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夏季纬向平均气流变动的主要模态及其与AO和ENSO的联系 被引量:10
作者 白莹莹 管兆勇 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期372-383,共12页
使用NCEP-NCAR月平均再分析资料,研究了夏季纬向平均气流变动的主要模态及其与北极涛动(AO)和ENSO的联系,探讨了夏季[u]主要模态维持的可能机制。结果表明,北半球夏季纬向平均[u]的异常分布表现为两个主要模态。EOF1反映了与AO相对应的... 使用NCEP-NCAR月平均再分析资料,研究了夏季纬向平均气流变动的主要模态及其与北极涛动(AO)和ENSO的联系,探讨了夏季[u]主要模态维持的可能机制。结果表明,北半球夏季纬向平均[u]的异常分布表现为两个主要模态。EOF1反映了与AO相对应的纬向平均[u]的分布,EOF2反映了与ENSO相对应的纬向平均[u]的分布。周期分析显示了EOF1、EOF2分别具有与AO及ENSO相似的周期。滞后相关分析表明,除了夏季之外的其他季节EOF1与ENSO存在显著相关,而EOF2与AO亦存在显著相关。夏季,EOF1与ENSO、EOF2与AO的同期相关量值小且不显著。这些说明,北半球夏季纬向平均气流变化的主要模态可以有效分离,其分别代表了AO和ENSO有关的信号。这对于更好地理解AO和ENSO的全球影响具有重要意义。利用准地转无加速定理,发现EOF1和EOF2对应的时间系数高低值年的E-P通量散度的合成差值场分别与纬向平均[u]的EOF1、EOF2分布表现出很好的对应关系,其中行星波对纬向平均气流主要模态的维持起着主要作用。余差环流与E-P通量散度分布型相似,量值相当,但符号相反。在一些地区,大气涡动的摩擦耗散也起着一定的作用。这些平衡了波动的能量输送作用,使纬向平均[u]的结构得以维持。 展开更多
关键词 夏季 纬向平均气流 北极涛动 ENSO E-P通量
作者 付超 李维亮 《气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1996年第3期373-378,共6页
关键词 气流 纬向平均气流 涡旋 经向热量 水汽通量
作者 郭品文 《南京气象学院学报》 CSCD 1996年第1期90-95,共6页
应用几何光学中的射线理论,求得了地形和时间平均基流作用下的波动射线解以及广义波作用守恒量。讨论了青藏高原在冬夏两季环流形势下对波作用量传播的作用。结果表明:地形对波动的频散具有明显的屏障作用,这种作用随波长的增长而增强,... 应用几何光学中的射线理论,求得了地形和时间平均基流作用下的波动射线解以及广义波作用守恒量。讨论了青藏高原在冬夏两季环流形势下对波作用量传播的作用。结果表明:地形对波动的频散具有明显的屏障作用,这种作用随波长的增长而增强,并且具有明显的季节性。 展开更多
关键词 地形 平均气流 守恒量 频散过程 广义波
气送式播种机输种管长度影响管内气流分布的机理分析 被引量:10
作者 李衍军 刘友华 刘立晶 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期55-64,共10页
为探索气送式排种系统输种管长度对排种性能的影响机理,在分析不同长度输种管管内气流平均流速变化规律的基础上,进行流体动力学(CFD)仿真,得到不同长度输种管管内气流速度流场分布图及排种量分布图。采用二次回归通用旋转组合设计试验... 为探索气送式排种系统输种管长度对排种性能的影响机理,在分析不同长度输种管管内气流平均流速变化规律的基础上,进行流体动力学(CFD)仿真,得到不同长度输种管管内气流速度流场分布图及排种量分布图。采用二次回归通用旋转组合设计试验,以播种量和风机频率为影响因素,以输种管管内气流平均流速、各行排量一致性变异系数、总排量稳定性变异系数为试验指标,进行了台架试验。试验结果表明:输种管长度增加,输种管管内气流平均流速降低,种子运动速度减慢,排种量减少,且当输种管长度小于2.50 m时,变化显著;当输种管长度在2.50~6.25 m时,气流平均流速降低速率减小,种子运动速度减慢变缓,排种量变化平缓,各行排量一致性变异系数为2.82%~3.88%,总排量稳定性变异系数为0.39%~1.28%,满足相关标准要求。因此设计时建议输种管长度选择在2.50~6.25 m之间。 展开更多
关键词 气送式播种机 输种管长度 气流平均流速 排种性能
空气动力学在测试呼吸与发声关系中的临床应用 被引量:20
作者 杨宝琦 程俊萍 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 2000年第3期152-154,共3页
目的 研究正常人呼吸与发声关系。测定正常人的各项空气动力学指标 ,以期建立一种无创性的嗓音检查方法 ,能够对嗓音功能做出正确的评估。方法 应用空气动力学方法 ,使用嗓音功能分析仪 (AerophoneIIModel 6 80 0 )和可视音调仪 (Visi... 目的 研究正常人呼吸与发声关系。测定正常人的各项空气动力学指标 ,以期建立一种无创性的嗓音检查方法 ,能够对嗓音功能做出正确的评估。方法 应用空气动力学方法 ,使用嗓音功能分析仪 (AerophoneIIModel 6 80 0 )和可视音调仪 (Visipitch 6 0 97) ,先记录下受试者的肺活量 ,再嘱受试者在自然舒适的音调和声音强度下 ,尽可能长地发元音 a : ,同时记录最长发声时间、平均气流率、平均音调、声音强度、发声气容量 ,从而推断呼吸与发声的关系。结果 发声气容量 (持续发最长声时所需空气的总量 )与肺活量之间呈直线相关。最长发声时间随平均气流率和发声气容量的变化而不同。平均气流率在不同个体之间变化不大 ,与音调和声音强度无明显关系。结论 最长发声时间可作为衡量嗓音功能的有效指标之一。 展开更多
关键词 空气动力学 平均气流 发声容量 最长发声时间
语训聋儿与正常儿童声时的比较研究 被引量:2
作者 周佳霖 罗仁忠 温瑞金 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 2007年第1期63-64,共2页
目的对40名经过听觉言语功能训练(简称语训)的聋儿与正常儿童的声时进行比较,寻找出评价呼吸训练效果以及发声训练效果的依据,为制定个体化训练方案提供参考。方法40名聋儿,按男女分为两组,每组20名,又按年龄分为4岁组(语训前组)和7岁组... 目的对40名经过听觉言语功能训练(简称语训)的聋儿与正常儿童的声时进行比较,寻找出评价呼吸训练效果以及发声训练效果的依据,为制定个体化训练方案提供参考。方法40名聋儿,按男女分为两组,每组20名,又按年龄分为4岁组(语训前组)和7岁组(语训后组),每组10名。50名来自普通幼儿园的健康无喉病的正常儿童,男女各25名,各按年龄分为4岁组和7岁组,其中4岁组每组11名,7岁组每组14名。让90名被测者练习深呼吸后发/a/音,直至不能出声为止,练习数次后用秒表计其每次发声的最长时间,每个人测试三次,取其中的最长者为声时参数。结果语训前聋儿的声时男性为6.76±1.13s,女性为7.80±1.24s,语训后聋儿的声时男性为8.62±2.01s,女性为9.67±1.33s,正常儿童4岁组声时男性为9.30±1.27s,女性为8.65±2.31s,7岁组声时男性为11.32±1.51s,女性为14.50±2.07s。结论聋儿的声时与正常儿童声时差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),语训前后聋儿声时差异也有统计学意义(P<0.01),发声训练或呼吸训练对提高聋儿的声时有一定的作用。 展开更多
关键词 最长发声时间 呼吸训练 平均气流 发声容量
台湾海峡的气候特征 被引量:13
作者 伍伯瑜 《台湾海峡》 CAS 1982年第2期14-18,共5页
台湾海峡位于我国大陆与台湾岛之间,北回归线在其南部通过,属亚热带型季风气候区;海峡东西两侧的闽、台两省陆上地形,均有东北——西南走向的山脉,海峡水域面积呈南宽北窄的喇叭形,这一地形对气流起着狭管效应;在菲律宾以东洋面上形成... 台湾海峡位于我国大陆与台湾岛之间,北回归线在其南部通过,属亚热带型季风气候区;海峡东西两侧的闽、台两省陆上地形,均有东北——西南走向的山脉,海峡水域面积呈南宽北窄的喇叭形,这一地形对气流起着狭管效应;在菲律宾以东洋面上形成的台风,每年5—9月频繁地侵入台湾海峡,对海峡的气候有一定的影响;影响海峡气候特征的另一个重要因子是海洋,不仅因为在海峡的季风方向上有着广阔的海洋可以为气流提供大量的水汽,同时还由于黑潮支流和南海水等暖水系的强弱,对海峡区域的气候也有明显的反馈作用。上述四个方面对海峡气候的影响,有时是单个因子表现得比较明显,有时是几个因子同时作用的综合结果。下面我们分别讨论海峡区域的几项重要气候特征。 展开更多
关键词 台湾海峡 伍伯 年降水量 东北 台风中心 平均气流 气候特征
作者 黄真 吕达仁 《天文研究与技术》 CSCD 1990年第4期317-317,共1页
本文简评有关太阳——天气气候关系研究中近年来获得的一个重要近展,即统计发现太阳活动11年周期对天气气候的影响与天气准二年周期振荡的位相有密切的关系。本文就形成这种相关的可能的物理过程和机制方面提出几个重要的问题和值得进... 本文简评有关太阳——天气气候关系研究中近年来获得的一个重要近展,即统计发现太阳活动11年周期对天气气候的影响与天气准二年周期振荡的位相有密切的关系。本文就形成这种相关的可能的物理过程和机制方面提出几个重要的问题和值得进行的进一步研究方向。其中包括:1.太阳11年周期与大气环流纬向1波之间的联系。这种联系可能是通过海陆加热差异引起;2.在冬季。 展开更多
关键词 太阳活动 QBO 年周期 天气气候 纬向气流 周期振荡 物理过程 平均气流 近展 海陆
《中国粉体技术》 CAS 1995年第2期15-15,共1页
文摘颗粒冲击对陶瓷材料的侵蚀摘自《盐体工学会志》(1993)40(6):陶瓷材料的侵蚀常常限制了它在许多结构材料方面的应用。本文讨论了结构材料的机械力学性质以说明其被侵蚀损耗的有关理论。断裂和摩擦是两种主要的侵蚀方式... 文摘颗粒冲击对陶瓷材料的侵蚀摘自《盐体工学会志》(1993)40(6):陶瓷材料的侵蚀常常限制了它在许多结构材料方面的应用。本文讨论了结构材料的机械力学性质以说明其被侵蚀损耗的有关理论。断裂和摩擦是两种主要的侵蚀方式。这两种方式与结构材料的力学性质,... 展开更多
关键词 助磨剂 距离变换 超微粉碎 助磨效果 粉体 计算机自动检测 平均气流 飞溅率 最佳添加量 分维
作者 Brian Hoskins 庄丽莉 《气象科技》 北大核心 1989年第6期54-57,共4页
1.罗斯贝波 1.1驻波模式讨论阻塞理论的合适起点是北半球12-2月对流层上部的平均流场。北美东海岸有一个西风急流中心,北非有一个急流的最大值延伸进入北美东海岸的主急流区。大洋西部中纬度有两个西风最小区域,它相当于流函数等值线的... 1.罗斯贝波 1.1驻波模式讨论阻塞理论的合适起点是北半球12-2月对流层上部的平均流场。北美东海岸有一个西风急流中心,北非有一个急流的最大值延伸进入北美东海岸的主急流区。大洋西部中纬度有两个西风最小区域,它相当于流函数等值线的分流。这就是北半球的阻塞区域。 展开更多
关键词 西风急流 罗斯贝波 最小区域 平均气流 纬向气流 准地转模式 阻塞形势 能量频散 偶极 位涡
作者 Douglas K.Lilly 胡圣昌 《气象科技》 北大核心 1991年第3期10-22,共13页
关键词 数值预报 可预报性 对流风暴 平均气流 数值天气预报 多普勒雷达 预报模式 半球模式 大气运动 涡度
Exploration of regional surface average heat flow from meteorological and geothermal series 被引量:1
作者 刘迁迁 魏东平 +1 位作者 孙振添 张晓惠 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期496-505,513,共11页
We attempt to compute the Surface Average Heat Flow (SAHF) from long-term temperature observations of one hundred seventy-seven observational points at the depths of 0.8, 1.6, and 3.2 m, which were relatively evenly... We attempt to compute the Surface Average Heat Flow (SAHF) from long-term temperature observations of one hundred seventy-seven observational points at the depths of 0.8, 1.6, and 3.2 m, which were relatively evenly distributed in China's Mainland. We first employ Fourier transformation to remove the influence of atmospheric temperature variations from the observation series, which are classified into the type of the steady-state temperature monotonously increasing with depth (type I) and other three types. Then we compare our results obtained from the data of type I, of which the values are thought to equal to those of the mean borehole heat flow, with those obtained from traditional heat flow observations mainly distributed in North China Craton. In computations of the SAHF at the observation stations, we deduce the thermal diffusivity and volumetric specific heat of the soil by employing harmonic solutions of the heat conduction equation for the same moisture group as the first step, and then we determine the SAHF using Fourier's law. Our results indicate that the SAHF derived from shallow earth geothermal data can reflect the heat flow field to a large extent. 展开更多
关键词 Meteorological and geothermal series Surface average heat flow Heat flow Soil thermal diffusivity Soil volumetric specific heat
Runoff Responses to Climate Change in Arid Region of Northwestern China During 1960-2010 被引量:13
作者 WANG Huaijun CHEN Yaning +1 位作者 LI Weihong DENG Haijun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期286-300,共15页
Based on runoff, air temperature, and precipitation data from 1960 to 2010, the effects of climate change on water resources in the arid region of the northwestern China were investigated. The long-term trends of hydr... Based on runoff, air temperature, and precipitation data from 1960 to 2010, the effects of climate change on water resources in the arid region of the northwestern China were investigated. The long-term trends of hydroclimatic variables were studied by using both Mann-Kendall test and distributed-free cumulative sum (CUSUM) chart test. Results indicate that the mean annual air temperature increases significantly from 1960 to 2010. The annual precipitation exhibits an increasing trend, especially in the south slope of the Tianshan Mountains and the North Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang in the study period. Step changes occur in 1988 in the mean annual air temperature time series and in 1991 in the precipitation time series. The runoff in different basins shows different trends, i.e., significantly increasing in the Kaidu River, the Aksu River and the Shule River, and decreasing in the Shiyang River. Correlation analy- sis reveals that the runoff in the North Xinjiang (i.e., the Weigan River, the Heihe River, and the Shiyang River) has a strong positive relationship with rainfall, while that in the south slope of the Tianshan Mountains, the middle section of the north slope of the Tianshan Mountains and the Shule River has a strong positive relationship with air temperature. The trends of rtmoff have strong negative correla- tions with glacier coverage and the proportion of glacier water in runoff. From the late 1980s, the climate has become warm and wet in the arid region of the northwestern China. The change in runoff is interacted with air temperature, precipitation and glacier coverage. The results show that streamflow in the arid region of the northwestern China is sensitive to climate change, which can be used as a reference for regional water resource assessment and management. 展开更多
关键词 hydroclimatic variables climate change step change water resources arid region
Trends in Monthly Temperature and Precipitation Extremes in the Zhujiang River Basin,South China(1961-2007) 被引量:6
作者 Thomas Fischer Marco Gemmer +1 位作者 Lliu Liu Buda Su 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2010年第2期63-70,共8页
Monthly temperature and precipitation time-series for the Zhujiang River Basin are analyzed in order to identify changes in climate extremes. Daily temperature and precipitation data from 1961 to 2007 of 192 meteorolo... Monthly temperature and precipitation time-series for the Zhujiang River Basin are analyzed in order to identify changes in climate extremes. Daily temperature and precipitation data from 1961 to 2007 of 192 meteorological stations are used. Two temperature indicators (monthly mean and monthly maximum mean) and three precipitation indicators (monthly total, monthly maximum consecutive 5-day precipitation, and monthly dry days) are analyzed. Tendencies in all five indicators can be observed. Many stations show significant positive trends (above the 90% confidence level) for monthly mean temperatures and monthly maximum mean temperatures. For all months, a significant increase in temperature from 1961 to 2007 can be observed in the entire basin with the coastal area in particular. Positive trends of precipitation extremes can be observed from January to March. Negative trends are detected from September to November. The number of dry days in October increased significantly at 40% of all meteorological stations. Stations with changes of monthly precipitation extremes are scattered over the Zhujiang River Basin. An aggregation of heat waves and droughts can be detected which is accompanied by significant increases of temperature extremes and the negative tendencies in precipitation extremes. The detection of tendencies in climate station density. extremes essentially relies on a good data quality and high 展开更多
关键词 temperature PRECIPITATION EXTREMES Zhujiang River Basin China
Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change on Streamflow of Dongliao River Watershed in Jilin Province,China 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG Lei LU Wenxi +3 位作者 YANG Qingchun AN Yongkai LI Di GONG Lei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第5期522-530,共9页
The impacts of future climate change on streamflow of the Dongliao River Watershed located in Jilin Prov-ince, China have been evaluated quantitatively by using a general circulation model (HadCM3) coupled with the ... The impacts of future climate change on streamflow of the Dongliao River Watershed located in Jilin Prov-ince, China have been evaluated quantitatively by using a general circulation model (HadCM3) coupled with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrological model. The model was calibrated and validated against the historical monitored data from 2005 to 2009. The streamflow was estimated by downscaling HadCM3 outputs to the daily mean temperature and precipitation series, derived for three 30-year time slices, 2020s, 2050s and 2080s. Results suggest that daily mean temperature increases with a changing rate of 0.435~C per decade, and precipitation decreases with a changing rate of 0.761 mm per decade. Compared with other seasons, the precipitation in summer shows significant downward trend, while a significant upward trend in autumn. The annual streamflow demonstrates a general down-ward trend with a decreasing rate of 0.405 m^3/s per decade. The streamflow shows significant downward and upward trends in summer and in autumn, respectively. The decreasing rate of streamflow in summer reaches 1.97 m^3/s per decade, which contributes primarily to the decrease of streamflow. The results of this work would be of great benifit to the design of economic and social development planning in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 streamflow climate change Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) statistical downscaling DongliaoRiver
Delayed Seasonal Transition of Tropical Wave Activity in the CMIP3 Global Climate Models
作者 HUANG Ping Chia CHOU +1 位作者 Chia-Hui CHUNG HUANG Rong-Hui 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第1期33-38,共6页
This study evaluates the seasonal cycle of the activity of convectively coupled equatorial waves(CCEWs),including mixed Rossby-gravity(MRG) and tropical depression-type(TD-type) waves,based on the twentieth century ex... This study evaluates the seasonal cycle of the activity of convectively coupled equatorial waves(CCEWs),including mixed Rossby-gravity(MRG) and tropical depression-type(TD-type) waves,based on the twentieth century experiments of 18 global climate models(GCMs) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3(CMIP3).The ensemble result of the 18 GCMs shows that the observed seasonal cycle of MRG and TD-type wave activity cannot be well reproduced.The seasonal transition of wave activity from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere is delayed from April in the observations to May in the simulations,indicating that the simulated active season of tropical waves in the northern hemisphere is delayed and shortened.This delayed seasonal transition of tropical wave activity is associated with a delayed seasonal transition of simulated mean precipitation.The mean precipitation in April and May shows a double-ITCZ problem,and the horizontal resolution is important to the delayed seasonal transition of wave activity.Because of the coincident seasonal cycle of MRG and TD-type wave activity and tropical cyclone(TC) geneses,the delayed seasonal transition of wave activity may imply a similar problem of TC genesis in the GCMs,namely,a delayed and shortened TC season in the northern hemisphere. 展开更多
关键词 tropical wave CMIP3 GCMS
Spray Characteristics Study of Combined Trapezoid Spray Tray
作者 He Liang Li Chunli +1 位作者 Liu Jidong Xie Zhenshan 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期104-110,共7页
The spray behaviors of the combined trapezoid spray tray(CTST) have a significant effect on the gas-liquid interface. In this paper, the spray process of CTST in a column, 570 mm in diameter, was experimentally invest... The spray behaviors of the combined trapezoid spray tray(CTST) have a significant effect on the gas-liquid interface. In this paper, the spray process of CTST in a column, 570 mm in diameter, was experimentally investigated by using a high-speed camera, and a theoretical model of the average droplet size was established according to the unstable wave theory. The results demonstrated that gas velocity passing through the hole is the key factor affecting the spray angle, which increases gradually with an increase in the gas velocity. When the gas velocity exceeds 7.5 m/s, the spray angle becomes stable at around 55°. The average flow velocity of the liquid sheet at the spray-hole increases significantly with an increase in the gas velocity, and decreases slightly with an increase in the liquid flow rate; moreover, it increases from the bottom of spray hole upward to the top. The density of liquid drops distribution in the spray area can be described by the RosinRammler function. In addition, the liquid drops are mainly concentrated in the area of spray angle ranging from 20° to 40°, and they gradually become uniform with the increase in the gas velocity and the liquid flow rate. The average liquid drop size deceases with an increase in the gas velocity, and increases slightly with an increasing liquid flow rate. In the normal working range, the average liquid drop size is about 1.0 mm to 2.5 mm in diameter. 展开更多
关键词 CTST spray angle gas velocity distribution density average flow velocity of liquid sheet droplet size
Temperature Profiles in the Flow Channel of a Natural Convection Solar Air Heater
作者 K.S. Ong B.T. Tan 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第2期129-134,共6页
An experimental investigation was conducted to measure the temperature variation across the flow channel and to determine the performance of a natural convection solar air heater at various tilt angles from 15, 30 and... An experimental investigation was conducted to measure the temperature variation across the flow channel and to determine the performance of a natural convection solar air heater at various tilt angles from 15, 30 and 45°. The results of the temperature profile across the air gap showed that heat transfer from the absorber plate to the air stream was mainly by convection. At a particular section, mean air temperature could be calculated from the arithmetic mean of the temperature profile across the air gap to within ± 2 ℃. The axial air temperature distribution was non linear and did not increase much beyond 1 m of collector length. It tended to decrease towards the end of the collector. Overall glass, absorber plate and mean air temperatures over the entire length of the solar air heater could be determined by averaging the mean axial temperatures to within ± 2 ℃. The heater performed better as inclination increased. 展开更多
关键词 Solar air heater natural convection inclination effects temperature profile across air gap axial temperature distribution.
Climate Change and its Impact on Water Resources in the Huai River Basin 被引量:1
作者 ZUO Qiting CHEN Yaobin TAO Jie 《Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences》 2012年第1期32-39,共8页
Rainfall and air temperature data from six meteorological stations above the Bengbu Sluice and hydrological and water resources evaluation data from the Bengbu Hydrological Station in the Huai River Basin from 1961 to... Rainfall and air temperature data from six meteorological stations above the Bengbu Sluice and hydrological and water resources evaluation data from the Bengbu Hydrological Station in the Huai River Basin from 1961 to 2008 are used to analyze the impact of changes in climatic factors on the amount of water resources in the Basin. There was a general trend of rise in its average annual air temperature, with the highest increase of 0.289℃/10a recorded at Bengbu in Anhui Province. Rising rainfall was mainly observed in the western part of the study area, while rainfall actually declined in the eastern part, i.e. the middle reaches of the Huai River. The Average rainfall in the study area was in a vaguely declining trend. In other words, the rainfall in the Basin is still much affected by natural fluctuations. On the whole, there was a trend of gradual decrease in the quantity of the Basin's water resources for the period under study. Water resources quantity is found to fall with decreasing rainfall and rising air temperature. Regression analysis is used to establish a mathematical model between water resources quantity and climatic factors (i.e. air temperature and rainfall) in order to explore the impact of climate change on water resources in the Basin. Moreover, various scenarios are set to quantitatively analyze the response of water resources to climate change. Sensitivity analysis shows that changes in rainfall have a much bigger impact on its water resources quantity than changes in its air temperature. 展开更多
关键词 climate change Huai River water resources R/S analysis
《中国医学文摘(耳鼻咽喉科学)》 1998年第4期162-169,共8页
关键词 颈淋巴结转移 声门上型喉癌 耳鼻咽 频率微扰商 平均气流 P53蛋白 免疫细胞 声带息肉 颈部带蒂皮瓣 喉科学
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