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山东省昌邑-平度地区航空电磁法测量及应用效果 被引量:2
作者 刘慧勤 《山东地质》 1998年第1期53-58,共6页
航空电磁法测量是一种成本低、效率高的快速找矿方法,它是以地质体导电、导磁性能的差异为物理基础的。昌邑—平度地区构造较为复杂,并被第四系覆盖,使用双频(463Hz和1563Hz)电磁仪的Y11航空物探(电/磁)综合站,... 航空电磁法测量是一种成本低、效率高的快速找矿方法,它是以地质体导电、导磁性能的差异为物理基础的。昌邑—平度地区构造较为复杂,并被第四系覆盖,使用双频(463Hz和1563Hz)电磁仪的Y11航空物探(电/磁)综合站,在该区飞行3000余公里,其电磁法资料较清楚地显示了区内断裂构造及石墨、铁矿(化)体的赋存展布情况,取得了较好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 航空电磁法 找矿 平度地区 昌邑地区 断裂构造
夏皇家无核葡萄在山东平度地区的引种表现 被引量:1
作者 韩玉波 《烟台果树》 2003年第2期35-35,共1页
夏皇家无核(Summer Royal)2000年引入我所.经定植观察,该品种生长旺盛,抗病力强,结果早,结果率高,丰产,糖度高,无核,早熟,品质好,耐贮运,商品价值高.
关键词 夏皇家无核葡萄 山东 平度地区 引种表现
作者 杨少华 《中国高新技术企业》 2015年第34期13-14,共2页
随着我国经济水平的发展,生产技术不断进步,在智能配电台区的建设中,可以通过利用国家电网公司所推行的经典设计进行参考,结合该地区特征和用电需求,建立适用于农村电网的智能配电台区。文章以平度地区为例,结合地区特征,对农村0.4k V... 随着我国经济水平的发展,生产技术不断进步,在智能配电台区的建设中,可以通过利用国家电网公司所推行的经典设计进行参考,结合该地区特征和用电需求,建立适用于农村电网的智能配电台区。文章以平度地区为例,结合地区特征,对农村0.4k V智能配电台区的建设进行了研究。 展开更多
关键词 智能电网 配电台区 平度地区 农村电网 用电需求
山东省平度-莱西北部地区石墨矿地质特征及找矿靶区优选 被引量:11
作者 王帅 刘述敏 +1 位作者 于洋 韩东 《山东国土资源》 2017年第12期30-36,共7页
平度、莱西是山东省石墨矿主要产地,形成的矿床数量多,规模大,出产的石墨片大质优。该文论述了区内成矿地质背景,总结了莱西南墅、平度刘戈庄、刘家寨、刘河甲等大中型石墨矿床矿体的形态、产状、矿石质量等地质特征,分析了成矿地质条件... 平度、莱西是山东省石墨矿主要产地,形成的矿床数量多,规模大,出产的石墨片大质优。该文论述了区内成矿地质背景,总结了莱西南墅、平度刘戈庄、刘家寨、刘河甲等大中型石墨矿床矿体的形态、产状、矿石质量等地质特征,分析了成矿地质条件,开展了成矿规律研究,认为区内石墨矿是古元古代荆山群陡崖组徐村段地层中的有机碳受区域变质作用形成的,属于层控矿床,其控矿因素包括地层、混合岩化作用、区域变质作用和构造。圈定铁岭庄和阎村2处找矿靶区。 展开更多
关键词 平度-莱西北部地区 石墨矿床 成矿规律 找矿标志 找矿靶区
作者 陈熙 《中国农资》 2014年第23期22-22,共1页
近期,山东平度地区的小麦正值收割阶段,当地农民从去年下旬开始至今,辛苦劳作半年多的小麦田迎来了丰产丰收。现场测产后,国家缓控释肥工程技术研究中心高级农艺师王朋峰郑重宣布金大地(18-20-5)硝基双效肥与习惯施肥在等养分含量条... 近期,山东平度地区的小麦正值收割阶段,当地农民从去年下旬开始至今,辛苦劳作半年多的小麦田迎来了丰产丰收。现场测产后,国家缓控释肥工程技术研究中心高级农艺师王朋峰郑重宣布金大地(18-20-5)硝基双效肥与习惯施肥在等养分含量条件下的田间测产结果:应用金大地硝基双效肥的示范田增产效果达到非常显著的水平。 展开更多
关键词 小麦田 示范田 双效 大地 平度地区 养分含量 习惯施肥
国内首单政策性鸡蛋价格保险落地 被引量:1
《北方牧业》 2016年第23期7-7,共1页
11月29日,由平度市人民政府、银河期货共同主办,大连商品交易所(以下简称“大商所”)、青岛证监局、青岛蛋鸡协会协办的农产品“保险+期货”业务启动培训会在青岛举办。记者了解到.在青岛市平度地区开展的“政策性鸡蛋价格保险”... 11月29日,由平度市人民政府、银河期货共同主办,大连商品交易所(以下简称“大商所”)、青岛证监局、青岛蛋鸡协会协办的农产品“保险+期货”业务启动培训会在青岛举办。记者了解到.在青岛市平度地区开展的“政策性鸡蛋价格保险”正式落地。这是国内首单由政府主导并给予补贴的鸡蛋价格保险,开拓出了“保险+期货”的三农服务新体系。 展开更多
关键词 鸡蛋价格 保险 国内 青岛市 人民政府 平度地区 政府主导 平度
《中国饲料》 北大核心 2016年第23期5-5,共1页
11月29日.从青岛举行的农产品“保险+期货”业务启动培训会上了解到,银河期货在青岛市平度地区开展的“政策性鸡蛋价格保险”项目已经落地。这是国内首个由地方政府主导并给予补贴的鸡蛋价格保险项目.探索出了“政府+保险+期货”... 11月29日.从青岛举行的农产品“保险+期货”业务启动培训会上了解到,银河期货在青岛市平度地区开展的“政策性鸡蛋价格保险”项目已经落地。这是国内首个由地方政府主导并给予补贴的鸡蛋价格保险项目.探索出了“政府+保险+期货”的“三农”服务新模式。 展开更多
关键词 鸡蛋价格 政府支持 保险 平度地区 “三农” 政府主导 青岛市 期货
作者 张本江 迟乃峰 《烟台果树》 2008年第2期43-43,共1页
近几年来,梨木虱在我市梨树上的危害有逐年加重之趋势,2007年春夏在平度地区发生非常严重。在3月上旬调查,中午气温较高时,1m长枝上平均有70余只成虫,最高达100头以上。5月上中旬调查,发生重的部位平均每叶有若虫10-15只。虫口密... 近几年来,梨木虱在我市梨树上的危害有逐年加重之趋势,2007年春夏在平度地区发生非常严重。在3月上旬调查,中午气温较高时,1m长枝上平均有70余只成虫,最高达100头以上。5月上中旬调查,发生重的部位平均每叶有若虫10-15只。虫口密度之大,危害之严重为近几年罕见。 展开更多
关键词 梨木虱 防治 原因 平度地区 虫口密度 危害 平均 梨树
《农村农业农民(下半月)》 2011年第7期39-39,共1页
关键词 农产品 花生 暴涨 价格 平度地区 数据显示
作者 张本江 《河北果树》 2008年第5期40-41,共2页
1 涝害后树体表现 平度地区2007年8月7-19日连续阴天下雨,降水量约200mm,基本无光照。降雨后连续晴天,其中有3个中午出现34℃以上的高温。土壤为黏土、较板结,通气性差。地势较洼,排水困难,利用原有的沟渠排水,积水4~5d后排完... 1 涝害后树体表现 平度地区2007年8月7-19日连续阴天下雨,降水量约200mm,基本无光照。降雨后连续晴天,其中有3个中午出现34℃以上的高温。土壤为黏土、较板结,通气性差。地势较洼,排水困难,利用原有的沟渠排水,积水4~5d后排完(无其它排水设施)。调查了7~8年生丰水梨树(用巴梨或杜梨做基砧)。 展开更多
关键词 梨树 涝害 排水设施 平度地区 降水量 通气性 体表
作者 张颜春 王福毅 +1 位作者 刘文林 李仁芳 《北方果树》 2014年第2期21-22,共2页
2013年的异常气候使平度地区生长季节出现了前期(3、4月份)低温,中期(7月份)多雨,后期(8、9月份)干旱的不正常现象,致使果树物候期推迟,病虫害发生频繁.尤其套袋‘红富士’苹果轮纹病比正常年份发生严重.初步调查发现,不少园片烂... 2013年的异常气候使平度地区生长季节出现了前期(3、4月份)低温,中期(7月份)多雨,后期(8、9月份)干旱的不正常现象,致使果树物候期推迟,病虫害发生频繁.尤其套袋‘红富士’苹果轮纹病比正常年份发生严重.初步调查发现,不少园片烂果率达20%左右,个别严重的高达90%(尤其套塑膜袋),几乎绝产,给果农造成重大经济损失.为清楚其发生原因,笔者进行多处实地调查,现总结如下. 展开更多
关键词 苹果轮纹病 红富士 原因 套袋 病虫害发生 生长季节 平度地区 异常气候
《肉类工业》 2016年第12期57-57,共1页
由平度市人民政府、银河期货共同主办,大连商品交易所、青岛证监局、青岛蛋鸡协会协办的农产品“保险+期货”业务启动培训会在青岛举办。同时,在青岛市平度地区开展的“政策性鸡蛋价格保险”正式落地。这是国内首单由政府主导并给予... 由平度市人民政府、银河期货共同主办,大连商品交易所、青岛证监局、青岛蛋鸡协会协办的农产品“保险+期货”业务启动培训会在青岛举办。同时,在青岛市平度地区开展的“政策性鸡蛋价格保险”正式落地。这是国内首单由政府主导并给予补贴的鸡蛋价格保险,开拓出了“保险+期货”的三农服务新体系。值得注意的是,平度这单鸡蛋价格保险项目是完全以期货价格作为计价基础。 展开更多
关键词 鸡蛋价格 保险 国内 青岛市 人民政府 平度地区 政府主导 平度
Asian climate change under 1.5-4 ℃ warming targets 被引量:11
作者 XU Ying ZHOU Bo-Tao +3 位作者 WU Jie HAN Zhen-Yu ZHANG Yong-Xiang WU Jia 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第2期99-107,共9页
Based on simulations of 18 CMIP5 models under three RCP scenarios, this article investigates changes in mean temperature and precipitation and their extremes over Asia in the context of global warming targets of 1.5-4... Based on simulations of 18 CMIP5 models under three RCP scenarios, this article investigates changes in mean temperature and precipitation and their extremes over Asia in the context of global warming targets of 1.5-4 ℃, and further compares the differences between 1.5 ℃ and 2 ℃ targets. Results show that relative to the pre-industrial era, the mean temperature over Asia increases by 2.3 ℃, 3.0 ℃, 4.6 ℃, and 6.0 ℃ at warming targets of 1.5 ℃, 2 ℃, 3 ℃, and 4 ℃, respectively, with stronger warming in high latitudes than in low latitudes. The corresponding enhancement in mean precipitation over the entire Asian region is 4.4%, 5.8%, 10.2%, and 13.0%, with significant regional differences. In addition, an increase in warm extremes, a decrease in cold extremes, and a strengthening in the variability of amounts of extreme precipitation are projected. Under the 1.5 ℃ target, compared with the climate under the 2 ℃ target, the mean temperature will be lower by 0.5-1 ℃ over Asia; the mean precipitation will be less by 5%-20% over most of Asia, but will be greater by about 10%-15% over West Asia and western South Asia; extreme high temperatures will be uniformly cooler throughout the Asian region, and the warming in extreme low temperatures will decrease significantly in high latitudes of Asia; extreme precipitation will be weaker over most of Asia but will be stronger over West Asia and western South Asia. Under the 1.5 ℃ and 2 ℃ warming targets, the probability of very hot weather (anomalies greater than 1σ, σ is standard deviation), extremely hot weather (anomalies greater than 3or), and extremely heavy precipitation (anomalies greater than 3σ) occurring will increase by at least once, 10%, and 10%, respectively, compared to the reference period (1861-1900). 展开更多
关键词 Global climate model CMIP5 Warming target Climate extreme Climate change
Water vapor transport over China and its relationship with drought and flood in Yangtze River Basin 被引量:2
作者 蒋兴文 李跃清 王鑫 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期153-163,共11页
The characteristics of water vapor transport(WVT) over China and its relationship with precipitation anomalies in the Yangtze River Basin(YRB) are analyzed by using the upper-air station data in China and ECMWF reanal... The characteristics of water vapor transport(WVT) over China and its relationship with precipitation anomalies in the Yangtze River Basin(YRB) are analyzed by using the upper-air station data in China and ECMWF reanalysis data in summer from 1981 to 2002.The results indicate that the first mode of the vertically integrated WVT is significant whose spatial distribution presents water vapor convergence or divergence in the YRB.When the Western Pacific Subtropical High(WPSH) is strong and shifts southward and westward, the Indian Monsoon Low Pressure(IMLP) is weak, and the northern part of China stands behind the middle and high latitude trough, a large amount of water vapor from the Bay of Bengal(BOB), the South China Sea(SCS) and the western Pacific forms a strong and steady southwest WVT band and meets the strong cold water vapor from northern China in the YRB, thus it is likely to cause flood in the YRB.When WPSH is weak and shifts northward and eastward, IMLP is strong, and there is nearly straight west wind over the middle and high latitude, it is unfavorable for oceanic vapor extending to China and no steady and strong southwest WVT exists in the region south of the YRB.Meanwhile, the cold air from northern China is weak and can hardly be transported to the YRB.This brings on no obvious water vapor convergence, and then less precipitation in the YRB. 展开更多
关键词 water vapor transport drought and flood complex EOF Yangtze River Basin
An Ocean Reanalysis System for the Joining Area of Asia and Indian-Pacific Ocean 被引量:9
作者 YAN Chang-Xiang ZHU Jiang XIE Ji-Ping 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2010年第2期81-86,共6页
An ocean reanalysis system for the joining area of Asia and Indian-Pacific Ocean (AIPO) has been developed and is currently delivering reanalysis data sets for study on the air-sea interaction over AIPO and its climat... An ocean reanalysis system for the joining area of Asia and Indian-Pacific Ocean (AIPO) has been developed and is currently delivering reanalysis data sets for study on the air-sea interaction over AIPO and its climate variation over China in the inter-annual time scale.This system consists of a nested ocean model forced by atmospheric reanalysis,an ensemble-based multivariate ocean data assimilation system and various ocean observations.The following report describes the main components of the data assimilation system in detail.The system adopts an ensemble optimal interpolation scheme that uses a seasonal update from a free running model to estimate the background error covariance matrix.In view of the systematic biases in some observation systems,some treatments were performed on the observations before the assimilation.A coarse resolution reanalysis dataset from the system is preliminarily evaluated to demonstrate the performance of the system for the period 1992 to 2006 by comparing this dataset with other observations or reanalysis data. 展开更多
关键词 reanalysis system data assimilation ensemble optimal interpolation background error covariance
Skewness of subsurface ocean temperature in the equatorial Pacific based on assimilated data 被引量:2
作者 苏京志 张人禾 +1 位作者 LI Tim 容新尧 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期600-606,共7页
The skewness of subsurface temperature anomaly in the equatorial Pacific Ocean shows a significant asymmetry between the east and west. A positive temperature skewness appears in the equatorial eastern Pacific, while ... The skewness of subsurface temperature anomaly in the equatorial Pacific Ocean shows a significant asymmetry between the east and west. A positive temperature skewness appears in the equatorial eastern Pacific, while the temperature skewness in the western and central Pacific is primarily negative. There is also an asymmetry of the temperature skewness above and below the climatological mean therrnocline in the central and western Pacific. A positive skewness appears below the thermocline, but the skewness is negative above the thermocline. The distinctive vertical asymmetry of the temperature skewness is argued to be attributed to the asymmetric temperature response to upward and downward thermocline displacement in the presence of the observed upper-ocean vertical thermal structure. Because of positive (negative) second derivative of temperature with respect to depth below (above) the thermocline, an upward and a downward shift of the thermocline with equal displacement would lead to a negative temperature skewness above the thermocline but a positive skewness below the thermocline. In the far eastern equatorial Pacific, the thermocline is close to the base of the mixed layer, the shape of the upper-ocean vertical temperature profile cannot be kept. Positive skewness appears in both below the thermocline and above the thermocline in the far eastern basin. Over the central and eastern Pacific, the anomalies of the subsurface waters tend to entrain into the surface mixed layer (by climatological mean upwelling) and then affect the SST. Hence, the positive (negative) subsurface skewness in the far eastern (central) Pacific may favor positive (negative) SST skewness, which is consistent with the observational fact that more La Nina (EI Nino) occur in the central (eastern) Pacific. The present result implies a possible new paradigm for EI Nino and La Nina amplitude asymmetry in the eastern Pacific. 展开更多
关键词 SKEWNESS subsurface temperature equatorial ocean
Warming over the North Pacific can intensify snow events in Northeast China 被引量:3
作者 FENG Ye CHEN Huo-Po 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第2期122-128,共7页
The variation of winter snowfall intensity over Northeast China and its relationship with the autumn North Pacific SST are investigated for the period 1960–2012. An upward trend is apparent for the winter snowfall in... The variation of winter snowfall intensity over Northeast China and its relationship with the autumn North Pacific SST are investigated for the period 1960–2012. An upward trend is apparent for the winter snowfall intensity over Northeast China during the last half-century, coinciding with an increasing autumn SST over the North Pacific. Their interannual correlation coefficient reaches up to 0.58 for the past five decades, and 0.42 after their trends are removed. Further analyses indicate that the warming SST during autumn may persist into winter. Correspondingly, large parts of East Asia and the North Pacific are dominated by an anticyclonic anomaly, which can induce an anomalous southeasterly over Northeast China, weaken the northerly wind, then warm the surface, increase the water vapor content and intensify snowfall events. Thus, the autumn North Pacific SST can be considered as a key predictor for winter snowfall events over Northeast China. Results from leaveone-out cross-validation and independent validation both show a significant correlation and a small RMSE between prediction and observation. Therefore, the autumn SST over the North Pacific is suggested as a potential predictor for winter snowfall intensity in Northeast China. 展开更多
关键词 Winter snowfall intensity Northeast China North Pacific sea surface temperature Prediction
Characteristics and Changes of Cold Surge Events over China during 1960-2007 被引量:13
作者 DING Ting QIAN Wei-Hong YAN Zhong-Wei 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2009年第6期339-344,共6页
This paper demonstrates regional characteristics, a long-term decreasing trend, and decadal variations in the frequency of cold surge events based on daily mean temperature and daily minimum temperature data in China&... This paper demonstrates regional characteristics, a long-term decreasing trend, and decadal variations in the frequency of cold surge events based on daily mean temperature and daily minimum temperature data in China's Mainland from 1960 to 2008. During these 48 years four high frequency centers of cold surge events were located in Xinjiang, central North China, northeast China, and southeast China. A main frequency peak of cold surge events occurs in autumn for the four regions and another peak is detected in spring over northeast China and southeast China. The regional pattern of cold surge frequencies is in accordance with the perturbation kinetic energy distribution in October December, January, and February April. The long-term decreasing trend ( 0.2 times/decade) of cold surge frequencies in northeast China and decadal variations in China are related to the variations of the temperature difference between southern and northern China in the winter monsoon season; these variations are due to the significant rising of winter temperatures in high latitudes. 展开更多
关键词 cold surge extreme event TEMPERATURE climate change TREND
Dynamic Seasonal Transition from Winter to Summer in the Northern Hemisphere Stratosphere 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Yu-Li LIU Yi LIU Chuan-Xi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第3期180-185,共6页
This study applied the modified spatial similarity coefficient method to define the seasonal transition(ST) from winter to summer in the extratropical stratosphere of the Northern Hemisphere.The features of the ST wer... This study applied the modified spatial similarity coefficient method to define the seasonal transition(ST) from winter to summer in the extratropical stratosphere of the Northern Hemisphere.The features of the ST were examined using European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) Interim reanalysis data;and the results showed that the time and duration of the ST,which is affected by the activity of planetary waves(PW) in the stratosphere,largely depended on the geophysical locations.This study also investigated the interannual variability of the ST and its relationship with stratospheric sudden warming(SSW) and the quasi-biennial oscillation(QBO).It was shown that the late-onset SSW events(after 22 January) are close to the start of the ST.An easterly(westerly) QBO hastens(delays) the onset of the ST in high and low latitudes,whereas it delays(hastens) the ST in midlatitudes.The duration of the ST is significantly affected by the QBO.The influence of SSW and the QBO have different significance in different latitudes,so they are both important and irreplaceable factors. 展开更多
关键词 SEASONAL transitionstratospherestratospheric SUDDEN warmingquasi-biennial oscillation
Safety thickness analysis of tunnel floor in karst region based on catastrophe theory 被引量:14
作者 YANG Xiao-li XIAO Hai-bo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2364-2372,共9页
Based on the tunnel shape, span and depth, the previous elliptical plate model and clamped beam model were modified.The modified model was applied to different situations. For the elliptical plate model, the water eff... Based on the tunnel shape, span and depth, the previous elliptical plate model and clamped beam model were modified.The modified model was applied to different situations. For the elliptical plate model, the water effects were considered. For the clamped beam model, water and horizontal stress were considered. Corresponding potential functions and cusp catastrophe models of rock system were established based on the catastrophe theory. The expressions of critical safety thickness were derived with necessary and sufficient conditions. The method was applied to the practical engineering. Some parameters related to the stability were discussed. The results show that elastic modulus and thickness are advantageous to the floor stability, and that the load, span,horizontal stress and water are disadvantageous to the floor stability. 展开更多
关键词 KARST catastrophe theory safety thickness tunnel floor STABILITY WATER
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