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“保险业务 + 物联网技术”与控保建筑保护研究 被引量:1
作者 单军校 张伟 《现代金融》 2021年第10期32-33,37,共3页
关键词 险业务 历史古迹 物联网技术 建筑 风险转移 社会经济效益 历史文脉 管理效率
历史街区控保建筑空间功能的现代转换策略 被引量:2
作者 孙晓鹏 钮卫东 殷勇 《华侨大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第4期461-464,共4页
通过现场调查与案例分析,阐述苏州历史街区控保建筑的保护利用现状与困惑,提出控保建筑可持续发展的原真性保护原则与空间功能的现代转换策略.结果表明:控保建筑的原真性保护原则应兼顾本体与外部环境的空间维度、有形与无形的价值维度... 通过现场调查与案例分析,阐述苏州历史街区控保建筑的保护利用现状与困惑,提出控保建筑可持续发展的原真性保护原则与空间功能的现代转换策略.结果表明:控保建筑的原真性保护原则应兼顾本体与外部环境的空间维度、有形与无形的价值维度、历史与现实的时间维度;控保建筑可以通过重点修缮、复原整理和有机更新等策略由传统居住向现代居住、文化和商业空间功能转换. 展开更多
关键词 历史街区 建筑 空间功能 原真性
园宅——苏州054号控保建筑修缮更新 被引量:5
作者 陆进良 殷新 洪杰 《华中建筑》 2013年第11期64-66,共3页
关键词 建筑 修缮 更新 私家园林 现代舒适度
苏州古城控保建筑三维数字化表达研究与应用 被引量:1
作者 张序 李兆堃 +1 位作者 朱威 薛彩霞 《现代测绘》 2012年第6期18-20,共3页
关键词 建筑 三维数字化 表达
苏州市控保建筑的价值与利用调研 被引量:1
作者 郑波 聂佳佳 《现代园艺》 2011年第06X期15-16,18,共3页
近年来,从葑湄草堂的天价拍卖到山塘雕花楼廉价成交,控保建筑的价值与利用问题一直被社会所关注,其一举一动都将成为人们的焦点。控保建筑的价值得到人们的关注,本文通过调查苏州一些控保建筑,寻求控保建筑的价值,讨寻控保建筑潜在价值... 近年来,从葑湄草堂的天价拍卖到山塘雕花楼廉价成交,控保建筑的价值与利用问题一直被社会所关注,其一举一动都将成为人们的焦点。控保建筑的价值得到人们的关注,本文通过调查苏州一些控保建筑,寻求控保建筑的价值,讨寻控保建筑潜在价值的利用方法。 展开更多
关键词 建筑 价值 利用
作者 成欣 郭楠 《江西建材》 2014年第20期2-2,共1页
近年来,古建筑的保护和利用一直是引发大家关注的社会热点问题,控制性保护建筑作为苏州古建筑的代表,能否得到妥善的保护和利用对于苏州的古建发展尤为重要。本文针对苏州平江历史街区的29处控保建筑进行现状的调查与分析,寻求其保护与... 近年来,古建筑的保护和利用一直是引发大家关注的社会热点问题,控制性保护建筑作为苏州古建筑的代表,能否得到妥善的保护和利用对于苏州的古建发展尤为重要。本文针对苏州平江历史街区的29处控保建筑进行现状的调查与分析,寻求其保护与利用的方向,同时,挖掘平江历史街区更深层的潜在价值。 展开更多
关键词 建筑 建筑 历史街区 利用 价值
作者 成欣 郭楠 《企业技术开发(中旬刊)》 2014年第10期140-141,共2页
关键词 建筑 窗户 修复 利用
消防技术服务机构在建筑消防设施维护保养中的问题对策 被引量:8
作者 刘永虎 《城市建筑空间》 2022年第2期257-258,共2页
消防技术服务机构是构建社会消防安全公共服务体系不可或缺的重要组成部分,是建筑消防设施的“体检医生”,在消防工作中发挥重要的技术支撑作用。结合消防技术服务机构政策的沿袭变化,调查研究其对建筑消防设施的服务质量情况,分析存在... 消防技术服务机构是构建社会消防安全公共服务体系不可或缺的重要组成部分,是建筑消防设施的“体检医生”,在消防工作中发挥重要的技术支撑作用。结合消防技术服务机构政策的沿袭变化,调查研究其对建筑消防设施的服务质量情况,分析存在的问题,并提出加强建筑消防设施维保质量的工作对策。 展开更多
关键词 建筑 建筑消防 技术机构 服务质量
控制与保护建筑的综合加固改造技术研究 被引量:2
作者 顾天熊 朱云龙 +1 位作者 顾夏英 徐晓明 《建筑施工》 2018年第6期929-932,共4页
以苏州阊门饭店内某控制保护建筑修缮改造工程为背景,分析讨论控保建筑修缮改造中的一些施工方法以及方案选择,使建筑在最大限度保留历史风貌的基础上焕发新颜,延长了建筑物使用年限,发挥了其最大的社会及经济效益。介绍的古建筑修缮改... 以苏州阊门饭店内某控制保护建筑修缮改造工程为背景,分析讨论控保建筑修缮改造中的一些施工方法以及方案选择,使建筑在最大限度保留历史风貌的基础上焕发新颜,延长了建筑物使用年限,发挥了其最大的社会及经济效益。介绍的古建筑修缮改造过程中采用的一些措施及理念,可为类似古建筑修缮工程提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 建筑 修缮改造 楼面置换 墙体加固
大模内置外墙保温施工技术在高层建筑中的应用 被引量:1
作者 曹桂兰 《黑龙江科技信息》 2015年第13期224-,共1页
在建筑施工的过程中,外墙的施工是非常耗费能量的,为了能够更好地保证建筑施工的质量,外墙保温技术在建筑施工中得到了非常广泛的应用。在外墙保温中建筑材料的类型和所选择的施工技艺也对整体的效果产生了非常重要的影响。本文主要分... 在建筑施工的过程中,外墙的施工是非常耗费能量的,为了能够更好地保证建筑施工的质量,外墙保温技术在建筑施工中得到了非常广泛的应用。在外墙保温中建筑材料的类型和所选择的施工技艺也对整体的效果产生了非常重要的影响。本文主要分析了大模内置外墙保温施工技术在高层建筑中应用,希望能够给相关的施工人员提供一定的经验和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 挤塑聚苯建筑温板 大模内置 聚合物抗裂砂浆 外墙
作者 蔡海涛 《北方建筑》 2022年第2期71-76,共6页
本文通过武汉某处历史优保建筑的加固维修工程实例,通过拆除、基础注浆加固、砖砌墙体压力灌浆、钢筋网加固、屋面翻修、外清水墙修缮、石材表面修复、木门窗修复等重要的分部分项工程中的具体监理工作,简要阐明了在历史优保建筑修缮工... 本文通过武汉某处历史优保建筑的加固维修工程实例,通过拆除、基础注浆加固、砖砌墙体压力灌浆、钢筋网加固、屋面翻修、外清水墙修缮、石材表面修复、木门窗修复等重要的分部分项工程中的具体监理工作,简要阐明了在历史优保建筑修缮工程中的监理质量控制原则、重点部位监理控制要点、监理质量控制主要方法,并简要介绍了BIM在工程中的应用。供类似工程的相关人员参考。 展开更多
关键词 建筑 维修加固 监理控制要点
作者 邵海东 《建筑设计管理》 2016年第7期102-104,共3页
随着社会不断的发展,我国的资源问题日趋严重,贯彻落实可持续发展战略,对建筑节能提出了更高的要求,建筑节能工作要实施跨越式发展,降低能源消耗,改善建筑热舒适条件,促进城乡建设、人民生活和生态环境的协调发展。随着中国不断的发展,... 随着社会不断的发展,我国的资源问题日趋严重,贯彻落实可持续发展战略,对建筑节能提出了更高的要求,建筑节能工作要实施跨越式发展,降低能源消耗,改善建筑热舒适条件,促进城乡建设、人民生活和生态环境的协调发展。随着中国不断的发展,技术也不断的提高,可持续的观念对于人们来说也是现在的一个重点。本文就从节能墙体、节能门窗、节能屋面等几个方面对于建筑节能材料的应用发表自己的看法。 展开更多
关键词 建筑节能 新材料 可持续发展
作者 孙浩挥 《科技资讯》 2006年第13期26-27,共2页
随着国家保护土地措施的实施,粘土砖的使用得到严格控制,再加上近年来钢筋砼结构建筑物越来越多,以及对建筑保温节能的要求也越来越高,轻集料砼小型空心砌块在房地产建设相关领域得到广泛应用。作为填充墙主材的轻集料砼小型空心砌块具... 随着国家保护土地措施的实施,粘土砖的使用得到严格控制,再加上近年来钢筋砼结构建筑物越来越多,以及对建筑保温节能的要求也越来越高,轻集料砼小型空心砌块在房地产建设相关领域得到广泛应用。作为填充墙主材的轻集料砼小型空心砌块具有容重轻、热阻值较高等特点,用作非承重墙体时较机制红砖有较大优越性,但也有其缺点:一是胀缩率比粘土砖大,随着含水量的降低,材料会产生较大的干缩变形,干缩后的材料受潮后会发生膨胀,脱水后会再发生干缩变形;二是由于其热阻值较高,在正常使用条件与钢筋砼框架结构间会出现温度变形差;三是砌块砌体作为一种脆性材料,其抗拉及抗剪切强度较差,只有传统粘土砖的50%;四是砌块原材料及生产质量不稳定。正是由于具有上述特性,轻集料砼小型空心砌块填充墙体裂缝的质量问题也显得非常突出。墙体裂缝不但有碍美观,且会导致墙体装饰面层空鼓、脱落以及外墙渗漏等质量问题。由于其问题的普遍性,已成为一种质量通病。 展开更多
关键词 砼小型空心砌块 填充墙体 轻集料 裂缝分析 预防措施 干缩变形 热阻值 机制红砖 钢筋砼结构 建筑保
Thermal performance analysis of building construction with insulated walls in summer days and nights 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Ya-bin PEI Xing-wang HAN Bing-zheng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第11期3613-3625,共13页
In the present study,the insulation mechanism of building walls during the summer days and nights is investigated with a realistic approach to enhance their performance.A fiber layer,as a porous medium with air gaps,i... In the present study,the insulation mechanism of building walls during the summer days and nights is investigated with a realistic approach to enhance their performance.A fiber layer,as a porous medium with air gaps,is used along the wall layers to decrease the energy loss.Meanwhile,the radiation heat flux variation during five days in a row has been considered for each side of the building,and it is tried to reach the optimum values for geometrical factors and find suitable insulation for each side of the building.A lattice Boltzmann method(LBM) based code is developed to simulate the actual chain of the heat transfer which consists of radiation,conduction,forced and natural convection combination within wall layers including fiber porous insulation.The results indicate that for the current insulation model,the effect of natural convection on the heat transfer is not negligible and the existence of the porous layer has caused a positive impact on the heat loss reduction by decreasing the circulation speed.Also,by using the optimum location and thickness for the insulation layer,it is showed that each side of the building has different rates of energy loss during a day,and for the appropriate insulation,they need to be evaluated separately. 展开更多
关键词 performance enhancement building insulation radiation/convection/conduction combination lattice Boltzmann method(LBM)
作者 陆国琦 耿光华 石元元 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第S2期262-264,共3页
介绍了对控保建筑苏州苏纶纱厂发电厂进行修缮和改造的一些方法。对外墙采用勾缝和钢筋网砂浆面层的方法进行修缮加固。对内部结构的处理需结合建筑改造前后的情况,综合考虑安全性、可操作性、经济性以及工期要求,确定合理的改造方案。... 介绍了对控保建筑苏州苏纶纱厂发电厂进行修缮和改造的一些方法。对外墙采用勾缝和钢筋网砂浆面层的方法进行修缮加固。对内部结构的处理需结合建筑改造前后的情况,综合考虑安全性、可操作性、经济性以及工期要求,确定合理的改造方案。对施工顺序提出要求,以保证施工期间外墙的安全。 展开更多
关键词 建筑 改造 墙体稳定 施工顺序
Protection of architectural heritage: attitudes of local residents and visitors in Sirako, Greece 被引量:4
作者 Stella GIANNAKOPOULOU Dimitris KALIAMPAKOS 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期424-439,共16页
Architectural heritage comprises one o the most important elements of mountain settlements in Greece. It holds high cultural value, represents the tangible continuation of the past and forms the unique character and i... Architectural heritage comprises one o the most important elements of mountain settlements in Greece. It holds high cultural value, represents the tangible continuation of the past and forms the unique character and identity of each mountain region. Yet, controversy regarding funding for its preservation often arises. In this paper, we used two Contingent Valuation surveys to estimate the socia benefit deriving from protecting the traditiona architecture in the mountainous village of Sirako and through it, to examine perceptions and attitudes o local residents and visitors. Research findings revealed a strong social will in favor of the good's protection followed by high percentages of positive willingness to pay(WTP). However, WTP is significantly higher among residents. Cultura heritage value, of the good, appears to prevail, along with the environmental one. However, both residents and visitors pointed out that local heritage, if wellpreserved, will boost tourism development. Residents appeared to better recognize the true level o architectural decay, expressed higher apprehension for its protection and were willing to pay higher amount of money. Tourists, on the other side expressed high satisfaction for their visit, appreciated the beauty and serenity emerging from local built and natural environment and spent several days visiting the surrounding area. The longer they stayed and gotfamiliar with the village, the more willing they were to contribute to local heritage's protection. Percentages reflecting indifference for protecting architecture were extremely low. Yet, they were higher among tourists. Traditional architecture is considered as public good; an opinion resulting in an important percentage of visitors stating that national government should provide the necessary funding. In addition, the architecture appears to hold a high level of topicality. Those descending from Sirako or emotionally connected to it, of both social groups,turned out to be more concerned about the good and with a stronger sense of responsibility for it. Usevalue of the good holds high economic value, as well,while higher percentages of zero WTP appeared among non-users. Research findings revealed social attitudes and perceptions on what constitutes architectural heritage, in its cultural and economic frame. If taken under consideration, they may form useful drivers for local, heritage-based, sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 Architectural heritage Contingent valuation Mountains Cultural goods
Subjective annoyance caused by indoor low-level and low frequency noise and control method 被引量:2
作者 DIGuo-qing ZHANGBang-jun SHANGQi 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期135-140,共6页
The influence of low_level noise has not been widely noticed. This paper discovered that low_level and low frequency noise(A_weighted equivalent level L eq <45 dB) causes higher probability of subjective annoyance.... The influence of low_level noise has not been widely noticed. This paper discovered that low_level and low frequency noise(A_weighted equivalent level L eq <45 dB) causes higher probability of subjective annoyance. The fuzzy mathematic principle was applied to deal with the threshold level of subjective annoyance from noise in this study; there is preferable relationship between the indoor noise and noise annoyance at low frequency noise level. Study indicated at the same centered noise level, the change of annoyance probability is mainly caused by the change of the frequency spectrum characteristic of the indoor noise. Under low noise level environment, without change of the medium_low frequency noise, the slight increase of medium_high frequency noise level with the help of noise sheltering effect can significantly reduce the noise annoyance. This discovery brings a new resolution on how to improve the environmental quality of working or living places. A noise control model is given in this study according to the acoustic analysis. 展开更多
关键词 low-level noise subjective annoyance threshold level structural noise indoor noise noise control
Strength and Toughness of Steel Fibre Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete Under Blast Loading 被引量:3
作者 KUZNETSOV Valerian A REBENTROST Mark WASCHL John 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第B09期70-74,共5页
The blast resistance of structures used in buildings needs to be investigated due to the increased threat of a terrorist attack. The damage done by Composition B or Powergel to steel fibre reinforced reactive powder c... The blast resistance of structures used in buildings needs to be investigated due to the increased threat of a terrorist attack. The damage done by Composition B or Powergel to steel fibre reinforced reactive powder concrete (SFRPC) panels and ordinary reinforced concrete (RC) panels of equivalent static flexural strength is compared. A 0. 5 kg charge was detonated at a distance of 0. 1 m from the 1. 3 m × 1. 0 m × 0. 1 m (thick) panels, which were simply supported and spaning 1.3 m. Dynamic displacement measurements, high-speed video recording and visual examination of the panels for spall and breach were undertaken. The SFRPC panels withstood the bare charge blast better than the reinforced ordinary concrete panels. Neither type of panel was breached using a O. 5 kg charge, The RC panel exhibited more spalling when Composition B was used. Under successive Composition B loading conditions, the RC panel was breached. In comparison the SFRPC panel was not breached. Exposure to fragmenting charge loading conditions confirmed these performance differences between the SFRPC panel and the reinforced ordinary concrete panel. 展开更多
关键词 steel fibre reinforced reactive powder concrete blast loading SPALLING explosive blast loading
Research on Thermal Insulation and Energy Saving of External Wall in City High-rise Building of Cold Area 被引量:1
作者 MingguiZhou 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第8期20-23,共4页
This paper applies the method of numerical simulation and field detection, and studied energy-saving insulation characteristics on the external wails of high-rise buildings in cold area, analyze and recommend the best... This paper applies the method of numerical simulation and field detection, and studied energy-saving insulation characteristics on the external wails of high-rise buildings in cold area, analyze and recommend the best arrangement of building and the most generous exterior wall insulation system suitable for cold area, and the degree of insulation materials were studied. The results show that: the mode preferred cold area is exterior insulation, insulation material made of extruded polystyrene board, frame structure filling wall preferred ceramsite hollow block. 展开更多
关键词 building energy-saving thermal insulation heat transfer coefficient numerical simulation
Agricultural Heritage Systems Tourism: definition,characteristics and development framework 被引量:6
作者 TIAN Mi MIN Qing-wen +6 位作者 JIAO Wen-jun YUAN Zheng Anthony M.FULLER YANG Lun ZHANG Yong-xun ZHOU Jie CHENG Bing 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期440-454,共15页
Architectural heritage comprises one o the most important elements of mountain settlements in Greece. It holds high cultural value, represents the tangible continuation of the past and forms the unique character and i... Architectural heritage comprises one o the most important elements of mountain settlements in Greece. It holds high cultural value, represents the tangible continuation of the past and forms the unique character and identity of each mountain region. Yet, controversy regarding funding for its preservation often arises. In this paper, we used two Contingent Valuation surveys to estimate the socia benefit deriving from protecting the traditiona architecture in the mountainous village of Sirako and through it, to examine perceptions and attitudes o local residents and visitors. Research findings revealed a strong social will in favor of the good's protection followed by high percentages of positive willingness to pay(WTP). However, WTP is significantly higher among residents. Cultura heritage value, of the good, appears to prevail, along with the environmental one. However, both residents and visitors pointed out that local heritage, if wellpreserved, will boost tourism development. Residents appeared to better recognize the true level o architectural decay, expressed higher apprehension for its protection and were willing to pay higher amount of money. Tourists, on the other side expressed high satisfaction for their visit, appreciated the beauty and serenity emerging from local built and natural environment and spent several days visiting the surrounding area. The longer they stayed and gotfamiliar with the village, the more willing they were to contribute to local heritage's protection. Percentages reflecting indifference for protecting architecture were extremely low. Yet, they were higher among tourists. Traditional architecture is considered as public good; an opinion resulting in an important percentage of visitors stating that national government should provide the necessary funding. In addition, the architecture appears to hold a high level of topicality. Those descending from Sirako or emotionally connected to it, of both social groups,turned out to be more concerned about the good and with a stronger sense of responsibility for it. Usevalue of the good holds high economic value, as well,while higher percentages of zero WTP appeared among non-users. Research findings revealed social attitudes and perceptions on what constitutes architectural heritage, in its cultural and economic frame. If taken under consideration, they may form useful drivers for local, heritage-based, sustainable 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural Heritage Systems Tourism Tourism perceptions Tourism characteristics Development framework Artisan farmers
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