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干海参复水后干重率测定条件的优化 被引量:5
作者 李志超 曹荣 +3 位作者 刘淇 殷邦忠 赵玲 王联珠 《中国渔业质量与标准》 2014年第2期50-55,共6页
复水后干重率是评定干海参质量的重要指标之一,该指标在测定过程中需要对干海参进行浸泡、煮制和泡发处理,不同的测定条件会影响外源性物质的溶出,同时也会影响海参自身的营养物质损失。本实验通过研究干海参在浸泡、煮制和泡发过程中... 复水后干重率是评定干海参质量的重要指标之一,该指标在测定过程中需要对干海参进行浸泡、煮制和泡发处理,不同的测定条件会影响外源性物质的溶出,同时也会影响海参自身的营养物质损失。本实验通过研究干海参在浸泡、煮制和泡发过程中盐分和外源性糖的溶出规律,以及海参蛋白质的损失情况,对干海参复水后干重率的测定条件进行了优化。结果表明,煮制过程对干海参外源性糖的溶出率和蛋白损失影响最大。干海参复水后干重率最佳测定条件为:干海参浸泡24 h,清洗,去除嘴部石灰质,切成约5 mm段煮制20 min,再泡发24 h。该条件下糖干海参中盐分溶出达99.90%,外源性糖残留率为2.50%,外源性糖残留质量仅占干海参总质量的0.90%。同时,蛋白质损失相对较少,淡干、盐干和糖干海参的蛋白总损失对复水后干重率的影响分别为-6.72%、-1.74%和-0.49%。优化后的测定条件兼顾了外源性糖的充分溶出和蛋白质的最少损失,提高了干海参复水后干重率测定的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 海参 外源性糖 蛋白质 复水后干重率
作者 王鹤亭 苗蕾 《食品安全导刊》 2020年第33期99-100,共2页
探究干海参多项指标之间的关系有利于全面评价干海参的质量。通过相关性分析得出复水后干重率与蛋白质含量呈正相关性,与盐分含量呈负相关。实验证明,通过检测复水后干重率可以有效防止生产者加入糖类、盐类及其他物质给海参增重,是控... 探究干海参多项指标之间的关系有利于全面评价干海参的质量。通过相关性分析得出复水后干重率与蛋白质含量呈正相关性,与盐分含量呈负相关。实验证明,通过检测复水后干重率可以有效防止生产者加入糖类、盐类及其他物质给海参增重,是控制干海参产品掺假的重要指标。 展开更多
关键词 海参 复水后干重率 蛋白质 盐分
冷风及冷风与热风联合干燥海参效果的比较研究 被引量:11
作者 马先英 赵世明 +3 位作者 洪滨 李秀辰 武立波 谢忠东 《大连海洋大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期536-539,共4页
为降低海参干燥成本和提高干制品品质,采用冷风干燥及冷风-热风联合干燥的方法对海参进行干燥效果对比试验,研究了不同干燥方法对海参干燥速率、复水干重率和感官品质的影响。结果表明:采用冷风风温为8℃与热风联合干燥方式进行海参干燥... 为降低海参干燥成本和提高干制品品质,采用冷风干燥及冷风-热风联合干燥的方法对海参进行干燥效果对比试验,研究了不同干燥方法对海参干燥速率、复水干重率和感官品质的影响。结果表明:采用冷风风温为8℃与热风联合干燥方式进行海参干燥,所需干燥时间比冷风干燥风温为8℃时缩短20%左右,干燥速率显著提高,但感官品质明显差于冷风干燥;冷风干燥温度越低,海参感官品质越好,在冷风干燥温度为8℃时海参感官品质最好。研究表明,在本试验条件下,冷风干燥的复水干重率高于联合干燥近15%,冷风干燥样品1达到特级品质,样品2、3达到行标一级品质,而联合干燥样品只达到三级品质。 展开更多
关键词 海参 感官特性 干重率 冷风 联合
冬季苦草分解速率及营养盐释放规律研究 被引量:9
作者 陈见 谢从新 +3 位作者 何绪刚 胡雄 李佩 陆诗敏 《水生态学杂志》 北大核心 2011年第2期57-62,共6页
采用分解网袋法研究了冬季苦草腐败分解速率及其氮、磷损失规律。结果表明:苦草腐败释放的磷大部分被底泥吸附,少量进入水体;释放到水体中的氨氮(NH4+-N)、亚硝态氮(NO2--N)和硝态氮(NO3--N)数量也较少;底泥减缓了苦草干重损失速度,而... 采用分解网袋法研究了冬季苦草腐败分解速率及其氮、磷损失规律。结果表明:苦草腐败释放的磷大部分被底泥吸附,少量进入水体;释放到水体中的氨氮(NH4+-N)、亚硝态氮(NO2--N)和硝态氮(NO3--N)数量也较少;底泥减缓了苦草干重损失速度,而加快了TN和TP损失速率;苦草分解过程中磷的释放速率比氮快;苦草腐败分解具有阶段性,前36d分解迅速,以后分解速率显著下降。 展开更多
关键词 苦草 分解速 剩余 氮磷剩余
南北方养殖的仿刺参几种体成分的比较分析 被引量:2
作者 孙俭 母刚 +1 位作者 刘剑波 姚恩长 《水产学杂志》 CAS 2016年第2期28-31,44,共5页
按国家标准测定福建和山东长岛养殖的淡干仿刺参Apostichopus japonicus(干体质量6-8g)中铝、铁、粗蛋白和脂肪酸的含量、复水率、干重率及涨发倍数,比较南北方养殖仿刺参体成分的主要差异。结果表明:福建仿刺参中铝、粗蛋白、复水... 按国家标准测定福建和山东长岛养殖的淡干仿刺参Apostichopus japonicus(干体质量6-8g)中铝、铁、粗蛋白和脂肪酸的含量、复水率、干重率及涨发倍数,比较南北方养殖仿刺参体成分的主要差异。结果表明:福建仿刺参中铝、粗蛋白、复水率、干重率、涨发倍数均高于长岛仿刺参。福建仿刺参的单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)、多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)和花生四烯酸(AA)的相对质量分数高于长岛仿刺参,而饱和脂肪酸(SFA)及二十碳五烯酸(EPA)与二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)之和的相对质量分数则低于长岛仿刺参。按相对质量分数从高到低排序,福建仿刺参体内AA〉DHA〉EPA,长岛仿刺参体内EPA〉AA〉DHA。 展开更多
关键词 北参南养 粗蛋白 脂肪酸 复水 干重率 涨发倍数
不同地域与养殖模式下刺参的品质评价 被引量:4
作者 王鹤 姜作真 +1 位作者 江声海 胡丽萍 《中国渔业质量与标准》 2016年第5期19-26,共8页
为了解南北方刺参、底播增殖与围堰养殖刺参的品质差异,本研究从感官评价、淡干和冻干产品加工形态及性能、保健功效等3个方面进行了比较评价。结果显示,1)不同地域相比,福州组感官评分(8.2±0.20)显著低于烟台组(8.9±0.12)(P&... 为了解南北方刺参、底播增殖与围堰养殖刺参的品质差异,本研究从感官评价、淡干和冻干产品加工形态及性能、保健功效等3个方面进行了比较评价。结果显示,1)不同地域相比,福州组感官评分(8.2±0.20)显著低于烟台组(8.9±0.12)(P<0.05),且其肉质薄,口感软,弹性差,疣足不坚挺。在同一地域、不同养殖模式下,底播组感官评分(9.6±0.17)显著高于围堰组(8.9±0.12)分(P<0.05),且体形更为肥满,肉质厚实,适口性更好;2)不同地域对比,烟台组出皮率更高且淡干产品形态更饱满,冻干产品真空干燥保型更好,涨发率(62.52±0.67)%显著高于福州组(48.97±0.53)%(P<0.05),复水后干重率(9.9±0.8)%高于福州组(9.1±0.7)%,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。在同一地域、不同养殖模式下,烟台两组加工前及加工后成品外形差异不大,但底播组复水后干重率及涨发率分别为(66.36±0.28)%和(10.8±0.4)%,显著高于围堰组(P<0.05);3)不同地域对比,福州组不饱和脂肪酸含量为烟台组的8倍,但岩藻多糖(6.49 g/100 g)、EPA(2.90%)低于烟台组(6.65 g/100 g和8.09%),烟台组的保健功效可能更突出。在同一地域、不同养殖模式下,围堰组常量元素、不饱和脂肪酸含量更高,但底播组微量元素硒(0.04 mg/kg)、岩藻多糖(9.40 g/100 g)更高,生理保健功效可能更突出。综合本实验中的感官、产品加工性能及保健功效三方面数据,认为烟台刺参品质优于福州刺参,烟台底播增殖刺参优于围堰养殖刺参。通过对不同组刺参品质的综合评价,为全面了解不同地域及不同养殖模式下刺参的品质差异提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 刺参 养殖模式 品质评价 感官评分 干重率 岩藻多糖
Responses of Filtration Rate of Freshwater Mussel Anodonta woodiana to Ambient Ammonia Concentration
作者 葛长字 秦耿 彭小经 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第2期179-182,共4页
By using one static water system,the filtration rates of one kind of freshwater mussel Anodonta woodiana with different body weight(accounted by dry weight of soft tissue)were studied under semi-field conditions.Durin... By using one static water system,the filtration rates of one kind of freshwater mussel Anodonta woodiana with different body weight(accounted by dry weight of soft tissue)were studied under semi-field conditions.During the experiments,the water temperature and the suspended particulate matters concentration were kept relative invariable and there were four ambient ammonia concentration levels.The ambient water ammonia concentration was obtained by the excretion of the freshwater mussel and the accession of ... 展开更多
关键词 Semi-field experiment Ammonia concentration Dry weight of soft tissue Anodonta woodiana Filtration rate
Interference and Spectral Efficiency Analysis in Two-hop Cellular Network with Fixed Relays in FDD Mode 被引量:1
作者 李平 戎蒙恬 +1 位作者 黄磊 喻丹 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2006年第3期361-367,共7页
This paper presented a scheme of two-hop cellular network with fixed relay nodes (FRN). Based on this scheme, co-channel interference and signal interference ratio(SIR) received by base station(BS) and FRN were analyz... This paper presented a scheme of two-hop cellular network with fixed relay nodes (FRN). Based on this scheme, co-channel interference and signal interference ratio(SIR) received by base station(BS) and FRN were analyzed. Both the theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the SIR can be improved significantly when relays are employed in the network. The higher spectral efficiency can be obtained due to the improved two-hop link quality through the use of adaptive modulation and coding (AMC). The antenna height of FRN and the cell radius of BS and that of FRN influence SIR received by BS and FRN and the system spectral efficiency greatly. The proper antenna height of FRN and cell radius of BS and that of FRN were also given to get the highest spectral efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 fixed relay nodes (FRN) signal interference ratio (SIR) two-hop cellular network frequency division diplex(FDD)
Methods and Results of Assessment of the Pulse Electrical Disturbances Influence on. Digital Devices Functioning
作者 Yury Parfenov Boris Titov Leonid Zdoukhov 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2013年第6期392-399,共8页
Two methods of calculating the parameters and characterizing the degree of pulse electrical disturbances influence on digital devices functioning, both analytical and numerical, are considered here. The analytical met... Two methods of calculating the parameters and characterizing the degree of pulse electrical disturbances influence on digital devices functioning, both analytical and numerical, are considered here. The analytical method permits one to assess the error occurrence probability in transmitting the data packets considering the dependence on the signal pulses energies-to-pulse disturbances energies ratio and the disturbances repetition frequency-to-data transmission rate ratio and also the dependence on the bits quantity in the packet. The numerical method allows one to assess the specific effect of the repetitive pulse disturbance influence on the digital devices functioning (the number of errors in transmitted data packets, transmission rate, etc.) depending on such factors as the repetition frequency, the disturbance waveform and duration, the mode of data coding, etc.. 展开更多
关键词 Pulse electrical disturbance digital device assessment of influence.
Experimental evidence for weakened tree nutrient use and resorption efficiencies under severe drought in a subtropical monsoon forest 被引量:1
作者 Xiao-Ni Xu Jian-Yang Xia +1 位作者 Xu-Hui Zhou Li-Ming Yan 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第5期649-656,共8页
Aims The functions of global forests are threatened by the increasing frequency of severe drought.Due to drought inducing reductions in soil nutrient availability,efficiencies of nutrient use and resorption of trees b... Aims The functions of global forests are threatened by the increasing frequency of severe drought.Due to drought inducing reductions in soil nutrient availability,efficiencies of nutrient use and resorption of trees become crucial for forest functions and biogeochemical cycles.However,understanding the dynamics of responses of foliar nutrient use and resorption efficiencies to drought,especially in tropical or subtropical forests,is still limited.Our goal was to detect whether and how the importance of leaf nutrient use and resorption changes across different species in the hot and wet forests when suffering drought stress in different months.Methods Based on a 70%throughfall exclusion experiment in a subtropical forest,we collected green and senesced leaves of Schima superba and Lithocarpus glaber in different months from October 2016 to May 2019,to estimate the effects of drought on leaf nitrogen(N)and phosphorus(P)use and resorption efficiencies(i.e.NUE and PUE,NRE and PRE).Important Findings The effects of drought on nutrient use and resorption efficiencies varied between species and months.Based on a 2-year observation,drought had no effect on S.superba,but significantly decreased NUE,NRE and PRE of L.glaber by 3.4%,20.2%and 7.1%,respectively.Furthermore,the negative drought effects were aggravated by the natural summer drying in 2017.As a result,NUE and PUE of L.glaber were significantly depressed by 17.2%and 58.1%,while NRE and PRE were significantly reduced by 56.5%and 53.8%in August 2017.Moreover,the responses of NRE,PRE and NUE to drought were related with soil moisture(SM)for L.glaber,and when SM decreased to a threshold near 9 v/v%,drought effects were shifted from unresponsive to negative.Our results highlight a species-specific threshold response of nutrient use under drought in a subtropical forest. 展开更多
关键词 DROUGHT nitrogen nutrient resorption efficiency nutrient use efficiency PHOSPHORUS subtropical forest
作者 O. P. MISRA and PREETY KALRA 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2013年第5期13-39,共27页
A two compartment mathematical model for the individual plant growth under the stress of toxic metal is studied. In the model it is assumed that the uptake of toxic metal by the plant is through root compartment. The ... A two compartment mathematical model for the individual plant growth under the stress of toxic metal is studied. In the model it is assumed that the uptake of toxic metal by the plant is through root compartment. The toxic metal present in the soil interfere with the uptake and distribution of essential nutrients in plant causing decrease in the nutri- ent uptake eventually damaging the root structure. In the model it is further assumed that the resistance to nutrient transport from root to shoot compartment increases and nutrient use efficiency decreases due to the presence of toxic metal. In order to visualize the effect of toxic metal on plant growth, we have studied two models, that is, model for plant growth with no toxic effect and model for plant growth with toxic effect. From the analysis of the models the criteria for plant growth with and without toxic effects are derived. The numerical simulation is done using Matlab to support the analytical results. 展开更多
关键词 Nutrient concentration structural dry weight toxic metal MODEL equilibriaand stability.
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