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声韵互舞 启数字篇章——广电播音主持艺术的创新探索
作者 杨涛 《新闻文化建设》 2024年第6期130-132,共3页
广播电视媒体,作为传统媒体生态中的信息“巨兽”,在崭新的数字篇章中仍处于主导地位。播音主持人作为广电节目的灵魂,在新媒体时代中的角色身份也发生了转变,不仅是节目信息的播报者,还是语言艺术的诠释者,能够跨越屏幕与声波的限制,... 广播电视媒体,作为传统媒体生态中的信息“巨兽”,在崭新的数字篇章中仍处于主导地位。播音主持人作为广电节目的灵魂,在新媒体时代中的角色身份也发生了转变,不仅是节目信息的播报者,还是语言艺术的诠释者,能够跨越屏幕与声波的限制,与受众产生共鸣。为了更好地应对新媒体的技术冲击,全面提升播音主持人的综合艺术修养是引领媒介发展潮流的关键所在。基于此,本文通过分析广电播音主持的表现要素,并列举了几点创新发展建议。 展开更多
关键词 广电播音 主持艺术 主持创新
作者 熊奕奕 《新闻文化建设》 2024年第2期121-123,共3页
随着融媒体时代的到来,新闻文化建设受到了深刻的影响和变革,广电播音主持成为不可或缺的角色。作为文化的传播者,主持人需要对新闻信息进行准确深入的解读与引导。有声语言在情感与信息质感的传递上具有独特的优势。为此,广电播音主持... 随着融媒体时代的到来,新闻文化建设受到了深刻的影响和变革,广电播音主持成为不可或缺的角色。作为文化的传播者,主持人需要对新闻信息进行准确深入的解读与引导。有声语言在情感与信息质感的传递上具有独特的优势。为此,广电播音主持需要采纳有效的有声语言表达策略,确保信息的准确性,通过声音的各种手段强调新闻的关键信息,并传达出新闻事件的紧迫感与重要性。本文通过实例分析,展示如何在新闻文化建设中应用这些策略,并探讨它们与文化价值的结合及面临的挑战。 展开更多
关键词 融媒体时代 新闻文化建设 有声语言表达 广电播音主持
作者 岳玲 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)社会科学》 2023年第2期4-7,共4页
随着信息化时代的到来,传统媒体很难满足社会公众日常生活的现实需要。尤其是在多元媒体形式的冲击下,传统广电播音主持只有在不断创新改革后才能够获得更大的生存空间。本文就融媒体概念及广电播音主持的内涵进行了简要分析,总结了融... 随着信息化时代的到来,传统媒体很难满足社会公众日常生活的现实需要。尤其是在多元媒体形式的冲击下,传统广电播音主持只有在不断创新改革后才能够获得更大的生存空间。本文就融媒体概念及广电播音主持的内涵进行了简要分析,总结了融媒体时代下广电播音主持面临的困境,并提出了在当今社会广电播音主持工作的价值坚守以及发展策略,希望能够有助于转变广电播音主持在融媒体时代下面临的工作困境,有效提升业务能力,促进广电播音主持事业的高水平发展。 展开更多
关键词 融媒体 广电播音主持 困境 发展策略
广电播音主持艺术创新策略 被引量:3
作者 魏诗嘉 《记者摇篮》 2022年第2期121-122,共2页
广电媒体凭借传播速度快、传播方式多样等优势,得到了人们的青睐,播音主持起到了举足轻重的作用。为了吸引更多的受众,推动广电更好地发展,播音主持就要不断创新主持艺术,提高节目水准与质量。本文着重论述广电播音主持艺术的具体创新... 广电媒体凭借传播速度快、传播方式多样等优势,得到了人们的青睐,播音主持起到了举足轻重的作用。为了吸引更多的受众,推动广电更好地发展,播音主持就要不断创新主持艺术,提高节目水准与质量。本文着重论述广电播音主持艺术的具体创新策略。 展开更多
关键词 广电播音 主持艺术 创新
融媒体时代广电播音主持的困境与发展 被引量:7
作者 张枫琳 《中国新通信》 2022年第15期85-87,共3页
随着科学技术不断地发展,传统媒体已经远远不能满足人们日常生活中的需求,所以媒行业体必须要有所创新才能继续生存下去。因此,为了媒体行业能够永续发展下去,将传统媒体与新媒体有机地结合在一起,从而产生一种新的媒体形式——融媒体,... 随着科学技术不断地发展,传统媒体已经远远不能满足人们日常生活中的需求,所以媒行业体必须要有所创新才能继续生存下去。因此,为了媒体行业能够永续发展下去,将传统媒体与新媒体有机地结合在一起,从而产生一种新的媒体形式——融媒体,这不仅提升了人们的生活质量,还为各行各业的兴荣发展奠定了重要的基础。对于播音主持行业来说,融媒体的出现为其提供了发展的新机遇,使其能够在飞速发展的二十一世纪站稳脚跟,但是它也面临着巨大的挑战。在融媒体时代,播音主持左右传播媒体的成员,必须对其自身进行创新才能扩大其发展前景。本文将从融媒体的概述、融媒体时代广电播音主持所面临的困境以及媒体融合的大时代广电播音主持的发展机遇等几个方面进行具体的分析,从而了解在融媒体时代的背景下,如何才能促进媒体行业的进一步发展。 展开更多
关键词 融媒体 广电播音主持 发展机遇 挑战
广电播音主持的规范性与艺术性表达策略研究 被引量:1
作者 宛子煜 《新闻研究导刊》 2022年第6期166-168,共3页
广电播音是新闻信息传播的基本中介,主持人是信息内容传播的基本载体。新媒体时代背景下,广电播音主持在具体工作开展中,必须全方位遵循活动规范,并适应新媒体发展要求,实现主持活动规范性与艺术性表达的有机统一,能够向社会公众更加直... 广电播音是新闻信息传播的基本中介,主持人是信息内容传播的基本载体。新媒体时代背景下,广电播音主持在具体工作开展中,必须全方位遵循活动规范,并适应新媒体发展要求,实现主持活动规范性与艺术性表达的有机统一,能够向社会公众更加直接高效地传递信息内容,并持续吸引受众群体的注意力,达到更好的信息传播效果。多数播音主持在节目制作中难以实现二者的有机结合,对节目质量产生影响。文章基于文献资料法、访谈法等,分析当前广电播音主持规范性与艺术性表达的基本要求,分析主持活动表达面临的问题,并结合实际提出明确规范性与艺术性表达的准则、明确新媒体时代广电播音发展特征、创新节目传播形式和主持表达思维、强化主持人员综合素养培养等策略,为实现规范性与艺术性表达充分融合、提升播音主持水平提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 广电播音主持 规范性 艺术性 表达 新媒体
试论新媒体视域下广电播音主持技巧探析 被引量:1
作者 林俊坚 《传播力研究》 2018年第28期153-153,共1页
随着社会经济的不断发展,新媒体被应用的越来越广泛,同时为广播事业提供了巨大的发展空间。而广播事业中最为关键的就是播音主持环节,合理应用其技巧对广电播音有着非常重要的意义。基于此,本文通过对新媒体视域下广电播音主持技巧的重... 随着社会经济的不断发展,新媒体被应用的越来越广泛,同时为广播事业提供了巨大的发展空间。而广播事业中最为关键的就是播音主持环节,合理应用其技巧对广电播音有着非常重要的意义。基于此,本文通过对新媒体视域下广电播音主持技巧的重要性进行分析,从掌控节奏、发音技巧、把握情感等方面论述了新媒体视域下广电播音主持技巧。 展开更多
关键词 新媒体视域 广电播音 主持技巧
作者 王倩 《中国报业》 2024年第2期170-171,共2页
关键词 融媒体时代 广电播音主持 困境与发展
融媒体时代广电播音主持发展分析 被引量:1
作者 李双立 《中国报业》 2023年第18期162-163,共2页
随着现代科技的快速发展,我国媒体产业已经进入第五次信息革命。传统报纸、期刊、广播及电视等媒体获得新生,标志着融媒体时代的全面到来。播音主持人应当与时俱进,不断提升自我专业能力素养,才能更好地迎合时代发展的需求。融媒体时代... 随着现代科技的快速发展,我国媒体产业已经进入第五次信息革命。传统报纸、期刊、广播及电视等媒体获得新生,标志着融媒体时代的全面到来。播音主持人应当与时俱进,不断提升自我专业能力素养,才能更好地迎合时代发展的需求。融媒体时代,应当从融媒体概念入手,对当下广电播音主持的特点和现状进行分析,探究播音主持领域在新时代的发展路径。 展开更多
关键词 融媒体时代 广电播音主持 发展
作者 张卫娜 《新闻文化建设》 2022年第9期96-98,共3页
广电新闻播音的语言样式对新闻传播具有重要的意义和作用。在新时代,由于新媒体的迅速发展,广电新闻面临着严峻的挑战,如何对广电新闻播音语言样式进行创新,使广电新闻获得强大的竞争力和活力,是广电新闻工作者面临的问题。本文研究了... 广电新闻播音的语言样式对新闻传播具有重要的意义和作用。在新时代,由于新媒体的迅速发展,广电新闻面临着严峻的挑战,如何对广电新闻播音语言样式进行创新,使广电新闻获得强大的竞争力和活力,是广电新闻工作者面临的问题。本文研究了广电新闻播音语言样式的发展过程,进一步分析了广电新闻播音语言样式的特点以及发展特点,并根据其特点和发展规律,提出了创新实践的建议性举措。 展开更多
关键词 广电新闻播音 语言样式 发展向度 创新实践
人工智能技术 在广播电视播音主持领域中的应用探析
作者 冷丽 《华声》 2024年第3期0034-0036,共3页
焦点前沿人工智能技术在广播电视播音主持领域中的应用探析冷丽/文人工智能技术的应用有效提升了广播电视播音主持工作效率,减轻了播音主持工作压力,同时这也对播音主持综合素养提出了更高要求。基于此,加强对人工智能技术在播音主持领... 焦点前沿人工智能技术在广播电视播音主持领域中的应用探析冷丽/文人工智能技术的应用有效提升了广播电视播音主持工作效率,减轻了播音主持工作压力,同时这也对播音主持综合素养提出了更高要求。基于此,加强对人工智能技术在播音主持领域中的应用探索,不仅能够促使人工智能技术发挥出更大价值,更能促使播音主持更好地适应人工智能环境。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能技术 广电播音主持 主要影响 应用分析
Characteristics of Digital Broadcasting Technology and Its Development Research
作者 Mo YANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期7-9,共3页
Driven by the rapid development of agricultural science and technology, many techniques have been developed rapidly, especially the development of broadcasting technology which earth-shaking changes have taken place. ... Driven by the rapid development of agricultural science and technology, many techniques have been developed rapidly, especially the development of broadcasting technology which earth-shaking changes have taken place. The advent of digital broadcasting technology makes the broadcast technology enter a new stage. With its low energy consumption and large coverage area, digital broadcasting technology was widely welcomed by the broadcast television industry. This paper analyzes digital audio broadcasting, multimedia digital broadcasting and digital AM broadcasting, and further concretely elaborates the application prospects of digital broadcasting technology. 展开更多
Dependence Theory and Radio: An Evaluation on How Radio Can Change Future Dreams
作者 Mihalis Kuyucu 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第8期469-477,共9页
Radio is all about dreams. This old and tired medium now fights with new media as it is with its old enemy television. Radio has a big impact on dreams. It gives you the sound and makes you dream. Once you get used to... Radio is all about dreams. This old and tired medium now fights with new media as it is with its old enemy television. Radio has a big impact on dreams. It gives you the sound and makes you dream. Once you get used to this media you start dreaming. If you used to listen radio more, you get in dependence with it. So this day dreaming change to lifeless dreaming. This article gives an evaluation of how radio audience can shape audience future dreams with dependence theory. The paper starts with a conceptual explanation of dependence theory and goes on with a survey done in Turkey to 101 radio listeners. The survey investigates on how people like listening the radio and what makes them enjoy radio. The survey assumes that people listening to radio and getting depended on it start changing the behaviors and habits of listeners. This behavior change effects listeners future dreams and the audience take radio as a model. The paper shows by using the dependence theory that radio listeners take the radio they love as model and use it to build their future business dreams. 展开更多
关键词 RADIO radio broadcasting dependence theory radio and Turkey
From Sunset Winter to Caetano's Spring: The Importance of a Song Contest in the Portuguese Music Scene of the 1960's and 1970's
作者 Sofia Isabel Fonseca Vieira Lopes 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期461-470,共10页
I propose to introduce a few lines of analysis for the RTP Song Contest (Portuguese Radio and Television Song Contest--Festival RTP da Cancāo). I intend to raise a few questions that will help us to understand the ... I propose to introduce a few lines of analysis for the RTP Song Contest (Portuguese Radio and Television Song Contest--Festival RTP da Cancāo). I intend to raise a few questions that will help us to understand the role of this competition in the Portuguese musical and cultural scene of the 1960s. RTP Song Contest is the longest television song contest in Portugal. This competition went through several crucial moments in the recent history of Portugal, witnessing the change from dictatorship to democracy. In late 1960s, still under the authoritarian regime, several social changes took place and music played an important role in these changes, as several studies have documented. In 1969, Portugal bet on Simone de Oliveira to bring us the prize, but the result was not the expected. This event brought us many questions about the importance of the Portuguese participation in the Eurovision Song Contest and the faimess of the European evaluation. This paper intends to reflect the implications of this particular event and the importance of the Contest for the Portuguese music scene at the end of the critical 1960's. With this paper, I intend to introduce some lines of analysis of the first ten years of the Portuguese Radio and Television Song Contest (Festival RTP da Cang6o--RTP Song Contest). I intend to raise a few questions that will help us to understand the role of this competition in the Portuguese musical and cultural scene of the late 1960s and 1970s, based on the study of the daily press. RTP Song Contest is the most long-life television contest in Portugal. For this reason, it is important to make a short historical overview of this period and the history of television in Portugal. At the same time, the analysis of statistical data of audiences enables us to understand the television phenomenon in the late 1960s. 展开更多
关键词 music and television Festival RTP da Cangcāo Eurovision Song Contest ETHNOMUSICOLOGY
Centering Marginalized Voices: The Study of Community Radio in India as an Agent of Social Change
作者 Amolina Ray 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期660-667,共8页
Community Radio is a medium which the different threads mingle together brings different social threads together and weaves a vibrant fabric where all without compromising their original composition. Freedom of speech... Community Radio is a medium which the different threads mingle together brings different social threads together and weaves a vibrant fabric where all without compromising their original composition. Freedom of speech and expression is the cornerstone of this medium. In India, Community Radio started its journey in 2004, with the purpose of bringing different sections of the society together so that they can share their experiences, fears, and ambition. Social intervention has been one of the primary agenda Community Radio. Through various awareness-raising programs, it aims to bring positive social change in the lives of people residing around its transmission zone. It also aims to include different sub-sections of its community who are often excluded from the mainstream media. 展开更多
关键词 participatory communication social change INCLUSION media ownership
Reflection on Education of Broadcasting and Hosting Major in Today's Universities
作者 Shimin Yang Qiaoling Dai 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第7期83-85,共3页
According to the development trend in China' s radio and television industry, the requirements of the media for broadcasters and hosts are totally different from before, and they differ from each other. Good appearan... According to the development trend in China' s radio and television industry, the requirements of the media for broadcasters and hosts are totally different from before, and they differ from each other. Good appearance, elegant temperament and pleasant voice are no longer the sole criteria for being employed. This paper analyzes the problems with the education of broadcasting and hosting majors in China' s universities and proposes strategies and suggestions on this, so as to offer a guideline for its future development. 展开更多
关键词 Broadcasting and hosting major PROBLEMS strategies
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