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作者 刘伟仁 郑子荣 +3 位作者 杨合雄 何开景 樊文星 邱菲菲 《再生资源与循环经济》 2024年第8期47-50,共4页
利用硫酸酸洗废液与废硝酸在一定条件下的反应性,使废硝酸发生分解,产生的一氧化氮气体作为氧气氧化催化剂制备铁盐产品,剩余产物经进一步处理,回收了有价物质,去除了有害杂质。提出了一种新型的废硝酸处置工艺路线,降低了废硝酸的处理... 利用硫酸酸洗废液与废硝酸在一定条件下的反应性,使废硝酸发生分解,产生的一氧化氮气体作为氧气氧化催化剂制备铁盐产品,剩余产物经进一步处理,回收了有价物质,去除了有害杂质。提出了一种新型的废硝酸处置工艺路线,降低了废硝酸的处理难度和成本,实现了危险废弃物的充分利用,具有良好的社会效益和经济价值。 展开更多
关键词 铁盐 氧气氧化 催化剂 废硝酸 硫酸酸洗 一氧化氮 硝态氮
基于紫外吸收光谱法的废硝酸回收工艺研究 被引量:1
作者 李超 张玉琴 +1 位作者 牛康康 孟帅帅 《安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第5期458-461,共4页
为回收利用化工厂废硝酸,本文利用此废硝酸直接硝化对甲酚制取高性价比的医药中间体邻硝基对甲酚,以紫外吸收光谱为检测手段,跟踪游离硝酸根紫外吸光度的变化,获得最佳废酸处理工艺为:油水体积比534,温度30℃,转速600r/min,硝酸与对... 为回收利用化工厂废硝酸,本文利用此废硝酸直接硝化对甲酚制取高性价比的医药中间体邻硝基对甲酚,以紫外吸收光谱为检测手段,跟踪游离硝酸根紫外吸光度的变化,获得最佳废酸处理工艺为:油水体积比534,温度30℃,转速600r/min,硝酸与对甲酚的物质的量之比为10.8,处理后,使废水中硝酸含量下降了82%,邻硝基对甲酚(以对甲酚计)收率达79.5%. 展开更多
关键词 紫外吸收光谱 废硝酸 回收利用 最优工艺
作者 石生勋 鲍所言 +2 位作者 纪金锋 谷丽辉 张玉珍 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 1999年第6期58-59,共2页
关键词 分析化学 废硝酸铭溶液 回收 利用
作者 李超 张玉琴 +1 位作者 牛康康 孟帅帅 《凯里学院学报》 2014年第6期30-31,共2页
将化工厂废硝酸直接硝化对甲苯酚制取高性价比的医药中间体邻硝基对甲酚,通过跟踪水相中游离硝酸根的紫外吸收值变化,考察油水体积比、温度、转速及硝酸与对甲酚的摩尔浓度比等因素对反应的影响,结果表明:当油水体积比为5∶34、温度30... 将化工厂废硝酸直接硝化对甲苯酚制取高性价比的医药中间体邻硝基对甲酚,通过跟踪水相中游离硝酸根的紫外吸收值变化,考察油水体积比、温度、转速及硝酸与对甲酚的摩尔浓度比等因素对反应的影响,结果表明:当油水体积比为5∶34、温度30℃、转速600 r/min、n(硝酸):n(对甲酚)为1∶0.8时,废水中硝酸含量下降了82%,邻硝基对甲苯酚收率达79.5%. 展开更多
关键词 紫外光谱 废硝酸 制取 邻硝基对甲苯酚 最优工艺
作者 李超 张玉琴 +1 位作者 牛康康 孟帅帅 《安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2015年第2期67-68,117,共3页
将化工厂废硝酸直接硝化对甲苯酚制取高性价比的医药中间体邻硝基对甲酚,通过跟踪水相中游离硝酸根的紫外吸收变化,考察了油水体积比、温度、转速及硝酸与对甲酚的摩尔浓度比等因素对反应的影响,结果表明:当油水体积比为5:34、温度30℃... 将化工厂废硝酸直接硝化对甲苯酚制取高性价比的医药中间体邻硝基对甲酚,通过跟踪水相中游离硝酸根的紫外吸收变化,考察了油水体积比、温度、转速及硝酸与对甲酚的摩尔浓度比等因素对反应的影响,结果表明:当油水体积比为5:34、温度30℃、转速600 r/min、n硝酸:n对甲酚为1:0.8时,废水中硝酸含量下降82%,邻硝基对甲酚收率达79.5%。 展开更多
关键词 紫外光谱 废硝酸 邻硝基对甲酚 最优工艺
作者 程景才 郑志花 崔建兰 《华北工学院学报》 2002年第4期293-295,共3页
目的 解决炸药厂的废硝酸再利用问题 .方法 使用合成方法将废硝酸制成硝酸脲 ,再用球磨机冷混法制成粉状工业炸药 .结果 制成了以硝酸脲为敏化剂的硝酸脲硝酸铵工业炸药 .结论 该炸药能量与 2 # 岩石炸药相近 ,且成本低廉、毒性小 ... 目的 解决炸药厂的废硝酸再利用问题 .方法 使用合成方法将废硝酸制成硝酸脲 ,再用球磨机冷混法制成粉状工业炸药 .结果 制成了以硝酸脲为敏化剂的硝酸脲硝酸铵工业炸药 .结论 该炸药能量与 2 # 岩石炸药相近 ,且成本低廉、毒性小 ,具有广泛的开发前景 . 展开更多
关键词 废硝酸 硝酸 尿素 工业炸药 敏化剂
作者 刘悦 许艳 +2 位作者 陈亚鹏 闫皙 焦其帅 《河北省科学院学报》 CAS 2022年第4期52-56,共5页
光伏产业主要生产高效多晶硅太阳能电池,工艺主要采用硝酸腐蚀法对多晶硅的表面进行腐蚀,工艺过程中产生大量废硝酸,废硝酸中含有少量的硫酸和氢氟酸。一般采用中和法,硫酸根和氟离子用钙盐沉淀,大量硝酸根混入废水调节池,再采用反硝化... 光伏产业主要生产高效多晶硅太阳能电池,工艺主要采用硝酸腐蚀法对多晶硅的表面进行腐蚀,工艺过程中产生大量废硝酸,废硝酸中含有少量的硫酸和氢氟酸。一般采用中和法,硫酸根和氟离子用钙盐沉淀,大量硝酸根混入废水调节池,再采用反硝化和外加碳源的方式处理,处理成本很高。为解决上述问题,本文对废硝酸进行分离后单独处理,通过酸碱中和法、钙降沉氟离子法和硝态氮综合利用等方法对其进行无害化处理,制备出同时含有氮素和钙素的新型农用硝酸钙和农用硝酸铵钙复合肥,废水总氮低于70mg/L的国家标准,实现了资源的全部回收利用。 展开更多
关键词 光伏产业 废硝酸 资源化 硝酸 硝酸铵钙 复合肥
作者 张宇飞 《宁波化工》 1997年第2期35-37,共3页
本文通过对Dupont DMF二步法干纺腈纶生产过程中纺丝组件酸洗过程的理论分析和实际试验,提出了纺丝组件清洗废硝酸回收及综合利用的几种方法。
关键词 废硝酸 纺丝 水处理 设备清洗 水处理
硝酸脲与黑索今混合炸药的制备及性能研究 被引量:5
作者 周润强 曹端林 +1 位作者 王建龙 李永祥 《含能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 2007年第2期109-111,共3页
为解决黑索今(RDX)生产工厂的废硝酸再利用问题,在RDX生产过程中不分离出RDX,而是直接加入一定量尿素水溶液,废硝酸与尿素反应生成硝酸脲后,使RDX和硝酸脲共同结晶,生成RDX与硝酸脲共结晶的混合炸药。得到两大类型的混合炸药:... 为解决黑索今(RDX)生产工厂的废硝酸再利用问题,在RDX生产过程中不分离出RDX,而是直接加入一定量尿素水溶液,废硝酸与尿素反应生成硝酸脲后,使RDX和硝酸脲共同结晶,生成RDX与硝酸脲共结晶的混合炸药。得到两大类型的混合炸药:Ⅰ型混合炸药(含RDX 10%~20%)的综合爆炸性能优于现有的铵梯、乳化及粉状工业炸药;Ⅱ型混合炸药(含RDX40%)的爆炸性能与TNT相当。该混合炸药的制造工艺简单,RDX生产过程的废酸污染问题得到了改善。 展开更多
关键词 有机化学 黑索今(RDX) 废硝酸 硝酸 代用炸药
硝酸脲与RDX共晶炸药研究 被引量:4
作者 周润强 刘德新 +2 位作者 曹端林 王建龙 李永祥 《火炸药学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2007年第2期49-51,共3页
为解决RDX生产过程中废硝酸的再利用问题,采用(a)在分离出RDX后,直接加入一定量尿素水溶液,废硝酸与尿素反应制成硝酸脲,(b)RDX和硝酸脲在稀硝酸中共结晶,生成共晶混合炸药(RDX的质量分数60%-70%)。经测试,其爆炸性能优于两者直... 为解决RDX生产过程中废硝酸的再利用问题,采用(a)在分离出RDX后,直接加入一定量尿素水溶液,废硝酸与尿素反应制成硝酸脲,(b)RDX和硝酸脲在稀硝酸中共结晶,生成共晶混合炸药(RDX的质量分数60%-70%)。经测试,其爆炸性能优于两者直接混合炸药,爆速可达7500m/s左右,提高了4%;红外光谱分析结果表明,这种混合炸药是一种具有分子间氢键的共晶体。 展开更多
关键词 应用化学 RDX 废硝酸 硝酸 共晶炸药
《化工安全与环境》 2013年第28期6-6,共1页
关键词 泄漏事故 高速公路 废硝酸 西海岸 韩国 运输车 化学品
Dynamics study on effect of temperature to Nitrous nitrification reaction of coking wastewater 被引量:2
作者 单明军 张海灵 吕艳丽 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期311-315,共5页
Dynamic effects of NO2--N accumulation were discussed owing to temperature.In different temperature,a series of vmax and Ks were found considering the relation between the temperature and rate of ammonia nitrogen tran... Dynamic effects of NO2--N accumulation were discussed owing to temperature.In different temperature,a series of vmax and Ks were found considering the relation between the temperature and rate of ammonia nitrogen transforming into NO2--N.The kinetics models,which reflected the conditions of ammonia nitrogen transforming into NO2--N in the treatment process of the coking wastewater,were built up.The characteristic coefficient temperature was determined according to Arrhenius. 展开更多
关键词 nitrite nitrogen coking wastewater KINETICS TEMPERATURE
Completely Autotrophic Nitrogen-removal over Nitrite in Two Types of Reactors
作者 郑雪松 杨虹 +1 位作者 李道棠 王鹏 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第4期29-32,共4页
Two lab-scale reactors, suspended-sludge and fluidized.bed, were conducted with the feed of ammonium-rich synthetic wastewater devoid of COD. Completely autotrophic nitrogen-removal process was fulfilled in both react... Two lab-scale reactors, suspended-sludge and fluidized.bed, were conducted with the feed of ammonium-rich synthetic wastewater devoid of COD. Completely autotrophic nitrogen-removal process was fulfilled in both reactors and the maximum efficiencies of nitrogen removal were achieved, 65% in the suspended-sludge reactor and 73% in the fluidized-bed reactor respectively. Different from the steady performance of the fluldized-bed reactor, the suspended-sludge reactor came to deteriorate constantly after a period of stable operation, resulting in almost complete loss of the N-removal ability in the suspending system. Molecular methods such as PCR and FISH were employed for describing the microbial characteristics in two systems. This study suggests that a biofllm system is a suitable configuration for completely autotrophic N-removal with more feasibility and stability than a suspending system. 展开更多
关键词 nitrogen-removal ammonium-rich wastewater activated sludge FISH(Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization).
Application of Wet Waste from Shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei) with or Without Sea Mud to Feeding Sea Cucumber(Stichopus monotuberculatus)
作者 CHEN Yanfeng HU Chaoqun REN Chunhua 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第1期114-120,共7页
In the present study, the applicability of the wet waste collected from shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei) to the culture of sea cucumber(Stichopus monotuberculatus) was determined. The effects of dietary wet shrimp waste o... In the present study, the applicability of the wet waste collected from shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei) to the culture of sea cucumber(Stichopus monotuberculatus) was determined. The effects of dietary wet shrimp waste on the survival, specific growth rate(SGR), fecal production rate(FPR), ammonia- and nitrite-nitrogen productions of sea cucumber were studied. The total organic matter(TOM) level in the feces of sea cucumber was compared with that in corresponding feeds. Diet C(50% wet shrimp waste and 50% sea mud mash) made sea cucumber grow faster than other diets. Sea cucumber fed with either diet D(25% wet shrimp waste and 75% sea mud mash) or sole sea mud exhibited negative growth. The average lowest total FPR of sea cucumber occurred in diet A(wet shrimp waste), and there was no significant difference in total FPR between diet C and diet E(sea mud mash)(P > 0.05). The average ammonia-nitrogen production of sea cucumber in different diet treatments decreased gradually with the decrease of crude protein content in different diets. The average highest nitrite-nitrogen production occurred in diet E treatment, and there was no significant difference in nitrite-nitrogen production among diet A, diet B(75% wet shrimp waste and 25% sea mud mash) and diet C treatments(P > 0.05). In each diet treatment, the total organic matter(TOM) level in feces decreased to different extent compared with that in corresponding feeds. 展开更多
关键词 sea cucumber Stichopus monotuberculatus SHRIMP Litopenaeus vannamei wet waste sea mud
Nitrification Performance in Lab Scale Biological Treatment System: Effect of Flow Rates
作者 A.L. Ahmad N.R. Sajuni V.M. Vadivelu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第6期700-707,共8页
Lab scale biological treatment system was constructed from acrylic and operated using synthetic wastewater to evaluate the nitrification performance using different media. The media used for were Ceramic Ring A (CRA... Lab scale biological treatment system was constructed from acrylic and operated using synthetic wastewater to evaluate the nitrification performance using different media. The media used for were Ceramic Ring A (CRA), Ceramic Ring B (CRB), Japanese Filter Mat (JFM), and Filter Wool (FW). Laboratory studies were conducted, in order to evaluate the nitrification performance of different media types, at different synthetic wastewater flow rates, ranging from 0.03 to 0.045 m3/hr. The results from experiments suggest that at higher water flow rates, there was a decrease in nitrification for all media types. Based on the ammonia and nitrite removal rates, FW media gave the optimum nitrification, of up to 0.46 g/m2/day and 0.09 g/m2/day, respectively. Besides, in this study, the surface texture of the media is the main factor that affected the volumetric ammonia and nitrite conversion rates (VTR and VNR). JFM gave the greatest VTR and VNR performance, compared with the other media 展开更多
关键词 Biological treatment synthetic wastewater NITRIFICATION MEDIA flow rates
Cascaded Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification Process for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Reduction from RO Reject Wastewater: A Bench-Scale Study 被引量:1
作者 A.B. Shahalam A. Abusam A. Matouk M. Khaja 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第11期1400-1406,共7页
The use of the reverse osmosis (RO) process, for refining secondary or tertiary effluent from plants treating domestic wastewater, is rapidly increasing. However, the disposal of the RO reject water poses a problem ... The use of the reverse osmosis (RO) process, for refining secondary or tertiary effluent from plants treating domestic wastewater, is rapidly increasing. However, the disposal of the RO reject water poses a problem due to the presence of very high concentrations of salts, metals, and nutrients in it. This paper contains results of a bench-scale study aimed at reducing nutrients from RO-discarded streams utilizing a sequential bioreactors system, under partial aerobic and anoxic conditions. The tests were performed on synthetic wastewater resembling RO-reject water of an operating treatment plant, with glucose, methanol or acetate added to the water as sources of carbon. Study results indicate that the RO process removed about 50-60% of the total nitrogen and 50% of the phosphate; it reduced chemical oxygen demand (COD) by 79 to 82%, and affected no change in the metal concentrations. A clear cut removal preference for any one of the external carbon sources was not observed, although a slight advantage of glucose and methanol was recorded. The process maintained about 20% of the rector volume in the anoxic environment. 展开更多
关键词 BRINE wastewater treatment biological nutrient removal sequential aerobic-anoxic reactors.
Development of a Biological Filter Utilizing Organic Growth Media for Wastewater Treatment and Nitrogen Oxidation
作者 Troy Francis Davis Ronald Erie Sheffield +2 位作者 Steven George Hall Brian Dawson LeBlanc Chandra SekharTheegala 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第1期62-73,共12页
Loss of ammonia-nitrogen to volatilization and the over application of phosphorus in agricultural wastewaters has led to excess phosphorus build up in topsoil and in surface waters. In order to increase the usable amo... Loss of ammonia-nitrogen to volatilization and the over application of phosphorus in agricultural wastewaters has led to excess phosphorus build up in topsoil and in surface waters. In order to increase the usable amount nitrogen in agricultural wastewaters, the wastewaters underwent a nitrogen treatment process consisting of a hanging basket biological filter. The filters utilized never before used biological growth media, rice hulls, to assist in the formation of a mature biofilms as the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate. The filter design was used on a lab scale that treated both artificial wastewater and dairy parlor wastewater treated with a lime precipitation step for phosphorus treatment. The filters were tested to see if bio-fouling occurred in the filter media bed under high nitrogen loading, if the rice hulls could withstand an extended time frame as bacterial growth media, and to see if the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate would occur. A 50% reduction in ammonia occurred between 30 and 48 hrs in each trial with eventual nitrite oxidation reported in the final two trials. Statistical analysis preformed determined that the ammonia removal rates at the beginning of both the synthetic wastewater and dairy parlor wastewater ten-day tests were statistically similar, but varied toward the end of the trials. 展开更多
关键词 WASTEWATER NITRIFICATION AMMONIA biological filter rice hull.
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