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建国初期河北省救灾度荒工作述评 被引量:11
作者 郭贵儒 陈冬生 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2002年第2期91-96,共6页
1949年河北省发生以水灾为主的严重自然灾害 ,灾区人民的生活生产发生严重困难。为减轻灾害损失 ,河北省委、省政府提出了“生产自救 ,节约度荒”的正确方针 ,并通过采取恢复和发展农、副业生产 ,开展节约捐输与募集运动等措施 ,领导灾... 1949年河北省发生以水灾为主的严重自然灾害 ,灾区人民的生活生产发生严重困难。为减轻灾害损失 ,河北省委、省政府提出了“生产自救 ,节约度荒”的正确方针 ,并通过采取恢复和发展农、副业生产 ,开展节约捐输与募集运动等措施 ,领导灾区群众积极开展抗灾度荒斗争。这次抗灾斗争的胜利具有重要的社会意义 ,不仅大大缓解了灾情 ,为农业生产的恢复和发展创造了条件 ,而且为河北省以后开展抗灾减灾工作积累了有益的经验。 展开更多
关键词 建国初期 河北 救灾度荒
作者 王鑫宏 柳俪葳 《经济研究导刊》 2013年第27期12-13,共2页
以毛泽东、周恩来为代表的党的第一代领导人持之以恒毫不松懈地紧抓救灾工作,形成了一套科学的救灾度荒思想。概括起来,主要包括五个方面:一是狠抓农业,力求丰产;二是兴修水利,标本兼治;三是未雨绸缪、防患未然;四是齐心协力,生产自救;... 以毛泽东、周恩来为代表的党的第一代领导人持之以恒毫不松懈地紧抓救灾工作,形成了一套科学的救灾度荒思想。概括起来,主要包括五个方面:一是狠抓农业,力求丰产;二是兴修水利,标本兼治;三是未雨绸缪、防患未然;四是齐心协力,生产自救;五是提倡勤俭,节约度荒;六是植树造林,保护生态。这些救灾度荒思想在实践中取得了突出的成效。 展开更多
关键词 第一代中央领导集体 救灾 度荒 思想
晋冀鲁豫边区的抗旱度荒工作述评 被引量:1
作者 王慧娟 《邢台学院学报》 2009年第3期14-16,共3页
抗战时期在晋冀鲁豫边区发生了严重的旱灾,日本帝国主义和国民党又从中做梗,破坏救灾工作。面对如此严峻的形势,胜利战胜灾荒,保障边区人民的基本生活成为巩固和发展根据地的必然要求。边区政府采取紧急救济灾荒,号召各地踊跃募捐,调剂... 抗战时期在晋冀鲁豫边区发生了严重的旱灾,日本帝国主义和国民党又从中做梗,破坏救灾工作。面对如此严峻的形势,胜利战胜灾荒,保障边区人民的基本生活成为巩固和发展根据地的必然要求。边区政府采取紧急救济灾荒,号召各地踊跃募捐,调剂余缺,发动运输、纺织等使边区人民顺利度过灾荒,成为根据地时期抗旱救灾工作的典范。 展开更多
关键词 晋冀鲁豫 抗旱度荒 工作
作者 谢留枝 李运丽 《经济研究导刊》 2013年第32期237-238,共2页
关键词 自然灾害 中国共产党 救灾度荒 思想
作者 谢留枝 《经济研究导刊》 2014年第23期281-282,共2页
大灾荒如同一块神奇的试金石,检验着各种政权的执政能力与民意所向。它是一个涉及每个社会成员的从吃喝住用到生命人身安全、财产、再到灾后安置等涉及治安秩序与社会稳定问题,是财政经济问题,更是政权政治问题,是全面多方位检验一个国... 大灾荒如同一块神奇的试金石,检验着各种政权的执政能力与民意所向。它是一个涉及每个社会成员的从吃喝住用到生命人身安全、财产、再到灾后安置等涉及治安秩序与社会稳定问题,是财政经济问题,更是政权政治问题,是全面多方位检验一个国家综合国力的自然现象与政治问题交融的复杂而又重大的治国安邦的问题。自然灾害是任何国家和任何年代都不可避免的自然现象,如何面对它,反映了一个国家面对突发灾害的应变机制和能力,反映了一个国家的社会生产力发展状况和经济水平,更反映了危难之中体现出来的民族精神,特别是执政党的执政能力。 展开更多
关键词 自然灾害 中国共产党 救灾度荒 思想
作者 谢留枝 李焕英 《当代经济》 2013年第23期166-167,共2页
关键词 自然灾害 中国共产党 救灾度荒 思想
20世纪60年代初安徽省农村救灾度荒述论 被引量:3
作者 姚宏志 《当代中国史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期46-53,126,共8页
1960年下半年,灾荒遍布全省农村并急剧恶化,安徽省农村的经济和社会发展跌至新中国成立以来的历史最低点。安徽省委、省人民委员会逐渐从"大跃进"和人民公社化运动的迷雾中醒悟过来,努力采取开展整风整社,解散公共食堂;减少... 1960年下半年,灾荒遍布全省农村并急剧恶化,安徽省农村的经济和社会发展跌至新中国成立以来的历史最低点。安徽省委、省人民委员会逐渐从"大跃进"和人民公社化运动的迷雾中醒悟过来,努力采取开展整风整社,解散公共食堂;减少粮食征购和外调,恢复自留地;推广责任田,改革农业生产责任制;救济与安置灾民,稳定社会秩序;确立农业基础地位,恢复和发展农业等一系列紧急措施救灾度荒,扭转了严重困难的局面。 展开更多
关键词 20世纪60年代初 安徽省 农村 救灾度荒
作者 尚长风 《当代中国史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期93-104,128,共12页
三年经济困难时期,中国遭遇严重灾荒。党和政府把节约度荒作为克服灾荒的重要方针。在加强思想动员的基础上,制定了一系列有力的节约度荒的举措。主要有:降低粮食、食用油、布等产品消费标准;推广利用代食品;压缩社会购买力等。这些措... 三年经济困难时期,中国遭遇严重灾荒。党和政府把节约度荒作为克服灾荒的重要方针。在加强思想动员的基础上,制定了一系列有力的节约度荒的举措。主要有:降低粮食、食用油、布等产品消费标准;推广利用代食品;压缩社会购买力等。这些措施在实际工作中得到切实执行,为迅速缓解灾荒发挥了重要作用。三年经济困难时期的节约度荒工作体现出了中国共产党和人民在面对极端困难时保持密切联系,团结一致、共克时艰的可贵精神。 展开更多
关键词 三年经济困难时期 节约度荒 低标准
Problems in Use of Inefficient and Idle Forestland——A Case of Lutian Town 被引量:1
作者 蔡观 朱红梅 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期450-452,457,共4页
In order to improve fragile eco-environment and develop economy in mountainous regions, problems during use of barren mountains and forestlands were explored with Lutian Town as an example through a survey of 97 farm ... In order to improve fragile eco-environment and develop economy in mountainous regions, problems during use of barren mountains and forestlands were explored with Lutian Town as an example through a survey of 97 farm households in the research. The results showed that barren lands in Lutian Town were exten- sive and the barren rate was as high as 48.6%. It is notable that the rate is in- creasing as farmer ages and education declines. It is proposed that forestry cooper- atives should be established and land management laws and rules can be formulated to promote mountainous area economy and forestland use. 展开更多
关键词 Forestry professional cooperative: Forest tenure reform AFFORESTATION Lutian Town
作者 程先英 《传承》 2010年第13期16-18,共3页
从古至今,中国的老百姓经历了无数灾荒之痛。痛定思痛,灾难之时如何及时有效地救灾成为坊间热议的话题。说起战时救灾,由美国医药援华会等团体于1938年最初发起。1941年,宋庆龄等在香港首倡的"一碗饭"运动享誉一时,成为救灾... 从古至今,中国的老百姓经历了无数灾荒之痛。痛定思痛,灾难之时如何及时有效地救灾成为坊间热议的话题。说起战时救灾,由美国医药援华会等团体于1938年最初发起。1941年,宋庆龄等在香港首倡的"一碗饭"运动享誉一时,成为救灾史上的佳话。但是。 展开更多
关键词 运动 救灾度荒 陕甘宁边区 互济 节约 粮食 救济 建国初期 灾荒 民众
The global response of temperature to high-latitude vegetation greening in a two-dimensional energy balance model
作者 BI Lu HE Yongli +3 位作者 HUANG Jianping LI Yaokun GUAN Xiaodan LIU Xiaoyue 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2020年第1期80-87,共8页
The relationship between vegetation greening and climate change remains unclear due to its complexity, especially in drylands. Against the background of global warming, arid and semi-arid areas, including mid-latitude... The relationship between vegetation greening and climate change remains unclear due to its complexity, especially in drylands. Against the background of global warming, arid and semi-arid areas, including mid-latitude deserts, are most sensitive to climate change. In recent decades, the mechanisms underlying the relationship between vegetation greening and climate change have been widely discussed in the literature. However, the influence of vegetation greening in high latitudes on regional climate has not been fully studied. In this paper, a two-dimensional energy balance model was used to study the influence of greening in high latitudes on mid-latitude deserts. The authors found that when greening occurs in high latitudes, the mid-latitude desert recedes at the south boundary, while the polar ice belt and low-latitude vegetation belt both expand. Simultaneously, greening in high latitudes can induce a negative temperature anomaly in northern latitudes and a positive temperature anomaly in southern latitudes. The mid-latitude desert expands at its north and south boundaries until the CO2 concentration reaches 600 ppm(saturated state). The greening in high latitudes could result in a lower global-mean temperature in the ‘saturated’ state, due to the stronger cooling in high latitudes. 展开更多
关键词 High-latitude greening two-dimensional energy balance model mid-latitude desert remote effect global warming
Analyses of environmental impacts of underground coal mining in an arid region using remote sensing and GIS 被引量:1
作者 BIAN Zheng-fu ZHANG Hai-xia LEI Shao-gang 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第4期363-371,共9页
The influences of coal mining in an arid environment on vegetation coverage, land-use change, desertification, soil and water loss were discussed. A series of available TM/ETM+ images with no cloud cover from July/Au... The influences of coal mining in an arid environment on vegetation coverage, land-use change, desertification, soil and water loss were discussed. A series of available TM/ETM+ images with no cloud cover from July/August in different years (1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005) were used to analyze the change in various land environmental factors over time. The results show that while mining activity initially had a marked adverse impact on the environment, mine rehabilitation measures have also subsequently played a great role in improving vegetation cover and controlling land desertification and loss of water and soil. The effect of coal mining on vegetation cover is dependent upon the soil type and natural indigenous flora. Results of this investigation imply that mining activity has a greater effect on the vegetation of loess areas than at sandy sites. Although local vegetation coverage was improved by planting in the mining area, the total area of land affected by desertification still in- creased from 26.81% in 1990 when large-scale mine construction was introduced, to 46.79% in 1995. With continuous efforts at rehabilitation, the vegetation cover in the Shendong coal mining area was increasing, and loss of water and soil were effec- tively controlled since 1995. Subsequently, the total area of extreme desertification decreased to 23.24% in 2000 and further to 18.68% in 2005. The total area affected by severe loss of water and soil also decreased since the early 1990's (70.61% in 1990, 71.43% in 1995), to 43.64% in 2000 and 34.93% in 2005, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 environmental impact land use change arid environment land desertification
Characteristics of Wind Erosion and Deposition in Oasis-desert Ecotone in Southern Margin of Tarim Basin,China 被引量:7
作者 MAO Donglei LEI Jiaqiang +3 位作者 ZENG Fanjiang RAHMUTULLA Zaynulla WANG Cui ZHOU Jie 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期658-673,共16页
The oasis-desert ecotone is a fragile ecological zone that is affected both by oasis and desert conditions. To understand the impact of the differences in wind power, and the influence of wind erosion and deposition o... The oasis-desert ecotone is a fragile ecological zone that is affected both by oasis and desert conditions. To understand the impact of the differences in wind power, and the influence of wind erosion and deposition on the ecotone, meteorological data and con- temporaneous wind erosion and deposition data were collected on the southern margin of Tarim Basin with serious sand-blown hazards. The wind velocity, average wind velocity, sand drift potential (DP), resultant sand drift potential (RDP), and sand transportation rate decrease significantly and successively across four landscape types with increasing vegetation coverage (VC). Flat surfaces and areas of shifting sandy ground experience intense wind erosion with fast movement of mobile sand dunes; semi-fixed sand areas experience ex- tensive wind deposition but only slight wind erosion; and fixed sand areas experience only slight wind erosion and deposition. Volume of wind erosion on bare newly reclaimed farmland is up to 6.96 times that of bare shifting sandy ground. Wind erosion volume per unit area and VC follow an exponential function relationship in natural conditions, while wind deposition volume per unit area does not conform to any functions which has close relationship with vary topography and arrangement patterns of vegetation besides for VC. The results indicate that the volume of wind erosion has a close correlation with VC, and different types and distribution patterns of topog- raphy and vegetation also profoundly influence the wind deposition volume in the field, and underground water tables in different land- scape types control the plant community distribution. Keywords: wind erosion; wind deposition; oasis-desert ecotone; vegetation coverage (VC); topography; Cele County 展开更多
关键词 wind erosion wind deposition oasis-desert ecotone vegetation coverage (VC) TOPOGRAPHY Cele County
A quantitative analysis on the sources of dune sand in the Hulun Buir Sandy Land:application of stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA) to the granulometric data 被引量:1
作者 HANGuang ZHANGGuifang YANGWenbin 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第2期177-186,共10页
Quantitatively determining the sources of dune sand is one of the problems necessarily and urgently to be solved in aeolian landforms and desertification research. Based on the granulometric data of sand materials fro... Quantitatively determining the sources of dune sand is one of the problems necessarily and urgently to be solved in aeolian landforms and desertification research. Based on the granulometric data of sand materials from the Hulun Buir Sandy Land, the paper employs the stepwise discriminant analysis technique (SDA) for two groups to select the principal factors determining the differences between surface loose sediments. The extent of similarity between two statistical populations can be described quantitatively by three factors such as the number of principal variables, Mahalanobis distance D 2 and confidence level 琢for F-test. Results reveal that: 1) Aeolian dune sand in the region mainly derives from Hailar Formation (Q 3 ), while fluvial sand and palaeosol also supply partially source sand for dunes; and 2) in the vicinity of Cuogang Town and west of the broad valley of the lower reaches of Hailar River, fluvial sand can naturally become principal supplier for dune sand. 展开更多
关键词 Hulun Buir Sandy Land granulometric analysis stepwise discriminant analysis dune sand Hailar Formation fluvial sandy sediments
Field Ovservation of Threshold Frictional Velocity on Different Types of Famland 被引量:1
作者 GAO Jian-hua ZHANG Cheng-zhong LAI Zhi-qiang WANG Ying-zhao LIU Chu-quan LI Zhi-yan 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第7期106-108,共3页
To quantize the difficulty level of dust production on the surface of different types of farmland,the Marticorena threshold frictional velocity pattern was used in this study to simulate the dust threshold frictional ... To quantize the difficulty level of dust production on the surface of different types of farmland,the Marticorena threshold frictional velocity pattern was used in this study to simulate the dust threshold frictional velocity.The results showed that the dust threshold frictional velocity of desertification farmland was 7.39cm/s,while it was 29.05 cm/s after the wheat harvested and the farmland ploughed; the turning green period was 46.85 cm/s; shooting period was 98.93 cm/s,the uncovered and the establishment period of fruit tree farmland was 26.0 and 139.15 cm/s.It was concluded that,bare desertification farmland could be changed into source of dust release easier. 展开更多
关键词 FARMLAND DUST Threshold frictional velocity Source of release
《江西财税与会计》 北大核心 1998年第11期51-51,共1页
关键词 江西 晋西北 省人民政府 财政收入 财政经济委员会 搞活流通 麻纺机械 农村手工业 贸易萧条 救灾度荒
Assessing the progress of desertification of the southern edge of Chihuahuan Desert: A case study of San Luis Potosi Plateau 被引量:2
作者 NOYOLA-MEDRANO Cristina MARTiNEZ-SiAS Valeria Abigail 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期420-438,共19页
The aim of this study is to establish if the San Luis Potosi Plateau(SLPP), which is part of the southern edge of the Chihuahuan Desert, is generating desertification processes, indicating a progression of the desert ... The aim of this study is to establish if the San Luis Potosi Plateau(SLPP), which is part of the southern edge of the Chihuahuan Desert, is generating desertification processes, indicating a progression of the desert toward the central part of Mexico. Therefore, we analyzed the temporal evolution of four environmental indicators of desertification: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index(NDWI), Iron Oxides Index(IO) and Surface Temperature(ST). Landsat TM images are used to cover a period from 1990 to 2011. A new equation of total balance is proposed to generate an image of the overall evolution of each factor which is applied to get a probability map of desertification. The evolution of NDVI, NDWI and IO shows a behavior almost stable over the time. In contrast, the ST shows a slight increase. The outcomes of this study confirm periods of vegetation re-greening and 8.80% of the SLPP has the highest probability to develop desertification. The most affected area is the portion west of the region, and the east and south are the least affected areas. The results suggest a slight advance of the desert, although most of the area doesn't have the necessary conditions to develop desertification. 展开更多
关键词 Landsat NDVI-NDWI ST-IO DESERTIFICATION re-greening vegetation
Patterns of Soil ^(15)N and Total N and Their Relationships with Environmental Factors on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Lei SONG Ming-Hua +9 位作者 WANG Shao-Qiang FAN Jiang-Wen LIU Ji-Yuan ZHONG Hua-Ping YU Gui-Rui GAO Lu-Peng HU Zhong-Min CHEN Bin WU Wei-Xing SONG Ting 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期232-242,共11页
The patterns of soil nitrogen (N) isotope composition at large spatial and temporal scales and their relationships to environmental factors illustrate N cycle and sources of N, and are integrative indicators of the ... The patterns of soil nitrogen (N) isotope composition at large spatial and temporal scales and their relationships to environmental factors illustrate N cycle and sources of N, and are integrative indicators of the terrestrial N cycle and its response to global change. The objectives of this study were: i) to investigate the patterns of soil N content and natural abundance of 15N (δ15N) values in different ecosystem types and soil profiles on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau; ii) to examine the effects of climatic factors and soil characteristics on the patterns of soil N content and soil δ15N values; and iii) to test the relationship between soil δ15N values and soil C/N ratios across ecosystems and soil profiles. Soil profiles were sampled at 51 sites along two transects 1 875 km in length and 200 km apart and distributed in forest, meadow and steppe on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Each site was sampled every 10 cm from a soil depth of 0 to 40 cm and each sample was analyzed for soil N content and δ15N values. Our results indicated that soil N and 515N values (0-40 cm) in meadows were much higher than in desert steppe. Soil N decreased with soil depth for each ecosystem, while variations of soil ~15N values along soil profiles were not statistically significant among most ecosystems but for mountain meadow, lowland meadow, and temperate steppe where soil δ15N values tended to increase with soil depth. The parabolic relationship between soil δ15N values and mean annual precipitation indicated that soil δ15N values increased with increasing precipitation in desert steppe up to 500 mm, and then decreased with increasing precipitation across all other ecosystems. Moreover, the parabolic relationship between δ15N values and mean annual temperature existed in all individual ecosystem types. Soil N and δ15N values (0-0 cm) increased with an increase in soil silt and clay contents. Furthermore, a threshold of C/N ratio of about 11 divided the parabolic relationship between soil δ15N values and soil C/N ratios into positive (C/N 〈 11) and negative (C/N 〉 11) parts, which was valid across all ecosystems and soil profiles. The large explanatory power of soil C/N ratios for soil δ15N values suggested that C and N concentrations, being strongly controlled by precipitation and temperature, were the primary factors determining patterns of soil δ15N on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 desert steppe nitrogen isotope composition nutrient availability soil nitrogen
Soil Macrofaunal Communities are Heterogeneous in Heathlands with Different Grazing Intensity 被引量:1
作者 Jean-Franois PONGE Sandrine SALMON +1 位作者 Amélie BENOIST Jean-Jacques GEOFFROY 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期524-533,共10页
Moderate grazing by cattle increases the heterogeneity of soil and vegetation. This has been suggested as an ecologically sustainable mean of managing natural environments endangered by tree encroachment, such as heat... Moderate grazing by cattle increases the heterogeneity of soil and vegetation. This has been suggested as an ecologically sustainable mean of managing natural environments endangered by tree encroachment, such as heathlands. Our study was performed to test the impact of grazing intensity on soil macroinvertebrate communities in heterogeneous landscapes in a private property eligible to the Natura 2000 European Network of Special Protection Areas within the Brenne Natural Regional Park (Indre, ~rance). We sampled macroinvertebrates along a broken line crossing 5 different land-use types, from pasture to pine forest, passing through a besom heath (Erica scoparia) heathland at 3 levels of cattle pressure. We hypothesized that: i) litter-dwelling (mostly arthropods and mollusks) and soil-dwelling macroinvertebrates (mostly earthworms) would respond in an opposite manner to various grazing intensities, and ii) intermediate cattle pressure (pastured heath) would increase soil and community heterogeneity. The results supported the first hypothesis, which was explained by land-use impacts mediated by soil properties. However, our results supported only partly the second hypothesis since maximum dissimilarity (whether in the composition of soil macroinvertebrate communities or in soil features) was observed in only one out of the two pastured heaths where cattle pressure was intermediate. 展开更多
关键词 besom heath cattle grazing HETEROGENEITY land-use types soil macroinvertebrates
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