temperature anomalies occurred in the epicentral area and its vicinity.The air temperature anomalies appeared from the 2nd to the 13th of November,2005 and were concentrated at the epicentral area and in its southern part.Then two days later,that is,from the 4th to the 15th of November 2005,significant SLHF anomalies occurred in the epicentral area and to its northern area where many lakes are distributed along the active faults.During the anomalous period,the SLHF and air temperature at 2m exceeded the sum of average daily value over 26 years and 1.5 times of its mean square deviation.Both anomalies had maintained for 12 days with a peculiar distribution related to the tectonic active zone.It is considered that both of air temperature anomalies and SLHF anomalies are correlated to the movement of thermal flux from underground prior to earthquake.SLHF anomalies occurred over wide regions covered with abundant water,whereas air temperature anomalies occurred over land. 展开更多
关键词 Air temperature Surface latent heat flux Earthquake anomaly Jiujiang earthquake Satellite remote sensing
Comparative analysis of fracture identification methods based on gravity anomaly in Heilongjiang 被引量:1
作者 CHANG Chang YANG Changbao +1 位作者 WU Yangang CHEN Jingyi 《Global Geology》 2015年第2期134-139,共6页
The identification of fractures is of great importance in gravity and magnetic data processing and interpretation.In this study,four fracture identification methods are applied,and widely used in processing and analys... The identification of fractures is of great importance in gravity and magnetic data processing and interpretation.In this study,four fracture identification methods are applied,and widely used in processing and analysis of the gravity anomaly,including vertical second derivative method,tilt derivative method,theta map method and normalized differential method,for gravity data acquired in a given area in Heilongjiang.By comparing the distribution of the zero contour or maximum contour,we summarize the application effects,and both advantages and disadvantages of each method.It is found that tilt derivative method and normalized differential method provide better effects than other two methods:the narrower anomaly gradient belt and higher identification precision of fracture or geological boundary.The inferred fractures and geological boundaries have a great match with the results obtained from geologic map and remote sensing data interpretation.Those study results have definitely provided the theoretical foundation for identifying faults and the geological boundaries. 展开更多
关键词 gravity anomaly fracture identification Heilongjiang
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