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基于无线体域网的康复监测系统设计 被引量:2
作者 高翔 刘秀鹏 +1 位作者 冯天天 徐国政 《计算机技术与发展》 2014年第9期234-237,共4页
针对目前运动功能康复过程中生理参数监测的不足,基于无线体域网设计并实现了用于康复训练的监测系统。首先设计心电、肌电、脉搏等信号采集模块并在Crossbow平台基于TinyOS系统组建无线体域网;其次基于ARM9和Linux设计本地网关,监控无... 针对目前运动功能康复过程中生理参数监测的不足,基于无线体域网设计并实现了用于康复训练的监测系统。首先设计心电、肌电、脉搏等信号采集模块并在Crossbow平台基于TinyOS系统组建无线体域网;其次基于ARM9和Linux设计本地网关,监控无线体域网,为患者提供图形界面及数据转发;最后基于VC++开发医疗中心监护系统,并结合Matlab采用小波包变换与经验模态分解算法对生理参数进行特征提取及初步诊断。文中详细介绍了系统软件设计,实验结果表明该系统能实现对患者生理状态实时监控等功能。 展开更多
关键词 无线体域网 嵌入式系统 康复监测 特征提取
脑卒中肢体功能康复监测系统的设计 被引量:1
作者 黄博强 郑丹 +2 位作者 黄文霞 朱玲 施心陵 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期1710-1712,共3页
目的:通过软件与硬件相结合的监测方法,为脑卒中患者在治疗过程中建立运动功能检查评估档案,为医生提供客观、准确的实时数据。方法:实验于2005-09/2006-06在云南大学信息学院电子工程系完成。实验方自主开发YUB-400脑卒中康复治疗监测... 目的:通过软件与硬件相结合的监测方法,为脑卒中患者在治疗过程中建立运动功能检查评估档案,为医生提供客观、准确的实时数据。方法:实验于2005-09/2006-06在云南大学信息学院电子工程系完成。实验方自主开发YUB-400脑卒中康复治疗监测系统,该系统软件部分的主体在VisualBasic6.0下开发完成,部分图像处理功能使用VisualC++6.0开发完成,软件分为7个模块,分别为信息录入查询模块、图像采集模块、图像特征标记模块、比对计算模块、图像处理模块、打印报告模块和系统设置模块;硬件部分包括计算机、视频端口、视频摄像头和神经刺激器。系统控制神经刺激器对患者患处刺激,同时对患处的反应过程视频采样,之后应用标准神经系统评估法,依据运动过程的参数建立可靠的患者实时数据档案。结果:①系统经过对患者患处活动能力的数据分析,记录运动参数,包括运动距离、平均速度、最大速度、平均加速度、最大加速度等。并结合患者的基本信息,建立实时数据档案。通过实时数据档案可以与患者的历史数据相比较,从而客观反应脑卒中患者的康复状况。②产生误差的原因主要包括两个方面,测量过程的规范性和患者个体的心理因素。结论:利用YUB-400对脑卒中肢体功能康复监测,可代替以主观评价为主的传统康复评估方法。 展开更多
关键词 脑卒中 肢体功能 康复监测
作者 王兰芳 付文 《中国科技期刊数据库 医药》 2024年第9期0126-0129,共4页
针对脑卒中患者的康复评估与监测标准,此研究旨在探究其关键指标。对100名脑卒中患者实施的评估涵盖运动功能、认知效率、语言性能、感觉灵敏度及日常生活独立性,同时监控心率、血压、体温、呼吸及胃肠道运作,以深入理解各参数在康复期... 针对脑卒中患者的康复评估与监测标准,此研究旨在探究其关键指标。对100名脑卒中患者实施的评估涵盖运动功能、认知效率、语言性能、感觉灵敏度及日常生活独立性,同时监控心率、血压、体温、呼吸及胃肠道运作,以深入理解各参数在康复期间的效用表现。各项评估和监测指标在促进康复方案个性化、早期识别健康问题及优化康复策略方面发挥关键作用,进而增强患者的康复效果和生活品质。 展开更多
关键词 脑卒中 康复评估 康复监测
作者 周研 沈利岩 郑洁皎 《中华临床医学杂志》 2008年第3期14-16,共3页
目的心血管疾病为当今危害人类健康最主要的疾病之一。围绕如何开展安全而有效的心血管疾病康复工作,应首先对心血管疾病的心肌缺血状况有客观的监测和评估,旨在能正确指导适宜的康复训练。方法采用动态心电图(简称HOLTER)和核素心... 目的心血管疾病为当今危害人类健康最主要的疾病之一。围绕如何开展安全而有效的心血管疾病康复工作,应首先对心血管疾病的心肌缺血状况有客观的监测和评估,旨在能正确指导适宜的康复训练。方法采用动态心电图(简称HOLTER)和核素心肌显像(简称201TL),用两种检测方法比较心肌缺血的情况。结果HOLTER组测出心肌缺血变化者,阳性率占78.5%;201TL心肌显像组测出心肌缺血变化者,阳性率高达94.2%。并证实许多患者存在无症状性心肌缺血现象,尤以60岁以上患者明显。结论鉴此,在拟定康复训练计划前,必须对病人进行无创伤性的康复监测,明确心肌缺血变化程度,正确设计适合病人个体特点的康复训练项目和训练强度,从而得以开展安全而有效的心血管疾病康复工作。 展开更多
关键词 心血管疾病 康复监测 心肌缺血 康复训练
作者 严刚 周丽 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2011年第3期231-239,共9页
A two-step method is proposed for detection and identification of invisible impact damage in composite structure under temperature changes using Lamb waves.First,a statistical outlier analysis is employed to distingui... A two-step method is proposed for detection and identification of invisible impact damage in composite structure under temperature changes using Lamb waves.First,a statistical outlier analysis is employed to distinguish whether the changes of Lamb wave signals are induced by damage within a monitoring area or are only affected by temperature changes.Damage indices are defined after the Lamb wave signals are processed by Fourier transform,and a Monte Carlo procedure is used to obtain the damage threshold value for the damage indices at the undamaged state.If the damage indices in the operation state exceed the threshold value,the presence of damage is determined.Then,a probabilistic damage imaging algorithm displaying probabilities of the presence of damage within the monitoring area is adopted to fuse information collected from multiple actuator-sensor paths to identify the location of damage.Damage indices under damaged state are used to generate the diagnostic image.Experimental study on a stiffened composite panel with random temperature changes is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 structural health monitoring composite structure Lamb wave statistical outlier analysis probabilistic damage imaging temperature changes
Damage Monitoring in Composite Stiffened Skin Using Fiber Bragg Grating under Tensile and Three-Point Loading 被引量:1
作者 Agus Trilaksono Naoyuki Watanabe +3 位作者 Hikaru Hoshi Atsushi Kondo Yutaka Iwahori Shinichi Takeda 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第4期227-237,共11页
One of the problems associated with loading a fully composite structure with joints is that the loads are not linear through the neutral axis of the structure but are collinear; this induces additional moment and crea... One of the problems associated with loading a fully composite structure with joints is that the loads are not linear through the neutral axis of the structure but are collinear; this induces additional moment and creates a load in the normal direction, which is typically a critical load because it can create delamination and can only be withstood if it is small. Another problem is that the structure is difficult to inspect using conventional methods because of limited accessibility. With fiber Bragg grating (FBG), the problem can potentially be solved in structures with a stiffness mismatch. The model used to represent the problem above is a composite stiffened skin with two loading cases: tensile and three-point bending. Additionally, FBG is used to monitor and characterize the delamination caused by both loading cases. Finite element modeling (FEM) with traction versus separation theory is performed to determine the critical area on the specimen for placement of the FBG before manufacturing and testing. In this research, FBG can successfully monitor and characterize delamination caused by both loading cases in structures that have mismatched stiffnesses. Also, FBG can predict the delamination growth quantitatively. A spectrum graph of the FBG results can be used to replace a conventional mechanical graph for use in structural health monitoring. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon fiber composite structural health monitoring DELAMINATION joints/joining smart structure
Use of FBG Sensors for SHM in Aerospace Structures 被引量:11
作者 Gayan C. KAHANDAWA Jayantha EPAARACHCHI Hao WANG K. T. LAU 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期203-214,共12页
This paper details some significant findings on the use of the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors for structural health monitoring (SHM) in aerospace fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) structures. A diminutive sensor... This paper details some significant findings on the use of the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors for structural health monitoring (SHM) in aerospace fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) structures. A diminutive sensor provides a capability of imbedding inside FRP structures to monitor vital locations of damage. Some practical problems associated with the implementation of FBG based SHM systems in the aerospace FRP structures such as the difficulty of embedding FBG sensors during the manufacturing process and interrelation of distortion to FBG spectra due to internal damage, and other independent effects will be thoroughly studied. An innovative method to interpret FBG signals for identifying damage inside the structures will also be discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Structural health monitoring aerospace structures fiber Bragg grating sensors
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