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高职院校体育运动训练中器材应用的现状与对策研究 被引量:1
作者 薛昆 张冠豪 《文体用品与科技》 2024年第7期144-146,共3页
本研究聚焦于高职院校体育运动训练中器材应用的现状,旨在揭示器材使用中存在的问题及其对学生体育学习效果的影响。通过对高职院校体育设施和器材使用情况的观察与分析,本文发现器材老化、更新缓慢、种类单一等问题普遍存在,这些问题... 本研究聚焦于高职院校体育运动训练中器材应用的现状,旨在揭示器材使用中存在的问题及其对学生体育学习效果的影响。通过对高职院校体育设施和器材使用情况的观察与分析,本文发现器材老化、更新缓慢、种类单一等问题普遍存在,这些问题严重制约了学生运动技能的提高和体育兴趣的培养。针对发现的问题,本研究提出了一系列对策,包括加大财政投入、更新老旧器材、丰富器材种类、加强器材使用与维护培训等,以期为高职院校体育运动训练的发展提供参考和建议。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校 体育运动训练 器材应用 现状 对策
作者 刘旦 《文体用品与科技》 2024年第16期148-150,共3页
百年大计教育为本,在素质教育视域下,高中体育的重要性不言而喻,大量体育教育工作者也从课程内容、教学方法、评价反馈、器材应用等方面全方位地对其进行了探究与讨论。但众人拾柴火焰高,本文针对高中体育运动中器材的应用价值、存在的... 百年大计教育为本,在素质教育视域下,高中体育的重要性不言而喻,大量体育教育工作者也从课程内容、教学方法、评价反馈、器材应用等方面全方位地对其进行了探究与讨论。但众人拾柴火焰高,本文针对高中体育运动中器材的应用价值、存在的不足与优化路径进行了详细的阐述与分析,旨在探究运动器材在高中阶段的充分应用、丰富体育教学与运动内容、激发学生的运动热情和兴趣、建全高中体育相连配套体系、促进教育教学过程的不断完善,帮助高中学生身心全面健康地发展。 展开更多
关键词 高中体育 器材应用 优化路径
作者 马洪波 《文体用品与科技》 2024年第11期162-164,共3页
在我国体育技术创新发展的今天,体育器材变得越来越丰富多样,可以充分满足各学段学生对不同运动项目的训练需求,为学生参加学校体育训练提供了更为优良的训练条件,为中学体育训练合理应用体育器材提供了更多选择面与可能性,在此之间科... 在我国体育技术创新发展的今天,体育器材变得越来越丰富多样,可以充分满足各学段学生对不同运动项目的训练需求,为学生参加学校体育训练提供了更为优良的训练条件,为中学体育训练合理应用体育器材提供了更多选择面与可能性,在此之间科学合理应用体育器材以开展学校体育训练,对学生全面发展与提高社会适应能力具有十分重要的意义与价值。本文以中学体育训练为例,在讨论学校体育训练中合理应用体育器材的重要性基础上,深入探讨相应的应用策略与方法,以期为我国更多地区中学体育训练活动的规范化开展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 学校体育训练 体育器材应用 合理应用
作者 杨云 《文体用品与科技》 2023年第19期166-168,共3页
健身瑜伽通过各类体位动作的练习,达到身体健康与内心平衡的目的。为了帮助瑜伽练习者更好地辅助和提升健身瑜伽体位技巧的练习,瑜伽辅助器材应运而生。本文主要研究了瑜伽辅助器材的分类、应用与发展情况,旨在为瑜伽爱好者提供较为全... 健身瑜伽通过各类体位动作的练习,达到身体健康与内心平衡的目的。为了帮助瑜伽练习者更好地辅助和提升健身瑜伽体位技巧的练习,瑜伽辅助器材应运而生。本文主要研究了瑜伽辅助器材的分类、应用与发展情况,旨在为瑜伽爱好者提供较为全面正确的参考与指导。 展开更多
关键词 辅助器材应用 健身瑜伽 体式练习
探索石墨烯技术在体育运动器材中的应用 被引量:1
作者 赵欣莹 《粘接》 CAS 2020年第2期86-89,共4页
体育运动器材的材料性能直接决定运动器材的使用寿命和使用效果,目前所研究的应用体育运动器材技术拉伸强度差,使用寿命低,存在很多质量问题。针对石墨烯技术在体育运动器材中的应用进行探索,将石墨烯橡胶技术应用在新型篮球鞋中可以很... 体育运动器材的材料性能直接决定运动器材的使用寿命和使用效果,目前所研究的应用体育运动器材技术拉伸强度差,使用寿命低,存在很多质量问题。针对石墨烯技术在体育运动器材中的应用进行探索,将石墨烯橡胶技术应用在新型篮球鞋中可以很好地提高篮球鞋的轻度和耐磨性,应用在自行车轮胎中可以增加轮胎的气密性与防水性,应用在高尔夫球杆中可以防止球杆过硬,应用在羽毛球拍中可以有效提高羽毛球拍的性能。为更好地验证石墨烯技术的应用效果,选择拉伸强度作为对比点,与应用传统技术的体育运动器材进行实验对比,结果表明,应用石墨烯技术的体育运动器材拉伸强度更好,使用性能更优。 展开更多
关键词 石墨烯技术 体育器材 器材应用 运动器材
浅谈音乐器材在初中音乐教学中的应用 被引量:1
作者 章敏敏 《黄河之声》 2019年第23期114-114,共1页
教育部逐渐的越来越重视学生的音乐学习,音乐教育也就成为了学校所重视的一点。在音乐课堂中学生们的学习离不开音乐器材,在初中阶段,学生们对于音乐的学习也是离不开器材。音乐器材在一定的程度上可以让学生们喜欢上音乐,也可以从中感... 教育部逐渐的越来越重视学生的音乐学习,音乐教育也就成为了学校所重视的一点。在音乐课堂中学生们的学习离不开音乐器材,在初中阶段,学生们对于音乐的学习也是离不开器材。音乐器材在一定的程度上可以让学生们喜欢上音乐,也可以从中感受音乐的魅力。 展开更多
关键词 音乐器材 初中音乐教学 器材应用
PDCA循环在消毒供应室护理管理中的应用效果分析 被引量:9
作者 孙海燕 倪俊玲 《中国卫生产业》 2019年第28期75-76,共2页
目的探究将PDCA循环法应用于消毒供应室护理管理中的效果。方法该院于2016年9月—2018年5月间开展PDCA循环法,将其应用于消毒供应室护理管理中,分析其对消毒供应室护理管理效果。同时记录该院2015年8月—2016年8月间的医院器材应用不合... 目的探究将PDCA循环法应用于消毒供应室护理管理中的效果。方法该院于2016年9月—2018年5月间开展PDCA循环法,将其应用于消毒供应室护理管理中,分析其对消毒供应室护理管理效果。同时记录该院2015年8月—2016年8月间的医院器材应用不合理事件,并将两种时间段中的71件器材应用状况纳入研究进行对比,分析开展前后的医院护理管理质量,评价PDCA循环法的应用效果。结果在对供应室开展PDCA循环法进行无菌物品管理前,其器材不合理应用事件发生率为16件(22.54%),其数据较开展完成后的器材不合理应用事件发生率3件(4.23%)来说明显更低,两个时间段内数据经对比分析可见差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在对供应室的物品进行无菌管理时,应用PDCA循环法能够有助于降低不良应用事件的发生率,进一步提高供应室的物品供应质量,对改善医疗质量来说,有积极意义,是一种有效的管理方案,值得推广使用。 展开更多
关键词 PDCA循环 护理管理 护理质量管理 消毒供应室 物品供应 器材应用
少儿趣味田径器材在体育教学中的创新应用——以软式趣味绳套为例 被引量:3
作者 张文荟 《体育视野》 2023年第12期136-138,共3页
少儿趣味田径器材是国际田联根据少儿身体条件和心理特点设计开发的突出趣味性、安全性的少儿软式体育器材。以少儿趣味田径器材中的软式趣味绳套为例,通过对此器材的拆卸改造,充分挖掘体育器材的多样化功能,探究其在体育教学中的多种... 少儿趣味田径器材是国际田联根据少儿身体条件和心理特点设计开发的突出趣味性、安全性的少儿软式体育器材。以少儿趣味田径器材中的软式趣味绳套为例,通过对此器材的拆卸改造,充分挖掘体育器材的多样化功能,探究其在体育教学中的多种创新应用。 展开更多
关键词 少儿趣味田径器材 软式趣味绳套 器材创新应用
《针灸器材原理与应用》实验课程的研究性实验教学探索与实践 被引量:4
作者 徐刚 杨华元 +2 位作者 刘堂义 高明 唐文超 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期645-648,共4页
为提升学生自主开展研究性学习能力,推进实践教学,优化教学理念和方法,将学科动态与前沿、学科发展优秀成果知识渗透到课程的教学内容当中,开展了《针灸器材原理与应用》实验课程的研究性实验教学探索与实践。以实验课程为切入点,在实... 为提升学生自主开展研究性学习能力,推进实践教学,优化教学理念和方法,将学科动态与前沿、学科发展优秀成果知识渗透到课程的教学内容当中,开展了《针灸器材原理与应用》实验课程的研究性实验教学探索与实践。以实验课程为切入点,在实验教学前,通过理论课学习和教师给出自学要点,完成实验课前所需知识量的储备;实验教学时,通过小组合作形式完成实验报告和研究分析报告;实验教学后,通过组间讨论及开展研究型实验汇报,进行分析与总结。通过创新灵活多样的教学形式使学生经历"提出问题→实验→观察→记录→分析→结论→设想验证→交流汇报"的一系列教学过程,培养学生的自主思考问题和主动探究问题的能力,促进教学水平和教学效果的提升。 展开更多
关键词 针灸器材原理与应用 研究性教学 实验教学 教学理念 教学方法
腕手矫形器提高脑性瘫痪痉挛型偏瘫患儿上肢功能疗效观察 被引量:10
作者 吕智海 李晓捷 +2 位作者 王立苹 时人杰 张士岭 《中国中西医结合儿科学》 2010年第2期188-189,共2页
目的观察腕手矫形器治疗拇指内收脑性瘫痪(简称脑瘫)患儿的效果。方法痉挛型偏瘫脑瘫患儿分为观察组14例和对照组15例,两组均进行常规康复训练,观察组加腕手矫形器治疗拇指内收异常姿势。治疗1个疗程(3个月)后进行被动关节活动度(PROM)... 目的观察腕手矫形器治疗拇指内收脑性瘫痪(简称脑瘫)患儿的效果。方法痉挛型偏瘫脑瘫患儿分为观察组14例和对照组15例,两组均进行常规康复训练,观察组加腕手矫形器治疗拇指内收异常姿势。治疗1个疗程(3个月)后进行被动关节活动度(PROM)和精细运动商(FMQ)评估。结果两组患儿治疗后PROM、FMQ较治疗前均有显著提高。治疗后观察组PROM和FMQ高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论腕手矫形器可改善痉挛型脑瘫患儿拇指外展活动度,能提高精细运动能力。 展开更多
关键词 脑性瘫痪 矫形外科器材/治疗应用 拇指内收 外治法 儿童
作者 陈建 《民防苑》 2008年第S1期9-10,共2页
上海是我国国际金融、经济、贸易、航运大都市,在我国改革开放经济建设中起着巨大的龙头作用。战时,它必将是强敌对我实施重点空袭的主要方向。大型桥梁一般都是战役通道上的咽喉,地区交通的重要枢纽,武器装备、兵员物资输送、人员应急... 上海是我国国际金融、经济、贸易、航运大都市,在我国改革开放经济建设中起着巨大的龙头作用。战时,它必将是强敌对我实施重点空袭的主要方向。大型桥梁一般都是战役通道上的咽喉,地区交通的重要枢纽,武器装备、兵员物资输送、人员应急疏散的重要通道,战略地位十分重要。未来战时。 展开更多
关键词 大型桥梁 消除空袭后果 就便器材 应用器材 空袭兵器 大桥 抢修队 人防 民防 专业队 农业劳动组织 专业分队 民兵 地方武装 空情 巡航导弹 飞航式导弹 空中障碍 精确制导武器
小学体育教学中的器材应用现状与对策 被引量:2
作者 王荣状 《中华少年》 2019年第19期141-141,共1页
关键词 小学体育 器材应用 教学改革
Examples ofhigh-tech materials applied in sports equipment
作者 Song Tao 《International English Education Research》 2015年第3期128-130,共3页
This paper briefly introduces the application of new materials in sports and effect on sports performance, points out that development of competitive sports in the process, must pay attention to the development and ut... This paper briefly introduces the application of new materials in sports and effect on sports performance, points out that development of competitive sports in the process, must pay attention to the development and utilization of new materials, development. 展开更多
关键词 new materials SPORTS APPLICATION
Analysis of Demagnetizer Operation Using the Finite Element Method
作者 N. Morovvati H. Feshki Farahani +1 位作者 M. Sabaghi S.M. Pedram Razi 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第2期58-64,共7页
Permanent magnets with high energy products are widely used in a variety of electromagnetic devices. Such devices can be found in marine, aerospace, and robotic applications which require the minimization of weight an... Permanent magnets with high energy products are widely used in a variety of electromagnetic devices. Such devices can be found in marine, aerospace, and robotic applications which require the minimization of weight and volume of the electromagnetic device. During the magnetizing process, the magnet may not be perfectly magnetized. Therefore, it needs to be demagnetized. Because of high coercivity of some permanent magnets, the demagnetization process requires the intense magnetic fields in close proximity with the magnetic material. The fields must be produced for a short period of time (millisecond range) and they also must be bidirectional in order to overcome the coercivity of magnetic material. Different parameters have been known to affect the demagnetizer operation such as the core shape, core material, turn number, cross section of air gap, magnet type and so on. The amplitude and waveform of the fixture current is obtained from PSPICE simulations and also from experimental measurement. A 2D finite element analysis is developed to simulate the magnetic fields and the mechanical forces. In this paper, the main parameters affecting the optimal design of the demagnetizer are discussed. Simulation results show that the core structure, air gap width, and turn numbers are the most important parameters when designing such a device. 展开更多
关键词 DEMAGNETIZER effective parameters FIXTURE finite element method ANSYS software.
Advances in dielectric elastomer actuation technology 被引量:8
作者 WANG NianFeng CUI ChaoYu +2 位作者 GUO Hao CHEN BiCheng ZHANG XianMin 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期1512-1527,共16页
Dielectric elastomer actuators(DEAs) have attracted much interest over the past decades due to the inherent flexibility, large strain, high efficiency, high energy density, and fast response of the material, which are... Dielectric elastomer actuators(DEAs) have attracted much interest over the past decades due to the inherent flexibility, large strain, high efficiency, high energy density, and fast response of the material, which are known as one of the most promising candidates for artificial muscle. In this paper, we first introduce the actuation principle and electromechanical modeling approaches of dielectric elastomers(DEs). Then, the performance of different DEs material and existing compliant electrodes that are widely utilized for DEAs are presented. We also highlight the compatibility of DEs, which is suitable for a variety of actuator designs and applications. Lastly, we summarize the challenges and future development in terms of electromechanical modeling, improvement of materials including compliant electrodes and dielectric elastomer, designs and applications of novel dielectric elastomer actuators. 展开更多
关键词 dielectric elastomer electromechanical modeling compliant electrodes ACTUATOR
Recent advancements in metal organic framework based electrodes for supercapacitors 被引量:8
作者 赵昱颉 刘金章 +3 位作者 Michael Horn Nunzio Motta 胡明俊 李岩 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第2期159-184,共26页
Metal organic frameworks(MOFs) are considered as very promising candidates to build electrodes for electrochemical energy storage devices such as lithium ion batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors, due to their d... Metal organic frameworks(MOFs) are considered as very promising candidates to build electrodes for electrochemical energy storage devices such as lithium ion batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors, due to their diverse structure, adjustable aperture, large specific surface area and abundant active sites. Supercapacitor has been widely investigated in the past decades. Of critical importance in these devices is the electrode active materials, and this application has been intensively studied with the development of novel nanomaterials. In this review we summarize recent reports on MO Fs as electrode materials for super capacitors. Specifically,the synthesis of MOF materials for super capacitor electrodes and their performance in electrochemical energy storage are discussed. We aim to include supercapacitor electrode materials related to MOFs, such as carbon, metal and composite materials. It is proposed that MOFs play an important role in the development of a new generation of supercapacitor electrode materials. Finally, we discuss the current challenges in the field of supercapacitors, with a view towards how to address these challenges with the future development of MOFs and their derivatives. 展开更多
All-solid-state electrochromic devices based on WO3‖NiO films:material developments and future applications 被引量:7
作者 Ding Zhou Dong Xie +3 位作者 Xinhui Xia Xiuli Wang Changdong Gu Jiangping Tu 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期3-12,共10页
Electrochromism refers to the persistent and reversible change of optical properties by an applied voltage pulse.Electrochromic(EC)devices have been extensively studied because of their commercial applications in smar... Electrochromism refers to the persistent and reversible change of optical properties by an applied voltage pulse.Electrochromic(EC)devices have been extensively studied because of their commercial applications in smart windows of green buildings,display devices and thermal control of equipments.In this review,a basic EC device design is presented based on useful oxides and solid-state electrolytes.We focus on the state-of-the-art research activities related to the structures of tungsten oxide(WO_3)and nickel oxide(NiO),summarizing the strategies to improve their EC performances and further applications of devices. 展开更多
关键词 electrochromic devices tungsten oxide nickel oxide solid-state electrolyte ELECTROCHROMISM
Recent advances in ionic liquid-based electrochemical biosensors 被引量:5
作者 王晓琳 郝京诚 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第16期1281-1295,共15页
Ionic liquids (ILs) have been generally described as molten salts which are composed of asymmetric cations and anions. They exist in liquid state below 100 ℃. Both ILs and their composite materials have been widely... Ionic liquids (ILs) have been generally described as molten salts which are composed of asymmetric cations and anions. They exist in liquid state below 100 ℃. Both ILs and their composite materials have been widely used in various fields. Attributed to the outstanding properties including the thermal and chemical stabilities, the negligible volatility, the high ionic conductivity, the wide electrochemical window, and the easy design in the construction, ILs have been applied in electrochemical applications including the electrocatalysis, the electrosynthesis, the electrodeposition, the electrochamical devices and sensors. In addition to the application in electrochemical sensors, ILs have also been used in biosensors because of their biocompatibiciy. Here, we review the recent devel- opments for the applicaitons of ILs in electrochemical sensors and biosensors, including the corresponding properties of ILs suitable for electrochemical sensors. Electrochemical biosensors constructed by numorous composites are the emphasis in the review. 展开更多
关键词 Ionic liquids Electrochemical sensors Biosensors
Focuses of material science development in recent years 被引量:1
作者 WANG Jing 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期1645-1648,共4页
Materials science is an interdisciplinary field applying the properties of matter to various areas of science and engineering. This scientific field investigates the relationship between the structure of materials at ... Materials science is an interdisciplinary field applying the properties of matter to various areas of science and engineering. This scientific field investigates the relationship between the structure of materials at atomic or molecular scales and their macroscopic properties. It incorporates elements of applied physics and chemistry. With significant media attention focused on nanoscience and nanotechnology in recent years, materials science has been propelled to the forefront at many universities. Materials science encompasses various classes of materials, including electronic materials, functional ceramics, magnesium, material and processes for flat-panel displays, eco/environmental materials, sustainable energy materials, transportation materials, electronic packaging materials, etc. 展开更多
关键词 Barium compounds Crystal atomic structure Electronics packaging Flat panel displays Magnesium Materials handling Materials properties Materials science NANOTUBES NANOWIRES Phenolic resins PHENOLS SILICA Silica gel Silicon nitride Single crystals
Two-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite: from material properties to device applications 被引量:18
作者 Shuang Ma Molang Cai +6 位作者 Tai Cheng Xihong Ding Xiaoqiang Shi Ahmed Alsaedi Tasawar Hayat Yong Ding Zhan'ao Tan 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第10期1257-1277,共21页
The two-dimensional(2D) perovskite(including pure-2D and quasi-2D) is formed by introducing large-group ammonium halides into conventional bulk perovskite. In the past twenty years, 2D perovskite materials were wi... The two-dimensional(2D) perovskite(including pure-2D and quasi-2D) is formed by introducing large-group ammonium halides into conventional bulk perovskite. In the past twenty years, 2D perovskite materials were widely developed with the enriched species and advanced physicalknowledge in material characteristics as well as optoelectronic device applications. To review achievments in 2D perovskite,the fundamental mechanism and properties of 2D perovskite are introduced to offer insight into device performance.Moreover, the preparation methods of 2D perovskite films are summarized and compared. The latest successful applications of the 2D perovskite in the solar cells and light-emitting diodes fields, especially the advanced stability of 2D perovskite solar cells(PeSCs) and the efficient 2D perovskite lightemitting diodes(PeLEDs), are also achieved. Furthermore, the challenges and outlook of 2D perovskite materials are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 2D perovskite material properties preparationmethods optoelectronic applications.
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