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作者 鄢传荣 肖雍琴 杨雪梅 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第33期20592-20593,共2页
分析了城市空间立体绿化存在的技术、养护、认识方面的问题,提出了针对阳台、路灯等立体绿化平衡供水设施的解决方案,即磁力辅助浅水位控制器,并申请了相关专利。磁力辅助浅水位控制器以其新颖独特的创意,满足了城市立体绿化特殊部位的... 分析了城市空间立体绿化存在的技术、养护、认识方面的问题,提出了针对阳台、路灯等立体绿化平衡供水设施的解决方案,即磁力辅助浅水位控制器,并申请了相关专利。磁力辅助浅水位控制器以其新颖独特的创意,满足了城市立体绿化特殊部位的供水需求,必将加快城市立体绿化的进程。 展开更多
关键词 立体绿化 平衡供水 专利技术
作者 栾东华 冯学工 李红卫 《节能与环保》 2003年第5期47-49,共3页
关键词 印染企业 供水平衡 节水 软水 水重复利用率
塔什库尔干县城区供水平衡与用水合理性分析 被引量:1
作者 孙本国 《陕西水利》 2022年第9期31-33,共3页
关键词 县城 供水平衡 需水量 合理性分析
作者 栾东华 《染整技术》 CAS 2003年第2期46-48,共3页
关键词 供水平衡 软水系统 水利用
作者 聂新桂 《黑龙江水利科技》 2022年第8期210-213,共4页
当前中国许多南方农业区存在着灌溉需求不平衡、低效的问题,如何实现农业区的高效供需平衡是重要的课题。文章以广东某农业区目前所面临的供水设施老化、供水资源不足、浅表水体营养化等问题。统计分析了的供水需求和规模,并且针对性地... 当前中国许多南方农业区存在着灌溉需求不平衡、低效的问题,如何实现农业区的高效供需平衡是重要的课题。文章以广东某农业区目前所面临的供水设施老化、供水资源不足、浅表水体营养化等问题。统计分析了的供水需求和规模,并且针对性地进行水源工程设计、输配水工程设计和供水管网工程进行了设计和改造,进行了水土、环境和经济方面的评价,并提出了后续的监测方案,为类似的农业区饮水体系的设计提供了类似参考。 展开更多
关键词 农业灌溉 供水平衡 饮水改造 灌溉体系
作者 李光辉 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2021年第10期568-570,共3页
文章根据洗地车的运行特点,提出其配套的刷盘供水平衡装置以及分液器。在其具体结构组成中,分液器包含排气管以及进、出水管,其中排气管布设在进、出水管所形成的交接部位,出水管则布设在分流管的出水口,通过排气管的配套应用,将聚积在... 文章根据洗地车的运行特点,提出其配套的刷盘供水平衡装置以及分液器。在其具体结构组成中,分液器包含排气管以及进、出水管,其中排气管布设在进、出水管所形成的交接部位,出水管则布设在分流管的出水口,通过排气管的配套应用,将聚积在分液器内的空气排出,减小对水流状态的干扰;设置的排气分管也可以有效将空气排出,从而使进水管内部水流维持稳定;在两侧分流管的高度存在差异时,存在于分流管内的气体上升,内部滞留的空气可外排,由此又使分液器保持气压平衡的状态,水流流量相同,供水稳定可靠,对应的两个刷盘的工作协同性较好。 展开更多
关键词 洗地车 刷盘 供水平衡装置 分液器 结构分析 应用效果
基于水量平衡的管道漏损分析 被引量:5
作者 余蔚茗 李树平 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期116-119,共4页
供水企业通常利用漏损率来衡量供水管网的漏损水平,但仅用漏损率衡量漏损很难满足城市供水管理的要求,因此需要引入更为合理的漏损衡量指标。根据国际水协(IWA)提出的漏水量计算方法,对包括衡量管网漏损的水资源指标、运行指标和财务指... 供水企业通常利用漏损率来衡量供水管网的漏损水平,但仅用漏损率衡量漏损很难满足城市供水管理的要求,因此需要引入更为合理的漏损衡量指标。根据国际水协(IWA)提出的漏水量计算方法,对包括衡量管网漏损的水资源指标、运行指标和财务指标进行了介绍。以算例说明了供水平衡模型的应用及各项指标的计算方法。 展开更多
关键词 管道漏损 供水水量平衡 供水服务指标
作者 封建存 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2021年第8期147-148,共2页
某县地下水水量缺失,供水安全可靠性差,且运转管理困难,因此为解决居民生活、生产的安全供水,适应城区发展需要,彻底改造配水系统,兴建某县农村生活水源置换已成为当务之急;而作为城市“生命线”的供水工程,将成为今后制约某县经济发展... 某县地下水水量缺失,供水安全可靠性差,且运转管理困难,因此为解决居民生活、生产的安全供水,适应城区发展需要,彻底改造配水系统,兴建某县农村生活水源置换已成为当务之急;而作为城市“生命线”的供水工程,将成为今后制约某县经济发展的一个重要因素,为了改善某县生产生活条件,保障某县经济建设的顺利进行,建立以处理南水北调水资源为主的水厂及完善配水管网应放在同等重要地位。 展开更多
关键词 农村供水、供需平衡 水源置换 智能水厂
作者 乔亚丽 樊朝霞 《农村科技》 2003年第2期20-20,共1页
<正> 一、重视有机肥的施用有机肥养分全面,有效供肥时间长,能改善土壤理化性质,利于肉质根生长。667米~2施优质腐热有机肥3~4吨,加过磷酸钙20~30千克,草木灰50千克,全层撒施深翻入土层中。二、注意平衡供水萝卜生长发育阶段土... <正> 一、重视有机肥的施用有机肥养分全面,有效供肥时间长,能改善土壤理化性质,利于肉质根生长。667米~2施优质腐热有机肥3~4吨,加过磷酸钙20~30千克,草木灰50千克,全层撒施深翻入土层中。二、注意平衡供水萝卜生长发育阶段土壤含水量应保持在60%~80%,块根膨大期供水不足或忽干忽湿易糠心。三、科学施用微量元素肥料1、硼肥能促进萝卜心实个大,从萝卜苗长出2~3片真叶开始到收获前半个月期间。 展开更多
关键词 有机肥 微量元素肥料 平衡供水 萝卜 糠心 防治
《农业科技与信息》 2014年第16期54-54,共1页
平衡供水:萝卜生长发育阶段对土壤含水量的要求一般在60%~80%,尤其在萝卜肉质根膨大期,土壤供水不足或时旱时涝,很容易造成空心,所以应保持平衡供水,当土壤含水量低于上述要求时,适当浇水。〈br〉 科学施用硼肥:硼肥能促进... 平衡供水:萝卜生长发育阶段对土壤含水量的要求一般在60%~80%,尤其在萝卜肉质根膨大期,土壤供水不足或时旱时涝,很容易造成空心,所以应保持平衡供水,当土壤含水量低于上述要求时,适当浇水。〈br〉 科学施用硼肥:硼肥能促进萝卜心实个大。从萝卜苗长出2~3片真叶开始到收获前半个月左右,每隔20天喷施1次,以傍晚为宜。 展开更多
关键词 萝卜 空心 土壤含水量 生长发育阶段 平衡供水 供水不足 科学施用 膨大期
《农家之友》 2010年第3期42-42,共1页
关键词 萝卜 空心 土壤含水量 生长发育阶段 平衡供水 供水不足 膨大期 肉质根
作者 程齐 《农家之友》 2008年第15期I0006-I0006,共1页
关键词 空心现象 萝卜 土壤含水量 预防 生长发育阶段 平衡供水 供水不足 膨大期
作者 GAOQian-zhao DUHu-lin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第1期23-29,共7页
The Hexi Corridor is an important base of agriculture development inNorthwest China. According to recent statistics, there are 65. 94 x 10~8m^3 of water resourcesavailable in the Hexi Corridor. At present, net consump... The Hexi Corridor is an important base of agriculture development inNorthwest China. According to recent statistics, there are 65. 94 x 10~8m^3 of water resourcesavailable in the Hexi Corridor. At present, net consumption in development and utilization is 43. 33x 10~8m^3. Water supply and demand reach a balance on the recent level of production, but loss ofevaporation and evapotranspiration is as much as 25. 69 x 1010~8m^3. So net use efficiency of waterresources is 59% Based on analyzing balance between water and land considering ecologicalenvironment at present, there exists the serious water shortage in the Shiyang River system whereirrigation lands have overloaded. There is a comparative balance between supply and demand of waterresource in the Heihe River system; and the Sule River system has some surplus water to extendirrigation land. Use of agriculture water accounts for 83. 3% and ecological forest and grass for 6.9% . The Hexi Corridor still has a great potential for water saving in agriculture production.Water-saving efficiency of irrigation is about 10% by using such traditional technologies as furrowand border-dike irrigation and small check irrigation, and water-saving with plastic film cover andtechniques of advanced sprinkler and drip/micro irrigation etc. can save more than 60% of irrigatedwater. Incremental irrigation area for water-saving potential in the Hexi Corridor has beenestimated as 56% - 197% to original irrigation area. So the second water sources can be developedfrom water saving agriculture in the Hexi Corridor under Development of the Western Part of China inlarge scale. This potential can be realized step by step through developing the water-savingmeasures, improving the ecological condition of oasis agriculture, and optimizing allocation ofwater resources in three river systems. 展开更多
关键词 water resources balance between supply and demand water-saving potential ofagriculture hexi corridor
开发中水资源 建设中水工程 被引量:1
作者 杨复生 刘子杰 《辽宁城乡环境科技》 2001年第4期29-30,共2页
水危机是一个世界范围的沉重话题。秦皇岛市是全国400多个缺水城市之一。从秦皇岛市水资源总量出发 ,对2000 -2010年水资源供需平衡进行了分析 ,提出了开发中水资源 ,建设中水工程 ,构建节水型社会 。
关键词 中水资源 中水工程 秦皇岛市 水资源 供水平衡
Method of Distinguishing Hydrologic Drought for Water Supply System 被引量:2
作者 冯平 韩松 李绍飞 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2005年第5期371-375,共5页
It is very common to design water supply system to adjust runoff. Thus it will not meet the practical needs if only the hydrologic drought in natural basin is studied. In practice the natural water balance and water d... It is very common to design water supply system to adjust runoff. Thus it will not meet the practical needs if only the hydrologic drought in natural basin is studied. In practice the natural water balance and water deficits must be researched, i. e. . the adjusting effects of the water supply sys- tem such as a reservoir should be considered, and the drought event be distinguished according to the special system. The problem of drought identification under adjusted runoff was investigated in this study. By considering water transfer during different periods, a method to distinguish hydrologic drought for the water supply system was developed, and a standard drought severity index SWDSI was proposed. The method has been applied in Pan Jiakou water supply system in China. From 1953 to 1997,a total of 14 hydrologic droughts were identified in the water supply system, among which there were 3 severe droughts, 6 moderate droughts and 5 light droughts. The results are in good agreement with the historic drought records. 展开更多
关键词 DROUGHT water supply system - SWDSI drought identification RUNOFF
作者 周昆华 《云南水力发电》 2014年第6期30-32,共3页
阐述景东县太忠乡明子山沟节水改造工程建设的必要性、可行性、防渗材料、灌区供需水平衡分析到工程布置、投资等,重点对灌区防渗材料应用、供需水平衡分析;初步总结了适合于景东县节水改造工程的设计方案,为今后景东县节水改造工程提... 阐述景东县太忠乡明子山沟节水改造工程建设的必要性、可行性、防渗材料、灌区供需水平衡分析到工程布置、投资等,重点对灌区防渗材料应用、供需水平衡分析;初步总结了适合于景东县节水改造工程的设计方案,为今后景东县节水改造工程提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 太忠乡明子沟 节水改造 灌区供水平衡 工程设计
Exploitation, Utilization Status, and Development Prospects of Water Resources in Ningbo City 被引量:2
作者 吴艳娟 杨艳昭 +1 位作者 封志明 孙通 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2017年第2期205-211,共7页
Water resources insufficiency is one of the bottlenecks that restrict sustainable socio-economic development in Ningbo city. Good handling of the relationship between water resources utilization and development is of ... Water resources insufficiency is one of the bottlenecks that restrict sustainable socio-economic development in Ningbo city. Good handling of the relationship between water resources utilization and development is of great significance for the realization of continuous economic growth and sustainable socio-economic development. This study systematically evaluated water resources utilization with respect to water supply and demand. Water resources development and utilization prospects and regional differences were then assessed at multiple scales, at both county/district and city level in Ningbo city, using the water resources carrying index. Results showed that:(1) The volume of water resources supply and consumption gradually rose each year, with surface water as the primary source and groundwater as the secondary source. Regarding consumption, industrial water consumption was the primary element, and domestic and environmental water consumption were the secondary elements. Even though the use of water resources for irrigation, secondary and, tertiary industry were becoming more efficient, comprehensive per capita water consumption was gradually increasing.(2) The water resources carrying index for Ningbo city fluctuated in the range of 4.51–23.35 during 2001–2015; the degree of water resource utilization and potential exploitation evaluation of water resources were not stable. The average value of the water resources carrying index was 11.68; the degree of utilization of water resources was very high, and the introduction of water from external water bodies was necessary, to the extent external source were available.(3) Future water resources exploitation will be quite difficult in Ningbo city, especially in Cixi county, Ningbo municipal district and Yuyao county. So the introduction of external water as a supplemental source will be required. 展开更多
关键词 water resources supply-demand carrying index Ningbo city
作者 许秋波 《农村实用科技》 2003年第7期21-21,共1页
关键词 萝卜 空心现象 平衡供水 硼肥 多效唑
Spatio-temporal Evolution and Flow of Water Provision Service Balance in Jinghe River Basin
作者 GUAN Mengluan ZHANG Qiang +1 位作者 WANG Baoliang ZHANG Huiyuan 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第5期797-812,共16页
Quantifying the whole process of ecosystem services from generation through transfer to use,and analyzing the balance between the supply and demand of regional ecosystem services are of great significance for formulat... Quantifying the whole process of ecosystem services from generation through transfer to use,and analyzing the balance between the supply and demand of regional ecosystem services are of great significance for formulating regional sustainable development strategies,realizing regional ecosystem management,and effective resource allocation.Based on the SWAT model,InVEST model,ArcGIS,and other software,this study analyzed the supply-demand balance of water provision services in Jinghe River Basin,a typical region located in the Loess Plateau,using multi-source data.This research then analyzed the spatial-temporal distribution pattern and spatial matching characteristics of the supply and demand of water provision services in Jinghe River Basin from 2000 to 2015.On this basis,a spatial flow model of water provision service was constructed,the flow rules(flow paths)of the water provision service were explored at the subwatershed scale,and the spatial scope of the supply area and benefit area were depicted.The results show that:(1)Water resource supply and demand in the Jinghe River basin both showed increasing trends from 2000 to 2015.(2)The supply-demand balance of water resources was generally up to the standard,however,there were significant differences between urban and rural areas.The supply-demand balances of the central urban areas of each county were relatively low,and even exceeded the supply in the lower reaches of the Jingyang River,such as Gaoling County,Qindu District,and Jingyang County.In rural areas,due to the small population and industrial distribution,coupled with a better ecological environmental base,the supply-demand balance was relatively high,such as Pengyang County,Lingtai County,Huachi County,Huanxian County,Ningxian County,and Zhenyuan County.(3)From 2000 to 2015,the spatial matching pattern of supply and demand in the Jinghe River Basin showed a trend of decline with fluctuations.In 2015,the supply-demand ratios of more than 60%of the subwatersheds showed trends of decline,and the proportion of under-supply area increased by 55.7%in 2015 compared with that in 2000.(4)The supply areas of water provision service in Jinghe River Basin are distributed in the upper reaches of the basin,and the benefit areas are Huating County,Chongxin County,Yongshou County,Chunhua County,Ganxian County,Liquan County,Qindu District,and others in the middle and lower reaches. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem services water provision services supply-demand balance flow Loess Plateau
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