真实自我指个体行为与内在价值观、信仰、需求的一致性程度。文章从自我建构角度出发,对比分析了东西方文化中个体自我建构的差异。在互依自我的影响下,中国文化中真实自我与个体在人际关系中的和谐相处密切相关。通过语义分析,揭示了...真实自我指个体行为与内在价值观、信仰、需求的一致性程度。文章从自我建构角度出发,对比分析了东西方文化中个体自我建构的差异。在互依自我的影响下,中国文化中真实自我与个体在人际关系中的和谐相处密切相关。通过语义分析,揭示了中国人对“真实自我”的理解,强调在关系中的表现和适应。未来研究可以在社会变迁背景下,更进一步探究中国人真实自我的结构,并探索寻找和表达真实自我的方法。The “true self” refers to the degree to which an individual’s behavior aligns with their internal values, beliefs, and needs. This article delves into the construction of the self from a cultural perspective, contrasting the differences in how individuals are perceived in Eastern and Western cultures. Under the influence of interdependent self, the true self in Chinese culture is closely related to harmonious coexistence in interpersonal relationships. Through semantic analysis, the article reveals the Chinese understanding of “true self”, emphasizing performance and adaptation within relationships. Future research can further explore the structure of the Chinese true self in the context of social change and investigate methods for finding and expressing the true self.展开更多
文摘真实自我指个体行为与内在价值观、信仰、需求的一致性程度。文章从自我建构角度出发,对比分析了东西方文化中个体自我建构的差异。在互依自我的影响下,中国文化中真实自我与个体在人际关系中的和谐相处密切相关。通过语义分析,揭示了中国人对“真实自我”的理解,强调在关系中的表现和适应。未来研究可以在社会变迁背景下,更进一步探究中国人真实自我的结构,并探索寻找和表达真实自我的方法。The “true self” refers to the degree to which an individual’s behavior aligns with their internal values, beliefs, and needs. This article delves into the construction of the self from a cultural perspective, contrasting the differences in how individuals are perceived in Eastern and Western cultures. Under the influence of interdependent self, the true self in Chinese culture is closely related to harmonious coexistence in interpersonal relationships. Through semantic analysis, the article reveals the Chinese understanding of “true self”, emphasizing performance and adaptation within relationships. Future research can further explore the structure of the Chinese true self in the context of social change and investigate methods for finding and expressing the true self.