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视频网站产业链延伸路径 被引量:1
作者 林津津 《青年记者》 北大核心 2015年第3期82-83,共2页
发展过程从2006年至今,视频网站在我国发展的不到十年时间里经历了数次考验,其产业规模在不断壮大。视频网站从一个专为用户提供视频上传播放的平台到目前向着集团化方向发展,其产业链也从当时的短小简单发展到目前涉及上下游的协同一... 发展过程从2006年至今,视频网站在我国发展的不到十年时间里经历了数次考验,其产业规模在不断壮大。视频网站从一个专为用户提供视频上传播放的平台到目前向着集团化方向发展,其产业链也从当时的短小简单发展到目前涉及上下游的协同一体化局面。我国视频网站成立之初大多属于分享类UGC(user generated content)视频网站,即视频的主要来源靠用户上传的内容。 展开更多
关键词 视频产品 产业链延伸 内容供应商 优酷 提供商 十年 平色 植入广告 媒介产业 全球金融危机
Pharmacokinetics of nifedipine sustained-release tablets in healthy Chinese volunteers 被引量:3
作者 武静 王本杰 +2 位作者 魏春敏 卜凡龙 郭瑞臣 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2007年第3期192-196,共5页
Aim To establish a LC-MS method for determining the concentration of nifedipine in human plasma and to evaluate the pharmacokinetic characteristics of nifedipine sustained-release tablets. Methods A XB-C18 (5 μm, 4.... Aim To establish a LC-MS method for determining the concentration of nifedipine in human plasma and to evaluate the pharmacokinetic characteristics of nifedipine sustained-release tablets. Methods A XB-C18 (5 μm, 4.6 mm ×150 mm) column and a mobile phase of methanol: 0.01 mol·L^-1ammonium acetate (60:40, V/V) were used to separate nifedipine, the detections was accuracy under atmosperic pressure electronic spray ionization (AP-ESI) mode and ion mass spectrum (m/z) of 314.9 [M+H]^+ for nifedipine, and 320.8 [M+H]^+ for lorazepam (Internal Standard, IS). Results The linear range of nifedipine was 0.3 - 80 ng·mL^-1 ( r = 0.9997), and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 0.3 ng·mL^-1. The nifedipine pharmacokinetic parameters after a single dose of 20 mg nifedipine sustained-release tablets test (T) or reference (R) were as the followings, t1/2 (6.73 ± 2.00) h and (7.04 ± 2.18) h, Tmax (4.28 ± 0.70) h and (4.48 ± 0.70) h, Cmax(39.66 ± 10.58) ng·mL^-1 and (40.19 ± 10.97) ng·mL^-1, AUC0-36 (391.63 ± 108.55) ng·mL^-1·h and (387.57 ± 121.51) ng·mL^-1·h, and AUC0-∞ (408.28 ± 121.16) ng·mL^-1·h and (406.15 ± 133.13) ng·mL^-1·h. The relative bioavailability of nifedipine sustained-release tablets (test) was (103.02 ± 13.93) %. Conclusion LC-MS method for the determination of concentrations of nifedipine in human plasma was sensitive and accurate, and could be used in nifedipine bioavailability and pharmacokinetic studies. 展开更多
关键词 Nifedipine sustained-release tablets LC-MS PHARMACOKINETICS BIOEQUIVALENCE
作者 王桂兰 《小学教学研究》 1989年第8期40-40,共1页
在地理教学中,常常遇到看起来差不多,而实际是不同的地理知识。辨析这些概念性地理知识,对于学好地理是十分重要的。一般来说易混地理知识的辨析教学,可采用以下几种方法:(一)比较的方法。比如,教学“平面图”与“地图”时,教师挂出一... 在地理教学中,常常遇到看起来差不多,而实际是不同的地理知识。辨析这些概念性地理知识,对于学好地理是十分重要的。一般来说易混地理知识的辨析教学,可采用以下几种方法:(一)比较的方法。比如,教学“平面图”与“地图”时,教师挂出一幅“平面图”和一幅“地图”,让学生比较后,问:这两幅图各有什么特点?让学生讨论,最后由教师加以小结。 展开更多
关键词 地理知识 地理教学 天气特征 平色 垂直投影 地面起伏 球铁 从时 洲屿 护指
作者 际通 传泽 《会计之友》 1984年第4期31-32,共2页
如果说到山西票号,只知道平遥李家’日升昌”不晓得介休侯家“蔚太厚”,那还是只识其巷、未入其门。如果只谈昌记名人雷履泰,不提蔚字号经理毛鸿(罗羽),那也是只知其一,不知其二。平遥人主办的日升昌、介休财东创立的蔚太厚俱为山西票... 如果说到山西票号,只知道平遥李家’日升昌”不晓得介休侯家“蔚太厚”,那还是只识其巷、未入其门。如果只谈昌记名人雷履泰,不提蔚字号经理毛鸿(罗羽),那也是只知其一,不知其二。平遥人主办的日升昌、介休财东创立的蔚太厚俱为山西票号首倡巨擘,其经营规模,资力财势均不相上下。日升昌,蔚太厚在平遥是隔墙比邻,在北京是门挨户对,在上海是旗鼓相当。昌记和蔚字号的经理雷履泰,毛鸿(罗羽)是同门学艺,共事一主达二十余年的忘年之交,可谓知已知彼,之后各主一家票号比翼双飞,共建山西票行大业,可谓相辅相成。 展开更多
关键词 山西票号 日升昌 雷履泰 分庄 经营规模 蔚泰厚 侯家 介休 李宏龄 平色
《世界建筑导报》 1994年第4期8-9,共2页
奖项:HKDA银奖 建筑师:巴马丹拿建筑师与工程师有限公司 地点:香港中区皇后大道中30号 种类:商业 要旨:娱乐行由一层地库、一平台建筑物和办公大楼组成,为香港商业中心添上又一辉煌新建设。平台之下是多层式高级商场,而视线焦点落... 奖项:HKDA银奖 建筑师:巴马丹拿建筑师与工程师有限公司 地点:香港中区皇后大道中30号 种类:商业 要旨:娱乐行由一层地库、一平台建筑物和办公大楼组成,为香港商业中心添上又一辉煌新建设。平台之下是多层式高级商场,而视线焦点落在写字楼大堂边的两层高八角圆形建筑物。而广场自动楼梯直达平台高层的餐厅。 展开更多
关键词 皇后大道 商业中心 中区 巴马 平色 大策 角回 一曰 小勇
作者 沈心婷 《课堂内外(小学版)》 2017年第1期86-87,共2页
关键词 李老师 曲从 可真 平色 正赃 佩戴者 深蓝色 次门 分析性 彩斑
《全国商情》 2013年第17期13-13,共1页
17.7%上半年,我国商业零售家电网购市场规模达530亿元,占整体商业零售网购市场交易额的17.7%。专业在线商城成为最重要的家电网购渠道,家电网购平台仍然呈现京东、天猫、苏宁易购三足鼎立的局面,三家销量之和占整体家电网购的90%以上。... 17.7%上半年,我国商业零售家电网购市场规模达530亿元,占整体商业零售网购市场交易额的17.7%。专业在线商城成为最重要的家电网购渠道,家电网购平台仍然呈现京东、天猫、苏宁易购三足鼎立的局面,三家销量之和占整体家电网购的90%以上。其中,京东以近50%的份额成为家电和数码领域最大的专业在线商城。 展开更多
关键词 网购 家电网 市场交易额 线下 大规模市场 中国餐饮 餐饮行业 平色 胡润 中有
2017大众途锐逐路远征之旅 西域风情
作者 柯怡达 《轿车情报》 2017年第8期52-57,共6页
在大众途锐诞生的15年中,进口大众用它不懈的品质精神换来了我国15万车主的肯定,而这并不是一夜就能造就的口碑。在本次一路向西的活动中,大众途锐让我们再一次感受到了德国品质的精堪。2017大众途锐逐路远征之旅起始于河南洛阳,经我国... 在大众途锐诞生的15年中,进口大众用它不懈的品质精神换来了我国15万车主的肯定,而这并不是一夜就能造就的口碑。在本次一路向西的活动中,大众途锐让我们再一次感受到了德国品质的精堪。2017大众途锐逐路远征之旅起始于河南洛阳,经我国重要的丝绸之路直达新疆霍尔果斯,总行程突破5300km, 展开更多
关键词 总行程 赛里木湖 河南洛阳 博尔塔拉 给你 蜿蜒曲折 机械增压发动机 巡航控制 平色 高山湖泊
作者 BOO 《潇洒》 2006年第4期196-197,共2页
侬侬时尚生活网http://www.bellanews.com.tw/ Bella《侬侬》这个名字对于我们大陆女生来说也许还不是很熟悉,但据说是长年位居AC尼尔森女性杂志类阅读率第一名的女性时尚杂志,在台湾有着比ELLE、VOGUE还要高的阅读率。相对于那些表... 侬侬时尚生活网http://www.bellanews.com.tw/ Bella《侬侬》这个名字对于我们大陆女生来说也许还不是很熟悉,但据说是长年位居AC尼尔森女性杂志类阅读率第一名的女性时尚杂志,在台湾有着比ELLE、VOGUE还要高的阅读率。相对于那些表面的眩目的奢华,Bella更加追求实在的,“看得到、买得到、做得到的实用生活美学”。 展开更多
关键词 时尚杂志 女性杂志 阅读率 时尚生活 尼尔森 生活美学 HTTP 时代周刊 马可波罗 平色
《数字世界》 2006年第6期24-29,25126,27,共6页
诺基亚 N73采用了最新版的 Symbian 9.1操作系统,并基于 S60Ⅲ平台。采用了320万像素,拥有卡尔·蔡司认证。自动对焦镜头。诺基亚 N73屏幕配置2.4英寸的26万色 QVGA(240×320)分辨率 TFT屏。其他方面,该机拥有大约42MB 的内存空... 诺基亚 N73采用了最新版的 Symbian 9.1操作系统,并基于 S60Ⅲ平台。采用了320万像素,拥有卡尔·蔡司认证。自动对焦镜头。诺基亚 N73屏幕配置2.4英寸的26万色 QVGA(240×320)分辨率 TFT屏。其他方面,该机拥有大约42MB 的内存空间,使用 mini SD 卡作为第三方存储介质。诺基亚 N73最大可拍摄2048×536分辨率的图片,支持 USB2.0接口,并且连摒弃已久的红外也再次启用。 展开更多
关键词 自动对焦 存储介质 SYMBIAN 内存空间 李歌 整体重量 第三方 平色 数字信号 时间限制
作者 沈欣意 《课堂内外(创新作文)(小学版)》 2016年第9期11-11,共1页
大多数的广告平台都是要收费的。那么,有没有免费的广告平台呢?有!我们村公交候车亭的玻璃橱窗,就是_个免费的广告平台。有时候,玻璃橱窗上会贴着这样一个简单的广告:架空层出租,电话xxxxxxx。你知道什么是"架空层"吗?架空层呀,就... 大多数的广告平台都是要收费的。那么,有没有免费的广告平台呢?有!我们村公交候车亭的玻璃橱窗,就是_个免费的广告平台。有时候,玻璃橱窗上会贴着这样一个简单的广告:架空层出租,电话xxxxxxx。你知道什么是"架空层"吗?架空层呀,就是我们农村每户盖大房子的人家拥有的面积, 展开更多
关键词 玻璃橱窗 架空层 候车亭 仓库管理员 平色 小型加工厂 一层楼 车客 深蓝色
《全国商情》 2013年第1期9-9,共1页
1电商抢占小额贷款高地苏宁电器日前发布公告称,其境外全资子公司香港苏宁电器有限公司与苏宁电器集团公司将各出2.25亿元和7500万元作为注册资金在重庆组建"重庆苏宁小额贷款有限公司"。电商平台的小额贷款业务作为吸引中小... 1电商抢占小额贷款高地苏宁电器日前发布公告称,其境外全资子公司香港苏宁电器有限公司与苏宁电器集团公司将各出2.25亿元和7500万元作为注册资金在重庆组建"重庆苏宁小额贷款有限公司"。电商平台的小额贷款业务作为吸引中小微公司进入电商平台并创造利润的重要平台,小贷已经成为主流电商平台共同的选择。据了解,阿里小贷在2012年7月20日已经实现单日利息收入100万元。 展开更多
关键词 小额贷款业务 苏宁电器 利息收入 电器集团 国美 平色 银泰百货 奢侈品牌 注册资金 百盛
足够“迷你” 人因科技6713光电鼠标
作者 唐达鹏 《电脑采购》 2003年第2期15-15,共1页
相信经常操作电脑的读者一定会颇有感触,一款好用、适用的鼠标是十分重要的,这对于提高工作学习的效率会有不小的帮助,呵呵,对于游戏玩家来说当然还有提高游戏成绩的作用了。不过,每个人的手掌大小各不相同.好用的体积较大的鼠标有不少... 相信经常操作电脑的读者一定会颇有感触,一款好用、适用的鼠标是十分重要的,这对于提高工作学习的效率会有不小的帮助,呵呵,对于游戏玩家来说当然还有提高游戏成绩的作用了。不过,每个人的手掌大小各不相同.好用的体积较大的鼠标有不少,我们现在要向各位介绍的却是一款足够“迷你”的光电小鼠标,有多小?一起来看看吧。出人意料的小巧身形拿到这款由人因科技有限公司新近推出的6713精灵鼠标,我们甚至有些不敢相信,一款光电鼠标竟然可以做得这么小巧。这款鼠标的长度仅为5cm。产品最宽的地方也不过只有3cm。 展开更多
关键词 光电鼠标 游戏玩家 操作环境 附赠 人体工程学 平色 产品资讯 疲劳程度 女性朋友 外观设计
Gel Filtration Chromatography Combined with Bradford Method for Determination of Total Residual Protein in Ferment Antibiotics 被引量:6
作者 许明哲 马仕洪 胡昌勤 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第4期262-266,共5页
Aim A novel method has been developed for evaluation of the levels of total residual protein in antibiotics produced by fermentation using gel filtration chromatography (GFC) combined with Bradford assay based on dete... Aim A novel method has been developed for evaluation of the levels of total residual protein in antibiotics produced by fermentation using gel filtration chromatography (GFC) combined with Bradford assay based on determination of residual protein in lincomycin hydrochloride. Methods The chromatographic conditions were SuperdexTM peptide column, 0.01 mol*L-1 phosphate buffer solution as mobile phase, and flow rate of 1 mL·min-1. Five hundred microliters of lincomycin hydrochloride solution (3 g of lincomycin hydrochloride dissolved in 10 mL of mobile phase) was injected into the chromatograph and the eluted solution was collected between 6 min and 14.5 min (protein eluted from column within this period), and the residual content of total protein in the eluted solution was assayed using Bradford assay method. Results The average recovery was more than 90% for bovine serum albumin, the calibration equation for the range of 0-12 μg·mL-1 of protein was y=-0.002 4x2+0.064 2x+0.002 9, r2=0.999 9, RSD=0.1%-0.9%, and the LOD and LOQ were 3 and 10 ng·mL-1 of protein, respectively. Conclusion The novel method for determining the residual protein in ferment antibio-tics is simple, rapid, and precise. 展开更多
关键词 Gel filtration chromatography bradford assay residual protein ferment antibiotics lincomycin hydrochloride
Fruit shape detection by level set 被引量:2
作者 GUI Jiang-sheng RAO Xiu-qin YING Yi-bin 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第8期1232-1236,共5页
A novel approach for fruit shape detection in RGB space was proposed,which was based on fast level set and Chan-Vese model named as Modified Chan-Vese model(MCV) . This new algorithm is fast and suitable for fruit sor... A novel approach for fruit shape detection in RGB space was proposed,which was based on fast level set and Chan-Vese model named as Modified Chan-Vese model(MCV) . This new algorithm is fast and suitable for fruit sorting because it does not need re-initializing. MCV has three advantages compared to the traditional methods. First,it provides a unified frame-work for detecting fruit shape boundary,and does not need any preprocessing even though the raw image is noisy or blurred. Second,if the fruit has different colors at the edges,it can detect perfect boundary. Third,it processed directly in color space without any transformations that may lose much information. The proposed method has been applied to fruit shape detection with promising result. 展开更多
关键词 Machine vision Shape detection Level set Fruit sorting
The Equilibrium Range of Wind Wave Spectra: an Explanation Based on White Noise 被引量:1
作者 DAI Dejun WANG Wei +1 位作者 QIAO Fangli YUAN Yeli 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2007年第4期345-348,共4页
Laboratory experiments and field observations show that the equilibrium range of wind wave spectra presents a – 4 power law when it is scaled properly. This feature has been attributed to energy balance in spectral s... Laboratory experiments and field observations show that the equilibrium range of wind wave spectra presents a – 4 power law when it is scaled properly. This feature has been attributed to energy balance in spectral space by many researchers. In this paper we point out that white noise on an oscillation system can also lead to a similar inverse power law in the corresponding displacement spectrum, implying that the – 4 power law for the equilibrium range of wind wave spectra may probably only reflect the randomicity of the wind waves rather than any other dynamical processes in physical space. This explanation may shed light on the mechanism of other physical processes with spectra also showing an inverse power law, such as isotropic turbulence, internal waves, etc. 展开更多
关键词 wind wave spectrum equilibrium range -4 power law white noise
Nutrient Balance in Relation to High Yield and Good Quality of Potato on an Acid Purple Soil in Chongqing,China 被引量:3
作者 HETIANXIU HEFUJIAN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期83-92,共10页
A field experiment was carried out to study nutrient balance among N, P, K and Mg in potato cultivation on an acid purple soil in Chongqing, China. The experiment included 8 treatments with equal P rate of 120 kg P2O5... A field experiment was carried out to study nutrient balance among N, P, K and Mg in potato cultivation on an acid purple soil in Chongqing, China. The experiment included 8 treatments with equal P rate of 120 kg P2O5 hm-2: N0K2, N1K2, N2K2, N3K2, N2K0, N2K1, N2K1Mg and N2K3, where N0, N1, N2 and N3 stand for the N rates of 0, 75, 150 and 225 kg N hm-2, and K0, K1, K2 and K3 for the K rates of 0, 165, 330 and 495 kg K2O hm-2, respectively. Among the treatments designed, Thatment N2K2 with a nutrient supply ratio of N:P2O5:K2O:MgO = 1.25:1:2.75:0.28 gave the highest tuber yield and dry matter, highest starch and Zn and lowest NO3- contents in tuber, and high N, P and K use efficiency with an uptake ratio of N:P:K:Mg = 11.38:1:13.32:0.33 by tuber. Yield and starch and protein contents of tuber were the lowest in Treatment N0K2. Dry matter was the lowest but protein and NO3- contents were the highest in Treatment N2K0. Treatment N2K1Mg had the highest N, P and K utilization rates. Statistical analysis showed that yields of tuber and starch were in a positive linear correlation with the uptake amount of various nutrients and protein of the potato tuber was in a significantly positive linear correlation with tuber N cotent and in a significantly negative linear correlation with tuber K and Mg contents. Balanced application of N, P, K and Mg fertilizers (Treatmeat N2K2) was recommended for realization of high yield and good quality in potato cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 acid purple soil nutrient balance POTATO
The clinical epidemiological characteristics of 704 cases of colorectal cancer from 2004-2008 被引量:1
作者 Shaoqing Lai Fenghuan Ju Guiqi Wang Shun He Xiaoguang Ni Lei Zhang Guixiang Yu Yueming Zhang Xiaoyan Li 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第6期327-329,共3页
Objective: The aim of the research was to study the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of incidence of colorectal cancer in North China. Methods: Analysis and summary were made for 704 colorectal cancer pa... Objective: The aim of the research was to study the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of incidence of colorectal cancer in North China. Methods: Analysis and summary were made for 704 colorectal cancer patients diagnosed from 2004 to 2008 in North China. Results: (1) Of 704 colorectal cancer patients, the median age was 56 years old, and the mean age was 58.2. There was no statistic difference in age between male and female cases, P 〉 0.05. (2) The male-female ratio was 1.62:1. (3) The proportion of rectal cancer was 62.92%, and incidence of the left colon cancer was higher than that of right colon cancer, P 〈 0.05. (4) Of 712 lesions, 658 cases were adenocarcinoma accounting for 92.4%, 34 were malignant adenoma accounting for 4.8%, and 20 carcinoid accounting for 2.8%. (5) The 48.9% of patients belonged to stages 0 to 11B. Conclusion: The cases of colorectal cancer in North China is mainly rectal cancers, and the incidence of left colon cancer is higher than that of right colon cancer. The histopathological classification is mainly adenocarcinoma, and the ratio of early stage is high. 展开更多
关键词 colorectal neoplasms EPIDEMIOLOGY clinical characteristics
Embryonic and larval development in barfin flounder Verasper moseri (Jordan and Gilbert) 被引量:1
作者 杜荣斌 王勇强 +4 位作者 姜海滨 刘立明 王茂剑 李天保 张树宝 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期18-25,共8页
Broodstock of Verasper moseri (Jordan and Gilbert) aged 3-4 years old were selected, and reinforced cultivation was conducted to promote maturation under controlled water temperature and photoperiod conditions. Fert... Broodstock of Verasper moseri (Jordan and Gilbert) aged 3-4 years old were selected, and reinforced cultivation was conducted to promote maturation under controlled water temperature and photoperiod conditions. Fertilized eggs were obtained by artificial fertilization, and the development of embryos, larvae and juveniles was observed continuously. The results showed that the fertilized eggs of V. moseri were spherical, with transparent yolk and homogeneous bioplasm, and had no oil globule inside. The average diameter of the eggs was 1.77+0.02 mm. The eggs of V. moseri were buoyant in water with salinity above 35. The cleavage type was typical discoidal. Young pigment cells appeared when olfactory plates began to form. Hatching occurred at 187 h after fertilization at a water temperature of 8.5℃. The newly hatched larvae, floating on the water surface, were transparent with an average total length of 4.69±0.15 mm. During the cultivation period, when the water temperature was raised from 9 to 14.5℃, 4-day old larvae showed more melanophores on the body surface, making the larvae gray in color. The pectoral fins began to develop, which enabled the larvae to swim horizontally and in a lively manner. On days 7-8, the digestive duct formed. The yolk sac was small and black. The yolk sac was absorbed on day 11. Larvae took food actively, and body length and body height clearly increased. The rudiments of dorsal and anal fin pterygiophores were discernible and caudal fin ray elements formed on day 19. On day 24, the larval notochord flexed upwards, and the rays of unpaired fins began to differentiate. Pigment cells converged on the dorsal and anal fin rays, and the mastoid teeth on the mandible appeared. On day 29, the left eyes of juveniles began to move upwards. Depigmentation began in some juveniles and they became sandy brown in color on day 37. Most juveniles began to settle on the bottom of the tank. The left eyes of juveniles migrated completely to the right side on day 50, when the average body length attained 2.5±0.18 cm, and juveniles accomplished metamorphosis to young. The embryonic and larval characters of several flounder species are compared. 展开更多
关键词 Verasper moseri (Jordan and Gilbert) embryonic development morphological characteristicsof larvae and juveniles
Generation of Flat Supercontinuum in a Single-mode Optical Fiber with a Convex Chromatic Dispersion Profile
作者 XU Yong-zhao WANG Hong-chen ZHOU Shou-li 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期45-49,68,共6页
A single-mode optical fiber with a convex chromatic dispersion profile is proposed for generating a flat supercontinuum(SC).The fiber has normal dispersion and the dispersion parameter D(λ,z) is a convex function of ... A single-mode optical fiber with a convex chromatic dispersion profile is proposed for generating a flat supercontinuum(SC).The fiber has normal dispersion and the dispersion parameter D(λ,z) is a convex function of wavelengths.It is shown from the numerical results that the chromatic dispersion,the flatness of the dispersion curve and the pump conditions have significant effect on SC generation.A flat and broad SC without strong residual pump component can be obtained when the pump wavelength is set in the vicinity of the wavelength at which the fiber has small normal group-velocity dispersion(GVD) and small dispersion slope.The fiber with a smaller normal GVD,a flatter dispersion profile and a higher nonlinear coefficient are more suitable for broad SC generation. 展开更多
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