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作者 杨俊杰 韩波 王希文 《云南科技管理》 2003年第6期44-46,共3页
关键词 应世”农业 WTO 发展战略 农产品 创新 对外贸易
作者 胡祥云 《安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期23-27,共5页
庄子的应世之情不是恒定不变的,其情状有一个复杂的演化过程。庄子因为深怀爱世之情,所以他才对这个世界上的丑恶现象痛心疾首,由此引发了他的愤世之情,使他对其所处的黑暗社会痛加挞伐,展开批判;庄子在批判社会的过程中洞彻个体生命将... 庄子的应世之情不是恒定不变的,其情状有一个复杂的演化过程。庄子因为深怀爱世之情,所以他才对这个世界上的丑恶现象痛心疾首,由此引发了他的愤世之情,使他对其所处的黑暗社会痛加挞伐,展开批判;庄子在批判社会的过程中洞彻个体生命将无可逃脱地面临诸多困境,人之存在将面临难以克服的悲剧性,于是他慨叹人生多艰,他的愤世之情也由此演化为悲世之叹;然而,慨然悲叹终究是徒劳无益的,作为一个思想家,必须为生民找到走出人生困境的途径,于是庄子殚思竭虑,提出了他的游世畅想,展现了他的游世情怀。庄子希望在他的游世情怀感召下,芸芸众生能放飞心灵,自由遨游。 展开更多
关键词 庄子 应世之情 逍遥游
作者 李翚 杨萍 《关东学刊》 2018年第6期22-30,共9页
晚清以降,佛教同时受到官方与民间的摧迫与责难,引发佛教界深入反省并提出革新主张。创办于1913年的中国第一份佛教官方刊物《佛教月报》刊发了一些高僧大德针对佛教现状提出的改良建议,其主旨在于:否定神学迷信以显科学精神;发挥平等... 晚清以降,佛教同时受到官方与民间的摧迫与责难,引发佛教界深入反省并提出革新主张。创办于1913年的中国第一份佛教官方刊物《佛教月报》刊发了一些高僧大德针对佛教现状提出的改良建议,其主旨在于:否定神学迷信以显科学精神;发挥平等慈悲观以应共和体制;倡导佛教改革以顺时代之变。这种新佛教观奠定了民国时期佛教革新运动的基调。 展开更多
关键词 顺时应世 佛教月报 民国 佛教革新
作者 钟光全 《歌海》 2014年第3期21-22,40,共3页
佛教音乐具有劝人心善,诸恶莫作的教化意义。故倡导创作新佛教音乐,为构建和谐社会贡献正能量。创新要承根,从东汉至明清,以梵呗为据,北重鼓吹,南重唱诵,与中国传统音乐相融成的水陆、焰口音乐显特点,同时呈现出佛教音乐的民族风格与地... 佛教音乐具有劝人心善,诸恶莫作的教化意义。故倡导创作新佛教音乐,为构建和谐社会贡献正能量。创新要承根,从东汉至明清,以梵呗为据,北重鼓吹,南重唱诵,与中国传统音乐相融成的水陆、焰口音乐显特点,同时呈现出佛教音乐的民族风格与地方色彩。赵朴初居士,生前倡导应世佛教,重庆的佛教音乐创作即是践行赵老的夙愿,从赏析新作"禅心"、"知觉"中,悟其得失。 展开更多
关键词 佛乐创作 应世 素质 融汇化合
作者 欧阳天昊 甘健(指导) 《作文(高中版)》 2023年第11期8-8,共1页
老师们、同学们:大家好!很荣幸能站在这个舞台上演讲。今天我演讲的题目是《以改变顺时应世,以坚守明德正身》。俗语有“世事无常”一说。世间万事万物无不变化着,有些带来金光煌煌的宝藏与机遇,有些则暗流涌动,翻起一片污浊。在如此纷... 老师们、同学们:大家好!很荣幸能站在这个舞台上演讲。今天我演讲的题目是《以改变顺时应世,以坚守明德正身》。俗语有“世事无常”一说。世间万事万物无不变化着,有些带来金光煌煌的宝藏与机遇,有些则暗流涌动,翻起一片污浊。在如此纷繁的世界里,我们何以立身?变或守,成了头等问题。 展开更多
关键词 世事无常 明德 正身 顺时 演讲 坚守 应世
大力发展“应世”农业 被引量:2
作者 杨俊杰 韩波 《科技开发动态》 2002年第5期8-11,共4页
关键词 应世”农业 中国 入世 WTO 农业发展战略
博尔赫斯的文学与庄子的哲学 被引量:1
作者 杨澂 《遵义师范学院学报》 2004年第2期24-26,共3页
阿根廷先锋派文学大师博尔赫斯在其小说中所表现的人生哲学与中国古代伟大哲学家庄子的哲学有相似之处。他们都以辩证的、变化的观点去看待现实,又都以无奈与怀疑的眼光去观世。他们思想产生的现实原因同样有相似之处.但他们对待社会与... 阿根廷先锋派文学大师博尔赫斯在其小说中所表现的人生哲学与中国古代伟大哲学家庄子的哲学有相似之处。他们都以辩证的、变化的观点去看待现实,又都以无奈与怀疑的眼光去观世。他们思想产生的现实原因同样有相似之处.但他们对待社会与人生,即应世的态度却大不一样,博尔赫斯止于怀疑和无奈,而庄子却以顺应自然去乐观地应世。反映出东西文化不同之处。 展开更多
关键词 博尔赫斯 文学 庄子 哲学 应世态度 怀疑态度 阿根廷 艺术形象 人生哲理
作者 段晓宏 郭照江 《医学与社会》 2002年第5期35-37,共3页
关键词 医务道德 向心效应规律 合力凝聚规律 应世效应规律 政治效应规律
作者 李兆新 《教育探索》 北大核心 2008年第5期50-51,共2页
目前,在大学写作教学的研究与实践中存在两个误区:一是将"创新"强调过了头,二是将教学目的片面地理解为"应世"。我们认为,大学写作还是应以培养学生的基础写作能力为第一要务,在适当关注应世功能的情况下,允许并提... 目前,在大学写作教学的研究与实践中存在两个误区:一是将"创新"强调过了头,二是将教学目的片面地理解为"应世"。我们认为,大学写作还是应以培养学生的基础写作能力为第一要务,在适当关注应世功能的情况下,允许并提倡学生自由写作,凭兴趣写作。 展开更多
关键词 大学写作 创新 应世
作者 李斌 钱宗武 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期46-48,共3页
关键词 苏轼 文学价值 应世 应已
作者 周淑敏 《科技创新导报》 2009年第32期112-112,共1页
关键词 应试 应世 创新 尊重学生个性
实施生活化的语文教学 创建课堂与生活的“超级链接”
作者 缪梦婕 《科学大众(智慧教育)》 2009年第11期15-15,共1页
关键词 综合素养 生活化的教学 应试与应世 构建与转移
Constructivism-based Course Books' Compiling and a New Mode of Teaching
作者 王玉雯 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第3期1-5,共5页
The paper explores the positive impact of constructivism-based course books compiling and the new mode of teaching, analyzes their effects on helping students improve their integrated English language competence, and ... The paper explores the positive impact of constructivism-based course books compiling and the new mode of teaching, analyzes their effects on helping students improve their integrated English language competence, and pointing out that the development of teaching non-English major graduate students has raised new demands for teaching devices, teaching methodology and new roles of teachers and learners. Therefore, New Century Graduate English Series, as constructivism-based course books, has made some beneficial attempts for the implementation of the new graduate English teaching reauirements. 展开更多
关键词 CONSTRUCTIVISM new mode integrated English language competence New Century GraduateEnglish Series
洪述祖——“刺宋案”唯一主谋 被引量:5
作者 尚小明 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期5-28,共24页
"宋案"是由多个情节次第演进而成的复杂案件,杀宋是最后一个环节。杀宋之意产生于袁世凯主导、赵秉钧参与的洪、应构陷"孙黄宋"计划失败之后,造意者为洪述祖。洪与赵关系并不融洽,因此他不可能将杀宋计划告赵,加之... "宋案"是由多个情节次第演进而成的复杂案件,杀宋是最后一个环节。杀宋之意产生于袁世凯主导、赵秉钧参与的洪、应构陷"孙黄宋"计划失败之后,造意者为洪述祖。洪与赵关系并不融洽,因此他不可能将杀宋计划告赵,加之赵在宋被刺前多日已将"应密"电本交与洪掌管,故赵对洪、应图谋杀宋并不知情。洪、袁关系极为密切,洪曾试探袁是否同意"收拾"反对党一二人,被袁拒绝,洪遂转而以子虚乌有的"燬宋酬勋位"及"债票特别准",诱使应杀宋。故洪实为"刺宋案"唯一主谋。袁虽与刺宋无直接关系,但由于案发对其竞选正式大总统造成极大冲击,一旦宋案其他情节再曝光于法庭,对其将更不利,故他明知洪为杀宋主谋,仍故纵其至青岛德国租界,明知赵与杀宋无关,仍竭力阻止其到沪自证清白,洪因此得以暂时逃脱严惩,赵则牺牲了个人声誉,成为袁的"挡箭牌"。 展开更多
关键词 宋案 洪述祖 袁世凯 赵秉钧 应夔丞 国民党
Adaptive Synchronization in Small-World Dynamical Networks
作者 邹艳丽 朱杰 罗晓曙 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第2期211-215,共5页
Adaptive synchronization in NW small-world dynamical networks was studied. Firstly, an adaptive synchronization method is presented and explained. Then, it is applied to two different classes of dynamical networks, on... Adaptive synchronization in NW small-world dynamical networks was studied. Firstly, an adaptive synchronization method is presented and explained. Then, it is applied to two different classes of dynamical networks, one is a class-B network, small-world connected R6 ssler oscillators, the other is a class-A network, small-world connected Chua's circuits. The simulation verifies the validity of the presented method. It also shows that the adaptive synchronization method is robust to the variations of the node systems parameters. So the presented method can be used in networks whose node systems have unknown or time-varying parameters. 展开更多
关键词 NW small-world network master stability function adaptive synchronization
Relation between structural evolution of the Longmenshan orogenic zone and sedimentation of its foreland basin 被引量:2
作者 LIAO Tai-ping HU Jing-jing +2 位作者 ZHANG Fu-rong CHEN Hong-kai SUN Hong-quan 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第6期807-812,共6页
In order to determine the area for oil and gas exploration in China’s north Sichuan basin,we have divided the time during which the Longmenshan foreland basin was formed into five periods,based on the sedimentary res... In order to determine the area for oil and gas exploration in China’s north Sichuan basin,we have divided the time during which the Longmenshan foreland basin was formed into five periods,based on the sedimentary response relationship of the foreland basin to structural evolution: 1) a late Triassic Noric period;2) an early-Middle Jurassic period;3) a late Jurassic to early Cretaceous period;4) a late Cretaceous to Paleogene-Neogene period and 5) the Quaternary period. As well,we analyzed the sedimentary environment and lithologic features of every basin-forming period. The results show that there are several favorable source-reservoir-cap assemblages in our study area,making it a major region for future oil and gas exploration in China’s northern Sichuan basin. 展开更多
关键词 structural evolution foreland basin sedimentary response orogenic zone LONGMENSHAN
Scientifical Researches and Applications Achieved in Romania in the Period of Tempus 1919-1929
作者 Liviu Sofonea Elena Helerea 《History Research》 2013年第3期180-187,共8页
At the end of 20th Century, the electric energy became a new indicator of world civilization. The era of electricity also put his mark on the Romanian alveolus of civilization. The paper deals with an analysis of the ... At the end of 20th Century, the electric energy became a new indicator of world civilization. The era of electricity also put his mark on the Romanian alveolus of civilization. The paper deals with an analysis of the scientific researches and applications which express the results of works of eminent scientists and engineers in electro-techniques and related domains, in Romania, in the first decade of interwar period 1919-1929. The scientific activities developed in many domains of Science are sustained by the significant technical progress in Romania, in this short but relevant period of Tempus in which, in Europe and in other parts of Civitas Terra, was peace. 展开更多
关键词 history of science and technique Romania electro-techniques scientific and technical applications interwar period.
Application of whole body diffusion weighted imaging in bone metastasis 被引量:1
作者 Xv Wu Changying Ma Xia Zhao Shaowu Wang 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第1期44-47,共4页
Objective: We evaluated (Whole-Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging, WB-DWl) application in bone metastasis. Methods: WB-DWI with GE 1.5T MR/I was performed on 10 healthy volunteers and 35 patients. WB-DWl and ECT was ... Objective: We evaluated (Whole-Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging, WB-DWl) application in bone metastasis. Methods: WB-DWI with GE 1.5T MR/I was performed on 10 healthy volunteers and 35 patients. WB-DWl and ECT was performed in all 35 patients. Using WB-DWl for detecting bone metastasis and compared them with that of ECT. Results: Background was suppressed in WB-DWl, fat, muscle, vessels and liver appeared same as background. Skeleton showed medium or slightly lower signal. Lymph nodes, some glandular organs, kidneys displayed medium signal. Spleen, testicle, brain tissue were low signal. Bladder, gallbladder were depicted as low signal because of "T2 through". Bone metastasis were multitude and inequality of size, punctiform, nodosity, column low intensity. Concordance between WB-DWI and ECT was seen in 4 cases. WB-DWl displayed 1 bone metastasis on skull, 46 on rib and sternum, 3 on scapula, 4 on extremities, 83 on vertebral, 36 on pelvic bone. ECT showed 2 bone metastasis on skull, 62 on rib and sternum, 7 on scapula, 9 on extremities, 64 on vertebral, 19 on pelvic bone. WB-DWl was 74% for bone metastasis on rib and sternum, ECT was 77%, 53% for vertebral and pelvic bone. All of the focus were statistics analyses, P 〈 0.05. Total probability distribution inequality if metastasis on different positions. Conclusion: WB-DWI was an effective imaging technology for screening bone metastasis. 展开更多
关键词 WB-DWt whole body imaging bone metastasis
Clinical observation of pemetrexed on advanced non-small-cell lung cancer 被引量:4
作者 Yongfa Zheng Wei Ge Ling Zhang Zhenyu Zhao Fangfang Jie 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2011年第3期140-143,共4页
Objective: The aim of our study was to observe the efficacy and toxicity of 50 cases of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated by pemetrexed. Methods: Fifty patients, including 29 females and... Objective: The aim of our study was to observe the efficacy and toxicity of 50 cases of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated by pemetrexed. Methods: Fifty patients, including 29 females and 21 males, with a median age 62 years (35–82 years), 13 of whom were treated with pemetrexed only and the left 37 cases were treated with pemetrexed combined with platinum in the Department of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University from June 2006 to March 2009. Single agent regimen: patients received pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 on day 1 with every 21 days. Combination regimen: patients received pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 on day 1 and carboplatin 300 mg/m2 on day 1 or cisplatin 35 mg/m2 on day 1 to day 3 or nedaplatin 80 mg/m2 on day 1 by intravenous infusion with 21 days as one cycle. RECIST 1.0 standard was used to evaluate the clinical efficiency, and the WHO toxicity standard was used to evaluate toxic reaction, and the QOL was used to evaluate the quality of life. Results: All patients were given 162 cycles (at least 2 cycles, at most 6 cycles) and the response rate of all the patients were evaluated. There were 2 complete remission (CR), 7 partial remission (PR), 22 stable disease (SD) and 19 progressive disease (PD) in the group, the overall response rate was (RR) was 18.0% and disease control rate (DCR) 62.0%. The quality of life improvement rate reaches 58.0%. The major toxic reaction included neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, hypemia, nausea, and vomiting. Most of the severity of these effects was grade I–II and well tolerated. Conclusion: Chemotherapy with pemetrexed or pemetrexed combined with platinum in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer is effective, safe and well-tolerable, which can improve quality of life of the patient. 展开更多
关键词 non-small-cell lung cancer PEMETREXED CHEMOTHERAPY
Android Malware Detection with Contrasting Permission Patterns 被引量:2
作者 XIONG Ping WANG Xiaofeng +2 位作者 NIU Wenjia ZHU Tianqing LI Gang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第8期1-14,共14页
As the risk of malware is sharply increasing in Android platform,Android malware detection has become an important research topic.Existing works have demonstrated that required permissions of Android applications are ... As the risk of malware is sharply increasing in Android platform,Android malware detection has become an important research topic.Existing works have demonstrated that required permissions of Android applications are valuable for malware analysis,but how to exploit those permission patterns for malware detection remains an open issue.In this paper,we introduce the contrasting permission patterns to characterize the essential differences between malwares and clean applications from the permission aspect Then a framework based on contrasting permission patterns is presented for Android malware detection.According to the proposed framework,an ensemble classifier,Enclamald,is further developed to detect whether an application is potentially malicious.Every contrasting permission pattern is acting as a weak classifier in Enclamald,and the weighted predictions of involved weak classifiers are aggregated to the final result.Experiments on real-world applications validate that the proposed Enclamald classifier outperforms commonly used classifiers for Android Malware Detection. 展开更多
关键词 malware detection permissionpattern classification contrast set ANDROID
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