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EVA业绩评价在广宇集团中的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 付洪垒 徐莹 《商业经济》 2016年第10期114-115,168,共3页
国资委从2010年开始在我国企业推行EVA业绩评价方法,EVA对企业加强价值管理、重视长远利益发挥重要作用。房地产业作为国民经济的支柱产业,其繁荣对我国相关产业的发展有巨大的拉动作用。通过计算广宇集团EVA值,与传统的净利润指标进行... 国资委从2010年开始在我国企业推行EVA业绩评价方法,EVA对企业加强价值管理、重视长远利益发挥重要作用。房地产业作为国民经济的支柱产业,其繁荣对我国相关产业的发展有巨大的拉动作用。通过计算广宇集团EVA值,与传统的净利润指标进行对比,发现EVA在弥补传统财务指标不足的同时,能够更加客观和真实地反映企业的经营状况。广宇集团应通过优化资本结构,降低资本成本;保持收入的稳定增长;完善业绩评价体系等措施来保障EVA的有效应用,借此提高广宇集团的业绩评价水平和企业价值。 展开更多
关键词 EVA 广宇集团 业绩评价 优化建议
作者 金刚 《中共济南市委党校学报》 2006年第1期128-,共1页
关键词 政治右倾化 新保守主义 日本 冷战后 专著 广宇
作者 居世军 《淮海工学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第3期93-96,共4页
近年来,国内外证券市场上频频爆出一些上市公司的造假丑闻,其危害和影响不仅仅涉及到利益关系人,还引发了上市公司的信用危机。以市场认可度和品牌知名度都比较高的广宇集团为例,通过报表分析和指标分析的方法对上市公司的盈利质量进行... 近年来,国内外证券市场上频频爆出一些上市公司的造假丑闻,其危害和影响不仅仅涉及到利益关系人,还引发了上市公司的信用危机。以市场认可度和品牌知名度都比较高的广宇集团为例,通过报表分析和指标分析的方法对上市公司的盈利质量进行研究。 展开更多
关键词 上市公司 盈利质量 报表分析 指标分析 广宇集团
作者 秦文义 《中小企业管理与科技》 2022年第16期89-91,共3页
资产剥离是企业实现业务转型,拓宽盈利渠道,提升可持续发展能力、抗风险能力以及后续发展潜力的合理战略选择,将企业的资源投入更具战略意义的业务,从而增强企业的盈利能力和长期发展能力。近年来,房地产行业的发展前景不明,加之新冠肺... 资产剥离是企业实现业务转型,拓宽盈利渠道,提升可持续发展能力、抗风险能力以及后续发展潜力的合理战略选择,将企业的资源投入更具战略意义的业务,从而增强企业的盈利能力和长期发展能力。近年来,房地产行业的发展前景不明,加之新冠肺炎疫情影响,多家企业受资金短缺问题影响出现危机,以至于被迫转型。面对未知的投资风险,更加考验各大房企管理层的投资眼光和转型能力。论文选取广宇发展作为案例公司,结合其2021年提出的资产剥离方案,对资产剥离的动因及绩效进行研究,以此为同行业企业利用资产剥离进行战略转型提供一些可行有效的建议。 展开更多
关键词 资产剥离 战略转型 广宇发展
作者 方亚艳 《当代企业世界》 2017年第5期94-95,共2页
关键词 广宇 公园 园林
作者 本刊编辑部 王轶磊 +3 位作者 姜慧 周韵 陈思 虞磊 《城市开发》 2023年第10期82-83,共2页
10月27日下午,2023中国康住会·康养太湖论坛围绕“地产+康养”主题进行了“‘康养总对总’圆桌论坛”。圆桌论坛由中国房协养老地产与大健康委员会秘书长姚春苏主持,参与圆桌论坛的嘉宾有广宇集团董事长王轶磊,绿城康养董事长姜慧... 10月27日下午,2023中国康住会·康养太湖论坛围绕“地产+康养”主题进行了“‘康养总对总’圆桌论坛”。圆桌论坛由中国房协养老地产与大健康委员会秘书长姚春苏主持,参与圆桌论坛的嘉宾有广宇集团董事长王轶磊,绿城康养董事长姜慧,滨江康养总周韵,远洋康养总陈思,路劲康养总虞磊。 展开更多
关键词 康养 养老地产 圆桌论坛 广宇集团
作者 陈先容 《纯碱工业》 CAS 2003年第3期23-25,共3页
关键词 技术进步 联合法 制备 纯碱 四川广宇化工股份有限公司联碱分厂
作者 郭建龙 《中国民营科技与经济》 2009年第1期50-52,共3页
  "经济一下子掉到了坑里,我们谁都不能完全幸免."2月18日,纽交所上市公司文思创新董事长兼CEO陈淑宁向记者表示.文思创新的主要业务是软件外包,对于软件业、特别是有海外业务的公司而言,经济危机造成的影响已经开始感觉到...   "经济一下子掉到了坑里,我们谁都不能完全幸免."2月18日,纽交所上市公司文思创新董事长兼CEO陈淑宁向记者表示.文思创新的主要业务是软件外包,对于软件业、特别是有海外业务的公司而言,经济危机造成的影响已经开始感觉到.…… 展开更多
关键词 软件业 投资 广宇 工信部 财政管理 软件产业 重大专项
Friedmann Cosmology with a Generalized Equation of State and Bulk Viscosity 被引量:4
作者 MENG Xin-He REN Jie HU Ming-Guang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期379-384,共6页
The universe content is considered as a non-perfect fluid with bulk viscosity and is described by a more general equation of state (endowed some deviation from the conventionally assumed cosmic perfect fluid model).... The universe content is considered as a non-perfect fluid with bulk viscosity and is described by a more general equation of state (endowed some deviation from the conventionally assumed cosmic perfect fluid model). We assume the bulk viscosityis a linear combination of two terms: one is constant, and the other is proportional to the scalar expansion 0 = 3a/a. The equation of state is described as p = (γ - 1)p + po, where po is a parameter. In this framework we demonstrate that this model can be used to explain the dark energy dominated universe, and different proper choices of the parameters may lead to three kinds of fates of the cosmological evolution: no future singularity, big rip, or Type-Ⅲ singularity as presented in IS. Nojiri, S.D. Odintsov, and S. Tsujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 71 (2005) 063004]. 展开更多
关键词 Friedmann cosmology equation of state bulk viscosity dark energy
Cosmological Expansion and Its Effect on Small Systems
作者 B. Mirza M. Zamani-Nasab 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第6X期987-990,共4页
In order to study the effect of large scale cosmological expansion on small systems, we assume a Friedmann- Robertson-Walker type coordinate system in presence of a nonzero cosmological constant and derive a non-stati... In order to study the effect of large scale cosmological expansion on small systems, we assume a Friedmann- Robertson-Walker type coordinate system in presence of a nonzero cosmological constant and derive a non-static Reissner-Nrdstr6m metric. It is an analytic function of r for all values except at r = O, which is singular. By determining the equation of motion in this metric we can estimate how expansion of the universe may affect Pioneer's motion. Because the metric does not have any event horizon and so high potential regions are accessible, this may help us in better understanding AGN phenomenon. 展开更多
关键词 general relativity exact solution
化工安全倡导从设计源头抓起 被引量:1
《江苏氯碱》 2011年第1期32-33,共2页
关键词 设计源头 安全设计 导则 广宇 装置 勘察设计协会 化工安全 工业安全 石油化工企业 石油企业 QHSE
作者 亢樱青 《商学院》 2017年第11期28-29,共2页
新零售时代,人将成为数据的核心。在这波传统线下企业的重生和线上企业进击线下的潮流中,众盟数据通过线下大数据的挖掘,成为时代的"弄潮儿"。近几年来,随着线上流量红利逐渐消失,公众的注意力被重新转移到线下,消费者的高质量需求和... 新零售时代,人将成为数据的核心。在这波传统线下企业的重生和线上企业进击线下的潮流中,众盟数据通过线下大数据的挖掘,成为时代的"弄潮儿"。近几年来,随着线上流量红利逐渐消失,公众的注意力被重新转移到线下,消费者的高质量需求和线下商家低水平服务之间的矛盾日益凸显。2016年,新零售蔚然成风,一场被大数据影响、改造的新商业形态正在形成。 展开更多
关键词 线下 商业形态 红利 广宇 质量需求 百度 零售领域 商业决策 年线 资产化
高歌颂两会 翰墨寄豪情——省政协委员撰写春联宣传党的十九大精神
作者 王洪海 李洁 《乡音》 2018年第2期50-50,共1页
"思想是明灯、胸襟容广宇""五湖四海,一带一路繁荣共享;两学一做,三严三实使命同心""撸袖钉钉向福祉、举旗担担谋复兴"……政协委员们围在桌前,边读边论,其乐融融,热闹非常。1月27日晚,"高歌颂两会翰墨寄豪情——政协委员书写十... "思想是明灯、胸襟容广宇""五湖四海,一带一路繁荣共享;两学一做,三严三实使命同心""撸袖钉钉向福祉、举旗担担谋复兴"……政协委员们围在桌前,边读边论,其乐融融,热闹非常。1月27日晚,"高歌颂两会翰墨寄豪情——政协委员书写十九大精神春联活动"在石家庄太行国宾馆委员驻地举行,此次活动由省政协十二届一次会议文化艺术、体育组和社科、新闻出版组联合发起主办。 展开更多
关键词 政协委员 九大 文化艺术 三实 广宇 三严 日晚 艺术研究所 王离 一路
作者 丁琳 《IT经理世界》 2007年第21期50-52,54,共4页
关键词 开发商 IPO 房产 金都 潘石屹 SOHO 资本市场 广宇 商业地产 房地产 金融市场 房企 九龙仓集团
Analysis of Generalized Ghost Dark Energy in LQC and Galileon Gravity
作者 mahasweta biswas ujjal debnath 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期121-126,共6页
A so-called ghost dark energy was recently proposed to explain the present acceleration of the universe.The energy density of ghost dark energy,which originates from Veneziano ghost of Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD),in a... A so-called ghost dark energy was recently proposed to explain the present acceleration of the universe.The energy density of ghost dark energy,which originates from Veneziano ghost of Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD),in a time dependent background,can be written in the form,ρD=αH + βH^2 where H is the Hubble parameter.We investigate the generalized ghost dark energy(GGDE) model in the setup of loop quantum Cosmology(LQC) and Galileon Cosmology.We study the cosmological implications of the models.We also obtain the equation of state and the deceleration parameters and differential equations governing the evolution of this dark energy model for LQC and Galileon Cosmology. 展开更多
关键词 ghost dark energy loop equation cosmology Galileon gravity
A Specific Case of Generalized Einstein-aether Theories
作者 孟新河 杜小龙 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期227-233,共7页
With the dark energy phenomena explored over a decade, in this present work we discuss a specific case of the generalized Einstein-aether theories, in which the modified Friedmann equation is similar to that in the Dv... With the dark energy phenomena explored over a decade, in this present work we discuss a specific case of the generalized Einstein-aether theories, in which the modified Friedmann equation is similar to that in the Dvali- Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) brahe world model. We compute the joint statistic constraints on model parameters in this specific case by using the recent type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) data, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) shift parameter data, and the baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) data traced by the S1oan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Furthermore, we analyze other constrains from the observational Hubble parameter data (OHD). The comparison with the standard cosmological model (cosmological constant A cold dark matter (ACDM) model) is dearly shown; also we comment on the interesting relation between the coupling constant M in this model and the special accelerate scale in the modified Newtonian dynamies (MOND) model initially given by Milgrom with the hope for interpreting the galaxy rotation curves without introducing mysterious dark matter. 展开更多
关键词 Einstein-aether theories MOND model dark energy
From the elasticity theory to cosmology and vice versa 被引量:1
作者 LEVRINO Luca TARTAGLIA Angelo 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期597-603,共7页
The paper shows how a generalization of the elasticity theory to four dimensions and to space-time allows for a consistent description of the homogeneous and isotropic universe,including the accelerated expansion.The ... The paper shows how a generalization of the elasticity theory to four dimensions and to space-time allows for a consistent description of the homogeneous and isotropic universe,including the accelerated expansion.The analogy is manifested by the inclusion in the traditional Lagrangian of general relativity of an additional term accounting for the strain induced in the manifold(i.e.in space-time)by the curvature,be it induced by the presence of a texture defect or by a matter/energy distribution.The additional term is su?cient to account for various observed features of the universe and to give a simple interpretation for the so called dark energy.Then,we show how the same approach can be adopted back in three dimensions to obtain the equilibrium configuration of a given solid subject to strain induced by defects or applied forces.Finally,it is shown how concepts coming from the familiar elasticity theory can inspire new approaches to cosmology and in return how methods appropriated to General Relativity can be applied back to classical problems of elastic deformations in three dimensions. 展开更多
关键词 deformable solids COSMOLOGY elastic strain Lagrangian density and tensors
作者 XU HaiJiao HUANG ChangQin +5 位作者 PAN Peng ZHAO GanSen XU ChunYan LU YanSheng CHEN Deng WU JiYi 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第12期1-2,共2页
This issue of Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy celebrates the Centenary of Einstein's General Theory of Rela- tivity, which changed the way humanity understood the concepts of space, time and matter. Pri... This issue of Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy celebrates the Centenary of Einstein's General Theory of Rela- tivity, which changed the way humanity understood the concepts of space, time and matter. Prior to 1915 Einstein had intro- duced his theory of Special Relativity, and Minkowski had introduced the spacetime metric. General Relativity overthrew the Newtonian idea that space, time and matter were independent, replacing it with the idea that space, time and matter are inex- tricably linked. Within a year of the publication of General Relativity came Schwartzchild's exact solution of Einstein's field equations which describes the spacetime structure of black holes. In 1916 and 1918 Einstein showed that his theory predicted the existence of gravitational waves. Within 7 years, in 1922, Friedmann published a solution for Einstein's field equations applied to a homogeneous universe, uncovering the basic physics of Big Bang cosmology. 展开更多
关键词 multi-concept image retrieval semantic correlation probability estimation concept learning visual evidence
P-V Criticality of Born-Infeld AdS Black Holes Surrounded by Quintessence
作者 Chen-Hao Wu De-Cheng Zou Yue Wang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第10期459-464,共6页
We discuss the P-V criticality and phase transition in the extended phase space of Born-Infeld AdS(BIAdS) black hole surrounded by quintessence dark energy, where the cosmological constant Λ is identified with the th... We discuss the P-V criticality and phase transition in the extended phase space of Born-Infeld AdS(BIAdS) black hole surrounded by quintessence dark energy, where the cosmological constant Λ is identified with the thermodynamical pressure P. Comparing with Van der Waals(VdW)-like SBH/LBH phase transition of Born-Infeld AdS(BI-AdS) black hole, we find that the BI-AdS black hole surrounded by quintessence dark energy possesses lower critical temperature because of parameter a > 0, even disappears since the parameter a taking enough large values leads to Tc ≤ 0. Moreover, the interesting thermodynamic phenomenon of reentrant phase transition(RPT) are also observed,and the quintessence dark energy plays a similar role in this RPT. 展开更多
关键词 general relativity QUINTESSENCE black hole thermodynamics
Anisotropic Inflationary Scenario Via Generalized Chaplygin Gas Model
作者 Abdul Jawad Shamaila Rani 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第5期653-658,共6页
We investigate generalized chaplygin gas for warm inflationary scenario in the context of locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type I universe model.We assume two different cases of dissipative coefficient,i.e.,cons... We investigate generalized chaplygin gas for warm inflationary scenario in the context of locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type I universe model.We assume two different cases of dissipative coefficient,i.e.,constant as well as function of scalar field.We construct dynamical equations as well as a relationship between scalar and radiation energy densities under slow-roll approximation.We also derive slow-roll parameters,scalar and tensor power spectra,scalar spectral index,tensor to scalar ratio for analyzing inflationary background during high dissipative regime.We also use the WMAP7 data for the discussion of our parameters. 展开更多
关键词 anisotropic universe model inflation generalized chaplygin gas
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