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作者 谢常欢 田颐慧 陈喜东 《广东石油化工学院学报》 1992年第1期28-36,共9页
本文主要对平板—圆筒连接结构计算模型进行了大量的应力数值分析,从中找出了圆平板在弹性支承下的应力分布规律。并首次采用(t/T)和(T/D)两个无量纲参数,提出了圆平板在弹性支承下的强度设计方法。从而较好地解决了飞机液压结构及着陆... 本文主要对平板—圆筒连接结构计算模型进行了大量的应力数值分析,从中找出了圆平板在弹性支承下的应力分布规律。并首次采用(t/T)和(T/D)两个无量纲参数,提出了圆平板在弹性支承下的强度设计方法。从而较好地解决了飞机液压结构及着陆系统圆平板的强度计算;同时该设计方法,对压力容器平盖的强度计算亦具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 平板—圆筒连接 圆平板 弹性支承 应力数值分析 强度设计
作者 益炜 《建筑施工》 2007年第4期254-256,共3页
通过分析有粘结预应力混凝土梁中普通钢筋对梁截面应力的影响,并对有粘结预应力混凝土梁构件进行应力数值分析,得出普通钢筋对未开裂梁截面应力的影响大于常规的理论计算值。施工阶段应防止过高的预应力对结构带来的不利影响,预应力梁... 通过分析有粘结预应力混凝土梁中普通钢筋对梁截面应力的影响,并对有粘结预应力混凝土梁构件进行应力数值分析,得出普通钢筋对未开裂梁截面应力的影响大于常规的理论计算值。施工阶段应防止过高的预应力对结构带来的不利影响,预应力梁适当放松截面的应力控制值,不会影响梁的正常使用。 展开更多
关键词 应力混凝土梁 应力分布 应力数值分析 张拉反拱
H型钢热轧过程中残余应力数值模拟 被引量:1
作者 李红斌 马劲红 +1 位作者 葛晓红 曹树星 《河北理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第3期54-58,共5页
关键词 H型钢 应力 ANSYS 有限元值模拟 残余应力数值分析
作者 傅树红 YU.B.Mgalobelov +1 位作者 柳青 刘汉 《国际水力发电》 1996年第5期21-25,共5页
关键词 小湾拱坝应力/应变状态的数值分析 中国 坝/基础系统研究项目 俄罗斯
H型钢热轧过程中残余应力有限元模拟 被引量:3
作者 李红斌 张树江 葛晓红 《河南冶金》 2011年第1期22-24,共3页
关键词 H型钢 应力 ANSYS 有限元值模拟 残余应力数值分析
深部高地应力巷道断面优化研究 被引量:37
作者 戴永浩 陈卫忠 +1 位作者 刘泉声 易小明 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第z2期4960-4965,共6页
巷道失稳和维护困难是困扰高地应力深部矿井的普遍问题,严重影响矿井的生产和经济效益的提高。深部矿井高地应力巷道有其自身的应力分布特点,对巷道的支护设计提出了更高的要求。研究从巷道断面优化着手,根据深部矿井高地应力巷道的地... 巷道失稳和维护困难是困扰高地应力深部矿井的普遍问题,严重影响矿井的生产和经济效益的提高。深部矿井高地应力巷道有其自身的应力分布特点,对巷道的支护设计提出了更高的要求。研究从巷道断面优化着手,根据深部矿井高地应力巷道的地质赋存特征,结合淮南-780m水平现场地应力测试及室内岩石物理力学性质测试结果,运用FLAC3D三维显式有限差分法分析软件,建立巷道支护的三维数值计算模型,通过对几种方案巷道周边塑性区分布、应力场、位移场等的分析对比,得到了较为易于维持巷道稳定的巷道断面优化设计方案。 展开更多
关键词 数值分析 高地应力 优化 数值计算 支护
200 MW电厂再热器小径管焊口应力集中的研究 被引量:1
作者 刘超锋 徐博侯 +3 位作者 鲍荣浩 戚俊清 许培援 刘亚莉 《锅炉技术》 北大核心 2006年第2期35-39,共5页
简述了200 MW电站锅炉再热器集箱小径管焊口的质量和安全的重要性。介绍了再热器焊区渗漏的3种原因,即设计不当、材料性能欠佳和运行工况恶劣,指出最重要的原因———结构设计不当。结合某电厂锅炉再热器集箱小径管的焊口,将实际问题理... 简述了200 MW电站锅炉再热器集箱小径管焊口的质量和安全的重要性。介绍了再热器焊区渗漏的3种原因,即设计不当、材料性能欠佳和运行工况恶劣,指出最重要的原因———结构设计不当。结合某电厂锅炉再热器集箱小径管的焊口,将实际问题理想化为符合实际的力学模型,分析了采用有限元法来求解该力学模型的必要性。给出了有限元法计算模型,研究了焊口倾角和焊缝厚度对焊口应力集中系数的影响。取尽可能小的焊口倾角和大的焊缝厚度,可减小应力集中系数。 展开更多
关键词 电厂 锅炉 再热器小径管 焊口 应力集中 数值分析
利用井眼坍塌信息求取最大水平主应力的方法 被引量:7
作者 李光泉 王怡 +1 位作者 陈军海 陈曾伟 《石油钻探技术》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第1期37-41,共5页
准确获取深部地层地应力的方向和大小,对于井眼轨道设计、井壁稳定、压裂增产等具有重要意义。重点研究了利用井眼坍塌信息求取最大水平主应力的方法,提出结合测井资料分析采用数值模拟方法反演最大水平主应力大小的方法。研究表明:利... 准确获取深部地层地应力的方向和大小,对于井眼轨道设计、井壁稳定、压裂增产等具有重要意义。重点研究了利用井眼坍塌信息求取最大水平主应力的方法,提出结合测井资料分析采用数值模拟方法反演最大水平主应力大小的方法。研究表明:利用井眼坍塌信息求取最大水平主应力大小的数值模拟方法可行,能够真实反映深部地层的应力环境、地层岩石的力学特性,比较准确地确定最大水平主应力的大小,且方法简单易行。 展开更多
关键词 井眼坍塌水平地应力反演分析数值模拟
作者 黄振伟 茆金柱 +2 位作者 蒲进 马力刚 潘坤 《人民长江》 北大核心 2024年第7期130-137,共8页
扎拉水电站调压室建在山体倾倒边坡内,对该边坡及围岩稳定性的系统研究至关重要。根据岩体结构和变形破坏类型的差异,采用岩体结构、岩层转角、风化等定性因素结合波速比定量因素进行综合分区;通过现场超常规原位试验,结合反演计算,综... 扎拉水电站调压室建在山体倾倒边坡内,对该边坡及围岩稳定性的系统研究至关重要。根据岩体结构和变形破坏类型的差异,采用岩体结构、岩层转角、风化等定性因素结合波速比定量因素进行综合分区;通过现场超常规原位试验,结合反演计算,综合提出各区适宜的岩体抗剪强度参数;采用数值分析法模拟倾倒边坡变形破坏模式,并通过多种解析法校验边坡稳定性。结果表明:边坡倾倒岩体可分为层状弯曲区、碎裂拉张区、散体坠覆区;厂后倾倒边坡的主要失稳形式为拉裂-滑移-剪断和块体卸荷崩落;在倾倒边坡稳定性评价中,安全系数应取现行技术标准规定范围内的较大值,有利于保障倾倒边坡滑移稳定和坡内洞室围岩变形稳定。研究成果解决了地质条件局限和水工结构要求之间的突出矛盾,在中国水利水电建设中具有开创意义,可为倾倒边坡中工程建设提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 倾倒边坡 地下调压室 地质特征 围岩稳定性 原位试验 应力应变数值分析 扎拉水电站
Polarization-Insensitive Silica on Silicon Arrayed Waveguide Grating Design 被引量:1
作者 安俊明 李健 +4 位作者 郜定山 夏君磊 李建光 王红杰 胡雄伟 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第11期1360-1363,共4页
A new technology for fabrication of silica on silicon arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) based on deep etching and thermal oxidation is presented.Using this method,a silicon layer is remained at the side of waveguide.The... A new technology for fabrication of silica on silicon arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) based on deep etching and thermal oxidation is presented.Using this method,a silicon layer is remained at the side of waveguide.The stress distribution and effective refractive index of waveguide fabricated by this approach are calculated using finite element and finite difference beam propagation method,respectively.The results of these studies indicate that the stress of silica on silicon optical waveguide can be matched in parallel and vertical direction and AWG polarization dependent wavelength (PDλ) can be reduced effectively due to side-silicon layer. 展开更多
关键词 silica on silicon arrayed waveguide grating stress BIREFRINGENCE polarization dependent wavelength numerical analysis
岩石蠕变对隧道二次衬砌结构影响的研究 被引量:13
作者 李建军 张志强 《现代隧道技术》 EI 北大核心 2011年第6期58-64,81,共8页
岩石蠕变是岩石的重要力学特征之一。在隧道开挖完之后的很长时间内,围岩会因为蠕变而进行应力调整,蠕变产生的荷载由隧道的初期支护和二次衬砌联合承担。在隧道设计中往往将二次衬砌作为安全储备,而没有分析围岩蠕变荷载对二次衬砌的影... 岩石蠕变是岩石的重要力学特征之一。在隧道开挖完之后的很长时间内,围岩会因为蠕变而进行应力调整,蠕变产生的荷载由隧道的初期支护和二次衬砌联合承担。在隧道设计中往往将二次衬砌作为安全储备,而没有分析围岩蠕变荷载对二次衬砌的影响,因此分析隧道二次衬砌受力以及健康程度随时间的变化是十分有必要的。文章结合泥巴山隧道工程,利用大型有限差分软件FLAC3D的Burgers蠕变模型,分析了不同时间蠕变对围岩应力重分布以及对二次衬砌的力学性能的影响,得出了一些有价值的结论。 展开更多
关键词 隧道二次衬砌 围岩蠕变 FLAC3D 数值分析应力重分布
Effective grouting area of jointed slope and stress deformation responses by numerical analysis with FLAC^(3D) 被引量:3
作者 ZHU Zi-qiang LIU Qun-yi +1 位作者 ZENG Fan-he QING Du-gan 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第4期404-408,共5页
To study the grouting reinforcement mechanism in jointed rock slope, first, the theoretical deduction was done to calculate the critical length of slipping if the slope angle is larger than that of joint inclination; ... To study the grouting reinforcement mechanism in jointed rock slope, first, the theoretical deduction was done to calculate the critical length of slipping if the slope angle is larger than that of joint inclination; Second, the numerical calculation model was founded by FLAG^3D, so as to find the stress and deformation responses of rock mass in the state before and after grouting, the analysis results show that the range between the boundary of critical slipping block and the joint plane that passes the slope toe is the effective grouting area (EGA). After excavation, large deformation occurs along the joint plane. After grouting, the displacements of rock particles become uniform and continuous, and large deformations along the joint plane are controlled; the dynamic displacement can re- flect the deformation response of slope during excavation in the state before and after grouting, as well as the shear location of potential slip plane. After grouting, the dynamic displacement of each monitoring point reaches the peak value with very few time steps, which indicate that the parameters of the joint plane, such as strength and stiffness, are improved; the stress field becomes uniform. Tensile area reduces gradually; whole stability of the slope and its ability to resist tensile and shear stress are improved greatly. 展开更多
Hybrid Method to Analyze Contact Stress Distribution on Dry Friction Interfaces 被引量:1
作者 WANG Qin-meng ZHANG Jin +1 位作者 MA Xiao-qiu DONG Ben-han 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第2期77-81,共5页
A hybrid method is established by combining photoelastic experiment and finite element analysis.The method is used to evaluate contact stress distribution on dry friction interfaces,such as the contact interfaces betw... A hybrid method is established by combining photoelastic experiment and finite element analysis.The method is used to evaluate contact stress distribution on dry friction interfaces,such as the contact interfaces between shrouds of fan blades and turbine blades.The photoelastic stress frozen experiment method is used to decide the displacement boundary conditions of numerical calculation.Higher accuracy and efficiency of solving problems are improved by the method.Technical difficulty and high cost of experiment are also avoided by the method.Good agreement of the stress distribution by using the hybrid method and experiment is obtained. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid method contact stress PHOTOELASTICITY moiréinterferometry numerical analysis
Numerical analysis of the effects of rock bolts on stress redistribution around a roadway 被引量:6
作者 Du Zesheng Qin Botao Tian Fuchao 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第6期975-980,共6页
Besides opening geometry, in situ stress and material properties, opening support also has significant effects on stress redistribution around a roadway. To investigate these effects of rock bolts on the stress redist... Besides opening geometry, in situ stress and material properties, opening support also has significant effects on stress redistribution around a roadway. To investigate these effects of rock bolts on the stress redistribution around a roadway, a series of numerical studies were carried out using the finite difference method. Since the stress changes around a roadway caused by rock bolting is small relative to the in situ stress, they cannot obviously be observed in stress contour plots. To overcome this difficulty, a new result processing methodology was developed using the contouring program Surfer. With this methodology, the effects of rock bolts on stress redistribution can obviously be analyzed. Numerical results show that in the three patterns of rock bolts installed in the roof, in the roof and the two lateral sides, and in all the four sides of the rectangular roadway, the maximum stress magnitude of the increase is 0.931 MPa, 2.46 MPa,and 6.5 MPa, respectively; the bolt number of 5 can form an integrated ground arch; the appropriate length and pre-tensioned force of the rock bolt is 2.0 m and 60 k N, respectively. What is more, the ground arch action under the function of rock bolting is able to be effectively examined. The rock bolts dramatically increase the minor principal stress around a roadway which results in significant increase in material strength. Consequently, the major principal stress that the material can carry will greatly increase.With adequate supports, an integrated ground arch which is critical for the stability of roadway will be formed around the roadway. 展开更多
关键词 Rock bolts Stress redistribution Numerical simulation Result process
Numerical simulation study on the influence of the ground stress field on the stability of roadways 被引量:8
作者 ZHANG Hualei 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第5期707-711,共5页
We adopt the concept of generalized plane strain to model a roadway in a stress field.This can avoid limitations caused by simplifying the stress analysis as plane strain.FLAC3D was used to investigate the maximum ten... We adopt the concept of generalized plane strain to model a roadway in a stress field.This can avoid limitations caused by simplifying the stress analysis as plane strain.FLAC3D was used to investigate the maximum tensile stress and displacement of a roadway in a known stress field for angles,α,between the roadway axial direction and the maximum principal stress of 0°,30°,45°,60° and 90°.This theory was applied to the analysis of an engineering case.The results indicate that stress and displacement of the surrounding rock increase as the angle,α,increases.This provides some significant guidance for a reasonable layout of roadways in a known stress field. 展开更多
关键词 ROADWAY ground stress field generalized plane strain numerical simulation
Elastic-plastic analysis for pile-anchor supporting system of deep foundation pit
作者 JIN Yingyu BAI Yu 《Global Geology》 2009年第4期236-240,共5页
By using numerical analysis methods to simulate the deep excavation,a lot of analyses are established on the basis of two-dimensional plane strain,ignoring the fact that foundation pit possesses three dimensions. For ... By using numerical analysis methods to simulate the deep excavation,a lot of analyses are established on the basis of two-dimensional plane strain,ignoring the fact that foundation pit possesses three dimensions. For soil constitutive relation,people always take linear and nonlinear model,without considering the plastic behavior of soil. Using plastic-elastic hardening model to simulate constitutive relation of soil characteristics,the authors carried out mechanical analysis for pit excavation and support. The results show that the analysis for the stress state of pile anchor system is an effective way which provides theoretical basis for calculation of soil displacement. 展开更多
关键词 deep foundation pit elastic-plastic constitutive relation flowing law bearing characteristic
Stress-strain analysis of loess triaxial shear test by PFC^(3D)
作者 ZHAO Shuyun LI Shibo 《Global Geology》 2013年第4期217-220,共4页
In order to compensate for limitations of microscopic study on loess triaxial tests, taking the loess in Longxi area as an example, the authors established the loess triaxial test model by using PFC3D software and sim... In order to compensate for limitations of microscopic study on loess triaxial tests, taking the loess in Longxi area as an example, the authors established the loess triaxial test model by using PFC3D software and simulating tfiaxial shear test under the different confining pressures in 0 kPa, 50 kPa and 300 kPa. Compared with laboratory triaxial shear test, the numerical simulation test has a guiding role in loess mechanical strength analysis. 展开更多
关键词 LOESS triaxial tests particle flow code stress-strain curve
A Novel Design of a Metacarpal/MetatarsaI-Phalangeal Total Joint Replacement
作者 Andrew Weems Ha Van Vo 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第5期391-399,共9页
Arthritis, most notably rheumatoid arthritis, can destroy the surfaces of the bones; the ideal solution for this is T JR (total joint replacement), which would restore joint functionality, maintain correct aesthetic... Arthritis, most notably rheumatoid arthritis, can destroy the surfaces of the bones; the ideal solution for this is T JR (total joint replacement), which would restore joint functionality, maintain correct aesthetics and eradicate pain for the patient. Current metacarpophalangeal TJR do not provide the normal biomechanical range of motion and functionality. The proposed design attempts to correct this through the use of design geometry and functional anatomy. Numerical analysis is used in conjunction with computational solid modeling to compare a one-piece silicone implant with the proposed T JR. Peak stresses during flexion for the proposed design did not exceed 1.2 MPa, where as soft implants approach 100 MPa to 1,000 MPa for peak stress values. The proposed design, due to high stress tolerances with low deformation, along with functionality and biomechanics, seems to be an appropriate replacement for one-piece silicone implant. 展开更多
关键词 Metacarpophalangeal joints total joint replacement numerical analysis computational modeling.
Roadway dynamic response analysis under mining rockburst condition
作者 LI Chun-rui QI Qing-xin +1 位作者 PAN Jun-feng LAN Hang 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第3期258-261,共4页
In order to determine how a roadway withstands a momentum wave and determinethe extent of damage to rock surrounding the roadway under different force wavepeak impacts,the roadway dynamic response state was analysed u... In order to determine how a roadway withstands a momentum wave and determinethe extent of damage to rock surrounding the roadway under different force wavepeak impacts,the roadway dynamic response state was analysed using numerical simulationmethod.The roadway's critical peak force wave and fracture region under dynamicwave action were put forward.It is concluded that the method has practical value to roadwaysupport and rockburst prevention. 展开更多
关键词 ROCKBURST simulation method dynamic response
《运输经理世界》 2000年第8期67-67,共1页
关键词 结构力学 结构原理 福州大学 广义梁格法 自然科学版 桥荷 混凝土拱 斜交支座 应力数值分析 曲线箱梁桥
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