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节能建筑全寿命周期成本研究 被引量:5
作者 沈苾文 张英 《建筑技术》 2012年第2期153-157,共5页
通过对建筑产品生命期能耗成本评估分析,建立现金流的寿命期经济效益分析模型。结合工程实例,运用造价和经济原理计算分析节能投入前后建筑物寿命期费用变化,从技术、经济和管理角度分析,得出同寿命期时,总成本现值随折现率的增大而减小... 通过对建筑产品生命期能耗成本评估分析,建立现金流的寿命期经济效益分析模型。结合工程实例,运用造价和经济原理计算分析节能投入前后建筑物寿命期费用变化,从技术、经济和管理角度分析,得出同寿命期时,总成本现值随折现率的增大而减小,总成本年值随折现率的增大而增加;相同折现率时,总成本现值随寿命期的增大而增加,实证了优化建筑能耗带来的寿命期收益。 展开更多
关键词 建筑能耗 成本评估 建筑物寿命 节能建筑
长春伪满时期建筑的调查与研究 被引量:1
作者 张曦元 《南方建筑》 2006年第4期120-122,共3页
关键词 满洲时建筑 折衷主义 利用
浅析严寒地区近零能耗建筑末寒期低温间歇采暖运行方式 被引量:3
作者 陈颖 《砖瓦》 2020年第10期68-68,70,共2页
结合建筑工程项目特点,研究严寒地区近零能耗工程项目的设计方案,总结严寒地区近零能耗建筑末寒期低温间歇采暖方法,旨在通过科学化采暖方案以及施工项目的设计,提高严寒地区近零能耗建筑末寒期低温间歇采暖工程的质量,为建筑行业的可... 结合建筑工程项目特点,研究严寒地区近零能耗工程项目的设计方案,总结严寒地区近零能耗建筑末寒期低温间歇采暖方法,旨在通过科学化采暖方案以及施工项目的设计,提高严寒地区近零能耗建筑末寒期低温间歇采暖工程的质量,为建筑行业的可持续发展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 严寒地区 近零能耗 建筑末寒 低温间歇采暖
作者 朱俊飞 陈刚 《广西城镇建设》 2011年第7期37-42,共6页
在实证说明建筑节能潜力巨大的基础上,阐述建筑全寿命期的理念及典型特征,分析建筑能耗费用与建筑全寿命期费用的辩证关系,探讨建筑节能在建筑全寿命期决策中的作用和地位,辨析得出建筑节能处于可有可无的地位、从属地位、主导地位、核... 在实证说明建筑节能潜力巨大的基础上,阐述建筑全寿命期的理念及典型特征,分析建筑能耗费用与建筑全寿命期费用的辩证关系,探讨建筑节能在建筑全寿命期决策中的作用和地位,辨析得出建筑节能处于可有可无的地位、从属地位、主导地位、核心地位的四阶段地位变迁进程,呼吁建筑节能尽早进入建筑全寿命期决策的核心地位。 展开更多
关键词 建筑节能 建筑全寿命 作用和地位
数字人文导向的体育建筑全寿命期智慧化整合设计方法框架 被引量:1
作者 郑方 《当代建筑》 2022年第12期36-39,共4页
通过数字技术提升场馆室内外的空间性能和环境性能,在环境友好和绿色低碳的基础上,服务于运动员的运动体验和观众的观赛体验,是当今体育建筑设计的关键目标之一。本文尝试从数字人文视角出发,在场地、建筑、专项三个方面,探讨针对体育... 通过数字技术提升场馆室内外的空间性能和环境性能,在环境友好和绿色低碳的基础上,服务于运动员的运动体验和观众的观赛体验,是当今体育建筑设计的关键目标之一。本文尝试从数字人文视角出发,在场地、建筑、专项三个方面,探讨针对体育建筑全寿命期的智慧化整合设计方法。 展开更多
关键词 数字人文 建筑全寿命 整合设计
作者 杨博元 周振国 +1 位作者 高小雨 周平洋 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2023年第3期118-120,共3页
城市作为实现“碳达峰、碳中和”目标的主要载体,为实现“双碳”目标建筑业首当其冲。随着BIM 技术逐渐在我国建筑业得到广泛的应用,将 BIM 技术应用于低碳建筑建设能够更好地响应“双碳”号召,实现行业的可持续性发展。由于公共建筑具... 城市作为实现“碳达峰、碳中和”目标的主要载体,为实现“双碳”目标建筑业首当其冲。随着BIM 技术逐渐在我国建筑业得到广泛的应用,将 BIM 技术应用于低碳建筑建设能够更好地响应“双碳”号召,实现行业的可持续性发展。由于公共建筑具有公益性,投资主体一般为政府,具有较强的示范作用,因此本文从BIM技术、碳排放的计算和优化理论,分析研究了新建公共建筑与存量公共建筑的碳排放优化方案,对于新建公共建筑重点应在设计阶段利用BIM技术精确计算全生命期的碳排放方案,并进行优化;存量公共建筑重点应利用BIM技术精准测算碳排放量,结合公共建筑碳交易的责任划分,促进业主对存量公共建筑进行改造,从多维度上减少碳排放。 展开更多
关键词 BIM技术 “双碳”目标 建筑全寿命 碳排放计算
作者 卢庆旼 《新建筑》 2014年第4期86-90,共5页
对中国和韩国近代建筑史分期方案按三个层次展开比较研究。首先,分析中国与韩国近代建筑史分期研究的时限问题;其次,分析中韩两国近代建筑史分期研究过程,以及中韩两国近代建筑史分期研究方法的共同视角;最后,总结上述研究并指出,中韩... 对中国和韩国近代建筑史分期方案按三个层次展开比较研究。首先,分析中国与韩国近代建筑史分期研究的时限问题;其次,分析中韩两国近代建筑史分期研究过程,以及中韩两国近代建筑史分期研究方法的共同视角;最后,总结上述研究并指出,中韩近代化过程还有一点很相似,即国家间的海路、铁路等交通手段的开发引起了资本主义市场领域的扩展,构成了新的文化圈。 展开更多
关键词 近代建筑历史分 中国近代建筑 韩国近代建筑 建筑样式 建筑
作者 郑金泉 《河南建材》 2015年第6期100-101,共2页
关键词 建筑工程施工 消防 火灾 消防系统
作者 黎俊英 《四川建材》 2008年第3期281-281,288,共2页
近年来,越来越多的中、大型工程逐步进入了一个科学化,人性化的时代,施工的前期能依计划中进行,而不重视后期施工管理,这对我们管理人员而言是一个误区,要狠抓后期施工管理,做到"组织有序、计划得当、领导有方、控制有力"的... 近年来,越来越多的中、大型工程逐步进入了一个科学化,人性化的时代,施工的前期能依计划中进行,而不重视后期施工管理,这对我们管理人员而言是一个误区,要狠抓后期施工管理,做到"组织有序、计划得当、领导有方、控制有力"的后期管理模式,本文将介绍建筑工程后期施工管理工作的特点、经验和具体措施。 展开更多
关键词 建筑工程后 施工管理 具体措施
作者 李大萍 《经济技术协作信息》 2008年第17期149-149,共1页
《建筑工程冬期施工规程》(JGJ104—97)规范规定,当室外日平均气温连续5天稳定低于5℃即进入冬期施工,在工程建设施工过程中,受自然气候的影响,加之工程建设的进度需要,有时不可避免的要进行冬期施工,若采取的措施不当,会给施... 《建筑工程冬期施工规程》(JGJ104—97)规范规定,当室外日平均气温连续5天稳定低于5℃即进入冬期施工,在工程建设施工过程中,受自然气候的影响,加之工程建设的进度需要,有时不可避免的要进行冬期施工,若采取的措施不当,会给施工的工程带来不利的影响,极易给工程质量造成隐患或出现质量事故,本文就冬期施工前及施工过程注意的问题进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 现场施工 施工技术 工程质量 建筑工程冬施工规程》
太阳能热水系统在建筑全寿命期的经济效益评价研究 被引量:4
作者 卢梅 王贤君 王怡 《建筑经济》 北大核心 2013年第1期98-101,共4页
综合考虑设备安装及更新,能源价格上涨,集热器集热率和管道损失率变化,使用过程中的维修、清理、保温、运行,更换设备时的残值以及拆除费用等因素,建立太阳能热水系统在建筑全寿命期的经济性评价模型,并用案例对所建模型进行分析验证。... 综合考虑设备安装及更新,能源价格上涨,集热器集热率和管道损失率变化,使用过程中的维修、清理、保温、运行,更换设备时的残值以及拆除费用等因素,建立太阳能热水系统在建筑全寿命期的经济性评价模型,并用案例对所建模型进行分析验证。结果表明,太阳能热水系统在建筑全寿命期内是经济可行的。 展开更多
关键词 太阳能热水系统 建筑全寿命 经济效益评价
作者 星河 《中外房地产导报》 1998年第23期51-52,共2页
由于房地产商品价值大,房地产业与金融性的高度融合性,以及市场的发育完善导致的竞争加剧等原因,房地产市场上购买商品房的付款方式发生了变化,一改过去一手交钱一手交货的传统方式,产生了多种付款方式,现对目前市场上的付款方式进行分... 由于房地产商品价值大,房地产业与金融性的高度融合性,以及市场的发育完善导致的竞争加剧等原因,房地产市场上购买商品房的付款方式发生了变化,一改过去一手交钱一手交货的传统方式,产生了多种付款方式,现对目前市场上的付款方式进行分析,以求最佳付款方式。 展开更多
关键词 付款方式 购房者 发展商 建筑期 银行按揭 免息 付款 付定金 楼盘 房地产买卖
作者 陈黎 《外向经济》 1996年第11期26-26,共1页
按揭一词,从广义上来说,包括任何形式的质押和抵押;从狭义上来看,则不包括抵押,是指属主、业主或归属主将其物业转让于按揭受益人作为还款保证,还款后,按揭受益人将属主权、业主权或归属主权转让回予按揭人。目前,香港有银行154家,其分... 按揭一词,从广义上来说,包括任何形式的质押和抵押;从狭义上来看,则不包括抵押,是指属主、业主或归属主将其物业转让于按揭受益人作为还款保证,还款后,按揭受益人将属主权、业主权或归属主权转让回予按揭人。目前,香港有银行154家,其分支机构超过1400间。在香港,房地产业所占用的银行资金,高达香港银行放贷的1/4,其按揭业务非常兴隆。 一、按揭贷款在香港房地产金融中心的特殊作用 香港金融业向房地产提供信贷,主要采取按揭贷款的形式,其作用表现在以下三个方面: 1、取得按揭贷款能提高房地产商自有资本的效能。 香港房地产商要营建房地产项目,在他以自有资金支付买地的定金后,其余地价款的大部分来自银行按揭贷款。房地产商买下土地后,以自有资金完成基础工程,至于房屋建筑工程所需资金,又可向银行贷款,条件是把要建的楼宇抵押给银行。买地贷款和建筑贷款往往在买地前后就与银行一次性谈妥。 展开更多
关键词 香港房地产 按揭贷款 房地产商 楼宇按揭 还款 促销 建筑期 抵押 最优惠利率 楼价
Application of system dynamics for assessment of sustainable performance of construction projects 被引量:10
作者 SHENL.Y. 吴宇哲 +1 位作者 CHANE.H.W. HAOJ.L. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第4期339-349,共11页
Sustainable performance is expected to become a major factor when examining the feasibility of a construction project in terms of its life cycle performance. The study on which this paper is based developed a simulati... Sustainable performance is expected to become a major factor when examining the feasibility of a construction project in terms of its life cycle performance. The study on which this paper is based developed a simulation model, using system dy- namics methodology, to assess the sustainable performance of projects. Three major factors are used to examine project sus- tainable performance (PSP): the sustainability of economic development (E), the sustainability of social development (S), and the sustainability of environmental development (En). Sustainable development ability (SDA) was used as a prototype to evaluate the degree of sustainable performance. The simulation software ‘ithink’ was used to help with the application of the model to a real life case. This paper explains and demonstrates the procedures used to develop the model and finally offers an approach for assessing the feasibility of a construction project in terms of its sustainable performance. 展开更多
关键词 Construction project Project life cycle Project sustainable performance (PSP) Sustainable development ability(SDA) System dynamics Simulation
Dynamic response characteristics of super high-rise buildings subjected to long-period ground motions 被引量:4
作者 陈清军 袁伟泽 +1 位作者 李英成 曹丽雅 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期1341-1353,共13页
Spectrum characteristics of different types of seismic waves and dynamic response characteristics of super high-rise building structures under long-period ground motions were comparatively analyzed. First, the ground ... Spectrum characteristics of different types of seismic waves and dynamic response characteristics of super high-rise building structures under long-period ground motions were comparatively analyzed. First, the ground response wave (named LS-R wave) of a soft soil site with deep deposit, taking long-period bedrock seismic record as input, was calculated by wave propagation method. After that, a TOMAKOMAI station long-period seismic record from the Tokachi-Oki earthquake and conventional E1-Centro wave were also chosen. Spectrum characteristics of these waves were analyzed and compared. Then, a series of shaking table tests were performed on a 1:50 scale super high-rise structural model under these seismic waves. Furthermore, numerical simulation of the prototype structure under these excitations was conducted, and structure damages under different intensive ground motions were discussed. The results show that: 1) Spectrum characteristics of ground response wave are significantly influenced by soft soil site with deep deposit, and the predominant period has an increasing trend. 2) The maximum acceleration amplification factor of the structure under the TOM wave is two times that under the E1-Centro wave; while the maximum displacement response of the structure under the TOM wave is 4.4 times that under the E1-Centro wave. Long-period ground motions show greater influences on displacement responses than acceleration responses for super high-rise building structures. 3) Most inelastic damage occurs at the upper 1/3 part of the super high-rise building when subjected to long-period ground motions. 展开更多
关键词 long-period ground motion super high-rise building shaking table model test numerical simulation spectrumcharacteristic analysis
IFC implementation in lifecycle costing 被引量:7
作者 Charlie Fu Ghassan Aouad +2 位作者 Amanda Marshall Ponting Angela Lee Song Wu 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第4期437-441,共5页
Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is always a major concern in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. This paper presents the implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology in the deve... Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is always a major concern in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. This paper presents the implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology in the development of a lifecycle cost-estimating tool. The IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) model as an interoperable building information model has been adopted as the central data repository to deliver the integrated information of building designs from CAD design systems into the lifecycle-costing database. In this paper, the conceptions and relevant factors, which could affect the LCC estimation, have been introduced. The problems of current LCC applications have been identified as the lack of LCC data and the complexity of LCC exercises. The software application of IFC models and relevant auxiliary are depicted as a solution of the problem identified. The lifecycle costing tool is a part of the nD Modeling tool and as such is based on its integrated interface prototype toolkit and is able to holistically present an IFC model into a 3D virtual reality view, a tree-view and a list of element properties. The functions and some technical points are also detailed in the paper. Through the research, it demonstrates the potential and possibility of implementing BIM methods and techniques, particularly IFCs to enhance the computer applications in the processes of building construction and facility management. 展开更多
关键词 AEC industry life cycle costing building information modeling industry foundation classes
Pioneers for the Study on Yangshi Lei
作者 张威 李晓丹 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2003年第3期256-259,共4页
The architectural graphics and archives of Yangshi Lei collected in the National Library of China and other institutions are of great importance for the research on the architectural history of China. This paper intro... The architectural graphics and archives of Yangshi Lei collected in the National Library of China and other institutions are of great importance for the research on the architectural history of China. This paper introduces the pioneers for the study on Yangshi Lei and their innovative checkup and research work. 展开更多
关键词 Yangshi Lei the Society for the Research in Chinese Architecture CONTRIBUTIONS COMMENTARY
Simulating the particle size distribution of rockfill materials based on its statistical regularity
作者 阎宗岭 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2003年第2期20-23,共4页
The particle size distribution of rockfill is studied by using granular mechanics, mesomechanics and probability statistics to reveal the relationship of the distribution of particle size to that of the potential ener... The particle size distribution of rockfill is studied by using granular mechanics, mesomechanics and probability statistics to reveal the relationship of the distribution of particle size to that of the potential energy intensity before fragmentation, which finds out that the potential energy density has a linear relation to the logarithm of particle size and deduces that the distribution of the logarithm of particle size conforms to normal distribution because the distribution of the potential energy density does so. Based on this finding and by including the energy principle of rock fragmentation, the logarithm distribution model of particle size is formulated, which uncovers the natural characteristics of particle sizes on statistical distribution. Exploring the properties of the average value, the expectation, and the unbiased variance of particle size indicates that the expectation does notequal to the average value, but increases with increasing particle size and its ununiformity, and is always larger than the average value, and the unbiased variance increases as the ununiformity and geometric average value increase. A case study proves that the simulated results by the proposed logarithm distribution model accord with the actual data. It is concluded that the logarithm distribution model and Kuz-Ram model can be used to forecast the particle-size distribution of inartificial rockfill while for blasted rockfill, Kuz-Ram model is an option, and in combined application of the two models, it is necessary to do field tests to adjust some parameters of the model. 展开更多
关键词 ROCKFILL particle size probability statistics distribution characteristics
Architectural and Urban Communication in Social Identity: The Case Study of Agadir Morocco: From Colonial Preponderance to Renaissance Which Social Identity?
作者 Amal Ben Attou 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1383-1390,共8页
This paper proposes the architectural communication as a socio-spatial identification, and a channel for the politico-patrimonial dialogue in a determined territory which is in this case the south Moroccan city of Aga... This paper proposes the architectural communication as a socio-spatial identification, and a channel for the politico-patrimonial dialogue in a determined territory which is in this case the south Moroccan city of Agadir. By analyzing Agadir's urbanistic and architectural content thorough ages, we find ourselves involved in an enthralling and passionate debate concerning two important aspects. The first is the historical temporality of the city's architectural and urbanistic changes. In other words, it is the different architectural transformation related to the political transmutations that Agadir has witnessed since the Portugal settlement until the after earthquake of 1960. While the second is about the perception toward the architectural oeuvre deeply settled in the territory and the memory of the city's designers. This aspect is linked to the society's perception toward the architectural-urban transformations in their territory. In our paper, we are going to focus on two major architectural and urbanistic ages in the history of Agadir. The first period we are going to approach is the architectural and urbanistic features of Agadir during French settlement. The second period is Agadir's architectural renaissance after 1960s earthquakes. Since the core of our study is the architectural acts, it is definitely a matter of interpretation related to the philosophical, mental and ideological representation of the city's architecture and urbanism either by those who artistically invented Agadir during colonialism or those who reinvented Agadir after 1960s earthquakes. Do urbanism and architecture represent for Agadir, a power, a doctrine or a savoir-faire? Can we affirm that Agadir's architecture is truly reflecting the image of its society? Is this society in itself immersed sufficiently in its architecture? Several hypotheses are possible in this research. Nevertheless, the fact that in this paper we use communication as a vehicle to establish a dialogue between arts, politics and socio-ideologic and territorial governance makes us recognize the different bridging relationships between the architectural action, the political and urbanistic content represented in the architectural expression. It also helps us to discover and analyze the ideologies that lead the architects during their conception. Finally, is this architecture which normally must represent the society in tempo-spatial territory admitted by the local citizens? All these are lines of research we are going to shed light on in this paper. 展开更多
The Palmanova Cantonments: Conservation, Value-Enhancement and Transformation for an Integrated and Overall Regeneration
作者 Maria Paola Gatti Giovanni Russo Luca Zecchin 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第6期559-570,共12页
Italian military real-estate is highly varied as regards its location, intended uses, its typological, stylistic, and constructive features and its state of conservation. What historical and documental value can we at... Italian military real-estate is highly varied as regards its location, intended uses, its typological, stylistic, and constructive features and its state of conservation. What historical and documental value can we attribute to the typological and technical aspects of military buildings? What problems and strategies have to be studied before such buildings can be repurposed for inclusion into a circuit of social and civil uses? Some attempts were made to answer these questions by analysing the military real estate of Palmanova, the fortress city founded by the Serenissima Republic of Venice in 1593, a city designed by engineers, military analysts, and expert military architects all answerable to the Fortifications Office of Venice. There are a number of barracks situated inside the city's fortified walls, within a somewhat confined area: Montezemolo, Isonzo, Ederle, Filzi, Montesanto and others in outlying villages. Barracks built in different periods (some during the Renaissance, others in the eighteenth century and some even after the Second World War) have been gradually phased out of service. Their restoration and functional leverage, in the early years of this century, were discussed in terms of an economic and cultural strategy that would not upset the city. New regeneration strategies are called for if these abandoned military structures are not to undergo further deterioration. These strategies should be based upon a knowledge of these structures' features--their layout, architecture, technologies--and should also embrace local policies, but first and foremost they require real, contextualized and economically sustainable projects. 展开更多
关键词 FORTRESS decommissioning SECURITIZATION value-enhancement CONSERVATION regeneration.
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