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工作过程导向的高职“供应链管理实务”课程重构 被引量:17
作者 胡建波 《职业技术教育》 2008年第35期10-12,共3页
在分析高职物流管理专业"供应链管理实务"课程重构必要性的基础上,按照"基于工作过程导向"的理念对课程进行重构,以典型工作过程为主线设计课程架构,围绕供应链业务流程重组课程内容,采用"理实一体化"以... 在分析高职物流管理专业"供应链管理实务"课程重构必要性的基础上,按照"基于工作过程导向"的理念对课程进行重构,以典型工作过程为主线设计课程架构,围绕供应链业务流程重组课程内容,采用"理实一体化"以及"项目教学"等教学模式,综合运用现代教学技术手段,调动学生的学习积极性、主动性和创造性。 展开更多
关键词 高等职业院校 工作过程 应链管理实务 教学模式 课程设计
供应链管理的内部竞争优化研究 被引量:1
作者 鲁强 周敏丹 徐超 《企业经济》 北大核心 2006年第2期36-37,共2页
本文对供应链及供应链管理的概念、供应链管理的发展趋势的研究表明,对供应链管理的深入研究应该以供应链的内部竞争优化为基础,应该考虑在供应链相同节点上引入企业竞争的策略,而竞争劣势节点企业的三种策略选择对供应链管理提出了新... 本文对供应链及供应链管理的概念、供应链管理的发展趋势的研究表明,对供应链管理的深入研究应该以供应链的内部竞争优化为基础,应该考虑在供应链相同节点上引入企业竞争的策略,而竞争劣势节点企业的三种策略选择对供应链管理提出了新的控制要求。文内分析了竞争劣势节点企业的退出策略,同时阐述了多个相关供应链策略和供应链内部竞争策略的形成原因和控制措施。 展开更多
关键词 应链管理 竞争劣势节点企业 内部竞争优化
供应链合作伙伴的选择 被引量:1
作者 赵红霞 《河南科技》 2013年第12X期204-204,共1页
关键词 层次分析法 指标体系 应链合作伙伴关系
作者 李娜 李一凡 +1 位作者 冯丽佳 张志霞 《软件导刊.教育技术》 2011年第5期79-80,共2页
关键词 PBL 应链管理 高职院校 教学方法
一种带有生产费用扰动的供应链协调问题 被引量:4
作者 王艳 高成修 《数学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期583-590,共8页
本文研究了一个生产两个竞争零售商的供应链在生产费用发生扰动下的协调问题.生产费用发生扰动后,零售商的投资额与生产商的生产数量都会和原计划不同.研究发现批发价加投资补贴率的合同可以协调扰动后的供应链,通过调整批发价和补贴率... 本文研究了一个生产两个竞争零售商的供应链在生产费用发生扰动下的协调问题.生产费用发生扰动后,零售商的投资额与生产商的生产数量都会和原计划不同.研究发现批发价加投资补贴率的合同可以协调扰动后的供应链,通过调整批发价和补贴率,可使供应链总的利润在生产商与两个零售商之间分配,并用数值模拟分析了所得结果的合理性. 展开更多
关键词 应链 协调 投资 扰动 合同
我国家电行业供应链整合浅析 被引量:8
作者 贾丹 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2005年第9S期91-92,共2页
在我国,家电行业已进入微利时代,为了在竞争中保持优势,家电厂商纷纷联合渠道商建立信息流、资金流、物流于一体的家电生产、流通、消费的新型家电供应链体系来降低成本。本文通过对我国现阶段家电行业供应链及物流模式以及国际家电供... 在我国,家电行业已进入微利时代,为了在竞争中保持优势,家电厂商纷纷联合渠道商建立信息流、资金流、物流于一体的家电生产、流通、消费的新型家电供应链体系来降低成本。本文通过对我国现阶段家电行业供应链及物流模式以及国际家电供应链整合经验的分析,希望对我国家电行业的未来发展有所启示。 展开更多
关键词 家电行业 应链整合 流模式
基于融资约束视角下供应链金融对企业创新投入的影响 被引量:3
作者 曾媛媛 朱海英 曾幸明 《科学与管理》 2022年第5期44-53,共10页
本文以2011—2019年中小板上市公司为样本,采用固定效应模型,实证研究了供应链金融对企业创新投入的影响。研究结果表明:(1)供应链金融通过缓解企业融资约束进而促进企业增加新投入;(2)企业信息披露质量在供应链金融对企业创新投入作用... 本文以2011—2019年中小板上市公司为样本,采用固定效应模型,实证研究了供应链金融对企业创新投入的影响。研究结果表明:(1)供应链金融通过缓解企业融资约束进而促进企业增加新投入;(2)企业信息披露质量在供应链金融对企业创新投入作用中具有显著的正向调节作用,高信息披露质量的企业供应链金融对企业创新投入的促进作用更显著;进一步研究发现,分别在高客户集中度和高水平内部控制的企业中,供应链金融对企业创新投入的促进作用更为显著。本文揭示了供应链金融对企业创新投入的影响机理,为中小企业在供应链金融体系中提高融资效率,降低企业创新活动的资金束缚提供参考,也为针对供应链金融经济后果、企业创新影响因素的深入研究开辟新视角。 展开更多
关键词 应链金融 创新投入 融资约束 信息披露质量
作者 刘志芳 《中国产业》 2012年第8期37-37,共1页
供应链金融为中小企业融资指名了新方向,产业集群建立起的供应链及集群内企业的共生效应为供应链融资的开展提供肥沃土壤。本文从分析中小企业融资难原因入手,引入SWOT模型分析评估,集群区内供应链融资的影响因素。最后为供应链融资进... 供应链金融为中小企业融资指名了新方向,产业集群建立起的供应链及集群内企业的共生效应为供应链融资的开展提供肥沃土壤。本文从分析中小企业融资难原因入手,引入SWOT模型分析评估,集群区内供应链融资的影响因素。最后为供应链融资进入中小企业解决中小企业难从四个角度提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 应链融资 中小企业 产业集群 SWOT
作者 郭坤相 周婷 杨翰林 《商业2.0(经济管理)》 2021年第17期0280-0282,共3页
在复杂的国际环境下,本文围绕“核关高”电子产品自主保障能力提升,以供应链战略转型为牵引,通过改革驱动激发创新活力、技术驱动提升协同创新能力、流程驱动提升质量效率,并借助信息化提供一站式元器件管理解决方案,系统推进供应链可... 在复杂的国际环境下,本文围绕“核关高”电子产品自主保障能力提升,以供应链战略转型为牵引,通过改革驱动激发创新活力、技术驱动提升协同创新能力、流程驱动提升质量效率,并借助信息化提供一站式元器件管理解决方案,系统推进供应链可控优化,探索“卡脖子”问题的有效解决途径,使型号国产化率大幅提升。 展开更多
关键词 应链 创新驱动 国产化
客户关系与企业成本粘性:敲竹杠还是合作 被引量:129
作者 王雄元 高开娟 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期132-142,共11页
本文从企业间关系视角探讨客户对成本粘性的作用。客户可能利用关系专用性投资对上市公司"敲竹杠"提高成本粘性,也可能通过企业间合作降低成本粘性。基于2007-2013年沪深制造业上市公司数据分析发现:单一客户采购金额占上市... 本文从企业间关系视角探讨客户对成本粘性的作用。客户可能利用关系专用性投资对上市公司"敲竹杠"提高成本粘性,也可能通过企业间合作降低成本粘性。基于2007-2013年沪深制造业上市公司数据分析发现:单一客户采购金额占上市公司销售收入比例越高,上市公司成本粘性越低,即使控制了样本自选择等问题后这种现象依然存在,证明客户通过"合作效应"降低了成本粘性。进一步分析发现,客户"合作效应"仅在需求不确定性较高或竞争激烈的样本中存在,而"敲竹杠"效应在关系专用性投资高的样本客户中存在。本文验证了供应链上企业间的"合作"和"敲竹杠"效应,并为成本习性研究提供经验证据。 展开更多
关键词 成本粘性 客户关系 关系专用性投资 应链合作
山东省棉花产业链分析与整合 被引量:3
作者 李平英 胡继连 《农业经济与管理》 2014年第5期61-69,共9页
基于产业链分析视角,阐述山东省棉花产业链的现状,分析产业链各节点上市场主体的行为特征,揭示出棉花产业链管理中的突出问题,进而提出产业链整合的相应措施。研究结果表明,山东棉花产业链相对较长,内部节点多且关联性强;同时山东棉花... 基于产业链分析视角,阐述山东省棉花产业链的现状,分析产业链各节点上市场主体的行为特征,揭示出棉花产业链管理中的突出问题,进而提出产业链整合的相应措施。研究结果表明,山东棉花产业链相对较长,内部节点多且关联性强;同时山东棉花产业链存在一些问题,诸如产业链上下游经济主体市场力量和市场地位不匹配,经济主体之间竞争充分但合作不足,缺乏棉花产业链的管理理念和核心力量,棉花产业链没有应对自然风险和市场风险的能力。这些问题严重影响山东棉花产业的市场绩效,使棉花产量和价格波动较大,逐渐受制于国际市场棉花炒家,对国内棉花相关产业形成压力。整合山东棉花产业链有很大空间,但需要多种保障措施,如加强纵向合作,实施对战略资源的有效控制、增加横向产业链的有效宽度等,并提出需要进一步研究的问题。 展开更多
关键词 山东省 棉花产业 应链管理 产业链整合
Effects of Fluorescent Pair on the Kinetics of DNA Strand Displacement Reaction
作者 Chengxu Li Shiyan Xiao Haojun Liang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期679-684,I0094-I0098,I0101,共12页
Fluorescent labels are widely used in the characterizations of DNA-based reaction network operations.We systematically studied the effects of commonly used fluorescent pairs on thermal stabilities of signal-substrate ... Fluorescent labels are widely used in the characterizations of DNA-based reaction network operations.We systematically studied the effects of commonly used fluorescent pairs on thermal stabilities of signal-substrate duplex and the strand displacement kinetics.It is demonstrated that the modifications of duplex with fluorescent pairs stabilize DNA duplex by up to 3.5°C,and the kinetics of DNA strand displacement circuit is also evidently slowed down.These results highlight the importance of fluorescent pairs towards the kinetic modulation in designing nucleic acid probes and complex DNA dynamic circuits. 展开更多
关键词 DNA strand displacement Fluorescent label KINETICS Thermodynamic property
Construction and Implementation of Logistics Tracking Management System of Tropical Agricultural Products Based on Supply Chain 被引量:5
作者 徐杰 刘鹏飞 +2 位作者 周正 张俊 杨宝祝 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第9期1308-1312,共5页
[Objective] The paper is to construct the logistics tracking management system of tropical agricultural products based on supply chain.[Method] With tropical agricultural products in Hainan as study object,based on lo... [Objective] The paper is to construct the logistics tracking management system of tropical agricultural products based on supply chain.[Method] With tropical agricultural products in Hainan as study object,based on logistics supply chain files and electronic tag coding of agricultural products,cold chain temperature and humidity monitoring,vehicle transportation positioning,data exchange of XML Web services and role-based permission dynamic allocation,the multi-level multi-permission and multi-role logistics tracking management system of tropical agricultural products has been established.[Result] The system constructs information exchange platform for various links of logistics supply chain of tropical agricultural products,which realizes the entire quality monitoring and information tracing of agricultural products,thus enhancing the competitiveness of supply chain in company.[Conclusion] The system has good application and extension prospect. 展开更多
关键词 Tropical agricultural products Supply chain Logistics tracking Quality monitoring Information tracing
Research on telecommunication resale service supply chain coordination with revenue-sharing contract 被引量:5
作者 郑惠莉 达庆利 曹爱红 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第1期113-116,共4页
The competition and cooperation between traditional telecom operators and resale operators in the supply chain are discussed, when the telecom industry developed telecommunication resale service. Supply chain contract... The competition and cooperation between traditional telecom operators and resale operators in the supply chain are discussed, when the telecom industry developed telecommunication resale service. Supply chain contract is an effective way to coordinate the supply chain. This paper analyzes the revenue-sharing contract between telecom operators and resale operators. The study shows that by setting up a rational revenue-sharing ratio and wholesale price, a revenue-sharing contract can coordinate this supply chain, and telecom operators and resale operators can achieve a 'win-win' solution. 展开更多
关键词 telecommunication resale service supply chain coordination revenue-sharing contract
Research on choice of emergency procurement vendors 被引量:2
作者 江孝感 冯勤超 陈丰琳 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第S1期124-127,共4页
In order to make the supply chain select the best emergency procurement suppliers in case the procurement system encounters unexpected risks,six indices which can reflect the comprehensive abilities of alternative sup... In order to make the supply chain select the best emergency procurement suppliers in case the procurement system encounters unexpected risks,six indices which can reflect the comprehensive abilities of alternative suppliers are selected,i.e.,the product yield,the toll standard,the on-time-delivery rate,the rate of turnover industry experience and customer satisfaction.Then standardized processing of evaluation is performed.For quantitative indices,vector normalization is adopted to perform standardized processing,and qualitative fuzziness indices are quantified through assignment.Finally,each index can be transformed into a standardized mark which has dimensionless 1 and the same magnitude.And an expert method is used to determine the index weights and then the linear weighted sum method is used to calculate the alternative supplier's comprehensive ability score and by comparing these scores,the optimal emergency procurement supplier is selected. 展开更多
关键词 emergency procurement supply chain VENDOR evaluation index
Supply chain coordination mechanisms under asymmetric information with retailer cost disruptions 被引量:7
作者 庄品 赵林度 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第4期620-625,共6页
A two-level supply chain model involving one supplier and one retailer with linear demand is developed, and supply chain coordination mechanisms under asymmetric information (the retailer' s cost structure is asymme... A two-level supply chain model involving one supplier and one retailer with linear demand is developed, and supply chain coordination mechanisms under asymmetric information (the retailer' s cost structure is asymmetric information) are proposed by employing game theory in two scenarios: coordination mechanisms under asymmetric information in a regular scenario (without disruption); and coordination mechanisms under asymmetric information in an irregular scenario ( with retailer cost disruptions). It is optimal for the supply chain to maintain the original production plan and to guarantee a steadily running system if variations of retailer costs are sufficiently low and do not exceed an upper bound. This shows that the original production plan has certain robustness under disruptions. Decisions must be re-made if a retailer' s cost change is greater and exceeds an upper bound. Impacts of retailer cost disruptions on the order quantity, the retail price, the wholesale price and each party' s as well as the system' s expected profits are investigated through numerical analyses. 展开更多
关键词 disruption management supply chain coordination mechanism asymmetry information game theory cost disruption
Selection Model in Buyer-Supplier Relationships 被引量:2
作者 孙晓林 罗定提 +1 位作者 黄国全 仲伟俊 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第4期346-350,共5页
This paper proposes a new method of selecting appropriate buyer supplier relationships (BSR) for specific projects. Because it is almost impossible in reality to establish mathematical relationships between the BSR at... This paper proposes a new method of selecting appropriate buyer supplier relationships (BSR) for specific projects. Because it is almost impossible in reality to establish mathematical relationships between the BSR attributes and the factors of a project, the concept of relationship indices (RI) is introduced to quantify such BSR which are in turn established through design of experiments. Based on the experimental results, the contributions of project factors, known as factors relationship worths (RW... 展开更多
关键词 supply chain buyer supplier relationship experimental design
Methods of vendor managed inventory control in supply chain management 被引量:3
作者 蒋振盈 于海生 +1 位作者 彭禄斌 赵林度 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期405-409,共5页
By inducing the typical inventory control problem - the bullwhip effect, this paper presents vendor managed inventory (VMI) control methods on the basis of traditional methods of inventory management methods, construc... By inducing the typical inventory control problem - the bullwhip effect, this paper presents vendor managed inventory (VMI) control methods on the basis of traditional methods of inventory management methods, constructs a VMI mathematics model, and analyzes the influence of VMI on inventory cost and channel profit. Finally, a special case is studied to verify that VMI is an effective supply chain strategy that can not only increase channel profit of supplier and customer but also improve full channel coordination, thereby reducing the bullwhip effect. 展开更多
关键词 supply chain management inventory control vendor managed inventory bullwhip effect
Impact analysis of supplier relationship on supply chain resilience using biological cellular resilience theory 被引量:2
作者 王新平 赵林度 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第2期282-287,共6页
A supply chain resilience model is established based on the biological cellular resilience theory to analyze the impact of the supplier relationship on supply chain resilience. A scenario where the market demand is ch... A supply chain resilience model is established based on the biological cellular resilience theory to analyze the impact of the supplier relationship on supply chain resilience. A scenario where the market demand is changed suddenly by some undesired events is considered. The results reveal that enhancing collaboration with a more resilient supplier can significantly improve supply chain resilience and reduce supply chain losses. It is also found that enhancing the supplier relationship can significantly benefit supply chain resilience if the collaborative intensity is relatively low, and it has less effect if supply chain members have already collaborated closely. Thus, enhancing the supplier relationship to a limited intensity is a relatively effective and economic method to strengthen supply chain resilience. 展开更多
关键词 supply chain risk supply chain resilience biological cellular resilience demand shocks supplier rela-tionship
Decision model for closed loop supply chain with uncertain demand and price-dependent returns 被引量:2
作者 张福安 达庆利 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第4期638-641,共4页
A single product closed-loop supply chain that satisfies an uncertain market demand with original and remanufactured products is considered.The yield of the recovery process is random and depends on the acquisition pr... A single product closed-loop supply chain that satisfies an uncertain market demand with original and remanufactured products is considered.The yield of the recovery process is random and depends on the acquisition price offered for the end-of-life products.In such a stochastic setting,a firm needs to make production and procurement decisions so that the total expected profit is maximized.Both centralized and decentralized models are established depending on the party collecting the returns.The optimal acquisition price and production quantities of original and remanufactured products are determined for the firm.The contracts to coordinate the decentralized systems are chosen and the optimal contract parameters are determined.A computational experiment is given to show the effects of recovery parameters on the system performance.Results show that the recovery parameters have a high impact on the profitability of the manufacturer in the centralized model and on that of the collection agency in the decentralized model. 展开更多
关键词 closed-loop supply chain demand uncertainty production decision
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