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作者 黄敬 张波 《陕西林业科技》 2018年第2期71-75,共5页
人为活动干扰是对自然保护区生物多样性保护工作影响较大的因子之一,其变化趋势能够准确反映保护区管理成效。本文通过长青自然保护区人为活动干扰变化趋势分析,探讨近年来长青自然保护区资源管护工作成效与不足,探析今后一段时期内可... 人为活动干扰是对自然保护区生物多样性保护工作影响较大的因子之一,其变化趋势能够准确反映保护区管理成效。本文通过长青自然保护区人为活动干扰变化趋势分析,探讨近年来长青自然保护区资源管护工作成效与不足,探析今后一段时期内可行的保护理念与措施,促进长青保护区资源管护显现更好成效。 展开更多
关键词 长青自然保护区 人为活动干扰变化 资源管护策略 成效
FY-3G MWRI-RM低频通道亮温观测中的无线电干扰信号及其日变化
作者 史震源 邹晓蕾 《气象科学》 2024年第4期691-706,共16页
由于微波辐射计低频通道的非保护性,亮温观测会受到主动传感器的信号污染,被称为无线电频率干扰(Radio-Frequency Interference,RFI)。RFI信号降低了亮温观测资料及其反演产品的准确度。我国近期发射的风云三号G星(FY-3G)搭载了微波成... 由于微波辐射计低频通道的非保护性,亮温观测会受到主动传感器的信号污染,被称为无线电频率干扰(Radio-Frequency Interference,RFI)。RFI信号降低了亮温观测资料及其反演产品的准确度。我国近期发射的风云三号G星(FY-3G)搭载了微波成像仪—降水型(Microwave Radiation Imager-Rainfall Mission,MWRI-RM),在10.65~183.00 GHz的频率范围内设有17个通道,对地球大气进行被动遥感探测。在没有RFI影响情况下,不同通道亮温观测具有高度相关性。利用这一特点,采用标准化主成分分析法,可识别FY-3G MWRI-RM亮温观测资料中RFI的发生位置和强度。与风云三号A/B/C/D/星(FY-3A/B/C/D)不同,FY-3G MWRI-RM可以在不同时间观测到地球同一地点。因此,还可以研究RFI是否有日变化特征。结果表明,RFI信号确实存在于MWRI-RM的低频通道10.65 GHz亮温观测资料中,在中国和欧洲都有集中或零散分布区域,并且呈现日变化特征,RFI强度在白天普遍大于夜间。 展开更多
关键词 FY-3G微波成像仪—降水型 无线电频率干扰信号识别 无线电频率干扰信号日变化特征
作者 李志博 韩金玉 《计算机仿真》 2024年第8期238-241,378,共5页
为了提高扩频通信安全性能,提出一种基于滤波器的扩频通信信号抗干扰方法。分析扩频通信信号多分辨重叠的变化特点,针对变化特点利用综合滤波器倒转通信信号的冲激响应时间,并通过滤波器分解扩频通信信号。分析扩频通信信号有源干扰机理... 为了提高扩频通信安全性能,提出一种基于滤波器的扩频通信信号抗干扰方法。分析扩频通信信号多分辨重叠的变化特点,针对变化特点利用综合滤波器倒转通信信号的冲激响应时间,并通过滤波器分解扩频通信信号。分析扩频通信信号有源干扰机理,实现噪声干扰辨别,获取多分辨变换域矢量条件。在此基础上,基于滤波器的输入状态和输出状态得出扩频通信信号的估计误差,对接收信号的矢量进行多分辨重叠正交变换,并修正信号的子带能量估计结果。最后引入前向纠错编码方法提高扩频通信信号在弱信号环境中的抗干扰性能,确保通信信号可靠传输。通过实验验证在不同参数条件下所提方法的抗干扰效果,通过对比结果证明上述方法能有效地实现扩频通信信号抗干扰。 展开更多
关键词 多分辨重叠变化扩频通信:信号抗干扰 子带能量估计
基于电极测量环境检验微分干扰变化的模型 被引量:1
作者 卢楠 李斌 《自动化与仪器仪表》 2021年第2期5-8,共4页
影响电磁流量计中的微分干扰大小的因素多集中在理论分析方面。为了弥补实际验证微分干扰变化的研究空白,提出了一种基于真实电极测量环境检验微分干扰变化的模型。在该模型中,根据微分干扰产生并被检测的实际电极环境,充分考虑其与励... 影响电磁流量计中的微分干扰大小的因素多集中在理论分析方面。为了弥补实际验证微分干扰变化的研究空白,提出了一种基于真实电极测量环境检验微分干扰变化的模型。在该模型中,根据微分干扰产生并被检测的实际电极环境,充分考虑其与励磁线圈等效电感、电极引出线偏离程度和溶液电导率之间的关系,同时设计实际实验作为模型输出结果对照。仿真与实验得到的微分干扰大小变化结果表明,使用该模型可以较好地检验出微分干扰变化趋势。 展开更多
关键词 电磁流量计 微分干扰变化检验 电极测量环境 模型仿真
津滨轻轨地磁干扰范围的实验研究 被引量:5
作者 徐学恭 田山 +5 位作者 韩润泉 张明东 胡培元 刘学历 马义山 刘金城 《地震地磁观测与研究》 2008年第6期41-44,共4页
在塘沽地震台与津滨轻轨之间及向北延长线建立野外磁测剖面,对轻轨运营期间的磁场干扰变化进行了实测研究,并对实测结果进行了曲线拟合,得出满足规划中的地磁观测网的环境要求——在以津滨轻轨铁路为骚扰源的影响范围,地磁观测网的地磁... 在塘沽地震台与津滨轻轨之间及向北延长线建立野外磁测剖面,对轻轨运营期间的磁场干扰变化进行了实测研究,并对实测结果进行了曲线拟合,得出满足规划中的地磁观测网的环境要求——在以津滨轻轨铁路为骚扰源的影响范围,地磁观测网的地磁固定观测台距轻轨铁路的距离应大于24km。 展开更多
关键词 塘沽地震台 津滨轻轨铁路 骚扰源 干扰变化
宁东—山东高压直流输电对安丘地磁干扰分析 被引量:5
作者 池国民 赵银刚 +4 位作者 闫德桥 刘海林 韩博 杨立涛 郑家军 《地震地磁观测与研究》 2016年第2期117-123,共7页
以安丘地震台地磁观测数据受宁东—山东高压直流输电干扰为例,运用毕奥—萨伐尔定律,对影响地磁观测的高压直流输电干扰机理进行分析,从干扰时域、各分量影响程度、数据变化方向和幅度等方面总结干扰变化特征。通过单台初步判定法和多... 以安丘地震台地磁观测数据受宁东—山东高压直流输电干扰为例,运用毕奥—萨伐尔定律,对影响地磁观测的高压直流输电干扰机理进行分析,从干扰时域、各分量影响程度、数据变化方向和幅度等方面总结干扰变化特征。通过单台初步判定法和多台对比分析法,准确识别干扰并进行合理的数据处理,保证数据的连续、完整、可靠,为其他地磁台站干扰识别及数据处理提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 地磁观测 高压直流输电 干扰变化特征 干扰识别 数据处理
作者 罗文 孙健 +4 位作者 潘俊吉 翁朝旭 巫骏 刘伟 祝建军 《声学与振动》 2023年第4期111-118,共8页
干扰源调查是野外地震资料采集质量控制的重要措施,干扰分析几乎贯穿了采集的整个过程,减少或规避外界干扰提高地震采集质量一直是资料采集施工的工作目标。本文通过对干扰调查数据的可视化分析,快速得到工区不同位置干扰强弱的变化规... 干扰源调查是野外地震资料采集质量控制的重要措施,干扰分析几乎贯穿了采集的整个过程,减少或规避外界干扰提高地震采集质量一直是资料采集施工的工作目标。本文通过对干扰调查数据的可视化分析,快速得到工区不同位置干扰强弱的变化规律以及干扰影响的范围和道数。为野外资料采集干扰分析提供了一套便捷的分析方法,从而便利物探队制定针对性干扰控制措施。 展开更多
关键词 地震采集 背景噪声 采集窗口 干扰变化规律
宁夏石嘴山和固原大地电场资料对比分析 被引量:8
作者 卫定军 《内陆地震》 2010年第1期64-72,共9页
处理分析了2008年1—11月宁夏石嘴山和固原地震台大地电场资料,对比研究了这两个台大地电场静日变化、干扰变化及它们的频谱特性等。石嘴山和固原地震台大地电场的变化特征:①具有明显的峰谷型静日变化形态,都含有12、24、8h等3种主... 处理分析了2008年1—11月宁夏石嘴山和固原地震台大地电场资料,对比研究了这两个台大地电场静日变化、干扰变化及它们的频谱特性等。石嘴山和固原地震台大地电场的变化特征:①具有明显的峰谷型静日变化形态,都含有12、24、8h等3种主周期成份;②地电暴记录清晰可见,主要以变幅增大、时间同步为特征,但两台地电暴时频谱成份存在差异;③干扰变化特征均表现为短时突跳,变幅增大。 展开更多
关键词 大地电场 地电暴 干扰变化 频谱特征 宁夏
基于面部图像的非接触式婴儿心率监测 被引量:1
作者 许桢杰 高国琴 方志明 《软件导刊》 2019年第10期12-18,26,共8页
为实现便捷、可靠的日常婴儿心率实时监测,提出一种基于面部图像的非接触式婴儿心率实时监测方法。首先引入欧拉视频放大技术,对一定时间间隔内视频的每一帧图像进行颜色增强处理,从而改善婴儿面部颜色变化微弱、所含心率信息不明显的问... 为实现便捷、可靠的日常婴儿心率实时监测,提出一种基于面部图像的非接触式婴儿心率实时监测方法。首先引入欧拉视频放大技术,对一定时间间隔内视频的每一帧图像进行颜色增强处理,从而改善婴儿面部颜色变化微弱、所含心率信息不明显的问题;然后,通过Adaboost算法从每一视频帧中识别出婴儿面部,并从婴儿面部选取脸颊区域作为敏感区域以提取脉搏波信号,以此为基础提出一种改进的反射光强模型,抑制日间因环境光变化引起的干扰以及运动噪声干扰,提高脉搏波信号信噪比;此外采用摄像头的红外自主光源,通过一种基于相空间重构的单通道独立成分分析法分离夜间脉搏波信号的运动噪声,解决因夜间光照条件差引起的婴儿心率监测困难的问题;最后开发整个系统上位机应用程序,并通过实验验证该方法正确性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 面部识别 心率监测 光电容积描记 反射光强模型 运动噪声 光照变化干扰
Spatio-temporal Variations in Plantation Forests'Disturbance and Recovery of Northern Guangdong Province Using Yearly Landsat Time Series Observations(1986-2015) 被引量:4
作者 SHEN Wenjuan LI Mingshi WEI Anshi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期600-613,共14页
Forest disturbance plays a vital role in modulating carbon storage,biodiversity and climate change.Yearly Landsat imagery from 1986 to 2015 of a typical plantation region in the northern Guangdong province of southern... Forest disturbance plays a vital role in modulating carbon storage,biodiversity and climate change.Yearly Landsat imagery from 1986 to 2015 of a typical plantation region in the northern Guangdong province of southern China was used as a case study.A Landsat time series stack(LTSS) was fed to the vegetation change tracker model(VCT) to map long-term changes in plantation forests' disturbance and recovery,followed by an intensive validation and a continuous 27-yr change analysis on disturbance locations,magnitudes and rates of plantations' disturbance and recovery.And the validation results of the disturbance year maps derived from five randomly identified sample plots with 25 km^2 located at the four corners and the center of the scene showed the majority of the spatial agreement measures ranged from 60% to 83%.A confusion matrix summary of the accuracy measures for all four validation sites in Fogang County showed that the disturbance year maps had an overall accuracy estimate of 71.70%.Forest disturbance rates' change trend was characterized by a decline first,followed by an increase,then giving way to a decline again.An undulated and gentle decreasing trend of disturbance rates from the highest value of 3.95% to the lowest value of 0.76% occurred between 1988 and 2001,disturbance rate of 4.51% in 1994 was a notable anomaly,while after 2001 there was a sharp ascending change,forest disturbance rate spiked in 2007(5.84%).After that,there was a significant decreasing trend up to the lowest value of 1.96% in 2011 and a slight ascending trend from 2011 to 2015(2.59%).Two obvious spikes in post-disturbance recovery rates occurred in 1995(0.26%) and 2008(0.41%).Overall,forest recovery rates were lower than forest disturbance rates.Moreover,forest disturbance and recovery detection based on VCT and the Landsat-based detections of trends in disturbance and recovery(LandT rendr) algorithms in Fogang County have been conducted,with LandT rendr finding mostly much more disturbance than VCT.Overall,disturbances and recoveries in northern Guangdong were triggered mostly by timber needs,policies and decisions of the local governments.This study highlights that a better understanding about plantations' changes would provide a critical foundation for local forest management decisions in the southern China. 展开更多
关键词 plantation Landsat dense time series remote sensing forest disturbance and recovery driving forces northern Guangdong
Mutations around interferon sensitivity-determining region:A pilot resistance report of hepatitis C virus 1b in a Hong Kong population 被引量:3
作者 Xiao-Ming Zhou Paul KS Chan John S Tam 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第48期5317-5323,共7页
AIM: To explore mutations around the interferon sensitivity-determining region (ISDR) which are associated with the resistance of hepatitis C virus lb (HCV-lb) to interferon-α treatment. METHODS: Thirty-seven H... AIM: To explore mutations around the interferon sensitivity-determining region (ISDR) which are associated with the resistance of hepatitis C virus lb (HCV-lb) to interferon-α treatment. METHODS: Thirty-seven HCV-lb samples were obtained from Hong Kong patients who had completed the combined interferon-α/ribavirin treatment for more than one year with available response data. Nineteen of them were sustained virological responders, while 18 were non-responders. The amino acid sequences of the extended ISDR (eISDR) covering 64 amino acids upstream and 67 amino acids downstream from the previously reported ISDR were analyzed. RESULTS: One amino acid variation (I2268V, P = 0.023) was significantly correlated with treatment outcome in this pilot study with a limited number of patients, while two amino acid variations (R2260H, P = 0.05 and $2278T, P = 0.05) were weakly associated with treat- ment outcome. The extent of amino acid variations within the ISDR or eISDR was not correlated with treat- ment outcome as previously reported. CONCLUSION: Three amino acid mutations near but outside of ISDR may associate with interferon treatment resistance of HCV-lb patients in Hong Kong. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis C virus lb Extended interferon sen-sitivity-determining region Interferon-R RESISTANCE HONGKONG Mutation
Recent advances of electromagnetic interference shielding Mg matrix materials and their processings:A review 被引量:3
作者 Jia-hao WANG Rui-zhi WU +3 位作者 Jing FENG Jing-huai ZHANG Le-gan HOU Mei-duo LIU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第5期1385-1404,共20页
In terms of lightweight electromagnetic interference(EMI)shielding structural materials,Mg matrix materials have proven to be the best,due to their exciting properties(e.g.low density,high specific strength,good elect... In terms of lightweight electromagnetic interference(EMI)shielding structural materials,Mg matrix materials have proven to be the best,due to their exciting properties(e.g.low density,high specific strength,good electrical conductivity and excellent EMI shielding properties)and their wide range of applications in lightweighting in electronics,automotive and aerospace industries.Through processing,such as alloying,heat treatment,plastic deformation and composite processing,Mg matrix materials can be obtained with tailorable properties which can play a key role in designing materials for EMI shielding.This work introduces an overview of the research on the EMI shielding properties of Mg matrix materials as well as their EMI shielding mechanisms over the past few decades,focused on the influence of alloying,heat treatment,plastic deformation and composite processing for the EMI shielding properties of Mg matrix materials.At the end,conclusions and future perspectives are provided. 展开更多
关键词 MAGNESIUM electromagnetic interference shielding ALLOYING heat treatment plastic deformation composite processing
Community Responses to Mountain Tourism:A Case in Bhyundar Valley,Indian Himalaya 被引量:6
作者 Ram Babu Singh Suraj Mal Chandra Prakash Kala 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第4期394-404,共11页
Tourism industry has become an important part of Indian economy,and tourism development has been,however,concentrated to a few areas. Accumulation of tourism activities has reached the critical stage in most of the to... Tourism industry has become an important part of Indian economy,and tourism development has been,however,concentrated to a few areas. Accumulation of tourism activities has reached the critical stage in most of the tourism centers,which pose serious threats to the natural environment. The Bhyundar Valley of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (NDBR) in Uttarakhand State of the Indian Himalaya is a burning example of such problems. Land use/cover changes,deforestation and accumulation of garbage are some of the negative impacts of unregulated tourism in the valley. Unsustainable activities of tourists and villagers in the valley make such problems very severe. To deal with the ongoing problems and ensure community involvement in tourism management and environmental conservation,the Biosphere Reserve Authority introduced ecotourism in the form of Eco Development Committees (EDCs) in the Bhyundar Valley. Study reveals that many problems associated with tourism have been minimized to some extent with the help of EDCs but few are still prevailing in valley. However,the existing attempts to conserve the valley from the negative effects of tourism are inadequate and modifications are needed in the current initiatives. 展开更多
关键词 Mountain tourism Land use change Community response Eco development committee Environmental management
Improvement of one-cycle controller by use of proportional integral differential controller
作者 RUZBEHANIMohsen ZHOULuowei WANGMingyu 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2004年第1期20-25,共6页
The main advantage of one-cycle control is its ability to reject input disturbance in one-cycle. Despite this great ability, it can not provide good responses in following commands and rejecting load disturbance. This... The main advantage of one-cycle control is its ability to reject input disturbance in one-cycle. Despite this great ability, it can not provide good responses in following commands and rejecting load disturbance. This study explores the way to overcome these problems by using another controller. Although the idea of using output feedback has been used in previous works, by considering a simple model for one-cycle controller, the design of the controller has become simpler in this work. In the proposed method, difficult mathematical modeling is avoided. Based on decupling of effects of feedback and input voltage disturbance, a simple model for one-cycle controller has been given. Therefore, by employing a conventional averaging method and the model of one-cycle controller, design of proportional integral differential controller has become straightforward. 展开更多
关键词 one-cycle control MODELING proportional-integral-differential controller.
作者 许肖梅 粘宝卿 +2 位作者 刘志鑫 许鹭芬 黄衍镇 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第4期309-315,共7页
Achieving reliable underwater communication in shallow water acoustic channels is a difficult task because of the random time varying nature of multipath propagation, severe amplitude fluctuation, and spatial variabil... Achieving reliable underwater communication in shallow water acoustic channels is a difficult task because of the random time varying nature of multipath propagation, severe amplitude fluctuation, and spatial variability of the channel conditions. This paper describes a new signal processing technique frequency coding and decoding by means of real time measurement of signal width, jamming and suppressing multipath interference and using redundant coder. The application of the technique to the model ZTY 1 status monitor for underwater system of seabed is introduced in this paper. The main principle, the technique specifications and the key techniques of the system are discussed here. Theoretical estimations and experimental results proved that the performance of the system is excellent. The method can be used for some other related low data rate data transmission detecting in shallow water acoustic channel. 展开更多
关键词 acoustic channels frequency coding anti interference
Impact of hepatitis C oral therapy in portal hypertension
作者 Diogo Libanio Rui Tato Marinho 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第26期4669-4674,共6页
Chronic hepatitis C is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, mainly related to fibrosis/cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Direct antiviral agents are highly effective and safe and can now cure > 90% of the p... Chronic hepatitis C is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, mainly related to fibrosis/cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Direct antiviral agents are highly effective and safe and can now cure > 90% of the patients. Sustained viral response (SVR) after interferon-based regimens has been associated with improvement in liver function, fibrosis and portal hypertension in a significant proportion of patients, although a point of no return seems to exist from which viral elimination is no longer capable of preventing portal hypertension progression and liver decompensation. Indeed, although SVR is associated with improvement of hepatic venous pressure gradients and therefore a decreased risk of de novo esophageal varices, several studies show that viral clearance does not eliminate the risk of variceal progression, liver decompensation and death in patients with pre-established portal hypertension. Although evidence about the effects of direct antiviral agents (DAAs) on clinically significant outcomes is still scarce and with short follow-up, DAAs can decrease the burden of the disease if patients are timely treated before significant fibrosis and portal hypertension develops. Studies with longer follow-up are waited to establish the real magnitude of hepatitis C treatment on portal hypertension. Future studies should also focus on predictors of portal hypertension resolution since it can influence management and avoid unnecessary monitoring 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis C Portal hypertension Direct antiviral agents CIRRHOSIS FIBROSIS INTERFERON
Energy-Efficient Jammer Selection Approach for QoS Provisioning in Distributed Wireless Cooperative Networks
作者 Ma Yue Wang Li +3 位作者 Ke Tenghui Zhang Yong Song Mei Wang Xiaojun 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第7期90-98,共9页
Abstract:Aiming at achieving better Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning in distributed wireless cooperative networks, a novel energy efficient jammer selection approach is proposed in this pa per. We employ Secre... Abstract:Aiming at achieving better Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning in distributed wireless cooperative networks, a novel energy efficient jammer selection approach is proposed in this pa per. We employ Secrecy Capacity (SC) to charac terize the security of transmission. In order to ac curately describe the timevarying characteristic, related channels are modeled as FiniteState M ark ov Channels (FSMCs). The remaining energy of candidate node is considered in a similar way. 展开更多
关键词 wireless cooperative network jammer selection secrecy capacity energy balance
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