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《红楼梦》杨藏本底文的独立性——从程本多出的文字“金陵”、“南边”、“南方”谈起 被引量:2
作者 曹立波 韩林岐 《中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第3期133-141,共9页
《红楼梦》杨继振藏本与程本的先后问题备受关注。从"金陵"、"南边"和"南方"等词语的检索入手,比对后发现,杨本提及南方之事的次数比程本少,程本有明显的强调南方信息的倾向。如第九十七回宝钗的婚礼描写... 《红楼梦》杨继振藏本与程本的先后问题备受关注。从"金陵"、"南边"和"南方"等词语的检索入手,比对后发现,杨本提及南方之事的次数比程本少,程本有明显的强调南方信息的倾向。如第九十七回宝钗的婚礼描写中,"要拜堂时冷冷清清的使不得"说明杨藏本从底文到改文,都优于程本;程乙本的"要拜堂的"和"使不的",显示杨藏本并非源自删节。第一百十九回,杨本底文是"皇上传旨询问两个姓贾的是否贾妃一族",句子顺畅;而程本在"两个姓贾的"后面多出"是金陵人氏"五字,以繁琐的句式来突出"金陵"。杨藏本底文的文字简洁自然,自成体系,与程甲本、程乙本相比,不乏独立性和逻辑性。没有像程本那样强调"南方"信息,说明杨藏本后四十回依然处于尚未成熟的过录本阶段。 展开更多
关键词 红楼梦 杨藏本 杨藏本底文 独立性
字缝里的“底文”——对《狂人日记》“序”解读方法及结论的商榷 被引量:1
作者 龚宏 张晓宁 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2013年第1期63-68,共6页
在以往关于《狂人日记》"序"的研究中,由于采用就"序"论"序"的封闭的解读方法,"序"被认定是对日记的否定与消解,并且与日记在整体上构成一对所谓的"反讽"。文章采用互文性理论对&qu... 在以往关于《狂人日记》"序"的研究中,由于采用就"序"论"序"的封闭的解读方法,"序"被认定是对日记的否定与消解,并且与日记在整体上构成一对所谓的"反讽"。文章采用互文性理论对"序"进行重新解读,由字缝里见其"底文",阐释出"序"在话语的深层次中对日记是有所认同的,并且自身存在反讽的结构。由此证明,通常观点所选择的解读方法存在问题,由于偏用反讽概念,导致对"序"的解读囿于表面、孤立,进而得到了片面、绝对的结论。 展开更多
关键词 《狂人日记》“序” 底文 反讽
作者 刘茁 《深圳信息职业技术学院学报》 2010年第1期95-100,共6页
仿拟辞格在汉语和英语中均有广泛应用,按照"互文性"理论,底文转化成超文有很明显的规律可循。本文就仿拟的生成方式,即"超文"的转化方式进行全面归纳,划分出"添加"、"删减"、"位移"... 仿拟辞格在汉语和英语中均有广泛应用,按照"互文性"理论,底文转化成超文有很明显的规律可循。本文就仿拟的生成方式,即"超文"的转化方式进行全面归纳,划分出"添加"、"删减"、"位移"和"替换"4大类:"替换"中又划分出10个小类。 展开更多
关键词 仿拟:互 生成方式 底文
从叙事空间的失落看朱仙镇年画在现代社会的濒危 被引量:1
作者 李彦锋 《艺术探索》 2008年第4期124-126,共3页
朱仙镇年画衰落一个重要的原因是庙会狂欢及戏曲叙事空间的消失。庙会狂欢为年画创制提供了自由浪漫幻想的审美文化背景和对于叙事对象的心理需要,庙会的戏曲则为年画直接提供了图像叙事的原型。口头传说、民间故事也与年画的生存密切相... 朱仙镇年画衰落一个重要的原因是庙会狂欢及戏曲叙事空间的消失。庙会狂欢为年画创制提供了自由浪漫幻想的审美文化背景和对于叙事对象的心理需要,庙会的戏曲则为年画直接提供了图像叙事的原型。口头传说、民间故事也与年画的生存密切相关,年画图像与隐在传说故事以"图—底"互文叙事而并存,这个张力场的现代失衡,是使朱仙镇年画日趋濒危的内在因素。 展开更多
关键词 朱仙镇年画 庙会狂欢 戏曲 “图-”互
Discussion the Tourist Image Planning of the World Cultural Heritage
作者 TAO Chang-Jiang WANG Ying-Mei 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第9期54-57,共4页
The world' s cultural heritage is a top tourist resource when it is used for tourism development. Domestic scholars are concerned about the tourism image more than ten years. However, there is little research on tour... The world' s cultural heritage is a top tourist resource when it is used for tourism development. Domestic scholars are concerned about the tourism image more than ten years. However, there is little research on tourism image of the world cultural heritage. The tourism image of the world cultural heritage influence tourists' expectations - experience satisfaction; the recognition to the cultural heritage of the destination resident; the tourist type of the world cultural heritage Site, and the showing effect of the cultural heritage tourists. Consider the world cultural heritage tourism image connotation, it includes four parts: subject, object, body and mediator. It has the four characteristics: the main audience of the tourism image is cultural tourists, and the tourism image can be used as against marketing tool of the cultural heritage sites, and the tourism image highlight the cultural heritage of authenticity and uniqueness. 展开更多
关键词 World Cultural heritage Site Tourism Image Planning
Varieties of Igbo Dialect A Study of Some Communities in Old Aguata Local Government Area
作者 Okoye Christiana Obiageli 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第12期1122-1128,共7页
The Igbo language has grown and developed to what is known as Standard Igbo (Igbo Izugbe) today. Series of efforts have gone into the modification and invention of words to ensure wider acceptability and intelligibi... The Igbo language has grown and developed to what is known as Standard Igbo (Igbo Izugbe) today. Series of efforts have gone into the modification and invention of words to ensure wider acceptability and intelligibility While this is a welcome idea, the tendency of the loss of communal identity in terms of the original local variety of the Igbo Language spoken by each community becomes very obvious. As Igbos can easily distinguish an Anambra man from an Imo man, it is also necessary that within Arlambra, one should be able to locate a particular town in the area through the spoken Igbo Language variety. This paper studies some of these local variants and advocates for a method of preserving such rich cultural heritage which are so valuable for posterity 展开更多
Identity, Traditions and Lack of Environmental Behaviour
作者 C. Arcidiacono F. Procentese M.G. Paolillo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第3期365-380,共16页
Place memories (traditions), transmitted through art and the stories of a community, are key elements for the construction of individual and collective identity, connected to specific places. In this regard the auth... Place memories (traditions), transmitted through art and the stories of a community, are key elements for the construction of individual and collective identity, connected to specific places. In this regard the authors examined how the representation of traditions affects place identity and in what ways the cultural heritage of the town might influence environmental forms of behaviour such as plans and projects. To this end the authors investigated the small town of Pagani in southern Italy, which has many ancient cultural traditions linked to specific locations and their rituals such as the festival of Our Lady of the Hens. Our contribution favours a qualitative approach in examining the data gathered and a participative methodology. The statistical analysis of the vocabulary distribution within 83 texts concerning town and its traditions, written by local citizens (52% male and 48% female) of different ages (range: 18-78) revealed a strong place identity. Narrative interviews (14) with key people were then analysed by means of grounded theory. In the perspective of conservation psychology the authors finally focussed on how feelings of impotence and social distrust influence relations between citizens and their local environment. 展开更多
关键词 Traditions place identity place attachment environmental behaviour community trust.
Existing Building Challenge and CONCERTO Project
作者 Andrea Immendoerfer Volker Stelzer Klaus-Rainer Braiutigam Juliane Joerissen 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第10期1253-1259,共7页
If Europe is to achieve the planned transition to a low carbon economy by 2050, succeeding in improving the energy efficiency of the largely inefficient existing building stock will be pivotal. Certain energy efficien... If Europe is to achieve the planned transition to a low carbon economy by 2050, succeeding in improving the energy efficiency of the largely inefficient existing building stock will be pivotal. Certain energy efficiency retrofitting obligations have now emerged as part of the EU's Energy Performance in Buildings Directive and the Energy Efficiency Directive. Challenges for retrofitting currently include gaps in technical skills both amongst building trades and professionals, a lack of awareness of building owners and users, concerns about compromising cultural heritage as well as a lack of viable business models, comparatively high cost and resulting long pay-back periods currently hamper the progress. Lessons can be drawn here form the EU-funded initiative CONCERTO, which helped 58 communities in 23 countries to reduce their dependence on conventional energy supply by implementing energy efficiency measures and integrating renewable energy sources not at single building scale but community scale. Almost all of these entailed retrofitting activities bad to find solutions to the issues mentioned. This paper presents a selection of conclusions regarding retrofitting to be drawn from the analysis undertaken under the project CONCERTO premium, which analysed outcomes across the 58 projects on behalf of the European Commission and focuses in particular on the political relevance of outcomes. 展开更多
关键词 Existing building stock retrofitting REFURBISHMENT RENOVATION FINANCE social acceptance replication.
Optimizing the Interpretation of Sub-surface Resistivity in Relation with Borehole Productivity in Basement Area Applied to Seno Province (Burkina Faso)
作者 Mahamadou Koita Hamma Fabien Yonli Delwende Guy Christian Nikiema 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第12期563-580,共18页
This study aims at identifying possible correlations between shapes, types of geophysical anomalies and borehole productivity according to geological and hydrogeotogical contexts. The methodology adopted was a two-pro... This study aims at identifying possible correlations between shapes, types of geophysical anomalies and borehole productivity according to geological and hydrogeotogical contexts. The methodology adopted was a two-pronged one--the first step sought to: (1) interpret the electrical resistivity values from horizontal profiling and vertical electrical sounding implemented in Seno province that preceded the drilling of 513 boreholes; (ii) interpret data from pumping tests carried out on boreholes having a discharge superior to 1 m3/h ("positive borehole") by using Cooper-Jacob's method. In the second step, according to geology, authors tried to identify possible correlations between each of the qualitative geophysical parameters: ~shape of anomaly〉〉, tttype of anomaly〉〉 and ~〈type curve〉〉 on the one hand, and hydrogeological parameters such as discharge, alteration thickness, transmissivity and saturated level on the other. The results of this study have shown that the chances of having a positive borehole in Seno province are higher when the type of anomaly is TCC (80%), shape of anomaly is "W" and when type curve is "H" (80%) for all geological formations. Granitic formations are those that record higher discharges while schists record high transmissivity values. 展开更多
关键词 Basement rocks sub-surface resistivity BOREHOLE ANOMALY PRODUCTIVITY Seno province Burkina.
Mysteries and Mysticism in the Arabian Desert
作者 Majeed Khan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第7期539-556,共18页
Saudi Arabia is rich not only in its oil, but also in its cultural heritages. With 1,500 rock arts and 4,000 archaeological sites it is the fourth largest rock art region in the world. The entire Saudi Arabia has been... Saudi Arabia is rich not only in its oil, but also in its cultural heritages. With 1,500 rock arts and 4,000 archaeological sites it is the fourth largest rock art region in the world. The entire Saudi Arabia has been comprehensively surveyed, investigated, and documented under the auspices of the Saudi Arabian Department of Antiquities (now Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities). The archaeological and rock art investigations revealed tantalizing results providing the evidence of human presence in the Arabian Peninsula from the early Acheulean period until the present day. In addition to the ancient towns and cities like Madain Saleh (contemporary to Petra in Jordan), Tayma, Domat al-Jandal, Thaj, and al-Fao and Ukhdoud hundreds of strange, mysterious, and mystic structures and petrolyghs are located in the deserts of Arabia. A few of such sites are discussed in this paper, highlighting the strong but still unknown to the world the cultural heritage of Saudi Arabia. 展开更多
关键词 rock art of Saudi Arabia mysterious and strange stone structures petrolygphs abstract mythical andmystic images
Analysis the development of cultural pattems and the evolution of Chinese traditional martial arts
作者 Yun TANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第1期59-61,共3页
Chinese martial arts have a long history, profound, which is an integral part of Chinese traditional culture of grandeur. China joined the WTO and the Beijing Olympic Games "has a rich cultural heritage of thousands ... Chinese martial arts have a long history, profound, which is an integral part of Chinese traditional culture of grandeur. China joined the WTO and the Beijing Olympic Games "has a rich cultural heritage of thousands of years of Chinese martial arts with its unique charm and much of the world' s attention." In the face of opportunities and challenges, the international spread of martial arts has become an irresistible trend. "First of propagation, the spread of the concept of martial arts and martial arts were defined international spread, and it were explains martial international spread of cultural level societal level and significance of the economic level, dialectical judge the outcome of the international transmission acquired with the problems." Secondly, the traditional martial arts culture for martial international dissemination presented aphasia phenomenon, by means of the analysis of the advanced nature of martial arts culture, the martial arts and cultural heritage considered as the center of gravity advantages, not only to absorb the multicultural essence of martial arts culture useful, but also highlight the ethnic characteristics of martial arts culture, martial arts culture to enhance capacity external radiation, the Chinese martial arts as a complete all- round cultural forms, multi-level, multi-an^le display, promote the Chinese martial arts to the world in a more in-depth. " 展开更多
关键词 traditional martial arts development needs morphology research status
Research on Countermeasures and Development Status of Red Tourism in Shandong
作者 Liu Hongchen Zhang Lijie 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期107-110,共4页
As a new tourism pattern, red tourism develops rapidly in China. In Shandong, not only the red cultural heritage is rich, but also the red tourism resources are rich, but the development is not very successful now. Th... As a new tourism pattern, red tourism develops rapidly in China. In Shandong, not only the red cultural heritage is rich, but also the red tourism resources are rich, but the development is not very successful now. The paper aims at surveying the status of Shandong red tourism, and analyzes the evaluation of tourists on red tourist attractions by the way of market research. The research indicates that red tourism has the problems including improper publicity, single development model and imperfect infrastructures, for which the paper proposes the suggestions such as multi-channel publicity and multi-mode development. The research results of the paper not only provides scientific basis for developing red tourism in Shandong, but also provides reference for practical management on red tourism. 展开更多
关键词 SHANDONG red tourism development status market research SPSS analysis COUNTERMEASURES
The development trend of paper-based media under the media convergence trend
作者 XinYu LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第4期82-84,共3页
The emergence of media convergence have so huge impact on paper-based media that paper-based media no longer has a monopoly. Some people assert that paper-based media will come to an end. However, the author believes ... The emergence of media convergence have so huge impact on paper-based media that paper-based media no longer has a monopoly. Some people assert that paper-based media will come to an end. However, the author believes that the paper media will not come to an end under the media convergence trend. It will develop parallel with media integration. The reason why the author has this view is that, on one hand, paper-based media has its unique physical characteristics. In the real world, paper media brought us the aesthetic experience by "five senses" . It cannot be replaced by the media convergence. The paper media will also make survival steering dimension; on the other hand, cultural heritage of the paper media make itself a unique appreciation of the value and not transcendent. Therefore, the paper media in the media convergence trend will continue to exist and turned to be "concept book" that admiring is the main part and reading supplemented. 展开更多
关键词 media integration paper media five senses dimension aesthetic experience
The protection, development, research and use of intangible cultural heritage in Hebei province
作者 Lin liu Rongju Li Zhiyong Chi 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期48-50,共3页
Hebei has a long history, rich cultural heritage, which not only has a lot of tangible cultural heritage, but also has many valuable cultural heritages. This non- material cultural heritage not only is a spiritual wea... Hebei has a long history, rich cultural heritage, which not only has a lot of tangible cultural heritage, but also has many valuable cultural heritages. This non- material cultural heritage not only is a spiritual wealth and a precious wisdom of Hebei children, but also a treasure of Chinese civilization. Protection of intangible cultural heritage, maintaining national cultural heritage, is an important cultural foundation of enhancing the bond of national emotional, promoting and safeguarding national unity and social stability, and is also a necessary requirement to building an advanced socialist culture, promoting a cultural province construction, building a "harmonious Hebei ", and achieving better and faster development of Hebei. Conscientiously implement the approach of "protection and rescue first, rational use, inheritance and development ", and do a really good job of intangible cultural heritage protection, management and rational use. 展开更多
关键词 Hebei intangible cultural heritage protection.
Debate on "Evil law is law" and "Evil law is illegal"
作者 Zhang Xia 《International English Education Research》 2015年第1期40-42,共3页
In the history of the western civilization, the trial of Socrates and the trial of Jesus in the Christian history are equally famous. This trial implied several enduring and classical topics in the history of the west... In the history of the western civilization, the trial of Socrates and the trial of Jesus in the Christian history are equally famous. This trial implied several enduring and classical topics in the history of the western legal thoughts. Why did Socrates accept the results of the "Miscarriage of Justice"? Who led to the wrong decision? Why would Socrates be executed? This article is precisely embarked from this trial, to explore ajurisprudent issue related to the trial: the debate on Evil law is law and Evil law is illegal. 展开更多
关键词 Socrates' trial Evil law is law Evil law is illegal
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