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甘肃省2019年常规免疫疫苗报告接种数据质量评价 被引量:1
作者 张晓曙 焦永卓 +3 位作者 唐宇 邓琳 张宁静 李晓波 《中国初级卫生保健》 2020年第10期87-89,92,共4页
目的评价甘肃省2019年常规免疫疫苗报告接种数据质量。方法使用验证系数(Verification Factor,VF)和可靠系数(Reliability Factor,RF)对甘肃省5个县、区2019年常规免疫疫苗报告接种数进行准确性和可靠性评价。结果 5个县、区均存在报告... 目的评价甘肃省2019年常规免疫疫苗报告接种数据质量。方法使用验证系数(Verification Factor,VF)和可靠系数(Reliability Factor,RF)对甘肃省5个县、区2019年常规免疫疫苗报告接种数进行准确性和可靠性评价。结果 5个县、区均存在报告数据不准确情况,但各县间无统计学差异(H=2.155,P=0.707),报告不足的接种单位占7.41%,各县、区间无统计学差异(χ^2=4.52,P=0.340),过度报告的接种单位占10.54%,各县、区间无统计学差异(χ^2=7.29,P=0.120);5个县、区均存在报告数据不可靠情况,可靠性由高到低依次为肃州区、秦州区、合作市、白银区和庄浪县,5个县、区均存在报告接种数大于疫苗使用量情况,严重程度由高到低依次为白银区、庄浪县、合作市、秦州区和肃州区。5个县、区均存在漏报,严重程度由高到低依次为合作市、秦州区、肃州区、白银区和庄浪县。结论甘肃省各地区均存在不同程度的常规免疫疫苗报告接种数据质量不高的情况,各级接种单位可使用VF和RF定期对辖区内报告接种数据进行评价,及时发现免疫薄弱地区和人群。 展开更多
关键词 常规免疫接种 监测 准确性 可靠性
注重通法解题意识 培养数学抽象思维——以数列公共项问题的深度探索为例
作者 陈伟流 《中学生理科应试》 2023年第11期6-8,共3页
数列的公共项问题是以常规数列为载体,具有立意深远,构思巧妙等特点的新颖题型,集丰富性,综合性,创新性于一体,着重考查学生的逻辑思维素养,分析问题和解决问题的能力.本文针对不同类型的数列公共项问题,探索并推广解决数列公共项问题... 数列的公共项问题是以常规数列为载体,具有立意深远,构思巧妙等特点的新颖题型,集丰富性,综合性,创新性于一体,着重考查学生的逻辑思维素养,分析问题和解决问题的能力.本文针对不同类型的数列公共项问题,探索并推广解决数列公共项问题的通法通解。 展开更多
关键词 解题意识 公共项 学抽象思维 构思巧妙 常规数 通法通解 创新性
制定一份“数学教师职业标准”,如何? 被引量:1
作者 张奠宙 《数学教学》 北大核心 1994年第6期42-42,共1页
今年八月在上海华东师范大学召开的国际会议,其主题是“数学教师培训”。会议首先遇到的问题就是——“什么样的数学教师是好的数学教师?” 就当前中国的实际情形来看,大约有以下几种:有多名学生在国际或全国数学奥林匹克竞赛中获奖;高... 今年八月在上海华东师范大学召开的国际会议,其主题是“数学教师培训”。会议首先遇到的问题就是——“什么样的数学教师是好的数学教师?” 就当前中国的实际情形来看,大约有以下几种:有多名学生在国际或全国数学奥林匹克竞赛中获奖;高考数学平均分在全省,全市领先;解常规数学考题水平特高,解题文章多多; 展开更多
关键词 奥林匹克竞赛 常规数 职业标准 评选范围 弱智儿童 重点中学 一本 英才教育 师范院校 片面追求升学率
递推数列通项公式的解题技巧与方法 被引量:2
作者 梁桂友 《数学学习与研究》 2014年第1期100-100,共1页
从近年高考来看,可以知道数列的考查占高中数学的分量比较大,也是区别尖子生的重要分界线.非常规数列,也就是指非等比、等差数列,在求通项公式方面,题型比较多,方法与技巧也比较多,很多考生往往因为这一点,而产生畏惧和退缩的心理.可是... 从近年高考来看,可以知道数列的考查占高中数学的分量比较大,也是区别尖子生的重要分界线.非常规数列,也就是指非等比、等差数列,在求通项公式方面,题型比较多,方法与技巧也比较多,很多考生往往因为这一点,而产生畏惧和退缩的心理.可是,只要我们仔细分析,即使它的题型变化大,解题方法思路也多元化,但都有章可循.在此,就以求递推数列通项公式作为例子。 展开更多
关键词 通项公式 递推 解题技巧 常规数 待定系 总复习 递推关系 全国卷 累加法 迭代法
问题表述多元性 等价转化变直观——解答函数问题中的转化思想
作者 徐红兵 《中学数学(高中版)》 2015年第3期88-89,共2页
"化归与转化思想"是高中数学几大常规数学思想之一,数学解题的过程也可以称之为转化的过程,即将复杂问题简单化、抽象问题直观化、未知转化为已知、一般问题化为特殊问题等,本文以近几年高考中的函数问题为例,就解题中所涉及的转化思... "化归与转化思想"是高中数学几大常规数学思想之一,数学解题的过程也可以称之为转化的过程,即将复杂问题简单化、抽象问题直观化、未知转化为已知、一般问题化为特殊问题等,本文以近几年高考中的函数问题为例,就解题中所涉及的转化思想分析说明,供同学们复习参考.一、巧借对称——化被动为主动对称性是函数的重要性质之一,主要包括函数图像关于x轴或y轴对称、关于某条直线对称、关于原点对称、关于某一点成中心对称,其中既包括函数自身的对称性,也包括两函数之间的对称性. 展开更多
关键词 转化思想 问题 元性 图像 学解题 线对称 常规数 化归 借对 直观化
组合数学竞赛题的若干解题策略 被引量:1
作者 骆祖英 《中学教研(数学版)》 1991年第12期14-18,共5页
在数学竞赛中,通常把组合几何、组合计数、组合运动、奇偶分析、抽屉原则、对隅原理、容斥原理、递归、图论等泛指为组合数学,它实乃非常规数学知识和方法之统称。掌握常规题类的基本内容及解题思想是重要的,因为它是主流和基础,但熟悉... 在数学竞赛中,通常把组合几何、组合计数、组合运动、奇偶分析、抽屉原则、对隅原理、容斥原理、递归、图论等泛指为组合数学,它实乃非常规数学知识和方法之统称。掌握常规题类的基本内容及解题思想是重要的,因为它是主流和基础,但熟悉非常规的各种题型、众多的“野路子”同样是不可忽视的。 展开更多
关键词 解题策略 组合 学竞赛 组合几何 竞赛题 容斥原理 图论 常规数 学运算 内接三角形
作者 曾秋香 《数学学习与研究》 2014年第22期128-128,共1页
随着新型教育理念的逐渐普及,数学史对数学教育的意义已得到越来越多数学教育工作者的重视,许多教师也认识到数学史在我们常规数学教育中的积极作用,并开始尝试数学史融入数学的教学模式,取得了不小成效.但是,很多人对这种模式不甚了解... 随着新型教育理念的逐渐普及,数学史对数学教育的意义已得到越来越多数学教育工作者的重视,许多教师也认识到数学史在我们常规数学教育中的积极作用,并开始尝试数学史融入数学的教学模式,取得了不小成效.但是,很多人对这种模式不甚了解,这就制约了中学数学实际教育的进一步发展.有鉴于此,我们必须对这一教学契机作出更为充分的研究,以给我们的学生和家长提交上一份满意的答卷.这不仅对中学数学实际的教学质量具有重要影响。 展开更多
关键词 学史 中学 教育工作者 常规数 教育理念 教学质量 学学习兴趣 学问题 爱国教育 知识讲解
DNA计算机 被引量:4
作者 侯新民 《海南师范学院学报》 2001年第1期24-27,共4页
关键词 DNA计算机 电子计算机 生物操作 常规数操作 DNA链
An Introduction to the Theory of C~*-modules
作者 邓宏钧 刘德权 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1992年第2期72-77,共6页
This paper,combined algebraical structure with analytical system,has studied the part of theory of C~*-modules over A by using the homolgical methods, where A is a commutative C~*-algebra over complex number field C. ... This paper,combined algebraical structure with analytical system,has studied the part of theory of C~*-modules over A by using the homolgical methods, where A is a commutative C~*-algebra over complex number field C. That is to say we have not only defined some relevant new concept,but also obtained some results about them. 展开更多
关键词 commutative C~*-algebra C~*-module C~*-homomorphism
《中小学管理》 北大核心 1995年第11期24-25,共2页
教学工作计划表北京景山学校教学实践是科研的基础,科研成果促进教学改革。如何以教育理论指导教学工作,把科学研究与常规数学工作结合起来,使之相辅相成?如何增强教师的科研意识,提高教学水平?现将景山学校的《教学工作计划表》... 教学工作计划表北京景山学校教学实践是科研的基础,科研成果促进教学改革。如何以教育理论指导教学工作,把科学研究与常规数学工作结合起来,使之相辅相成?如何增强教师的科研意识,提高教学水平?现将景山学校的《教学工作计划表》推荐给读者,愿读者从中得到启发。编... 展开更多
关键词 教学工作计划 计划表 教学实践 促进教学改革 科学研究 科研意识 提高教学水平 科研成果 理论指导 常规数
《体育科技文献通报》 2003年第8期46-46,共1页
G844.014.53 20033896对我国优秀女子手球运动员运动创伤的调查研究=An investigation of injuries in elite Chinesewomen handballers[刊,中,A]/张冰雨,张云,姜红//北京体育大学学报.-2003.-26(2).-204-205,220表2参7(SJ)手球//女子/... G844.014.53 20033896对我国优秀女子手球运动员运动创伤的调查研究=An investigation of injuries in elite Chinesewomen handballers[刊,中,A]/张冰雨,张云,姜红//北京体育大学学报.-2003.-26(2).-204-205,220表2参7(SJ)手球//女子//优秀运动员//损伤//调研 通过对我国九运会女子手球前8名队121名运动员创伤特点的分析,旨在寻找预防或减少创伤的措施。采用问卷调查及访淡形式获取资料并进行常规数理统计和分析。结果表明。 展开更多
关键词 女子手球运动员 优秀运动员 北京体育大学学报 运动创伤 问卷调查 九运会 统计和分析 医务监督 常规数 韧带损伤
Time-dependent Diffusion Coefficient and Conventional Diffusion Constant of Nanoparticles in Polymer Melts by Mode-coupling Theory
作者 赖鑫昱 赵南蓉 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期163-171,I0003,共10页
Time-dependent diffusion coefficient and conventional diffusion constant are calculated and analyzed to study diffusion of nanoparticles in polymer melts. A generalized Langevin equa- tion is adopted to describe the d... Time-dependent diffusion coefficient and conventional diffusion constant are calculated and analyzed to study diffusion of nanoparticles in polymer melts. A generalized Langevin equa- tion is adopted to describe the diffusion dynamics. Mode-coupling theory is employed to calculate the memory kernel of friction. For simplicity, only microscopic terms arising from binary collision and coupling to the solvent density fluctuation are included in the formalism. The equilibrium structural information functions of the polymer nanocomposites required by mode-coupling theory are calculated on the basis of polymer reference interaction site model with Percus-Yevick closure. The effect of nanoparticle size and that of the polymer size are clarified explicitly. The structural functions, the friction kernel, as well as the diffusion coefficient show a rich variety with varying nanoparticle radius and polymer chain length. We find that for small nanoparticles or short chain polymers, the characteristic short time non-Markov diffusion dynamics becomes more prominent, and the diffusion coefficient takes longer time to approach asymptotically the conventional diffusion constant. This constant due to the microscopic contributions will decrease with the increase of nanoparticle size, while increase with polymer size. Furthermore, our result of diffusion constant from mode- coupling theory is compared with the value predicted from the Stokes-Einstein relation. It shows that the microscopic contributions to the diffusion constant are dominant for small nanoparticles or long chain polymers. Inversely, when nanonparticle is big, or polymer chain is short, the hydrodynamic contribution might play a significant role. 展开更多
关键词 Time-dependent diffusion coefficient Conventional diffusion coefficient Poly-mer melts Mode-coupling theory Polymer reference interaction site model
Radiative Decays of (0^+,1^+) Strange-Bottom Mesons 被引量:2
作者 WANG Zhi-Gang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第7期91-98,共8页
In this article, we assume that the (0^+,1^+) strange-bottom mesons are the conventional bs mesons, and calculate the electromagnetic coupling constants d, g1, g2, and g3 using the light-cone QGD sum rules. Then w... In this article, we assume that the (0^+,1^+) strange-bottom mesons are the conventional bs mesons, and calculate the electromagnetic coupling constants d, g1, g2, and g3 using the light-cone QGD sum rules. Then we study the radiative decays Bs0→Bs^*γ, Bs1→Bsγ, Bs1→Bs^*γ, and Bs1→Bs0γ, and observe that the widths are rather narrow. We can search for the (0^+, 1^+) strange-bottom mesons in the invariant Bsπ^0 and Bs^*π^0 mass distributions in the strong decays or in the invariant Bs^*γ, and Bsγ mass distributions in the radiative decays. 展开更多
关键词 strange-bottom mesons light-cone QCD sum rules
Effects of nitrogen specification and culture method on growth of Enteromorpha prolifera 被引量:3
作者 李俭平 赵卫红 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期874-882,共9页
Eutrophication, which is the enrichment of a water mass with inorganic and organic nutrients that support plant growth, is a key factor in stimulating phytoplankton growth. In this study, we determined the effects of ... Eutrophication, which is the enrichment of a water mass with inorganic and organic nutrients that support plant growth, is a key factor in stimulating phytoplankton growth. In this study, we determined the effects of various nitrogen sources, different nitrogen concentrations in the culture medium, and two culture methods on the growth of the green alga, Enteromorpha prolifera. The relationship between the specific growth rate of E. prolifera and NO3-N concentration was consistent with that estimated using the Monod equation (R2=0.9713, P〈0.01). In the N O3-N medium, the maximum specific growth rate was calculated to be 0.1634/d and the semi-saturation constant was calculated to be 16.86 μmol/L. Our results show that E. prolijkra can effectively utilize NH4^+-N, NO3^-N, and NO^2-N and urea-N in the range of 5 to 50 μmol/L. NH4^+-N was preferentially assimilated by E. prolifera, and urea-N was favorable for long-term growth. 展开更多
关键词 EUTROPHICATION N concentrations N sources culture methods E. prolifera
Weak Noether Symmetry and non-Noether Conserved Quantities for General Holonomic Systems
作者 XIE Jia-Fang MEI Feng-Xiang GANG Tie-Qiang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第10期844-846,共3页
A new kind of weak Noether symmetry for a general holonomic system is defined in such a way that themethods to construct Hojman conserved quantity and new-type conserved quantity are given.It turns out that weintroduc... A new kind of weak Noether symmetry for a general holonomic system is defined in such a way that themethods to construct Hojman conserved quantity and new-type conserved quantity are given.It turns out that weintroduce a new approach to look for the conserved laws.Two examples are presented. 展开更多
关键词 weak Noether symmetry non-Noether conserved quantity general holonomic system
The Coupling Constants for.an Electroweak Model with an SU(4)PS ×SU(4)EW Unification Symmetry
作者 A.E. Bernardini 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期879-882,共4页
We introduce the sequence of spontaneous symmetry breaking of a coupling between Pati-Salam and electroweak symmetries SU( 4 )PS × SU( 4 )EW in order to establish a mathematically consistent relation among th... We introduce the sequence of spontaneous symmetry breaking of a coupling between Pati-Salam and electroweak symmetries SU( 4 )PS × SU( 4 )EW in order to establish a mathematically consistent relation among the coupling constants at grand unification energy scale. With the values of baryon minus lepton quantum numbers of known quarks and leptons, by including right-handed neutrinos, we can lind the mixing angle relations at different energy levels up to the electromagnetic U(1)EM scale. 展开更多
关键词 electroweak unification gauge symmetry coupling constants
Challenges using electronic nursing routine data for outcome analyses:A mixed methods study
作者 Renate Nantschev Elske Ammenwerth 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第1期92-99,I0006,共9页
Objectives To explore the challenges of secondary use of routinely collected data for analyzing nursing-sensitive outcomes in Austrian acute care hospitals.Method A convergent parallel mixed methods design was perform... Objectives To explore the challenges of secondary use of routinely collected data for analyzing nursing-sensitive outcomes in Austrian acute care hospitals.Method A convergent parallel mixed methods design was performed.We conducted a quantitative representative survey with nursing managers from 32 Austrian general acute care hospitals and 11 qualitative semi-structured interviews with nursing quality management experts.Both results were first analyzed independently and afterward merged in the discussion.Results On average,76%of nursing documentation is already electronically supported in the surveyed Austrian hospitals.However,existing nursing data is seldom used for secondary purposes such as nursing-sensitive outcome analyses.This is due to four major reasons:First,hospitals often do not have a data strategy for the secondary use of routine data.Second,hospitals partly lack the use of standardized and uniform nursing terminologies,especially for nursing evaluation.Third,routine nursing data is often not documented correctly and completely.Fourth,data on nursing-sensitive outcomes is usually collected in specific documentation forms not integrated into routine documentation.Conclusion The awareness of the possibilities for secondary use of nursing data for nursing-sensitive outcome analyses in Austrian hospitals is still in its infancy.Therefore,nursing staff and nursing management must be trained to understand how to collect and process nursing data for nursing-sensitive outcome analyses.Further studies would be interesting in order to determine the factors that influence the decision-making processes for the secondary use of nursing data for outcome analyses. 展开更多
关键词 Austria Health care quality indicators Nursing care plan Nursing informatics Routinely collected health data Secondary use Standardized nursing terminology
Experimental Study on Reflection Coefficient of Curved Perforated Plate
作者 Sayed Mohammad Reza Hodaei1, Mohammad Reza Chamani Mohammad Reza Chamani +2 位作者 Mohammad Navid Moghim, Shahriar Mansoorzadeh Abdoreza Kabiri-Samani 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2016年第4期382-387,共6页
A set of experiments is carried out in a towing tank to study the effects of the curvature of perforated plates on the wave reflection coefficient (Cr). The curvature of a perforated plate can be changed by rotating... A set of experiments is carried out in a towing tank to study the effects of the curvature of perforated plates on the wave reflection coefficient (Cr). The curvature of a perforated plate can be changed by rotating a reference perforated plate about its origin point according to the parabolic equation y=-x2 A plunger-type wave maker is used to generate regular waves. The reflection coefficients are calculated using Goda and Suzuki’s (1976) method. The results are compared with those of vertical or sloped passive wave absorbers. The comparison shows that a perforated plate with a curved profile is highly efficient in terms of reducing the wave reflection coefficient. A correlation is established to estimate the reflection coefficient of curved perforated plates as a function of both flow and geometry characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 perforated plate curved profile reflection coefficient wave absorber REGULAR
作者 莫小米 采采(绘图) 《风流一代》 2020年第25期48-48,共1页
一场未知尽头的流行疾病,使人们的生活方式和交往方式来了一个大转变。宅家,成了疫情中众人的日常。2020年1月27日,我在朋友圈发了几张九宫数独图,包括:常规数独、异形数独、对角线敎独、杀手数独。附了八个字:“就这样吧,祝你平安。”... 一场未知尽头的流行疾病,使人们的生活方式和交往方式来了一个大转变。宅家,成了疫情中众人的日常。2020年1月27日,我在朋友圈发了几张九宫数独图,包括:常规数独、异形数独、对角线敎独、杀手数独。附了八个字:“就这样吧,祝你平安。”以此打发时间,甚是有效。很多朋友看到,也做起数独来,我们在网上交流解题思路,忘记了郁闷。 展开更多
关键词 网上交流 流行疾病 解题思路 朋友圈 交往方式 常规数 对角线
作者 丁丁虫 《人物》 2012年第7期29-30,共2页
WHO IS IT NBA有史以来最为全能的球员之一,职业生涯第9个年头,终圆总冠军梦想。勒布朗·詹姆斯先生,NBA有史以来最为全能的球员之一,终于拿到了他运动生涯的第一座NBA总冠军和总决赛MVP。这位被称为拥有惊人天赋的篮球场上的"... WHO IS IT NBA有史以来最为全能的球员之一,职业生涯第9个年头,终圆总冠军梦想。勒布朗·詹姆斯先生,NBA有史以来最为全能的球员之一,终于拿到了他运动生涯的第一座NBA总冠军和总决赛MVP。这位被称为拥有惊人天赋的篮球场上的"小皇帝"。 展开更多
关键词 詹姆斯 单脚起跳 身高 常规数 弹跳高度 体能测试 球员 布朗 肌肉力量 控制速度
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