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影响国产血竭中龙血素B含量测定的干扰成分的分离鉴定 被引量:7
作者 孙胜利 宓鹤鸣 +1 位作者 娄子洋 杨根金 《解放军药学学报》 CAS 2002年第2期74-76,共3页
目的 HPLC法测定龙血素B含量时鉴定其近旁杂质峰的结构 ,便于进行龙血竭的质量控制。方法 HPLC法确定龙血素B及近旁杂质峰位置 ,硅胶柱层析用于龙血素B近旁杂质峰的分离 ,质谱和核磁共振用于结构鉴定。结果 龙血素B近旁杂质峰为龙血... 目的 HPLC法测定龙血素B含量时鉴定其近旁杂质峰的结构 ,便于进行龙血竭的质量控制。方法 HPLC法确定龙血素B及近旁杂质峰位置 ,硅胶柱层析用于龙血素B近旁杂质峰的分离 ,质谱和核磁共振用于结构鉴定。结果 龙血素B近旁杂质峰为龙血素A。结论 龙血素A与龙血素B结构相近 ,用HPLC法很难完全分开 ,有必要对原来质量标准进行修订。 展开更多
关键词 国产血竭 含量测定 龙血素B 龙血素A 干扰成分 HPLC法 分离鉴定 硅胶柱层析
作者 林朝扶 《电力环境保护》 2001年第2期43-44,共2页
在火电厂烟气成分分析中 ,采用硝酸银容量法测定烟气氯化氢时发现主要干扰成分是二氧化硫 ;
关键词 烟气监测 氯化氢 干扰成分 废气监测 成分分析
桂东南植被覆盖区的抗干扰遥感蚀变信息优化提取与找矿预测 被引量:22
作者 陈三明 钱建平 陈宏毅 《桂林工学院学报》 北大核心 2010年第1期33-40,共8页
以抗干扰主成分分析法为基础,结合植被抑制算法,依据地化元素和矿点的空间分布,建立了遥感抗干扰-地质信息优化提取流程,在桂东南地区开展了遥感地质找矿预测。发现羟基异常或"羟基+弱铁染组合异常"是对Au、Ag、W、Mo、Sn成... 以抗干扰主成分分析法为基础,结合植被抑制算法,依据地化元素和矿点的空间分布,建立了遥感抗干扰-地质信息优化提取流程,在桂东南地区开展了遥感地质找矿预测。发现羟基异常或"羟基+弱铁染组合异常"是对Au、Ag、W、Mo、Sn成矿有利区的有效指示;强铁染异常的形态和规模与燕山早期花岗岩体存在空间对应关系;"强铁染异常+弱羟基异常"组合模式与小型金矿、铁染-羟基综合异常与铅锌矿床、羟基蚀变强烈区与构造破碎强烈带等之间均存在较为密切的空间对应关系。因此得到初步结论:遥感蚀变组合异常与多期构造活动叠加、多期/次岩浆侵入、围岩蚀变强、多种岩性复合叠加的区域,是成矿最有利区段,"强羟基蚀变+弱铁染蚀变"组合异常与Au、Ag、W、Mo、Sn地球化学次生晕异常存在着良好的同现关系;采用MNF-羟基-铁染综合异常信息法在中等植被覆盖区圈定Au、Ag、W、Mo、Sn矿床成矿远景区的应用是有效的。 展开更多
关键词 干扰成分分析法(MNF) 蚀变信息 遥感异常 找矿预测 桂东南
八角茴香中的SO_2检测干扰及其消除方法 被引量:6
作者 文新 孔淑仪 黄永林 《检验检疫科学》 2006年第6期25-29,共5页
[目的]建立操作便利、结果准确、利于环保的八角中SO_2的检测方法。[方法]分别对熏硫和无硫八角采用国标比色法、蒸馏法和AOAC的优化Monier Williams法进行检测,比对检测结果。[结果]八角中的固有成分可与国标比色法的反应试剂生成蓝紫... [目的]建立操作便利、结果准确、利于环保的八角中SO_2的检测方法。[方法]分别对熏硫和无硫八角采用国标比色法、蒸馏法和AOAC的优化Monier Williams法进行检测,比对检测结果。[结果]八角中的固有成分可与国标比色法的反应试剂生成蓝紫色的物质,此蓝紫色生成物对440~640nm范围的光波有极强吸收值,在590nm处有一较明显的吸收峰.因而强力干扰SO_2和反应试剂生成的紫红色络合物对550nm光波的吸收值;八角中的固有成分经蒸馏汽化冷凝后导向待测液,可与碘标准溶液起反应,对SO_2的检测结果有极强干扰,优化Monier Williams法能极有效地排除八角固有成分对检测结果的干扰,优化Monier Williams法检测的结果还表明,亚硫酸氢钠溶液中的SO_2可与八角中的固有成分反应生成不能被蒸馏检测出来的稳定结合态物质。[结论]国标比色法不适用于八角茴香中SO_2的检测,国标蒸馏法亦不适用于八角茴香中SO_2的检测;优化Monier Williams适合于八角中SO_2的检测,是极具操作性的很好的SO_2检测方法。 展开更多
关键词 八角茴香 SO2检测方法比较 固有成分干扰 适用方法 优化Monier willianls法
基于适配体传感器快速检测发酵豆粕中的β-伴大豆球蛋白β亚基 被引量:1
作者 卫亚峰 毛银 +1 位作者 李国辉 邓禹 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第17期228-233,共6页
菌酶协同发酵因可显著改善豆粕的抗原性,得到广泛关注。利用适配体生物传感器快速、稳定且精确度高的特点,对发酵豆粕中的β-伴大豆球蛋白β亚基含量进行检测,可用于评估豆粕抗原性水平。基于高特异性的β-伴大豆球蛋白β亚基适配体生... 菌酶协同发酵因可显著改善豆粕的抗原性,得到广泛关注。利用适配体生物传感器快速、稳定且精确度高的特点,对发酵豆粕中的β-伴大豆球蛋白β亚基含量进行检测,可用于评估豆粕抗原性水平。基于高特异性的β-伴大豆球蛋白β亚基适配体生物传感器,利用碱性蛋白酶酶解模拟豆粕发酵,验证该传感器对实际样品检测的操作可行性,在此基础上对关键影响因素进行分析,最终用于菌酶协同发酵豆粕样品的评价。结果显示,适配体传感器对发酵豆粕样品中β-伴大豆球蛋白β亚基检测的最佳稀释倍数为10~50倍,菌酶协同发酵24 h后,豆粕中β-伴大豆球蛋白β亚基降解率为87.81%,较单独以碱性蛋白酶处理时提高了6.91%。以上结果表明,适配体传感器可用于发酵豆粕中β-伴大豆球蛋白β亚基的检测。 展开更多
关键词 Β-伴大豆球蛋白 纳米金-适配体传感器 特异性 协同发酵 干扰成分
金矿分析的样品焙烧问题探讨 被引量:1
作者 赵虹 《有色矿冶》 2012年第2期50-51,共2页
对于伴生矿物成分不同的金矿样品,其硫化物,有机物,氯化物以及砷等含量不同对测定金矿样品中金的含量有一定的影响,所以对于伴生矿物成分的不同应选择不同的焙烧方法,消除对金矿样品中金的测定结果的干扰,才能准确地分析金矿样品中金的... 对于伴生矿物成分不同的金矿样品,其硫化物,有机物,氯化物以及砷等含量不同对测定金矿样品中金的含量有一定的影响,所以对于伴生矿物成分的不同应选择不同的焙烧方法,消除对金矿样品中金的测定结果的干扰,才能准确地分析金矿样品中金的含量。 展开更多
关键词 样品焙烧温度 干扰成分 解决方法
作者 杨亚欣 《广东教育(高中版)》 2020年第7期69-69,共1页
2020年全国Ⅰ卷的语法填空,10道题有8道题均在长难句中。只有找出句子主干,剔除干扰成分,理解好长难句,才可以很好地完成这8道题。1.The unmaned Chang’e--4 probe(探测器)--the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess... 2020年全国Ⅰ卷的语法填空,10道题有8道题均在长难句中。只有找出句子主干,剔除干扰成分,理解好长难句,才可以很好地完成这8道题。1.The unmaned Chang’e--4 probe(探测器)--the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess 61(touch)down last week in the South Pole-Aitken basin.分析:61题,能正确填出touched的考生不是很多。 展开更多
关键词 语法填空 全国Ⅰ卷 长难句 干扰成分
《中国.城乡桥》 2005年第5期46-46,共1页
关键词 “苏丹红” 质量监督 致癌性 质谱法 检测仪 干扰成分 辣椒制品 复杂基质 质谱联用 番茄制品
作者 《传感器世界》 2021年第8期43-43,共1页
皖仪科技自主研发的紫外光谱仪通过小型化和轻量化设计,将高温预处理采样系统与紫外差分检测装置安装到一个小型便携式设备里。特别适用于在低温高湿的烟气环境下,复杂干扰成分里低浓度污染物气体的监测。仪表内置了湿度传感器,可以直... 皖仪科技自主研发的紫外光谱仪通过小型化和轻量化设计,将高温预处理采样系统与紫外差分检测装置安装到一个小型便携式设备里。特别适用于在低温高湿的烟气环境下,复杂干扰成分里低浓度污染物气体的监测。仪表内置了湿度传感器,可以直接将湿基值计算为干基值,满足环保监测比对的需求。 展开更多
关键词 湿度传感器 采样系统 紫外光谱仪 小型便携式 紫外差分 干扰成分 轻量化设计 高温预处理
Electrochemical Remediation of 17α-Ethinylestradiol
作者 Femando Miguel de Amorim Lino Diogo Cordeiro Dias +3 位作者 Renata Crispim Batista Eric de Souza Gil Iranaldo Santos da Silva Lucio Angnes 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第4期344-350,共7页
Technological development has led to the emergence of new substances with many different purposes generating a new profile of pollutants in waterways. Among these, endocrine disruptors, such as 17EE (17ct-ethinylestr... Technological development has led to the emergence of new substances with many different purposes generating a new profile of pollutants in waterways. Among these, endocrine disruptors, such as 17EE (17ct-ethinylestradiol), are of great importance due to their wide application and harmful consequences to the environment, human health and animals. The inefficiency of most water treatment processes in withdrawing such substances poses a global concern for the development of effective and environmentally clean methods. The electrochemical remediation processes appear as a powerful and "green" alternative for waste removal of organic or inorganic pollutants from complex environments, such as geosphere and hydrosphere. The research focus in this field is mostly related to the optimization of electronic devices with higher (photo) catalytic efficiency, whereas the starting material remains based on metal and carbon conventional electrodes. In the present study, the anodic removal process of 17ct-ethinylestradiol at carbon cardboards was investigated in stationary and hydrodynamic conditions. The influence of pH and applied potential were evaluated, always taking into account the transposition of scale and environmental aspects. Thus, the principle of hormone removal showed to be strictly related to such parameters. It was observed that mild alkaline medium favors the anodic oxidation, whereas neutral and mild acid ones lead to higher adsorption at carbon surface. Also, when the applied potential was higher than 1.25 V, the electrochemical oxidation rate increased, and the adsorption was decreased. Furthermore, the removal efficiency of ! 7EE showed to be lower, the flow rate was higher. 展开更多
关键词 Endocrine disruptors ETHINYLESTRADIOL electrochemical remediation carbon electrodes.
Probability density analysis of SINR in massive MIMO systems with matched filter beamformer
作者 束锋 Gu Chen +2 位作者 Wang Jin Qian Zhenyu Lu Jinhui 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2015年第3期289-293,共5页
This paper derives an approximate formula for probability density function(PDF) of received signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio(SINR) at user terminal when matched filter(MF) is adopted at a base station(BS).This d... This paper derives an approximate formula for probability density function(PDF) of received signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio(SINR) at user terminal when matched filter(MF) is adopted at a base station(BS).This distribution of SINR can be used to make an analysis of average sum-rate,outage probability,and symbol error rate of massive MIMO downlink with MF at BS.From simulation,it is found that the derived approximate analytical expression for PDF of SINR is consistent with the simulated exact PDF from the definition of SINR in medium-scale and large-scale MIMO systems. 展开更多
关键词 massive MIMO matched filter (MF) signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio SINR) probability density function (PDF)
作者 阁剑勇 《中国国境卫生检疫杂志》 CAS 1993年第2期84-86,98,共4页
质量控制是现代科学管理的一个有效方法,把它应用于食品分析,则可使分析结果具有一定的精密度和准确度,使分析数据在规定的置信概率内,从而保证了食品分析的质量。进口食品卫生监督检验工作,不仅直接关系到国内消费者身体健康的大事,也... 质量控制是现代科学管理的一个有效方法,把它应用于食品分析,则可使分析结果具有一定的精密度和准确度,使分析数据在规定的置信概率内,从而保证了食品分析的质量。进口食品卫生监督检验工作,不仅直接关系到国内消费者身体健康的大事,也涉及到了国际间的贸易往来,它的分析结果更应公正、科学。为达到这一目标,除加强进口食检人员业务培训外。 展开更多
关键词 分析质量控制 室间质量控制 精密度试验 质控样品 室内质量控制 置信概率 干扰成分 分析系数 人员业务培训 现代科学管理
作者 许振铎 《初中生之友(学习号)(下)》 2007年第11期28-30,共3页
关键词 单项选择题 THINK 命题者 谓语动词 语法规则 定语从句 干扰成分 OPINION 语言结构 r
Determinants of vigilance in a reintroduced population of Pere David's deer 被引量:4
作者 Wei ZHENG Guy BEAUCHAMP +2 位作者 Xuelei JIANG Zhongqiu LI Qinglong YANG 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期265-270,共6页
After being kept in captivity and isolated from natural predators for more than 1,200 years, P6re David's deer has been reintroduced in China and now occurs in a reserve where human activity is the only potential thr... After being kept in captivity and isolated from natural predators for more than 1,200 years, P6re David's deer has been reintroduced in China and now occurs in a reserve where human activity is the only potential threat. Antipredator vigilance i~ an important component of survival for many prey animals in their natural habitat. Do deer still adjust vigilance as a function of risk after such a long period of relaxed predation pressure? Here, we examined vigilance levels in P6re David's deer groups as a function of group size, sex and level of human disturbance. The results showed that individual vigilance significantly decreased with group size in all-female groups but not in all-males or mixed-sex groups. In rutting season, males compete with one another and harass females, and we argue that vigilance is partly aimed at threatening males and that such vigilance increases with group size. This explains why overall vigilance did not vary with group size for males in general and for females in mixed-sex groups. Vigilance increased in more disturbed areas but in in male deer only. The results indicate that despite relaxed predation pressure over centuries, P6re David's deer can still adjust antipredator responses as a function of perceived risk. Such information may become useful in the rewilding programme now under way for this species in China [Current Zoology 59 (2): 265-270, 2013]. 展开更多
关键词 Antipredator vigilance Group size Human disturbance Sexual competition P6re David's deer
Winners and losers among tree species in Xishuangbanna: which traits are most important? 被引量:1
作者 赵美玲 潘勃 +1 位作者 谭运洪 Richard T.Corlett 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期916-924,I0007,共10页
Massive human interference in natural ecosystems is resulting in a few "winners" and many "losers". However, the drivers of this winner-loser replacement pattern remain poorly understood. The aim of the study repo... Massive human interference in natural ecosystems is resulting in a few "winners" and many "losers". However, the drivers of this winner-loser replacement pattern remain poorly understood. The aim of the study reported here was to identify winners among the tree flora of Xishuangbanna and compare their functional traits, specific leaf area (SLA), wood density (WD), seed mass (SM) and maximum height (MH) with previously identified losers (i.e., endangered species). Fifteen native tree species were identified as winners from expert opinion, plot-based surveys of secondary forests and plotless surveys along roads. Twelve endangered tree species for which trait information could be obtained were used for comparison. Traits were compared with a Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Winners had significantly higher SLA, but lower WD. SM and MH did not differ significantly between groups. When the effects of phylogeny were removed by using phylogenetic generalized least squares, the difference in SLA became marginally insignificant. Principal component analysis resulted in two overlapping groups, showing that the selected traits were insufficient to distinguish winners and losers. Our results suggest that the "few winners, many losers" paradigm applies to trees in Xishuangbanna, with15 species accounting for most trees in the disturbed habitats sampled. 展开更多
关键词 Human disturbance - Functional traits Phylogeny Conservation status Tropical forests
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