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作者 齐欣 《消费导刊》 2015年第5期244-245,共2页
关键词 休闲度假游 兴起原因 现实问题
浅析邢台古村落休闲度假游发展思路 被引量:1
作者 李晓乐 《山西农经》 2017年第14期35-35,共1页
关键词 古村落 休闲 度假游
“温泉湖泊”休闲度假游 周末休闲地 都市后花园
《重庆与世界》 2004年第Z1期106-107,共2页
关键词 后花园 休闲度假游 商务会议
海岛型旅游度假区旅游环境容量研究--以分界洲岛为例 被引量:2
作者 王文 陆斌 《绿色科技》 2020年第6期264-266,269,共4页
指出了海南分界洲岛为典型的海岛型旅游度假区,以分界洲岛为例,探讨了分界洲岛的旅游环境容量情况,主要从该岛的生态环境容量、功能设施环境容量、旅游空间环境容量和旅游社会环境容量4个指标进行了测算和分析。结果表明:除旅游空间环... 指出了海南分界洲岛为典型的海岛型旅游度假区,以分界洲岛为例,探讨了分界洲岛的旅游环境容量情况,主要从该岛的生态环境容量、功能设施环境容量、旅游空间环境容量和旅游社会环境容量4个指标进行了测算和分析。结果表明:除旅游空间环境容量外,其余3项旅游生态环境容量、功能设施环境容量以及旅游社会环境容量均存在不同程度的超载。根据上述研究结果,提出了促进分界洲岛旅游环境容量建设的策略,并为分界洲岛旅游的开发和发展提供了一些措施和建议。 展开更多
关键词 海岛型旅度假 环境容量 海南分界洲岛
作者 周孟瑶 《社会科学前沿》 2022年第5期1537-1544,共8页
乡村旅游开发充分挖掘旅游发展资源禀赋高、镇域交通畅、经济基础好、政策扶持强的优势,借力乡村振兴围绕农村人居环境整治、建设秀美村庄、农村土地流转、商业资本进农村等工作一盘棋,激活镇域旅游发展的新动力。同时针对当前乡村旅游... 乡村旅游开发充分挖掘旅游发展资源禀赋高、镇域交通畅、经济基础好、政策扶持强的优势,借力乡村振兴围绕农村人居环境整治、建设秀美村庄、农村土地流转、商业资本进农村等工作一盘棋,激活镇域旅游发展的新动力。同时针对当前乡村旅游发展中潜在客源挖掘不充分、运营模式附加值较低等共性问题进行了认真分析。本研究通过文献分析法等方式,全面调研了禹山镇的乡村旅游发展现状,并从规划设计、运营模式等方面提出可行对策,对同类型乡村旅游发展有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 乡村旅 观光 度假游 休闲
发展休闲度假游 打造旅游目的地
《江苏政协》 2016年第12期40-41,共2页
苏州是首批国家历史文化名城和国家重点风景旅游城市,'十二五'期间,年接待国内游客已超1亿人次,2015年全市旅游总收入1863.6亿元,同比增幅达10%,占GDP比重5.99%。入境旅游创汇20.01亿美元、占全市外贸服务业的1/4。入境过夜游客... 苏州是首批国家历史文化名城和国家重点风景旅游城市,'十二五'期间,年接待国内游客已超1亿人次,2015年全市旅游总收入1863.6亿元,同比增幅达10%,占GDP比重5.99%。入境旅游创汇20.01亿美元、占全市外贸服务业的1/4。入境过夜游客151.2万人次。 展开更多
关键词 目的地 休闲度假游 创汇 全域旅 民宿
乡村旅游休闲化提升的目标与战略研究 被引量:5
作者 樊忠涛 《广东农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期273-276,共4页
确定了生态休闲度假游憩地为乡村旅游休闲化提升的目标,提出在政府主导,行业协会自主管理下,对乡村旅游主题、硬件、空间、景观、项目、服务、管理等要素进行提升,通过实施集约化发展、差异化经营、个性化服务战略,促进乡村旅游的休闲... 确定了生态休闲度假游憩地为乡村旅游休闲化提升的目标,提出在政府主导,行业协会自主管理下,对乡村旅游主题、硬件、空间、景观、项目、服务、管理等要素进行提升,通过实施集约化发展、差异化经营、个性化服务战略,促进乡村旅游的休闲化提升。 展开更多
关键词 乡村旅:休闲度假游憩地 产业升级
中国沙漠体育旅游的发展情况 被引量:1
作者 朱玉霞 王文俊 黄华明 《湖北体育科技》 2019年第12期1047-1049,1057,共4页
本文在实地调查基础上,运用文献资料法,结合沙漠旅游管理相关人员的咨询访谈,对沙漠体育旅游作分析研究。结论如下:1)理论研究者与旅游从业者对体育旅游相关概念存在认知差异;2)沙漠体育旅游存在如下问题:专业体育旅游人才匮乏;观光游... 本文在实地调查基础上,运用文献资料法,结合沙漠旅游管理相关人员的咨询访谈,对沙漠体育旅游作分析研究。结论如下:1)理论研究者与旅游从业者对体育旅游相关概念存在认知差异;2)沙漠体育旅游存在如下问题:专业体育旅游人才匮乏;观光游向度假游转型困难;产品开发“易引难创”;区域文化缺失。对沙漠体育旅游开发的建议:增加产品创新,突破高重复低水平状况;探寻体育源于生活的本原,融入旅游;摸索中前行而非“拿来主义”;环境资源与人文景观的高度融合。 展开更多
关键词 沙漠体育旅 观光 度假游 开发 转型
中国生态旅游的类型 被引量:19
作者 卢宏升 卢云亭 吴殿廷 《桂林旅游高等专科学校学报》 2004年第2期82-85,共4页
首先讨论了生态旅游概念的界定和内涵,然后结合我国开展生态旅游的实际情况,综合考虑生态旅游资源的类型及每种类型中所能开展有代表性的生态旅游活动两方面因素,尝试性地把我国的生态旅游分作6个基本类型,并对每种类型的生态旅游价值... 首先讨论了生态旅游概念的界定和内涵,然后结合我国开展生态旅游的实际情况,综合考虑生态旅游资源的类型及每种类型中所能开展有代表性的生态旅游活动两方面因素,尝试性地把我国的生态旅游分作6个基本类型,并对每种类型的生态旅游价值及资源赋存状况作出简单评价。 展开更多
关键词 中国 生态旅 可持续旅 森林休憩生态 湿地观鸟生态 沙漠探险生态 草原风情生态 海洋度假生态
作者 程婷 李琳 +1 位作者 赵文馨 马云驰 《边疆经济与文化》 2018年第12期9-10,共2页
近年来,以传统种植业为主的锦河农场重新审视资源,积极转变观念,调整产业结构,依托区位、生态和文化优势大力发展旅游业。利用锦河农场本身拥有的丰富知青文化资源的优势,将锦河农场打造成以知青文化游、休闲度假游、农业观光游、影视... 近年来,以传统种植业为主的锦河农场重新审视资源,积极转变观念,调整产业结构,依托区位、生态和文化优势大力发展旅游业。利用锦河农场本身拥有的丰富知青文化资源的优势,将锦河农场打造成以知青文化游、休闲度假游、农业观光游、影视游于一体的旅游景区,以使景区布局更加科学、合理及规范。扩充旅游消费群体,打造适合青少年群体和老年群体的旅游项目,为农场的进一步发展寻求新的经济增长点,实现经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的统一。 展开更多
关键词 休闲度假游 知青旅 黑河
作者 马天骄 刘宏兵 《特区经济》 2021年第3期143-145,共3页
三亚湾红树林度假世界是集酒店、商业、会议、会展、婚庆、艺术、文化、养生、休闲和娱乐等多功能为一体的五星级酒店集群,本文通过对其发展战略的swot分析,从其资源整合、商业模式等优势,单一产品竞争力弱、服务存在欠缺等劣势以及其... 三亚湾红树林度假世界是集酒店、商业、会议、会展、婚庆、艺术、文化、养生、休闲和娱乐等多功能为一体的五星级酒店集群,本文通过对其发展战略的swot分析,从其资源整合、商业模式等优势,单一产品竞争力弱、服务存在欠缺等劣势以及其顺应旅游市场的发展趋势、依托三亚旅游发展的政策助力等机遇,同类旅游综合体的竞争、同行业旅游产品的竞争等挑战四个方面,提出三亚湾红树林度假世界旅游发展规划思考。 展开更多
关键词 综合体 SWOT分析 休闲度假游 资源整合 产品竞争力
《风景名胜》 2002年第7期78-79,共2页
一日游 1富春山水游鹳山(郁达夫故居)——泛舟富春江——天钟山——富春桃源——通天飞瀑 2纸竹书香游农家乐(三味农庄)——中国古代造纸印刷文化村——龙门古镇 3休闲度假游杭州野生动物世界——泛舟富春江——新沙游泳场——富春桃源... 一日游 1富春山水游鹳山(郁达夫故居)——泛舟富春江——天钟山——富春桃源——通天飞瀑 2纸竹书香游农家乐(三味农庄)——中国古代造纸印刷文化村——龙门古镇 3休闲度假游杭州野生动物世界——泛舟富春江——新沙游泳场——富春桃源——通天飞瀑 4亲近自然游杭州野生动物世界——天钟山(黄公望森林公园) 展开更多
关键词 瑶琳仙境 天目溪漂流 线路 休闲度假游 一日 大奇山 野生动物
作者 岳战野 《中国西部》 2003年第6期44-47,共4页
6月16日,三峡船匣试通航顺利完成,断航了67天后的长江航运正式得以恢复,而欲与航运一同创造辉煌的还有望眼欲穿的旅游业。在三峡蓄水至135米后,宜昌至重庆的139个险滩将因此而消失,但是在长江上航行并不因此而变得绝对安全,正如海事局... 6月16日,三峡船匣试通航顺利完成,断航了67天后的长江航运正式得以恢复,而欲与航运一同创造辉煌的还有望眼欲穿的旅游业。在三峡蓄水至135米后,宜昌至重庆的139个险滩将因此而消失,但是在长江上航行并不因此而变得绝对安全,正如海事局副局长谭孝福在三峡接受记者采访时所说的:“旧的危险没有了,新的危险又产生了”。与之类似,通航并不能保证旅游、航运的绝对发展,它们同样需要穿越新的危险,在新的三峡上平稳航行。旅游业转向“不要被暂时的欣欣向荣所迷惑”,重庆市港口协会的秘书长田茂奎接受记者采访时。 展开更多
关键词 长江航运 现实客户 景点 民生轮船公司 滚装船 三峡旅 长江沿线 神女峰 休闲度假游 长江水运 张飞庙 三峡大坝
Spatio-temporal Differentiation of Residential Land for Coastal Town: A Case Study of Dalian Jinshitan 被引量:3
作者 YANG Jun SUN Jing +2 位作者 ZHAO Hongdan XI Jianchao LI Xueming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期566-576,共11页
Based on SPOT5 satellite remote sensing images and land use data in five time phases covering the period 1988–2012, the distribution characteristics, spatial differentiation processes, and driving mechanisms affectin... Based on SPOT5 satellite remote sensing images and land use data in five time phases covering the period 1988–2012, the distribution characteristics, spatial differentiation processes, and driving mechanisms affecting the residential land of the Jinshitan Tourist Resort were studied. The work included a combination of GIS technology, adoption of the differentiation index D, and the multi-group differentiation-measure model D(m). The results provided a basis for the following conclusions: 1) From 1988 to 2012, the degree of differentiation of the rural residential land first decreased, and then increased. The general residential, commercial residential and garden-house land-types all showed declining trends, of which the garden-house type presented the most intense volatility. 2) The overall background of the traditional residential land type was gradually replaced by a new residential land type, and the total area of residential land increased year by year, significantly improving the overall residential conditions. The areas of the new residential land type showed growth, and were increasingly widely distributed in the coastal tourist resorts, transportation corridors, and scenic areas. 3) Government policy, social differentiation, market mechanisms, and individual choices(along with other factors) were mutually promoted, although still restrained. However, all of these factors interacted to constrain the developmental direction and the processes affecting tourism real estate in the Dalian Jinshitan Tourist Resort. 展开更多
关键词 residential space differentiation differentiation degree residential conditions driving mechanism Dalian Jinshitan
Rise and Fall of Recent Chinese Coastal Resort Development:Case of Beihai Silver Beach, Guangxi, China 被引量:1
作者 LIU Jun BAO Jigang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期245-254,共10页
Based upon a case study of Silver Beach coastal resort of Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, this article examines the rise and fall of Chinese coastal tourist resort development since the 1980s. It explores th... Based upon a case study of Silver Beach coastal resort of Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, this article examines the rise and fall of Chinese coastal tourist resort development since the 1980s. It explores the causes for and responses to the decline of Chinese coastal resorts. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with twelve local key information providers, and secondary information sources such as government archives, survey reports, and resort plans. It was found that the rise and fall of Chinese coastal resorts in the last three decades is closely linked to the transitional reform from a central planned economy to a market economy. Three stages of coastal tourism development were identified in a sequence of rapid growth, decline and redevelopment. It was government financial funds and high local government involvement that promoted the rapid expansion of coastal resorts during the 1980s. However, coastal resort decline occurred when transitional reform was intensified and deflationary policy executed af- ter 1992. Institutional failure is found to be the main reason of Chinese coastal resorts decline since the mid-1990s. The government-dominated pattern could not be sustained and should be restructured in forthcoming coastal tourism de- velopment in China. Revival strategies should emphasize enhancing market-oriented reform in the declining resorts on both suoolv and demand sides. 展开更多
关键词 coastal resort transitional decline Silver Beach Beihai
Ecosystem services value of wetland in Suzhou Taihu Lake 被引量:2
作者 GU Li-xia WU Chang-nian +3 位作者 PU Hui-min NAN Nan WU Jin-lian GUO Rong 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第4期349-355,共7页
Based on a comprehensive analysis on various classifications of natural resource values,this paper summarizes an ecological services system of constructed wetland(CW) ecosystems for the accounting of ecological econom... Based on a comprehensive analysis on various classifications of natural resource values,this paper summarizes an ecological services system of constructed wetland(CW) ecosystems for the accounting of ecological economic value.With the research,the wetland ecosystem services can be classified into six categories,that is waste treatment,food and material production,water supply,gas regulations,disturbance and water regulations,habitat and refuge provision.For decision making in terms of environmental economics for wetland construction,ecosystem services value for the wetland in Suzhou Taihu Lake National Tourist and Holiday Resort is accounted for 7,088,769 USD/yr through Environmental Economics Analysis.Ecosystem services value of waste treatment is 825,000 USD/yr,that of food and material production is 1,430 USD/yr,that of water supply is 4,752,000 USD/yr,that of gas regulation is 2,251USD/yr,that of disturbance and water regulations is 1,3721 USD/yr,and that of habitat and refuge provision value is 1,494,367 USD/yr.The ecosystem services values of a pilot constructed wetland in Suzhou are compared with those of other wetlands as a mean and of a typical human-interfered wetland in Wenzhou of China.Results show that in both finite and infinite time horizons considered,the wetland in Suzhou Taihu Lake National Tourist and Holiday Resort has the largest services value.This paper analyzes all the probability that may weaken the value of the Suzhou Taihu Wetland in order to provide some advices for the wetland protection. 展开更多
关键词 Ecosystem services value Ecosystem services Suzhou Taihu Wetland
Linear monitoring for cast-in-place reinforced concrete arch bridge construction 被引量:1
作者 ZHENG Yifeng CAO Yu WANG Yuanyuan 《Global Geology》 2012年第2期145-150,共6页
Linear monitoring is an important link of bridge construction control,which is conducted in key processes of construction to ensure the security of bridge in construction procedure. Combining with main arch constructi... Linear monitoring is an important link of bridge construction control,which is conducted in key processes of construction to ensure the security of bridge in construction procedure. Combining with main arch construction monitoring program of No. 2 bridge in north district of Changbai international tourism resort,main content and key technologies are recommended. Considering the various influential factors during the construction process,linear adjustment is handled to ensure that the stress and linear of main arch meet design requirements. 展开更多
关键词 arch box linear monitoring pre-loading pressure bailey beam
Seismic analysis of long-span continuous rigid frame bridges in cold regions:a case study of Bridge 1 in north of international tourism resort in Changbai Mountain 被引量:1
作者 YIN Xiao WU Di 《Global Geology》 2015年第2期117-121,共5页
It is helpful to improve the seismic design theory of long-span continuous bridges for studying the seismic performance of each cantilever construction state.Taking the Bridge 1 in the north of Changbai-Mountain inter... It is helpful to improve the seismic design theory of long-span continuous bridges for studying the seismic performance of each cantilever construction state.Taking the Bridge 1 in the north of Changbai-Mountain international tourism resort as an example,the authors studied it in shutdown phase and the cantilever construction process,established the simulation model by using Midas / civil,and analyzed time-history of each construction stage for the bridge.The study shows that long-span bridge cantilever construction in northeastern China can be divided into two-year tasks for construction(suspending in winter).It is needed to think about seismic stability of the cantilever position in shut-down phase of winter.The effect of longitudinal vibration is the most disadvantageous influence to bridge,and its calculation results can provide reference for seismic design of similar bridges in the future. 展开更多
关键词 long-span continuous rigid frame bridge TIME-HISTORY seismic analysis cold region
Spatial Differentiation of Tourism Impact Based on the Perception of Residents in Mountainous Valley Resorts
作者 LI Shan-shi LIU Jia-ming +1 位作者 WANG Run ZHU He 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期1070-1084,共15页
Valley economy is a type of economy that comprehensively utilizes the natural economic and social resources of the region based on environmental protection. This economy utilizes the basic role of the market in dispos... Valley economy is a type of economy that comprehensively utilizes the natural economic and social resources of the region based on environmental protection. This economy utilizes the basic role of the market in disposing resources and achieving regional development and social progress. In this paper we studied the town of Yanqi, a valley resort that has developed tourism-based valley economy for several years in the mountainous area of Beijing. This research identifies the spatial differentiation of tourism-related economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impact and level of support for tourism according to the perception and attitude of residents of Yanqi. The research area was divided into three zones(i.e., core, transition, and peripheral)according to the standard proposed by Jaakson. The residents in all three zones showed a positive attitude toward the tourism industry, and the residents in the core zone had a stronger perception toward the impact of tourism. However, several items indicated the converse. Correlation analysis and analysis of variance were used to explore the correlative factors associated with the attitudes of residents toward the tourism industry. Results indicated major differences among the three zones. Multiple factors, including natural conditions, policies, scenic spots, dependence on the tourism industry, and external investment in the three zones resulted in the spatial differentiation of the perception and attitude of residents toward the impact of tourism. 展开更多
关键词 Valley economy Resident perception Tourism impact Yanqi Driving factor
Sea Turtles in Vietnam: On the Edge of Extinction
作者 Cuong The Chu The Duc Nguyen 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第8期356-361,共6页
Five species of foraging and breeding sea turtles have been identified in Vietnam, they are Green turtle (Chelonia mydas), Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), Olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), Hawksb... Five species of foraging and breeding sea turtles have been identified in Vietnam, they are Green turtle (Chelonia mydas), Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), Olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). Among them, with the exception of Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), four species have been being lay eggs on the beaches along the country. However, these populations have been strongly suffered by human activities for decades. The number of foraging and breeding Hawksbill and Leatherback sea turtles has dramatically decreased, and Olive Ridley turtle has almost disappeared on their traditional nesting beaches. Beside the reason of harvesting eggs and nesting turtles by catch or by purpose, the developments in coastal areas where sea turtles laying eggs such as in shrimp aquaculture, tourist resort and residential area developments etc., also contributed to this decline of sea turtles. Despite the fact that the recent raising awareness programs on protection and conservation of the sea turtle were very well done with the participation of many organizations and provinces, this important animals still face the risk of extinction in Vietnam. 展开更多
关键词 Sea turtle NESTING foraging threats.
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