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底层教室全年光环境的视觉与非视觉效应评估--基于Lark 2.0光谱模拟工具
作者 郝慧羽 徐俊丽 +1 位作者 高雨晴 童蝶宏 《建筑科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期271-279,共9页
教室光环境质量对青少年身心健康有重要影响。以苏州大学实验学校的典型底层教室为例,通过Lark 2.0光谱模拟工具,依据视觉和非视觉指标的阈值标准,评估教室各区域的全年视黑素等效日光照度(M-EDI)和水平照度的变化趋势与达标情况。结果... 教室光环境质量对青少年身心健康有重要影响。以苏州大学实验学校的典型底层教室为例,通过Lark 2.0光谱模拟工具,依据视觉和非视觉指标的阈值标准,评估教室各区域的全年视黑素等效日光照度(M-EDI)和水平照度的变化趋势与达标情况。结果表明:1)底层教室的自然光可用性有限,仅自然采光下,北侧近窗区域可提供充足的M-EDI及水平照度,其它区域达标率不高;2)不同区域的年度光照变化复杂,受季节条件影响不一,前侧区域有效昼夜节律天数占比明显低于有效视觉照度天数占比,后侧区域则相反;3)教室在9:00前与15:00后的光照达标率较低,全年刺激频率的达标天数在冬季相对较少,在4—10月呈分散式分布,春、夏和秋季之间的差异不明显;4)实际使用情况下教室的全年水平照度均可达标,而MEDI均无法达标。研究旨在为视觉和非视觉驱动的教室健康光环境设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 非视觉效应 底层教室 年光环境 视黑素日光等效照度 模拟评估
Effects of Weak Light on the Ultrastructural Variations of Phloem Tissues in Source Leaves of Three-Year-Old Nectarine Trees(Prunus persica L.var. nectarina Ait.) 被引量:6
作者 王秀芹 黄卫东 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第6期688-697,共10页
Leaves from three_year_old solar greenhouse nectarine trees ( Prunus persica L. var. nectarina Ait. “Zao Hong Yan”) were used as materials in this study. It was the first time that the ultrastructural charact... Leaves from three_year_old solar greenhouse nectarine trees ( Prunus persica L. var. nectarina Ait. “Zao Hong Yan”) were used as materials in this study. It was the first time that the ultrastructural characteristics of phloem tissues of source leaves were observed and compared in normal and weak light intensities using the transmission electron microscopy. Results showed that the average diameters of companion cells (CC) and sieve elements (SE) of all kinds of veins were bigger in normal than that in weak light intensity, indicating that light could influence the cell development and growth. Dense cytoplasm with abundant mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulums, multivesicular bodies, vesicles and plastids were observed in normal light intensity. On the contrary, CC with small vacuolar structures and few mitochondrias, endoplasmic reticulums were shown in weak light. Misalignment of grana thylakoid margins of nectarine leaves also was seen in weak light. The sieve pores of SEs were obstructed in weak light. Chloroplasts with numerous starch grains and few mitochondrias were noticed in the mesophyll cell (MES) surrounding the bundle sheath in weak light. The storage of starch grains appeared to result from an unbalance between photosynthate production and export of photosynthates. This observation provided a strong support to the point that most leaves export the most of assimilates in the light time. Plasmodesmal densities between SE/CC, CC/PP (phloem parenchyma cell), PP/PP and PP/BSC (bundle_sheath cell) decreased in weak light. Plasmodesmata were observed between CC/SE (NS) (nacreous_walled sieve element), PP/BSC in branch veins in normal light intensity, but not in weak light. Thus apoplasmic pathway may be the main mode of transport of assimilates in weak light, however symplasmic pathway may be the main mode of transport of assimilates in normal light intensity. These results demonstrated that the solar greenhouse nectarine trees could be adapted to the weak light via the ultrastructure variation of phloem tissues of the source leaves. 展开更多
关键词 nectarine (Prunus persica L.var. nectarina Ait.) phloem tissue ultrastructure weak light SE/CC complex phloem loading
报国无门空自怨 济时有策从谁吐——读吴潜三首《满江红》词 被引量:1
作者 祝诚 《高校教育管理》 1987年第1期25-28,33,共5页
吴潜(1196——1262),字毅夫,号履斋,宣州宁国(今属安徽)人。宁宗嘉定十年(1217)登进士第一。曾任参知政事,拜右丞相兼枢密使。对外,面对当时强大的敌兵,他主张:“以和为形,以守为实,以战为应”,积极抗战。对内,他看到“奸臣憸士设为虚议... 吴潜(1196——1262),字毅夫,号履斋,宣州宁国(今属安徽)人。宁宗嘉定十年(1217)登进士第一。曾任参知政事,拜右丞相兼枢密使。对外,面对当时强大的敌兵,他主张:“以和为形,以守为实,以战为应”,积极抗战。对内,他看到“奸臣憸士设为虚议,迷国误军”,故力主清除腐朽的官僚集团。但却因此受到贾似道、沈炎等人的谗毁,在景定元年(1260)被罢相,贬建昌军(治所在今江西南城),又窜潮州(治所在今广东潮安)、循州(治所在今广东惠阳),并死在那里。 展开更多
关键词 词人 满江红 征帆 治所 年光 垂虹亭 主清除 罢相 江南江北 楚山
黎朝的思想体系 被引量:1
作者 阮维馨 林明华 《东南亚研究》 1988年第4期97-101,共5页
自1428年黎利登极始,至1788年光中称帝止,黎朝共传28帝历360年。从时间跨度上看,它并不比李朝(215年)、陈朝(265年)长多少。然而,对黎朝思想体系的研讨,较之于李、陈两朝,却是既有较简单的一面,又有较复杂的一面,实际上要更为复杂一些... 自1428年黎利登极始,至1788年光中称帝止,黎朝共传28帝历360年。从时间跨度上看,它并不比李朝(215年)、陈朝(265年)长多少。然而,对黎朝思想体系的研讨,较之于李、陈两朝,却是既有较简单的一面,又有较复杂的一面,实际上要更为复杂一些。如下一般性的论断谓黎朝的思想体系属儒教思想范畴,那是很简单而且不须冗长引证的。但是,深入其具体细节,则不那么简单了。 展开更多
关键词 黎朝 儒教思想 时间跨度 陈朝 系属 年光 李朝 佛教思想 “礼” 儒家
作者 冯宪光 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第4期22-22,共1页
《当代文坛》从创刊伊始到而今,已有十年光阴。这一本评论刊物十年来的雯然成果,已为世所公认。这不仅是它去年底受到过中宣部文艺局等单位表彰,跻身于全国优秀文艺评论期刊之林,而且更为重要的是它在国内拥有众多的读者,任随文苑潮涌潮... 《当代文坛》从创刊伊始到而今,已有十年光阴。这一本评论刊物十年来的雯然成果,已为世所公认。这不仅是它去年底受到过中宣部文艺局等单位表彰,跻身于全国优秀文艺评论期刊之林,而且更为重要的是它在国内拥有众多的读者,任随文苑潮涌潮落,许多爱好文学创作、文学评论的中青年一直把《当代文坛》当作自己的良师益友。我自已就是《当代文坛》的忠实读者。每次拿到新的一期刊物的当天,我就把它从头到尾翻览一遍,然后置于案首,对耐读的文章细细品味。十年来,我从《当代文坛》这一读物中获取了营养,也在《当代文坛》编辑的提携、指导和帮助下。 展开更多
关键词 当代文坛 十年树木 中青年 评论写作 文学评论 涌潮 期刊物 耐读 单位表 年光
作者 王洪义 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第S1期2-2,共1页
《黑龙江图书馆——佳木斯市图书馆学会论文集》和省内同行、读者见面了。我谨向省文管会、省图书馆的领导、编委及工作人员致以真诚的谢意!(一)随着图书馆事业的发展,图书馆学逐渐自成科学体系,并结出了丰硕的果实。这中间不知历经了... 《黑龙江图书馆——佳木斯市图书馆学会论文集》和省内同行、读者见面了。我谨向省文管会、省图书馆的领导、编委及工作人员致以真诚的谢意!(一)随着图书馆事业的发展,图书馆学逐渐自成科学体系,并结出了丰硕的果实。这中间不知历经了多少代贤人、志士、学者们的艰辛啄研。平溯佳木斯市图书馆史纪,实则已愈“而立”之年。然而,从理论研究的勃兴到目前初步形成群体,屈指不过十几年光景,我们的理论研究队伍不可谓不年轻,甚至还带有几分稚气。从这个现实状况讲,《论文集》 展开更多
关键词 佳木斯市图书馆 序言 文集 图书馆学理论研究 理论研究队伍 图书馆事业 年光 图书馆体制改革 贤人 编委
《商业研究》 1985年第2期49-49,共1页
关键词 经济效益 日用化学 产品宣传 哈尔滨日报 广告费 数字 鞋油 年光 年利润 年花
作者 金良 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1992年第2期125-125,共1页
由吴荣政、王锦贵二位先生主编的《简明中国文化史》,1991年6月已由湖南师范大学出版社出版。这部45万余言的新著概括了中国上下五千年光辉灿烂的文化。读来令人欣喜。 第一,该书甚合广大读者的需要,这主要表现在内容涵盖面的宽广上。... 由吴荣政、王锦贵二位先生主编的《简明中国文化史》,1991年6月已由湖南师范大学出版社出版。这部45万余言的新著概括了中国上下五千年光辉灿烂的文化。读来令人欣喜。 第一,该书甚合广大读者的需要,这主要表现在内容涵盖面的宽广上。到目前为止,中国文化史著作,大概出版过30余种。最早的恐怕要算顾康伯编1924年版《中国文化史》,接下来是1928年版日本高桑驹吉编《中国文化史》,1931年版陈国强编《中国文化史》和柳诒征编《中国文化史》等。但是所有这些文化史著,包括1969年台湾杨幼炯编10册本《中国文化史》和近年大陆出版的几部文化史,所涉及的内容均不及《简明中国文化史》广泛。这部书既包括作为观念方面的文化,又包括作为制度、现象和事业等方面的文化。凡哲学思想、 展开更多
关键词 《中国文化史》 文化史观 大读者 师范大学出版社 年光 涵盖面 中外文化交流 材料剪裁 篇幅 宏观与微观
作者 王晋利 《天风》 北大核心 2000年第9期24-24,共1页
现在我国教会,特别是农村教会,仍处于稼多工少的情况。据很多教牧人员共识,现在牧养工作担子沉重,光靠少数教牧人员来牧养教会势必不能达到兴旺教会的目的。所以,在教会的牧养工作中,必须群策群力才能充分发挥教会肢体的作用,这是圣经... 现在我国教会,特别是农村教会,仍处于稼多工少的情况。据很多教牧人员共识,现在牧养工作担子沉重,光靠少数教牧人员来牧养教会势必不能达到兴旺教会的目的。所以,在教会的牧养工作中,必须群策群力才能充分发挥教会肢体的作用,这是圣经使徒教会留下的原则。我县有62处聚会点,遍极334个村庄,光登记的信徒有7000多人,可全县只有一名牧师、一名长老。别的不说。 展开更多
关键词 新路子 国教会 农村 圣经 姊妹 使徒 年光 工作中 村庄 肢体
作者 赵树云 《河北民族师范学院学报》 1989年第2期97-98,共2页
一、从人物塑造的角度看《牡丹亭》的景物描写 杜丽娘是处在封建礼教重重包围中的青春少女。但是,当丫环向她描述花园的景致时,简短的几句话就唤醒了她爱好自然的本性,产生了去观赏美好大自然的渴望。“梦回莺啭,乱煞年光遍”,绚丽美... 一、从人物塑造的角度看《牡丹亭》的景物描写 杜丽娘是处在封建礼教重重包围中的青春少女。但是,当丫环向她描述花园的景致时,简短的几句话就唤醒了她爱好自然的本性,产生了去观赏美好大自然的渴望。“梦回莺啭,乱煞年光遍”,绚丽美好的春光,令人眼花乱。这与杜丽娘戒律苛刻的闺塾生活形成了鲜明的对比。她淋浴在美好的春光里,情感已融入到春色如许的美景之中。“袅晴丝吹来闲庭院,摇漾春如线。”晴朗的天空,游丝袅袅进庭院,春光如缕缕丝线摇曳荡漾。这一切对深居幽闺的杜丽娘来说,是多么新奇美好。她“停半晌,整花袖”,想把自己打扮得春天一般的美丽。“一生儿爱好是天然”,不仅写她热爱美丽的大自然,而且表现了杜丽娘执着地追求自由的性格特点。“原来姹紫嫣红开遍,似这般都付与断井颓垣”,既是对绚丽春景的描绘,也是杜丽娘芳华虚度的象征。姹紫嫣红的百花争奇斗艳,美不胜收,然而却无人欣赏,只得在破烂不堪的断井颓垣中听任花开花落。这里也蕴含着杜丽娘对自己深居幽闺人未识的感叹。“良辰美景奈何天,赏心乐事谁家院。”正是自然景物与自身处境的鲜明对比,“朝飞暮卷,云霞翠轩;雨丝风片,烟波画船”,一幅幅多么美好的画面:朝朝暮暮,云霞飞卷;烟波浩渺,悠悠画船。 展开更多
关键词 《牡丹亭》 景物描写 惊梦 杜丽娘 毕业论文 姹紫嫣红 观众欣赏 唱词 年光 爱好自然
作者 吴新民 《农村财政与财务》 1998年第8期39-39,共1页
孩提时,心中藏有无数绚丽的梦:作家梦、画家梦、歌星梦……。求学期,也确曾为之奋斗过——用笔写过梦,挥毫画过梦,引吭歌过梦。然而真正到了兑现的年龄时,却偏偏干上了乡财政,想起来,还真是缘分。 记得当初在填报高考志愿时,为了继承父... 孩提时,心中藏有无数绚丽的梦:作家梦、画家梦、歌星梦……。求学期,也确曾为之奋斗过——用笔写过梦,挥毫画过梦,引吭歌过梦。然而真正到了兑现的年龄时,却偏偏干上了乡财政,想起来,还真是缘分。 记得当初在填报高考志愿时,为了继承父业,去当一个光荣的人民教师,填报师范院校,结果我违愿地被一所财政中专学校录取了,毕业分配怀揣介绍信,来到偏僻山区财政所报到时,我感到淡淡的苦闷,淡淡的愁。 展开更多
关键词 缘分 乡财政 高考志愿 江西省 偏僻山区 财政所 年光 衣带 介绍信 毕业分配
不甘平庸方有为——记山东乐化集团董事长、总经理 沈孝业
《中国.城乡桥》 1997年第10期37-37,共1页
10年光阴是短暂的,有的人平平庸庸,碌碌无为,一晃而过。而沈孝业这个庄户汉子,经过10年的风雨历程,把一个名不见经传的乡镇油漆厂驾驭成一个国家大二型企业集团——山东乐化集团。 沈孝业说:“发展,需要有逻辑思维的头脑,要有不懈的进... 10年光阴是短暂的,有的人平平庸庸,碌碌无为,一晃而过。而沈孝业这个庄户汉子,经过10年的风雨历程,把一个名不见经传的乡镇油漆厂驾驭成一个国家大二型企业集团——山东乐化集团。 沈孝业说:“发展,需要有逻辑思维的头脑,要有不懈的进取精神。” “先抓市场,再抓工厂”是沈孝业发展企业的一个经验。他开拓销售市场。 展开更多
关键词 董事长 总经理 庄户 油漆厂 企业集团 年光 逻辑思维 业发展 艰苦创业 销售市场
《中国经济和信息化》 1999年第43期49-49,共1页
关键词 要效益 现代管理 世界钢铁市场 现代化管理 冶金行业 地波 亚洲经济危机 年光 冶金企业 钢铁行业
Responses of Photosynthetic Pigment, Phenol and Total Saponin Contents of Panax notoginseng to Supplemental UV-B under Field Conditions
作者 赵昶灵 陈中坚 +4 位作者 魏富刚 李孙文 杨莉 李俊 王崇德 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第7期1120-1124,1151,共6页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to investigate the content changes and their correlations of the photosynthetic pigment,phenols,including total phenols,total flavonoids and anthocyanins,and total saponins of the... [Objective] The aim of this study was to investigate the content changes and their correlations of the photosynthetic pigment,phenols,including total phenols,total flavonoids and anthocyanins,and total saponins of the one-year-old P.notoginseng plants under supplemental UV-B stress in fields.[Method] The one-year-old plants were irradiated by UV-B in field for 1 min per day,and the plants under the UV-B lamp were regarded as a circle center,achieving an annular leaf-sampling.The photosynthetic pigment,phenols and total saponins of the leaves were determined spectrophotometrically.[Result] With the increase of sampling radius,the supplemental UV-B intensity decreased significantly,the contents of chlorophyll (Chl) a,Chl b,Chl (a+b),carotenoid (Car) and total photosynthetic pigment (Chl+Car) of the leaves increased extremely significantly,the Chl a/b and total phenol content (TPC) decreased extremely significantly,but the Chl (a+b)/Car changes were not significant.The contents of total flavonoids,anthocyanins and saponins all increased due to the increasing of UV-B,displaying dose effects.The UV-B intensity was positively correlated with the Chl a/b,and negatively with the Chl a,Chl b,Chl (a+ b),Car and (Chl+Car) contents; and the two of TPC,total flavonoid content (TFC),total anthocyanin content (TAC) and total saponin content (TSC) were positively correlated,all reaching extremely significant level.The UV-B intensity was positively and significantly correlated with the total flavonoid content (TFC),negatively and significantly with the Chl (a+b)/Car,and positively and insignificantly with the TPC,TAC and TSC.[Conclusion] For one-year-old plants of P.notoginseng,UV-B can decrease the contents of the Chl a,Chl b,Chl (a+b),Car and (Chl+Car) and increase the Chl a/b and TPC,and,furthermore,induce the increases of the TFC,TAC and TSC in a dose-dependent manner.However,UV-B can hardly change the Chl (a+b)/Car.The supplemental UV-B of well-suited dose might be one of the effective measures to improve the TSC of P.notoginseng. 展开更多
关键词 One-year-old Panax notoginseng plants Photosynthetic pigment Phenol and total saponin contents Supplemental UV-B Response
作者 王维达 夏君定 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第2期79-86,共8页
This article describes the measurement of internal alpha dose-rate in pottery using ultrathin CaSO4: Tin thermoluminescence dosimeter. Among the advantages ofthe techllique are not only convenience, accuracy, lowcost,... This article describes the measurement of internal alpha dose-rate in pottery using ultrathin CaSO4: Tin thermoluminescence dosimeter. Among the advantages ofthe techllique are not only convenience, accuracy, lowcost, but also the beta dose--ratefrom pottery can be obtained at the same time. 展开更多
关键词 POTTERY Thermoluminescence dating Annual alpha dose Ultrathinthermoluminescence dosimeter
Visual Prostheses: Technological and Socioeconomic Challenges 被引量:1
作者 John B.Troy 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2015年第3期288-291,共4页
Visual prostheses are now entering the clinical marketplace. Such prostheses were originally targeted for patients suff ering from blindness through retinitis pigmentosa(RP). However, in late July of this year, for th... Visual prostheses are now entering the clinical marketplace. Such prostheses were originally targeted for patients suff ering from blindness through retinitis pigmentosa(RP). However, in late July of this year, for the first time a patient was given a retinal implant in order to treat dry agerelated macular degeneration. Retinal implants are suitable solutions for diseases that attack photoreceptors but spare most of the remaining retinal neurons. For eye diseases that result in loss of retinal output, implants that interface with more central structures in the visual system are needed. The standard site for central visual prostheses under development is the visual cortex. This perspective discusses the technical and socioeconomic challenges faced by visual prostheses. 展开更多
关键词 NEUROPROSTHESES vision eye disease restoration of function REHABILITATION
Classification of Barley according to Harvest Year and Species by Using Mid-infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis
作者 Ajib Budour Fournier Frantz +2 位作者 Boivin Patrick Schmitt Marc Fick Michel 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2014年第1期36-54,共19页
In order to monitor malt quality in the malting industry, despite yearly variations in the barley quality, 394 barley samples were analysed using conventional (moisture, protein and B-glucan content) and mid-infrare... In order to monitor malt quality in the malting industry, despite yearly variations in the barley quality, 394 barley samples were analysed using conventional (moisture, protein and B-glucan content) and mid-infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy FT-IR. The experimental dataset included barley from three harvest years, two barley species, 77 barley varieties, and two-row and six-row barley, from 16 cultivation sites. For each sample, the malt quality indices were also assessed according to European Brewing Convention (EBC) standards. Principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out on mean-centred, normalized and derivative spectra using 200/cm width spectral bands. The most informative spectral bands were observed in the 800-1,000/cm and 1,000-1,200/cm ranges. PCA revealed that barley harvested in 2010 and in 2011 had bands that were very close together, while 2009 harvest clearly displayed a difference in its quality. PCA made it possible to distinguish two species and confirmed that two-row winter barley quality was closer to two-row spring barley quality than to six-row winter barley. Results indicate that mid-infrared spectrometry (MIR) could be a very useful and rapid analytical tool to assess barley qualitative quality. 展开更多
关键词 Malting barley mean infrared spectroscopy principal components analysis.
Optically stimulated luminescence dating of young glacial sediments from the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 被引量:8
作者 ZENG Lan-hua OU Xian-jiao +1 位作者 LAI Zhong-ping ZHOU Shang-zhe 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第7期1174-1185,共12页
Poor bleaching is a significant problem for Optically Stimulated Luminescence(OSL) dating of glacial sediments. Five young glacial samples(including two modern analogues) from different depositional settings were coll... Poor bleaching is a significant problem for Optically Stimulated Luminescence(OSL) dating of glacial sediments. Five young glacial samples(including two modern analogues) from different depositional settings were collected beyond the Yingpu Glacier in the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. De was determined using different OSL methods. The luminescence characteristics and dating results showed that the large aliquot quartz Blue Stimulated Luminescence(BSL) is more applicable than polymineral infrared stimulated luminescence(IRSL) method. Small aliquot quartz BSL results showed poor luminescence properties due to low luminescence sensitivity of quartz in this area. The dating results also indicated that glaciofluvial samples deposited close to ice margin(~40 m and ~700 m) and supraglacial debris dominated lateral moraine samples are relatively well-bleached, whereas samples from ground moraine and low terminal moraine were poorly bleached, probably due to containing subglacial and englacial debris. The residual doses of glaciofluvial and lateral moraine crest samples were below a few Gy and age overestimations were below a few hundred years. The ground moraine and low terminal moraine samples had residual doses as high as ~110 Gy, and ages were overestimated by ~15-17 ka. 展开更多
关键词 Glacial sediments Optically stimulated luminescence Quartz Residual age Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Effects of photoperiod on daily activity rhythm of juvenile sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) 被引量:8
作者 董贯仓 董双林 +1 位作者 田相利 王芳 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期1015-1022,共8页
In nature, Apostichopus japonicus exhibits a behavioral characteristic of emerging at night and sheltering during the day. Hence, it was commonly believed that longer and darker light conditions are better for a popul... In nature, Apostichopus japonicus exhibits a behavioral characteristic of emerging at night and sheltering during the day. Hence, it was commonly believed that longer and darker light conditions are better for a population of A. japonicus. In aquaculture situations therefore, animals have commonly been cultured without lighting, especially during juvenile-hatching culture. However, how the length of darkness each day affects .4.japonicus and what the mechanism is of behavioral response of A. japonicus to different photoperiods remain unclear, and are specifically addressed in this study. We applied nine photoperiod treatments (light:dark (LD) cycles at 0:24, 3:21, 6:18, 9:15, 12:12, 15:9, 18:6, 21:3, and 24:0 under 500Ix) to 60 individuals (29.73±0.23 g) per treatment (with 3 replicates). The enviroramental conditions were set as: water temperature = 16.9±0.3℃, dissolved oxygen〉6.0 rag/L, ammonia〈0.3 mg/L, pH=7.8-8.2, and salinity=30-32. Under experimental conditions of continuous darkness as well as continuous light, cyclic nocturnal activity patterns of A. japonicus (viz. the animals emerged and fed at night and sheltered during the day) were observed. However, they spent more and less time, respectively, moving and feeding under continuous darkness and continuous light, than those under a natural light cycle. Under photoperiods with 6-12 h of light, the animals showed one sheltering behavior transition and two emerging behavior transitions. These behavior transitions appeared to be governed by some internal physiological factors and induced by daily light variation. The behavior of the animals was significantly affected by different photoperiods, and the distribution rate (DR) of the animals emerging at "daytime" increased with lengthening "light time" (except for the LD 3:21 cycle). We also found that there was no significant difference in mean DR per day under LD cycles of 6:18, 9:15, 15:9, and 12:12. Mean DRs per day were significantly lower for these photoperiods, than for those under LD cycles of 0:24 and 3:21, and significantly higher than for those under LD cycles of 18:6, 21:3 and 24:0. These results imply that 6-15 h light per day were the similar photoperiods to natural sunlight. From the viewpoint of activity and feeding behaviors, these might be the optimal photoperiods for rearing A. japonicus. 展开更多
关键词 Apostichopusjaponicus daily behavior PHOTOPERIOD
作者 Li Shenghua and Man-Yin Wong Tso(Radioisotope Unit,University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong) 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第2期113-116,共4页
In luminescence and ESR dating methods,total count rate from thick source alpha counting is commonly used fox estimating annual dose with assumption of equal activities for both uranium and thorium decay chains.This i... In luminescence and ESR dating methods,total count rate from thick source alpha counting is commonly used fox estimating annual dose with assumption of equal activities for both uranium and thorium decay chains.This is equal to a Th/U weight ratio of 3.2.The systematic error in total dose rate due to uncertainty of the ratio is calculated.It is found that the error is insignificant for uniformly distributed samples such as sediment,but can be significant for some extreme circumstances. 展开更多
关键词 Luminescence and ESR dating Th/U ratio Systematic error Infinite matrix
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