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作者 洪祥瑾 朱志军 +1 位作者 蔡云楠 李开猛 《南方建筑》 2005年第5期19-21,共3页
关键词 活力街区 唐山市建设路 城市设计 城市活力 城市设计 市中心区 建设 唐山 街区 城市土地利用 可持续发展 经济规律
作者 顾水根 阚天 《新疆金融》 2004年第5期62-62,共1页
农行新疆兵团分行营业部建设路支行营业处位于乌鲁木齐市的建设路上,这条距离不到3公里长的大街两旁树立着大小10余家金融机构。外表看并不起眼的建设路支行营业处全体女职工在激烈的金融市场竞争中,不甘势弱,尽显出女性所特有的风... 农行新疆兵团分行营业部建设路支行营业处位于乌鲁木齐市的建设路上,这条距离不到3公里长的大街两旁树立着大小10余家金融机构。外表看并不起眼的建设路支行营业处全体女职工在激烈的金融市场竞争中,不甘势弱,尽显出女性所特有的风采,在全疆打出了响当当的农行品牌。 展开更多
关键词 农业银行新疆兵团分行营业部 建设路支行营业处 服务质量 业务素质 “先进女职工班组”
《中小学教育与管理》 2006年第4期F0002-F0002,I0001,共2页
秦皇岛市建设路小学始建于1975年,2001年改建。学校占地面积1万多平方米.固定资产2000多万元,设小学,幼儿两部。共有教学班31个,在校生1500多人,教职工100余人。学校拥有优越的师资环境和丰富的现代教育技术资源,已初步实现了学... 秦皇岛市建设路小学始建于1975年,2001年改建。学校占地面积1万多平方米.固定资产2000多万元,设小学,幼儿两部。共有教学班31个,在校生1500多人,教职工100余人。学校拥有优越的师资环境和丰富的现代教育技术资源,已初步实现了学校教育的现代化,是省内知名的科研先导型实验学控和示范性小学。 展开更多
关键词 秦皇岛市 固定资产 占地面积 建设路小学 师资力量 办学特色
作者 张春朗 安治民 《视听》 2014年第8期120-122,共3页
城市文化国际化作为城市国际化发展的重要组成部分,是一个城市软实力的重要体现。深圳作为我国改革开放的前沿阵地,不仅在短短30年左右的时间里创造了我国城市发展的奇迹,而且在全国较早提出了"建设国际性城市"1的发展目标,... 城市文化国际化作为城市国际化发展的重要组成部分,是一个城市软实力的重要体现。深圳作为我国改革开放的前沿阵地,不仅在短短30年左右的时间里创造了我国城市发展的奇迹,而且在全国较早提出了"建设国际性城市"1的发展目标,并先后以"文化立市"、"文化强市"的文化整体发展战略,从城市文化精神、公共设施建设、文化创意产业等多个方面积极推动了城市文化国际化建设,取得了显著成效。但是,与伦敦、纽约、 展开更多
关键词 城市文化 城市软实力 城市国际化 整体发展战略 文化创意产业 国际化建设 城市发展 大众传媒 建设路
作者 孟祥钰 《智库时代》 2019年第48期23-24,共2页
新时期,基层党组织建设已经成为党建工作的重中之重。基层组织作为反映民意、推进党组织建设的基本一直以来都受到国家的重视和支持,但是在基层党组织发展的过程中,由于一些环境和人事方面的限制,基层党组织建设常常会出现或多或少的问... 新时期,基层党组织建设已经成为党建工作的重中之重。基层组织作为反映民意、推进党组织建设的基本一直以来都受到国家的重视和支持,但是在基层党组织发展的过程中,由于一些环境和人事方面的限制,基层党组织建设常常会出现或多或少的问题,进而导致整个基层党组织在推动工作的过程中无法达成预期的效果,使得基层党组织没有办法更好地发展和壮大。本文将从新形势下基层党组织应当如何进行建设进行详细的论述,提供一些解决基层党组织现存问题的方法以做借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 新形势 基层党组织 建设路经研究
作者 高飞 《小学教育科研论坛》 2004年第7期11-11,共1页
<正>《小学教育科研论坛》郑州市中原区建设路第一小学工作站举行挂牌仪式。《论坛》河南工作站名誉站长张昊光教授、胡成良先生,郑州市中原区教文体局教科室主任张金梅等出席了挂牌仪式。张昊光教授宣布《小学教育科研论坛》河... <正>《小学教育科研论坛》郑州市中原区建设路第一小学工作站举行挂牌仪式。《论坛》河南工作站名誉站长张昊光教授、胡成良先生,郑州市中原区教文体局教科室主任张金梅等出席了挂牌仪式。张昊光教授宣布《小学教育科研论坛》河南工作站“关于建立郑州市中原区建设路第一小学工作站的意见”;胡成良先生宣读了“关于陈玉兰同志任工作站站长、李跃红同志任工作站副站长的决定”。并有14位教师被确定为《小学教育科研论坛》特约研究员和特约记者。 展开更多
关键词 《小学教育科研论坛》 郑州 建设路第一小学 工作站
作者 高占青 《小学教育科研论坛》 2004年第1期78-78,77,共2页
我怀着万分欣喜的心情,跨进了郑州市中原区建设路第一小学的大门,找到陈玉兰校长。我说明来意,作为小学教育战线惟一当选为郑州市“十大科技女杰”的李跃红同志,正是该校的副校长。我作为在教育战线工作了几十年的老同志,再也按捺... 我怀着万分欣喜的心情,跨进了郑州市中原区建设路第一小学的大门,找到陈玉兰校长。我说明来意,作为小学教育战线惟一当选为郑州市“十大科技女杰”的李跃红同志,正是该校的副校长。我作为在教育战线工作了几十年的老同志,再也按捺不住内心的激动,想通过陈校长了解一下李跃红老师的详细情况。 展开更多
关键词 郑州 中原区 建设路一小 陈玉兰 人物访谈 李跃红 小学 数学教师 教书育人
浅析城市地下综合管廊建设规划要点 被引量:1
作者 许震 《建设科技》 2017年第5期61-62,共2页
随着城市化进程的快速发展,城市传统基础设施渐已不能满足城市发展的需求,近年来,城市地下综合管廊的发展丰富和完善了城市基础设施的建设,强化了城市基础设施布局,提升了城市基础设施的服务功能。本文通过宿州市综合管廊建设规划为例,... 随着城市化进程的快速发展,城市传统基础设施渐已不能满足城市发展的需求,近年来,城市地下综合管廊的发展丰富和完善了城市基础设施的建设,强化了城市基础设施布局,提升了城市基础设施的服务功能。本文通过宿州市综合管廊建设规划为例,阐述了综合管廊专项规划编制过程的四个要点,分别是建设路由、三维控制线、建设时序、投资估算。 展开更多
关键词 综合管廊 建设路 三维控制线 建设时序 投资估算
深化教学改革 争创艺术名校
作者 张忠振 李巧花 汪金福 《农村农业农民》 2003年第1期43-43,共1页
郑州市中原区建设路第六小学自1997年以来承担着省市立项的速写实验、中原区的素质教育试点、综合实践活动课试点和一年级数学课程改革试验。该校经过努力,取得了丰硕成果:科研课题获全国和省市优秀论文30余篇,美术作品不仅在国内获奖,... 郑州市中原区建设路第六小学自1997年以来承担着省市立项的速写实验、中原区的素质教育试点、综合实践活动课试点和一年级数学课程改革试验。该校经过努力,取得了丰硕成果:科研课题获全国和省市优秀论文30余篇,美术作品不仅在国内获奖,在国际上还获得21枚金牌、50多枚银牌和铜牌;摄影小组的作品获世界和平杯金奖、银奖、铜奖等。学校先后获得'郑州市文明学校'、'郑州市手拉手优秀联谊学校'、'郑州市五一劳动奖章'等荣誉。学校党支部被评为五好党支部。更新观念,认识到位。如何实施素质教育,把学校办成一所具有特色的学校,为祖国培养合格人才?校长兼党支部书记孙淑萍认真组织教职员工学习'中共中央关于深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育的决定' 展开更多
关键词 教学改革 郑州市 中原区建设路第六小学 教学课程
作者 陆亿 《成长》 2020年第10期15-15,共1页
就业诚信教育对社会、高职院校以及学生群体的重要性不言而喻。严峻的就业形势、不完善的社会信用体系,以及互联网高速发展带来的颠覆性交易方式等多方面的因素,直接或间接导致高职院校部分学生就业诚信缺失。本文系统分析就业诚信教育... 就业诚信教育对社会、高职院校以及学生群体的重要性不言而喻。严峻的就业形势、不完善的社会信用体系,以及互联网高速发展带来的颠覆性交易方式等多方面的因素,直接或间接导致高职院校部分学生就业诚信缺失。本文系统分析就业诚信教育的内涵及其对高职院校、学生主体的影响,探索从生源差异、教育体系以及个人就业竞争力等方面,系统实施面向高职院校毕业生的就业诚信教育的方法。 展开更多
关键词 就业诚信教育 就业诚信教育的意义 建设路
Design of Aided Decision-Making Program for Prioritizing Construction Projects in Urban Road Network Planning
作者 任刚 王炜 顾志康 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第3期249-253,共5页
The importance and complexity of prioritizing construction projects (PCP) in urban road network planning lead to the necessity to develop an aided decision making program (ADMP). Cost benefit ratio model and stage rol... The importance and complexity of prioritizing construction projects (PCP) in urban road network planning lead to the necessity to develop an aided decision making program (ADMP). Cost benefit ratio model and stage rolled method are chosen as the theoretical foundations of the program, and then benefit model is improved to accord with the actuality of urban traffic in China. Consequently, program flows, module functions and data structures are designed, and particularly an original data structure of road ... 展开更多
关键词 prioritizing construction projects program design urban road network planning aided decision making
Application of New-type Soil Stabilizer Q2 in Subgrade Construction 被引量:1
作者 田鹏 唐存莲 +1 位作者 陈强 卢惠芳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第2期384-390,共7页
The research analyzed characters of soil stabilizer and detailed the solidification mechanism.Furthermore,new type soil stabilizer Q2 was used in a base of Beijing Vocational College of Agriculture and a solidified ro... The research analyzed characters of soil stabilizer and detailed the solidification mechanism.Furthermore,new type soil stabilizer Q2 was used in a base of Beijing Vocational College of Agriculture and a solidified road with length of 250 m,width of 4 m and thickness of 0.25 m were constructed.The road was tested with an agricultural truck and subgrade tolerance to freezing was tested also.It is suggested that new type soil stabilizer would reduce construction cost of road,protect environment,and reduce construction period,with high value of application. 展开更多
关键词 Soil stabilizer Q2 Construction of subgrade APPLICATION
Scale-free Structure of Town Road Network in Southern Jiangsu Province of China 被引量:1
作者 SU Weizhong YANG Guishan +1 位作者 YAO Shimou YANG Yingbao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期311-316,共6页
From the viewpoint of Graph Theory this paper builds a town road network graph of regional scale, and proposes numerical vertex degree (Di), rank vertex degree (Dr) and population size vertex degree (Dp) on the ... From the viewpoint of Graph Theory this paper builds a town road network graph of regional scale, and proposes numerical vertex degree (Di), rank vertex degree (Dr) and population size vertex degree (Dp) on the base of vertex degree (D). Then the indicators of Di, Dr, Op and mathematical statistics methods are applied to investigating scale-free structure of town road networks in the southern Jiangsu Province. The results show that the distribution of Oi does not exhibit scale-free properties, but Dr and Dp do. Additionally the correlation coefficient between Dp and Di is only 0.569, but the spatial correlation between Dp and Dr is very evident on the base of correlation analysis and spatial analysis of GIS. The mutual mechanism between Dp and Dr spatially represents a "Core-Belt" model of town development of regional scale. The town development model is open and clustered, and beneficial to both economic development and ecological protection. And then we suggest that Suzhou City, Wuxi City, Changzhou City and Wujin City control towns' high-density pattern by conducting centralization and consolidation policies, and properly controlling and planning higher rank roads; whereas Nanjing City, Zhenjiang City, Jintan City and Liyang City must strengthen the development of towns along higher rank roads. 展开更多
关键词 town road network vertex degree scale-free structure southern Jiangsu Province (Sunan)
Anthropogenic Impacts on the Sediment Flux in the Dry-hot Valleys of Southwest China—an Example of the Longchuan River 被引量:3
作者 ZHOUYue LUXixi +1 位作者 HUANGYing ZHUYunmei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第3期239-249,共11页
The sediment flux data, measured from a dry-hot valley of the Longchuan River, a tributary of the lower Jinsha River, were analyzed with Mann-Kendall test, Seasonal Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s test. In both the upper... The sediment flux data, measured from a dry-hot valley of the Longchuan River, a tributary of the lower Jinsha River, were analyzed with Mann-Kendall test, Seasonal Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s test. In both the upper reaches (Xiaohekou) and the lower reaches (Xiaohuangguayuan), the sediment fluxes showed a significant increase from 1970 to 2001, despite the fact that the water discharge did not change significantly during the period and numerous reservoir constructions which contribute to the trap of sediment. This can be attributed to the intensification of human activities, especially the activities related to land surface disturbances such as deforestation and afforestation, expansion of agriculture land, and road constructions. This increase is more significant in the lower reaches of the river observed at the place of Xiaohuangguayuan due to the dry-hot climate. The profound increase in sediment flux has significant implications for effective management of the sedimentation problems of the on-going Three Gorges Reservoir. 展开更多
关键词 Sediment flux dry-hot valley DEFORESTATION AFFORESTATION RESERVOIR road construction
Study on range interval distance of prestressed anchor bars using update backpropagation neural network 被引量:2
作者 吴顺川 张友葩 高永涛 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2003年第2期35-39,共5页
Taking the practical reinforced engineering of a reinforced soil retaining wall as an example, which located in Shandong Province and set on 104 national highway, the stress spread behaviors of the anchor bars in the ... Taking the practical reinforced engineering of a reinforced soil retaining wall as an example, which located in Shandong Province and set on 104 national highway, the stress spread behaviors of the anchor bars in the preforced proceeding were tested. According to the test data, and by use of the update backpropagation (BP) algorithm neural network(NN), the test method and it’s mechanism were studied by the network, then the learning results show the mean square error(MSE) only at the 2 55% level, and the proof testing results show the MSE at 4 38% level (the main aim is to build a NN directly from the in situ test results (the learning phase)). Ipso facto, the learning and adjustment abilities of the NN permit us to develop the test data, subsequently, 36 test data were acquired from the NN. By use of the provide data, as well as the failure situation and carried loading capacity of the retaining wall, finally, the choice the reasonable range interval distance of prestress cement grouting anchor bars were carried out, and the result was 2 m×2 m. 展开更多
关键词 prestressed anchor bar range interval distance NN backpropagation algorithm
Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Susceptibility to High Altitude Pulmonary Edema in Chinese Railway Construction Workers at Qinghai-Tibet over 4500 Meters above Sea Level 被引量:9
作者 Yu-jing Sun Ming-wu Fang +17 位作者 Wen-quan Niu Guang-ping Li Jing-liang Liu Shou-quan Ding Ying Xu Guo-shu Yu Jian-qun Dong Yun-jun Pan Guang-xue Yu Hui-cheng Sun Zhong-hou Jia Jun Liu Xiao-ming Wang Qin Si Qi-xia Wu Wen-yu Zhou Tong-chun Zhu Chang-chun Qiu 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2010年第4期215-221,共7页
Objective To examine whether the polymorphisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene are associated with the susceptibility to high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) in Chinese railway construction workers at... Objective To examine whether the polymorphisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene are associated with the susceptibility to high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) in Chinese railway construction workers at Qinghai-Tibet where the altitude is over 4 500 m above sea level. Methods A case-control study was conducted including 149 HAPE patients in the construction workers and 160 healthy controls randomly recruited from their co-workers, matching the patients in ethnicity, age, sex, lifestyle, and working conditions. Three polymorphisms of eNOS gene, T-786C in promoter, 894G/T in exon 7, and 27bp variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) in intron 4, were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and confirmed with DNA sequencing. Results The frequencies of 894T allele and heterozygous G/T of the 894G/T variant were significantly higher in HAPE patients group than in the control group (P=0.0028 and P=0.0047, respectively). However, the frequencies of the T-786C in promoter and the 27bp VNTR in intron 4 were not significantly different between the two groups. Haplotypic analysis revealed that the frequencies of two haplotypes (H3,T-T-b, b indicates 5 repeats of 27 bp VNTR; H6, C-G-a, a indicates 4 repeats of 27 bp VNTR) were significantly higher in HAPE patients (both P<0.0001). On the contrary, the frequencies of H1 (T-G-b) and H2 (T-G-a) were lower in HAPE patients than in healthy controls (both P<0.001). Conclusions Two haplotypes (T-T-b and C-G-a) may be strongly associated with susceptibility to HAPE. Compared with the individual alleles of eNOS gene, the interaction of multiple genetic markers within a haplotype may be a major determinant for the susceptibility to HAPE. 展开更多
关键词 high altitude pulmonary edema nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphism HAPLOTYPE
Landscape Network Approach to Assess Ecological Impacts of Road Projects on Biological Conservation 被引量:4
作者 LIU Shiliang DENG Li +3 位作者 CHEN Liding LI Junran DONG Shikui ZHAO Haidi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期5-14,共10页
Awareness of the adverse ecological effects of road and other large construction projects has resulted in a rapidly growing demand to quantitatively predict and evaluate the effects on gene flow among plants and anima... Awareness of the adverse ecological effects of road and other large construction projects has resulted in a rapidly growing demand to quantitatively predict and evaluate the effects on gene flow among plants and animals in natural habitats.In this study,we evaluated the effects of different road construction scenarios on animal species movement by using the methods of ecological landscape connectivity in the typical regions of Yunnan Province,China.The results showed landscape connectivity levels(Probability of Connectivity(PC))decreased after road construction and species with lower dispersal abilities were more affected to the subsequent habitat fragmentation.First level roads affected landscape connectivity most significantly.At a distance of 100 m,the PC index decreased more than 50%.Further analysis suggested that the use of landscape connectivity to assess landscape processes revealed the adverse effects on the species movement more effectively compared with the traditional landscape pattern analysis.In addition,we conducted a graph theory and a least-cost modeling discussion,it is obvious that they are powerful tools to represent and analyze landscape networks with respect to related species movement.Network analysis offers a quantitative and simple but effective tool for ecological process assessment and biological conservation on large scales. 展开更多
关键词 landscape connectivity road project landscape network graph theory least-cost model
Development Pattern on the Way to the Construction of New Countryside—— A Study Based on the Construction of Ecological Civilization 被引量:1
《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期5-7,共3页
On the way to the construction of new countryside, Henan province has been exploring its own new construction development pattern actively. This paper analyzes the four development patterns-Xingyang mode, Zhongmou mod... On the way to the construction of new countryside, Henan province has been exploring its own new construction development pattern actively. This paper analyzes the four development patterns-Xingyang mode, Zhongmou mode,Xinmi mode and Gongyi mode --from the perspective of ecological civilization development on the basis of sufficient data and extensive research. This also concludes their experience to realize the sustainable development of the new construction of new countryside. 展开更多
关键词 ecological civilization new countryside development pattern
Changes in permafrost environments caused by construction and maintenance of Qinghai-Tibet Highway 被引量:2
作者 林战举 牛富俊 +2 位作者 罗京 鲁嘉濠 刘华 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1454-1464,共11页
The sideward permafrost along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway (QTH) contains massive ground-ice and is at a relatively high temperature.Under the influence of the steady increase of human activities,the permafrost environme... The sideward permafrost along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway (QTH) contains massive ground-ice and is at a relatively high temperature.Under the influence of the steady increase of human activities,the permafrost environment has been changed greatly for a long time.At present,the permafrost becomes warm and rapidly degenerates,including the decline of the permafrost table,rising of the ground temperature,shortening of the length of frozen section,and extension of range of melting region.Some thaw hazards (e.g.thaw slumping and thermokarst pond) have widely occurred along both sides of the roadbed.In addition,due to the incomplete construction management,the vegetation adjacent to the highway is seriously damaged or eradicated,resulting in the land desertification and ecosystem out of balance.The dust,waste and garbage brought by drivers,passengers,maintenance workers,and transportations may also pollute the permafrost environment. 展开更多
关键词 permafrost environment Qinghai-Tibet Highway thermokarst pond thaw slumping permafrost degradation
Changes in distribution area of Korean musk deer(Moschus moschiferus parvipes) from 1950s to 1999 in South Korea
作者 李宇新 任信在 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期135-136,164,共2页
Based on the literature reviews and questionnaire, field survey on the species, feces, and tracks in non-snow season and snow season of Korean musk deer from February to December of 1999 in South Korea (Cultural Prope... Based on the literature reviews and questionnaire, field survey on the species, feces, and tracks in non-snow season and snow season of Korean musk deer from February to December of 1999 in South Korea (Cultural Properties Administration 1999), the authors summarized the change of distribution area and number of Korean musk deer from 1950s to 1999. The results showed that the distribution area of Korean musk deer (Moschus moschiferus parvipes) was sharply decreased from 1950s to 1999 in South Korea. Due to the road and forest road construction in the habitat of Korean musk deer, the musk deer habitats were fragmented and lost. And the illegal capture for economic benefits was the main reason of decreases in number of indi-viduals and habitats of this species. Forest roads in high elevation area were also used as the passages for illegal captures. For the conservation and protection of Korean musk deer, strict regulation of illegal capture is urgently needed. 展开更多
关键词 Distribution Illegal capture Korea Korean musk deer Road construction
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