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基于刚-柔混合建模的时变结构动力学分析 被引量:14
作者 黎业飞 邱清盈 冯培恩 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期311-314,共4页
为适应液压挖掘机高速、轻量化的要求,以具有时变固频特性的液压挖掘机工作装置为研究对象,提出了以角加速度判断时变结构的关键工况,利用刚性多体动力学和有限元方法对液压挖掘机在整个作业循环中的动力学特性进行建模和分析.分析了液... 为适应液压挖掘机高速、轻量化的要求,以具有时变固频特性的液压挖掘机工作装置为研究对象,提出了以角加速度判断时变结构的关键工况,利用刚性多体动力学和有限元方法对液压挖掘机在整个作业循环中的动力学特性进行建模和分析.分析了液压挖掘机工作装置在受力最大处的动态应力分布,并与传统刚性体模型的分析结果进行了比较.结果表明,刚-柔混合建模方法与刚性体建模方法相比,获得的位移和应力较小,反映出以往的设计偏于保守,为轻量化设计提供了依据. 展开更多
关键词 时变结构 液压挖掘机工作装置 柔体多体动力学 -柔混合
作者 校金龙 赵金宝 《农业装备与车辆工程》 2021年第5期47-50,共4页
针对现有玉米秸秆还田机数字化设计中普遍采用刚性建模,无法有效体现传动系统动力学特征的问题,采用刚-柔混合建模原理对改进型中收1JHY-200C型玉米秸秆还田机进行虚拟样机创制,采用SolidWorks和ADAMS创制整机刚体和柔体虚拟样机模型;... 针对现有玉米秸秆还田机数字化设计中普遍采用刚性建模,无法有效体现传动系统动力学特征的问题,采用刚-柔混合建模原理对改进型中收1JHY-200C型玉米秸秆还田机进行虚拟样机创制,采用SolidWorks和ADAMS创制整机刚体和柔体虚拟样机模型;通过添加运动约束实现了刚-柔混合虚拟样机集成。设计加载程序对玉米秸秆还田机开展传动特性分析。结果表明:秸秆还田机传动系统振动幅值与甩刀轴上的冲击加载幅值相关,与冲击加载位置无关;带轮滑转率与冲击加载点个数线性相关;甩刀轴固有阻尼比导致冲击脉冲的衰减效果与冲击加载位置到甩刀轴动力输入端和自由端的轴向距离线性相关,刚-柔混合建模的虚拟样机模型能够有效体现玉米收获机秸秆还田机灭茬作业中的动态特性。 展开更多
关键词 玉米秸秆还田机 虚拟样机 -柔混合 传动特性
作者 校金龙 《南方农机》 2021年第9期76-78,共3页
传统方法普遍采用刚性体建模分析玉米收获机摘穗台传动特性,不能有效体现传动构件弹性形变。本文基于ADAMS和Solidworks开发了4YZW-4C型玉米收获机摘穗台传动系统刚-柔混合虚拟样机。针对摘穗、排茎、拨禾作业设计了负载模拟函数,对虚... 传统方法普遍采用刚性体建模分析玉米收获机摘穗台传动特性,不能有效体现传动构件弹性形变。本文基于ADAMS和Solidworks开发了4YZW-4C型玉米收获机摘穗台传动系统刚-柔混合虚拟样机。针对摘穗、排茎、拨禾作业设计了负载模拟函数,对虚拟样机开展传动特性分析。结果表明:虚拟样机的各级传动关系满足多体动力学特性,4YZW-4C型玉米收获机摘穗台传动系统的高频载荷主要集中在摘穗台动力解耦装置拉茎辊端锥齿轮组,拉茎辊端主动齿轮冲击度小于从动轮锥齿轮,传动平顺性较好,冲击衰减较快,稳定时间为0.2s。所建刚-柔混合虚拟样机能够有效体现摘穗台作业中的动力学特性。 展开更多
关键词 玉米收获机 摘穗台 传动系统 -柔混合 虚拟样机
作者 秦池江 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第3期128-128,共1页
关键词 书评 《我国商业银行资产负责比例管理研究》 中国 商业银行 资产负债比例管理 建刚
作者 傅建中 丁正龙 +2 位作者 徐月同 叶国云 王郑拓 《纳米技术与精密工程》 CAS CSCD 2014年第6期397-403,共7页
双簧片导向机构是接触式测量常用的核心部件,广泛应用于自动检测中,其传递误差的模型直接影响传感器的测量精度.传统的建模方法采用悬臂梁整体柔性建模,不符合实际物理结构,在测量中会引起较大的传递误差.在建立导向机构整体力学模型的... 双簧片导向机构是接触式测量常用的核心部件,广泛应用于自动检测中,其传递误差的模型直接影响传感器的测量精度.传统的建模方法采用悬臂梁整体柔性建模,不符合实际物理结构,在测量中会引起较大的传递误差.在建立导向机构整体力学模型的基础上,提出簧片机构柔-刚-柔悬臂梁分段建模方法,推导出簧片作用力和弯矩表达式,继而得出平动板寄生转角和传递误差表达式.最后通过有限元计算仿真技术,对悬臂梁分段模型与悬臂梁整体柔性模型进行仿真分析.仿真结果表明,柔-刚-柔悬臂梁分段建模方法比传统悬臂梁整体柔性建模方法的传递误差明显减小,验证了模型的有效性,从而为双簧片导向机构的设计、测量精度的动态补偿以及测量后数据处理提供了理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 双簧片机构 传递误差 传统 柔--柔 有限元验证
作者 建刚 《内蒙古财会》 1992年第8期F003-F003,共1页
关键词 《以“发”理财》 建刚 中国 当代 小小说
问“课”哪得“新”如许 需往“写”“记”“思”“读”“问”中行
作者 朱巧珍 《散文选刊(中旬刊)》 2020年第6期168-168,共1页
在我们的身边,不乏有这样的一群老师:读了很多书,平时工作认真负责,对待教学内容,认真备课上课。但是在教学过程中,发现自己教学效果不佳,学生听课效率偏低。对于活泼爱动的小学生来讲,如果老师的课堂语言贫乏,单调,太过直白,太过平淡,... 在我们的身边,不乏有这样的一群老师:读了很多书,平时工作认真负责,对待教学内容,认真备课上课。但是在教学过程中,发现自己教学效果不佳,学生听课效率偏低。对于活泼爱动的小学生来讲,如果老师的课堂语言贫乏,单调,太过直白,太过平淡,他们是没有什么兴趣坚持40分钟听下去的。 展开更多
关键词 董卿康震现象 吴福雷管建刚名师 多写多记 多思多读 多问
基于ADAMS谐波减速器的模态分析 被引量:3
作者 王晓伟 郝长中 《成组技术与生产现代化》 2014年第2期50-53,62,共5页
为了研究谐波减速器在工作过程中的振动情况,避免共振,首先根据计算得到的主要零部件参数,在Pro/E中建立谐波减速器的刚体三维模型;然后利用ANSYS对谐波减速器的柔轮进行模态分析;最后在ADAMS中建立谐波减速器刚-柔混合虚拟样机,并进行... 为了研究谐波减速器在工作过程中的振动情况,避免共振,首先根据计算得到的主要零部件参数,在Pro/E中建立谐波减速器的刚体三维模型;然后利用ANSYS对谐波减速器的柔轮进行模态分析;最后在ADAMS中建立谐波减速器刚-柔混合虚拟样机,并进行整机模态分析.分析得知,该谐波减速器设计合理,不会产生共振现象,具有良好的动力学性能. 展开更多
关键词 谐波减速器 柔轮 -柔混合 模态分析
Wind Vibration Study of Long-span Steel Arch Structure of Beijing Capital International Airport 被引量:4
作者 周岱 马俊 +1 位作者 朱忠义 柳杰 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2005年第4期429-435,共7页
The wind-induced dynamic response of long-span light-weight steel arch structure of the global transportation center (GTC) of Beijing Capital International Airport was studied. A composite technique with combination o... The wind-induced dynamic response of long-span light-weight steel arch structure of the global transportation center (GTC) of Beijing Capital International Airport was studied. A composite technique with combination of WAWS(Weighted Amplitude Wavelet Superposition) and FFT(Fast Fourier Transformation) was introduced to simulate wind velocity time series of hundreds of spatial points simultaneously. The structural shape factors of wind load was obtained from wind tunnel model test. The wind vibration factor based on structural displacement response was investigated. After comparing the computational results with wind tunnel model test data, it was found out that the two results accord with each other if wind comes from 0° direction angle, but are quite different if wind comes from 180° direction angle in the area blocked off by airport terminals. The possible reasons of this difference were analyzed. Haar wavelet was used to transform and analyze wind velocity time series and structural wind-induced dynamic responses. The relationship between exciting wind loads and structural responses was studied in time and frequency domains. 展开更多
关键词 steel arch structure wind velocity time series wind-induced vibration factor wavelet analysis
Fatigue behaviour of welded joints assembled by longitudinal corrugated plates 被引量:2
作者 王志宇 王清远 +1 位作者 刘永杰 孙美 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2752-2760,共9页
Fatigue is usually the cause for the cracks identified at bridge elements in service. With an increase in the introduction of corrugated steel web girders in recent highway bridge construction, the understanding of th... Fatigue is usually the cause for the cracks identified at bridge elements in service. With an increase in the introduction of corrugated steel web girders in recent highway bridge construction, the understanding of the fatigue behaviour of welded details in such structures becomes an important issue for the design. The typical welded details were represented as welded joints assembled by longitudinal corrugated plates. All the experiments were performed under fatigue loading using a servo-control testing machine. The test results from the failure mode observation with the aid of infrared thermo-graph technology show that the failure manner of these welded joints is comparable to that of the corrugated steel web beams reported previously. It is indicated from the stiffness degradation analysis that the welded joints with larger corrugation angle have higher stiffness and greater stiffness degradation in the notable stiffness degradation range. It is shown from the test S-N relations based on the free regression and forced regression analyses that there is a good linear dependence between lg(N) and lg(ΔS). It is also demonstrated that the proposed fracture mechanics analytical model is able to give a prediction slightly lower but on the safe side for the mean stresses at 2 million cycles of the test welded joints. 展开更多
关键词 corrugated web fatigue behaviour S-N relation stiffness degradation fracture mechanics
Preliminary analysis of mode truncation of single-layered reticulated domes under earthquakes 被引量:1
作者 于晓野 范峰 沈世钊 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第5期613-618,共6页
In anti-seismic calculation, the mode truncation is a significant problem to engineers if the mode-superposition response spectrum method is used, which has not been completely solved yet in some large and complex str... In anti-seismic calculation, the mode truncation is a significant problem to engineers if the mode-superposition response spectrum method is used, which has not been completely solved yet in some large and complex structures such as reticulated domes. In this case, some useful advices, concentrating on the problem above, are expected through a careful and comprehensive investigation of this paper. During the investigation, the authors first point out shortcomings of former researches. Then frequency-spectrum characteristics of single-layered reticulated domes were studied from the perspective of structural responses. During this process, some important results such as the existence of the main resonant section, and the fact that the relative sensitivity of these domes under horizontal and vertical impulse varies with the different R/S ratios were achieved. Furthermore, based on the study of frequency-spectrum characteristics, as well as that of earthquake input, reasonable numbers of mode truncation in single layered reticulated domes with different R/S ratio were presented. Results of case studies prove the mode truncation number proposed is valid. 展开更多
关键词 mode truncation single-layered reticulated domes main resonance section reasonable mode number
Analysis of raft foundation design based on considering influence of superstructure stiffness
作者 WANG Bin QIU Jianhui +2 位作者 ZHAO Dong YANG Xi DAI Shuai 《Global Geology》 2009年第1期28-31,共4页
The finite element method was used for analysis of raft foundation design in high-rise building.Compared with other conventional methods,this method is more adapted to the practical condition since both superstructure... The finite element method was used for analysis of raft foundation design in high-rise building.Compared with other conventional methods,this method is more adapted to the practical condition since both superstructure stiffness and soil conditions were considered in calculation.The calculation results by example show that the base reaction is more uniform and the maximum reaction decreases obviously.Accordingly,the raft foundation design is more economic without any loss of security for high-rise building. 展开更多
关键词 superstructure stiffness SOIL RAFT finite element method INTERACTION
Research on the Multidimensional Constraint Stability of Bridge Structure Modeling based on Optimization Model
作者 Cheng kang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第9期35-37,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the multidimensional constraint stability of bridge structure modeling based on the optimization model. The current internal and the external research results to the truss web str... In this paper, we conduct research on the multidimensional constraint stability of bridge structure modeling based on the optimization model. The current internal and the external research results to the truss web structure, the high internode the aspect ratio and the stiffness of the middle truss brace of the truss web, deffection of composite beams of the impact of stress is a very important problem in the design of the bridge. Structural health monitoring is the use of the field of the non-destructive sensing technology, including the structural response, including structural system characteristics analysis, to achieve the purpose of monitoring structural damage or degradation. Under this basis, this paper proposes the new idea on the modelling and simulates the performance. 展开更多
关键词 MULTIDIMENSIONAL Constraint Stability Bridge Structure Optimization Model.
Mathematical Modelling of Work of Modern Friction-Polymer Shock Absorbers and Determining the Dynamical Force during the Impact
作者 Hristijan Mickoski Ivan Mickoski Petar Simonovski 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第3期368-372,共5页
Shock absorbers are main elements into construction of train wagons that secure protection from longitudinal forces which appear during transitional regimes of movement. Besides, development of new constructive soluti... Shock absorbers are main elements into construction of train wagons that secure protection from longitudinal forces which appear during transitional regimes of movement. Besides, development of new constructive solutions for shock absorbers is quite popular development of their working mathematical models. This paper presents modem shock absorber with elastic block made from polymer elements that increase quantity of absorbed energy. This is achieved by increasing the stiffness characteristic of polymer elastic block. The construction is relatively simple and technology used to create the construction is with more or less low price. If there is not enough elastic stiffness of the polymer block, there is a possibility for not meeting the UIC (International Union of Railways) norms for absorbed energy. Therefore, according to the mentioned characteristic, shock absorbers are divided into three groups. The mathematical model presented in this paper allows calculating the necessary elastic characteristic of the polymer block for a short time. Differential equation of movement of the shock absorber elements is presented in this paper. Force change of polymer block for various impact velocities participates in the differential equation of movement where initial velocity V0 and the current meaning of the velocity x are taken into consideration. The presented equation is solved by using program language MATLAB/Simulink by developing a simulation model. 展开更多
关键词 Shock absorber mathematical modelling MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation dynamical force.
Non-linear Aerothermoelastic Modeling and Behavior of a Double-wedge Lifting Surface
作者 Laith K.Abbas 芮筱亭 P.Marzocca 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2009年第5期620-625,共6页
The design of the re-entry space vehicles and high-speed aircraft structures requires special attention to the non-linear thermoelastic and aerodynamic instabilities.The thermal effects are important since temperature... The design of the re-entry space vehicles and high-speed aircraft structures requires special attention to the non-linear thermoelastic and aerodynamic instabilities.The thermal effects are important since temperature environment influences significantly the static and dynamic behaviors of flight structures in supersonic/hypersonic regimes.The dynamic behavior of a double-wedge lifting surface with combined freeplay and cubic stiffening structural nonlinearities in both plunging and pitching degrees-of-freedom(DOF) operating in supersonic/hypersonic flight speed regimes has been analyzed.In addition a third order piston theory aerodynamics(PTA) is used to evaluate the non-linear unsteady aerodynamic loads applied to the wing section.Loss of torsional stiffness that may be incurred by lifting surfaces subjected to axial stresses induced by aerodynamic heating is also considered.The aerodynamic heating effect is estimated based on the adiabatic wall temperature due to high speed airstreams.It is demonstrated that serious losses of torsional stiffness may occur in such lifting surfaces;the influence of various parameters such as flight condition,thickness ratio,freeplays and pitching stiffness nonlinearity are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 non-linear aerothermoelastic analysis thermal loading freeplay hypersonic speed
Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of telephone cord buckles of elastic films
作者 WANG Shan LI ZhiPing 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2011年第5期1063-1076,共14页
An annular sector model for the telephone cord buckles of elastic thin films on rigid substrates is established, in which the von Krman plate equations in polar coordinates are used for the elastic thin film and a dis... An annular sector model for the telephone cord buckles of elastic thin films on rigid substrates is established, in which the von Krman plate equations in polar coordinates are used for the elastic thin film and a discrete version of the Griffith criterion is applied to determine the shape and scale of the parameters. A numerical algorithm combining the Newmark-β scheme and the Chebyshev collocation method is designed to numerically solve the problem in a quasi-dynamic process. Numerical results are presented to show that the numerical method works well and the model agrees well with physical observations, especially successfully simulated for the first time the telephone cord buckles with two humps along the ridge of each section of a buckle. 展开更多
关键词 elastic fihn telephone cord buckles von Karman plate equations Griffith criterion Chebyshev collocation method
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