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9年生柚木干径生长规律及其数学模型 被引量:5
作者 石文革 许党 +1 位作者 李军 张荣贵 《西部林业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第6期45-49,共5页
应用逻辑斯蒂(Logistic)生长模型,对9年生柚木干径解析及生长回归分析,以了解幼龄柚木干径生长规律,结果表明:幼龄柚木生长过程可以用逻辑斯蒂模型方程y=115. 751 3/(1+e^(2. 186 1-0.543 688x))来定量描述和预估生长趋势; 9年生柚木仍... 应用逻辑斯蒂(Logistic)生长模型,对9年生柚木干径解析及生长回归分析,以了解幼龄柚木干径生长规律,结果表明:幼龄柚木生长过程可以用逻辑斯蒂模型方程y=115. 751 3/(1+e^(2. 186 1-0.543 688x))来定量描述和预估生长趋势; 9年生柚木仍处于快速生长期,9年干径达到112. 67mm,干径平均年生长量12. 52mm/a,第2年进入快速生长期,第4年生长达到高峰18. 26mm/a,进入速生期早、生长快,是一种速生的热带珍贵树种; 9年生柚木南半轴生长显著高于其它3个半轴,东、西两半轴生长曲线一致,基本重合。南、北两个半轴在前3年生长一致,从第4年后两者差距逐渐拉大。干径年生长量总体呈下降趋势,但各年差异较大,生长量变化曲线呈波浪状。 展开更多
关键词 柚木 干径解析 生长量 逻辑斯蒂模型
作者 梁彩妮 陈茂豪 陈晓龙 《现代医用影像学》 2018年第3期788-789,共2页
目的:探究阻塞性肺动脉高压患者左下肺动脉干径的X线测量效果。方法:二级医院放射科2014年6月~2016年11月期间,随机抽取98例阻塞性肺动脉高压患者和98例同期健康人群,分别设置为观察组、对照组。所有入选者均经X线测量左下肺动脉干径,... 目的:探究阻塞性肺动脉高压患者左下肺动脉干径的X线测量效果。方法:二级医院放射科2014年6月~2016年11月期间,随机抽取98例阻塞性肺动脉高压患者和98例同期健康人群,分别设置为观察组、对照组。所有入选者均经X线测量左下肺动脉干径,观察两组测量情况。结果:左下肺动脉干径和年龄大小呈正比关系,对照组男性平均左下肺动脉干径为(9.6±2.1)mm,女性平均左下肺动脉干径为(9.1±1.8)mm,不同性别左下肺动脉干径对比,不具有统计学意义,P>0.05。观察组平均左下肺动脉干径(12.5±3.4)mm,对照组平均左下肺动脉干径(9.3±1.9)mm,组间实行比较,存在统计学意义,P<0.05。结论:左下肺动脉干径和年龄呈正比,经X线测量左下肺动脉,可测量率较高,具有重要的临床应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 阻塞性肺动脉高压 左下肺动脉干径 X线
作者 袁玉梅 王茜 任少龙 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期101-108,共8页
对生活排水系统中横干管上汇入多个排水立管的排水系统进行了研究,其中包含汇入排水立管之间的距离和横干管管径变化的对比试验,观察排水系统在排水过程中各个楼层的压力波动、地漏水封损失、P弯水封损失的情况。结果表明,横干管上接入... 对生活排水系统中横干管上汇入多个排水立管的排水系统进行了研究,其中包含汇入排水立管之间的距离和横干管管径变化的对比试验,观察排水系统在排水过程中各个楼层的压力波动、地漏水封损失、P弯水封损失的情况。结果表明,横干管上接入排水立管之间的距离对系统排水能力影响不大,而多根排水立管接入时,汇入点因产生水塞拥堵产生正压,导致系统排水能力下降40%~50%,在工程应用中,建议可以适当扩大横干管管径来解决汇入点产生正压的问题,保证系统的排水能力。 展开更多
关键词 特殊单立管系统 排水立管汇入 管管 系统排水能力
中老年男子雄激素部分缺乏与中药可能干预途径的探讨 被引量:11
作者 曾金雄 《中国中医药信息杂志》 CAS CSCD 2003年第5期3-5,共3页
近年来,中老年男性雄激素部分缺乏(Partial AndrogenDeficiency in Aging Men,PADAM)引起了国际男科学界的关注。男性更年期综合征(Male ClimactericSyndrome)一词是Werner于1939年首先提出来的。奥地利泌尿学会在1994年欧洲男科学研讨... 近年来,中老年男性雄激素部分缺乏(Partial AndrogenDeficiency in Aging Men,PADAM)引起了国际男科学界的关注。男性更年期综合征(Male ClimactericSyndrome)一词是Werner于1939年首先提出来的。奥地利泌尿学会在1994年欧洲男科学研讨会上提出PADAM的命名,较为贴切地反映了男性生殖功能和女性的不同,没有一个明确的终止界限,不能等同于女子的绝经期。雄激素水平是随年龄增长逐渐下降的,有非常大的个体差异,而且并非所有的中老年男性都会变成具有临床意义的睾丸功能减退。大样本流行病学调查表明,老年男性血清游离睾酮随年龄增长而降低。 展开更多
关键词 中老年男子 雄激素部分缺乏 中药 预选 激素补充疗法 安全性
作者 王嫣嫣 马幸幸 +3 位作者 薛进军 田珊珊 周先瑶 苏治华 《南方园艺》 2015年第6期26-29,40,共5页
通过在龙眼园中设环沟高盘白膜膜下输液滴干、环沟高盘黑膜膜下输液滴干、环沟高盘无膜输液滴干处理,以输液滴干处理作对照,研究膜下输液滴干对储良龙眼园土壤地表温度及叶片等影响。结论:环沟高盘无膜输液滴干处理在一定程度上可以有... 通过在龙眼园中设环沟高盘白膜膜下输液滴干、环沟高盘黑膜膜下输液滴干、环沟高盘无膜输液滴干处理,以输液滴干处理作对照,研究膜下输液滴干对储良龙眼园土壤地表温度及叶片等影响。结论:环沟高盘无膜输液滴干处理在一定程度上可以有效降低土壤地表温度,在温度较低的季节,环沟高盘黑膜及环沟高盘白膜膜下输液滴干均能很好地为地表增温和保温;而在温度较高的季节,环沟高盘无膜输液滴干更有益于缓解过高温度带来的热量。膜下输液滴干可以促进龙眼树干径的增长,有助于树体的生长,其中环沟高盘黑膜膜下输液滴干处理更有益于增加龙眼树主干直径。龙眼幼果生长发育时期,各处理与CK处理相比,都在一定程度上减小叶面积的增长,其中环沟高盘黑膜膜下输液滴干变化幅度最小,环沟高盘无膜输液滴干变化幅度最大。各处理与CK处理相比,均显著提高了叶片的叶绿素含量,其中环沟高盘白膜膜下输液滴干效果最为明显。环沟高盘白膜膜下输液滴干的PSII原始光能转化效率较高,对其生境的适应性较强,在PSII反应中心的潜在活性较强,且吸收的光能中用于光合电子传递部分最多,光合特性最强。 展开更多
关键词 膜下输液滴 干径 地表温度 叶面积 叶绿素荧光
西岭核桃合理负载量初步研究 被引量:2
作者 张建英 毛向红 张莹莹 《河北林业科技》 2012年第6期4-6,共3页
通过对西岭核桃品种结果情况的调查和分析,得出西岭核桃枝组产量与枝组干径×轴长间呈极显著正相关,其回归方程为y=0.3102x+72.711(相关系数r=0.81);枝组坚果单果重与叶果比间呈极显著正相关,其回归方程为y=0.6554x+7.5452(相关系数... 通过对西岭核桃品种结果情况的调查和分析,得出西岭核桃枝组产量与枝组干径×轴长间呈极显著正相关,其回归方程为y=0.3102x+72.711(相关系数r=0.81);枝组坚果单果重与叶果比间呈极显著正相关,其回归方程为y=0.6554x+7.5452(相关系数r=0.54)。 展开更多
关键词 西岭核桃 合理负载 枝组干径 轴长 叶果比
DIFNet:SAR RFI suppression network based on domain invariant features
作者 LYU Wen-Hao FANG Fu-Ping TIAN Yuan-Rong 《红外与毫米波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期775-783,共9页
Synthetic aperture radar(SAR)is a high-resolution two-dimensional imaging radar.However,during the imaging process,SAR is susceptible to intentional and unintentional interference,with radio frequency inter⁃ference(RF... Synthetic aperture radar(SAR)is a high-resolution two-dimensional imaging radar.However,during the imaging process,SAR is susceptible to intentional and unintentional interference,with radio frequency inter⁃ference(RFI)being the most common type,leading to a severe degradation in image quality.To address the above problem,numerous algorithms have been proposed.Although inpainting networks have achieved excellent results,their generalization is unclear.Whether they still work effectively in cross-sensor experiments needs fur⁃ther verification.Through the time-frequency analysis to interference signals,this work finds that interference holds domain invariant features between different sensors.Therefore,this work reconstructs the loss function and extracts the domain invariant features to improve its generalization.Ultimately,this work proposes a SAR RFI suppression method based on domain invariant features,and embeds the RFI suppression into SAR imaging pro⁃cess.Compared to traditional notch filtering methods,the proposed approach not only removes interference but al⁃so effectively preserves strong scattering targets.Compared to PISNet,our method can extract domain invariant features and hold better generalization ability,and even in the cross-sensor experiments,our method can still achieve excellent results.In cross-sensor experiments,training data and testing data come from different radar platforms with different parameters,so cross-sensor experiments can provide evidence for the generalization. 展开更多
关键词 synthetic aperture radar radio frequency interference suppression domain invariant features SAR imaging
保定地区几个早熟苹果品种(系)生长观察 被引量:1
作者 白旭亮 李方方 +4 位作者 陈晓洁 郭兴科 张学英 李中勇 徐继忠 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期121-124,共4页
为筛选适宜保定地区栽植的早熟苹果品种,以嫁接在SH40中间砧上的不同早熟苹果品种(系)为试材,测定了不同品种(系)早熟苹果树体生长发育指标和果实品质。结果表明:除嘎啦早熟变异外,其他供试品种(系)树体生长较好,3年生时Xu2-7、X... 为筛选适宜保定地区栽植的早熟苹果品种,以嫁接在SH40中间砧上的不同早熟苹果品种(系)为试材,测定了不同品种(系)早熟苹果树体生长发育指标和果实品质。结果表明:除嘎啦早熟变异外,其他供试品种(系)树体生长较好,3年生时Xu2-7、Xu3-2树高330.0~352.5 cm,4年生时为394.0~417.5 cm,Xu3-2、藤牧1号、信浓红4年生为336.5~381.0 cm。4年生时,干径以Xu2-5最大;短枝、中枝、叶丛枝均以Xu2-5最多,长枝以Xu2-7最多,总枝量以Xu2-5最多;藤牧1号短枝所占比例最高(57.4%)。应用模糊综合评判法得出Xu2-5、Xu2-7、信浓红、藤牧1号果实品质较高。 展开更多
关键词 保定 早熟苹果 树高 干径 模糊综合评判法 果实品质
2011年春季黄、东海墨绿多管水母(Aequorea coerulescens)分布特征 被引量:6
作者 王彦涛 孙松 +2 位作者 王世伟 王敏晓 张光涛 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1096-1102,共7页
2011年4月在黄、东海的大面调查中观测到一种多管水母大量发生,在现场通过表层目测计数了其分布特征,采集现场样品测量了伞径、湿重和干重,并结合水文数据分析了其分布与水团的关系。经鉴定,该种为水螅水母纲、软水母亚纲、锥螅水母目... 2011年4月在黄、东海的大面调查中观测到一种多管水母大量发生,在现场通过表层目测计数了其分布特征,采集现场样品测量了伞径、湿重和干重,并结合水文数据分析了其分布与水团的关系。经鉴定,该种为水螅水母纲、软水母亚纲、锥螅水母目、多管水母科、多管水母属、墨绿多管水母(Aequorea coerulescens)。在69个站位中,有11个站位出现,出现率16%,主要在东海南部近岸海域。个体伞径在17.40—142.00mm之间,湿、干重分别在3.07—75.47g和0.12—3.06g之间,湿、干重与伞径呈现显著的指数关系。碳含量占干重的3.15%±0.56%,氮含量占干重的14.44%±2.65%,碳氮比为4.58±0.30。伞径和温度、盐度显著相关。作者认为,墨绿多管水母来源于舟山群岛附近海域,受海流的作用,输送到观测海域;离源地越远的站位,由于生长时间长,水母伞径增大。 展开更多
关键词 东海 墨绿多管水母 地理分布 碳氮比
Influence of Vegetation Coverage on Surface Runoff and Soil Moisture in Rainy Season in Dry-hot Valley 被引量:7
作者 郭芬芬 南岭 +1 位作者 陈安强 刘刚才 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第4期138-143,共6页
[Objective]The research aimed to study the effects of vegetation coverage on the changes of soil moisture in rainy season in dry-hot valley.[Method]The surface runoff and soil moisture of slope with vegetation coverag... [Objective]The research aimed to study the effects of vegetation coverage on the changes of soil moisture in rainy season in dry-hot valley.[Method]The surface runoff and soil moisture of slope with vegetation coverage and bare land in rainy reason in Jinsha River at Yuanmou County of Yunnan Province were observed continuously.Moreover,the statistical analysis was made based on the observation data.[Result]The vegetation coverage could decrease surface runoff and the surface runoff on bare land(CK) was 22 times as the plot with vegetation coverage.The soil water content in 0-180 cm layer with vegetation coverage increased by 37.8% than bare land.The stability of soil moisture content in deep layer was enhanced and the physical properties stability of soil was maintained.The soil moisture content in different depth of soil had significant difference and the changes of soil moisture content were obviously different.[Conclusion]The vegetation coverage of slope could change the soil hydrology obviously and keep soil moisture at the higher level,especially at soil layer below 20 cm. 展开更多
关键词 Vegetation coverage Surface runoff Soil moisture Dry-hot valley
薄皮核桃引种栽培对比试验 被引量:2
作者 高秀林 李丁丁 +2 位作者 刘丽娟 刘庆永 韩永波 《河北果树》 2012年第3期14-15,共2页
关键词 薄皮核桃:新梢生长量 干径 雌花量
矮化苹果丰产栽培技术要点 被引量:1
作者 李永前 《烟台果树》 2021年第1期41-42,共2页
矮化苹果丰产栽培作为近年来的热点栽培技术,具有树体小、紧凑、健壮、产量高等优势,但矮化苹果丰产栽培技术要点相对较多,只有全面按照技术要求进行规范栽培,才能有效提升苹果栽培效率与质量。1矮化苹果栽培优势矮化苹果苗木健壮、矮化... 矮化苹果丰产栽培作为近年来的热点栽培技术,具有树体小、紧凑、健壮、产量高等优势,但矮化苹果丰产栽培技术要点相对较多,只有全面按照技术要求进行规范栽培,才能有效提升苹果栽培效率与质量。1矮化苹果栽培优势矮化苹果苗木健壮、矮化,高度仅1.2 m左右,干径一般在2.5 cm左右,根系极为发达,叶片较肥厚。 展开更多
关键词 苹果栽培 栽培技术 矮化苹果 栽培优势 规范栽培 效率与质量 丰产 干径
Research on 3D marine electromagnetic interferometry with synthetic sources for suppressing the airwave interference 被引量:1
作者 张建国 武欣 +2 位作者 齐有政 黄玲 方广有 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期373-383,510,共12页
In order to suppress the airwave noise in marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) data, we propose a 3D deconvolution (3DD) interferometry method with a synthetic aperture source and obtain the relative an... In order to suppress the airwave noise in marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) data, we propose a 3D deconvolution (3DD) interferometry method with a synthetic aperture source and obtain the relative anomaly coefficient (RAC) of the EM field reflection responses to show the degree for suppressing the airwave. We analyze the potential of the proposed method for suppressing the airwave, and compare the proposed method with traditional methods in their effectiveness. A method to select synthetic source length is derived and the effect of the water depth on RAC is examined via numerical simulations. The results suggest that 3DD interferometry method with a synthetic source can effectively suppress the airwave and enhance the potential of marine CSEM to hydrocarbon exploration. 展开更多
关键词 marine CSEM reflection response airwave synthetic aperture method 3D deconvolution interferometry up- and down-going field decomposition
作者 顾国庆 王开福 +2 位作者 张成斌 许星 梁智锦 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2012年第4期367-372,共6页
An improved in-plane insensitive double-aperture digital speckle shearing interferometric technique is proposed to measure the first derivative of out-of-plane displacement (slope). The temporal phase-shifting metho... An improved in-plane insensitive double-aperture digital speckle shearing interferometric technique is proposed to measure the first derivative of out-of-plane displacement (slope). The temporal phase-shifting method is used for the quantitative analysis of fringes. The designed system employs a double-aperture arrange- ment placed in front of the imaging lens. A glass wedge covers one of the two apertures to introduce a laterally shear. The experimental specimen is a circular aluminum plate, clamped along its edge and subjected to both out- of-plane deflection and in-plane rotation. Experimental results show that the fringes obtained from the proposed optical configuration represent pure slope contour distributions, and that the contributions from the in-plane dis- placement components are completely eliminated. Theoretical and experimental results are in good agreement. 展开更多
关键词 digital shearography SLOPE temporal phase-shifting double-aperture
JAK/STAT signaling regulates tissue outgrowth and male germline stem cell fate in Drosophila 被引量:9
作者 Shree Ram SINGH Steven X. HOU 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期1-5,共5页
In multicellular organisms, biological activities are regulated by cell signaling. The various signal transduction path- ways regulate cell fate, proliferation, migration, and polarity. Miscoordination of the communic... In multicellular organisms, biological activities are regulated by cell signaling. The various signal transduction path- ways regulate cell fate, proliferation, migration, and polarity. Miscoordination of the communicative signals will lead to disasters like cancer and other fatal diseases. The JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway is one of the pathways, which was first identified in vertebrates and is highly conserved throughout evolution. Studying the JAK/STAT signal transduc- tion pathway in Drosophila provides an excellent opportunity to understand the molecular mechanism of the cell regu- lation during development and tumor formation. In this review, we discuss the general overview of JAK/STAT signaling in Drosophila with respect to its functions in the eye development and stem cell fate determination. 展开更多
关键词 cell signaling JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway cell regulation DROSOPHILA stem cell fate tissue outgrowth.
作者 康继东 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1997年第2期186-189,共4页
Moire interferometry method is introduced to study the feasibilities of J integral as a plastic singularity parameter at the tip of the notch in the welded joints. The results show that J dominance in most studied cas... Moire interferometry method is introduced to study the feasibilities of J integral as a plastic singularity parameter at the tip of the notch in the welded joints. The results show that J dominance in most studied cases is not validated in v and u displacement fields. Therefore, it can be concluded that J-integral as controlling parameter used to estimate the safety of welded structures is not always valid. 展开更多
关键词 path integrals welded joints moire interfe-rometry J-dominance heterogencity
Suppression of RNA Interference Pathway in vitro by Grass Carp Reovirus 被引量:3
作者 Shuai Guo Dan Xu +3 位作者 Hong-xu Xu Tu Wang Jia-le Li Li-qun Lu 《Virologica Sinica》 CAS CSCD 2012年第2期109-119,共11页
The means of survival of genomic dsRNA of reoviruses from dsRNA-triggered and Dicer-initiated RNAi pathway remains to be defined. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) replica... The means of survival of genomic dsRNA of reoviruses from dsRNA-triggered and Dicer-initiated RNAi pathway remains to be defined. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) replication on the RNAi pathway of grass carp kidney cells (CIK). The dsRNA-triggered RNAi pathway was demonstrated unimpaired in CIK cells through RNAi assay. GCRV-specific siRNA was generated in CIK cells transfected with purified GCRV genomic dsRNA in Northern blot analysis; while in GCRV-infected CIK cells, no GCRV-specific siRNA could be detected. Infection and transfection experiments further indicated that replication of GCRV correlated with the increased transcription level of the Dicer gene and functional inhibition of in vitro synthesized egfp-siRNA in silencing the EGFP reporter gene. These data demonstrated that although only the genomic dsRNA of GCRV was sensitive to the cellular RNAi pathway, unidentified RNAi suppressor protein(s) might contribute to the survival of the viral genome and efficient viral replication. 展开更多
关键词 Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) RNA interference (RNAi) DICER Northern blot
Soil−water characteristics of weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ores 被引量:5
作者 Zhong-qun GUO Jian-rong ZHOU +3 位作者 Ke-fan ZHOU Jie-fang JIN Xiao-jun WANG Kui ZHAO 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期1452-1464,共13页
The permeability of the weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ores directly affects the efficiency of in-situ leaching.The soil−water characteristic curve(SWCC)is an important constitutive relation for calculat... The permeability of the weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ores directly affects the efficiency of in-situ leaching.The soil−water characteristic curve(SWCC)is an important constitutive relation for calculating the permeability of ore body,which is related to many factors.Soil−water characteristic tests of rare earth ore samples considering different factors were carried out by using the pressure plate instrument.Effects of dry density,particle size and solution leaching on water holding behavior and the mechanism were investigated.The experimental observations indicate that with the decrease of dry density,the pore ratio increases gradually,and the saturated water content increases.Under the same matric suction,the water content decreases gradually with the increase of particle size,thus decreasing water holding capacity of ore accordingly.In the same water content,matric suction is inversely proportional to particle size.Under the same matric suction,the water content of ore samples after leaching is less than that of the ore samples before leaching,indicating that solution leaching can decrease water holding capacity of ore. 展开更多
关键词 weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore dry density particle size solution leaching soil-water characteristic curve
The interferon inducing pathways and the hepatitis C virus 被引量:8
作者 Eliane F Meurs Adrien Breiman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第17期2446-2454,共9页
The innate immune response is triggered by a variety of pathogens, including viruses, and requires rapid induction of typeⅠ?interferons (IFN), such as IFNβ and IFNα. IFN induction occurs when specific pathogen moti... The innate immune response is triggered by a variety of pathogens, including viruses, and requires rapid induction of typeⅠ?interferons (IFN), such as IFNβ and IFNα. IFN induction occurs when specific pathogen motifs bind to specific cellular receptors. In non-professional immune, virally-infected cells, IFN induction is essentially initiated after the binding of dsRNA structures to TLR3 receptors or to intracytosolic RNA helicases, such as RIG-Ⅰ/MDA5. This leads to the recruitment of specific adaptors, such as TRIF for TLR3 and the mitochondrial-associated IPS-1/VISA/MAVS/CARDIF adapter protein for the RNA helicases, and the ultimate recruitment of kinases, such as MAPKs, the canonical IKK complex and the TBK1/IKKε kinases, which activate the transcription factors ATF-2/ c-jun, NF-κB and IRF3, respectively. The coordinated action of these transcription factors leads to induction of IFN and of pro-inflammatory cytokines and to the establishment of the innate immune response. HCV can cleave both the adapters TRIF and IPS-1/VISA/MAVS/ CARDIF through the action of its NS3/4A protease. This provokes abrogation of the induction of the IFN and cytokine pathways and favours viral propagation and presumably HCV chronic infection. 展开更多
关键词 Toll-like receptor RNA helicase Mitochondrialadapter Cardif TBK1/IKKepsilon Interferon induction HCV NS3A protease
作者 Fan Luhong Pi Yiming Huang Shunji Hou Yinming 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2006年第1期132-135,共4页
Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) is an important means for target classification, recognition, identification and many other military applications. A simulation model of ISAR system is established after analyzi... Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) is an important means for target classification, recognition, identification and many other military applications. A simulation model of ISAR system is established after analyzing the principle of ISAR imaging, and then several ECM (Electronic Counter Measurement) techniques are studied. Simulation experiments are done on the basis of such research. The experimental result of the research can be used for ECM equipment. 展开更多
关键词 Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) INTERFERENCE SIMULATION
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