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1980-2020年中亚干旱区生态系统水分利用效率数据集 被引量:1
作者 朱士华 杭鑫 +4 位作者 谢小萍 孙良宵 方霞 曹良中 李亚春 《中国科学数据(中英文网络版)》 CSCD 2022年第4期221-232,共12页
水分利用效率(WUE)表征了陆地生态系统水分耗散与碳固存之间的耦合关系。了解水分利用效率时空动态及其对复杂气候变化的响应是应对未来气候变化和人为扰动的前提。生态模型方法被认为是评估区域大尺度生态系统碳水动态的有效方式。本... 水分利用效率(WUE)表征了陆地生态系统水分耗散与碳固存之间的耦合关系。了解水分利用效率时空动态及其对复杂气候变化的响应是应对未来气候变化和人为扰动的前提。生态模型方法被认为是评估区域大尺度生态系统碳水动态的有效方式。本研究基于干旱区生态系统模型(AEM),利用站点通量数据,通过对模型进行优化、校验、参数化,构建了一套中亚干旱区生态系统水分利用效率数据集。本数据集时间跨度为1980-2020年,涉及中亚针叶林、阔叶林、草地、深根灌木、非深根灌木以及农田等6种生态系统类型,区域包括中亚五国(哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、土库曼斯坦)和中国的新疆地区。研究将模拟结果与实测站点数据进行了对比验证,发现模拟结果与实测结果高度一致。本数据集为全球变化背景下了解生态脆弱区碳水动态,维护生态系统稳定提供了数据支撑。 展开更多
关键词 水分利用效率 中亚 气候变化 干旱区生态系统模型
CASA模型的改进及在干旱区生态系统NPP估算中的应用 被引量:26
作者 冯益明 姚爱冬 姜丽娜 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期39-43,共5页
CASA模型是针对北美地区植被而建立的净第一性生产力(NPP)模型,当前,该模型已被广泛应用于陆地生态系统NPP的估算。由于模型是针对北美地区植被而建立,因此,模型在不同于北美地区应用时,其参数需要进行修正。现在已有一些关于CASA模型... CASA模型是针对北美地区植被而建立的净第一性生产力(NPP)模型,当前,该模型已被广泛应用于陆地生态系统NPP的估算。由于模型是针对北美地区植被而建立,因此,模型在不同于北美地区应用时,其参数需要进行修正。现在已有一些关于CASA模型修正的研究,但修正均未体现干旱区特点。文中以甘肃省为例,在充分考虑干旱区特点基础上,从土地利用/覆盖类型的划分、最大光能利用率的取值、高精度气象数据的选择以及遥感影像数据的选择等方面,对利用CASA模型进行干旱区生态系统NPP估算过程进行改进,使该模型更适用于干旱区。利用改进后的CASA模型模拟了甘肃省各土地利用/覆盖类型的NPP,获得了较高的精度,研究利于探索干旱区生态系统碳计量方法。 展开更多
关键词 CASA模型 改进 干旱区生态系统 净初级生产力
基于遥感和Penman-Monteith模型的内陆河流域不同生态系统蒸散发估算 被引量:38
作者 王海波 马明国 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第19期5617-5626,共10页
遥感数据具有很好的时空连续性,它是区域蒸散发通量估算的有效方法。引入了一个简单的具有生物物理基础的Penman-Monteith(P-M)模型,分别利用黑河流域高寒草地阿柔站和干旱区农田盈科站2008—2009年的气象数据和MODIS(Moderate Resoluti... 遥感数据具有很好的时空连续性,它是区域蒸散发通量估算的有效方法。引入了一个简单的具有生物物理基础的Penman-Monteith(P-M)模型,分别利用黑河流域高寒草地阿柔站和干旱区农田盈科站2008—2009年的气象数据和MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)叶面积指数(LAI),实现了2008—2009年日蒸散发的估算,并同时实现了对植被蒸腾和土壤蒸发的分别估算。结果表明,利用P-M公式模拟的蒸散发与实测的蒸散发具有较好的一致性,日蒸散发模拟的决定系数(R2)超过0.8。估算的高寒草甸和干旱区农田玉米全年平均的蒸腾分别为0.78 mm/d和1.20 mm/d,分别占总蒸散发的60%和61%,土壤蒸发分别为0.53和0.77 mm/d,占总蒸发的40%和39%。可见两种生态系统的作物蒸腾均强于土壤蒸发,同时农田玉米蒸腾强于高寒草甸蒸腾。研究结果证明了基于遥感的P-M公式可以很好地实现对高寒草地和干旱区农田生态系统蒸散发的估算。通过考虑土壤水分变化对气孔导度的影响,可以提高模型对农田蒸散发的模拟精度。 展开更多
关键词 高寒草地生态系统 旱区农田生态系统 蒸散发 Penman—Monteith公式 叶面积指数
干旱区地下水生态水位研究进展 被引量:13
作者 贾利民 郭中小 +2 位作者 龙胤慧 郭凯 廖梓龙 《生态科学》 CSCD 2015年第2期187-193,共7页
地下水位是维系干旱区生态系统稳定的主要限制因子,而地下水位又同时受到干旱区气候变化因素、植被特征因素及土壤理化性质因素的影响。在评述干旱区地下水生态水位概念的发展和内涵的基础上,分析了在地下水生态水位变化影响因素方面所... 地下水位是维系干旱区生态系统稳定的主要限制因子,而地下水位又同时受到干旱区气候变化因素、植被特征因素及土壤理化性质因素的影响。在评述干旱区地下水生态水位概念的发展和内涵的基础上,分析了在地下水生态水位变化影响因素方面所取得的研究进展,总结了近年来在地下水生态水位研究领域的主要计算方法,进而结合干旱区在生态水文地质领域存在的主要科学问题,提出了未来研究的重点方向。 展开更多
关键词 地下水生态水位 干旱区生态系统 植被吸收和利用地下水过程
输水对干旱区生态恢复的作用——以塔里木河下游为例 被引量:2
作者 阿布都热合曼.哈力克 瓦哈甫.哈力克 卞正富 《农业系统科学与综合研究》 CSCD 2011年第2期197-202,共6页
在塔里木河下游生态环境本底状况调查的基础上,通过大量的监测资料,应用河道水力学、地下水动力学、植被生态学以及系统分析与优化方法,对5次应急输水植被生态响应效应进行了全面系统地评价,科学地确定了合理的生态修复目标和下游河道... 在塔里木河下游生态环境本底状况调查的基础上,通过大量的监测资料,应用河道水力学、地下水动力学、植被生态学以及系统分析与优化方法,对5次应急输水植被生态响应效应进行了全面系统地评价,科学地确定了合理的生态修复目标和下游河道输水与区间水量优化配置方案。为创建和完善干旱区受损生态系统输水、修复与重建的评价体系奠定了理论和实践基础,也为塔里木河流域综合治理提供了重要的技术支撑。图4,表5,参6。 展开更多
关键词 干旱区生态系统 塔里木河输水 环境监测 生态效应
干旱区城市化对生态系统碳库的影响——以乌鲁木齐市为例 被引量:10
作者 朱士华 艳燕 +1 位作者 胡云锋 张弛 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1086-1099,共14页
城市化是影响区域生态系统碳循环的主要原因,也是评估生态系统碳循环的最大不确定因素。论文利用1990与2010年Landsat TM数据,基于V-I-S城市土地覆被模型和决策树分类法,获得乌鲁木齐土地变化时空格局;结合野外实测数据和文献检索得到... 城市化是影响区域生态系统碳循环的主要原因,也是评估生态系统碳循环的最大不确定因素。论文利用1990与2010年Landsat TM数据,基于V-I-S城市土地覆被模型和决策树分类法,获得乌鲁木齐土地变化时空格局;结合野外实测数据和文献检索得到研究区不同土地覆被类型的土壤与植被碳密度,估算了城市土地变化对生态系统碳库的影响。结果表明:1)1990—2010年间,乌鲁木齐城市不透水地表(impervious surface areas,ISA)以中部南部内部填充与北部扩张的形式约增加62%,主要占用农田(27%)与荒漠(62%)。2)乌鲁木齐市生态系统碳库主体(95%)分布在土壤中,城市土地覆被变化导致约25%的碳库损失,由农田、裸土/残存荒漠以及城市绿地转变为ISA解释了68%的土壤有机碳和63%的植被碳损失量,其空间分布与ISA的扩张相一致。城市植被及其土壤具有较高的碳密度,合理的城市规划可以抵消部分因土地变化而损失的生态系统碳。 展开更多
关键词 土地覆被变化 干旱区生态系统碳库 土壤碳 植被碳 乌鲁木齐
作者 阿布都热合曼·哈力克 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期25-30,共6页
在对塔里木河下游生态环境本底状况调查的基础上,通过大量的监测资料,应用河道水力学、地下水动力学、植被生态学以及系统分析与优化方法,对五次应急输水植被生态响应效应,进行了全面系统地评价。科学地确定了合理的生态修复目标和... 在对塔里木河下游生态环境本底状况调查的基础上,通过大量的监测资料,应用河道水力学、地下水动力学、植被生态学以及系统分析与优化方法,对五次应急输水植被生态响应效应,进行了全面系统地评价。科学地确定了合理的生态修复目标和下游河道输水与区间水量优化配置方案。为创建和完善干旱区受损生态系统输水、修复与重建的评价体系奠定了理论和实践基础,也为塔里木河流域综合治理提供了重要的技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 干旱区生态系统 塔里木河输水 环境监测 生态效应
干旱区琵琶柴群落细根周转对土壤有机碳循环的贡献 被引量:35
作者 裴智琴 周勇 +1 位作者 郑元润 肖春旺 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期1182-1191,共10页
尽管干旱区生态系统的脆弱性受到了广泛的关注,但目前关于干旱区植物细根有机碳与土壤碳循环关系的研究还比较少见。在2010年整个生长季节内,采用土钻法和内生长法,对新疆干旱区的琵琶柴(Reaumuria soongorica)群落土壤特性、细根的生... 尽管干旱区生态系统的脆弱性受到了广泛的关注,但目前关于干旱区植物细根有机碳与土壤碳循环关系的研究还比较少见。在2010年整个生长季节内,采用土钻法和内生长法,对新疆干旱区的琵琶柴(Reaumuria soongorica)群落土壤特性、细根的生物量月动态、生产量和周转进行了研究。结果表明:琵琶柴群落表层土壤含水量最低,土壤含水量表现出从浅层到深层逐渐增加的趋势;而表层土壤的有机碳含量最高,随着土壤深度的加深,有机碳含量逐渐降低。细根生物量的月平均值为54.51g·m–2,群落细根生产量在82.76–136.21g·m–2·a–1之间,琵琶柴群落的细根周转率为2.08times·a–1,通过细根死亡进入土壤中的有机碳为17g·m–2·a–1。这些结果表明:由于灌丛细根高的周转速率,细根是干旱区土壤有机碳输入的重要部分。 展开更多
关键词 干旱区生态系统 细根 琵琶柴群落 土壤有机碳 土壤水分
Assessment of Ecosystem Services Value in Hotan Oasis, Xingjiang 被引量:3
作者 杨依天 王平 +2 位作者 黄宇 张月从 郭翠恩 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期425-432,共8页
[Objective] The study aimed to assess the ecosystem services value in Hotan Oasis, Xingjiang. [Method] The visual interpretation method was adopted to process TM/ETM+ images based on field investigation in Hotan Oasi... [Objective] The study aimed to assess the ecosystem services value in Hotan Oasis, Xingjiang. [Method] The visual interpretation method was adopted to process TM/ETM+ images based on field investigation in Hotan Oasis. These inter- pretation data, along with two periods of land use data, were reclassified to farm- land, forest, grassland and so on. Then, the ecosystem services value was calculat- ed and analyzed. [Result] Analysis indicated that the ecosystem services value had been increased by 30.44x108 Yuan (16.51%) in the study area during 1980-2010, which can be explained by the increase of glacier and snowfield distributed in the south mountain with the increase of annual precipitation. At the same time, the con- tribution rate of grassland to ecosystem services value had been decreased as a result of degradation of grassland and occupation from farmland. For the whole basin, the increase of ecosystem services value came from the upper reaches, while the ecosystem services value had been reduced in the middle and lower reaches. In the middle reaches, the reduction came mainly from wetland (-1.83x10s Yuan), waters (-1.68x10s Yuan), forest (-0.86x108 Yuan) and grassland (-0.80x108 Yuan). But in the lower reaches, the ecosystem services values of waters, grassland and forest were -0.61 x108 Yuan, -0.24x108 Yuan, and -0.07x10s Yuan, respectively. [Conclusion] If some effective policies, such as the implementation of returning farm- land to forest and ceasing from farming to grazing, would be taken, the ecosystem degradation can be constrained and reversed in the northwest arid region. 展开更多
关键词 Arid region Ecosystem services value ASSESSMENT Hotan Oasis
Hydrological Services by Mountain Ecosystems in Qilian Mountain of China: A Review 被引量:6
作者 SUN Feixiang LYU Yihe +1 位作者 FU Bojie HU Jian 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期174-187,共14页
Hydrological service is a hot issue in the current researches of ecosystem service, particularly in the upper reaches of mountain rivers in dry land areas, where the Qilian Mountain is a representative one. The Qilian... Hydrological service is a hot issue in the current researches of ecosystem service, particularly in the upper reaches of mountain rivers in dry land areas, where the Qilian Mountain is a representative one. The Qilian Mountain, where forest, shrubland and grassland consist of its main ecosystems, can provide fresh water and many other ecosystem services, through a series of eco-hydrological process such as precipitation interception, soil water storage, and fresh water provision. Thus, monitoring water regulation and assessing the hydrological service of the Qilian Mountain are meaningful and helpful for the healthy development of the lower reaches of arid and semi-arid areas. In recent 10 years, hydrological services have been widely researched in terms of scale and landscape pattern, including water conservation, hydrological responses to afforestation and their ecological effects. This study, after analyzing lots of current models and applications of geographical information system(GIS) in hydrological services, gave a scientific and reasonable evaluation of mountain ecosystem in eco-hydrological services, by employing the combination of international forefronts and contentious issues into the Qilian Mountain. Assessments of hydrological services at regional or larger scales are limited compared with studies within watershed scale in the Qilian Mountain. In our evaluation results of forest ecosystems, it is concluded that long-term observation and dynamic monitoring of different types of ecosystem are indispensable, and the hydrological services and the potential variation in water supplement on regional and large scales should be central issues in the future research.v 展开更多
关键词 hydrological service water regulation hydrological response Qilian Mountain
Fungal Community-Plant Litter Decomposition Relationships Along a Climate Gradient 被引量:2
作者 C.SHERMAN I.GRISHKAN +1 位作者 G.BARNESS Y.STEINBERGER 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期437-449,共13页
The decomposition of plant litter is a major process of equivalent status to primary production in ecosystem functioning.The spatiotemporal changes in the composition and dynamics of litter fungal community along a cl... The decomposition of plant litter is a major process of equivalent status to primary production in ecosystem functioning.The spatiotemporal changes in the composition and dynamics of litter fungal community along a climate gradient ranging from arid desert to humid-Mediterranean regions in Israel was examined using wheat straw litter bags placed at four selected sites along the climate gradient,arid,semi-arid,Mediterranean,and humid-Mediterranean sites.Litter samples were collected over a two-year decomposition period to evaluate litter weight loss,moisture,C:N ratio,fungal composition,and isolate density.The litter decomposition rate was found to be the highest during the first year of the study at the Mediterranean and arid sites.Although the Shannon-Wiener index values of the fungal communities in the litter samples were the highest at the humid-Mediterranean site,the number of fungal species was not significantly different between the four study sites.Different fungal groups were found to be related to different study sites:Basidiomycota,Mucoromycotina,and teleomorphic Ascomycota were associated with the humid-Mediterranean site,while Coelomycetes were mostly affected by the arid site.Our results indicate that climate factors play an important role in determining the structure of saprotrophic fungal communities in the decomposing litter and in mediating plant litter decomposition processes. 展开更多
关键词 arid desert community structure fungal diversity litter bag Mediterranean region saprotrophic fungi Shannon-Wiener index
Carbon dioxide exchange processes over the grassland ecosystems in semiarid areas of China 被引量:6
作者 DU Qun LIU HuiZhi +3 位作者 WANG Lei HUANG JianPing ZHANG Wu Christian BERNHOFER 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第4期644-655,共12页
Based on the carbon fluxes measured over the grassland ecosystems in Inner Mongolia (UG79 site), Loess Plateau (SACOL site), and Tongyu, Jilin Province (TY site) in the semiarid areas from 2007 to 2008 with the ... Based on the carbon fluxes measured over the grassland ecosystems in Inner Mongolia (UG79 site), Loess Plateau (SACOL site), and Tongyu, Jilin Province (TY site) in the semiarid areas from 2007 to 2008 with the eddy covariance method, we have investigated the carbon exchange processes over semiarid grassland ecosystem and its main affecting environmental variables. The precipitations at UG79 and TY sites in 2007 were below the historical average, especially for TY site, which was 50% be- low the historical average annual precipitation. The precipitation in SACOL site was close to average in 2007 but below average in 2008. The variation of monthly diurnal average NEE showed that the diurnal mean NEE decreased in the order of TY site, UG79 site, and SACOL site. However, a longer net carbon uptake period was observed at SACOL site. The diurnal course of NEE at UG79 site was similar between 2007 and 2008. The diurnal average NEE remained large during July and August in growing sea- son (May to September) at UG79 site, with maximum values approaching 0.08 mg C m^-2 s^-1 in August of 2008. The diurnal av- erage NEE of 2007 was larger than 2008 at SACOL site, with maximum values of 0.07 mg C m^-2 sq in September of 2007. A shorter carbon uptake period was recorded in 2007 at TY site, lasting from July to August. A larger diurnal average NEE oc- curred in 2008 at TY site, with maximum values of 0.12 mg C m^-2 s^-1. The ecosystem respirations of three sites were controlled by both soil temperature and soil volumetric water content (at a depth of 5 cm below the land surface). Both UG79 site and SACOL site acted as a carbon sink during the growing periods of 2007 and 2008. Annual NEE in the growing seasons of 2007 and 2008 ranged from -68 to -50 g C m^-2 at UG79 site and from -109 to -55 g C m^-2at SACOL site. Alternation between car- bon source and carbon sink was found at TY site, with respective values of annual NEE in the growing seasons of 0.32 g C m^-2 and -73 g C m^-2 in 2007 and 2008. The magnitude and duration of carbon uptake depended mainly on the amount and timing of precipitation and the timing of the first effective rainfall during the growing season in semiarid grassland ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 semiarid grassland ecosystem carbon flux eddy covariance method
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