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郭子仪的福禄寿考与唐皇室的平乱图强 被引量:3
作者 周尚兵 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1999年第2期75-79,共5页
本文通过对安史之乱中唐军平叛诸将帅的命运结局的考察后发现:独郭子仪得享福禄寿考,其他将帅则先后受猜疑而不得善终。再综合当时的政治形势进一步考察后发现:郭子仪能享福禄寿考并非无因,实与当时唐皇室以强干弱枝为宗旨的平乱图... 本文通过对安史之乱中唐军平叛诸将帅的命运结局的考察后发现:独郭子仪得享福禄寿考,其他将帅则先后受猜疑而不得善终。再综合当时的政治形势进一步考察后发现:郭子仪能享福禄寿考并非无因,实与当时唐皇室以强干弱枝为宗旨的平乱图强策略的推行息息相关,郭子仪的福禄寿考现象,实际上反映了当时唐皇室政治斗争的状况。 展开更多
关键词 郭子仪 福禄寿考 唐皇室 平乱图强
作者 谷重 《绥化学院学报》 2024年第6期73-77,共5页
宋代以来可考的湘南地区碑刻在涉及地区治理方面有着具体的社会指向功能,深入解读该地区所涉治理方面的碑刻,发现该类碑刻深刻体现了传统地区治理模式中遵从政治与文化的正统性的一面,面对地区具体问题时,呈现出因地制宜之政。面对官司... 宋代以来可考的湘南地区碑刻在涉及地区治理方面有着具体的社会指向功能,深入解读该地区所涉治理方面的碑刻,发现该类碑刻深刻体现了传统地区治理模式中遵从政治与文化的正统性的一面,面对地区具体问题时,呈现出因地制宜之政。面对官司诉讼时,体现非常清正廉明的一面。 展开更多
关键词 宣抚 劝农 平乱 兴文教 公正
作者 刘亚林 吴远华 +2 位作者 杨松 郭青 付廷龙 《中国民族民间医药》 2023年第16期1-3,共3页
毒乱致病论是苗医病因学的重要理论之一,苗医民间素有“无毒不致病、无乱不成疾”之说,认为当各种外毒侵犯机体,或机体脏腑功能紊乱产生的痰湿、瘀血等病理产物,日久不化酿生内毒,深入筋脉致脑架或半身筋脉受损,气阻血瘀,导致气壅血瘀... 毒乱致病论是苗医病因学的重要理论之一,苗医民间素有“无毒不致病、无乱不成疾”之说,认为当各种外毒侵犯机体,或机体脏腑功能紊乱产生的痰湿、瘀血等病理产物,日久不化酿生内毒,深入筋脉致脑架或半身筋脉受损,气阻血瘀,导致气壅血瘀、气血逆乱,脑髓损伤或半身筋脉瘀塞不通是缺血性中风的病因病机核心所在。近年来,苗药在缺血性中风的治疗方面取得了一定的成效,但目前苗医学治疗中风的理论体系并不十分完备。因此,基于苗医毒乱致病论探讨缺血性中风的病因病机及“以通散为要,以治毒为法”的治法,进一步完善苗医药治疗缺血性中风的理论体系,为苗医药治疗缺血性中风奠定理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 缺血性中风 半边风 毒乱致病论 通气散血 治毒平乱
先秦战争神话简论 被引量:2
作者 邹文贵 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2009年第12期34-36,共3页
我国古代的战争神话主要集中在秩序神话与历史传说两大部类中。有关战争神话的文本尽管呈现出碎片化、歧言化与简约化等特征,但是它仍然折射出了中华民族在特定时段的历史步履,有着较高的历史价值。尤其值得关注的是战争神话还体现出了... 我国古代的战争神话主要集中在秩序神话与历史传说两大部类中。有关战争神话的文本尽管呈现出碎片化、歧言化与简约化等特征,但是它仍然折射出了中华民族在特定时段的历史步履,有着较高的历史价值。尤其值得关注的是战争神话还体现出了以止暴平乱为诉求的文化精神。 展开更多
关键词 战争神话 文本线索 止暴平乱 文化精神
作者 张志祥 《山西警官高等专科学校学报》 2004年第2期59-61,共3页
当今世界 ,恐怖活动越来越猖獗 ,恐怖手段越来越高超 ,让热爱和平的人们防不胜防。德国共有三支特种防暴警察部队 ,其中 ,德国边防警第九大队由于其组织精干 ,装备精良 ,训练有素 ,尤其在防范和打击恐怖主义方面战功卓著 ,被各国警学界... 当今世界 ,恐怖活动越来越猖獗 ,恐怖手段越来越高超 ,让热爱和平的人们防不胜防。德国共有三支特种防暴警察部队 ,其中 ,德国边防警第九大队由于其组织精干 ,装备精良 ,训练有素 ,尤其在防范和打击恐怖主义方面战功卓著 ,被各国警学界奉为楷模。 展开更多
关键词 德国 边防警察 恐怖主义 制暴平乱
作者 张志祥 《山西警官高等专科学校学报》 2004年第3期57-60,共4页
警用武器和装备显示一个国家警察部队战斗力的强弱。德国边防警察部队作为制暴平乱和防恐打恐的主力部队,其警用武器先进,装备精良,具有强大的威力和效能,在世界各国的警用武器装备方面具有领先地位。然而,德国政府和边防警察部队从不... 警用武器和装备显示一个国家警察部队战斗力的强弱。德国边防警察部队作为制暴平乱和防恐打恐的主力部队,其警用武器先进,装备精良,具有强大的威力和效能,在世界各国的警用武器装备方面具有领先地位。然而,德国政府和边防警察部队从不满足现状,随着全球恐怖活动的升级和国内暴(骚)乱规模的扩大,仍在开发和引进更加先进的警用武器装备。目前,德国边防警察部队的警用武器装备,正朝着实用化、系列化、标准化和普及化的方向发展。 展开更多
关键词 德国武器装备 制暴平乱 防恐打恐
试论陈元光对泉潮地区开发的贡献 被引量:3
作者 许晶 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第1期78-81,96,共5页
陈政、陈元光入闽平乱,对闽地的多数地区以及粤东北的开发与发展做出过重大贡献。对这一问题的讨论,将能对闽南文化区的形成与发展有更加清晰的认识。陈政、陈元光的平乱历经两个大的阶段:第一个阶段,战场主要是在泉州(其时治所在福州)... 陈政、陈元光入闽平乱,对闽地的多数地区以及粤东北的开发与发展做出过重大贡献。对这一问题的讨论,将能对闽南文化区的形成与发展有更加清晰的认识。陈政、陈元光的平乱历经两个大的阶段:第一个阶段,战场主要是在泉州(其时治所在福州)的南部展开的。历经8年时间,初步稳定了闽南的局势,使"蛮獠"不得不退至更南部的潮州、崖州地区。陈元光继承其父职务之后,开始了平乱的第二个阶段,在之后的30多年间,其唐军进抚的主要战场转移至潮州。陈元光父子率领中原民众入闽后,对当时泉潮广大地域和平环境的形成,并进而传播中原先进文化、促进民族团结与加快泉潮经济社会发展方面均大有建树。 展开更多
关键词 陈元光 平乱 闽南文化区 泉潮地区 开发与发展
解读高青县陈庄西周遗址 被引量:4
作者 吕茂东 《管子学刊》 CSSCI 2011年第4期110-118,共9页
高青陈庄西周遗址是2009年全国十大考古新发现之一,铜器铭文所载的"豐",是殷末东扩建立的子姓"豐国","文祖甲齐公"是周初僭号称王的"豐王",城址、祭坛是其天坛。豐王被周公征伐,从而臣服于齐,... 高青陈庄西周遗址是2009年全国十大考古新发现之一,铜器铭文所载的"豐",是殷末东扩建立的子姓"豐国","文祖甲齐公"是周初僭号称王的"豐王",城址、祭坛是其天坛。豐王被周公征伐,从而臣服于齐,称为"齐公"。卜骨的数字符号是《周易》六十四卦中的《艮》和《噬嗑》,是"豐"归齐所遵的天意。两座甲子形的大墓,是齐国公族的墓葬。引簋铭文中的"幽公"名"庮",食采于薄姑,是乙公得之子,胡公静之父,作器者引之祖父,哀公不辰之叔父。周夷王"烹哀立胡"是"夺位"之争,与纪侯的策动和豐族的"天坛"有关。引簋与史密簋可谓是"姊妹篇",记载的都是周夷王"烹哀立胡"、平齐内乱的重大历史事件。 展开更多
关键词 齐公 太公 豐王天坛 归齐受赐 烹哀平乱
作者 杰敦 《康定民族师范高等专科学校学报》 2008年第6期1-4,共4页
本文深入挖掘史料,在参阅了大量线装本清代原始文献资料的基础上,依据历史事实,较客观公正地阐述了前清著名爱国将领及封疆大臣岳钟琪历经康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝,不畏高原寒苦,身经百战,屡次出生入死、跃马驰骋于藏区各地,为平息叛(骚)... 本文深入挖掘史料,在参阅了大量线装本清代原始文献资料的基础上,依据历史事实,较客观公正地阐述了前清著名爱国将领及封疆大臣岳钟琪历经康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝,不畏高原寒苦,身经百战,屡次出生入死、跃马驰骋于藏区各地,为平息叛(骚)乱或内讧,为边疆的稳定和多民族国家的统一立下了不朽功绩的史实。最终,清政府不仅将其列入"五功臣"之一,《御制怀旧诗》甚至称其为"三朝巨擘"。 展开更多
关键词 岳钟琪 平乱 藏区
Hepatic encephalopathy complicated with hyponatremia and acid-base disturbance and its prognosis 被引量:3
作者 Ren Chengshan Wang Lei +13 位作者 Zhao Xiaoyan Yang Shiming Zhang Yanqi Wang Xiwen Bo Jianying Zhang Pengbin Guo Hong Ling Xianlong Li Yihui Da Siping Xie Xia Ren Wei Li Chunhua Qian Guisheng 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第3期143-160,共18页
Objective:To improve the diagnosis and therapeutic effect of occurrence and development of hyponatremia and disorder of acid-base balance among patients with hepatic encephalopathy(HE) by elucidating the regularity an... Objective:To improve the diagnosis and therapeutic effect of occurrence and development of hyponatremia and disorder of acid-base balance among patients with hepatic encephalopathy(HE) by elucidating the regularity and mechanism,as well as its influence on prognosis.Methods:327 HE patients admitted to our hospital from January 1990 to June 2010 were enrolled.Meanwhile 316 patients hospitalized in the medical department of the same hospital were chosen as the control group.Patients in both groups were given the same methods to measure arterial blood gas parameters(pH value,PaCO2,[HCO3-],TCO2,BE and SaO2),blood biochemistry([Na+],[K+],[Cl-]),liver function,kidney function and blood glucose,serum sodium,and thereupon tocalculate the anion gap(AG) and the potential [HCO3-],and acid-base balance disorder.Results:Among the 327 HE patients,hyponatremia was found in 188 cases(57.4%),of whom 132 patients died(70.2%).While among the 316 patients in control group,68 presented with hyponatremia(21.5%),and 19 died(27.9%).The incidence and mortality were significantly different between the two groups(P<0.001).All the 327 patients presented with different degrees of acid-base balance disorder and 178 died(54.4%),in whom 164(50.2%) belonged to simple acid-base balance disorder and 74(45.1%) died,136(41.6%) were dual acid-base balance disorder and 80(58.8%) died,27(8.2%) were triple acid-base disturbance and 24(88.9%) died.Whereas in the control group only 83 patients(26.2%) were recognized as simple and dual acid-base balance disorder,and 18(21.7%) died.There was higher incidence of acid-base balance disorder and mortality rate in HE group than control one(P<0.001).Conclusion:Hyponatremia is valuable to judge HE patients' prognosis.The key parameters in the judgment and evaluation on acid-base balance disorder among HE patients are the change of pH values and serum electrolyte values.When pH value ≤ 7.30 or > 7.55,it generally suggests a poor prognosis. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic Encephalopathy HYPONATREMIA Acid-base Disturbance PROGNOSIS Blood gas parameters
Motion Geometric Active Contours: Tracking Nonrigid Objects in Clutter Background 被引量:1
作者 岑峰 Qi Feihu 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2003年第3期19-23,共5页
MGAC (Motion Geometric Active Contours), a new variational framework of geometric active contours to track multiple nonrigid moving objects in the clutter background in image sequences is presented. This framework, in... MGAC (Motion Geometric Active Contours), a new variational framework of geometric active contours to track multiple nonrigid moving objects in the clutter background in image sequences is presented. This framework, incorporating with the motion edge information, consists of motion detection and tracking stages. At the motion detection stage, the motion edge map provides an approximate edge map of the moving objects. Then, a tracking stage, merely using the static edge information, is considered to improve the motion detection result. Force field regularization method is used to extend the capture range of the edge attraction force field in both stages. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework is valid for tracking multiple nonrigid objects in the clutter background. 展开更多
关键词 object tracking active contours Level Set Theory clutter background
Control DHT maintenance costs with session heterogeneity
作者 邹福泰 吴增德 +1 位作者 张亮 马范援 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第5期378-386,共9页
The maintaining overheads of Distributed Hash Table (DHT) topology have recently received considerable attention. This paper presents a novel SHT (Session Heterogeneity Topology) model, in which DHT is reconstructed w... The maintaining overheads of Distributed Hash Table (DHT) topology have recently received considerable attention. This paper presents a novel SHT (Session Heterogeneity Topology) model, in which DHT is reconstructed with session hetero- geneity. SHT clusters nodes by means of session heterogeneity among nodes and selects the stable nodes as the participants of DHT. With an evolving process, this model gradually makes DHT stable and reliable. Therefore the high maintaining overheads for DHT are effectively controlled. Simulation with real traces of session distribution showed that the maintaining overheads are reduced dramatically and that the data availability is greatly improved. 展开更多
关键词 Peer-to-peer (P2P) Distributed Hash Table (DHT) Finite element method Session heterogeneity Topology model
作者 李晓娜 黄健 +2 位作者 申双和 刘寿东 吕卫华 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2010年第4期409-416,共8页
On March 16–17, 2008, a sea fog occurred in Dianbai in the west of Guangdong Province and was accompanied by a high-pressure synoptic system. Using comprehensive observation datasets, this study analyzes the evolutio... On March 16–17, 2008, a sea fog occurred in Dianbai in the west of Guangdong Province and was accompanied by a high-pressure synoptic system. Using comprehensive observation datasets, this study analyzes the evolution of liquid water content during this sea fog and investigates the relationships between liquid water content and the average diameters and count densities of fog droplets, air temperature, wind speed and turbulence exchanges. The main results are presented as follows. (1) The sea fog showed a quasi-periodic oscillation characteristic, i.e., it developed, disappeared and then developed again. (2) During the sea fog, the number of fog droplets changed significantly while the changes in average diameter of the fog droplets were relatively small. The development and disappearance of the sea fog correlated significantly with the fog droplet numbers. (3) The air-cooling mechanism played a significant role in sea fog formation and development. However, the influences of this mechanism were not evident during fog persistence. (4) During sea fog formation, weak turbulence exchanges were helpful for fog formation. During sea fog development and persistence, liquid water content increased when turbulence exchanges weakened, and vice versa. The changes in turbulence exchanges were closely related to the quasi-periodic oscillations observed in sea fog presence. 展开更多
关键词 high-pressure pattern sea fog liquid water content count density of fog droplets average diameter of fog droplets turbulence exchanges
“中药小零食” 龟苓膏
作者 常琛燕 《健康》 2024年第8期58-59,共2页
三国时蜀汉皇帝刘备新丧,南方诸郡的土著趁机起兵叛乱,诸葛亮亲自出马平乱。话说诸葛亮南征时驻军于苍梧郡,当时兵将多为北方人,初到南方水土不服,大多数将士上吐下泻,严重影响战斗力。诸葛亮一问才知道,是由于梧州当地气候湿热、多雾... 三国时蜀汉皇帝刘备新丧,南方诸郡的土著趁机起兵叛乱,诸葛亮亲自出马平乱。话说诸葛亮南征时驻军于苍梧郡,当时兵将多为北方人,初到南方水土不服,大多数将士上吐下泻,严重影响战斗力。诸葛亮一问才知道,是由于梧州当地气候湿热、多雾所致。于是有人献上妙方,以当地特产乌龟、土茯苓熬汤饮用。军中将士服用后,果然效果显著。这便是有关于龟苓膏的传说。 展开更多
关键词 诸葛亮南征 苍梧郡 亲自出马 水土不服 土茯苓 平乱
Effect of different levels of dietary fiber on intestinal development and caecum fermentation traits of weaning rabbits
作者 PENG QuAN-HUI WANG ZhI-sheng ZHOU An-guo 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2008年第10期36-43,共8页
A common problem in rabbit production is the occurrence of digestive disorders just after weaning, and fiber is well known to be bcncficiai for rabbit gastrointestinal health. In order to test the hypothesis that w... A common problem in rabbit production is the occurrence of digestive disorders just after weaning, and fiber is well known to be bcncficiai for rabbit gastrointestinal health. In order to test the hypothesis that whether the good points of fiber increases with its dietary content, three isoenergetic and isonitrogenous diets and ninety mixed-sex New Zealand rabbits weaned 35-d-old were used. The results can be concluded as following: (1) Average daily feed intake (ADFI) tended to increase (i〉=0.058) while average daily gain (ADG) (p=0.001) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) (p〈0.001) deteriorated with increasing dietary ADF content. The highest morbidity was observed in the rabbits fed the highest dietary ADF concentration. (2)A decreasing coefficient of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) was obtained with the increase of dietary fiber level (p〈0.001 and =0.003). (3) A significant negative effect of treatments on sucrase and maltase activities in the jejunum was observed (p=0.001 and 0.003). (4) The volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration (p=0.011) and butyric acid (% total VFA) (P=0.001) dropped while the NH3-N concentration (P〈0.001), pH (P=0.004) and acetic acid (% total VFA) (P〈0.001) increased with increasing dietary ADF. It was concluded that high fiber level was unfavorable to the rabbits in the first two weeks after weaning. 展开更多
关键词 New Zealand rabbit acid detergent fiber growthperformance disacharidase activity caecum fermentation
Review:Advances in methodology of DNA methylation assay 被引量:2
作者 TIAN Tian WANG ShaoRu +1 位作者 WU JianGuo ZHOU Xiang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第8期1233-1243,共11页
DNA methylation is one of the most signaficant epigenetic events which greatly influence gene activation, gene imprinting, chromatin stability, and so on. The level of methylation in genome and certain regions should ... DNA methylation is one of the most signaficant epigenetic events which greatly influence gene activation, gene imprinting, chromatin stability, and so on. The level of methylation in genome and certain regions should be in a normal range, because any variation would cause physiological dysfunction. In account of essential roles of DNA methylation in the living system, the detection of methylation in both overall genome and specific positions has drawn great interest. So far many biological and chemical methods have been developed to detect DNA methylation. Herein, we summerize some novel methods mainly based on chemical modification and analytic methods in DNA detection. 展开更多
关键词 DNA methylation detection of DNA methylation disease diagnosis epigenetic research
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