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作者 张革非 《史志林》 2000年第2期18-19,共2页
我虽然不是建筑业的行家里手,但展阅《贵州省志·建筑志》后,越读越有兴趣。思索再三,我觉得建筑业说到底是如何安排人们同自然界的关系,城市建设、农村建设,既要少占耕地,又要有利于生产、生活,巧用山川,美化环境,装点家... 我虽然不是建筑业的行家里手,但展阅《贵州省志·建筑志》后,越读越有兴趣。思索再三,我觉得建筑业说到底是如何安排人们同自然界的关系,城市建设、农村建设,既要少占耕地,又要有利于生产、生活,巧用山川,美化环境,装点家乡,造福人民,促进发展。建筑指导思想是建筑行业的灵魂。建筑志将建筑业的所思所为升华到理性的高度载述出来,由于志书体例所限,尽管少于论说,但实际上这么做了。因而我看《贵州省志·建筑志》是一部绘制贵州发展面貌的美丽画卷。 展开更多
关键词 《贵州省·建筑志 中国 地方 编纂工作 地方特色
作者 汪有盛 《史志林》 2000年第2期1-1,共1页
《贵州省志·建筑志》从1991年成立编纂委员会,1992年7月开始编纂工作至1999年9月,历时7年有余成书问世,这是我省建筑业的一件大事。这部志书的发行,对于我们更好地了解过去,指导未来,促进我省建筑业的更大发展,有着十分重... 《贵州省志·建筑志》从1991年成立编纂委员会,1992年7月开始编纂工作至1999年9月,历时7年有余成书问世,这是我省建筑业的一件大事。这部志书的发行,对于我们更好地了解过去,指导未来,促进我省建筑业的更大发展,有着十分重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 《贵州省·建筑志 中国 地方 编纂工作 篇目设置 资料搜集
作者 吴继武 《史志林》 2000年第2期10-13,共4页
从事建筑教育、行政、政策研究近半个世纪,主力完成贵州《城乡建设志》、《建筑志》两部巨著的沈斐宇同志,要我为《建筑志》写篇书评。心诚意笃,谊满情深,拒之不敬,却之不恭,添在混迹建筑一生本有偏爱,只得惶然命笔,略抒浅见。... 从事建筑教育、行政、政策研究近半个世纪,主力完成贵州《城乡建设志》、《建筑志》两部巨著的沈斐宇同志,要我为《建筑志》写篇书评。心诚意笃,谊满情深,拒之不敬,却之不恭,添在混迹建筑一生本有偏爱,只得惶然命笔,略抒浅见。贵州《建筑志》之编、纂、写、记、录,可圈可点之处甚多,这里只就得益最深者指出三点,以求教于同好。 展开更多
关键词 《贵州省·建筑志 中国 地方 编纂工作
作者 胡世德 《建筑技术》 北大核心 2003年第11期858-858,共1页
关键词 建筑志 北京 黑体字
多面哈尔滨 旧时光里的建筑志
作者 向衡 王亮(图) Marianne Adam Allen(图) 《城市地理》 2021年第1期32-39,共8页
来到哈尔滨,徜徉于不同街道,随处可见的老建筑让人感觉时光回转。那些风格、功能各异的建筑既是哈尔滨百年建城历史的见证者,也是哈尔滨不可忽视的组成部分。可以说,了解了那一幢幢建筑的故事,也就触碰到了哈尔滨的百年过往。在不同游... 来到哈尔滨,徜徉于不同街道,随处可见的老建筑让人感觉时光回转。那些风格、功能各异的建筑既是哈尔滨百年建城历史的见证者,也是哈尔滨不可忽视的组成部分。可以说,了解了那一幢幢建筑的故事,也就触碰到了哈尔滨的百年过往。在不同游人的眼里,哈尔滨大概有一千种城市面貌。对建筑爱好者来说,哈尔滨是研究各类型建筑的理想目的地;对普通游人来说,哈尔滨城市内随处可见的西式建筑与融合建筑、中式建筑汇聚一处,给人耳目一新的感觉。 展开更多
关键词 中式建筑 西式建筑 城市面貌 建筑志 历史的见证 融合建筑 不可忽视 哈尔滨
作者 缴世忠 《史志林》 2000年第2期20-24,共5页
关键词 《贵州省·建筑志 中国 地方 编纂工作 史料
作者 张桂江 《史志林》 2000年第2期14-17,共4页
1999年7月出版的《贵州省志·建筑志》以101万言文字和32页彩色照片展现贵州建筑(营造)业的历史辉煌。作为专志,本书切人的主题是建筑物及建筑业。全书虽仅五篇,却以四篇来记述专业主体,这是专志设计中成功之例。从这本志书可以... 1999年7月出版的《贵州省志·建筑志》以101万言文字和32页彩色照片展现贵州建筑(营造)业的历史辉煌。作为专志,本书切人的主题是建筑物及建筑业。全书虽仅五篇,却以四篇来记述专业主体,这是专志设计中成功之例。从这本志书可以看到上下数千年特别是当代贵州气势恢宏的大厦广宇,也可以看到20万建筑工人及贵州建筑业欣欣向荣的形象。我在为山西重点工程建设志系列丛书之一《古交矿区建设志》作书评时认为: 展开更多
关键词 《贵州省·建筑志 中国 地方 编纂工作 经济效应
《史志林》 2000年第2期2-5,共4页
《贵州省志·建筑志》的编纂起步较晚。1991年11月,省建设厅决定成立省建设专业志编纂委员会,组建省建筑志编辑部。编纂人员在省志办的指导下,参照兄弟省市编写建筑志的篇目,着手草拟我省建筑志的篇目。先后经过6次修改调整,于... 《贵州省志·建筑志》的编纂起步较晚。1991年11月,省建设厅决定成立省建设专业志编纂委员会,组建省建筑志编辑部。编纂人员在省志办的指导下,参照兄弟省市编写建筑志的篇目,着手草拟我省建筑志的篇目。先后经过6次修改调整,于1992年6月经编委会审议通过。篇日计5篇、21章、92节并大事记、文苑、附录等。省建设厅于1992年7月下发建筑志的编纂方案及篇目,编纂工作由是展开。 展开更多
关键词 《贵州省·建筑志 中国 地方 编纂工作 记述范围 领导组织 文献资料
作者 罗德启 《史志林》 2000年第2期6-9,共4页
由贵州省地方志编纂委员会编纂整理、贵州人民出版社出版的《贵州省志·建筑志》(以下称《建筑志》)是贵州省第一部记述建筑方面的专志,它较系统、全面地记述了贵州建筑界的历史沿革、贵州自古迄今的建筑活动及其成果。全书涉及面... 由贵州省地方志编纂委员会编纂整理、贵州人民出版社出版的《贵州省志·建筑志》(以下称《建筑志》)是贵州省第一部记述建筑方面的专志,它较系统、全面地记述了贵州建筑界的历史沿革、贵州自古迄今的建筑活动及其成果。全书涉及面广,资料丰富,立论有据,图文并茂。读者从全书拓展的时空中可以了解到贵州建筑业发展的轨迹;了解到贵州各个不同历史时期的生产力水平和建设文化发展状况; 展开更多
关键词 《贵州省·建筑志 中国 地方 编纂工作 时代特征 地域特点 民族特色
作者 蔡慧琳 王逸凡 +1 位作者 郭屹民 肖潇 《建筑技艺》 2023年第9期105-114,共10页
探讨对“日常”的认知,并以“建筑民族志”为研究方法再现日常行为背后的逻辑秩序,同时引入“行动者网络理论”传达每个地方空间背后都藏有的复杂网络。将标识锁定为集贸市场空间里的其中一个“行动者”,运用地图图绘和建筑记谱法来记... 探讨对“日常”的认知,并以“建筑民族志”为研究方法再现日常行为背后的逻辑秩序,同时引入“行动者网络理论”传达每个地方空间背后都藏有的复杂网络。将标识锁定为集贸市场空间里的其中一个“行动者”,运用地图图绘和建筑记谱法来记录标识在市场里的整体分布,而轴测图则用来展示标识在个案店铺中的空间分布。 展开更多
关键词 日常 建筑民族 行动者网络理论 图绘
泉州铺境及其“场所精神”:一种建筑民族志的视角 被引量:5
作者 王逸凡 张杰 +2 位作者 李滢君 马筱蕾 崔文泰 《建筑学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期97-103,共7页
基于中国城市“场所及场所营造”的概念,通过泉州古城铺境生活模式与韵律所具有的历史连续性来认识传统邻里的“场所精神”;采用“建筑民族志”的图绘研究方法呈现了不同尺度下的空间观察记录、时间-空间分析等图绘以及针对当地邻里日... 基于中国城市“场所及场所营造”的概念,通过泉州古城铺境生活模式与韵律所具有的历史连续性来认识传统邻里的“场所精神”;采用“建筑民族志”的图绘研究方法呈现了不同尺度下的空间观察记录、时间-空间分析等图绘以及针对当地邻里日常实践记录的民族志,涉及铺境传统邻里的世俗活动与信仰活动交织、日常礼俗与节庆仪式交替、纪念功能与场所记忆交错,展现铺境场所营造过程中自上而下的“城市治理”与自下而上的“地方信仰”相叠加的二元性内涵。 展开更多
关键词 场所 传统城市邻里 生活的空间 泉州古城 铺境 建筑民族
建筑图绘中的民俗学想象力——考现学与建筑民族志探索 被引量:7
作者 王逸凡 《建筑学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第8期106-113,共8页
建筑民族志"作为一种基于图绘的研究方法,指向日本近现代建筑中的"考现学"历史线索,其进程一直受到建筑文化研究中民俗学思潮的影响。将建筑民族志置于东西方之间建筑思想传播的视角下开展论述,进而阐明自考现学以来的... 建筑民族志"作为一种基于图绘的研究方法,指向日本近现代建筑中的"考现学"历史线索,其进程一直受到建筑文化研究中民俗学思潮的影响。将建筑民族志置于东西方之间建筑思想传播的视角下开展论述,进而阐明自考现学以来的理论方法创新如何发展为当下建筑学科的国际讨论与知识产生的一个重要部分。 展开更多
关键词 考现学 建筑民族 图绘 民俗学 建筑人类学
What we should know about portal vein thrombosis in cirrhotic patients:A changing perspective 被引量:25
作者 Francesca Romana Ponziani Maria Assunta Zocco +3 位作者 Matteo Garcovich Francesca D'Aversa Davide Roccarina Antonio Gasbarrini 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第36期5014-5020,共7页
Portal vein thrombosis(PVT) is one of the most common complications occurring during the natural course of liver cirrhosis.Even though PVT is often asymptomatic,the worsening of liver function,an unexpected episode of... Portal vein thrombosis(PVT) is one of the most common complications occurring during the natural course of liver cirrhosis.Even though PVT is often asymptomatic,the worsening of liver function,an unexpected episode of gastrointestinal bleeding or ascitic decompensation may be landmarks of PVT development.Beyond these clinical manifestations,it is debated whether PVT really has an impact on liver cirrhosis natural history or rather represents only one of its consequences.Probably PVT development should not only be considered as a matter of impaired blood flow or pro-coagulation tendency.On one hand,PVT seems a consequence of the worsening in portal vein outflow due to the increased hepatic resistance in cirrhotic livers.On the other hand,vascular microthrombosis secondary to necroinflammation may cause liver ischemia and infarction,with loss of hepatic tissue(parenchymal extinction) which is replaced by fibrotic tissue.Therefore,PVT might also be considered as the overt manifestation of the liver fibrosing process evolution and anticoagulant therapy may thus have microscopic indirect effects also on the progression of liver disease.At present,a connection between PVT development and the progression of liver fibrosis/cirrhosis has not yet been demonstrated.Nevertheless,it is not clear if PVT development may worsen cirrhotic patients' outcome by itself.Some authors tried to assess liver transplant benefit in PVT cirrhotic patients but data are contrasting.In this review,we will try to answer these questions,providing a critical analysis of data reported in literature. 展开更多
关键词 Portal vein thrombosis Liver cirrhosis Liver fibrosis Microthrombi SURVIVAL
流变中的场所——泉州铺境的城市治理与日常仪式 被引量:1
作者 王逸凡 张杰 +2 位作者 李滢君 崔文泰 彭思翔 《新建筑》 2022年第1期21-26,共6页
以泉州古城铺境为例,通过城市治理和地方信仰的角度认识传统邻里场所。从铺境的城市管理制度设置出发,提出明清时期帝国的法定里社与地方上的铺境庙之间存在着"当为"与"实为"的关系,行政和信仰系统按各自的体系与... 以泉州古城铺境为例,通过城市治理和地方信仰的角度认识传统邻里场所。从铺境的城市管理制度设置出发,提出明清时期帝国的法定里社与地方上的铺境庙之间存在着"当为"与"实为"的关系,行政和信仰系统按各自的体系与规则运行,共同对城市人口管理、城市财税管理发挥作用,继而分析管理体系如何作用于铺境的用地划分,以及铺境庙中的"礼"如何作用于管理权威的维系。揭示自上而下的"城市治理"和自下而上的"地方信仰"在铺境场所形成中的作用,并探讨其对当下传统城市邻里遗产保护的启示。 展开更多
关键词 城市治理 地方信仰 仪式 泉州古城铺境 建筑民族 遗产保护 社区
Visual attention and clustering-based automatic selection of landmarks using single camera 被引量:1
作者 CHUHO Yi YONGMIN Shin JUNGWON Cho 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第9期3525-3533,共9页
An improved method with better selection capability using a single camera was presented in comparison with previous method. To improve performance, two methods were applied to landmark selection in an unfamiliar indoo... An improved method with better selection capability using a single camera was presented in comparison with previous method. To improve performance, two methods were applied to landmark selection in an unfamiliar indoor environment. First, a modified visual attention method was proposed to automatically select a candidate region as a more useful landmark. In visual attention, candidate landmark regions were selected with different characteristics of ambient color and intensity in the image. Then, the more useful landmarks were selected by combining the candidate regions using clustering. As generally implemented, automatic landmark selection by vision-based simultaneous localization and mapping(SLAM) results in many useless landmarks, because the features of images are distinguished from the surrounding environment but detected repeatedly. These useless landmarks create a serious problem for the SLAM system because they complicate data association. To address this, a method was proposed in which the robot initially collected landmarks through automatic detection while traversing the entire area where the robot performed SLAM, and then, the robot selected only those landmarks that exhibited high rarity through clustering, which enhanced the system performance. Experimental results show that this method of automatic landmark selection results in selection of a high-rarity landmark. The average error of the performance of SLAM decreases 52% compared with conventional methods and the accuracy of data associations increases. 展开更多
关键词 simultaneous localization and mapping automatic landmark selection visual attention CLUSTERING
Fusing Fixed and Hint Landmarks on Crowd Paths for Automatically Constructing Wi-Fi Fingerprint Database 被引量:2
作者 HUANG Zhengyong XIA Jun +3 位作者 YU Hui GUAN Yunfeng GAN Xiaoying LIU Jing 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期11-24,共14页
In typical Wi-Fi based indoor positioning systems employing fingerprint model,plentiful fingerprints need to be trained by trained experts or technician,which extends labor costs and restricts their promotion.In this ... In typical Wi-Fi based indoor positioning systems employing fingerprint model,plentiful fingerprints need to be trained by trained experts or technician,which extends labor costs and restricts their promotion.In this paper,a novel approach based on crowd paths to solve this problem is presented,which collects and constructs automatically fingerprints database for anonymous buildings through common crowd customers.However,the accuracy degradation problem may be introduced as crowd customers are not professional trained and equipped.Therefore,we define two concepts:fixed landmark and hint landmark,to rectify the fingerprint database in the practical system,in which common corridor crossing points serve as fixed landmark and cross point among different crowd paths serve as hint landmark.Machinelearning techniques are utilized for short range approximation around fixed landmarks and fuzzy logic decision technology is applied for searching hint landmarks in crowd traces space.Besides,the particle filter algorithm is also introduced to smooth the sample points in crowd paths.We implemented the approach on off-the-shelf smartphones and evaluate the performance.Experimental results indicate that the approach can availably construct WiFi fingerprint database without reduce the localization accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 indoor localization fingerprint database construction fixed landmarks hint landmarks particle filter algorithm
Construction of a Normalized Full-Length cDNA Library of Cephalopod Amphioctopus fangsiao and Development of Microsatellite Markers 被引量:1
作者 FENG Yanwei LIU Wenfen +5 位作者 XU Xin YANG Jianmin WANG Weijun WEI Xiumei LIU Xiangquan SUN Guohua 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期897-904,共8页
Amphioctopus fangsiao is one of the most economically important species and has been considered to be a candidate for aquaculture. In order to facilitate its fine-scale genetic analyses, we constructed a normalized fu... Amphioctopus fangsiao is one of the most economically important species and has been considered to be a candidate for aquaculture. In order to facilitate its fine-scale genetic analyses, we constructed a normalized full-length library successfully and developed a set of microsatellite markers in this study. The normalized full-length library had a storage capacity of 6.9×105 independent clones. The recombination efficiency was 95% and the average size of inserted fragments was longer than 1000 bp. A total of 3440 high quality ESTs were obtained, which were assembled into 1803 unigenes. Of these unigenes, 450(25%) were assigned into 33 Gene Ontology terms, 576(31.9%) into 153 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways, and 275(15.3%) into 22 Clusters of Orthologous Groups. Seventy-six polymorphic microsatellite markers were identified. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 4 to 17, and the observed and expected heterozygosities varied between 0.167 and 0.967 and between 0.326 and 0.944, respectively. Twelve loci were significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction and no linkage disequilibrium was found between different loci. This study provided not only a useful resource for the isolation of the functional genes, but also a set of informative microsatellites for the assessment of population structure and conservation genetics of A. fangsiao. 展开更多
关键词 microsatellite ESTs polymorphic informative normalized length alleles isolation aquaculture linkage
Application Research on Standardization of Sign Design in Landscape Architecture
作者 Li Tiejin Mou Yue 《China Standardization》 2009年第3期40-45,共6页
To illustrate the irregular and non-standardized sign design in the landscape architecture,itis necessary to research the history of landscape architecture and the function of signs.Design of signs inlandscape archite... To illustrate the irregular and non-standardized sign design in the landscape architecture,itis necessary to research the history of landscape architecture and the function of signs.Design of signs inlandscape architecture is a practical system.The guidance system is an essential part of it,and aestheticand art is second to the guidance system.Likewise,aesthetic and art could not highlight the achievement ofart and personality,and design of signs could not separate from the guidance system.In China,nowadays,standardization of sign design in landscape architecture should break down language and cultural barriers,as well as bringing International style and carrying Chinese characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 landscape architecture sign standardization guidance system
The Study of Village Architecture and the Development of Ancient Villages:Taking Pazhou Ancient Village in Guangzhou as Research Object
作者 ZHONG Hai-yan LI Qiu-yu 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第9期1223-1228,共6页
Pazhou village, which is a small village located in the southeast edge of Guangzhou, naming is because of the village resembles shape of Pipa. In periods of Song and Yuan Dynasty, it had become important geographical ... Pazhou village, which is a small village located in the southeast edge of Guangzhou, naming is because of the village resembles shape of Pipa. In periods of Song and Yuan Dynasty, it had become important geographical indication and port wharf of Guangzhou, because it is located in the main waterway. In Ming Dynasty, Pazhou Tower had become the symbol of the country in local area which was built by Guangzhou gentry. After Qing dynasty, with the raise of Ancient Huangpu Harbor, Pazhou village had a greater influence. Pazhou Tower and Temple had become well-known scenic local attractions, which was one of the "Eight Top Scenic Spots in Guangzhou". 展开更多
关键词 ancient villages ARCHITECTURE Pazhou Village
The Story Behind the Images:Photographer Li Shaobai and His “Invisible Series”
作者 staff reporter Wang Feng 《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2006年第10期26-31,共6页
My camera lens is so illusionary that the authenticity of the Forbidden City is fading away. And my perspective is as narrow as an awl which slowly stings into the profundity of history... —Li
关键词 李少白 摄影家 摄影作品 中国传统标建筑 故宫 摄影风格
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