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全自动平珠车花系统的原理与应用 被引量:2
作者 石斌 袁心强 姜琴 《宝石和宝石学杂志》 CAS 2013年第1期37-42,共6页
车花是贵金属首饰的重要加工过程,传统操作主要依靠人工来操纵加工件和刀具,要求工人有较高的操作技术和经验,且长时间工作及精力不集中都容易降低加工成品率。全自动平珠车花系统利用计算机视觉技术和控制技术,将任意设计图形转换为动... 车花是贵金属首饰的重要加工过程,传统操作主要依靠人工来操纵加工件和刀具,要求工人有较高的操作技术和经验,且长时间工作及精力不集中都容易降低加工成品率。全自动平珠车花系统利用计算机视觉技术和控制技术,将任意设计图形转换为动作序列,从而实现车花过程的全自动化。基于中国地质大学(武汉)珠宝学院自主研制的全自动平珠车花系统,介绍了该系统的基本工作原理、硬件结构及应用程序的功能,以及实际的加工效果。本系统有别于其它自动车花系统的特点是利用了计算机视觉技术,可以很精确地得到平珠的刻面位置及高度,从而提高了操作精度,降低了对工件尺寸一致性的要求。经过长时间的试用,与传统手工相比,该系统具有加工精度高、重复性好等优点。 展开更多
关键词 车花机 平珠 自动
作者 张文江 余庆民 +6 位作者 江永明 余盛华 陈珂 傅雪如 敖阿弟 程小峰 黄秋兰 《南方文物》 2012年第4期25-30,共6页
乐平市位于江西省东北部,景德镇的东南部.地理坐标为北纬28°42′~29°23′,东经116°53′~117°32′,东邻德兴市和婺源县,南接弋阳县和万年县,西毗鄱阳县,北连景德镇昌江区和浮梁县,全市总面积1973平方公里,人口80万... 乐平市位于江西省东北部,景德镇的东南部.地理坐标为北纬28°42′~29°23′,东经116°53′~117°32′,东邻德兴市和婺源县,南接弋阳县和万年县,西毗鄱阳县,北连景德镇昌江区和浮梁县,全市总面积1973平方公里,人口80万.境内环境优美,风光旖旎,资源丰赡,物产富饶,属亚热带季风性气候,四季湿润宜人.乐平历史悠久、人文昌达. 展开更多
关键词 墓葬 平面形制 釉陶罐 墓室 发掘简报 砖室墓 墓葬形制 平珠 德昌
缺磷对皱纹盘鲍贝壳生物矿化的影响 被引量:2
作者 张文兵 麦康森 +1 位作者 谭北平 徐玮 《高技术通讯》 EI CAS CSCD 2002年第9期59-64,共6页
以皱纹盘鲍 (HaliotisdiscushannaiIno)成鲍为对象 ,采用“平珠”技术 ,将圆形玻片插入鲍鱼的外套膜外腔 ,配制了 2种不同磷含量的半精制饲料 ,在缺磷的人工海水中喂养鲍鱼 4 0天。养殖结束后取出“平珠” ,利用扫描电镜对其超微结构进... 以皱纹盘鲍 (HaliotisdiscushannaiIno)成鲍为对象 ,采用“平珠”技术 ,将圆形玻片插入鲍鱼的外套膜外腔 ,配制了 2种不同磷含量的半精制饲料 ,在缺磷的人工海水中喂养鲍鱼 4 0天。养殖结束后取出“平珠” ,利用扫描电镜对其超微结构进行了观察 ,并与正常贝壳作比较。结果发现 :磷添加饲料组所得“平珠”具有与正常贝壳一致的矿化结构 ,而缺磷饲料组所得“平珠”晶体的形成、生长和结构都受到显著影响 ,方解石的排列失去规律 ,文石的晶态也变得无规则。本研究证明了“平珠”生成法能够模拟贝壳的自然生长 ,是研究贝壳生物矿化及其营养学机理的有效途径。同时证明了磷对于维持贝壳的晶体形成、正常生长和结构是必不可少的。 展开更多
关键词 皱纹盘鲍 贝壳 平珠 生物矿化 形成机制 营养 结构 人工海水 天然生物材料
皱纹盘鲍贝壳沉积过程的研究 被引量:1
作者 董瑞娜 麦康森 +3 位作者 张文兵 艾庆辉 刘付志国 赵建民 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第B05期63-70,共8页
利用“平珠”生成法,通过对插入皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)外套膜外腔中的玻片上沉积物质的分析,探讨皱纹盘鲍贝壳沉积的过程。利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察玻片上沉积物质的超微结构,傅立叶红外光谱(FTIR)分析玻片上沉... 利用“平珠”生成法,通过对插入皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)外套膜外腔中的玻片上沉积物质的分析,探讨皱纹盘鲍贝壳沉积的过程。利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察玻片上沉积物质的超微结构,傅立叶红外光谱(FTIR)分析玻片上沉积晶体的晶相,透射电镜(TEM)观察与玻片接触部分的外套膜的超微结构。结果发现:在将玻片插入外套膜外腔后的4~88h内.有机质首先在玻片上规则沉积。插入玻片88h后方解石晶体开始沉积,104h后出现圆形方解石晶体单位。8d后在方解石晶体表面出现文石晶体突起,15d后出现明显的堆垛型文石片层。27d后突然转变为方解石晶体的沉积。由此可见皱纹盘鲍贝壳的沉积具有一定的周期性,即方解石→文石→方解石的转变为1个周期。透射电镜观察外套膜结构表明在不同的插片时间,外套膜的超微结构不一样。插入玻片24h后.高柱状细胞中的内质网上的核糖体消失,高尔基体数量减少。3d后,大颗粒细胞增多,细胞内充满分泌颗粒。7d后,外套膜上皮细胞新分泌的有机质染色较浅。本研究证明了“平珠”生成法能够模拟贝壳的自然沉积,外套膜细胞超微结构的变化与贝壳沉积过程所处不同阶段有关。 展开更多
关键词 皱纹盘鲍 贝壳 生物矿化 外套膜 平珠
作者 黄应城 《福建农业》 1999年第7期14-14,共1页
百合系百合科多年生草本植物,为常用中草药,具有清凉解毒、养阴润肺、清心安神等功效。作为花卉,其花大、纯白亮丽,倍受青睐。利用葡萄园套种百合,既提高果园利用率,又增加农户收入。近年笔者与葡萄专业户林园星共同探讨在葡萄园套种百... 百合系百合科多年生草本植物,为常用中草药,具有清凉解毒、养阴润肺、清心安神等功效。作为花卉,其花大、纯白亮丽,倍受青睐。利用葡萄园套种百合,既提高果园利用率,又增加农户收入。近年笔者与葡萄专业户林园星共同探讨在葡萄园套种百合的栽培试验,获得较高的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 百合 葡萄园 栽培技术 珠芽 假植苗床 平珠 腐熟 人粪尿 造桥虫 渣粉
作者 曹小霞 《机电工程技术》 2020年第3期157-159,共3页
随着时代的进步和科技的发展,人们对物质生活的要求越来越高,智能电子锁的安全可靠性成为人们极为关注的话题。当前,市场上的电子锁都是电子部分为主,机械锁芯为备用的结构,这种装置的弊端在于不需要开启电子部分,只需要将机械锁芯开启... 随着时代的进步和科技的发展,人们对物质生活的要求越来越高,智能电子锁的安全可靠性成为人们极为关注的话题。当前,市场上的电子锁都是电子部分为主,机械锁芯为备用的结构,这种装置的弊端在于不需要开启电子部分,只需要将机械锁芯开启即可将门打开,安全级别较低,很容易被专业人员破解。设计了一种电子与机械锁芯一体的电子锁芯,将电子部分融入到机械锁芯中,有效的提高了锁芯安全系数。 展开更多
关键词 电子锁芯 T型平珠 活动珠 计时器 报警铃
作者 杨朝金 刘成伟 刘祥瑞 《市场研究》 1995年第10期42-42,共1页
前不久,我们对豫东太康县城市信用社资产负债比例管理情况进行了一次调查。了解到,该县现有城市信用社和利民城市信用社两家,据统计,截止95年6月末,两家信用社各项存款余额达2899万元,比上年底增长19%,比上年同期增加1315万元;各项贷款... 前不久,我们对豫东太康县城市信用社资产负债比例管理情况进行了一次调查。了解到,该县现有城市信用社和利民城市信用社两家,据统计,截止95年6月末,两家信用社各项存款余额达2899万元,比上年底增长19%,比上年同期增加1315万元;各项贷款余额达1821万元。 展开更多
关键词 资产负债比例管理 城市信用社 误区 太康县 盈利性 信贷资产质量 行政干预 贷款余额 动性 平珠
Trends in Monthly Temperature and Precipitation Extremes in the Zhujiang River Basin,South China(1961-2007) 被引量:6
作者 Thomas Fischer Marco Gemmer +1 位作者 Lliu Liu Buda Su 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2010年第2期63-70,共8页
Monthly temperature and precipitation time-series for the Zhujiang River Basin are analyzed in order to identify changes in climate extremes. Daily temperature and precipitation data from 1961 to 2007 of 192 meteorolo... Monthly temperature and precipitation time-series for the Zhujiang River Basin are analyzed in order to identify changes in climate extremes. Daily temperature and precipitation data from 1961 to 2007 of 192 meteorological stations are used. Two temperature indicators (monthly mean and monthly maximum mean) and three precipitation indicators (monthly total, monthly maximum consecutive 5-day precipitation, and monthly dry days) are analyzed. Tendencies in all five indicators can be observed. Many stations show significant positive trends (above the 90% confidence level) for monthly mean temperatures and monthly maximum mean temperatures. For all months, a significant increase in temperature from 1961 to 2007 can be observed in the entire basin with the coastal area in particular. Positive trends of precipitation extremes can be observed from January to March. Negative trends are detected from September to November. The number of dry days in October increased significantly at 40% of all meteorological stations. Stations with changes of monthly precipitation extremes are scattered over the Zhujiang River Basin. An aggregation of heat waves and droughts can be detected which is accompanied by significant increases of temperature extremes and the negative tendencies in precipitation extremes. The detection of tendencies in climate station density. extremes essentially relies on a good data quality and high 展开更多
关键词 temperature PRECIPITATION EXTREMES Zhujiang River Basin China
Kinetic study of alkaline protease 894 for the hydrolysis of the pearl oyster Pinctada martensii 被引量:1
作者 陈忻 陈华 +2 位作者 蔡冰娜 刘清钦 孙恢礼 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期591-597,共7页
A new enzyme (alkaline protease 894) obtained from the marine extremophile Flavobacterium yellowsea (YS-80-122) has exhibited strong substrate-binding and catalytic activity, even at low temperature, but the character... A new enzyme (alkaline protease 894) obtained from the marine extremophile Flavobacterium yellowsea (YS-80-122) has exhibited strong substrate-binding and catalytic activity, even at low temperature, but the characteristics of the hydrolysis with this enzyme are still unclear. The pearl oyster Pinctada martensii was used in this study as the raw material to illustrate the kinetic properties of protease 894. After investigating the intrinsic relationship between the degree of hydrolysis and several factors, including initial reaction pH, temperature, substrate concentration, enzyme concentration, and hydrolysis time, the kinetics model was established. This study showed that the optimal conditions for the enzymatic hydrolysis were an initial reaction pH of 5.0, temperature of 30°C, substrate concentration of 10% (w/v), enzyme concentration of 2 500 U/g, and hydrolysis time of 160 min. The kinetic characteristics of the protease for the hydrolysis of P. martensii were obtained. The inactivation constant was found to be 15.16/min, and the average relative error between the derived kinetics model and the actual measurement was only 3.04%, which indicated a high degree of fitness. Therefore, this study provides a basis for the investigation of the concrete kinetic characteristics of the new protease, which has potential applications in the food industry. 展开更多
关键词 alkaline protease 894 Pinctada martensii kinetics model inactivation constant proteolysis rate degree of hydrolysis
Effect of Moisture Content and Feed Rate on Size Reduction of Pearl Millet
作者 S. Balasubramanian R. Sharma S. R. Vii ay Kumar 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2011年第2期93-99,共7页
Pearl millet at various moisture content (6.2, 9.4 and 12.3%, d.b.) and feed rates (3, 6 and 9 kg/h) was ground using hammer mill and its physical properties viz. arithmetic mean diameter, geometric mean diameter,... Pearl millet at various moisture content (6.2, 9.4 and 12.3%, d.b.) and feed rates (3, 6 and 9 kg/h) was ground using hammer mill and its physical properties viz. arithmetic mean diameter, geometric mean diameter, thousand grain weight, aspect ratio, specific surface area, surface area and bulk density were studied. Sieve analysis results showed that the increase in moisture content produced more medium sized particles with decreased percent weight retained in pan. Bond's work index, Kick's constant and average particle size were increased with the decrease in total surface area at higher moisture levels. The highest energy (2.34 KWh/kg) was consumed for 12.3% moisture content. Various grinding characteristics were significantly affected by moisture content and feed rate either individually or in combination and correlated in terms of Bond's work index, Kick's constant, total surface area, average particle size, effectiveness of milling and bulk density. Milling loss was found to be higher at lower moisture level and decreased with the increase of moisture content as well as feed rate. The loose and compact bulk density was ranged between 46.8-199.5 kg m^-3and 53.5-254.1 kg m^-3, respectively among the entire sieve fractions. Water absorption capacity increased with the decrease in particle size, 展开更多
关键词 Pearl millet GRINDING size reduction particle size sieve analysis hammer mill moisture content.
作者 杜尧东 杨红龙 +1 位作者 曹超雄 刘蔚琴 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2016年第1期57-65,共9页
Based on RegCM4,a climate model system,we simulated the distribution of the present climate(1961-1990)and the future climate(2010-2099),under emission scenarios of RCPs over the whole Pearl River Basin.From the climat... Based on RegCM4,a climate model system,we simulated the distribution of the present climate(1961-1990)and the future climate(2010-2099),under emission scenarios of RCPs over the whole Pearl River Basin.From the climate parameters,a set of mean precipitation,wet day frequency,and mean wet day intensity and several precipitation percentiles are used to assess the expected changes in daily precipitation characteristics for the 21 st century.Meanwhile the return values of precipitation intensity with an average return of 5,10,20,and 50 years are also used to assess the expected changes in precipitation extremes events in this study.The structure of the change across the precipitation distribution is very coherent between RCP4.5 and RCP8.5.The annual,spring and winter average precipitation decreases while the summer and autumn average precipitation increases.The basic diagnostics of precipitation show that the frequency of precipitation is projected to decrease but the intensity is projected to increase.The wet day percentiles(q90 and q95) also increase,indicating that precipitation extremes intensity will increase in the future.Meanwhile,the5-year return value tends to increase by 30%-45%in the basins of Liujiang River,Red Water River,Guihe River and Pearl River Delta region,where the 5-year return value of future climate corresponds to the 8-to 10-year return value of the present climate,and the 50-year return value corresponds to the 100-year return value of the present climate over the Pearl River Delta region in the 2080 s under RCP8.5,which indicates that the warming environment will give rise to changes in the intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation events. 展开更多
关键词 climate change RCPs scenario Pearl River Basin regional climate model RegCM4
Evaluation and intercomparison of ozone simulations by Models-3/CMAQ and CAMx over the Pearl River Delta 被引量:20
作者 SHEN Jin WANG XueSong +2 位作者 LI JinFeng LI YunPeng ZHANG YuanHang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第11期1789-1800,共12页
Ozone pollution over the Pearl River Delta (PRD) in October 2004 has been simulated using the regional air quality models Models-3/CMAQ and CAMx. The results from both models were evaluated and compared with the obser... Ozone pollution over the Pearl River Delta (PRD) in October 2004 has been simulated using the regional air quality models Models-3/CMAQ and CAMx. The results from both models were evaluated and compared with the observed concentrations from 12 monitoring stations. By integrated process rate analysis, the influences of different physical and chemical processes were quantified, and the causes of the deviations between the two models were investigated. Both CMAQ and CAMx repro- duced the magnitudes and variations of ozone at most stations over the PRD. The correlation coefficients (R) between the sim- ulated results and monitoring data were 0.73 for CMAQ and 0.74 for CAMx. The normalized mean bias (NMB) for CMAQ and CAMx over the 12 sites was ?8.5% and 8.8% on average, respectively. The normalized mean error (NME) for CMAQ and CAMx was 36.7% and 37.9%, respectively. The correlation between the results of two models was very high (R = 0.92), and their simulated ozone spatial distributions exhibited common features. But the values obtained using CMAQ simulation were about 17% lower than those obtained using CAMx on average. The results of simulations using the two models were not identical in certain regions, or for different types of monitoring stations. The differences in dry deposition, reaction parameters and vertical transport near the Pearl River Estuary can account for the discrepancies in the results obtained using the two models. In the upwind areas, the discrepancy in the boundary concentration of the finest nest was the main cause of the higher values obtained using CAMx compared with those obtained using CMAQ. There is a need for CAMx to provide more choices of dry deposition algo- rithms. Improvement of the calculation methods for photolysis rates would also improve the ozone simulation of CMAQ. 展开更多
关键词 Pearl River Delta CMAQ CAMx OZONE process analysis
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